Page 01
There was a soft knock on Lily's bedroom door, but then it opened before she could call out. The raven haired twenty year old froze. At least the sheet was covering the lower half of her very thickly curved body. Her knees were raised and parted just wide enough for her hand to fit between her hefty legs. She was dripping wet and had two fingers deeply embedded in her freshly shaved pussy. As her father stood in the doorway, he couldn't see what she was doing with her hand, but she was mortified to think he might be able to tell from her face, or maybe even smell the scent of her girlish arousal.
She was so close to cumming that he could probably see the telltale flush in her cheeks. But the intense heat in her facial features was now just as much from embarrassment as the arousal she'd been indulging until now.
Lily stared at her father like a deer caught in the headlights. Her fingers were still tucked inside the entrance to her pussy. She didn't dare move her hand for fear he would realize what she was doing. As it was, she barely had time to yank her left hand out from under her oversized T shirt as she'd been roughly squeezing her enormous tits. She was so embarrassed to think her daddy was going to notice her stiff nipples. It was hard to imagine how much more embarrassing it would be if her handsome father actually caught her touching herself.
"I'm glad you're still awake, honey. I need to talk to you about something," he said softly. There was a serious look on his face.
"Uhh, sure, Daddy." It was a relief he didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, yet she was dazed and disoriented from being interrupted in the middle of her intimate privacy.
Lily thought he was just going to say whatever it was from the doorway, but he came into the room and sat on the side of her bed. Now she didn't dare move the hand between her legs or he would notice for sure. She was only wearing that big T shirt, which was pushed up just below her boobs which were swinging free and braless. Between the T shirt and the sheet, the gentle rolls of her soft tummy were exposed. Bruce, Lily's dad, only briefly noticed the exposed portion of skin. His eyes drifted curiously across the outward dents of her swollen nipples in the fabric of her shirt. He almost looked confused for a moment, but then his expression returned to its gravely serious cast.
"Honey," he started, then paused. "I don't know how to even bring this up."
"What's wrong, Daddy?" she said, frowning. She could tell it was something really serious and it broke her sweet, young heart to see him looking so sad. Even so, she wished he would look away long enough to let her take her fingers out of her pussy.
"It's about your mother, honeybun."
"Oh. Is everything okay? Did something happen?" Now the girl knew something bad was coming. Over the past year, her mother was almost never home at night. She'd been going out and often staying out all night with different men who were much younger. Some of them were almost as young as Lily, and they were the types of guys she couldn't imagine going out with herself. But they were also the type of guys who weren't interested in thickly rounded girls like Lily. They sure didn't mind those EE tits, but they always liked melons like that much better on scrawny women like her mother.
"I'm afraid she's gone for good this time," Bruce finally announced. "You know how she was supposed to be spending the weekend with her cousin, Jeannine? Well, I'm afraid she's not coming back."
"Ohh, Daddy, noooo," Lily said. She started crying, but not because her mother wasn't coming home. Her tears were for her father's broken heart. "Daddy, we both know Mom wasn't spending the weekend with her cousin."
Bruce nodded. His wife's extra-marital activities stopped being a secret months before. "I told her she wasn't welcome to come back. It's finally over, honey."
"Daddy, I'm so sorry."
Lily sat up and leaned over to hug her father. She got her left arm around him and used the distraction to finally pull her wet fingers free of her pussy hole. The feeling of her fingers sliding out of her slit while holding onto her father made her dizzy. She felt a flash of totally inappropriate pleasure, but it was hardly the first time she'd ever felt that kind of sensation around her father. This was more intense, though. For one thing, she'd never had her fingers anywhere near her pussy while hugging her dad even though she'd imagined it at least a thousand times.
Her T shirt fell down to cover her belly, but the sheet shifted from the movement of the hand coming out from between her legs and going around his body like the other one. It felt like her pussy was now exposed to the open air. At least Bruce couldn't see that as he hugged her back, but his large body was mashing into her immense boobs which felt so good it distracted her from his serious announcement. She was still crying, even though she couldn't be happier that her mother was finally gone. She wondered if he'd be upset to know she was crying tears of joy. It was better to let him keep thinking she was upset.
"It's gonna be okay, honeybun," Bruce said, pulling back so there were just a few inches between their faces. He was still close enough that the tips of his daughter's monumental tits were touching him through their clothes. "You don't have to cry. Everything's gonna be alright, I promise."
Bruce's eyes were moist, but he was smiling at his baby girl, making her feel warm inside as he wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. It was a different kind of warmth than the wet arousal of her pussy, but she was definitely feeling both at the same time.
"I know, Daddy. I really do. I'm just so mad at Mom for doing this to you. To us. I'm glad you made her go away. She's such a bitch."
"Now, now, sweetie, she's still your mother."
"Yeah, and she's a bitch, Daddy. You know I'm right. She cheated on both of us."
Bruce nodded and smiled. "You're right, sweetheart. She did," he admitted. "But now it's just you and me. You're the woman of the house now."
Lily's heart skipped a beat at the thought. She knew if she had a man like her dad she would never cheat on him. She'd stay home and make him happy in whatever way he needed. She only wished she could make her father as happy as he made her.
"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it first. I've been thinking about it for a while, but I got so upset during our phone call earlier that I'm afraid I just lost my cool and told her not to come back. I hope you can forgive me, sweetie."
"There's nothing to forgive, Dad. You know I would've said to tell her off. I'll always support whatever you decide. And I'll always be here for you no matter what. I'll never treat you the way Mom has," she said without thinking of all the ways her father could take her meaning.
Bruce smiled warmly and stroked his daughter's cheek. "You're the sweetest girl in the world," he told her. "I love you so much. But I know I'll have to let you go someday when some guy comes along and sweeps you off your feet."
"I promise, Dad. I'll never leave you like she did," Lily vowed.
Bruce couldn't help smiling. He reached up and touched her pretty face. He was looking at her with that expression he always had that made her feel like she was some kind of miracle. It always made her blush, especially when he gave her that look in front of other people, like at all her birthday parties or on her graduation day.
"How could any girl ever be sweeter or more loving than you? But it's not your job to worry about your dad, honeybun," he said. "It's my job to worry about you."
"But Dad, you said I'm the woman of the house now, right?"
"I guess I did say that," he chuckled.
"And it's the woman of the house's job to look after the man of the house. I mean, they look after each other, right?"
"Yes, baby, of course. But that was just a figure of speech. It wouldn't be fair to hold you to that. Besides, one of these days you're gonna meet some nice guy on campus and end up being the woman of your own house. I love you, and I always want you to be happy."
"I'll be happy just being the woman of this house right here. Our house, Daddy."
Bruce sighed in defeat, but with a warm smile that made his daughter's skin tingle. "You're an impossible little girl, you know that, honeybun?"
"But I'm your impossible little girl," she said, hugging him again.
"You'll always be my impossible little girl." He hugged her back tightly, mashing his large, solid body against her huge melons.
They hugged for a long time in silence, and Lily thought her dad might be enjoying the way her tits felt against his body. Her pussy was still so wet and just as tingly as ever, even more so now that she knew her dreadful mother was out of the picture. He started stroking her silky, black hair and her back. It made her feel like she was melting against him. But then she frowned with worry, even though he couldn't see because of the way they were hugging.
"Um, Dad. I guess I'm not so little, though."
Bruce pulled back and held her face in hands. "Is that something you worry about, honeybun? Being bigger than other girls?"
Lily nodded, her face between a pout and a frown. "Not always. Sometimes, I guess."
"Some men think that's beautiful," he told her. "And as far as I'm concerned, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
She buried her face against his shoulder and hugged him tightly. "You always know how to make me feel good, Daddy."
"I'm the man of the house," he reminded her, stroking her back again. "It's my job to make to the woman of the house feel good."
Lily giggled, and her father cleared his throat nervously, realizing his choice of words wasn't exactly what he intended. But he was still hugging her tightly, and they kept hugging for a long time before he awkwardly pulled away and looked at her.
"If you're sure you're alright then we should both get some sleep," he said. "It's been a pretty intense night."
"It's good news, Daddy. You'll see," Lily promised.
"What would I do without you?"
"You'll never have to find out."
Bruce chuckled. "There goes my impossible little girl again."
As he got up to go, Lily caught her father glancing down to where the sheet had pulled down to expose her still wet pussy just below the bunched up hem of her T shirt. He gazed for a moment before he seemed to remember he was looking at something he wasn't supposed to, but Lily's heart raced as she could tell he liked the way her smooth, puffy peach looked. He turned and left without another word and the moment he shut the door, his daughter's hand went back between her stout thighs and rubbed at her slit.
Lily could hardly contain her excitement. Her mother was finally gone and she had her dad all to herself. She had the same two fingers pushing back inside her excited pussy even before she heard her father's bedroom door close. She pushed her other hand back under her T shirt and squeezed her aroused nipples while she fingered herself to one of the fastest orgasms she'd ever had.
Afterward, she felt like she was floating on Cloud Nine. She was ecstatic to know her mother was never coming home, but then she also started to think of her father. He wasn't just her dad, he was also a husband, and she realized his marriage had come to an end after twenty years. No matter how much the girl's mother might have cheated and lied, it still had to be hard on him. She decided to go check on him.
In just her oversized T shirt, Lily went down the hall to her dad's room and was about to knock when she heard him moan from inside. She listened, practically holding her breath until she heard it again. He wasn't moaning over the loss of his wife. Lily knew that sound. She'd heard it before dozens of times when she'd listened to him stroking his cock in the bathroom. This was the first time she'd heard him jerking off in his bedroom, and she was sure it was because he knew his soon to be ex-wife wasn't coming home. He was free to do what he wanted now.
Lily masturbated again, right there in the hall outside her father's bedroom door, as she listened to his moans grow louder and deeper. She was dying to see his cock naked and hard, swollen with the desire she knew he must be feeling for her. The way he had gazed at her accidentally exposed pussy left her without a doubt. With careful fingers, she held herself right on the edge and waited until her father was cumming so she could cum at the same time. It felt so good she nearly cried out with joy. That night she slept like a baby.
The next couple of weeks were the best of Lily's life so far. Except for the two of them going to their own rooms every night and masturbating separately, it was like being newlyweds. Lily was so happy to have her father's undivided attention, and neither of them had to worry about what kind of overblown drama could walk through the door at any time. It was just the two of them now, and Lily could see how much happier her father was. In just those two weeks, Lily and Bruce went out to dinner and/or the movies more than in the past two years combined. He treated her like a princess wherever they went, opening doors for her, holding her chair as she sat down in restaurants.
In one place, their waitress even remarked on what a cute couple they made. Lily beamed with pride while her father actually blushed. He started to explain that Lily was his daughter but she stopped him and thanked the waitress, adding that she and her man were very happy together. Bruce had stared at his daughter in surprise, but she only giggled happily and asked him if it wasn't true. He rolled his eyes but said he couldn't deny the fact that he was happier than ever.
The end of every night found the affectionate father and daughter snuggling on the family sofa in front of the TV. Lily loved the safe feeling of sitting there with her father's arm around her, and the way he'd turn and kiss the top of her head without warning. She always made sure to sit and cuddle so her mountainous boobs were pressing up to him. It never failed to make her body tingle with heat to be so close. There were a few times she could tell he was excited too, since the evidence of a man's arousal was so much harder to hide. Lily thought so many times of touching that huge bulge in her dad's pants, but she was so afraid of his reaction. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him away.
She knew her father was still masturbating every night just like she was. She didn't know what he was thinking about, even though he did often get hard with her on the couch. But he still made comments here and there about her meeting someone and starting a new life of her own, to which she always reminded him she was the woman of the house now and wasn't going anywhere. Lily knew her dad had no idea how determined she was to stay away from any relationships that would interfere with her happiness at home.
After a few more weeks, Lily was getting frustrated. Her father had gradually started treating her more and more like his wife until he was doing so in every way except the one his daughter wanted the most. The most frustrating part was that those huge boners she spotted in his pants were becoming more and more frequent. She didn't know how he was able to keep resisting the way he was. And for the first time in her life, Lily felt truly beautiful and desired, which only made her plight feel that much more impossible.
Those erections were all the proof she needed that he meant what he said about thinking she was beautiful, and he was growing more and more careless about trying to hide them. It was almost like he wanted her to know how she affected him. Maybe he was teasing her as much as she was teasing him.
Meanwhile, Lily was keeping up with her college courses and getting the excellent grades she always had. In addition, she started going to the grocery store every week, washing all the laundry at home and cooking meals on the nights her father didn't get to it first. One afternoon he told her not to worry about doing all those domestic chores and to concentrate on her classes, but she assured him none of what she was doing was affecting her work at school. Bruce took her into his arms with a wistful sigh and held her close. As always, her impossibly huge bust was mashing against him while he held her from the base of her spine.
"You're the most amazing girl," he told her with a loving smile. "But I don't want you feeling pressured to be doing all these things your mother used to do."
"I don't, Dad. I do those things because I want to. It makes me feel good to take care of you, silly."
"What am I ever going to do with you?" he grinned. Lily could tell he was proud of her.
"I can think of a few things," she giggled, wiggling her eyebrows in both a comical and suggestive way.
He rolled his eyes, laughing at her joke, but the two kept holding each other and looking into each other's eyes. Usually, he'd push her away at this point, but that day he just kept his arms around her and leaned his head over and buried his face between her neck and shoulder.
"Baby, you're so beautiful," he said, lightly kissing her neck.
Lily gasped softly. Her nipples went stiff against his broad, solid body and there was a rush of heat between her thighs.
"Oh, Daddy," she sighed, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, honeybun."
Then he brought his face in front of hers again, and after looking at her intensely for a moment or two, he leaned in and gently kissed her lips. Lily made a purring sound and kissed him back. It was a light, exploratory kiss, not hungry and deep but definitely not a father-daughter kiss, either. Lily's lips parted just enough to let the tip of her tongue come through and touch her father's lips. She thought her heart would explode when he opened his mouth and took her tongue inside, meeting the wet swirl of hers with his own. He kissed her deeply for a long time, letting his hands drift lower, until he was clasping the big, pliant cheeks of her ass through her yoga pants.
Lily was in heaven, and she couldn't have been happier when she felt the rapidly growing hardness in her father's pants as they kissed like true lovers, meant only for each other and never anyone else. She felt her pussy flush hot and fast, soaking the scant panties under her leggings. She ground her body against her father's solid erection, marveling at its impressive size and hardness. Bruce moaned into his daughter's mouth, his strong hands kneading into the copious flesh of her spherical ass.
With her smooth slit dripping into her panties, Lily took her biggest chance yet as she slipped her hand between their bodies and felt that luscious man stalk straining the front of his pants. Even touching his cock through his clothes came as an electric shock to the girl's entire system. Bruce moaned harder and deeper, inspiring his daughter to begin massaging his shaft through his pants. She couldn't wait to feel that incredible column of flesh shoving its way inside her curvaceous body.
But then, all too soon, Bruce came to his senses, breaking off their magical kiss and looking at his daughter with a guilty expression.
"Honeybun," he said in a pained voice, "I'm your father. We can't be doing this."
Lily kept fondling his cock. "Yes, we can, Dad," she replied. "I'm yours now. I'll never do what she did to you. Just take me, Daddy. Take me now and make it official."
With her hand on his cock, Bruce went through a long moment of personal chaos that was evident on his face. What man ever wanted any beautiful girl to stop touching his cock once he was hard and throbbing? "But I'm your dad," he repeated several times, as if he wasn't sure it was true. Finally, he said, "Forgive me, honeybun." Then he managed to pull himself out of the hug and practically stagger out of the room with that enormous bulge in the front of his pants.