Page 12

It took quite a few spoonfuls to finish the soup, despite what Susan said. My fingertips were pressing half an inch into her panties before I brought up the subject of my memoirs.

"That's a great idea, Warren. Lot's of people find it therapeutic to write their life's story. Once they've started they remember a lot they had forgotten."

"That may be but my story will be about special memories and I've recently found that I can remember them in vivid and rather explicit detail. Would you like to proof read it for me?"

Susan blushed again, obviously understanding what my story would be about.

"It will be XXX?"

"Could it be anything else?"

"I don't know, Warren. Maybe…"

"You were interested in my mother. There'll be a lot about her, and my grandmother too."


She was hooked.

I worked hard to write up the stories I had told Susan in the hospital, but in far greater detail. As I wrote I remembered other incidents, mostly minor ones that happened before I thought my story started but which, in retrospect, should have alerted me to Mom's interest and susceptibility to seduction. In hindsight, Mom really wasn't such a bitch. If only I'd seen that we might have shared a few more years of intimacy.

I checked Nate's room daily. He was very organized and read the magazines in order, finishing one every evening. Upon completion, each magazine was returned to a neat pile next to the stack. He had also availed himself of my second gift, the recreated peephole.

I had drilled a small hole through the wall and concealed it on the other side by an old barometer that I knew Susan wouldn't remove without asking me. I gambled that she wouldn't notice it hadn't always been there. The peephole looked right through the barometer, providing a direct line of sight to Susan's bed and several feet around it. I pinned a cover over it that could be pushed away to either side, and placed a special chalk underneath that would scrape onto the wall. The residue from the chalk was only visible under ultraviolet light.

The peephole was used on its second night of existence. I smiled upon discovering its use, imagining Nate in the same position as I had seen my father, eye glued to the wall and cock in hand, watching his mother undress. Was she be in a rush to get out of her nursing uniform or the medical greens she sometimes wore when she filled a spare shift at a hospital? Did she undress more slowly if she was aware her son was watching?

Susan told me about her day when she visited me each night just before going to bed. She always brought me a hot toddy, which she had done since the beginning, but since our talk she also brought one for herself. She always sat on the side of my bed, close enough for me to put my hand up her dress, often resisting at first.

"Why do you persist, Warren? It doesn't excite you, at least, as far as I can see."

Susan looked down at my lap and back to my face.

"It's a mental thing," I replied. "It helps me remember, and that makes me feel good."

"Remember your mother?"


"Alright then," she said.

Susan relaxed her legs and I wormed my hand between her knees. After that I didn't need to find an excuse to sneak in, I simply wound my way into her skirt as soon as she sat down and Susan acted as if it wasn't even there, except near the end when my pesky digits started getting to her. She would suddenly get up then and down her drink in one gulp if she hadn't already finished it. I loved her unsteady gate as she wobbled away on weakened thigh muscles to her own bed.

I always kept her as long as I could, hooked by new memories of my mother, plying her panties and the moist lips underneath with fingers demonstrating a dexterity that belied their age. By the time Susan initiated her abrupt departures, she was very, very horny and that fit right into my plan.

Nate would be waiting for his mother's entrance to her room. The clothes would fly off her body and she would flop onto her bed nude or close to it. This I couldn't be sure of but that she would satisfy herself I had confirmed by listening from the dark hallway beside her door. I confirmed Nate's enjoyment of his mother's self-satisfaction in the same way, listening outside his door to the pitter patter of his hand milking his young cock.

It took seven days to produce the first manuscript. For three days prior I had been regaling Susan with stories of how the most intimate and binding moments spent with my mother had been the ones where we sat on her bed and read, sometimes chatting for a moment or two before returning to our own books.

At the same time, I managed to drop a comment each day to Nate that his mother had mentioned having trouble getting to sleep, probably because it was an old house and her room was so big. I suggested it might help if he could visit with her for a few minutes before going to bed because just his presence would comfort her. I told him I used to sit and read with my own mother for the same reason. Nate had become friendlier over the past week or so. I think he somehow surmised that I had an effect on his mother that was proving beneficial to him.

On the first night I gave the manuscript to Susan, Nate went to his mother's room. I hastily made my way to his room and peeked through the peephole. Susan had obviously been interrupted while undressing and was lying on her bed still dressed in her skirt with her blouse partly unbuttoned. Nate was sitting awkwardly on the bed, trying to have a conversation with his mother but it was clearly something he wasn't accustomed to doing. Susan sensed his discomfort but I could see she wanted him to stay.

"I'd like to read for a while before going to sleep but I don't want to be alone. Would you mind staying for a while?"

"Uh, okay."

I could see Nate was relieved and speculated he had been trying to find a way to suggest that himself.

"Why don't you get something to read yourself and bring it back?"

Susan patted the bed beside her. Nate nodded and got up.

Shit! I whirled around and started out of the closet but it was too late. Nate would already be out in the hallway. I was trapped!

I closed the closet door and sank down onto my haunches, backing up to the wall and making myself small as far away from the peephole as I could. The light flicked on in Nate's room. He rummaged on his desk and footsteps returned to the door but then came closer. The closet door opened and Nate reached inside. His hand withdrew and footsteps retreated. The light flicked off. Thank God for these energy conscious kids.

I got up, cautiously, heard the murmur of voices in the next room, and swept the peephole cover to the side. Nate was climbing onto his mother's bed. Susan had changed out of her skirt and blouse into a nightgown while he was gone and was now sitting, propped up by two pillows, with something resting on her raised thighs which were covered by the blankets, unlike her upper body.

Nate settled in and immediately started reading his book. Neither spoke for several minutes. Then, Nate Susan asked what he was reading.

"Oh, just some old book I found in the room."

"Is it any good?"

"I don't know. I just started it."

"What's it about?"

"I don't know, Mom."


Susan returned to her own book.

I looked closer at Nate's book. I didn't remember leaving any books in his room. He held the book turned a little away from his mother so it was easy for me to see that it wasn't the book he was reading, it was the magazine spread over the pages inside. The little bastard was reading the magazines right next to his mother. I swear, I felt a warm glow in my aging balls and a tingle in my dick.

"What are you reading?" Nate asked his mom.

"A manuscript Warren asked me to help him with."

"Oh? What manuscript."

"It's the story of his life. I'm proofreading for him. "

"Oh. That must be fun."

"Uh huh. Don't be mean Nate."

"Sorry. I know you like the old guy."

"He's been very kind to us."

"Yeah, well…"

"Well, what?"


"Read your book and just nevermind."

Nate read. Susan read. I touched my cock. There was definitely a tingle down there.

Not much happened that first night but the thought that they were lying so close to each other and reading about mother-and-son loving was too much. The memories of doing the same with my own mother flooded my brain and I don't know if it was more those memories or watching Susan and Nate that produced the first erection I had enjoyed for years.

I caught Nate checking out the rise of his mother's nightgown once or twice but that was about it. When it looked like they were about to call it quits I quickly exited Nate's room and barely got into mine before Nate appeared in the hallway.

Several nights went by without much happening. Each night while visiting me Susan became damp more quickly and she was ready for bed earlier and earlier. A few minutes later, just long enough to watch his mother undress, Nate's footsteps sounded in the hallway and just as quickly I made my way to the peephole in the closet.

I passed the second, longer transcript to Susan on the fifth night. Nate was now reading the magazines without hiding them behind a book and his mother was engrossed in my manuscript. Both were lying atop the covers, Susan in the usual nightgown and Nate in pajama bottoms only, baring his hairless and slight chest. He didn't look like the kind of man a gang would be going out of their way to chase.

Nate turned a page. His mother briefly looked his way when she flipped her own page but her eyes quickly returned to her son…only…she wasn't looking at his magazine. Susan was looking at her son's pajamas. I followed her gaze and almost whistled.

Nate was obviously deeply into a good story and it showed. His pajamas were tented up, way up! This slender young man was quite well endowed, not huge, but nicely decked out. Susan was openly staring. Catching herself, she looked back at the manuscript. It looked like she was blushing. Her eyes moved back and forth for a few lines but then returned for a peek at her son's covered tumescence. Her attention returned to the manuscript again but was back in a flash. Though she kept her face forward her eyes strained to the left, latching onto her son's cock.

Five or so minutes went by and then it happened. Nate's cock lurched through the front of his pajamas, bolt upright, stiff, proud and strong. Susan gaped at it, no longer pretending to read the manuscript, and Nate's cock seemed to grow stronger under her inspection. Several more minutes went by in which Nate seemed oblivious to the fact that his cock had penetrated his pajamas and that his mother was openly admiring it's length.

"Nate," Susan spoke quietly, as if afraid to disturb her son.

Nate ignored her.

"Nate, I think we should talk."

"About what?"

"Um, well, about what's been happening between us lately."

Nate didn't look at his mother. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, like that time in the kitchen when I was standing on the step thing and…"

"Oh, that."

"Yes, that. I think we should talk about that, and our future here in our new home."

"New home?"

"Yes, new home. I don't think we'll be moving back to the old place."

"I see."

"Is that alright with you?"

"I suppose."

Relief flooded Susan's face but she didn't look away from Nate's cock and neither had he once lifted his eyes from his magazine. I must have thought if he ignored it it would be okay.

"That's wonderful, Nate," Susan gushed.

I almost laughed out loud because it was hard to know if Susan's joy was expressed in response to his words or to the proud tumescence that captivated her eyes.

"That's doesn't mean I'm going to let you," Nate said.

"What?" For the first time, Susan tore her eyes away from her son's cock.

"I read Warren's manuscript," Nate said. "The first one."

Susan gasped.

"Nate, I…that belongs to Warran. It's private. You shouldn't have…"

Susan was obviously rattled.

"I know what he's put you up to but I don't think I'll let you."

Oh, Christ!

"Nate, I don't know what to say. I wasn't, I mean, I could never…"

Fuck! The little shit had ruined it.

"Bullshit. I know you want to. I've been reading all about it."

Nate shook his magazine but still didn't look at his mother.

"I might not let you."

Susan was astounded. Her body had twisted toward her son and her breasts threatened to spill from the confines of the nightgown, yet Nate did not avail himself of this wonderful vista. I started to twig to what he was up to. The conniving, cocksure little cocksucker!

Susan looked back at Nate's' cock which, amazingly, had stayed hard throughout this exchange.

"I don't, I mean, I wouldn't…" Susan stammered.

"You can try but it probably won't do you any good," Nate barked, rattling his magazine.

Susan was subdued but still eyed Nate's organ which seemed to have a life of its own. She looked totally confused and that was completely understandable. Though shocked at the manliness of her son's equipment, I'm sure she had been about to nip any further sexual innuendo between them in the bud. But he had done it first! Susan wasn't prepared for rejection and didn't know how to proceed. It looked like she was about to self-righteously defend herself but what happened surprised me.

"But why?"

Nate didn't answer. Tears welled up in Susan's eyes.

"Don't you love me?"

Nate sighed.

"Yes, mother. I do love you."

A tear ran down Susan's cheek, then another and another.

"Okay. You can touch it if you want."

I was completely taken aback. Susan didn't move and looked as shocked as I was. She looked at Nate but he ignored her. Slowly, her gaze shifted back to his cock and then, tentatively, she reached toward it.

"Can I…?"

"Just do it if you must. Don't ask."

Susan's hand moved closer, closer, then stopped an inch away. She looked at Nate but he still ignored her. She looked back at his cock and her trembling hand which seemed torn about which direction to go, forward or back. Seconds passed, and then…

Susan's fingers closed around Nate's shaft, about halfway down the impressive pike. Nate sat impassively and Susan didn't move. Long seconds passed. Nate turned a page and Susan's hand sank, pulling the skin on Nate's timber down, paused, then slid up, and up, to the helmet, and beyond until it was covered by her palm. Down, squeezing and twisting, to the bottom, then up to the top, thumb rubbing the underside and index finger sliding over the tip, then down. Again and again, Susan's hand pleasured Nate's hard, long cock. She didn't look at him, focusing all her attention on pleasing her son's dick.

"Unnnhhh," Nate grimaced in displeasure.

Susan looked at his face.

"You're chafing," he explained, then returned to the magazine. I noticed he hadn't turned a page in a long time.

"I, uh…"

Susan's eyes searched Nate's for an explanation.

"Use your spit."

Susan frowned, confused, then comprehension lit her face. She spit on her hand and returned it to Nate's cock, curling it over the head and smoothing the slick saliva down his shaft. She jacked him several times, then spit into her hand again. Two more spits and Nate rewarded her.

"That's better."

Susan seemed pleased and spit on her hand again for good measure.

"Do my balls too."

Susan obliged, bringing her other hand into play. Both were employed to please her son. I couldn't believe my eyes. All my careful planning would have been all for nought if Nate hadn't handled his mother in such a brilliant fashion and was probably the only way she would have succumbed. You can lead a horse to water, but…

Susan was massaging Nate's balls and jacking his cock with such loving attention that she no longer pulled her hand away to grease it with saliva. Instead, she occasionally drooled spittle on the tip and worked it down his shaft, twisting her hand around to increase the pleasing pressure she applied. She had been jacking him off for quite some time when Nate let the hand holding his magazine fall away and flop on the mattress. Susan noticed and smiled, pleased that her ministrations had pulled his attention away from the magazine.

Susan leaned over Nate's cock and dribbled extra spittle onto the head. Just then, her son's other hand found the back of her head and pushed, pressing down, forcing Susan's mouth over the helmet.

"Suck it."

Susan seemed reluctant, struggling to lift her head. Her eyes were wide as if for the first time realizing what she was doing.

"Suck it," Nate urged but his hand didn't press upon her head.

Susan shook her head, silently refusing to push her mouth further onto her son's cock. I expected him to push harder but he waited, holding her head in place but not forcing it down. Still, Susan didn't move. Mother and son were at an impasse, one reluctant to go further and the other not wanting to force the issue, frozen on the cusp.

Nate gave in first, perhaps without consciously meaning to, through a tiny flex of his hips. He gasped from the exquisite pleasure that even that minute movement imparted by pushing into his mother's moist lips, slick from drooling saliva. Susan groaned and Nate's hips flexed again causing his mother's lips to tighten around his helmet. Another flex forced his cock through her tightly clasped lips which then quivered down his shaft and he continued to poke it into her mouth. Nate's hips retreated, pulling Susan's lips outward, and then bent them inward as he flexed his hips again, and again, and again. Susan made no effort to pull her head away but neither did she help as her son fucked her face.

As Nate's hips flexed up and down he used both hands to hold his mother's head. He fucked her face gently but gradually increased his pace. Soon, he was moving at a brisk pace but even then Susan didn't try to pull away. In fact, she now seemed to be pushing down to meet every thrust and had got up on her knees to angle her neck for easier acceptance of her son's cock deep inside her mouth.

Nate's whole body suddenly went rigid and he clutched his mother's head tighter. Susan's neck bulged and I knew she was swallowing her son's cum, lot's of it. When Nate's body finally relaxed on the bed, Susan started sucking again and that caused Nate to spasm the last of his spunk into her mouth. When his cock diminished and slipped out of her mouth Susan licked it like a cat cleaning its paws until Nate pulled her up for a kiss, a surprisingly tender action given his recent selfishness. Perhaps he did know what it had taken for his mother to make such a sacrifice.

I thought they would kiss for some time so was caught off guard when Nate suddenly jumped up. He strode out of the room, surprising both Susan and me. I didn't have time to escape and this time Nate wasn't coming back to his room just to get a book. He burst into through the door and flopped onto his bed.

Within a couple of minutes he was breathing as if asleep so I pressed my eye to the wall to see how Susan was doing. She was bringing her self off, knees planted wide on the bed and one hand furiously busy between her legs while the other tugged on her nipple. I was surprised by how long it took and guessed that she was playing various potential scenarios over in her mind about future encounters with her son. Things had, all in all, gone very well.

I made my way out of the closet and back to my room.

Susan and Nate read together every night after that. She brought my hot toddy every night before going to bed and I slipped my hand inside her skirt as soon as she sat down. Susan didn't object. In fact, she shifted her weight and opened her legs to better accommodate me.​
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