Chapter 02

I don't know if Mom and Sarah discussed what happened on our hiking trip, with Jim and Sarah making love in their tent while Mom and I had our first time in our tent. Based on Sarah's veiled comment the next morning about the noisy animals in the woods, I had no doubt they had heard Mom and me. There are some things that may never be acknowledged, I guess, and it really made no difference to me. I had what I wanted, I think Mom had what she wanted, and I have to admit that it was all because of Jim and Sarah. My guardian angels.

We had all decided on Saturday morning that a truncated hike would be more fun so, instead of the regular 12-mile hike, we went on a six-miler. We hiked mostly single file because of the narrowness of the trail, with Sarah leading, followed by Jim, and then Mom and me.

With Mom behind him, Jim had to behave himself. I noticed a couple of times that he would brush his hand against Sarah's butt. Whether Mom noticed, I don't know. I do know that my eyes and hands were on Mom's butt a lot - to the point that she started swatting my hand away. When we took a break and Sarah and Jim went into the woods for a potty break, I asked if Mom was upset with me.

"Oh, good Lord no, Bill. It's just that men have one switch - on or off - but women are different. For us, there is a time and a place and in front of my friend is neither. For men, the time is 'anytime,' and the place is 'anywhere.' Just wait until we get back to camp, okay?"

We returned to our camp by 2:00 PM. I don't know about Jim and Sarah, but Mom and I were looking forward to an early evening and maybe even an afternoon nap. That was not to be, however, because upon our return we found another, larger tent set up on the edge of the clearing and a large SUV parked next to Sarah's car.

We gathered firewood for the evening fire, and then Jim and I practiced our bushcraft skills by fashioning a couple of log chairs to use in front of the fire. They may not have looked like much, but with some fallen logs we found and the judicious use of parachute cord, the chairs were comfortable enough for two people to sit in each one.

By the time we finished, it was time to begin supper. We used aluminum foil to make packets with stew beef, potatoes, and onions, and set them in the coals to cook. We had just sat down in our chairs with wine when we heard voices approaching from the trail. The voices did not sound overly happy - clearly there was an argument of some sort going on.

The first to come into the camp was a guy, somewhat younger than Jim and I, and he clearly was not having fun. He had a scowl on his face and went to the third tent without even acknowledging our presence. He was followed by a cute blonde who followed him into the tent, then a middle-aged couple emerged and walked over to introduce themselves.

"Hi. I'm Sam and this is my wife, Bonnie. I hope you don't mind our intruding on your camp, but this is the first hike of the season and we wanted to get on the trail as quickly as possible this morning."

Mom took care of our introductions. "Oh, no problem. It's big enough for everyone, don't you think? I'm Victoria, this is Sarah, and those two lugs are our sons, Bill and Jim. Why don't you share our campfire tonight?"

Bonnie looked at their tent. "Thanks, if you're sure you don't mind. Those are our kids, Sammy and Natalie, but who knows if they'll join society or not. They're not really into the whole family hiking adventure. This is probably the first fresh air they've had in months, so they're trying to recover, I guess." Bonnie laughed, but her laugh was tinged with some tension.

Jim and I looked at each other. We recognized the problem, at least in the son. Jim shrugged, and then I laughed. We gave each other looks that said, "We could fix this right now," but some problems you either have to live with or fix on your own.

That evening around the fire, we all got better acquainted. Sam was an attorney, like both Jim's dad and mine, and knew of them but had never met them. Sammy and Natalie, who preferred "Nat," were two years apart and both attended the state university. Sammy was set to graduate next year, and didn't know what he'd do after graduation. When he said that, Bonnie sighed. "You just have to have a goal, Sammy. That's all. We don't care what your goal is, but have a goal."

She said it as if that had been a frequent theme of their conversations, and Sammy rolled his eyes. Jim and I looked at each other. We both knew what he could have as a goal. Bonny was a plump blonde with a beautiful face. Surely Sammy wanted her. What guy wouldn't?

Sam and Nat were the first to call surrender to the night and retired to their large tent, leaving Sammy and Bonnie with us at the campfire. Jim and I had gotten Sammy interested in a conversation about sports, and we debated the relative merits of all the local teams. Once he engaged, Sammy was pretty bright and animated, which seemed to please Bonnie.

The four of us had been sitting side by side in the log chairs, but they were about four inches too narrow for side by side comfort. After fidgeting a bit, I finally said, "Mom, this is killing me. Why don't you just sit on my lap?"

Mom and Sarah both stood up, and then sat on our laps, kind of sideways so they could talk to Sammy and Bonnie. That was much more comfortable, and after awhile I casually rested my hand on Mom's thigh, softly rubbing her leg. I looked at Sammy, and his eyes were glued on my hand. He shifted his gaze to Bonnie, then back to my hand on Mom's leg. I knew what he was thinking, and I knew he had no idea. Just as Sarah had said, a lot of Mothers and Sons have special relationships, but if you never hear about it you assume it never happens.

She turned to Sarah, gestured toward Jim and me, and said, "How did you tame these two? Mine is still mostly wild and sullen." When she said that, Sammy looked at us and rolled his eyes. We smiled back, indicating support and understanding, but both Jim and I knew exactly how Sarah and Mom had tamed us.

Mom and Sarah looked at each other, and then laughed simultaneously. "Oh, you just have to give them a goal," Sarah laughed.

"Yeah," Mom agreed, still laughing. "It's a work in progress, but once you get them focused it gets better."

Jim piped up. "Hey. We're right here, you know," and he pinched Sarah's leg. She squealed and hit him playfully on the chest. I looked at Bonnie, and she had a wistful look on her face. What Mother wouldn't want a son who was so clearly in love with her?

Bonnie was sitting in a folding lawn chair, with Sammy sitting on the ground by her side. He said, "If you want to tame me, how about giving me the chair so I'm not sitting on the cold ground?" Bonnie called his bluff, stood up, and with a theatrical gesture said, "Take it. I'll sit on your lap, too."

Sammy groaned, but he sat in the chair and Bonnie plopped right in his lap, turned to the left so she could talk to Mom and Sarah. Sammy had his hands on the arms of the chair, and then he looked at my hand, still on Mom's thigh. I saw him looking, and slowly rubbed my hand higher on her leg. I kept looking at him until he met my eyes, then I slowly nodded, continuing to rub her leg.

I was trying to send him a message, and I don't know if he understood. After a pause, he seemed to get it and tentatively put his hand on Bonnie's leg. She had been sitting rather stiffly on his lap, and when he did that she hugged into his chest. "See? It's not so bad. Your Mom won't bite, after all," and she laughed.

We all laughed with her, and Jim said, "I don't know, Sam. Mine still bites, but I'm taming her with liver treats." That got a bigger laugh, and we passed about an hour in general lighthearted conversation. We shared our wine with Bonnie and Sammy, and both seemed to loosen up considerably.

As the night drew on and the fire died down, an awkwardness developed. Sarah and Mom were clearly ready to call it a night, but they seemed reluctant to let Bonnie see our sleeping arrangements. With two tents, I'm sure Bonnie assumed it was Jim and I sleeping in one, and the Moms in the other. That was exactly what none of us wanted.

When it became clear we were not going to be able to wait out Bonnie and Sammy, Mom stood up and took my hand. "Come on, Bill. Your old Mom is exhausted. All this fresh air wears a woman out, you know."

Sarah and Jim also stood up, and we moved toward our tents. Mom went in before me and before I crawled in I looked back at Bonnie and Sammy, both still sitting at the campfire. Sammy still had his hand on Bonnie's leg, and they were looking at each other with looks of shock on their faces.

We tried our best to be quiet that night, and I guess Jim and Sarah did, too, because we couldn't hear them like we had the night before.

The next morning, Sunday, we were up at the crack of dawn. The thing about sleeping in a sleeping bag is that there's not a lot of laying around in the morning after you wake up. Jim and I got the fire going again, and before long the smell of coffee spread throughout the campground.

The first heads that popped out of the big tent were Sam and Natalie. They came wandering over to the fire, and we offered them coffee.

"Thanks," said Natalie. "I don't think Dad knows how to make it, and I know I don't."

After about an hour, Bonnie and Sammy walked up. Bonnie took our coffee and then put her own pot on the coals. "We'll repay you when ours is perking," she said, and sipped her coffee with obvious appreciation.

I was watching Bonnie and Sammy, and there seemed to be an awkwardness between them. Several times I caught them exchanging glances, and I thought it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that something had passed between them last night. Whether it was the whole shooting match or not, something had happened, I was sure. Maybe a kiss? Maybe a touch? Maybe nothing, but there was a different tension between them.

After breakfast, the family set out on the trail again. I noted the order in which they walked as they entered the trailhead, with Sammy in trail and Bonnie right in front of him. She had a lush ass in her jeans, and I was sure it wasn't lost on Sammy.

Mom announced that she and Sarah were going to drive to the nearest town to get more supplies.

"Why?," I asked. "I thought we were going back at lunch."

"No," she said. "Sarah and I are going to call your dads and tell them we'll be back tomorrow or the next day. The weather is perfect, and there's no reason for us to rush back if we don't have to. That okay with you guys?"

Of course it was fine with Jim and I.

They were gone for several hours and, in the meantime, the family of four came walking back. Sam and Bonnie bustled around the campground, cleaning up, while Natalie went into the tent and Sammy came walking over to us. He sat beside us in front of the fire.

Clearing his throat, Sammy said, "You two have good relationships with your Moms. I wish I could be like that. She's always on my back about something, though."

Jim and I looked at each other. Clearly the time was right for a conversation, but who is going to admit to a stranger that he's fucking his own Mother?

Jim said, "Well, you can be closer. You just have to make an effort. Your Mom seems nice, and she is sure an eyeful, too."

Sammy looked over at her. "Oh, yeah. She's an eyeful, for sure. All my buddies call her the number one MILF in the neighborhood," and he laughed.

We laughed, too, and I said, "I can see why. Must drive you crazy, huh?"

He misunderstood what I was implying, and said, "Oh, I don't mind. I kind of agree with them."

Jim paused. "Then why don't you do something about it?"

Sammy looked at us. He had seen us enter our tents last night with our own Mothers, so he had to have some sort of idea what was going on.

"Wouldn't know where to start."

Jim looked at Bonnie, who saw us looking at her and smiled and waved across the campground. "You seemed to make a good start last night. Just treat her like you love her. You know how you eat an elephant?"

I laughed, and Jim and I said together, "One bite at a time!"

That night, there was a replay of the previous night. We all sat around the fire, talking and laughing. Mom and Sarah had bought more wine, so we were all enjoying the night. Again, Sam said he was tired and went to bed, and before long, Natalie made her excuses and left. As soon as they were in the tent, Mom and Sarah climbed on our laps, and after a bit of hesitation, Bonnie looked at Sammy and stood up. Sammy jumped right in the lawn chair, and Bonnie sat on his lap. Unlike the night before, she snuggled right into his chest and he did not hesitate to put his hand on her leg.

The sound of snores filled the campsite. It sounded like a damned chainsaw.

"He has apnea." Bonny explained. "At home he has a machine to help him sleep, but he didn't want to bring it camping. If you don't get to sleep before him, there's usually no sleeping at all."

Sammy groaned. "Not another night of it. Please"

Rather timidly, Bonnie said, "Well, we have the little tent. We could set that up over here. You want to do that?"

Sammy seemed enthusiastic. He pushed Bonnie off his lap and ran to their SUV to find the tent. Jim and I helped set it up, so that our three tents were in a kind of triangle formation, with theirs the farthest from the big tent, and about ten feet from ours.

We didn't stay up as late that night. First, Sarah stood up and took Jim's hand. Then Mom did the same with me. Bonnie stood up, awkwardly, and looked down at the ground. Sammy took her hand, and led her to their tent.

When Mom and I got undressed and settled, we snuggled together and I rubbed her soft little belly, letting my fingers drift down to her pubic hair. It was totally quiet, and then we could hear a rustling sound from Sarah's tent.

"You think they can hear it, too?" Mom asked me.

"I'll bet they can. You think they're going to do it?"

"I would bet on it. I don't know what went on last night, but they seemed a bit awkward with each other this morning, didn't they? Sarah and I wanted to stay, because this is the hottest thing we've ever seen, watching them. They both want it, that's for sure, but neither one will make the first move. I'm betting Sarah is making noise purposely so they'll hear."

"It worked for us, didn't it?"

Mom laughed. "Honey, we were almost there anyway. These two are just starting out, so who knows?"

She trailed her head down my stomach and, with a loud slurp, she took me in her mouth and sucked. I noticed she had put her wedding ring back on, and I watched as she pumped me with her left hand.

"Oh, God, Mom. You're an artist," I whispered, and then I grunted loudly as she brought me to the edge.

"Ssssh," she said as she crawled on top of me. She squatted on my chest, putting her pussy in my face, and I sucked and teased her clitoris. She moved down my chest, reached down to take my dick in her hand, and guided herself down on me. She started a slow rhythm, and her knees were squeaking on the sleeping pad. Neither one of us took long to have an orgasm, and then we collapsed in each other's arms, snuggling and kissing.

"I'm glad this happened," Mom said. "I knew what you wanted, but I was afraid. I'm glad you took charge, Honey. It wouldn't have happened if you didn't, you know."

I kissed her. "I'm glad, too. More than you'll ever know."

We then heard a slight movement from Bonnie's tent. It wasn't a loud sound. We could hear them whispering, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Then we heard Bonnie's voice, "Oh, Sammy," she said, as clear as a bell.

"I guess that answers that," Mom laughed softly.

"You think Natalie and her Dad...?," I whispered in her ear. Natalie was a little package, blonde like her Mother, with long legs and a pert little ass.

"I don't think so." Mom said. "I was watching, and I didn't see any signs. Besides, Fathers and Daughters just don't have the bond Mothers and Sons do."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. You came out of my body. Literally. You nursed my breasts. Mothers may not all admit it, but a baby suckling your breasts is very exciting. It's something we never forget."

I bent down and took her breast in my mouth. "Like this?"

Mom held the back of my head while she fed her breast to me with the other hand.

"Did you ever think of me sucking your breasts like this, Mom?" I asked, and then put my mouth back on her nipple.

"I'd be lying if I said I never thought of it. Sometimes, when you were being such an idiot, I used to think I could solve everything if I just gave you my breast again. It solved everything when you were a baby."

She climbed on my chest again, and put her breasts in my face. I obliged, and used my left hand to massage her other breast, while my right hand cupped her butt. She slid me back inside her, and we started a gentle motion. I rubbed my right hand up to the small of her back, urging her on, and then slid it down so my fingers were in the crack of her ass. I reached farther, and lightly rubbed my index finger on her little rosebud of an ass.

She paused her movement, and I thought maybe she didn't like that, then she roughly pulled my head deeper onto her breast and started moving more frantically. I pushed the tip of my finger so it entered her butt, and she gave a high-pitched moan. She stopped, shuddered, and then collapsed on me.

"So my Mom likes a little butt play, huh?"

"I didn't know I did, but I guess so. That was pretty intense."

The sounds from Bonnie's and Sammy's tent were no longer furtive and hidden. They were going at it, and Bonnie was a pretty noisy little fuck. We heard Sammy go, "Ssssh, Mom. You want to wake the whole campsite?" and then we heard Bonnie giggle.

The next morning as we all sat around sipping coffee, Sarah said, "Those damned animals were noisy last night, weren't they?"

Everyone laughed, though clearly Natalie and Sam didn't know what was so funny.

Natalie said, "I couldn't hear a damned thing for Dad's snoring."

Sammy and Bonnie looked at each other and laughed. Bonnie said, "Oh, Sammy and I slept pretty well, didn't we, Buddy, even with all the animal noises?"

Two more converts.​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 01.2