Chapter 07

Sammy answered immediately after I texted him.

"Sure, Dude. With the long weekend, the whole gang will be here. Why don't you come over Saturday afternoon?"

"OK. I'll see you then. I need some advice."


"Yeah. You know. Eating an elephant. I think I'm choking on the last bite I took."

"LOL. Take smaller bites."

"OK. See you Saturday."

I got home Friday night, and Mom and Dad were in the den watching a movie. I said hi to them and walked over to bend down and kiss Mom on the cheek. I stole a look down her blouse as I did, and she must have caught me because she reached up with her hand to hold it closed."

"To what do we owe this honor?," Dad asked.

"Oh, I'm working on a project and thought I could do it better here."

Mom blushed. Good. She knew exactly what I was talking about.

I sat down with Mom on the couch, and scooted over next to her. She gave me a scowl and whispered, "Now you behave yourself. No more of that."

I patted her leg and said, loud enough for Dad to hear, "I love you, Mom. How are things?"

"Great, Honey, but I've had a lot on my mind."

Yeah. I'll bet she did have a lot on her mind. The last time I had been home I was sitting in the kitchen and she came in wearing just panties and a tank top. She went to the cupboard to get something, and I slipped behind her. Putting my arms around her, I pulled her back onto my dick. I don't know what got into me. Maybe it was what Sammy had told me, or maybe it was watching him with Bonnie, maybe it was Mom in those damned panties, or maybe it was all of them. I couldn't help it, though. I whispered in her ear, "Do you know how much I have always wanted you, Mom?"

She wasn't having it. She turned around and tried to slap me. I grabbed her hands, held them behind her on that big butt, and kissed her. Damned if she didn't kiss me right back. I let her hands go, cupping her ass, and pulled her onto my dick. She moaned in my mouth, so I moved my left hand around and cupped her pussy, rubbing my finger against it through her panties.

She pulled back. "What on earth has gotten into you, Matt? Get off me. I'm your Mother. Don't forget that."

"I know you're my Mother. I love you, and I want you. I can't help it. I dream of nothing but you." Then I kissed her again, and put my hand back on her pussy. I slid my hand inside her panties, and slid a finger into her. She was soaking wet. She couldn't have gotten that wet in the short time she had been there, so she must have been thinking about something before she came in the kitchen. Since Dad was playing golf, I wondered if she was thinking of me.

She pushed me back again. "Matt, no. Just no. I love you, but no. What are you thinking? You think I'm one of your coeds you can just grab and grope? I'm your Mother, dammit. Besides, you shouldn't be treating any woman like that."

"Then why did you come down here in those damned hot panties? What did you think I'd do? I'm a man now, Mom, and you're a beautiful woman. In fact, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

She stammered. "I forgot you were home."

"I don't believe that. I think you wanted me to see you. I think you wanted me to want you. I think you've always known how much I want you."

"Oh, Honey." She leaned forward and kissed me gently. "Oh, Honey."

I kissed her back, making the kiss more passionate and heated than she had probably intended.

I was reaching for her pussy again when she pushed me back and went running for her bedroom. I didn't follow. Maybe I should have, but I didn't. I stood there like a dope, and then smelled my finger. God, it smelled good. My Mom's juice on my finger. I licked it, delighting in the taste.

Dad got home later that afternoon and we ate dinner together. Mom avoided me, avoided making eye contact, and was generally cool. Damn, I hoped I hadn't screwed this up. But why did she come down there in her panties? Why?

And that's the way the rest of the weekend went. I tried to get her alone, but she slipped through my grasp like a slippery eel. If she was in a room alone and I came in, she'd scurry out, telling me, "No, not again. No." The one time I did corner her, she started crying. "What have I done to you? I'm your Mother. I'm supposed to protect you, not corrupt you."

So this weekend when I got home I didn't know what to expect. I figured she'd either meet me at the door wearing nothing (ha!) or come at me with her claws out, spitting like a mad cat. What I didn't expect was what I got. Nothing. She acted like nothing had happened. She was the same Mom she'd always been. She kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for coming, and that was it. I almost had to pinch myself. Had last weekend not happened at all? Had I not had my finger in her pussy?

Saturday morning I got up as soon as I heard Dad leave, and went down to the kitchen. She had on a pair of shorts and a sweater, and she looked damned good. I went to her, took her in my arms, and tried to kiss her.

"No, Matt. No way. I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry if I led you on. But that can't happen again." She laughed. "Just consider that your Christmas present this year."

At least she wasn't overly angry with me. I laughed, too. "I guess Santa does listen when we beg him for a special present."

After I ate breakfast, she left to do some shopping, leaving me in the house alone. I went to her bedroom and rooted through the clothes hamper to find the panties I thought she was wearing last night. They were practically crusty. I held them to my nose, then touched my tongue to the dampness. Yep, it was the same. She may say she was sorry for leading me on, but she was sure hot when I got home.

After lunch I headed over to Sammy's house, where he, Jim, and Bill were waiting for me.

We got beers and went out to the pool to sit. Sammy didn't waste time. "So what's going on? You took too big a bite and choked on it?"

I told them what had happened with Mom. I figured I had to be honest with them if they were going to help me. I knew I was taking a risk - what if they had been joking with me before?

Sammy sighed. "We should have seen this coming. We sent you into battle without a good intel briefing. Yeah, you might have messed up a little, but it's nothing you can't fix. You have one big advantage."

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Time, little grasshopper. You have time on your side."

"But what do I do? I've got to have her now. She's driving me crazy. One minute she lets me put my finger in her pussy, and the next minute she's pushing me away."

"Did you talk with her during the week?"

"No. I was afraid to talk to her."

"So as far as she knows, you were treating her like one of the sorority girls who let you do anything. Dude, she's your Mom. All she wants is for you to love her. I think I told you before, but you can't get what you want if you don't give her what she wants first. You should have been texting her every day. It's okay, though. We'll get you through this."

Bill added, "What you're trying to do is to break the ultimate taboo, Sam. Your Mom has it in her genes that this isn't supposed to happen. She has a lot of resistance to it anyway, and you made her resistance stronger. But Sam's right. It can be done."

"When I was in your position," Sam said, "My Mom was absolutely opposed to anything with me. She made no bones about it. What helped me get there was that she already knew I loved her, and Jim and Bill here kind of jump-started it for me."

"What do you mean, jump started?"

They all laughed. "Well, we were on a camping trip, and these dudes jumped their Moms practically right in front of us. When Mom saw how much they loved their Moms, I think she just wanted me to be like that with her. I guess giving me the bootie was kind of the price she thought she had to pay."

Bill cleared his throat. "I'm not sure it's exactly like that, Sam. If she thought there was a price to pay for your affection, I don't think you would have ever gotten where you are. I think she probably wanted you anyway, and rationalized to herself that it was just a way to make your bond stronger."

"So what do I do now?"

"You go home. You kiss her, not passionately this time, but with love. You tell her you love her. You make sure she knows you love her and respect her. She as much as told you that you were treating her without respect, so you have to fix that. Love, respect, and trust - that's what you have to show her."

Jim added, "Right. Look. You're asking her to do something that is absolutely forbidden. Oh, it happens, all the time. But it's forbidden. She has to be able to know she can trust you absolutely with a secret that can never be discovered by anyone."

"It happens all the time?"

"Oh, yeah. Since Mom and me, I've been watching Moms and sons everywhere I go. I'll swear, you can tell the ones who are either doing it or well on their way to doing it. There's an affection that is obvious, once you know what to look for."

Sam agreed. "Don't you remember guys in college who seemed to be really close with their Moms? I did, and we always thought it was weird. I mean, most of us couldn't stand our parents, and these guys were holding hands with their Moms and everything."

"Yeah. I remember guys like that. I thought they were future psych patients with Mommy issues."

Jim laughed. "No, they were the ones who had resolved their Mommy issues. It's the rest of us who try to repress it that end up on the psych couch."

When I got home, Mom was back from shopping and was putting things away in the kitchen. She greeted me with a smile when I came in, and I want right to her and took her in my arms.

"Oh, no, Matt. Not again."

"No, Mom. Not again. I'm sorry I offended you. I love you and I respect you. You're my Mom. You'll always be my Mom. I just got carried away. You have to admit you were looking pretty damned hot."

She brushed her hair back and blushed. "I'm sorry, too, Matt. I shouldn't have let you do that. I don't know what you thought of me. What a lousy Mother."

"Don't say that! Don't ever say that. You're the best Mother ever. You're also the most beautiful Mother ever."

She hugged me, and I kissed her on the top of her head as she nestled into my chest. I wanted to run my hands down to the beautiful ass again, but I resisted. "Mom, I'll make a deal with you. When we're around anyone else, I'll always treat you with the love and respect you deserve. When we're alone, I can't make any promises. What I want to do when we're alone is to treat you like the beautiful woman you are, and show you exactly how much I love you and want you."

"I don't know about the second part, Matt, but the first part is a deal. You know how much I love you."

"I know, Mom, and you know how much I love you."

She was softly crying by this time, and I thought we had a sort of catharsis. I patted her butt, and said, laughing, "You have no idea how very sexy you are, do you?"

"Oh, hush, you. What am I going to do with you?"

"I could make some suggestions."

She pushed me away, laughing as she brushed her tears from her face. I went back to her and kissed her tears on her cheek. "I never want to make you cry, Mom. I love you."

"Oh, go upstairs and get ready for dinner. Dad is taking us out for Italian."

That night, she was happier than I've seen her in awhile. She smiled constantly, told jokes, and laughed.

The next morning, Dad left early, of course. I went down to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and she was sitting at the table. She had on a short robe. Her hair was brushed, and she already had her makeup on. I went to her, bent down, and kissed her cheek. After I did, she turned her face and kissed me on the lips. "Good morning, Honey. You sleep well?"

"Yeah, pretty good. How about you?"

"Like a log."

I stood there, rubbing my fingers through her hair, then bent down and kissed the top of her head. "You've ruined me for anyone but redheads, Mom."

She laughed and started singing that old song, "I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad..."

"Too early for that, Mom. You'll have the neighbors complaining." I laughed a little, to soften what I was going to say. "And I don't want a girl LIKE the girl who married dear old dad. I want THAT girl."

Thankfully, she laughed, too, and stood up to get my coffee for me. I took her in my arms and kissed her, but this time it was more a chaste kiss than a passionate one. I started moving my hands slowly down her waist, and whispered, "You remember how I said I'd treat you when we're alone?" and I gently cupped her ass in my hands. "I'm sorry if you don't like this, but I can't help it."

She hugged me back, playfully slipping her hands to my butt. "I didn't say I didn't like it, Silly. I said what you want can't happen."

I squeezed her butt, "If this is all I ever get, it's good enough for me."

We spent the day together. I wish I could tell you that things progressed, but they didn't. Oh, I hugged and kissed her at every opportunity, but they were not the passionate kisses we shared that one day. They were more loving kisses.

I thought I was back on track, however. If nothing else, I had my Mom talking about fucking me. Think about it. Even if all she was saying was, "No, No, never going to happen," we were still talking about our fucking. Besides, what did I think she was going to say? "Oh, sure, Matt. I'll fuck you. How about a quick blowjob just to seal the deal." No, that was never going to happen. All I could hope for was that she would continue to think about it, want it, and convince herself that it was not going to mess us up.

Until I had my finger in her pussy, I have to admit I had not considered Mom as a sexual woman. Oh, sure, like every other teenager I was obsessed with fucking her. Now that I was older, I was even more obsessed with fucking her. But when I thought about it, it was in the abstract. I could envision fucking just about any woman, what it would look like, what it would feel like. But I had trouble envisioning fucking Mom. I always wanted it but, again, it was like in the abstract.

Had Mom even had an affair since she and dad were married? If she had had an affair, then the issue of sex on the side was a totally different thing altogether. If she had cheated before, then all I was asking her to do was to cheat again. On the other hand, if she had never cheated, then I was asking her to jump two hurdles - sex outside her marriage, as well as sex with her son. Two big hurdles.

While Mom was getting dinner together, I took a beer to the den and sat thinking. I reviewed in my mind every man who had associations with her, wondering if any of them had gotten in her pants.

Then it hit me. Uncle Joe! Mom's younger brother by two years. I remembered, when I was young, going into the kitchen at Thanksgiving and Mom and Uncle Joe jumping away from each other. It was a foggy memory, but it was there. What had they said? Seems like Mom said something like, "Uncle Joe was just helping me get something out of my eye," or something like that. Mom and Uncle Joe always seemed close. I wondered. Aunt Jane, Joe's wife, was a hot woman in her own right. Surely Uncle Joe was getting enough from her that he didn't need to look for it anywhere else, but who knows. If I had a sister who looked like Mom, though...

I knew I could never raise the issue with Mom. "Say, Mom. Did you ever fuck Uncle Joe? And if you did, why are you giving me so much resistance?" Yeah, that was a definite non-starter. But it was something to think about.

When I left the next day to go back to my apartment, Mom walked me out to the car. "I've really enjoyed this weekend, Honey," she said, and I put my arm around her.

"I enjoyed it, too, Mom. I just love being with you."

She hugged me back. "Are you coming home next weekend?"

"Do you want me to?"

She sighed. "Of course I do. Maybe we can take a picnic lunch up to the lake and watch the sailboats like we used to do."

That gave me something to think about.

Every day that week I either texted or called her. Sometimes I'd ask how her day went, other times I'd tell her I loved her, and sometimes I'd just say, "Just checking in." That was out of the norm for me because, before, I would go for weeks without communicating with her. She liked it.

"I like this new you. Thanks for checking in with me every day."

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to say, "Well, I'm trying to fuck you so I want you to keep me in mind." I tried to think of something clever to say, something to make her know how much I wanted her. At the end, I figured she knew that anyway by now, so I just texted, "I love you. You're always on my mind."

She took the lead. "Uh, huh. I'll bet I know what's on your mind. Bad boy."

Whoa. Was she flirting with me? Was she saying she knew what I was thinking? What should I say?

"That's been on my mind longer than you will ever know."

"I know, Honey, but we've talked about that."

When I got home, I learned that Dad had a golf tournament that weekend and would be leaving early in the mornings and getting home late. I wished him good luck and couldn't help but wonder what he'd think if he knew his son was trying his best to fuck his Mother. Did Dad try to fuck Grandma? She was still pretty good looking for her age. Had he put his hands on her ass? Had she kissed him? What had they done? Had they done anything? Dad and Grandma were pretty close. He still held her hand when they were walking somewhere, and always gave her a good kiss and hug when he saw her. If I thought about it, he and Grandma were like those Mother/Son couples that the guys thought were either doing it, or on the way. Hmmm.

Saturday morning I got up and Mom was waiting for me in the kitchen. She had on a pair of shorts that were kind of loose in the legs. I flashed back to getting my finger in her pussy, and couldn't help but notice it would be easy with those shorts. She was wearing a tank top with a sweater over it. I couldn't see if she had a bra on or not.

She hugged me, asking, "Are you ready to go to the lake?"

"Sure, if that's what you want. It'll be fun. Maybe we can find some geocaches while we're there." Mom had really gotten into geocaching a couple of years before and had always asked me to go with her.

"Oh, that's a good idea. I hadn't thought of that. I've got our lunch, so we can go when you're ready."

We drove to the lake, about an hour or so from home, and found a nice little turn off that led to a meadow on the hillside overlooking the lake. The lake was already full of sailboats, and they looked pretty as they scooted along.

"What do you want to do first? Caching, or you want to eat first?," Mom asked.

Neither of those was what I wanted to do, but I thought it would be better to geocache first, then we'd have more time to eat lunch.

We found one right away, and couldn't find the other one that was supposed to be on the edge of the meadow. We tramped through the woods skirting the meadow, tramped through the meadow itself, but just couldn't find it.

Mom finally gave up in frustration. "I hate it when they do that. Maybe it's not even here any more." She was bubbly, and even if we hadn't found it, she was clearly having fun.

We returned to the car and got a blanket and the picnic basket out of the trunk. Laying the blanket under a large tree overlooking the lake, we settled down and got our lunch out. Mom had cold fried chicken, potato salad, and a bottle of chilled white wine. We feasted like royalty, and then laid back on the blanket.

I put my arm out, and Mom laid on it and snuggled into my chest. I hugged her to me and kissed her cheek. It was just a kiss on the cheek, but I put every bit of emotion into it that I could. She practically purred, then I moved my lips to her ear, kissed it, and whispered, "God, you look good today."

She didn't say anything, but hugged tighter to my body. I was throbbing hard. I was laying on my back and she was curled on her side. She put her leg over mine, and I reached down to rub the back of her thigh.

"It's hard to think of you as anything but my little boy, but I know you're a man now, Matt. That has become very clear to me lately. I still remember bringing you here when you were little, though. You always loved it up here."

"Of course I loved it. I was with you, Mom."

"You'd run around the meadow chasing butterflies. Do you remember the time you got stung by a wasp?"

"No, I don't remember that at all."

"Yeah. It stung you on your thigh, right here," and she reached down and touched the inside of my upper thigh. "I had to suck the stinger out. What that must have looked like if anyone had seen us."

Holy shit! Did Mom just refer to something looking like a blowjob? Is that what she meant?

"What do you mean?" I knew what I thought she meant, but I wanted to hear her say it.

"Oh, you know. There was a young couple on the other side of the meadow, and it looked like they were doing something very similar."

We laughed, but my laugh was tinged with desire. "What did it look like they were doing?"

She punched my chest. "Oh, you're just trying to get me to say it."

I still played along. "Say what, Mom?"

She raised her face to my ear and whispered, "You just want to hear your Mom say 'blowjob,' don't you?"

I was on fire. Hell, yes, I wanted her to say it. I took her head in my hands and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. She responded just as I hoped she would, and when we broke our kiss I whispered back to her, "Did that answer your question?"

She snuggled her head back on my chest, resting her hand on my stomach. I said, "You do know how much I love you, don't you?"

She sighed. "Yes, I do know, Matt. I've struggled with it, but I do know."

Wait. I hadn't said anything about wanting her. I said I loved her, and now she had conflated the two.

I kissed her again, and put my left hand on her right breast. The nipple was standing erect, and I noted she was not wearing a bra under her tank top. I lightly squeezed her breast, then took her nipples in my fingers, squeezing and lightly twisting it.

She moaned. "Oh, Honey, I've always had sensitive nipples. Be careful with that. You don't know what it does to me."

But I did know. I could tell. Her breathing was heavy and her face was flushed. I lowered my head to her breast and sucked gently on the nipple, through her tank top. I grasped the nipple with my lips, teasing it and sucking it. She took charge, as I hoped she would. She reached down to the bottom of her tank top and lifted it over her breasts.

I was in awe. Those beautiful, creamy breasts, covered with a spray of freckles. The areolas were a light brown, and they spread magically as I teased at her nipples with my fingers. I lowered my head, taking her breast in my mouth.

"Oh, God, Matt. You have no idea how I've longed to have you on my breast again."

"And you have no idea how long I've wanted this." I sucked, teasing her nipple with my tongue. She held my head, pulling me into her, and then moved me to the other breast. Her breathing was ragged. She was practically panting.

"You know how much I..."

She shushed me. "I know, Matt. I know how much you've wanted this. You don't have to say it. I tried to deny it. I tried to tell myself we could never do this. I just can't help it. Please don't hate me later."

"Are you crazy? How could I hate you? I love you. I love that you're letting me do this," and I kissed both nipples.

She was getting into it and we kissed deeply again, with my hands practically mauling her breasts.

I wanted to be strong. I wanted to wait her out. I knew she wanted to see my dick, and I was determined to make her go for it herself. But I couldn't be that strong. I did what I would do with any woman in that situation, and I took her hand to place it on my dick.

"Oh," she said. "Oh."

She gently rubbed the length of it, and then closed her hand around it. We continued our kiss, with me working her breasts and her working my dick. All the cards were on the table now, and there was only one way this was going to end.

I reached down and undid the button on my shorts, then unzipped them. I took her hand and put it inside my shorts and on my dick. She moaned softly, and looked in my eyes. Her green eyes were half shut, and she said, "Matt..."

I kissed her on top of her head. "You know what? I think I may have gotten stung by a wasp."

She laughed out loud. "Maybe I should check, then, huh?"

"Maybe you should," and I gently pushed her head down toward my stomach.

That's a move that is unmistakeable in its meaning. Every woman who has ever given a blowjob knows that signal. It is so hardwired in their brains that a simple touch by a man to their heads evokes the image of giving a blowjob. Kiss a woman and cup the back of her head while you're doing it, and I guarantee the image of a blowjob flashes through her mind.

She slowly continued her move down my stomach. She took the waist of my shorts in her hands, and I raised my butt up so she could slip them down. I was laying there with my dick as hard as a rock, right at Mom's beautiful face. She gently kissed the head of my dick and murmured, "Where did that big thing come from? Must have been from my side of the family," then she opened her lips and took me in.

She sucked me, moving her hand up and down on my shaft, and then added a bobbing of her head to the motion. Maybe it was because it was her, and maybe it was because she knew what she was doing, but that was the best blowjob I've ever had. She had it all. The sucking. The scrubbing of her tongue on the head of my dick. The pumping of her hand. The bobbing of her head. As she bobbed up and down, her red hair fell across her face and I reached down to hold it back so I could watch her do it.

"Oh, oh, do it. Suck it. You know how much I've always wanted you to suck me. Suck it. That beautiful face on my dick."

We say things in passion that sometimes sound pretty stupid, I guess, but truer words I had never spoken. I had dreamed of what it would be like to have that red hair falling over my dick, and here it was.

"You'd better stop and get up here. I don't know how long I can hold it."

I had gotten ahead of myself before, and I wasn't going to take any chances. "Can I touch you? Can I taste you?"

This time it was my turn to have the hand on my head, pushing down.

I slid down, kissing her stomach as I went. Her skin was so pale it was practically translucent, with a light covering of freckles. As I kissed her belly, she gave a little shudder of anticipation, and pushed my head harder. I slipped my hand into the leg of her shorts, tracing her panties with my finger, and then slowly undid the button and zipper. She raised her butt off the blanket and I pulled the shorts and panties down off her feet.

I knew that Mom colored her hair, fighting the gray, and didn't know what to expect when I got her pants off. I was blown away. Her pubic hair was a bright red, almost orange. Her pussy was a creamy pale, with light brown freckles around it. I knelt beside her, enthralled by the beauty of it. This was always my dream. When I thought of making love to her, I always imagined looking at her pussy and getting my mouth on it. And here I was. I looked up at her. She had her right arm beneath her head and was looking at me through half-veiled eyes.

"Disappointed, Baby?"

I wanted to make some clever comment, but in this moment words simply failed me. I shook my head, then reached for her pussy with my hand. This time I put as much love in my touch as I could. I lightly traced her pussy with my finger, causing her to shiver, and then gently inserted my index finger in her moistness.

Bending down, and then laying between her legs, I softly kissed her clitoris. I gave it a tentative lick, and she took my head in her hands and pulled me into her. It was glorious - I simply don't have a better word for it. Her smell was strong, while pleasant, and just the thought of smelling my Mother's pussy almost sent me over the edge. I have always liked eating pussy, and believed I was pretty good at it. If I wasn't good, I was at least enthusiastic, and I put everything I had into eating her pussy. I fingered her G-spot, licking and sucking, and in practically no time she had her first orgasm. If I expected screaming and moaning, I didn't get it. She stiffened, shuddered, and gave a soft sigh, then pulled me up to give me a deep kiss.

"Where did you learn to do that?," she asked me. "You're pretty good down there."

"I have waited my whole life to get my mouth on you. I just did what came natural."

She laughed, softly. "Uh huh, Baby. That doesn't come natural. I know plenty of men who can't do what you did."

"Can you make me better at it for you?"

"I don't know how, but I'm willing to let you practice as much as you want." She was whispering in my ear.

After a moment, she reached down for my dick. Mom's hand, holding my dick. I'm not sure I had ever imagined that, but it was wonderful. She pulled me over onto her, and placed the head of my dick at her entrance, then reached around to my butt to pull me in.

Our first time was gentle and loving. I slid in and out, with slow movements, while she arched her belly up to me. Gradually increasing the speed of my fucking to her urging with her hands on my butt, we began loudly slapping bellies. She started giggling, and then we were both laughing. "I hope no one can hear this," she said.

I looked around, theatrically. "Nobody here but us chickens, Boss," I said in my Foghorn Leghorn imitation, and she laughed again, then we started fucking again. This time there was little gentleness, but a steady and powerful joining of our bodies. She stiffened, shuddered, and fell back. "Oh, Matty. Twice. You've made me cum twice. I never do that, Honey. Thank you."

My Mom just thanked me for fucking her. I guess I was a good boy.

We laid there in each other's arms, whispering. I don't know about you, but I love pillow talk after the first fuck. That's when you can finally open up about everything and ask anything, with few limitations.

"When did you decide we were going to do this, Mom?"

"I don't know, Honey. It's like I never really made a decision. It just seemed to flow naturally. I have to tell you, I'm still not convinced we did the right thing. I'm your Mother. Mothers and Sons aren't supposed to do this, you know."

"But you knew how much I've always wanted you."

"Oh, of course I knew. Every Mother knows when her son begins to desire her. We try to put it out of our heads, but it's always there. You were always a walking erection."

"You noticed?"

"How could I not? It was always there, wasn't it?"

"But why did you decide to let me?"

"Honey, I didn't let you do anything. We're doing this together. I let us do it."

"But why? Not that I'm arguing, but there must have been something. You weren't happy with me a couple of weeks ago."

"That's because you treated me without respect. I admit I wanted you to do it, but you didn't show me any love. That's all I wanted from you. Love."

She continued. "I can't put my finger on exactly why. I gave it a lot of thought, I can tell you that. It seemed to me to be like a continuum."

"What do you mean?"

"What you wanted was clear. I realized that I wanted the same thing, but I had a lot of resistance to it. I thought about what would let me go through with it. A continuum, you know, with extremes at either pole. If a doctor had said to me, 'Your son needs to have sex with you or he will die,' then of course I would do it."

I laughed. "I thought I would die if I didn't get with you, Mom."

She laughed, too. "I know. I know. But at the other end of the continuum, there was 'Mothers don't do that, and that's absolute.' Then I started working it in. I finally realized that you really wanted it, I thought you really needed it, and have I ever been able to deny you anything?"

"You didn't get me that Camaro when I was in high school."

"What really swayed me was how you've loved me the past little while. That's all I ever wanted from you, Matt. That's all any Mother wants from her son. Maybe I was being manipulative, but I saw that offering you a little incentive got me what I wanted. I guess I went overboard, though, huh?"

I laughed again. "You, manipulative? Say it ain't so. But if this is manipulating me, then I'm all for it."

"Promise me you'll always love me like this, Matt. Promise me."

"You don't even have to ask. You'll always be my Number One, then I sang, 'I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad.'"

I expected a laugh, but she got serious. "That's another thing. Besides the wrong of doing this with you, I've been unfaithful to your father. I love your Dad, Matt. I always will."

"I know that, Mom, and I don't want to cause any problems between you. But you and I will always have this."

"But we always have to be careful. You can never show any sign in public that we're doing this."

"So I can't eat that beautiful little red-haired pussy in public?"

She slapped my shoulder. "You men. You're all alike. Seems like every man is fascinated by my hair down there."

"Whoa. How many have seen it?"

"Down, boy. Not that many. You're part of a very select group now."

"How about Uncle Joe?" I knew this was pushing it, but I had to know.

She raised herself up on her elbow and looked at me. "What do you think you know? Where did that come from?"

"I know if I had a big sister like you, I'd want to see her and touch her. I remember one Thanksgiving and I walked in on you and Uncle Joe kissing in the kitchen."

"I'm not ready to talk about it, Matt, but your Uncle Joe and I were very close when we were in high school and college. I love him a lot."

She took my dick in her hand and gave it a few strokes. "You ready for round two?"

This time she was much more insistent in her fucking. I put my mouth next to her ear and whispered, "Show me how you fuck Uncle Joe," and she began fucking frantically and, this time, she was moaning and whimpering in my ear. Where before, her orgasms were subdued, this time she went crashing over the edge.

"Whew. You know how to push your Mom's buttons, don't you?"

"I'm still learning, but I want to know all your buttons."

"Some of those buttons are pretty private, Honey. But I guess what we're doing is pretty private too, isn't it?"

"Will I be one of your buttons now?"

"Oh, yeah. You're a big button."

I put my mouth back on her left breast, and started sucking again. She held my head while feeding her breast to me. I was in heaven.

That night we all had dinner together after Dad got home. Mom was practically ebullient. Dad asked her, "What's gotten into you, Susan? You seem pretty happy."

"I have my two main men with me. That makes me happy."

It made me happy, too.​
Next page: Chapter 08
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