Chapter 08
The girls got together on Wednesday for lunch. We laughed about it, calling it our "Wednesday Mom's Club." This time, instead of going to a restaurant, we met at my house. I had fixed my famous "Bonnie's Chicken Salad Supreme," and was anxious for everyone to enjoy it. Sarah, Victoria, and Lisa all arrived at about the same time, and trooped into the house. It went from a quiet morning with NPR in the background to a raucous gathering of friends, and I loved it.
The first order of business was to discuss Susan and Matthew. Susan had called me on Monday, and she was giddy with happiness. She didn't say exactly what happened between her and Matt over the weekend, but she didn't have to. I had been there myself, and I knew what a well-loved Mother sounded like. Susan sounded like a well-loved Mother.
But it had been close. Our prime directive was, "First, do no harm," and we had almost screwed it up with Susan.
Sarah was first to bring it up, after I told them the good news. "That could have been a disaster, girls. We need to look at this and see where we went wrong. I don't need that stress in my life."
I was the one who had suggested bringing Susan into the fold, so I took the lead. "I think we didn't give her enough information at the start. We were trying to talk around the subject, and she didn't know what to expect. She told me she had tried just teasing Matt to get him in line. The trouble with guys is that teasing only goes so far. It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull, I guess."
Vic added, "Yep. I think we have to prepare someone for what can happen if we're going to start the train rolling. We didn't do Susan any favors at the start. I'm just glad it worked out for her, and it sounds like it must have. But look, it's a tightwire, isn't it? I mean, we can't just say, 'You'll have a much better time of it with your son if you just fuck him,' can we?"
We all nodded, and I said, "Yeah, but don't you think if we're more selective we can be more open? I knew Matt wanted Susan from how he watched her, but I had no idea how Susan felt about it. Looking back, I should have spent more time with her to find out if she would even be open to it."
Sarah agreed. "That's right. Let's be honest. This works for us, but it's not for everyone. I'm sure there are Mothers who would never consider sleeping with their sons, and those are the ones we need to avoid. I know in my case, though, I had thought about it before. I tried to keep from thinking about it, but Jim's desire was so obvious I couldn't help it."
There. That was something we could work with. We should have thought this out before, but now one of our rules was to insure the Mom might be open to it before we ever brought it up.
Victoria said, "I think you all know my story. Sarah, you especially know," and she giggled. "But what about you, Bonnie? What brought you to the point of no return? There had to have been some lead-in before the camping trip, right?"
I thought a bit before answering. "I guess we don't have any secrets? I have to tell you, I felt pretty embarrassed in front of you the next morning at the campsite. I was afraid you were all going to start yelling, 'Slut! Whore!' and run us out. The only thing that made it bearable was that Sammy and I heard you going at it in your tents."
I continued. "I guess it was the same as with you girls. Sammy got more and more distant. The little boy who was always clinging to me became the young man who couldn't stand to be around me. It was like I embarrassed him or something. I saw it happening in real time. When he was a senior in high school, he went through a period where he was always following me around like a puppy and the only thing that kept his hard dick from falling out was his underwear. He was all over me. Grabbing my butt, rubbing against my breasts, slobbering all over me. I didn't know what to do. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I confronted him. I explained that he was going through a phase, but what he wanted was very wrong and would never happen. Never." She laughed, wryly. "I got that one wrong, didn't I?"
Everyone nodded. They had all been there.
"It was almost like a switch. He was on, and then he was off. He started avoiding me. He'd barely talk to me. It just got worse when he went away to college. It almost made me wish I had made a different decision when I confronted him. You know what I mean? I tried to bring it up once do I could apologize, and he snapped at me. He didn't want to talk about it. I thought I had probably consigned him to a lifetime of therapy."
Again, they nodded. It's probably the same in every household in the world. Son wants Mom. Son starts making a move on Mom. Mom shuts him down. Son becomes distant.
I went on. "So that's where we were. I kept being affectionate with him. When I'd hug him, I'd try to bring him into my breasts, and he would hold back. I'll admit it, I started flirting with him, trying to bring him around. I wanted another chance, but he wouldn't give it to me. When he'd come home I would make sure I had a loose blouse, and I'd give him boob shots when I could. Nothing. Oh, he was interested, for sure, but he wasn't going to take another chance."
"That weekend we met you all, we were getting ready in the morning and everyone was scurrying around. The kids didn't want to go, but we made them. You know, the forced family weekend that's supposed to bring us all together again? I was in my bedroom getting dressed and Sammy came bursting in. He couldn't find his sleeping bag. Men. They can never find anything, can they? But when he came in my bedroom, I was standing there with nothing on but my bra and panties. The look on his face. It was like I had poleaxed him, or something. He stood there with his mouth hanging open and his eyes bugging out. I didn't try to cover myself, but I guess I should have. If I'm honest, I wanted him to get a good look."
The girls were hanging on my every word. "You think that helped, though? No way. He stormed out of the room, mad. Mad! I had shown him what he could have, if he'd just try again, and he got mad. So we got to the campsite, went out on the trail, and that's the guy you saw come storming in. He was still angry with me. On the hike I tried to get him to lighten up, but he wasn't having it. His dad and Natalie went ahead, and I asked what was troubling him. He snapped at me. 'Nothing! Just nothing!,' he said. I tried to hug him, and he wouldn't even let me do it."
Sarah cleared her throat. "Now you know what was bothering him. You had shown him what you told him he could never have. I kind of understand how it would torture him."
Lisa said she felt the same way. "We do torture them, don't we? And we don't even realize it. In a household, there's no way you can avoid seeing each other in various states of undress. But in their minds, we are the absolute untouchable. It's like taking them to a candy store and saying, 'See all that candy? You'd like it, wouldn't you? But you can't have it. It's taboo.'"
"Oh, yeah. There was no doubt it was torturing him. But what could I do? I couldn't tell him, 'Look, I've been thinking about this and, if you give it another shot, you might like it.' No. I just had to hope he'd come around. That's why you were such godsends to me. That first night at the campfire, I hated every one of you. You had the relationships with your sons that I wanted. I kept wanting to tell Sammy, 'Lookm that's how you treat your Mother,' but I didn't. I couldn't."
Victoria said, "Yeah, Bonnie. We've all been there, exactly there."
"So when you girls paired up and took your boys to your tents, it was like a thunderclap. I don't know if Sammy knew what that meant, but I sure did. There was no doubt in my mind what you were going to be up to. God, it made me so hot I couldn't stand it. I looked at Sammy, and I could tell he night be wondering, too. We went to our tent, and Sam and Nat were already snoring away, over against one side of the tent. That left Sammy and me on the other side, so I spread our bags out side by side."
"There was a moon out, if you remember, so you could see in the tent after your eyes adjusted. I stood there and undressed in front of him. I didn't do it in a seductive way, but just normally got undressed to my panties and bra. I crawled in my sleeping bag and waited for him to get undressed. He turned away from me and took off his shirt and shorts to get in his bag in his boxers. He tried to hide it, but he was as hard as a rock. That thing must have been standing out a foot. I'm afraid I giggled when I saw it, and that made him madder."
"We laid there for awhile, and then I said, 'Good night, Sammy.' He just grunted at me. I said, 'Those guys, Jim and Bill. They seem to have good relationships with their Moms, don't they?' He grunted again, 'I guess.' I said, "I wish we could be like that, Sammy. I miss you. I miss my little boy.' He turned toward me and said, 'That's the problem, Mom. I'm not a little boy any more.' I told him I knew that, and reached my arms out of my bag to hug him. I said, 'I know you're a man now, Sam. You're a beautiful man.' At last he hugged me back and I pushed his bag off him. I took his face in my hands and kissed him. He was tentative at first, but he got into it. We were laying there, kissing like fools, and his dad and sister were five feet away. I was so hot I couldn't stand it. I guess it was a combination of kissing him like that and knowing what you were up to, but I was on fire. I finally had to push him off me. I said, 'Down, boy. Your dad and sister are right there. We'll have other chances.'"
"Wow," Lisa said. "That's hot."
"Oh, it gets better. The next day, it was like a miracle had happened. He was almost like the old Sammy. He paid attention to me. When we were hiking, he always walked behind me and I knew he was checking out my old butt. We took a break and when Nat and Dad went ahead, he tried to kiss me again. I told him to wait. I knew exactly what he would think, but I said, 'We have to be very careful, Sammy. Very careful.' I know what I meant by those words, and I know what he must have thought. I was telling him he could have another chance, but I didn't know how we could work it out."
"That night at the campfire when we heard Sam snoring in the tent, I got my answer. We brought the little tent, just in case, so it seemed natural to mention setting it up for us. I thought Sammy was going to break his neck, he went after that tent so fast. When you all paired up again to go to your tents, I took his hand and led him to ours. It was like it must be when you're leading a stallion to the mare. I could feel his lust. I could smell it."
"Oh, that's funny," Vic said. "You know how they say that close family members are naturally not turned off by the smell of each other, but that it's supposed to act like a natural deterrent to incest? For me, it's just the opposite. When Bill's not home, sometimes I lay down in his bed just so I can smell him."
There was a chorus of, "Me, too." Sarah said, "I can tell my boys apart by their smell. Each one is different, and each one turns me on in a different way."
Victoria looked at her. "Sarah? Something you're not telling us?"
Sarah laughed. "That's a story for another day. This is Bonnie's story."
Bonnie continued. "We got undressed and laid down. We held hands and listened to you girls going at it. There was no doubt what was happening, but both of us were afraid to make the first move. He finally turned to me and took my face in his hands, kissing my cheeks and eyes, and then he kissed me on the lips and we were right back where we had been the night before. We were making out like kids. His tongue was everywhere. I figured, 'I'm the experienced one here, so I'd better take charge,' so I reached down and slid my hand into his jockeys. I don't know about you girls, but my son has a nice one. I said, 'Oh, Sammy,' and we were off to the races. I'll spare you the details, but my boy has learned a lot at college, I guess."
Sarah, Victoria, and Lisa were practically panting. "Details, details," they cried together.
"Well. I review his course schedule every semester, and I must have missed when he signed up for a class on cunnilingus. I assume he got an A, though."
They laughed. Vic said, "Yeah, mine, too. When I was young you could hardly get a guy to go down on you. This generation seems to love it." Sarah and Lisa gave enthusiastic nods.
"So I had to do the same thing, right? I've never thought I was very good at blowjobs, but he couldn't get enough of it. My lips were chapped the next morning, we did it so much. And when he slid in me? It was such a feeling. I can't describe it. This little baby who came out of me was back in me, and there is no way to describe the feeling. You know? When I take him in my mouth and then make eye contact, the look on his face makes me feel like a goddess. "
Sarah said, "No, not a goddess, Bonnie. It makes you feel like a Mother, giving your Son what he wants most in the world."
Vic agreed. "It's like it was meant to be. It's the most loving, giving feeling I've ever experienced. You remember how it was in high school? You'd let a guy touch your tits and it was like you'd given him a pot of gold. This is even better. We're giving our sons the most wonderful love in the world. I'm sure the reason it's such a taboo for Mothers to sleep with their sons is because it's the most wonderful thing a woman can ever do, so why wouldn't men try to keep us from doing it?"
Lisa snorted. "Hell, yes. Old men make the rules, and they don't want us having our young sons. It only makes sense."
"And when he sucked my breasts! I was panting, I wanted him on my tits so bad. I think I might have cum when he sucked them, it felt so good. I've always liked it when a man sucks my breasts, but I had no idea how good it could be."
Again, there was a chorus of, "Me, too." Lisa said, "It feels so right, doesn't it? Mine couldn't get enough of my tits, and I couldn't give him enough of them. I was sad when I had to wean him as a baby, and I was overjoyed when I took them into his mouth again. What a feeling."
Bonnie seemed exhausted. Recounting the story had obviously been emotional for her. "So, that's my story. Sammy has completely turned around. All I have to do is suggest he can get better grades, and he's all over it. He's been bugging his sister to come home almost every weekend. I don't know if she suspects anything, but I hope not. She has started calling him 'Mommy's Boy,' though."
Sarah laughed. "Well, in about 25 years, maybe you can have a conversation with her about her own son."
"So," Vic said. "You had prepped yourself for what could happen, and hearing us do it put you onto it. But we can't have group camping trips every time we want to bring another Mom into it. We're right back where we started."
Lisa said, "It was about the same with me and my Chris. I knew what he wanted. Like you, I agonized. We're told all our lives about the purity of a Mother's love, and we're told that sex destroys that purity. What they don't tell us is that making love with your son is just a natural progression of the love you've always felt for him. I knew Chris had it bad for me. It was kind of cute, watching him try to hide his erection when he was around me. He rubbed my butt one time, and I almost jumped out of my skin. It must have scared him to death. I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing. Now I realize what absolute bravery it took for him to do that. I should have saluted him for taking the chance, but I didn't."
"But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I wanted him, too. I mean, the sex at the home front just isn't the way it used to be. When I went through the change, I seem to have lost all my desire. But Chris made me feel alive again. He wanted me, and it made me feel so very desirable. I started flirting with him shamelessly, but he wouldn't take the hint."
The weekend we came to your house, Sarah, I teased him unmercifully. I made him help me in the garden, which he normally hates, but I made a point of giving him a good show. He was putty in my hands, I have to tell you. Then when we had the cookout, you girls gave us all the incentive we needed. The love you had with the boys was obvious. I guess they must have had a talk with Chris and gave him some encouragement. When you started making out in the den, there was no going back. I could tell by his face that he was blown away. I could tell when he looked at me that he was wondering at the possibilities."
"When I kissed him...well, I don't know if I've ever had a more sensuous kiss. He wanted more that night, but I wouldn't let him. You have to make sure at the start that they understand the risk of getting caught, don't you? The idea of going to see the play was a stroke of genius. From the minute he saw that we'd have our own room, he knew."
Lisa looked down. "Girls, what you did for me was the greatest gift I've ever had. I love you for it. You gave me back my son. So where do we go now? We gonna quit where we are, or expand this thing?"
Sarah and Victoria looked at each other. Sarah said, "What about Karen? She's a single Mom, and she seems lost since the kids moved away. I've tried to get her to date, but since Andrew died she doesn't seem to have any spark left. She's aging away, right in front of us."
Victoria laughed. "She needs to join a good club. She needs to join the Mom's Club!"