Chapter 10

We didn't hear from Karen for a month. Well, that's not exactly right. I got an excited text from her a couple of weeks after our luncheon: "Andy's coming home this weekend!"

Needless to say, we were all on tenterhooks, waiting to get some news from her. Frankly, we weren't sure this would work. We had not tried to hook up a Mother and married son before, and that introduced a whole new dynamic to it. What made this even more difficult was that Karen was sure Andy was totally smitten with his new wife.

Finally, Karen sent a group text. "Lunch at my place on Wednesday. I can't wait to tell you!"

That was certainly tantalizing. Had it worked? Maybe she didn't get what she wanted so much, but maybe she made progress. Who could expect it to go from zero to 100 in a weekend?

Sarah immediately texted me after we got Karen's text. "What do you think, Vic? Another win?"

I texted back. "Let's not count our chickens. I'm just glad she's coming out of her cave."

On Wednesday, Sarah, Lisa, Bonnie, and I all met at Karen's. She greeted us at the door, and it was like she was a new woman. Her hair was done, she had on makeup, and she was dressed in a pair of slacks and a beautiful mauve sweater. I noted that Karen's extra weight was pretty well distributed. Sure, she had a paunch - who didn't? - but her breasts were full and her butt was curvy. She sure didn't have that flat butt that so many women get as they age. Karen was still a good-looking woman, but what made her beautiful on that day was her radiance. She was glowing. I would say she looked like a well-fucked woman, and I couldn't wait to hear her confirm it.

Of course we couldn't wait to get the details.

"Come on, Karen," I said. "Spill it. What happened? Did Andy come home?"

"In so many ways," Karen said, giggling. "He sure did."

As we walked toward the kitchen, we stopped at the entrance to her living room. There, prominently displayed on an easel, was a beautiful charcoal sketch of Andy. He was sitting in an easy chair, which was clearly recognizable as the chair in her living room. He was shirtless and if the drawing did him justice, he was muscular and quite handsome. I remembered Andy as a good-looking guy, but that sketch made him look like a movie star.

"Wow, Karen. That's great. When did you do that?," Lisa asked.

"Oh, we did that while Andy was here. I wanted something more than a photo. I wanted to remember him in a more intimate way. But that's part of my story. I can't wait to tell you about it."

"Then get to it, girl!"

"He got home about seven on Friday night. I was as nervous as a mother hen, waiting for him. I kept getting up to check the driveway to see if he was pulling in. I must have worn a path in the carpet. I had this same outfit on. I thought the sweater made my eyes look good and, if you notice, it's pretty low cut in front. I debated about not wearing a bra, but I didn't want to scare him away, now, did I?"

We laughed together. With those tits Karen was sporting, I doubt she would scare any man away.

She continued. "I hugged him so tight I thought I'd squeeze him in two, and he hugged me back. He apologized for taking so long between visits, but he's been put on the firm's largest client and said he's been working wicked hours. He said Patty, she's a graphic designer, you know, had a project due that she had to spend the weekend on, so he came to see me. I had dinner waiting for him, so we had a glass of wine and sat to eat. It was great, having him back. The house felt alive again, as soon as he walked in the door. I couldn't keep my hands off him. During dinner I kept reaching out to touch his face. Finally he said something like, 'Jeez, Ma, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Let me eat.'"

"After we cleaned up from dinner we sat in the den, talking. By that time it must have been about ten, and I was getting tired. I had hardly slept the night before and I guess that and the wine were getting to me. Andy said, 'I think it's time I got you in bed,' and I said 'Ooh. My dream come true.' He got a funny look on his face, but didn't say anything. I was afraid I had been too forward, so I didn't say anything more. I hugged him goodnight, then pulled my face back and kissed him right on the lips. It was just an innocent kiss at first, and then I teased his lower lip with my tongue. I could feel his body stiffen when I did that, but he got right into it. We stood there kissing. I have to tell you, everything you've said about it is true. That kiss was electric. Of course I haven't kissed anyone like that since Andrew, but even so, it was beyond my dreams. Kissing your son like that. That first forbidden kiss. You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Nods all around. Yes, we all knew what that first real kiss was like. It is something you'll never forget.

Karen went on. Clearly she was enjoying reliving it for us. "It speaks volumes, doesn't it? Mother kisses are usually pecks on the cheek and maybe a peck on the lips, but never open-mouthed. Never with tongue. Kissing that way sends a message. Kissing like that says that the relationship has changed in that moment, and that there are possibilities. Nobody kisses that way unless there is desire. Am I making sense? Innocent kisses can signal love, but passionate kisses signal much more. We didn't do anything more, though. We just kissed, but it was a kiss with a promise. We went to our bedrooms and I don't know what Andy did, but I know what I did. I couldn't wait to get my fingers down there, and I climaxed almost immediately. I didn't know if Andy understood what I was trying to say in that kiss, but I went to sleep with hope."

"The next morning, Saturday, he slept in. I don't think he got up until about ten. I was up at seven, and I was scared to death. I was afraid he might have been shocked or disgusted by the way I kissed him. I was afraid he'd get up and say he had to go home right away. I didn't know what to think. By the time he came down, I had already finished one pot of coffee and was working on the second. I shouldn't have worried. He had on a pair of flannel sleeping pants and a tee shirt, and I couldn't help but notice an erection. My boy had an erection for his Mother. If my kiss was supposed to send a promise to him, that hard dick sure sent a message to me."

"He walked right to me and bent over to kiss me on the lips. It wasn't a passionate kiss, just a good morning kiss, but his tongue touched my lower lip and I thought I'd explode. I was sitting down and I reached around his butt and hugged him to my shoulder. His hardness rubbed right on my shoulder and it was all I could do to keep from putting my hand on it right then. But I didn't. You would have been proud of me. I wanted to, but I didn't."

"I had on my own pajamas. They're silk, and you know how silk clings to you. I had plenty of time waiting for him that I could have gotten dressed, but I wanted him to see my pajamas. I wanted him to see me like that. He sat down and I got up to get him a cup. I stood on my tiptoes to reach for it, and when I turned around I saw his eyes were glued to my butt. I knew then I had him. As Andrew would have said, 'He's hooked, just play him gently so he doesn't throw the hook before you land him.'"

"After breakfast he asked what I wanted to do, and I showed him some of my sketches. I told him I wanted to sketch him, if he'd allow it. He said, 'Oh, Mom, why do you want to sketch me?' I told him it was because he was my beautiful son and I wanted something that would make me feel close to him when he was away, so he agreed. He wanted to go shave and get dressed, but I wouldn't let him. 'I want to remember you as you wake up in the morning. It's important to me to have you that way,' I said. He seemed a little confused, but didn't question it. He sat in that chair right there, and I sketched him."

Sarah said, "But he doesn't have a shirt on in the sketch."

"Oh, that," Karen laughed. "I had him take it off. I asked if he slept in a tee shirt, and he said no, so I told him that's how I wanted to remember him - just as he wakes up in the morning. He took the shirt off and I couldn't help it. I bent down and kissed his chest. He held my head, running his fingers through my hair, and I'm amazed we didn't do anything right then. I wanted to. But we didn't. I got my supplies, and that must have been the fastest sketch I ever did. When it was done, I called him over to see it. He stood beside me and put his arm around my waist. 'Mom, it's beautiful,' he said. Then he got a little embarrassed. 'Not beautiful because it's me, but it's just a great sketch. I had no idea you were this good.'"

"I put my arm around him and we stood there, side by side, holding each other. I didn't have anything on under my pajamas and since he's a man I know he was aware of it. 'Now I'll always have you like that, won't I?,' I said. Then he said what I had hoped for."

We all said, "What did he say?"

"He said, 'But it's not fair. You get to see me as I am when I wake up, but I don't get to see you like that.' When he said it, he slid his hand down to my butt and lightly stroked it. He told me later that he was scared to death when he did that. He said he thought I was sending him signals, but he wasn't sure and he was afraid I was going to freak out or something. I guess I surprised him. I turned to him, raised up on my tip toes, and kissed him. It started as a gentle kiss, but we quickly turned it into much more. He was kissing me and had both hands on my butt, pulling me against him. I could feel how hard he was for me. My son was hard as a rock, and it was all for me."

She paused, and looked again at the sketch.

"So, what then? What happened then?," I asked her.

"He slid his hands under my pajamas and was holding my bare butt. He was pulling me against him while his hands made love to my butt. He ran his finger down my crack, and that was it for me. I said, 'Andy, would you like to see how I wake up in the morning?' He was practically panting. 'Oh, yeah, Mom. I'd love to see how you wake up in the morning.' So I took him by the hand and led him into my bedroom."

"Ooh. You didn't waste any time, did you?" Lisa's face was flushed, and I imagine mine was, too.

"He couldn't wait to get my pajama top off. I stood in front of him and he unbuttoned it. When he slid it off my arms, he just stood and stared at my breasts. He seemed almost afraid to touch them, and I was beginning to worry that this extra weight around my belly was turning him off. I shouldn't have worried. He reached out tentatively and touched my left nipple. It was as hard as I can remember ever being. He looked up at me, and I know you've all seen that look, but it was my own Andy looking at me. I've never felt more loved and more desired than in that moment. I put my hand behind his head and pulled him to my breast. I held it with my hand and fed it to him like I did when he was a baby. God, that kid could suck tits then, and he can still suck them now. He went wild on my breast, and I loved it. We stumbled to the bed, with his mouth glued on my breast, and I fell back onto it."

"He must have spent an hour, just sucking my breasts. While he was doing it, he ran his hand down my stomach and under my pajama bottoms. I was gushing down there. You know how your juice kind of dries up after menopause, but my pussy must not have gotten the message that day. It was like I was a girl again. When he slid his finger in me, I thought I'd scream. I hunched against his hand and he sucked even harder on my breast."

"I couldn't take anymore. All I wanted was him, inside me again. I reached down to touch him and slid my hand inside his pants. It's been awhile for me, so maybe I'm wrong, but that thing was bigger than I remember any before. He slid my pants off, then took his off, and it was right there. It was beautiful. I took it in my hand and tried to pull him to my mouth. I wanted to show my boy how much I loved him. But he wouldn't let me. He said, 'Uh, huh, Mom. I get to go first. I've dreamed about this for too long.' Then he went down on me."

One look around the table said it all. Yep, having your son go down on your pussy is one of the great thrills in a woman's life.

"My son can eat pussy. When we were young, guys weren't into it as much, I guess. His father always wanted to please me, but he never got it right down there. But Andy? He knew just what to do. It was like he had a direct connection into my brain. No sooner would I think something, and he would do it. He massaged my G-spot with his finger while he sucked my clitoris. No one has ever done that for me. And then, well, I'm kind of embarrassed to tell you this."

"What, what? Go on. Tell us!"

"I've always wondered what it would be like to have butt play, you know? Andrew tried once, but he didn't use lube or anything and it hurt, so we never tried it again. Andy used my juice to lube up his finger, and slid it right in my butt while he sucked my clit. I climaxed right then. I'm surprised I didn't smother him in my pussy. I was pulling him into it, and I guess I kept screaming his name. He told me later that I was. It was wild. Why I had to wait 58 years for it, I'll never know."

"Then it was my turn. I sucked my son. I sucked my son's dick. Sex is one thing. I mean, intercourse. But I think oral sex is even more intimate. I wanted to be good for him. I know young people today are really into that, and I'll admit it, I wanted to be at least as good as Patty at it. I sucked him, I used my tongue on him, and then I touched his butt while I was sucking him. It must be a switch or something. It worked on him just like it worked on me, because he gushed in my mouth. I was never that big on swallowing, but I didn't want Andy to think I thought it was dirty, so I swallowed every drop. He loved it. He made me come up and kiss him, with some of his cum still in my mouth."

"We just laid there for awhile, whispering and holding each other. He told me that he had always wanted me, but was afraid. I admitted that I had thought of him like that, and I was always afraid, too. I explained to him that men are always ready to get in any hole, but for women it was much more intimate. I said, 'For us it's the ultimate expression of love to give yourself to a man.' I don't know what I expected him to say. He said, 'Mom, for me it's the same with you. I feel like I'm closer to you than I've ever been, and I never want to lose it.'"

"By that time he was hard again. Ah, the joys of youth, huh? He wanted to be on top, but I wouldn't let him. I wanted it so bad and I wanted to watch his face when it happened, so I pushed him on his back and climbed on top. Looking back at it, I should have been embarrassed because I'm so overweight, but he didn't seem to care and I didn't care. I took him in my hand and put him there, then slowly slid down on him. The look on his face. I'll never forget it. Maybe some day I'll do a private sketch, just for me, of that look. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but taking your son's penis into you is a mind-blowing experience. I mean that literally. It blew my mind. I couldn't believe it was happening. A fantasy I had always been afraid of was really happening."

"We spent practically the whole weekend in bed, either making love or talking. We talked more than we have talked in 25 years, I'll swear. I loved it. He was finally sharing with me, bringing me back into his life."

"We went out to dinner Saturday night. It was just like a date, if I can remember what a date is like. We dressed up and went to Delmonicos, over on the south side. He held my hand almost the whole night. I'm sure people seeing us thought he was just back from the wars, or something. What I wanted them to see was a Mother loving her son, and a son who loved his Mother. I don't think we disappointed. We didn't do anything to cause anyone to think it was a cougar scoring a young guy. We were just a loving son and Mother, like I always wanted. But when we got home again? It was no longer just a loving son and Mother. It was a LOVING son and Mother. I gave him the best I could, and he gave me the total love I needed."

Karen was exhausted by her story. She looked at us with tears forming in her eyes. "I owe this to you. I would never have done it on my own. Mothers don't do that with their sons. They just don't. But I did, and I'm glad I did. I'm not sorry, not for a minute." She softly sobbed with emotion.

Sarah reached out to put her hand on Karen's. "Honey, it happens more than we know. Look around you. Here are five Moms who have done it. You know there are more. Many more. You'll start to see signs of it. You'll see sons holding their Mothers' hands in public, and you'll know. You'll wonder, 'If they're doing that here, what are they doing behind closed doors?' And you'll know, there's a sister. You did nothing wrong, Karen. You did everything right. He was yours before he was Patty's, and don't ever forget that. When they're young, they can't be away from us. Then they become young men, and they're embarrassed by their desire for us, so they try to repress it. The draw away from us. It's not right, but that's the way it is. What you did was evolve your love for each other to the next higher level, and that's a beautiful thing to happen. If every woman could know the love with her son you know now, the world would be a happier place."

"Thanks for saying that, Sarah. I felt pretty guilty after, and Andy must have noticed it. He told me the same thing. He said he had friends who he always suspected were doing something with their Moms, but as long as no one gets hurt and it stays a secret, whose business is it? I think I felt more loved then than I did when we were doing it. He really cared that I not feel guilty, and that I knew that he loved what we had done."

Lisa asked, "And when's he coming home again?"

"Patty's working on another project next weekend!"

We sat and chatted, drinking coffee and then, as the day progressed, wine. We got pretty raunchy. What we all agreed on was that this younger generation loved oral sex. I confessed that there were times now when I'd just give Bill a quick blowjob out in the garden shed, and it satisfied both of us.

Lisa disagreed. "I'm not so sure it's that the younger generation is into oral sex more than we were. I mean, when I was young like them, I loved it. The power you have when you're giving a blowjob is something. You can bring him to the edge and then, when you're ready, you can make him come like Mount St. Helens. It's powerful. No, I think there's more to it when it's your son. I think that's why all our guys seem to be so into getting it, and giving it. Karen's right. It's such an intimate act, and when it's your Mom, it must be overwhelming for them. I know it is for me."

Sarah said she felt the same way. "For each of my boys, the first time I took him in my mouth was the most intimate moment we'll ever share. Oh, don't get me wrong. I love the sex. I'll say it. I love the fucking. But when one of them goes down on me and takes me into his mouth, I melt. I still do. Each time is like the first time."

We talked about Mothers and Sons in general. I said, "It's true what Sarah said. When our boys start to become men, sex becomes the driving force for them. They can't separate love from sex, so because they can't have sex with us, they start to withdraw their love from us. If we could just tell them, 'Wait until you're a man and we can do this,' it would be okay. But we can't say that. Most of us don't understand that. So we go through our adult lives, both Mothers and Sons, wanting something we can't have and letting the frustration destroy our relationships."

The day was getting late, so we adjourned, but not before each of us gave Karen a huge hug. She was a happy woman, and we had been a part of making that happen. She might have come around to the idea on her own, maybe, but we had helped her see the way.

As we were leaving, Lisa said, "Well, who's next?"

We all laughed. Sarah answered, "We'll decide that next Wednesday. Karen, we have a regular Wednesday lunch, and you're now a part of it. Girls, put your thinking hats on. There are plenty of Mothers who need what we can give them."
Next page: Chapter 11
Previous page: Chapter 09