Chapter 13
As soon as I got to work Monday morning, I went in to my supervisor with a vacation request filled out.
"Another vacation, Ryan? You've certainly got the time built up, but what's going on? That's two vacations in a little over a month. You got a girlfriend back home?"
"Maybe, Richard," I chuckled. "Maybe."
He signed it and put it in the outbox for HR. "Enjoy it. You work so hard, we can't begrudge you some time off. Just please finish that Hellman project before you go, OK?"
"No problem. I've just got to add the finishing touches and it's done."
That was a bit of a lie. I had the framework done, but it needed a lot of work to be in the hopper. I put myself to it with a vengeance. I'd be in the office before everyone else, and stay until nine every night. There was no way this project was going to hold me back from seeing Mom again. The memory of that blowjob inspired me. Hell, that blowjob would inspire anyone.
Mom and I were in constant contact. I'd text her several times a day and we'd chat back and forth. By mutual agreement we kept the texts non-sexual. While neither of us ever had any aspirations of entering politics or public life, we instinctively knew there should never be a record of any sort of our true relationship.
About a week out from my scheduled vacation I had the project in the can. I received an excited text from Mom.
"There's a yoga workshop I can go to next week. Would you like to go with me?"
I was floored. This could be our chance. "Absolutely! You know how interested I am in your yoga."
"OK." She told me the location, about midway between my work and home. "I'll send you the details. Maybe you can meet me there?"
"What day?"
"I get there on Monday. How does that match your vacation time?"
"Perfect. I can go there and then drive us home. Can you take the train?"
"That will work well. It will give us more time together."
"I'll say. I look forward to it."
On the appointed day I drove to the city and found the hotel Mom's workshop was going to be in. The front desk allowed me to check in, and I spent the afternoon anxiously awaiting Mom's arrival. I offered to meet her at the train station but she insisted on taking a taxi, so I sent her the room information. At about two in the afternoon, there was a knock on the door and I jumped to answer it.
It was Mom. I opened the door and immediately took her in my arms.
"Oh, Honey, I've missed you so much," she said, hugging me tightly.
I kissed her with all the passion I could muster. "Me, too, Mom. I thought about you every minute." I slid my hand down to her butt and pulled her against me.
She told me that the yoga workshop was a basic course, and she was already well advanced beyond that. "Since your father never watches me do yoga, he has no idea, so he was good with it. That will let him eat potato chips and play golf every day. I don't know what we'll do to occupy our time if I don't go to the workshop, though." She said the last in a flirting voice and I kissed her again.
"I'm sure we'll come up with something."
She looked over at the bed. "We won't go out to eat until about seven. Do you mind if I take a quick shower?"
"I already used it. Be my guest."
She unpacked her bag, then took her essentials and went in the bathroom. I was a little disappointed that she closed the door behind her. I soon heard the shower running, so I turned the TV on to watch the news. I didn't know if I should get undressed and be waiting in bed when she came out, so I opted for the conservative approach and just sat on the bed waiting.
After an interminable time, by my desires, the door opened. She was dressed in her yoga pants and a tank top, and I didn't know what that portended. Suddenly shy, she walked over to me and came in between my legs, as I was still sitting on the bed. I put my arms around her, holding her butt, and pulled her to me. I bent forward and kissed her pussy through the pants.
"I think I have a debit in my account with you, don't I?" I asked.
"Hmmm," she purred. "What did you have in mind?"
I rubbed my face against her pussy. "I think I can come up with something."
She sat on my left leg, reached down to the waist of her tank top, and in one motion took it off over her head. Those beautiful breasts were right at my face level and I wasted no time in taking her left breast into my mouth.
"Oh, God," she said. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of that. You feel so right when you're nursing me again."
That spurred me on and I shifted from breast to breast. I held her breasts while I nursed, and she pulled my face into her.
I bent down, picked her up off my leg and turned around to lay her on the bed. "Oh, my," she said. "My boy's a strong one, isn't he?"
I quickly stripped off my clothes while she watched me. "There's something else I see that I may not be able to get enough of," she whispered.
I shucked her yoga pants and panties down her legs and there she was, naked before me. I cannot tell you how many times I had tried to catch her naked when I was living at home, and here she was, willingly showing her body to me.
"I wish I weren't so fat," she said, and I laughed.
"Mom, you're not fat. You're lush. You're beautiful," and I bent down to kiss her stomach, running my fingers across it. I looked up at her and slowly moved my face down to her pussy. Her pubic hair was not trimmed, but was not as bushy as I hoped it would be. I wasn't about to complain, though. I spent some time just looking at that pussy. It was fine. Her lips were not big, but when I teased them with my fingers they fell open for me.
"Honey, you're embarrassing me," she said.
"Why? I love it. I've waited my whole life to see this."
"I feel like I'm on the doctor's table, being examined," she giggled.
I pushed my finger in her. "Well, Madame. We're going to have to give you a complete checkup." I moved my finger in and out, delighting in her juices, and bent my face to kiss her there. She reached down and cupped mt head in her hands, pulling me into her. She continued to look down at me.
I gently licked her, from bottom to top of her pussy, and then gently touched her clitoris with my tongue. I flicked my tongue against it, and she trembled. I pulled my finger out of her pussy and replaced it with my tongue and she pulled even harder on my head. My nose was pushing against her clitoris. After tonguing her for a bit, I moved up and sucked her clitoris into my mouth. It was firm and large enough that I could suck it in. I put my finger back into her pussy while I sucked, and she took a deep, gasping breath.
"Oh, yeah, Baby. Just like that. It's been so long."
So Dad wasn't eating her pussy? I filed that away. If she liked it and wasn't getting enough of it, she had come to the right place. I picked up my pace of sucking while I curved my finger up to rub her G-spot. She trembled. Adjusting my hand, I moved my middle finger down so I could rub it on her little rosebud ass. As soon as I touched it she stiffened and gave a long moan. Pushing lightly, the tip of my finger slid into her butt and she started bucking against my face.
She had been bending forward so she could watch me, and she fell back on the bed. I continued to suck and she pulled my face off her pussy. "Too sensitive after I cum, Honey. Come here," and she pulled me up to her. I had just made my Mother come by eating her pussy. I felt pretty proud of myself.
Her pussy scent was strong, but not unpleasant, and my face was covered with her juice. I kissed her deeply, then she said, "Ooh. I can taste me on you. I hope you don't think I smell bad."
"Are you kidding me? If we could bottle it, we'd make a fortune."
She laughed. "Yeah, eau de Anne. I can't see it being a big seller."
"Good," I said. "I'll just keep it all to myself."
I laid beside her, taking her in my arms, and she rested her head on my chest. "Do you think we're doing the right thing, Ryan? How can anything that feels so right be so wrong?"
"Mom, it's not wrong. It's between us. You know how much I love you, and I've always wanted you like this."
"Well, you've got me now. I want us to always have this. It's our special bond."
I held her left breast with my right hand, gently tugging at the nipple. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of it, Mom. I don't know how any woman could match you."
She raised up to look me in the eyes and her face was stern. "You have to promise me something, Ryan, and I mean it. I don't want you so focused on me that you stop dating. I want you to find someone special, marry her, and give me grandchildren. Promise me that. I don't want you to be jealous of your father, and I won't be jealous of your girlfriends and, eventually, your wife."
I reached down with my right hand and held her pussy. "I promise, as long as we always share this."
"Good. I mean it. Just make sure you don't bring some disease home to your Mother. How would I explain that?" She laughed softly, but her point was made. I had always practiced safe sex, but this made it even more important.
I laughed with her, but then said seriously, "I promise, Mom. I couldn't bear that. I've always been careful, and now I'll be extra careful. You can trust me."
"I'd better be able to trust you." She paused. "I know I can trust you, Honey. I just had to say it."
I continued to massage her pussy with my hand and she laid back and closed her eyes. "Hmmm," she moaned. "I like that."
"Want to see what else you might like?"
She opened her eyes and looked at me, a serious look on her face. "I had intended to not let us go any farther. That was my plan, but I think I may have to reconsider it. What do you think?"
"I think you need to be fucked, Mom," I whispered. I had never said "fuck" to Mom before, and I didn't know how she'd react.
"Then fuck your Mama, Ryan," she whispered back, and I rolled on top of her.
I kissed her, resting my dick on her. My hunching motions were, seemingly, automatic, and I could feel my dick sliding against her pubic hair. She reached down with her left hand and took my dick. I raised up a bit so I could see the sight of Mom's hand on my dick, made even more delicious by her wedding ring. I had made love to a few married women before, and the sight of their wedding rings, for some reason, excited me. This excited me even more, and I moaned.
She slid the head of my dick along the slit of her pussy to get it lubed up, then positioned it and moved her hands to my butt, pulling gently. I slid in her and, once I was fully in, just held it there. The feeling was beyond description. I was in my Mother's pussy! I pulled my head back and looked in her eyes. "Here is where I was meant to be," I whispered.
"I think so, too. You like it?"
"Uh, huh," I grunted and then started slowly moving in and out of her.
"Give me some time to get used to it, Honey. It's been awhile since I had one this big in me."
My thoughts raced. She was implying that Dad wasn't as big as me? Was she saying she had had other dicks, besides Dad's? What secrets did Mom have? Hmmm.
The first fuck we shared was pretty vanilla. I was a little embarrassed, I have to admit, because I didn't want to try any gymnastics with Mom the first time. She probably felt the same way. With someone else you might want to show off, but with your Mom? With your Son?
Neither one of us had an orgasm that first time. Mom didn't, and I held back. I wanted us to have more times that afternoon and, besides, that first time was just for the joy of it. For the experience.
We laid there in each other's arms, whispering, and then Mom closed her eyes. "I had to get up early this morning," she said sleepily. "You want to just hold me a bit?" and then she fell asleep. I watched her for awhile, reveling in the sight of her face. I thought about how this had all started. Matt and the guys had told me to take it a bite at a time and it would be easy. I'm not saying my Mom was an easy fuck, but they were right. Once I had a goal and started working toward it, a bite at a time, everything fell into place. As I thought about it, the progression seemed inevitable once I started. Who could have known? After awhile I started to tire, and then fell asleep myself. I slept about thirty minutes, then opened my eyes to see Mom looking at me.
"Get a good nap?"
"Oh, yeah. I guess I was tired, too. I didn't sleep well last night for some reason."
"It's funny," she laughed. "When you were a baby you'd always fall asleep after nursing me."
"Did I always wake up wanting more?"
She giggled. "Every time," and then she put her left hand under her breast and fed it to me.
I nursed her breast for awhile, becoming more passionate with it as I got more excited, and then she pulled back from me. She looked down at my dick, standing up as hard as a rock, and said, "Tit for tat?"
We both laughed, then she slid down the bed. She held my dick, rubbing her fingers over the head, while she studied it. "I give it my seal of approval," she said, then she opened her mouth and sucked me in.
If she gave me a good blowjob before, this one was even better. It's funny. Every generation seems to think they invented oral sex, I guess. We just don't think of our parents doing it. Certainly not our grandparents. We assume they have sex, but not that. When I was younger I wondered if Mom gave blowjobs. Now I knew the answer. Not only did she give blowjobs, but she gave great blowjobs and seemed to enjoy it. She knew all the moves. She knew some moves I hadn't seen before. She would slide her head down, taking as much of me in as she could, then slowly pull her mouth back with a hard suck. It felt amazing. The combination of her sucking and pumping me with her left hand quickly took me to the edge, and I stiffened my body as I felt it coming.
"Hmmmm," she moaned on my dick. I had heard them called "Hum jobs" before, but the feel of her "Hmmmm" was something I had not experienced. When she did it the second time, I exploded in her mouth. She swallowed every drop, just as before, and then came up to kiss me.
"So, do you like 'Anne's Patented Blowjobs?" she whispered. "I've always been known for them."
Whoa. Who else had gotten Mom's blowjobs? Sometime we were going to have to explore that, but not now. "I'm not just saying this, Mom. You're the best I've ever had. The absolute best."
"When you were younger did you ever fantasize about me doing that for you?"
"Not really. I used to have fantasies about us having sex, but I could never be so specific in them. I guess I thought you didn't do it, or something."
She gave a belly laugh. "Oh, Baby. I have always loved giving blowjobs. Does that shock you? Your sainted Mother, enjoying blowjobs?"
"It's a welcome surprise, I have to say."
"I'll get even better if you train me to what you like. Every man has different likes, you know."
"I like that it's you, and I like how you do it. You're something, you know. Full of surprises, my Mom."
"Well, your Mom has worked up an appetite. Let's go get something to eat, then I have to call your father."
We ate dinner in the hotel, and it was pretty good. I guess we were hungry. There were several women in the restaurant who Mom knew from her Yoga, and she proudly introduced me to them. In each case, she made a point of explaining that she was going to skip some of the classes so she could be with me. When the women came to the table, I would cover Mom's hand with mine and hold it while we talked. In almost every instance I could see a look of almost jealousy on the faces of the women. I couldn't help thinking, "You could have this with your son, if you'd only understand."
When we got back to the room, Mom mentioned the same thing. "You know, every Mother wants her son to love her as openly as you were loving me. Did you see how they looked at us? Of course they have no idea, but I could tell. Every one of them wants that with her own son. If only they knew. They could have what we have, but they're all afraid of it."
"I'm glad we got through it. When did you decide we'd do this?"
"Oh, I don't know. I knew what you wanted, of course, but I never intended for it to go this far. It seemed to creep up on me. Everything seemed so natural and loving. As I told you, I didn't even intend for us to have sex on this trip. I thought I could satisfy you with blowjobs, and that would be the limit. What I didn't count on was that I would want it as much as you. I'm glad we did. Are you? Glad we did?"
"What do you think? Of course. I hoped, but I wasn't sure, either. I'm glad you decided we would."
"We have to always be careful, Ryan. This is a sacred secret we share."
"I know. I understand how dangerous it is. But you know what they say: No one knows what goes on behind closed doors."
Now I have to make a confession. Mom was older, and I had read everything I could about post-menopausal sex. Drying of the vagina seemed to be the common complaint, so I had bought some lube before my trip. We hadn't needed it that first time, and I was glad. I guessed that her level of excitement was so high that she was pretty juicy.
She found it when she was unpacking my bag. I normally don't unpack in a hotel room, living out of the suitcase, but Mom insisted on putting things away. When she found it, she said, "Came prepared, did you? Didn't trust your Mom to be able to be ready for you?"
"I just wasn't sure. Everything I've read said that you might not produce as much as you used to."
"Did your homework, did you? Well, let's put it here, just in case. I can never be sure how I'm going to work," and she put it on the bedside table.
We got undressed and got into bed. This time I was prepared to be a little more enthusiastic in our lovemaking, and Mom matched me. There's no other way to describe it. Mom was a good fuck. I've had women half her age who couldn't come close to matching her. After we had been at it awhile, she rolled me off her and mounted me on top. That was perfect for me, since her breasts were right in my face and I sucked them eagerly.
I took my hands and cupped her butt as she fucked me. Sliding my right hand around, and it was a stretch because her ass was so lush, I touched her butt with my finger. She fucked even more aggressively and then had her orgasm. She collapsed on top of me, and I held her ass with my hands, enjoying the silky smoothness of her skin.
"You're learning a lot about your Mother, aren't you?"
"Nothing I didn't dream of learning."
She looked at me shyly. "One thing might surprise you. When I was in college, we girls liked it back there. I haven't done it since then, and I've never done it with someone as big as you, but you wanna try it? Would that be disgusting for you?"
"Hell, no! I mean, hell yes!," and I reached for the lube on the nightstand.
"Let me rest awhile, then we can try. I'm making no promises." she said. "You have to stop if I can't take it, but I'm willing to try, if you are."
After she was ready, she kind of knelt over me. "It's better if I'm on top so I can control it, OK?"
Of course it was okay, but damn. My Mom, a butt-fucker? Holy shit. This night was getting better and better.
She lubed her butt, and then we tried. It didn't work. She was just too tight.
"Maybe if you use your fingers first. That sometimes helps."
I rolled her off me and went down to eat that pussy again. I lubed my fingers, and as I sucked her pussy I gently slid first one, then two fingers into her butt. She loved it. As I slid my fingers in and out, she moaned rhythmically. After she was pretty relaxed in her butt and I could slide the two fingers in easily, she mounted me again. She squirted a huge dollop of lube on my dick, then positioned it at the entrance to her ass. Slowly lowering herself on me, the head slipped right in.
I had tried anal sex before, and liked it, but never like this. She was so smooth and tight, and the movements of her butt muscles milked me deliciously. I could feel her pushing her sphincter against me, and I felt the head of my dick pass through her anal ring of muscles. Then it slid all the way in.
She screamed. She threw her head back, and just screamed. She started raising and lowering herself on my dick while I hunched up against her. Her eyes were tightly shut and her face all clinched up. She was vocal. She moaned. She screamed. She made "Oh, oh, oh" sounds. There was no doubt in my mind that she was loving it. In practically no time I was ready to cum, and I cursed it.
"Mom, I can't hold it. I'm cumming."
"Don't hold it, Baby. Give it all to me," she moaned, and I did.
She fell down on me, and my dick came sliding out of her ass as it softened.
"Whew," she said. "I forgot how much I like that. Did you like it?"
"What do you think?"
I got up to clean myself because I didn't want to take a chance of giving her a vaginal infection if we did anything else, then got back in bed. The next thing I knew, it was morning. Mom was already up and dressed.
"You sleep alright?" she asked me as she made the coffee in the room coffee machine.
"Uh, yeah. I don't even remember falling asleep."
She laughed. "Yeah, me too. I don't know when I've slept so well. I wanted to enjoy falling asleep in your arms, but I don't remember a thing."
We spent that week in the hotel room. I won't say she was insatiable, but Mom clearly enjoyed fucking. We hardly left, except for going downstairs to eat. When I looked at Mom while we were eating, I saw a well-fucked woman. I only hoped none of her friends would see the same thing. I was careful to never do anything in public to compromise her, but my love for her had to have been obvious. On several occasions her friends would make comments like, "I wish my son loved me that much."
I started replying the same way, each time. "Oh, he does, I promise you. He's just afraid to show it. Mom has always encouraged me to love her in a special way."
Mom laughed the first time I said it, but then she got into it. "You just have to give him an incentive, you know. You have to teach him how to love you." We'd both laugh every time she said it. We knew what the incentive was. It was up to the other Moms to figure it out on their own.
Before we knew it, the week was over. Mom said she didn't want me to drive her home, but preferred taking the train again.
"I'll tell your Dad you had to get back to work. I need some time to get used to this, and I'm afraid if you're there I might say or do something to make him suspect. Is that okay?"
"Sure, Mom. I'm not sure when I can take vacation again, but we'll have some long weekends. Can I come home when I can?"
"Baby, you know you can. I'm always ready for you. You can always come for me."