Page 06

Donny drove again. I should have because I let him pick out a sundress for me to wear, without bra and panties, of course -- so much for the 'only when Dad's around' rule -- and his eyes spent much more time on my legs than on the road. However, I have to admit that I didn't arrange myself in a way that would discourage that behavior. It was juvenile of me but I found myself glancing down at him as well when his attention was on the road, checking to see if I was keeping him hard. It's been a long time since I've succeeded at something so well.

I hadn't been paying much attention to our surroundings so it came as a surprise to me when we pulled into a little cafe near our old lake place, the same one to which Don had taken Donny canoeing and had met up with Heather. Mentioning that it was a curious destination, Donny simply said he had another spot he wanted to show me, after breakfast.

Donny insisted on sitting next to me in the end booth. He wouldn't expand on his surprise other than to say that I'd find it similarly interesting to his revelation the day before. Of course, this activated all my angry and jealous feelings from the day before, exacerbated by the owner's comment about how nice it was to see us after all these years, and that she assumed we'd be joining Don who had dropped in earlier that morning.

I was beside myself. As I said, Donny wouldn't divulge any more information, but that didn't stop him from stringing me along. He was very evasive, very effective in stringing out my interrogation, for his own purposes. As I found ever more inventive ways to pull information out of him, he fondled my legs extensively below the table. My dress was pulled up outrageously high, almost on my hip on his side and, when the staff were at the other end of the cafe, his hands were very busy. He slid his hand between my legs on several occasions, an action impossible to hide to anyone near. Yet, I let him do it because I was desperate to find out more. By the time we left I was very frustrated, and quite sexually excited from Donny's caresses up and down my bare thighs, and even the odd touch on my bare pussy.

Donny insisted on opening the door for me but not to be the quintessential gentleman. No, as I sat down and began to swing my legs into the car, he leaned down and slid his hand up my skirt to grip my upper thigh, the arc between his thumb and his hand pressed into the crevice between my pussy lips. He held it there as I swung my legs all the way in, helping me with my seatbelt, ostensibly ensuring that I was buckled in tight. I was confused and angry but I allowed it.

As I continued my interrogation, Donny drove us along a road on the opposite side of the lake from our old cabin destroying my theory that he was taking me to an observation post, like he had yesterday by the golf course, but with a view of Jim and Heather's old cabin next to our old one. We wouldn't have been able to see much, anyway, from across the lake. So what was he up to?

At the crest of a small hill, Donny pulled the car off into a little depression at the side of the road. There wasn't even a view over the lake. After shutting the engine off, Donny paused, then slid his hand down to my thigh, pushing my dress between my legs, gripping my leg. Continuing the drama, he said, "Are you sure you want to see this spot, Mom?"

"Yes, of course. I'm looking forward to it," I replied. Though I thought he was being overly melodramatic, something nagged me that this wasn't all hype. As I got out of the car, a tingle shuddered through me, raising the little hairs on the back of my neck and my arms.

After he retrieved the blanket from the trunk, I followed Donny to an almost invisible, overgrown trail. As we pushed our way through the long grass and saplings, Donny explained, "I used to ride my bike here ..." he paused as he held a branch, waiting for me to grab it so it wouldn't fly back and hit me in the face "... when they went canoeing on their own." That tingle shuddered through me again.

The trail was short but heavily overgrown and clearly used only rarely, if at all. We burst into the sunshine just short steps above a grassy ledge similar to the hollow above the golf course. In the distance across the lake, over the little peninsula jutting into the lake from the south, I could just make out our old cabins. A sense of relief washed over me. So, we were just going to look at the cabins through the binoculars, as I'd thought earlier. I wasn't sure why I was suddenly relieved that I wouldn't be able to see much when just moments before I was disappointed by the same thought.

I was relaxed as Donny spread the blanket out near the edge, my only apprehension now being physical discomfort at our proximity to the edge. He assured me were absolutely safe. I guess, after all the buildup, Donny simply wanted to make out with his Mom in a spot filled with childhood memories. Well, I could let him touch me up a little. After all, he'd already got me in the mood for a little play. I lay down on my back, ready to take him in my arms.

"No, Mom. Lay on your tummy and watch the lake," he said, pulling a tube of my skin lotion from the knapsack he'd been carrying. I guess we were going to get right into it. A quick little rub. Of course, I thought, he's worked up too, and he is still a teenager, after all. He'd be done soon enough and then we could be on our way. Or better, we could lay here in the sun and reminisce about holidays past.

I nestled into the blanket, put my chin on my arms crossed in front of me, and gazed down at the lake. No sooner was I settled than Donny started tugging my zipper down.

"Donny, please," I complained.

"Mom, you saw the trail. Nobody will come, nobody can see." As it turned out, that wasn't quite true.

"OK. Have your little party, then," I gave in.

The zipper came all the way down. His hands slid up my sides to my shoulders, slipping my dress off and pulling it down over my hips which I lifted to help him remove it completely. Just as well, I thought, since I didn't have any spare clothes with me. He surprised me when he began slowly spreading the lotion all over my back and legs. I had expected him to just squirt some on my behind and start rubbing against me there. He massaged me well. I laid my head down to enjoy it.

I must have dozed off because I became aware that he was whispering to me, trying to get my attention. I was feeling quite horny. He must have been concentrating his attentions between my legs which were now parted but had been closed when I lay my head down. It felt like my entire backside was oily with lotion. He was whispering to me, urging me to look at the lake.

"They're coming." I sensed the excitement in his voice. The feeling transferred to me even before I lifted my head and saw a man and a woman approaching in a canoe, already over halfway here from the point. I really must have dozed off if he'd been trying to wake me since they first came into sight. It was Don and Heather.

Donny leaned down to put his head close beside mine. "They're coming to the beach right below us. Keep your head down until they get here," he whispered. I could feel him, bare, against my behind. He'd removed his shorts while I'd been sleeping.

I watched, mesmerized, as they paddled up to the sandy beach below us. I pulled myself forward so I could peek through the grass over the edge. Donny moved with me, his knees pressing my legs just a little wider apart. Disembarking, they unloaded a picnic basket and placed it beside the blanket they spread out on the warm sand. Heather lay face down, reaching behind to untie her top. Don pulled a bottle of wine from the basket and two glasses which he proceeded to fill. Setting one down in the sand, he reached above her head and placed the other in her outstretched hand. Hands free, he straddled her, pulled her loose top out from under her and, after she'd taken a sip of wine, began tugging her bikini bottom down. It all seemed practiced and familiar.

With Heather stripped, Don peeled off his own shirt and pushed his shorts down. He dropped his hands to trail his fingers teasingly up the inside of Heather's legs, all the way, until his hands were resting between her thighs under her bottom. I felt Donny's hands slip down into the same spot on me. He began moving his fingers in light scratching movements inside my thighs, just below my pussy. Don pulled one hand away from Heather to sip his wine as he continued to fondle her with his other hand. Donny kept working me with both of his.

Don slid his hand up over Heather's ass, resting his palm in the small of her back and stretching his fingers down to the crack in her ass. Donny followed suit but left one hand below, swinging it in to align with my pussy, pushing it down to lightly rub me there, to and fro. Don gently caressed Heather's ass for quite a while. I could tell they were chatting to each other as they sipped their wine. Don refilled their glasses, then continued to fondle Heather's ass, only this time, he lay his fingers at the top and stretched his thumb down to poke between her cheeks.

Ah! So, it was her ass! I hadn't let Don touch me there since that first time he'd tried, in such an ungentle way. This is what he wanted, what he needed. I'd only let one man touch me there, actually take me. It was in first year college when I was still a virgin. I'd met that boy from the middle east. I'd ended up alone at his place, after everyone else left the party. I was so drunk and he was so gentle, and not very big. It was what they did at home, he'd whispered as his finger pressed in, helped by something slippery he'd put on me, for birth control. I didn't want to get pregnant, did I? No, no, I'd mumbled back, his thumb now inside me, moving, as he kissed and nibbled my neck. In my drunkeness, I went along with the safe option, as if there were only the two choices. Then he pulled his thumb out. Thank god, I'd thought, at the same time missing the feel of it. Then, I felt something larger, covered in something cold and slippery, push into me. Steady, insistent. Suddenly, it slid all the way in. He started to move slowly, in, out. All the way back, but not out, then all the way in. From his preparation and my state, it didn't hurt. It didn't feel particularly great, but that changed. He began working up a nice rhythm, calmly, gently. He was well practiced at buggery, my first anal lover. Not like Don. Soon he had me grunting and moaning, begging him to continue when he stopped, to go faster when he slowed, slower when he pummeled me. I loved it.

But not when Don did it. He was too rough, too much in a hurry. I could see him he moment he pushed his thumb into her. Heather lifted her head and he grasped her hair to hold it back as he dug his thumb into her. I hoped Donny didn't think I'd let him match Don's every move, that I would let him do that. But he didn't try to grasp my hair. Instead I felt him squirt the lotion directly into the crack of my ass, raise his hand from my pussy to spread my cheeks, squirt some more in, and then he pushed it around with his thumb. He touch was so soft, I decided to let him do it for a little before stopping him. I turned my attention back to the scene below.

Don was leaning forward, clearly trying to push himself into Heather's backside. She was raising her buttocks to help him, reaching around to pull her cheeks apart. She was going to let him fuck her in the ass, on a public beach in broad daylight. I couldn't help myself, I couldn't take my eyes away. Don was pushing, but I could see he was trying to be gentle. Perhaps he'd grown up a little. He had let Heather's head fall to the blanket, but he still held it. I could see his cheeks clenching as he pushed himself against her little hole. Despite some feelings of hurt and anger, I could feel myself getting wet.

Donny's thumb was no longer sliding back and forth across my own little hole, he was circling it, round and round, dipping in ever so slightly now and again. I could see by the strain in his cheeks that Don had gained entry and was trying to push his head all the way in. I imagined that I could hear Heather moan, that I could feel her tension as she tolerated this invasion. I could almost feel Don's cock in my own ass. I did. Donny had slipped his thumb into me, all the way.

"Donny," I cried softly, not wanting to give ourselves away, "stop."

"Sshhhh, Mom They'll hear us," was his only answer as he slipped the palm of his other hand under me to massage my pussy lips. He began rocking me gently between his two hands, one drilling down, the other cupping me to push me back up. "Watch them," he urged me.

I opened my eyes -- I hadn't realized I'd closed them. Don was now working himself in and out of Heather. She had lifted her ass higher, or he'd pulled it up, to get better access. She braced herself with her elbows as he worked at her. Donny's hands pulled away to my hips where they tugged at me, lifting my own ass higher, up onto my knees. He pushed down on my back. I could feel more lotion being squirted onto my ass. I guess he was getting ready to rub himself against me, to come at last. I wiggled my ass, beckoning him, egging him on, never taking my eyes off Don rocking into Heather's ass.

Ah, there it was. I could feel my son's cock sliding against me now with his whole length until I felt his balls, then back and at me again. Don was plunging into Heather's ass now. I'm sure I could hear her now, grunting with each shove. Donny was pausing on the backstroke now to press his cockhead against my sensitive pucker. Each time before he slid it ahead, he dipped his thumb into me, sometimes quickly jacking it in three or four times. Don was standing now, knees bent, straddling Heather as he worked himself furiously in her. It looked so hot, and made me so horny.

Donny worked his thumb into me half a dozen times, and again right away instead of sliding his cock along my ass. Then I felt this delicious pressure, oh, it was so good. What was he doing? It wasn't stopping, it was growing, growing. Oh, God, he's coming in me. He's pressing in! I could see Don coming, his body tensing, then making quick jerking fucking motions on Heather's ass. Oh my God, Donny was in me. I felt like bursting. Move! I thought. Not take it out, I realized. I wanted him to move.

His cock pulled out, slowly, so slowly. Then it was on its way in again. Then OUT, and IN. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck me, I thought.

Don had collapsed next to Heather, his arm around her.

Donny pulled out. No, I thought, no!. His hands pulled my hips back then pushed me flat on the ground. My legs were pressed together and more lotion was squirted on my ass, my cheeks pressed wide open for it to pool and fall inside my widening hole. I could feel his knees beside me as me straddled my thighs, then his cock pressed against me, pausing very briefly before sliding straight in until I could feel his balls against me. He dug into me, grinding. He started a swirling, rocking, grinding motion, deep in my ass. I felt so filled, so stuffed, I thought his cock would burst out my belly, my pussy, my mouth, all at the same time. The tempo of his grinding was increasing. Oh, fuck my ass, Donny, please, fuck my ass.

His hand slipped around to grip me gently on my neck by my throat. The palm of his other hand grasped my face, his thumb sliding into my mouth. "I will Mom, I love it."

Had I said that out loud? Suddenly, he started moving fast, really fast. "Oh, oh, oh, omigod, omigod ..."

"Shhhh, Mom, shhhh." His paced slowed, but his thrusts became harder and longer. "Ugh, ugh, ugh, ungh, unghhh, unnggghhh."

"Shhhh, shhhhh." Jam, jam, jam, jam. Then really hard and fast, again. Then the slow lunges, then long slow grinds. Then his hot seed filling me. I came, shuddering, hard. I was going to be a mess, but I didn't care. Donny was laying on me with his full weight. I didn't try to see what was happening below. I no longer cared. Every once in a while Donny tensed, his semi hard cock bulging inside me, sending shivers and spasms through me.

"Oh, Mom. That was incredible. You're the best woman in the world."

"Thanks," I replied, lamely. He kissed me.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, son." I pushed my ass back at him, clenching, gripping his softening cock.

"If you do that I'll need you again," he laughed.

"Braggart," I laughed back at him, bumping my ass back again several times.

The last time, his cock slid fully back into me, hardening again. Stunned, I gasped out loud.

"What was that?" he laughed, thrusting himself into me several times.

"Unnhhhhh ... I can't ... uh, uh, unhh ... believe it," I cried, gasping to his thrusts, which continued to increase in frequency and intensity. Unbelievable. I thought he would stop after a few playful thrusts but he was now clearly intent on fucking me again. And, spent as I was, I still wanted him to. Soon, he was hammering into me, and I was moaning and grunting wildly. It didn't last long this time. His seed spurt into me once again, and again I came as soon as I felt his hot stream.

I didn't stay still long this time. I wanted to leave, partly afraid that he'd take me again if we lingered. We dressed quickly and ran to the car.

On the way home, Donny kept looking at me with a big smile on his face.

"Pretty proud of yourself, aren't you?"

"It's not that. I can't help looking at you, you're so beautiful."

"Yeah, right."

"No, really. Your face is so alive, your skin is glowing."

I could see he was completely sincere. "Oh, that's so sweet, honey." I slid over to sit next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me, not on my breast or anything, pulling me closer.

"I can hardly wait to get you alone again, to hold you close. I want to pull you right inside of me."

I pulled myself even tighter to him. How can a woman not love that, I thought. I wanted to be alone with him too.

"Did you hear them?" Don asked Heather as they packed their stuff in the canoe.

"What?" Heather queried.

"That couple. Someone was fucking in the bushes." He turned in the canoe as they paddled away, looking back, seeing nothing, certainly no place people could have been close enough for them to hear. "I swore I could hear a woman really getting it," he said.

"Oh, really. Was it an echo?" Heather giggled.

"Maybe," Don replied, proudly.

Perverts, Martha Johnson, thought. All four of them. She recognized the woman and the man. They used to live across the lake, but she knew they weren't married to each other. And that other woman, she should be ashamed of herself. Why, the man she was with was young enough to be her son!

"Perverts," she muttered again, as she disconnected the telephoto lens from the camera she kept mounted on the tripod by the corner windows.

Paula awoke suddenly, in the car, her head in Donny's lap as they drove down the highway. She must have fallen asleep. Well, no wonder, she thought. She'd had more exercise today than she'd had in years. That brought a smile to her lips. She was going to be sore tomorrow, that's for sure. No treats like that for Donny for awhile. She smiled to herself as she realized that she hadn't thought 'never again'.

She could feel Donny. Her ear was lying right on his bulge. And it was bulging. Was he always partly hard, she wondered? She didn't let on that she was awake, but she moved her head a little as if reacting to a dream. She could feel Donny harden underneath her. I guess I really do it for him, she thought, if I can make him hard so easily. She thought back to the beginning, just weeks ago, when he'd first laid his head on her nipple, how he'd played with it while pretending not to know what he was doing. She moved her head again, causing the expected response. Well, she smiled to herself. What should the cat do now?​
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