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Cameron Pierce and Sai Amin met at a high school technology conference in New York and although Sai lived in India and Cameron the United States, their friendship thrived. When Sai told Cameron about an internship in Noida, India's information technology center, Cameron applied. Cameron told everyone it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, which it was, but he had another reason: Cameron was sick of his family.

Cameron's father Russ worked constantly. His mother Christine, a still stunning former beauty queen, made no effort to hide her preference for Julie, Cameron's sister, endlessly praising her and siding with her in every dispute. Julie was a complete pain in the ass. She'd always been pretty, Cameron couldn't recall a time when people didn't comment on it, and only grew prettier. As long as he could remember Cameron had been pestered by guys he didn't know, guys he didn't like, guys who otherwise treated him like dirt, about Julie. They'd corner him at school or show up at the house, trying to use Cameron to make time with Julie.

At 18 Julie was the platonic form of a California beach blonde: five feet ten inches tall, 135 pounds, long wavy naturally blonde hair, round face with sky blue crystalline eyes, full lips, slim waist, wide hips, round C breasts.

The endless attention and adulation had had their effect on Julie; it was not good. Self-centered, bitchy, conceited, and, manipulative, when Julie noticed Cameron at all, she treated him like a servant.

Then it got worse. Six months before Cameron had conceded to a former friend, after much badgering, that yeah, his sister was pretty. The ex-friend, in an (unsuccessful) attempt to curry her favor, told Julie, who then treated any flickering gaze, real or imagined, from Cameron as an excuse to complain to their Mom about her pervert of a brother "checking her out."

Yeah, he was sick of his family.
* * * *​

Noida was everything Cameron dreamed and Sai's family generous, large, and gregarious, feted Cameron like royalty. There was, however, one odd thing. At the frequent family gatherings an old man, doted on by two or three ravishing young women, was present, but the family barely interactrf with him. When Cameron asked about him, he was dismissed as a harmless kook who clung to the old ways.

One day, while out walking, Cameron came upon the old man returning from the market with two of his women. Recognizing Cameron, he invited him to accompany them.

"Our young American visitor, are you enjoying your time in our country?"

"Very much sir."

Cameron found he enjoyed talking to the old man. Cameron had assumed he was borderline senile, but he was bright, alert, and his English – one of seven languages he spoke – impeccable. His name was Maadhav Mattu, but was called Uncle by most everyone who knew him. He asked Cameron to so address him.

Cameron learned that Maadhav already knew much about him. When they arrived at Maadhav's home, which was larger and more ornate than Cameron would have guessed from the man's humble appearance, Cameron was invited to stay for dinner. The food was delicious and the women serving them anticipated their every need. When done Maadhav led Cameron to the courtyard; two cups of hot tea were waiting.

"My family leads you to believe I'm a crazy old man, do they not?"

The answers was yes, but Cameron said, "They speak of you with great respect."

The old man laughed, aware of the lie.

"That is wise of you. Never insult an old man without an excellent reason."

A woman refilled their tea.

Gesturing to the house and woman, the old man said, "Do you wish to know how I have achieved all this?"

"Yes Uncle."

"In your country you call it hypnosis."

Hypnosis, if it existed at all, which Cameron questioned, was a silly game used to make people cluck like a chicken as a passing amusement. Doubt flashed across his face.

Maadhav said, "I see you do not believe. In your country hypnosis is a parlor trick, used to make people do silly things so other people can laugh. No dignity. Properly done, hypnosis re-conditions the mind. Would you like me to teach you?"

Cameron didn't believe, but he liked the old man and could think of few things more pleasant than coming to his home, being cared for by his women, and a meal like the one he just ate.


Cameron discovered he was wrong. Hypnosis was real. He was also a natural at it.
* * * *​

Cameron was picked up at the airport by his Mom, Julie, and Robin.

Robin, Julie's best friend, if not quite the arrogant bitch his sister was, was not far behind. If Julie was a California beach babe, Robin was majestic, regal. Smooth, near-black skin, hair cut short, high broad cheekbones, full crimson lips, straight well sized-nose, strong jaw, and slightly tilted intelligent brown eyes, Robin walked into every room like she owned it. It was something of an act, like any high school girl she had her insecurities, but she hid them well and she and Julie sat atop the social heap of their high school, feared more than liked. Robin's parents were divorced and her father a prominent and endlessly busy surgeon; Robin spent so much time at Julie's house she was practically a member of the family.

His sister had not changed.

"Welcome back nerd."

Neither had Robin.

"Yeah, hey nerd."

Cameron did not bite. "Julie, Robin, its good to see you again."

"Brother, while honesty compels me to acknowledge that it is always a treat to cast ome's eyes upon Robin and I – we should charge – but when your brother does it? I fear you're still a pervert."

Julie and Robin laughed, Christine said, "Julie, be nice to your brother," then added, "Cameron, when I told Julie and Robin I was picking you up at the airport, they asked to ride along, they wanted to stop at Town Center and shop. It shouldn't be more than a couple of hours. You don't mind, do you?"

Of course Cameron minded. After his long flight he had no desire to spend several hours at a shopping center with nothing to do.

"No, that would be fine."

Julie, disappointed she hadn't gotten a rise out of Cameron, dug in again. "A big old box of something arrived yesterday, sent by a weird name. Mad Dog Matthews or something."

"Maadhav Mattu," Cameron said, "he was a member of the family I stayed with."

Julie said, "Thanks for the correction dork-o. I figured it was a present for me so I opened it up and gross, it was a bunch of dead weeds. I tossed it in your room. Oh, by the way, while you were gone you and I switched rooms; I moved into yours, put your stuff in mine. I mean, yours was bigger and nicer and you were off on your nerd-venture."

Christine said, "Oh yes dear, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."

Cameron said, "I understand Mom, you have a lot on your mind," then turned to his sister, "It's tea."

Robin said. "Is it that gross Indian tea? The kind that's not in a tea bag, but you put in the bottom of the cup and it just floats around and gets between your teeth. Yuck."

Unoffended, Cameron said, "Yes Robin, I guess its an acquired taste."

The conversation in the car turned to the high school prom. Julie and Robin were to bee its queens and Christine, who had been prom queen herself, joined in, the three women gossiped giggled reminisced. Cameron, tired from his flight, closed his eyes, half-listening to the women, wondering when, or if, any of them would recall he turned eighteen the night of the prom.

At home Cameron toted his luggage up to his new room. Julie, Robin, and whoever their boyfriends-du-jour had been at the time hadn't really moved his stuff into the room, scattered would be more accurate. His trophy for winning the state science fair, along with several other things, were broken. The tea, however, was intact. Used in hypnosis, it was a relexant, it helped open the mind. When he left India Cameron was still debating whether he would use it on his family; now he knew he would. All would be well.
* * * *​

Cameron bided his time. Then, three weeks after he returned home, his mother walked in holding an empty Starbucks cup, complaining for the second time that week that she was addicted to the White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino and that they kept her from losing those last five pounds.

Cameron looked up from his computer.

"Mom, I might be able to help with that."


"In India, I met this man. He taught me some, I'm not sure what to call it, relaxation techniques, power of suggestion, hypnotism. It might help you say no to the Frappuccinos."

Julie, who had been half-listening while texting Robin, pounced. "Yeah right, my brother the hypnotist, master of the mystical, Dr. Very-Strange, making Mom quack like a duck."

Christine, however, was interested, she really wanted to lose that weight.

"Why didn't you mention it earlier?"

Nodding at his sister, Cameron said, "I wasn't looking forward to the abuse."

Julie smiled triumphantly.

"Will it work?"

"Can't be sure. We'd try a limited suggestion first, like giving it up for a day, see how it goes."

"Mom, I can't believe you're taking this dweeb seriously. Are you going to let King Dork-O in your head? He might nerd-ize you, turn you into one of them, zombie-fy you."

"Julie, be nice to your brother."

Cameron said, "Julie, if you're concerned you and Robin can sit in, keep an eye on things. If I try to make Mom quack like a duck you can wrestle me to the ground."

"So that's what this is all about? Mom, it's all a plan to wrestle me. What a perv!"
* * * *​

They gathered in the living room. Christine sat in her favorite, most comfortable, chair, Julie and Robin on a couch facing her from across the room. Electronic devices were turned off. All four drank Cameron's tea, although Julie and Robin consented only after much fussing and Cameron agreeing to strain the leaves from their cups.

Cameron said, "Before we start, there is one think I'd ask. If this works, please don't tell anyone. We can talk about it among ourselves, but I don't want the kids in school lining up for help to kick their least favorite habit."

Julie and Robin, who definitely did not want anyone to know they were participating in this experiment with nerd-boy, readily agreed.
* * * *​

Cameron sat in front of his mother and instructed her to place her hands, palm down, on one of his hands. After she did so he said, "Look at my eyes, continue looking. I will count to three. When I do press down on my hand; I'll press up against yours. Don't think, just do.

"One..., two..., three.... Push, push, push, a little harder."

As she did Cameron placed his free hand over Christine's eyes, as if shading them from the sun, then gradually moved his hand down. Christine's eyes, following its progress, drifted shut; Cameron walked her through the initial phase of the hypnosis, inducing a state of relaxation, taking her to a safe place, by a brook, perfect temperature and humidity, the sounds of birds and running water, the smell of the forest.

His voice, synchronized to his mother's breathing, was slow, low, soothing.

He added details to his story, had her relax each body part, any lingering tension evaporated.

"You feel a heavy irresistible relaxation, growing stronger, you cannot say no to it, you don't want to say no it. It's inevitable, you are sinking down, shutting down; sinking down, shutting down; sinking down, shutting down. It's wonderful, surrendering completely; the deeper you go, the deeper you want to go.

"You are resting comfortably in a deep, serene state, your body feels good, your mind is peaceful, you are secure and happy.

"Tomorrow, when you feel an urge to stop at Starbucks you will recall, relive this feeling, remember how good it was, let it fill you up; then you'll find it easy to say no. You'll know you'll succeed, that its impossible to fail, that its just the beginning of so many wonderful changes in your life."

Cameron looked over his shoulder; Julie and Robin's heads were lolled forward. Although not as deep, they were, like his mother, in a hypnotic state feeling a halcyon joy. There was some chance that when they awoke they'd object, wondering what had happened to them, but Cameron discounted that. They's never admit to being accidentally hypnotized by nerd-boy.

"I am going to count from one to five. At the count of five you will be wide awake. You will feel wonderful."

At five all three women lifted their heads, blinked, reoriented themselves. They felt a deep contentment and listened to Cameron relate what he'd done, answer a few questions, and arranged for them to meet the following day so Christine could report on what happened.

Julie and Robin felt so good that it took them two hours to start insulting Cameron again.
* * * *​

The next day Christine, bubbling with excitement, sat down with Cameron, Julie, and Robin.

"It happened just like Cameron said it would. I was driving by the Starbucks, the one I always stop at, started angling over, like I was on auto-pilot, and those feelings I had yesterday, that happy peaceful joy filled me, it was easy to say no, I kept driving."

"Beginners luck," Julie smarted off.

Robin laughed.

Christine said, "Julie be nice to your brother," and turned to Cameron, "Can we do it again?"

"Let's make sure Julie's not right. It did what it was supposed to do, but let's take a day off and make sure if didn't do something it wasn't supposed to, that there were no unintended consequences."

Christine was disappointed, but what Cameron said made sense; it was best to play it safe.

And although she'd never admit it, Julie, recalling how good she felt during the hypnosis, sorta regretted the delay, but still a chance to insult her brother could not be missed.

"What Nerd-O is saying Mom is that there is still a better than even chance you'll start clucking like a chicken.

"Julie be nice to ...."

But Julie and Robin had already skipped out of the room.
* * * *​

Christine arrived home the next day, Starbuck's cup in hand.

"There were no unintended consequences, I didn't start clucking. Instead, it was the same old thing; I stopped, bought coffee, slurped it down. Cammie, can we do it again?"
* * * *​

Christine asked about a multi-day treatment as Cameron passed around the tea. He hesitated, said they should be cautious, for now one day at a time was best. Cam eron walked his mother through the relaxation process; she slipped under faster than the day before. Cameron glanced over his shoulder. Julie and Robin's heads had rolled forward, their eyes closed.

"Tomorrow, when you feel the urge to stop you'll hear my voice suggesting you don't. When you hear it you'll feel as you do now, peaceful serene; when you follow my suggestion, those wonderful feelings will grow. You know you'll succeed, that it will be impossible for you to fail. There will be exciting and wonderful changes in your life."

Focused on how good they felt, the ladies failed to notice the change in Cameron's instructions. Yesterday he'd told his mother she'd find it easy to say no, today he told her she'd hear his voice in her head and follow his suggestion.
* * * *​

On Wednesday Christine came home, excited; she'd approached the Starbucks, felt that same urge, then heard Cameron's voice. It had been easy to drive on by. She asked to be hypnotized again, but Cameron, citing caution, suggested they take a day off.

On Thursday Christine arrived home, Starbucks cup in hand. Cameron agreed to hypnotize her and make the instruction last two days, Friday and Saturday. Cameron passed out the tea and soon all three women were in a state of deep relaxation.

Then there was another change to his message.

"The next two days, when you feel a desire to stop at Starbucks, you'll hear my voice telling you no. You will comply with my voice, obey its instructions; it will be easy, it will be natural, it will make those wonderful feelings in you stronger, complete. You'll know you'll succeed, that it will be impossible for you to fail."

He walked his mother out of her trance, Julie and Robin following along. All three women stretched, felt fantastic. No one noticed the change in Cameron''s message. Julie did not insult her brother the rest of the evening.

On Friday Christine came home celebrating, telling Cameron, Julie, and Robin how she'd driven right by the Starbucks.
* * * *​

That night Julie and Robin went out with their boyfriends, partied hard, ate too much, drank way too much. At noon on Saturday Julie, still in bed, heard her phone buzz. She grabbed it, dropped it on the floor, picked it up, called up the message, but her eyes were too blurry to read it. She staggered to the bathroom, washed her face, took a pee, returned.

The message was from Robin: "U up"

Julie: "Yeah"

Robin: "Feel like shit"

Julie: "Yeah"

Robin: "Got on scale, gained 5 pounds, need to lose 10 before prom. Fuck"

Julie felt bloated.

Julie: "Im afraid to look"

Robin: "Need to go on diet, hit gym. Fuck"

Julie: "Yeah"

Robin: "How bout your brother"

Julie: "WTF"

Robin: "Hypnotize us. Like your Mom"

Julie: "Im not letting that douche bag in my head, no fuckin way"

Robin: "He aint that bad, better since getting back."

Julie paused; she had to admit Robin was right, her brother was growing on her, but she had a reputation to maintain

Julie: "Well, not as dorky, but still dorky"

Robin: "C-ya"
* * * *​

That afternoon, by the pool, Robin worked on her friend, trying to convince her to let Cameron hypnotize them. The health club had scheduled a Women's Work Out the following day and while Robin and Julie had attended them before, they invariably wimped out by lunch. Maybe with Cameron's help they could go all day long.

"It be a great way to lose some weight."

Subjected to Robin's supplications Julie's resolve began to fade. It would be a one-time thing, she did want to lose a few pounds, and although she'd never admit it, when Cameron had hypnotized their mother Julie felt good inside; the sensation was quite pleasurable.

That's when Christine got home, celebrating how easy it had been, for the second day in a row, to say no to the Frappuccino.

"I heard Cameron's voice, all those wonderful feelings filled me up."

Robin suggested that Christine join them at the gym and the two women ganged up on Julie who, after playing hard to get and making her mother beg, agreed. The three of them headed for Cameron's room and Robin, tasked with asking, said, "Tomorrow's a Women's Work Out day at the gym. Julie and I are trying to slim up for the prom. Your Mom wants to join us. We were wondering, maybe your hypnosis could give us a boost, help us through the day."

Cameron turned to his sister. "You sure?"

"Well, Robin asked if I'd let you try your mumbo-jumbo on us. I think it's crap, but she's my best pal, so I told her sure, for her I'd do it."

"Julie be nice to your...."

Cameron said, "It's okay Mom," then, not wanting too seem to eager, said with some doubt in his voice, "I think I can help, but we'll need to change the commands."

Christine said, "What do you mean?"

"Well up til now we've worked with impulse control, my suggestion only had to last the few seconds it took you to drive by the Starbucks. Now it will need to reinforce behavior over several hours. It will be a deeper, more profound experience."

What Julie heard was her brother making an excuse, either because he couldn't do it or to piss her off, maybe both. She said, "Can you do it or not?"
* * * *​

Cameron prepared the tea, again straining Robin and Julie's. After they'd finished he walked from one to the other, employing a more powerful relaxation technique. His mother slipped quickly and deeply into a trance, her several exposures to hypnosis had left her open and susceptible. With Julie and Robin he had to work a little longer, a little harder, but getting there was only a matter of time.​
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