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In this deep state of relaxation their conscious minds were peeled back, their subconscious wide open. Later, if they'd been asked to recall Cameron's exact words, they could have, but only after a struggle. What they clearly remembered was a feeling of happy calm serenity.
He addressed each woman individually, but made sure the others could hear; it would reinforce the message.
"You're feeling wonderful, relaxed, joyful. My voice fills your up, occupying all your thoughts, every crevice of your mind and soul. Tomorrow, when you go to the gym, you'll feel vigorous, strong, alive; you'll do all the exercises, all day long. That will please me. Whenever you start to feel like you can't continue, you'll hear my voice, telling you to work harder, not to quit. You will obey, it's natural to obey, to comply with my wishes; obedience, compliance, they please me, they make those perfect feelings inside you stronger. You know that with my help you'll succeed, it will be impossible to fail, that there will be many wonderful changes in your life."
Cameron walked them out of their trance. The women stretched, rolled their heads, soon they were chatting away. Julie thought maybe, just maybe, she'd been too hard on her brother, he was better since getting back from his trip. After a couple of hours Julie and Robin thanked Cameron and left to prepare for their dates.
* * * *
That night, as he dressed for a party, Cameron's dad complained to Christine that work was an ever-increasing struggle, that he no longer had the stamina and concentration he once did. Julie listened politely, but her mind was on Cameron, it would have been fun to do something with him tonight.
Cameron stayed up late exchanging e-mails with Maadhav.
* * * *
Christine, up early the next morning, stuck her head in to wake Julie who was already awake and texting Robin.
Cameron was in the kitchen, eating oatmeal. Maadhav had recommended a test to see if the hypnosis was seeping into Christine's unconscious. Cameron had just the thing: a suggestion his mother, a week before, would not only have ignored, but wouldn't have heard, but something small enough not to catch anyone's attention.
Christine, in her work-out clothes, entered the kitchen and kissed her son atop the head.
"Good morning Cammie."
"Hey Mom, you're wearing the red oufit."
"Yes son, what do you think?"
"I prefer the blue."
"Really, I'll change." And that she did.
* * * *
The ladies got back from the gym exhausted and happy. None of them, even Christine during her beauty pageant days, had pushed themselves this hard for this long. Each of them had a suggestion for more hypnosis, but Cameron insisted they take a day off, just to make sure. When Christine got home the next night, sans Starbucks, she said when she approached the store, even without the hypnosis, she heard Cameron's voice in her head telling her to keep going, then it had been easy to do. Cameron, poker-faced, smiled inside; there could be no doubt that his will has colonized her mind.
He hypnotized the three of them twice more that week. On Tuesday he instructed them to eat right:
"You feel wonderful relaxed joyful. My voice fills your mind, occupies all your thoughts. Listen to it, for it expresses my desire, my will; a desire and will you long to serve and obey. It pleases me when you obey and you love pleasing me, it's the most important thing. Tomorrow you will eat only the food on your diet. It won't be hard; it's easy and natural to obey. You know when you obey it is impossible to fail."
On Thursday Julie and Robin, realizing what a bother they'd been about the tea, asked Cameron to prepare theirs exactly the way he drank his. He instructed them to eat right and exercise hard:
"You're feeling wonderful relaxed joyful. My voice fills your mind and soul. Tomorrow, through the weekend, you shall eat only the food on your diet; you shall go to the gym, work hard, hone your body. That is what I want and you love doing what I want; you love pleasing me, obeying me; when you do gratifying joyful sensual feelings fill you. When you obey, you succeed, it's impossible to fail."
Even if they had tried the ladies could no longer recall his instructions; instead the words lodged directly in their subconscious. What they remembered was the pleasure, the joy they felt when they surrendered control to Cameron and how, when they did what they were told, those same feelings welled back up in them.
At home Cameron's opinion was solicited for any decision: what to eat, what to wear, what to watch. At school Julie and Robin would drift away from their regular crowd to hang with Cammie. It wasn't cool, but it was fun. And Robin, showering before her Friday night date, caught her clit between two fingers and, knowing she really shouldn't (it was Cameron after all, Julie's baby brother) imagined taking him in her mouth – how big was he? – and brought herself off. Julie, on the other hand, cupped her mound with her hand before saner thoughts prevailed; who was the pervert now? Still, the prom would be a lot more fun if Cameron came.
* * * *
That night Julie and Robin were with their boyfriends at Robin's house – her father was out of town. They drank some wine, listened to some tunes, then the two couples split up to
make out. The girls, however, just couldn't get into it and when Julie saw Robin, topless, heading down the hall, she excused herself and followed her best friend.
It took but a glance for Julie to see Robin was as bored as she.
"It's not working for you tonight either?"
"No, I'm not sure what's going on."
"Yeah, I know what you mean."
"How 'bout we just suck them off. As much beer as they had, that should render them unconscious."
"Great idea."
Forty-five minutes later Julie and Robin were snuggled together, each other's pussy juice smeared on their lips and chin, their boyfriends inert, snoring down the hall. Julie's head was on her best friend's shoulder, who played with Julie's golden hair. Julie, feeling comfortable, decided to share a thought, something if she'd suggested it a few weeks ago Robin would have gagged, but things had changed.
"We need to get my brother a date to the prom. I mean it's his birthday and everything and it will be a lot more fun with him there."
Julie — she half-expected her friend to make fun of her – was surprised when Robin said, "Y'know, I've been thinking the same thing and," gesturing down the hall, "after tonight I'm thinking about me."
The next morning, wearing some of their skimpiest work-out clothes, Julie and Robin asked Cameron whether he wanted to go to the prom with them. Julie, after hearing Robin's confession, was ready to dump her own date. Why should Robin have all the fun? Cameron thanked the ladies, but said he'd made plans for that night which, for now, were a secret.
"And in any case, you told your boyfriends you'd go with them; I expect you to keep your commitment and be fun dates."
Playfully saluting, they said, "Yes sir." Both felt a delicious spark between their legs.
* * * *
Christine, Julie and Robin returned from the gym beaming. All three had gotten on the scale; all three were well on the way to their weight loss goal. When they saw Cameron in the pool swimming laps they rushed outside to tell him, effusive with praise and thanks.
"I appreciate it ladies, glad I could help. Why don't you join me in the pool and show off all this good work I'm responsible for."
The women hurried upstairs, picked out Julie's most revealing bikinis (Christine's were far too conservative), fixed their hair and make-up, hurried back down. Cameron, treading water, studied them. They were beautiful.
"You all look great. From now on let's celebrate your progress. Around the house, around me, wear clothes that show off all your hard work."
The ladies, imagining themselves in their hottest outfits, squealed in delight.
* * * *
Russ got home from the office around 5:00 P.M., made himself a drink, and found his wife, daughter, and her best friend hanging by the pool in micro-bikinis chatting with his son. Christine said, "Hey honey, I picked up some veal. It's Cameron's favorite. We're going to grill tonight. You want to do the honors."
* * * *
When it came to home-life work-obsessed Russ was not the most observant of men, but even he couldn't miss the changes. His daughter's ceaseless barrage of insults at Cameron had ended. She and Robin, who seemed to live there, pranced around in bikinis, sheer tight tops, and tiny cut offs; bras had become optional. His wife, on the other hand, was always dressed up; her clothes were classy, but also sexy and revealing, and she always wore heels. At night, when she'd undress, he noticed she was in stockings and garters and often, when she crossed her legs, even when Cameron was present, she displayed a glimpse of both. He knew the ladies had all been hitting the gym and eating better and understood them wanting to show off, but it seemed a bit much.
That night, in bed, he said to his wife, "Honey, when did Julie start being nice to Cameron."
Christine's response, bound by her promise to keep the hypnotism a secret, was carefully constructed.
"Julie wanted to lose weight for the prom, but was having no luck. Cameron started to help her, encourage her. It worked so well that Robin and I signed on. We're all eating better, working out, feel great. Cammie's been there for us and I guess Julie, and all of us, have developed a new respect for him."
Russ continued, "I've also noticed, it's hard not to, everyone's dressing...."
Russ stopped, not sure how to finish. Where was the line? Should he have noticed his daughter's best friend was bra-less?
Christine finished it for him. "Yeah, we've all been dressing up, showing off. Is it too much?"
Russ couldn't tell what she was thinking. Best to play it safe.
"No dear, you all look great."
Christine said, "Thanks honey," and changed the subject, "How's work?"
Russ, happy to have something else to talk about, returned to his old refrain, he was working harder and harder, but getting less and less accomplished. "I don't have the focus, the stamina, the concentration I used to."
As he talked Christine wondered, maybe Cameron could help, but Russ would likely resist anything so kooky as hypnotism. Best to soften him up first. She palmed his penis, got it hard, took it into her mouth, swallowed his cum, wondering whether Cameron had ever had his dick sucked?
* * * *
Christine, who was fixing Cameron's favorite breakfast, kissed her husband good-bye. As the garage door closed, Julie and Robin's heads peered around the corner of the stair case.
"All clear?"
Wearing black silk camisoles that showed plenty of cleavage they came down the stairs. Christine, who had carefully applied her make-up and combed her hair, took off her robe. She was in her shortest nightie. The women hugged.
"Morning girls. Last night I was thinking, Russ is always complaining about work. Maybe Cameron could hypnotize him, help him like he's helped us."
"You didn't tell your husband about the hypnosis did you Ms. Pierce? Cameron told us not to."
Christine laughed reassuringly. "Of course not; we must always obey Cammie. He would be unhappy if we didn't. But I was thinking about asking him. What do you think?"
Julie, who did love her father, imagined him feeling as good as she did.
"I think it's a great idea Mom."
* * * *
Christine, her erect nipples outlined in her nightie and carrying a breakfast tray, knocked on Cameron's bedroom door. As he ate she explained her husband's concerns about work.
"I was thinking Cammie, if you could hypnotize him, help him like you've helped us. You could explain it to him, I could vouch for how well it works. What do you think?"
"It's a great idea Mom, I'll talk to him tonight."
* * * *
Normally Russ, a careful conservative man, would have looked askance at the idea of being hypnotized, but that afternoon he'd come close to losing his biggest account. At his wife's urging he was sitting in the living room, sipping from a cup of tea.
Cameron would hypnotize his father every day that week; he no longer needed to suggest taking days off to maintain credibility. His instructions were straightforward and simple: all Russ' focus, strength, and vigor would be devoted to work. There he would be full of energy and pep. He was not to worry about his home and family. At home Cameron would be in charge, there Russ' sole desire was to obey and serve.
When Christine, Julie, and Robin found out Cameron would be hypnotizing his father daily, they clamored for the same treatment and Cameron agreed. They loved being hypnotized; they loved the way it felt, loved the results. When hypnotized they were relaxed, felt wonderful, sexy. When they obeyed they felt even better.
By now Cameron's words completely bypassed their conscious minds, burrowing into their subconscious, which indefatigably remolded their conscious selves in accord with his instructions.
* * * *
At the end of the week Cameron was ready to fully merge Christine, Julie, and Robin's hypnotized and un-hypnotized states. Wearing matching teddys, their full plump breasts outlined in the silky fabric, they followed him to the living room; he quickly put them under, an elaborate prologue no longer necessary. He talked to each individually, but made sure all three could hear.
"Your purpose is to please me, obey me, serve me, to anticipate and satisfy all my needs and desires. My will is strong, yours is weak; your happiness comes from submitting to me; it is your natural state, it fills you with perfect contentment. You have surrendered your mind, your soul, your body; they belong to me, you shall care for them as my property. You are happy, joyful, with the changes I've brought to your life."
Cameron brought them back to consciousness, led them to the den where his father was watching television.
"I know you've all asking what I want for my birthday. Mom and I will go into the city for dinner and some dancing, we'll spend the night there."
* * * *
It was the night of the prom. Cameron was sitting on the living room couch, Julie and Robin modeling the lingerie they'd be wearing to the prom, making a final good-natured attempt to talk Cameron into being their date that evening.
Russ, who'd been waxing the car, walked in.
Cameron said, "Car done?"
"Yes son."
"Good, go check on Mom."
"Yes son."
* * * *
In the master bedroom Christie was sitting at her vanity, applying lipstick. She saw her husband open the door in the mirror, smacked her full red lips together, stood to face him.
Christine, Russ thought, had never been more beautiful. She wore her lustrous near-black hair up; her pearl earrings were understated; her nails manicured and painted a rich sexy red; her make-up a little heavier than usual, perfect for an evening on the dance floor. She wore five inch Italian leather pumps, a black lacy bra, garters, stockings, and tiny black silk panties. Her careful attention to her diet and time in the gym had paid off. Absent a slight droop in her breasts, she'd reclaimed the body of her days as a beauty queen. Her musculature, in fact, was better than ever and while she'd always had a certain sexual energy, now she smoldered.
"Cameron sent me to check on you."
"Perfect timing. You can give me a hand."
She picked up the little black dress from the bed and squirmed into it, putting on a show for her husband, who stared appreciatively. She turned her back to him.
"Zip me up."
When done Christine turned and kissed her husband's cheek.
"Thank you. I hope this is the night; the night he takes me as his lover."
"I don't see how a man could resist you."
Lifting the hem of her dress, she pulled open her panties, revealing newly-waxed pubes. "I hope so. Do you think he'll like? Won't Julie and Robin be jealous if I'm the first?"
She lowered the hem. Russ made a few small adjustments to her dress and said, "That they will, they're down there right now making a last minute pitch that he let them dump their dates and take him to the prom."
Christine, picturing it in her mind, smiled. "I do need to thank you dear."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, not many husbands would willingly turn their wives over to their sons."
Russ laughed. "Don't give me too much credit. I've never been happier since I realized Cameron should control the household and everything in it."
* * * *
Dinner had been wonderful and Christine and her son were dancing; it was an old-fashioned place where the music was slow and you held the woman close. Christine was surprised by Cameron's grace – she didn't know dancing was a favorite activity of Sai's family – and she molded her body to his. When the band took a break she followed Cameron to a quiet corner and, for the first time, they kissed; she pushed her tongue inside his mouth, visiting the spots she'd been dreaming about.
Cameron moved his mouth to her ear. "Perhaps mother, we should return to the hotel."
On the elevator she kissed her son again and again; her spirits soared; finally it would happen, she'd give her body to her son, let him possess it, use it to bring him pleasure. She ended the kiss but her tongue stayed busy, nuzzling and licking his throat. She undid two shirt buttons, kissed his chest, pressed her face to it, undid another button, drew circles around his nipples with the tip of her tongue. Her hands slipped lower, caressing the bulge in his pants.
The elevator stopped, the door opened. After a glance confirmed the hall was empty, she palmed his crotch, dropped to her haunches, blocking the elevator's electric eye to keep it's doors open.
"Does my beautiful son have something for his mother?"
Christine undid his belt, unsnapped his pants, tugged. When they stubbornly stayed in place she took a tighter grip and pulled them to his knees. His cock sprang free, slapping Christine on the cheek.
"Oh Cammie, its beautiful."
She wrapped her fingers around it, cooed, slipped it between her lips, sucked on it, licked it, moved forward; it reached the back of her mouth. She looked up, letting her son see his mother with her face full of his thick meat, then moved back until only the cock-head was between her lips; she lashed it with slavish devotion. Before she could slide her face back over him the elevator buzzed; the door had been open too long. Cameron signaled for her to stand and Christine, taking hold of her son's arm, pressed her body to his, flattening her breasts on his side. Flushed, full of blood, nipples tight, Christine feared they might explode.
"Julie, Robin, they're going to be so jealous that I was first."
"Motherhood has its prerogatives."
Once inside their room she stroked his penis, delighting in the heat emanating from it, brought her mouth to his ear and in a voice throaty and full of need said, "What can your mother do for you?"
"She can suck my cock."
Christine knew how to suck cock, she had not managed to become a beauty queen without drinking a few judges' cum. She kissed her son, then slid her body down his, wrapped her lips around his shaft, licked, sucked, slurped, took it deep into her mouth. Her lips applied just the right amount of pressure; her tongue swirled around the cock-head; her brilliant blue eyes never left his face, monitoring his reactions. She stretched her jaw, took more of him into her mouth, then, her lips compressed on his skin, her tongue dragging along its underside, she rocked back and he slipped from her mouth. She licked the tip of his penis, then rolled it against her face.
"Nice cock, son."
Cradling his scrotum with her hand, she gently sucked on each of his balls, holding it on the flat of her tongue, then kissed the cock-head, licked her lips, and took him back into her mouth. Cameron moaned as she slid her face over him, inch by delicious inch, until the crown entered her throat and her sweet soft lips pressed reached his testicles.