Page 02

"No," said Margie. "There is no coercion, sister. You are free to go."

Eyeing the women warily, Sam left the greenhouse. One of the women started to speak, but Margie simply raised a restraining hand, which silenced her.

Sam's first thought was to tell Jack. This was the plant they had been looking for! Her hand closed on her comm unit.

And yet... it had felt so good. So incredibly good. Sam had never had an orgasm that intense, that powerful. The allure of it, the need to experience more of it, tore at her. She found herself activating the comm. "Connect me to Colonel Jack Sullivan," she said.

In moments, Jack was on the line. "So, did you find a flower for your hubby?" his holoimage said.

Sam nodded wordlessly.

Jack looked at her oddly. "Did you find anything else there? Anything we should know about?"

Sam thought about the plant. She thought about how it wanted to take over the world, to end the human reproductive cycle.

But she also realized how much she had enjoyed her orgasm. She would tell Jack about it, but first she had to experience it again. Just one more time. She couldn't live with herself if she didn't feel it one more time.

She shook her head. "Everything is fine. Where are you?"

The next day, while they were looking at other greenhouses, Sam slipped away during lunch, telling Jack she wanted to do some shopping. She immediately returned to the garden center and stood in front of one of the Saskatchewan Wild Moss Plants, immediately mesmerized.

"Ah, you're back," said Margie, smiling. "I knew you would return. Would you like to... explore the plant again?"

Sam nodded, too embarrassed to say it. Margie took her into another greenhouse, which had been turned into an orgyhouse. Men and women were nude, rubbing their bodies against the tall plants, moaning and having loud orgasms.

Margie took Sam to an unoccupied plant and patted her on the back. "Have fun, dear."

Sam stripped off her clothing in a hurry, and it wasn't long before she was once again rubbing against the plant.

But just as she started, another woman, also completely nude, stood in front of her. "Mind if I join you?"

Sam, fully focused on getting her own pleasure, gave the slightest of nods. The woman, a dark haired beauty with breasts as big as Sam's, started to mount the cylindrical shaped plant from the other side.

Sam groaned with pleasure as she rubbed the plant between her legs. The feelings were becoming... familiar, now. It had only been a day since she had first experienced it, but in her mind it felt like years. She had been apart from it for too long.

Sam noticed the other woman, the dark hair woman, looking her in the eye as they both went up and down. Sam looked away at first, embarrassed about having sex with a plant with another woman doing the same, but eventually she made eye contact again, and the woman smiled at her. Sam shyly smiled back at her.

Then the woman reached around and hugged Sam with her arms. Sam found herself wrapping her arms around the woman. They started poling up and down together, in the same direction at the same time, with equal force and effort. Each time Sam went down on the plant, feeling the wondrous sensation on her clitoris, she looked into the woman's eyes and saw her feeling it too.

And yet... it was as if they were giving pleasure to each other. It was only natural; during sex, one tended to look at the face of one's partner. When a person felt sexual pleasure, they tended to associate it with the face they were looking at. And now Sam, feeling her clitoris stimulated mightily, her nipples painfully hard, was looking at the face of a beautiful, beautiful, 20 something dark haired lovely.

They both closed in on their orgasm at the same time, even though Sam had started before the girl. She got the sense that the girl had moved more quickly so she could time her orgasm with Sam's. And then they both gasped, as one, and then gasped again, and again, and again, all at the same time, both staring each other in the eyes, and then Sam felt the most incredible climax in her clitoris, and she moaned and fainted again.

When she came to, she was in the other woman's lap. The woman was tenderly brushing her hair.

"Did you like that?" the young brunette asked.

Sam nodded.

"My name is Cheryl," said the woman.

"Sam," said Sam, feeling awkward. She hadn't even known the name of the woman she just had had sex with, sort of.

"Sam." Cheryl smiled. She leaned down and pressed her lips against Sam. Her lips were soft and moist. As she ground her lips against Sam, Sam felt a tingle deep in her pussy. When Cheryl pulled back, she whispered. "I enjoyed it too."

Sam looked startled and reddened. She suddenly sat up as if breaking out of a spell. What was she doing on the ground with a naked woman? Feeling embarrassed, she rushed to et dressed. As she did, she saw a man a few feet away from her, making love to another plant, all on his own. As he thrust into it, she saw a green phallus emerge on the other side. It looked hard and firm. For a moment, Sam had a thought to join him, but then another woman, totally nude, mounted it, and groaned as it thrust into her.

And suddenly Margie was at her side. "It's good with other girls, but even better with men."

Sam nodded.

"We have a perennial shortage of men. If you could bring a man here, you could experience the total joy of it."

A man? That would mean infecting Gavin. How could she lure Gavin to a garden center in Baltimore?

But there was another man she knew who was in Baltimore right now. A man she knew quite well.

Colonel Jack Sullivan.

Sam opened her mouth, started to speak, but no words came out.

Margie, touched her hand gently. "You'll figure it out, I'm sure."

Sam returned the next day and had sex with the plant again at lunch time. This time she didn't have a partner at all. She felt frustrated as she looked at all the couples, who appeared to be really enjoying herself. She caught Margie's eye, but all Margie did was smile mysteriously at her.

Sam tried to figure out what to do. She really wanted to experience sex with the plant, using another man. It was all she could think about, even as she rejoined Jack and the inspection team.

"How was your latest round of lunchtime shopping?" Jack asked.

"Productive, sir. I bought a new pair of heels," said Sam.

"Very useful, for the Survey Service," said Jack mockingly.

She looked at him, and a weird panoply of emotions went through her mind. Suddenly, she just wanted to have sex with him, right then and there.

No. Not just with him. With the plant as well.

It kept eating at her, all throughout the day, as they fruitlessly explored other garden centers. Now that Sam knew what the plant looked like, she also knew they were wasting their time. The garden center she had been to in Cantonsville was the only one in the Baltimore area that had the alien plant.

By the end of the afternoon, Jack sighed. "Well, it's been another day. We've saved the planet yet again from hostile alien rose bushes, I suppose."

Sam resisted the instinct to laugh. She waited silently as Jack dismissed the team and told them to return to base.

Only when everyone else was gone did Jack turn to her. "You still here?"

"I was just thinking, sir," said Sam. "There was a garden center we went to, on the second day. One I got some... odd feelings about."

"I remember. You stayed behind a bit longer. But you never found anything, right?" He looked at her intently.

"Right," said Sam. "But I am starting to get the feeling that I missed something." She smiled. "It's probably nothing. But I'd feel better taking another look. Would you come with me?"

"Sure," said Jack, not looking at all suspicious.

Sam's heart was racing as they returned to the garden center. She didn't know how any of this was going to play out. All she knew is that she needed to make love, with a plant, and a man, and she was bringing a man to accomplish this. How she would get him to cooperate was less than certain.

Margie smiled when she saw Sam and Jack. "Ah, Major Arden! Back again? Looking for something special for your man friend?" she said, looking at Jack.

Sam blushed. She knew that Margie knew full well why Jack was here. "We're just colleagues," she said, emphasizing the word a little too much. "We just wanted to do a bit of shopping on our own."

"Oh, well, I know just the thing for you both," said Margie, getting a gleam in her eyes. "Follow me."

Sam looked at Jack, who shrugged. They followed Margie into one of the greenhouses.

"I know something that will be a perfect fit for the both of you," said Margie, smiling mysteriously.

Sam blushed again when Margie said 'perfect fit'. She knew exactly what Margie meant.

Margie brought them to one of the alien plants, one that had grown over five feet tall and was fully mature. It had seed pods sprouting on the top.

"Wouldn't this look lovely in your living room?" Margie asked.

"That seems a little big for my living room," said Jack.

"On the contrary, you'll find it's just the right size for you," said Margie.

As her smile grew mysterious, Jack's eyes narrowed, and then the pod on top of the alien plant burst, showering Jack with little spores. He blinked, and suddenly his mind went slack.

"Hurry, we have to get him undressed," said Margie, wrestling with his clothes. Sam was just standing there, looking aghast. "Come on!"

Sam pitched in and helped pull Jack's pants off. She tried not to think about what she was doing as she did it, tried not to think even as she pulled his underwear off, revealing Jack's large, hairy penis. As she saw it for the first time, she took a deep breath.

And then Margie was pushing Jack against the plant, wrapping his arms around it. "You should probably get undressed yourself, dear," said Margie.

Sam nodded wordlessly. She stripped off her clothes. She was about to be nude in front of her commanding officer for the very first time. She hadn't thought about that.

Jack started to recover a moment later. His eyelids fluttered. The first thing he saw was Sam. His mouth opened wide as he saw her large, pouting breasts. Sam had C cup breasts which attracted nearly every eye on the base, but no one in the Survey Service had ever seen them in all their glory, without clothes smothering them, as Jack was doing now.

Jack immediately got an erection. He felt very sexually aroused. The oily pheromones in his bloodstream and the sight of Sam's breasts conquered the rational part of his mind in seconds. He needed one thing: sex. And he needed it badly. And he needed it right now.

He started to rub up and down the tall shaft of the plant even before he realized what he was doing. Jack moaned, feeling very sexually aroused.

Sam hesitated, but only for a moment, and moved to mount the plant from the other side.

"It feels better if you stick it in one of the holes, sir," Sam said, blushing even as she said it. Jack looked down, saw the holes, nodded, and inserted his stiff penis into one of the horizontal holes in the plant. On his first thrust, a phallus came out the other side, at a 45 degree angle. Sam immediately mounted it, and as Jack thrusted in and out, Sam felt the green phallus working its way in and out of her.

"Oh, that feels so good, Colonel!" said Sam.

Jack nodded. He couldn't stop now even if he wanted to. "Arden. Is this the alien plant we've been looking for?" he asked, while he continued to thrust.

"Yes, sir," said Sam, feeling the phallus enter her again.

"The one we're both having sex with right now?" he asked.

"Yes sir, that's the one," said Sam, gritting her teeth as the phallus momentarily pulled out, brushing her clitoris.

"You were supposed to tell me about it. Not have sex with it," said Jack, thrusting again.

"Sorry, sir, I got sidetracked," said Sam, grunting as he/the plant thrust into her again.

"Well, our first duty is to inform HomePlanet Security," said Jack, pulling out again.

"Yes sir. You can stop at any time," said Sam, enjoying the feeling of the phallus moving out of her.

"And I will. After one or two more thrusts," said Jack, thrusting in the plant again.

"Yes, sir."

"One," said Jack, thrusting in the plant, before pulling out.

"Two," said Jack, thrusting in the plant again.

Then he thrust into the plant a third time.

"That's three, sir."

"Who's doing the counting, Arden?"

"Sorry, sir," said Sam.

Jack kept going "I don't seem to be able to stop," he observed.

"Neither can I, sir." She looked up at him helplessly.

"All right, here's the plan. We'll do this for a little while longer, and then, after we both... finish," he couldn't use the word orgasm, not here, not with Sam, "and then we'll inform HomePlanet Security."

"It sounds like a plan, sir," Sam agreed, smiling.

"Which I think will be rather soon," said Jack, starting to thrust more intensely. The interior of the plant was slick and smooth and stimulated the head of his penis wonderfully. He stroked faster and faster, and then Sam started to moan, and Jack did to, and in moments he was coming. His sperm whipped out of the head of his penis. It surged through the base of the plant, and was tainted with other biological chemicals. Then natural suction from the creature shot it out through the phallus, which was deeply planted inside Sam's vagina. With every pulse from Jack, some of his sperm, and other liquids, made their way deep inside her.

They both blacked out from the strength of their orgasm. When they came to, they were somehow lying together on the ground, arm in arm, like lovers.

Jack pulled back from Sam. "Sorry," he said instinctively.

"Oh, don't be sorry, sir," said Sam instinctively. She didn't want him to feel bad about what he had done. Suddenly she felt his eyes on her and she put her hands over her breasts to cover them.

"You... you're so beautiful!" Jack breathed. He couldn't help it. It just came out of him.

"I... I am?" said Sam, feeling a tremendous tingling between her legs.

"I'm sorry." Jack shook his head. "I shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's all right, sir," said Sam. Jack thought she was attractive! She never knew! Sam put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She realized her breasts were exposed once again and she noticed his eyes gazing downwards. She glanced down at his penis, the penis which had been avidly thrusting inside the plant only moments ago. It looked thick and hairy. Sam couldn't believe she was seeing Jack's penis!

She saw Jack staring at her downard stare and she quickly reddened and turned away. What must Jack think of her, to see her staring at his--"Sir, we'd better get dressed."

Jack blinked once. Twice. Thrice. "Yes. Dressed. Good idea."

They dressed quickly, efficiently, taking pains not to look at each other, both extremely embarrassed. And yet, as Sam reached for her panties, Jack couldn't help but notice the mixture of shiny green and white fluid trickling down her thigh, and he blushed mightily.

Once they were dressed Jack took a deep breath and looked at Sam. They were wearing their uniforms again. It was as if it had never happened. Except, it did. Sam looked at him worriedly.

Jack searched for the right words. Jack said, "So, you came here and-"

"They addicted me to the plant. Just as I... did to you," said Sam.

Jack took a deep breath. "Sam, I am so, so sorry-"

"No!" said Sam. "It was all my fault, sir!"

"You couldn't help yourself," said Jack.

"No, I guess not," said Sam.

"Is this going to cause a problem between us?" Jack asked, trying to hide his anxiety.

"A problem, sir?" said Sam.

"We... we made love, kind of." Jack uncomfortably remembered pumping like mad into the plant while Sam polled up and down on the plant phallus mere inches away.

"Not really," said Sam. "You made love to the plant, sir. And... so did I. We didn't actually do it with each other." She stared at him intently.

"I guess not," said Jack, looking doubtful. He remembered the mix of white and green sperm leaking onto Sam's thigh as she got dressed. He knew full well that he was responsible for some of that. "So... it's not a problem for you?"

"Me? I... no, sir... unless... unless.... it's a problem for you," said Sam.

"So we can pretend this never happened?"

Sam smiled quickly. A little too quickly. "It never happened. Of course, sir."

Margie and two of her helpers suddenly appeared besides them.

"Well hello again!" said Margie, as she reappeared with two of her helpers. "Did the two of you enjoy yourselves?"

"You... you addicted my friend to your alien monster plant," said Jack accusingly. Somehow he felt too embarrassed to mention what he was just doing with the plant, though Margie surely knew.

"Yes," said Margie, still smiling.

"And then your alien monster plant made my friend addict me to it."

"Correct," said Margie.

"We're going to bring the entire weight of HomePlanet Security down on you. You know that, don't you?" said Jack, his hand gripping his blaster.

"Be my guest," said Margie, all smiles. "We will be waiting for you. We will not resist."

That wasn't the answer he had been expecting. "We're free to go?"

"Free to go?"

"You're not going to put mind control... anythings in our body?"

"No," said Margie, still smiling. "You have complete freedom of choice."

"Come on, Arden, let's get out of here," said Jack.

They drove in silence in Jack's air car for several minutes.

"We should inform General Henderson," said Jack finally.

"Of course," said Sam quickly.

Jack couldn't get the image of having sex with the plant, and indirectly Sam, from his mind. He had so much wanted to have sex with Sam for years, and finally, it had become a reality. Sort of. This was the first time he had see her nude. She had an incredible body. This had easily been the greatest experience of his life.

And he was about to make sure it never happened again.

"I mean, we should inform General Henderson, of course... but first we should get all the facts," said Jack. "We should go back there, tomorrow, and interrogate that woman. Get a list of all the customers she's given the plant out to. Find out what the plant is capable of doing. Then we'll call in the capture team." He looked over at Arden for approval.

"My thoughts exactly, sir," said Sam quickly. A little too quickly.

That night at dinner, Gavin asked how her day was. Naturally, since it was classified, she couldn't tell him. She couldn't tell her husband that today she had sex with another man. Sort of. Sam was glad that the nature of her work removed the issue of choice for her.

After dinner, Gavin sat her down in his lap, and he had that look in his eye, the look which was all too familiar to Sam. Gavin wanted some loving. He reached down to kiss her, and Sam arched up to meet him.

Then things progressed, and they moved to the bedroom. Gavin made love to her, and Sam accepted it. She participated, but she didn't feel as much. Somehow, she felt that having sex with the plant had been much more exciting.

With the plant. And Jack. It was hard to separate the two in her mind.

The next day Margie was unsurprised to see Jack and Sam had returned. "Oh, you're back! Do you have all your soldiers with you? I'm ready to be arrested," she said, holding out her hands eagerly, waiting to be cuffed.

She was mocking them. They both saw that now.

"They're coming," said Jack unconvincingly. "They're not far behind us. But first we want some answers."

"Of course," said Margie. "I'll take you to a place where you can get all the answers you need."

They followed her. They both knew in their hearts exactly where they were being led.

They were lead to a private greenhouse where couples were having sex with plants. Men were mounted on one side of plants and women on the others. They were all thrusting and moaning, going at it without a care in the world.

Margie led them to an unoccupied plant. "You can use this one."

"Wait a minute," said Jack.

"The plant is telepathic," said Margie. "Simply touch it, and it will give you all the answers you desire." She turned and left.

Jack and Sam looked at each other. They were all alone, with the plant.

"Should we?" Sam asked tentatively.

Jack saw his hand reach out, seemingly of its own accord, and touch the plant. The oily pheromones started to sink into his skin. He started to rub the plant, and so did Sam.

Within moments they were both stripping off their clothes.

"What are you doing, Arden?" Jack asked as he opened his shirt.

"Getting naked, sir," said Sam, stripping off her own.

"We shouldn't be doing this," said Jack, toss his shirt aside.

"No sir, we shouldn't," Sam readily agreed, as she reached behind her for her bra strap. As Sam's bra came off she felt Jack's eyes on her.

"You're so beautiful," said Jack again, as he started working on his pants. "I'm sorry!"

"Don't be!" Sam cried, as she tossed aside her Survey Service military skirt. She watched Jack pull down his pants and then his underwear. His hairy thing was already fully erect, making Sam's chest feel tight and tingly. He caught her staring at it and reddened. And then Sam pulled down her panties and she was as nude as he was.

Sam watched as Jack stared at her. His erection only stiffened further. "Sam, you're so beautiful. I, I wish....."

"Wish what, sir?" said Sam, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Should we?" Jack asked, staring at his naked subordinate.

"We shouldn't," said Sam, with doubt in her voice.

"Of course not," said Jack. He took a deep breath and stepped over to the plant. He took his penis in hand and carefully inserted it into the plant. His eyes closed and he groaned with pleasure. "Oh Sam!" he said.

Sam got on the opposite side of the plant and carefully impaled herself on one of the upward projections. In moments she was moving up and down just as Jack was moving back and forth.

Jack's eyes opened and found Sam's. They stared at each other, all inhibition stripped away, locked in lust, locked in an alien cycle of reproduction.

Jack wrapped his arms around Sam. He couldn't help himself. Sam shivered but did the same with him. It felt good being hugged by Jack, and grabbing him back. As Jack started to thrust his penis into the plant, the sympathetic nerve endings in the plant were activated, and the plant's phallus started to thrust into Sam.

As they continued the ritual of reproduction, it became harder and harder for Sam to tell where the plant ended and Jack began. The plant was the one which was actually thrusting into her, but it was Jack's arms around her back, holding her tightly. It was Jack's arms she was hugging, equally tightly. With every thrust she saw Jack's ass moving back and forth, as if it were his body moving into her. And as they made love, through the plant, it was Jack's blue eyes which stared at her. At first Sam felt too embarrassed to look back at him, but soon she could do nothing else.

"It feels so good," she felt compelled to say. "It feels like you're inside me, Jack."

Jack looked excited and embarrassed, all at the same time.

"How does it feel to you?" Sam asked, as she watched him thrust into the plant.

"Feels... tight... warm... wet...."

"Like a woman?" Sam whispered.

Jack reddened. "Yesssss."

Their connection was so intimate. They were so physically close together. Jack could smell Sam's musky scent. He could feel the warmth of her body pressed against his. It was as if they were making love together.

They both got lost in each other's eyes. Jacks's were sky blue, Sam's a brilliant green. They established a deeply personal, intimate connection as their bodies experienced the most intense kind of sexual pleasure. Jack started gasping. "Sam, I'm... I'm going to come. Better pull out."

"I... I can't sir," Sam gasped.

"Ah, ah, ahhhhhhh!" Jack flooded the plant with his sperm. The sperm mixed in certain chemicals, and send the combined liquid shooting into Sam's vagina.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" Sam cried, as she felt it flooding into her.

"You felt that?" said Jack.

"Yes... yes, dear Jack," she said, fondling his hair.

Afterwards, as they lay together on the ground, Sam felt the sudden urge to kiss Jack. She did, pressing her plush lips against his, grinding, taking more of what she needed. But when she pulled back, she said, "Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" said Jack.

"The plant is supposed to be controlling us to make us want to have sex with it," said Sam. "If I kiss you now, that means I'm doing it on my own. Not under the plant's influence."

"How do you know?" said Jack. He repeated himself. "How do you know that? The plant obviously wants a team of two for reproduction. It may be conditioning you to like your... partner. Did you ever think of that?"

"No, sir," said Sam. She looked down.

Jack raised her chin with a finger. "Hey. There's no need to be ashamed. If we're controlled, we're controlled. That means I can do this and not be held responsible for it."

"Do what, sir?"

Jack reached over and pressed his body against Sam's. His touch was electrifying. Then he pressed his lips against hers and gave her a strong, sexy kiss. Sam enthusiastically kissed him back. It went on and on, until finally, gasping, Jack pulled back for air.

"All under the control of the plant," said Jack. "We're not responsible."

"Not at all," Sam agreed.

As they were getting dressed, Margie came by again. She asked if they wanted to take one of the plants home with them, to "interrogate it further". Sam looked doe-eyed at Jack. Jack nodded. "I'll take one. For the boys in the lab to analyze."

"Of course, Colonel," said Margie. "I'll have it loaded into your air car."

"Are you really going to give it to the lab?" Sam asked.

Jack gave her a look.

The next day, Jack and Sam made excuses to be apart from each other in HomePlanet Headquarters. They knew if they saw each other, that they would not be able to resist their passions. Sam kept thinking about Jack. About his body, thrusting into the plant, which thrusted into her. She needed it. She needed it badly.

Finally around lunchtime, Sam's resistance was overcome, and she decided to go to Jack's office, just to "say hello". But just as she reached her doorway, Jack came through it. "Going somewhere?" he inquired.

"I... uh... ah...." Suddenly, Sam's mouth didn't seem to be working.

Jack look equally tongue-tied. "Ah... Arden.... By the way, I was going to go out for.... lunch. I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me... Major," he said, giving her an uncertain look. Had he gone too far? Had he presumed too much?

But Sam merely smiled, and said, "Certainly, Colonel," as she excitedly smoothed out her blue skirt. She felt herself getting wet between the legs.

As Jack started driving, Sam knew that they weren't going to a restaurant. She evinced no surprised when they parked outside of Jack's apartment building. Wordlessly, she followed him into his apartment.

She saw the alien plant in the living room, by the window. She looked Jack in the eye. He looked at her back. Wordlessly, they both started undressing. There was no more shyness here. Merely an urgent need to engage in alien inspired reproduction.

When they were naked, Sam and Jack each mounted the plant while standing opposite each other. They rubbed against the plant tentatively, Jack to get his penis erect, and Sam, to get into the mood. Jack quickly got hard.

"We really shouldn't be doing this, sir," said Sam.

"I know," said Jack.

Sam watched wide-eyed, as her superior officer carefully inserted his penis into the plant.

"We are allowing ourselves to be controlled by this alien plant," said Sam, as she lifted herself up on the phallus and impaled herself.

"Yes," said Jack, as he slowly worked his penis in and out of the hole in the plant.

"Our duty is to inform HomePlanet Security," said Sam, wrapping her hands around his shoulders.

"You're right, Arden," said Jack, wrapping his arms around her back, as he thrusted evenly, causing the plant's phallus in turn to thrust into Sam.

In and out. In and out. In and out.

"We should stop... Oh! Oh! Sir, can you go harder?" Sam said urgently.

Jack started to thrust more strongly into the plant, which caused it to do the same to Sam with its own phallus. "Like this?"

"Yes... oh yes. Thank you, sir."

"Arden, when we're totally naked, having sex with a plant, you don't have to call me sir," said Jack, plunging in and out of the plant. "Call me Jack."

Sam stared at his very hairy chest, which moved back and forth as he thrust into the plant. The way his firm looking ass moved as he thrusted back and forth was driving her wild. "Yes... Jack," she said, feeling an electric bolt as she said his name. "And call me Sam," she said shyly, looking away as she said it. For some reason using names made it all the more erotic.

Jack stared at Sam's thick, full breasts, which jiggled every time he thrusted into the plant. "I thought only friends can call you Sam."

"Oh!" Sam cried, as Jack thrust into the plant, and the plant thrusted into her. "You are a friend, Jack... more than a friend, now," she said.

"I am?" said Jack, not sure what the two of them were to each other now.

"Yessss." Sam reached out and grabbed his hand, and smiled as she looked him in the eye, which only made Jack's penis harder, and more erect.

The two lovers continued their unusual coitus in silence, Jack, moving back and forth, and Sam, up and down. She loved staring at Jack's face as they were uniquely connected in this way. Jack looked so vulnerable, so needy, so loving.

Sam felt a buildup inside of her. "Oh, Jack, I'm getting close, so close," she said, feeling the phallus poling in and out of her.

"So am I, Sam," said Jack, sweating profusely.

"Then go faster, Jack," she said, pleading with her eyes. "Faster, Jack, please!"

Jack started to thrust into the plant with rapidfire precision, making the phallus inside of Sam move even faster as well.

"Oh... Oh.... yes... Oh yes Jack," said Sam, tilting her head back, her slick breasts bobbing up and down. "I'm going to come!"

"I am too!" Jack cried. The friction on his sexual organ, and the sight of Sam closing on her orgasm drove him over the edge. "Oh, Arden, Sam, I'm coming, I'm coming!" He poled vigorously in the last few seconds, causing the plant to do the same in same. They both gasped and cried out at the exact same time as they climaxed, and Sam felt an explosion of liquid bursting inside of her.​
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