Chapter 01

Incestuous Medicine

Day 1-Tuesday August 31

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming


I guess I brought this on myself, I thought as I felt my son's cum dripping down my face and falling on my exposed cleavage.

Wait, let me backup a bit.

Hi my name is Nancy. I'm a 37 year old single mother of three wonderful kids, though they're all 18 now because they're triplets and therefore the same age. Two daughters, Alice and Violet, and one son, Rob.

Now, Rob had been very sick for nearly a month at that time. We usually go on vacation in the summer but had been putting it off that year. But then Rob got sick and I sent them off on a two week vacation without him. I opted to stay behind and take care of my son.

Now, when it comes to sex... well... My husband died in a car accident shortly after I got pregnant. And I was so busy raising three kids by myself I didn't have sex again until 10 years later. And because of that one night stand I ended up ruining someone else's marriage. I didn't even know he had been married... Still, because of my indiscretion, I realized that sex only caused problems for me and I had all but somehow travel into my own body so I could physically mur*er my libido. I didn't crave sex, I didn't want sex, I didn't even masturbate. If it wasn't for the fact that I knew my sex drive had been very active before and was still in there waiting to come back from the dead, I would have proclaimed myself asexual and have been done with it.

Because I didn't think about sex all the time, I tended to gravitate towards outfits that were pretty conservative. I mean, I wasn't wearing period dresses that made sure everything below my neckline was covered up or something. But I also wasn't going out of my way to show off my body. Also, when I say I "gravitate" towards these outfits, I really mean that I specifically seeked them out to cover up any part of me that could be even remotely considered sexy.

Truthfully, I knew that I was attractive. I stayed in shape thanks to our pool and also Pam and I do yoga on the weekends. Oh, Pamela is my sister and lives next door with her daughter. She's more sexual than I am but she tries to cover that up around me and I pretend not to notice...

But, I knew I still had the body of a twenty year old. Perky, EE breasts, a firm ass, long legs, long straight brunette hair, and I was tall, the only one in the family that stood higher than me being my son. But none of that mattered because I did everything in my power to downplay my natural assets. There was really only one thing that I wore that didn't somehow degrade my femininity, and that was my silk robe. I only ever wore it after showering in the master shower just off my bedroom so I was the only one who would even see myself in such a way and I never wore it outside my bedroom or bathroom, not unless I was absolutely certain no one else was around.

My son had been really sick with no sign of his fever breaking until that day. He had spent the day before sleeping almost nonstop and I had to sit with him to make sure he ate the soup I made him. I didn't think he'd be awake enough to even notice what I was wearing anyway so I decided to keep the robe on throughout my morning routine. I walked into his room first thing and he was asleep like he usually was in the morning even when he wasn't sick. I noticed he had laundry scattered around the floor by his bed, not for the first time, but then I thought, Rob would be very impressed if his room were clean when he was finally better, and I bent my body at my hip to bend over and grab his laundry. I didn't think about my body facing him and that my loose fitting robe would hang open just as my large breasts hung down, giving my son a perfect view of my nearly-bare breasts if he were awake at all.

Of course, after I grabbed his laundry and stood up I thought I saw his eyes were open wide but on a second glance they were closed again and he pretended to be asleep. I realized he must have seen my breasts to be acting that way. Something I only just then even thought about.

Oh well, I thought as I left the room, That's what I get for not changing into something more appropriate while someone that is in the house.

But then I brushed off the event and didn't think about it again until later.

I took his laundry to the basement where our washer and dryer were. I started a load and then went back upstairs to get dressed for the day.

But as I passed my son's room, I heard Rob's voice through the door. He said something that made me think he needed help.

He said, "Mom!"

And that's when I walked into his room and began receiving a face full of my son's semen.

I guess I brought this on myself, I thought because I knew it was a mistake to walk around in just my robe with Rob there. Of course, I didn't really connect that my son was masturbating because of me. That would have been too weird for me had I thought of it at that moment.


I was sick as a dog for almost three weeks. This was the first time during that period I actually started to feel normal again. Before then, it was like I was drifting through life in a fever-induced haze. I'd wake up, sometimes Mom would be there, sometimes it would be the middle of the night and I would be bathed in sweat, or the middle of the day and woken by nightmares caused by my high fever. But on that Tuesday morning, my fever finally broke and I woke up to the sounds of someone in my room.

I opened my eyes and glanced at the source of the noise.

What I saw absolutely astounded me. It was my mother bent over in front of me so I could see directly down her robe. It was the robe she hung on her bathroom door and I've seen it many times in the past but in my entire life I'd never seen her wear it before.

Let me describe my mom. She has a beautiful face. A perfectly proportioned nose, big brown doe eyes, and thick shapely lips. I overheard some of the jocks at school call them "cocksucking lips" once when my mother was picking me up from school once. It made me want to punch the guy who said it at the time, but waking up that morning I could see what he was getting at.

You see, Mom dressed so conservatively up to that point that it was kind of impossible for me to see her as anything but the businesslike, motherly woman as she presented herself. Most of her clothes were either tight enough to hold her breasts back or loose enough you couldn't tell how large or how shapely and naturally perky they were. Her bottoms were the same as either being the business skirts she wore to work that were loose and didn't hug her hips and hung down below her knees so it did nothing to show off her naturally beautiful legs or her amazing ass. But up until that day I never noticed these things before, but after that moment, starting down my mother's robe as she gathered my laundry from the ground, I could never look at my mother after that without seeing every curve of her body and knew whatever she was wearing she was naturally a sexual goddess underneath.

Her robe was part way open. Even though it was opened only slightly, gravity did the rest to open the front of Mom's robe. Her tits hung down like giant udders that had enough natural lift that they still retained their natural firmness and I could see her large areolas and nipples in all their glorious form. Mom's sexy legs were on full display and her robe hugged her hips as her ass seemed to unintentionally sashay like it was begging to be touched. In that instant I went from seeing Nancy as my mother and seeing her for what she was: an amazingly sexy woman.

She stood up and I kept gawking for a second too late as she caught me looking at her. I pretended to be asleep and she didn't say anything before leaving the room. But as soon as she was gone, I suddenly had a big problem. Or maybe I should say an unbelievably huge problem.

Before I was sick, I would say that my penis and balls were probably about average in size. But as this humongous tent grew under my blanket, I could tell that was no longer the case. I reached under my blanket and felt myself. My dick had tripled in size! And my nuts were like giant egg shaped tennis balls, nothing like the olive sized nothings that they were.

What the fuck? I thought as I felt myself up, it's like someone came in here last night and replaced my cock and balls with those of an A-grade porn star! But touching myself then I wasn't sure even porn stars were that big. But that I didn't really know, Mom was so uptight about sex that she once caught me jerking off to a porn magazine I found in the men's locker room at school and got so angry about it she made me burn the magazine and swear I would never do something so awful again. I was so afraid of disappointing her that I never looked at porn again and probably wouldn't while I was living there if things had continued like that.

Anyway once I started touching myself it was like I couldn't stop. Even just that much touching made pleasure flow through me like I never thought possible before. And at the same time it was as if every sexual thought I've ever had was flooding my brain. And at the front of all of it was the image of my mother's delicious body as she leaned in front of me. I felt hot and threw my blanket off me and started jerking my humongous cock with both hands as I pictures Mom's breasts hanging in front of me, begging me to touch them, to squeeze them, to suck her nipples as I ran my hand along her back and grab her ass, then reach my hand between her legs and...

My fantasy had gotten a little crazy and I felt like me thinking about doing something so taboo only heightened my lust and I was cumming. Mom told me much later that she thought she heard me calling for her because then she was in my room wearing the same sexy robe. I hadn't even realized I had turned on my side during my fantasizing and now my humongous dick was aimed right at the door right as Mom walked in and I was about to unleash at least three weeks worth of semen directly at her.

I tried to turn my body or grab my dick and redirect it. But as soon as I began to cum it was like my whole body was completely overtaken by the most powerful orgasm I'd ever had. Pleasure flowed through my body and I could do nothing but give in to the seemingly unending ecstasy as I watched in equal parts horniness and absolute horror as my cock shot its cream all over my mom's body.

As I was cumming I suddenly remembered a medical experiment I took part in at the beginning of summer a few weeks after me and my sisters turned 18. It was with our family doctor, well, she used to be our family doctor, but it was a pill to help counter sexually related diseases. It didn't actually do anything at the time and Dr. Xania Davis even said that the experiment was a bust. And I don't know why it popped into my mind as I was covering Mom in my cum, but it made me think my cock being so large had something to do with it.

Of course, the idea only popped into my head for a nanosecond as I was overtaken by the pleasure of my extended orgasm.


I don't know why I didn't move or run away or anything at all as I walked through the door. I only had a few seconds to even realize what I was looking at. I'd actually seen my son's erect penis once before only a couple months ago after he and his sisters turned 18. He had been touching himself to a dirty magazine and I had such a fit about it I thought I may have traumatized him a bit. But what I walked into then was nothing like what I had seen before. Of course, I'd only seen a glimpse before he covered himself but I knew it was nothing like the, pardon my language, enormous horsecock I just walked in on.

And what happened next I was so astounded that I still didn't move. Rob's cock jerked once and then sprayed an enormous amount of sperm right at me and it hit me right in the center of my face. The fact that he could shoot from his bed to the door almost 6 feet away but the sheer amount overwhelmed me as I instinctually closed my eyes. I also opened my mouth to say, I don't even know, but something but that turned out to be a mistake as another shot hit me in the nose and a great deal of my son's hot sperm landed right in my mouth. I swallowed without thinking, not even tasting it and wiped the cum out of my eyes so I could stare in shocked silence as my son's cock shot an unbelievable amount of his jizz all over the front of my body.

After he stopped shooting, I just stood there staring at his penis totally unsure how I was feeling. Before I could decide that I met my son's eyes and he had a similarly shocked expression on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out but some semen did leak in. This time I tasted it.

"Mmm," I felt myself moan slightly and it surprised me. But what was even more surprising was just how delicious my son's cum was. Somehow it had a manly flavor that was also sweet and I was equally surprised when I felt my pussy twitch to life and I got a little wet as I tasted the sperm. This whole experience was more embarrassing to me than anything else and without another sound I turned around to leave.

"I'm sorry Mom, I-" I heard him say behind me, causing me to pause for a moment, "Dr. Xania gave me pills and I..."

I didn't turn to look at him, but a shiver ran down my spine as I walked out the door, "I'll call her." I mumbled, not wanting to ask my son about it with my face and chest covered in his sperm, but already dreading what would happen when I did call her.

I went to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I gasped at the amount of cum that was dripping down my skin. Still not believing that all this sperm that stuck to my body could have come from just one man. And then I felt my vagina twitch again as I reminded myself that man was my son! This was the shocking part. I had hidden any sexual feelings from myself for so long that I knew that I was now very turned on by the thought of Rob, my own offspring, being so sexually equipped... It was just too much for me. And it scared me. I took off my robe and threw it in the trash knowing it would never be truly clean again. I turned on the cold water in my shower and got under it just letting the cum wash away as the cold water cooled down my horny body and thoughts. And I began to consider what exactly happened.

For one, I thought as the ice cold water helped logic and reason shortly come back into my thoughts, I saw Rob's cock- I mean penis! I quickly corrected myself. I saw his penis before and it was nothing like that mammoth... thing! I just walked in on. For another, he's been really sick and this is the first time he's been well enough to do anything but sleep. I mean, I didn't expect him to be doing... Well, that! But at least this means he's on the mend. As the cold water helped me kill my sex drive again, I suddenly got very upset, why would he be doing that? Is Rob some kind of pervert? No, not my son. Maybe it's because of the fever? Maybe something about being sick turned him into this... Sex monster! That must be it.

I quickly washed with soap and shampoo just to make sure all the semen was gone. And I got dressed in my room as I convinced myself that Rob wasn't a sexual deviant, he just had some side effects from either his illness or the pills he mentioned. I just needed a doctor to confirm that and I could stop worrying about it. Really this was more me trying to rationalize the sexual desire I felt for my son earlier but I had convinced myself this was more about his health at the time.

The only problem was that we only ever had one family doctor and since losing her we had gone to random one time only doctors and this seemed like something too delicate to just take to just anyone. Though really I was just too embarrassed to tell anyone about something so obviously sexual involving Rob or anyone else in my family. I cursed my son, why did it have to be her that gave you...pills? What did he even mean by that? Was my son taking pills to increase his penis size or something? I had heard that men did things like that, but I didn't think my son would be so perverted. I knew I would have to call Xania or talk to my son about it but I didn't want to do either.

I wrestled with myself for the rest of the afternoon about it. I tried to avoid my son, which wasn't hard since he spent the rest of the day in his room. But I still caught him on the way from the bathroom but he ducked into his room without looking at me. In an odd way, that was the thing that convinced me I needed to do something was my son trying to avoid me. I would do anything for my children. I was a good Mom, I reminded myself.

The only problem was that the person I was about to call was the woman whose marriage I ruined when her husband cheated on her with me.


My name is Xania Davis and I'm a family doctor with my own practice. I'm also a blonde bombshell that likes to strut her stuff and turn some heads. But I'm also a black belt in Jiu Jitsu for when someone thinks that just because I'm pretty it means I can't take care of myself. And I can. And I've done so confidently since I kicked my cheating husband to the curb.

Of course, it helps that I'm a doctor with her own practice as I can afford my own house in a good part of town. But I must admit it did feel lonely from time to time.

I had just gotten home when my phone started to ring. I reached into my pocket and almost ignored it as it came up as "unknown caller" but the number itself looked familiar to me. I decided to answer it worried it might be a patient.

"Hello?" I said into the phone "Dr Davis speaking."

"Xania," came a familiar voice. "It's Nancy."

I blinked. It was an odd moment for me. For one, this was a woman I had gotten to know at one point and felt we were slowly becoming friends. But that all changed when I caught her in bed with my husband at our tiny apartment that we had shared. I hated her... for a while anyway. But after some time I realized that Nancy wasn't really at fault and it was really just my narcissistic ex-husband who felt he was entitled to cheat on me. I didn't even think Nancy knew it was my husband at the time.

But, hearing her voice then, it was like all my misplaced hatred came back and I felt totally justified to torment her, "and why are you calling? I thought we weren't speaking anymore." I spat.

"I know. I'm sorry. Normally I would never call. But this isn't about us," I could hear her voice quivering and I knew she was incredibly nervous about this, which pleased me for some twisted reason. She went on, "it's about Rob, my son."

She sounded serious and for a moment I had sympathy for her, "what is it? What's wrong?" I asked. Then immediately bit my tongue wishing I had turned her away.

"He's had a fever for three weeks." Nancy explained through the phone, "but that seems to be better now..." it was silent for an awkward amount of time.


Nancy was still silent so I said, fully committed to turning her away now, "well if you need recommendations for a physician I could-"

"There's something wrong with his penis." Nancy blurted out.

That stopped me, "what? What's wrong with it?"

Nancy wouldn't say though, "do you think you can come take a look? I don't know if I can ask anyone else. He said you gave him pills..."

Pills?...oh, "the experiment?" I said offhandedly as I remembered. "That was months ago."

"What... was?" Nancy asked.

"It was just a normal experiment for a newly developed medicine. Your son signed up for human trials. I think he mentioned he wanted some new video game system. He was fully paid." I explained, "the trial produced no results so it was shut down. I feel this is probably unrelated." But as I was saying it, I honestly wasn't sure. True it didn't produce results in anyone else but every person is different and has different physiology and maybe Rob was a special case. "I'll know more when I take a look tomorrow."

Though I was being polite, I felt like saying "you can and you should go fuck yourself, homewrecker!" Or a thousand other insults to call her but I didn't. I reminded myself that this was about Rob. He had nothing to do with his mother's indiscretions. "I'm sure he'll be fine, but call me if anything changes." I said after another painfully awkward silence. "Text me your address and I'll be there sometime tomorrow afternoon." I hung up before she could say anything else.

I sighed and laid down on my couch. I started calling patients directly, because I'm that type of friendly doctor, in order to reschedule my afternoon appointments. I then proceeded to call all my morning appointments too as I didn't want anything stressing me out before I went over to Nancy's place. Forcing myself to face her again would be stressful enough, I decided.


I hung up the phone and proceeded to avoid Rob for the rest of the day. I cleaned the pool and did some laundry. I thought about making dinner of any kind but decided if my son was well enough things to himself then he was well enough to make his own food when he was hungry.

By the end of the day, I didn't even think about how my son had blasted me with his semen earlier. I thought that by tomorrow I'd have forgotten all about it.

I couldn't have been more wrong...​
Next page: Chapter 02