Chapter 04

Day 4-Friday September 3

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming


It was early in the morning when I heard a noise. It was Rob, my son, opening the door to my bedroom. He came in, completely naked, his rock hard cock pointing his way towards me.

"Mommy," he moaned as he stroked himself, coming over to the side of my bed, "I can't cum Mommy," he said. I could tell he was in pain.

"Oh, then let Mommy help you." I said as I replaced his hand with my own, feeling his hard cock greatly turned me on, "Oh this is very hard," I moaned, only then realized I was also naked when Rob started playing with my tits and pinching my hard nipples, "Mommy's hands won't be enough for this..." I said as I started to suck on his cockhead, that was all I could get into my mouth as it felt like his huge dick was only getting larger as I ran my tongue all over it.

He started to play with my pussy and he said, "Mom, it's still not good enough." He took his cock out of my mouth and positioned himself over me, lining his dick up with my incredibly wet pussy.

"No! We can't! We're mother and son! No-OOOOOoooohhhhh!!" I moaned, feeling myself only getting wetter and it was too late as he shoved his hard cock into me...

"AH!" I woke up, bathed in sweat. I glanced around the room, looking to make sure my son wasn't there. "Fuck me, it was all a dream." I said with relief as I lay back in bed. I couldn't get back to sleep so I just got up, left a note for my son, and got into my car and drove away before the sun came up.


I woke up late and came downstairs to get some cereal. I wasn't sure if I would see Mom when I came into the kitchen or not, as usually when I wake up she's making breakfast or drinking her morning coffee while reading the news on her phone or the like. I half sneaked down the stairs in case she was there and didn't see me. I would leave before she noticed.

I was relieved she wasn't there. Truthfully, all I could think about since yesterday was how hot her naked body looked in the shower covered in my white cum. I was constantly hard anymore, it seemed, and today was no different. My rock hard erection was poking out making a very obvious tent in my jeans. It was taking all my effort to not jerk off, and it was all because I knew I'd just be thinking about my mom's hot body covered in my jizz.

I got some cereal and that's when I saw her note on the table.

Rob, it said, I'm going to take a trip to the beach and I hope you'll be well enough to make your own food for today. Please remember to get your sample for the doctor's appointment next week as well. I'll be back late tonight and you'll probably be asleep already. Love you, Mom.

I read it twice just to make sure I didn't misread something. I decided to do the sample right after breakfast just to get it out of the way but once I was naked in the bathroom, all I could picture was Mom's amazing body as my cum dripped obscenely off of it and onto the shower floor. The image made me very horny, but I couldn't jerk off to it without feeling like a freak.

I ended up playing games in my room all day instead, my hard boner poking me in the chest basically the whole time.


There's a beach about an hour away from us and it's usually pretty busy, especially on the last Friday before summer break was over. But I know of a place that seems more secluded from all the times I've brought my family there in the past and done some exploring. It's surrounded by two hillsides and is up from the main part of the beach so it's kind of out of the way. But even on a busy day like today I went to my secret place and no one else was there.

That was good because I really wanted to be alone right then. I was wearing my unattractive swimsuit but I put my towel down and put sunscreen on my legs and arms and neck as my swimsuit covered up everything else. Then I laid back on my towel and started to think about my son.

After my son turned 18, it's not like I started to see him as an adult immediately. I mean, he didn't have a job or seem that interested in things other than comics and video games. In a lot of ways, I guess I judged my son to be somewhat childish and still had a lot of growing up to do. He's never even been on a date, I thought as I considered him some more, I mean, I think he has a crush on Jade but they've been friends since they were children and Rob doesn't have the confidence to even admit his feelings to her...that's if I'm right about him having a crush on her.... Though he did get a little tongue tied around her sometimes, I was so against thinking about sexual things in any way until recently I honestly hadn't thought about what my son might think of Jade until I was on the beach at that moment.

I stopped thinking about Rob's feelings for Jade, I guess Rob hasn't done anything particularly 'adult' since he's legally become one. Then again, I haven't pressured him into getting a job or anything else yet either. He is about to start his Senior year of high school but maybe I should start incentivising him to look for work...

I realized something, why am I suddenly interested in making Rob act more like an adult? but then a flash of his humongous cock spewing cum right in my face flashed through my mind, because when a man has a cock like that... he should behave like a man! I thought hornily as I felt a damp spot forming at the crotch of my swimsuit and I was very glad no one else was around right then.

I was so horny I caught one of my hands touching one of my breasts and in a bout of frustration I got to my feet and ran at full force into the ocean. I swam out for a while but I already knew it wouldn't make me any less turned on from my attempts in the pool last night. Still I swam, trying to get the image of my son's cum-spewing cock out of my mind, I need to stop seeing my son like that! I thought, I need to remember that I'm his mother! That I'm a good mother! I've always taken care of my son and daughters! I've provided for them! I'm a good provider! I kept going on like that while I swam like a maniac, thinking every thought I could to convince myself I wasn't wrong, but things got a little out of hand as I stopped thinking of things to tell myself and it began to degrade bit by bit, I bring food to the table! I work all the time! I love my children! I deserve a break sometimes! I should be allowed to do things when I want to! I should be allowed, allowed to, to, to...cum! I want to cum sometimes! I deserve orgasms when I'm horny! I've been providing for everyone with no thoughts to myself! Sometimes I'm allowed to be horny! Maybe it's time for Rob to provide for me for a change! Maybe Rob should give me an orgasm sometimes because I'm such a good Mom!

I suddenly stopped swimming as I realized the turn my thought process took and that I had only become hornier as I swam out as far as I did. I turned around in the water, "Fuck my life..." I said to myself as I realized I was so far out I could hardly see the beach anymore, "Stupid endless ocean..." I moaned as I started swimming back to the beach, stupidly wishing I was back in my pool right then, only ever a few feet from one of the walls to climb out from.

It was a good thing I was in such good shape as I don't know if I would have made it back otherwise. When I crawled back onto the beach, I crawled across the sand, panting like a wet dog until I was at the towel I had placed in the shade when I got there.

I laid on my back to catch my breath, but it wasn't long until I was interrupted. "Mom?" I heard above me.

I looked up and standing above me was Rob, "Son?" I said as I sat up, he was also in his swimsuit, a blue pair of trunks, "How did you find me?"

"Well," he said, "You said in your note you were going to the beach. I know you like it here." He motioned to the isolated beach and the surrounding hills and forest further in. "It's nice and secret."

I looked at his trunks. I was on my knees in front of him, "You know," I said to my son, "It's so isolated here we could do something naughty..." and as I said it I pulled his shorts down and his hard cock flopped out and hit me in the face.

"That's a good mommy," Rob moaned as I sucked him into my mouth...

"God dammit!" I yelled in frustration as I woke up on the beach from yet another sexually explicit dream involving my son. I had been laying in the sun long enough my swimsuit was dry again, except for my crotch which was so wet it looked like everything had dried but there. Which was soaked with all my pussy juices and I wondered if I had an orgasm while I slept but I didn't feel like I had and I was still horny when I woke up, so I'm guessing no.

But I was still immensely frustrated and I didn't know what to do about it anymore. Also, I was too tired and all my muscles were sore so I couldn't just run into the ocean again. I decided to do what I still didn't want to do but I didn't see any other options at that point. I decided to call my sister.


Hi. I'm Pamela, Nancy's best friend, neighbor, and older sister. I mean, I'm 38 and she's 37, so I'm not, like, an old woman or something...Let's start over!

I'm Pam, I'm almost as tall as my sister and we have the same bra size and similar facial and body features actually. I'm more in shape than she is because I'm a personal trainer and massage therapist so it's kind of in the job description. I'm the one who decided we needed a pool that stretched between both our backyards! But she was the one who insisted we have a privacy fence even though we don't have any neighbors...weird, right? My theory is that she just wanted it to keep wildlife out but we could have gotten a normal chain link fence or something. I mean, she's always been a little crazy when it comes to showing off her body so it might just be her own fear of the future neighbors we might have some day or something.

Actually, I misspoke, she hasn't always been crazy like that. She told me something, but it's super secret okay? But she totally banged a dude who was her doctor's husband and ruined her doctor's marriage and that kind of screwed her up. But, like, and don't tell her I told you this, but she was kind of a slut before then...

Okay that was a mean thing to say, she wasn't, like, going around sucking off the football team or something. She did have two boyfriends in college though... At the same time! Kinda sexy, right? Nothing like the prudish woman she's become. Something I've been trying to break her out of for as long as she's been that way.

Anyway, I was chilling on the beach when she called me. I was on vacation on a tropical island with my nieces and daughter when my phone rang. I was only wearing a swimsuit so I had to look around a bit before I realized it was in my lap.

"Heeey Nancy!" I said, legitimately happy that she was calling me, "how's Rob doing?"

Nancy paused before saying, "how do you always know?"

"Huh?" I said, not knowing what it was I knew, "is he still sick?" I gasped as something occurred to me, "it's gotten worse, hasn't it?"

"Yes," Nancy said then quickly, "no, uh, that's not what I meant. His fever has finally broken but, umm, something else came up...." She was silent for a long time after that.

"What? What is it?" It was really unlike her to be this held back... Well, unless it was something sexual, "did you meet someone?" I asked, half hoping, but knew that pigs hadn't flown that day so...

"Yes," she said but then quickly said, "I mean, no. It's not... anything like that. I've just been, uh, stressed out about Rob's, umm, condition, and I was wondering if I could, maybe, talk to you about it... Maybe?"

"What, I thought you said Rob's fever was gone?" I asked, "what's his 'condition?'"

She sighed and I knew I had made Nacy a little overly frustrated, "You know what? It's fine. Hope you're having a good vacation, sis. I'll see you when you get home." I could tell she was miserable but she had already hung up before I could say anything else


I left the beach though it wasn't as late as I meant it to be but I meant to go there to get my sexual frustrations out of me but it only made it worse. I decided to go home. I would have to face my son.

I rationalized, in a roundabout way, it'll be fine. I dreamed out all my fantasies at the beach so I can't have any more while I'm with my son for the rest of the day. This made sense to me right then as I was denying the fact that I was even having sexual thoughts about my son at that moment. Besides, it's Rob! Everything will be cleared up by Xania at the beginning of next week and Rob will be back to complaining about his favorite superheroes getting killed off or whatever! I Didn't really know much about superheroes, just not my scene, and whenever Rob started talking about them, I tended to shut my brain off before I got overwhelmed with all the different names and backstories or whatever. I'm normally too busy for stuff like that.

Oh would you look at that, I thought as I stopped my car in the driveway, I thought about superheroes and I zoned out and the trip was just done! How exciting! Then I realized I didn't actually have anything to be excited about as I pulled into the garage as I remembered why I even went out to begin with. Right, I need to talk to Rob now. I sighed, I didn't want to put things off until everything was much worse. Well, let's get this over with.

Truthfully, at that moment, I had more or less repressed my inappropriate feelings for Rob and was starting to deny that I even had those feelings to begin with. And I saw what I was about to do as being a concerned mother having a discussion with her son about his health.

I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. I briskly walked through the house from the garage and pushed my way into my son's room. I did not expect to walk in on him sitting on his couch with his hard cock hanging out of his pants.

"Holy hell!" I shouted as I spun around as Rob covered himself up. I closed my eyes tightly as well even though I was already facing away from him in the hopes I could burn the image out of my brain. But it had the opposite effect and it was as if my son's hard, humongous cock was all I could see. I opened my eyes again but the damage had been done. My nipples were hardening, my pussy was wet and throbbing, and my mind had become a bit foggy because I was horny as fuck.

"Geez Mom!" Rob said, now holding a pillow over his crotch though I could still see the outline of his cock trying to poke a hole through it, "could you knock!"

I had to catch my breath some, and huffed, feeling my anger rise, "Well, what are you doing sitting around with your cock out anyway!?" I shouted. I have never been shy about cursing around my kids but yelling about my son's "cock" was not something I would normally do. I chocked it all up to how angry I was.

Rob cringed before answering, "I thought you were going to be gone until late." He said, "And my, um, penis is just hard all the time...uh, today."

"What? Constantly?"

"No it comes and goes, but mostly it's been, um..." Rob got embarrassed and stopped talking.

"Well, did you get your sample?" I asked, my motherly concern beating back my anger and horniness for a moment.

"No, uh, I..." Rob mumbled.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Well, come to my bathroom, okay? We'll take care of it together."

What the fuck, did I just say that?! I thought as we went to my bathroom together, I was grabbing another cup from the collection Xania gave me on the way. Even though I doubted my own words I still led Rob into my bathroom. He had zipped up his shorts and followed me in.

I put the cup on the floor of the tub. My bathroom was very large and had both a shower and a tub. The tub was jacuzzi style but I've never actually used the jets. It was much better than the "public" bathroom, which I've always liked but has made my sister a bit jealous and question the home's architect. It is a little strange that my room and adjoining bathroom were a lot nicer than the rest of the house but I've always appreciated it, to say the least.

"Take off your clothes," I told Rob, I rationalized that I should watch him, "I need to see what you're doing wrong." I then looked him directly in the eyes, "Don't you dare cum on me!" I told him sternly and he agreed. Truthfully this was more because there was a very strong part of me that wanted him to spray sperm all over my body again. I was more worried about me than about Rob's depravities.

He started jerking and I tried not to stare. Or maybe I should say I tried not to make it obvious to Rob that I was staring. But I was too horny and got closer to Rob's side as I watched his arm right next to me stroking his hard dick from the base to the giant cockhead at the top. He was leaking copious amounts of precum all over his hand which looked somewhat obscene as he smeared it all over his cock.

I was so close to him now, I whispered in his ear, "That's good son. Stroke that big hard cock. Cum for mommy. Mommy needs you to cum for the doctor. Make a big orgasm for Mommy!" I was getting really into it but I guess that last one set my son over the edge and he came all over my tub. Still, a great deal of his semen landed in the cup and I picked it up and put a lid on it.

"Good job son!" I told him, "Now go to your room and I'll clean this up!" I was still in "horny mode" so even though I had tried to tell him these things like a responsible mother, it came out dripping with lust and I said both things in the same way I would say "I want you to bend me over backwards and fuck me sideways." but I don't think Rob picked up on it before he ran out of the room.

Cleaning was a lot easier in the tub as I just turned on the showerhead (yes, the tub is also a shower) and sprayed it wherever my son's semen was and the thick goo mixed with the liquid and was washed away.

I was feeling calmer. A lot calmer actually even though I hadn't had an orgasm out of nowhere like last time. I think it was because I knew that was the last time I'd have to watch him do it. It's the last time I'm going to allow myself to watch anyway. I thought to myself, making an ultimatum, and now our home life can go back completely to normal.

We actually did have a fairly normal evening after that. Partly because I was stubbornly insisting to myself that all my sexual desire for my son was gone now for the rest of both our lives. We ate dinner together at the table and he told me about a movie he wanted to watch. Then we watched that movie together which, thankfully, wasn't about superheroes, but I still had a hard time paying attention to it. Mostly I just kept noticing that my son's bulge was back again. I still couldn't believe he could get hard so quickly after having such tremendously large orgasms.

Still, I tried to watch the movie, and later that night I slept like the dead. I'd had a long day.​
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