Chapter 05
Though I didn't remember my dreams when I woke up I guessed they were sexual because I woke up feeling very horny again. I was still groggy and actually thought about masturbating for a moment, something I don't think I'd done since before I had kids, but the thought of obscenely touching myself fully woke me up. I took a cold shower but it only helped a little and I went to wake Rob up. I decided he was going to take care of his semen sample right away in the hopes that I wouldn't spend the whole day thinking about his penis.
"Ugh, what!?" Rob moaned as he had a thousand times before when I woke him up right before he missed the bus or the like.
"I thought we could get your sample first thing today." I explained as I opened his curtains to let some light in. "Then we can have an entirely normal day together."
Rob put a hand up to block the light. "Come on Mom, can't we do it later when I'm more awake!?" He motioned to the lower half of his body which was under a blanket. "Look see, I don't even have an erection!" He was complaining about this the same way he complained about "5 more minutes!" When I woke him up before he's late for school
I felt my whole body shudder as I thought about my son's penis again and my horniness increased. I blame this next part on me not having my morning coffee yet and not being awake enough to counter my increasing arousal.
I was wearing a plaid flannel shirt which was ugly enough I usually didn't care that it actually hugged my boobs firmly and showed my EEs off in their entirety. Something I took full advantage of. "Oh yeah?" I said to my son gamely, "we'll see about that..." and I unbuttoned the top button on my shirt.
"What do you..." Rob started to ask as he opened his eyes again to glance up at me. He didn't try to go back to sleep as I unbuttoned another button and my breasts pushed the shirt further open as if they were trying to break free of the ugly thing.
I unbuttoned a third button and then, with my ample cleavage fully on display, I leaned forward and said "you were saying?" To both show him my cleavage as I leaned forward and my boobs hung down, stretching my shirt to its limit, and I motioned to my son's quickly growing tent in his blanket. I felt pleased that I had proven that Rob could take his semen sample first thing in the morning, and making myself incredibly aroused in the process.
Rob groaned but got up. I left the room so he could put some pants on and had him do it in my bathroom again. Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't watch him again or do anything but wash his cum away with my shower head. Though I was very horny doing both waiting for him to finish as I stood in my room and cleaning his cum, but I was also humming happily to myself knowing that this would all be over in a few days. I think that thought relieved me to a greater degree than I realized at that moment. For the rest of the day it felt like I was walking on air.
I hate getting up early but I was actually kinda relieved that Mom got me up early so I could jerk off into a sample cup and get it over with. I guess I figured then today would be basically normal.
But Mom was acting pretty weird for the rest of the morning. At breakfast she kept brushing her foot against mine under the table and touching my arm slightly with her hand above it. Both of which I figured were accidental but then she kept doing it. Once even grabbing my upper arm and saying, "Rob you're really growing into a big, strong man now." Though I didn't really have much muscle there due to being stuck in bed for three weeks. Not that I was particularly scrawny and thanks to our pool I was usually pretty tone but I felt a bit out of shape right then after being sick.
After breakfast we swam in the pool. Mom was pretty adamant about us spending the day together. Which I didn't mind. I'd been spending the last 4 days feeling like I'd done something really wrong, even though it wasn't really my fault (okay, busting in on my mom in the shower was totally my fault but I still felt that was out of my control...sorta). Anyway, doing something normal again with Mom was great. We swam around together and started to play Marco Polo.
"Marco!" I said, my eyes tightly shut.
"Polo!" Mom shouted from across the pool.
I swam towards the sound but as I did I felt something brush past me and I lunged. Mom laughed as I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her underwater.
It was a weird moment. I had my hands on her hips and she pressed her body into mine. Her large boobs felt firm against my chest and her legs slowly wrapped around me, bringing our hips together. I was rock hard and as she did this it stretched my swimsuit to its limits as my giant cock was squeezed firmly between both our stomachs.
She seemed to grind her crotch against my cock separated only by the thin material of both of our swimsuits. It was only a slight thing and we were both still completely underwater, so we separated and swam back to the surface for air.
"Uh, whew," Mom said as she swam over to the side of the pool to hold on while she caught her breath, "well, I guess you win." She told me as I joined her on the side. She then climbed out of the pool and started walking towards the house. "Well," she said, glancing over her shoulder at me, "I guess I'll hit the shower but I'll make lunch after you're ready."
I told her thanks and waited in the pool for a very long time until my boner went away after that.
What the fuck is wrong with me!? I thought as soon as I shut the door behind me to my bathroom. It was weird. With my son I was a free spirit but once I was alone all my guilt caught up with me as I realized something. I've been flirting non-stop with Rob all morning! I'm a slut! A slut for my own son! I'm a slutty Mom!
Instead of making me feel worse, those taboo thoughts only turned me on even more and I gasped at my own horny thoughts before practically ripping off my swimsuit and running my body under ice cold water for a very long time. It didn't help though, nothing helped anymore. I felt like I was losing my mind as my body wanted to lose itself in lust.
"Fuck!" I yelled in frustration as I shut the unhelpful water off. I quickly got dressed and then grabbed my phone. I guess it was time to tell my sister everything...
Me, my daughter, Jenna, and my nieces (Nancy's daughters) Alice and Violet were just finishing our lunch when Nancy called. I answered right away... As soon as I found my phone in my jacket pocket I left on the back of the chair.
"Oh, it's Nancy, here I'll put it on speaker so we can all say hello!" I told the girls as I answered the phone, turning the speakerphone setting to "on."
"Hello sister! We're all-" I started to say.
"Okay Pam," Nancy interrupted, talking very quickly, "I have to tell you this and just get it all out there. Rob's fever broke a few days ago but there's some after effects and now his penis is humongous and Xania came and looked at it and now he needs to collect semen samples every day but when I'm around him I feel like I'm losing all control! It's like he's suddenly turned into a real man! And I just keep looking at him sexually and I don't know what's wrong with me anymore! I practically dry humped him in the swimming pool and I don't know what to do!"
I glanced at my daughter and nieces. They're faces matched my own: totally shocked!
"Umm, I'll call you right back okay Nancy." I hung up and addressed the other women at the table, "sooo... I probably should have taken that off speaker... oops." Things were so awkward that statement sent us all into fits of nervous laughter.
When it died down I said, "not a word of this to anyone. Okay? I'll call Nancy back now and I'm sure it's not what it sounded like." I gave them all a reassuring smile before going to my vacationing room in our hotel suite to call Nancy back.
Before I called her I took a minute or two to think about what she told me, and inadvertently told Alice, Jenna, and Violet. I mean, lusting after Rob is a bit fucked up, I thought, I mean, he is, like, the biggest geek ever! But I guess he is pretty cute...and if his cock is as big as she says...hmm... I began daydreaming but caught myself, Whoa girl! He's your nephew! Calm down!...Then again, Nancy hasn't been even remotely sexual in such a long time, maybe this could be the way she can finally bust out of her shell and get back to living a normal life? I mean, it's a little fucked up being her son and all but I'm sure they won't do more than maybe a little friendly touching. Nancy's too straight-laced to let anything more than that happen.
I was feeling very confident that pushing Nancy to help her son with his condition was the right thing to do and that Nancy was responsible enough to keep things from going too far and I called her back,"What's up?" I asked in perfect friendliness.
"I already told you," Nancy said, I could feel her eyes rolling at me on the other end of the phone.
I laughed at myself, "Yeah, well, you have to admit it was quite a thing to tell me."
"Well, what do you think I should do?" Nancy asked.
"About your son's condition or about your feelings for him?" I asked.
"Both, I guess." She told me.
"Well, it is a weird medical thing, whatever it is." I said, "But if the doctor says this is the right thing to do he should keep giving them cum samples."
"Semen samples," my little sister corrected me.
"Oh, who cares? Cum, semen, same thing." I said, "Just make sure he keeps getting them and if you get a little turned on, hey, that's normal." I told her, "I mean, it's a little weird it's your son but a hard cock is a hard cock."
"You don't have to be so grotesque." Nancy said, her and her big words.
"I think I do," I said, "if only because it's a perfectly normal thing that your son has, a cock, and you should get used to it..." that made me think of something, "Is it really big?" I asked her.
Nancy sighed and I thought for a second she wasn't going to tell me but then she said, "It's unlike anything I've ever seen."
I cocked my eyebrow, "Really?"
"Yes," Nancy said, exasperated, "Let's stop talking about it now."
"Alright, whatever."
"What should I do about my...taboo feelings?" She asked.
"I told you, it's normal. Just don't do anything stupid and remember that your son's, um, member is just another part of him. He can't help it if he's got a condition and you should be supportive and...stuff." I said, unable to think of another reason but then did, "Oh, and you should be nice to him, his medical condition isn't his fault."
She sighed again, "Thanks, I still don't feel right about any of it. But thanks anyway Pam. This should all be cleared up by the time you get back on Tuesday."
"Oh is that your next appointment with...what was their name again?" I asked.
"Dr. Xania Davis." Nancy told me. "It's on Monday." She corrected me.
That name was familiar, "Wait, isn't that the doctor you, um..." I trailed off as I didn't want to bring up Nancy's old sexual hangups right then.
She remembered anyway. I guess, why would she forget? "The woman whose marriage I broke up. Yeah, that one. She gave Rob pills as part of an experiment and she thinks it has something to do with it."
"I see..." I said, not really sure how to respond. Instead I told her, "Well, I'll see you on Tuesday!" and hung up.
"What. The. Flying. Fuck!?" Alice said as soon as Aunt Pam was out of the room to go call Mom back. "Did Mom say she was horny for Rob?" She was obviously having a tough time coming to terms with what she just heard.
Jenna laughed. I just rolled my eyes, "whatever." I said, "Mom's been so sexually repressed I'm sure seeing any cock would turn her into a horn dog."
"And I guess you would know all about that," Alice spat, glaring at me. "About Rob's cock, I mean."
I glared back, "it's not like that."
I guess I should explain a few things, and properly introduce myself. I'm Violet. I'm super into sports and I'm Alice's and Rob's twin sister. We're all 18 after last May and since then I've kinda... Well, I guess I've kinda been teasing Rob with my body. Okay, it started when I noticed a bulge in his pants when we were all in our pool swimming and I was wearing this hot two piece swimsuit, oh I'm the spitting image of our mother when she was 18 except my boobs are slightly smaller and my eyes are blue where hers are brown. I personally think I'm hotter than her but that might have something to do with all the ugly outfits she wears.
Anyway, Rob got a boner while we were swimming and I think it was because Jade was there, also in a bikini, and he's totally in love with her even if he'd never admit it to her face. But since that day, I've kinda, sorta been using every opportunity I could to tease him with my body. It's kinda a game to me, I told you how into sports I am, and the way I saw it, I scored points when I noticed his tiny boner rising in his pants after I did something to arouse him.
Okay, he wasn't that small in the groin area, probably about average size. Not that I've seen it directly but there was no way it was "humongous" like Mom said it was over the phone. I was certain at the time that she was just exaggerating from being so resistant from anything sexual that seeing any dick was having an effect on her.
"Oh really?" Alice said after my comment, "So you don't spend all your time trying to give Rob a boner?" Even though we were twins, Alice and I don't really look anything alike. She had curly red hair for one thing, freckles, and green eyes. She had a hot body like me though, so I guess we had that in common. She wasn't into sports even though she always joined the school teams with me but I think that was mostly just because I was there more than anything else as she couldn't care less about winning and usually ended up as a reserve member, but she was fine with that. Mostly she just likes making jokes or making fun of people with her best friend Luna.
"That's not what I'm doing." I said simply even though that was totally what I was doing, but I was always subtle, and there's no way that Alice could know that for certain without me telling her.
I glanced at Jenna to see if she was judging me but she was reading something on her phone and didn't seem the least bit interested in our conversation. Jenna dressed kinda conservatively, much like our Mom, but she was just really nerdy. She had brunette hair, big dorky glasses, and she probably had an attractive bod like the rest of the women in my family, but she kept it covered up for the most part and spent most of her time in her room at Aunt Pam's house when we were home. Jenna was 19 and out of high school. I wasn't sure what she did to make money but Aunt Pam did say she paid rent every week so I guess she must have a job of some sort.
"Oh please," Alice retorted, "a week before Rob was sick I caught you giving him a lap dance, and a week before that you were showing him your panties!"
"That's not what happened," I repeated, "I was just trying to get by him and I slipped and fell on his lap," kinda true though my 'slip and fall' was totally on purpose and I may have stayed in his lap for longer than I should have, "and he just didn't believe me when I told him I was wearing a thong so I had to show him so he'd believe me." For that, I may have been pushing him to say what I wanted him to by forcing the conversation to be about my panties at the time.
"Why are you telling him you're wearing a thong, anyway?"
I was about to answer her with some other lie but I was saved by Aunt Pam coming back into the room. She said something about how we all collectively misheard Mom and nothing was wrong with Rob or something, but I wasn't listening. And once she was done talking, I left the room while she was talking and locked myself in the room I claimed as my own the first day we got to our suite. Partly, I was hoping that I could stay in there long enough that Alice would forget about harassing me for playing my little game with our brother. But, mostly, I wanted to text Rob and knew if Alice caught me doing it she'd start giving me even more shit about everything.
So I locked my door, lay on the hotel's bed, and took out my phone. I was trying to think of the best way to ask him what I wanted to ask him without making it sound like I really cared or anything. Because I don't. But it was about the thing Mom said about his huge cock. Again, I was sure she was just mistaken, but it made me wonder...
I stayed in the pool for a long time before my cock finally softened and I could go take a shower in our bathroom. When I got out, got dressed, and left the bathroom, Mom was standing in the hallway. She seemed to be lost in thought as she was staring at one of the paintings we had hung up on the wall there, this one was of a tree and a sunset behind a hill, kind of like something you might've seen Bob Ross paint if you've ever seen his old videos on YouTube or something.
"Everything okay, Mom?" I asked her when I saw her like that.
Mom looked at me and smiled sweetly, "Oh, just daydreaming." She said, "I talked to Pam."
"Oh?" I asked, not really sure what this is about.
"Yeah," Mom said and bit her lip as she thought of the next thing to say. I never noticed before then but Mom looked very sexy when she was lost in thought. I guess she always looks sexy...wait, what am I thinking? But it didn't matter as I could feel my boner growing in my shorts as I stared at her. "Um, I was thinking we could watch a movie together." She said after another minute.
"Um, okay..." I said. I thought, that's weird, I swear she's trying to tell me something else. But I wasn't sure if I should press it or not, and my cock was getting very hard and I was starting to have lustful thoughts as I stared at her. I began to worry about the incident in the shower when I lost all control, entered her bathroom naked from the waist down, and jerked off on her body. If I did something like that again...well, there's no way to know what I might do next time. "Let me, um, go in my room and I'll meet you there." I told her.
"Actually," Mom said as she got in front of me so I couldn't enter my room. "I was thinking we'd watch something in your bedroom, if you don't mind?" She said, questioningly.
"Um...sure." I said and we both entered my room. I was still unsure what Mom was trying to do but she sat on my loveseat and patted the seat next to her so I would sit down beside her.
I gulped but I also sat down. The tent in my shorts was very obvious. As my Mom curled up to me and rested her head on my shoulder.
I felt like putting my arm her, but my dick and my lust seemed to just be fighting every part of my being for control. I was basically sure if I touched her body, I would do something that I would regret as my horniness took over.
"So," Mom said, so close to me I could feel her breath on my ear, "What do you want to watch?"
And that's when Violet texted me. I pulled my phone out and read what it said. Unfortunately, with Mom's head on my shoulder, so did she. I should have known it was one of her dumb teasing-game-things she thinks I don't know she's doing (I mean, I haven't really done much to make her stop either...).
The text I read over my son's shoulder said: Violet: Hey bro, if I send you a pic of my tits will you send me one of your dick?
"What the fuck?!" I said as I stood from the loveseat, suddenly livid. "What the fuck are you doing with your sister?!"
Rob looked shocked as he dropped his phone, "Nothing! I swear! I don't know why she asked me that! I, um..." He trailed off as he remembered something.
"What!?" I yelled jumping to every conclusion, "Just remembered all the times you two fucked in the shower?!"
"No! We're not...I don't know why she asked me that!" He was stammering and at the time I thought that ensured that he was lying.
"I don't want to hear it!" I said as I stormed out of his room and back into my own.
At first I huffed and puffed and changed the sheets on my bed to try to simmer down. Once that was done I calmed down and sat on my bed as I realized that A) I wasn't angry about the possibility that Rob might have done something sexual with his sister, though it did worry me. What I had really been was jealous like a horny teenager worried her boyfriend was cheating on her... And B) Violet wouldn't do anything like that with Rob and this was probably one of her stupid pranks she liked to play with Alice on their brother.
Still, I knew there was one way to be sure of everything and a minute later I called Violet.
I was surprised Mom was calling me only a few minutes after I texted Rob. Rob still hadn't gotten back to me either and I wondered if he was even awake yet. It was late in the afternoon but he slept a lot (I had forgotten Mom said they "swam" in the pool in her confession earlier).
Anyway, Mom called and I answered not the least bit concerned that she saw the text I sent my brother and figured it was just a normal, friendly call, "Hey Mom! I heard Rob was feeling better." I said feigning the "I'm your good, innocent daughter" act though really I was just waiting to see if Rob would send me a dick pic or not.
"So, you'll show Rob your tits for a picture of his dick!?!" Mom asked as I felt my brain imploding, "What the fuck is wrong with you Violet?"
I was desperate as this really isn't a conversation I wanted to be having with my mom, so I used the only weapon I had, "Well, is that any worse than you lusting after your own son like a slut!" I said then cringed when I realized I just called my own mother a slut. Something Alice and I called each other all the time when either of us was angry, but we'd never call Mom that. I think I was just scared that Mom found out about my text and now I was overreacting. Still I felt bad, "I'm sorry I-"
Mom interrupted me and I knew right away I had gone too far with my slut comment, "I'm not 'lusting' after anyone, least of all him!" But then she put it all together, "I was on speakerphone when I called Pam earlier, wasn't I?...Fucking A Pam! Ugh!" Mom hung up the phone but a moment later she texted Mom: We'll talk about this when you come home, young lady! This made me cringe, but I found solace in knowing that I was still on vacation for three more days at least. Maybe Mom would forget about it by then?
I was greatly embarrassed knowing that I had revealed what was basically my deepest darkest secret to my entire family. It had taken me a lot of strength to admit that stuff to Pam and now I just felt like I had fucked it all up for myself... forever. I didn't want to leave my room now, but, after a while, Rob knocked on my door.
I opened the door but I was sure I looked miserable.
"I'm really sorry Mom." Rob said, staring at the carpet of my bedroom, "I swear me and Violet never did anything. She was just messing around or something. I don't know why she said that."
"Just...give me your phone." I said. He did right away and unlocked it for me. I checked his recent messages, nothing between him and Violet since she sent her message, and I also checked his recent photos just to be sure. No tits or dicks anywhere, and I was relieved. I suppose he could have just deleted all the evidence but this was enough that I trusted my son wasn't having some sick, secret affair with his sister at least.
"Thanks," I said as I handed the phone back to him. "I think I should tell you something..." though I really wasn't sure, but it seemed like the secret was out with everyone else. Might as well...
"What is it?" Rob asked.
I paced for a moment as Rob stared at me like I was crazy but I was just working every thought around in my brain. I sat on the bed and patted the area beside me so Rob would sit, just as I had done on the loveseat in his room.
Rob sat. I almost put a hand on his leg to reassure him but realized I probably shouldn't be touching my son while telling him what I was about to. I took a deep breath. Then another before finally... taking another breath. Okay I've drawn it out long enough... "Rob, please, don't be shocked by what I'm about to tell you." I started, I looked him in the eyes. He looked calm, handsome, and manly and, oh... I took another breath, "this condition you have has really made me see you in a new light. I know you're growing into a real man," my voice cracked with lust as I said that last word and I took another breath. I decided to just rip the rest off like a bandaid, "I'm sexually attracted to you, and I. Mmm-"
I had to stop talking because it was right then that Rob started kissing me.
Blood surged to my cock, it was already half hard but as soon as Mom admitted that she shared my attractions, I couldn't hold back anymore. It was like all my lust had just taken over, just like it did in the bathroom the other day. I was kissing her, my tongue was in her mouth, my hands were on her tits. And she was kissing me back! I couldn't believe it but Mom was moaning around my tongue as her tongue met mine and was in my mouth as well. Her saliva tastes like heaven and I loved the feeling of her tits in my hands, even though she was wearing a bra and two sets of shirts that were so large and soft I hardly noticed that anything was between my hands and my mother's amazing boobs.
But, after what seemed like all time and no time at all, Mom pushed me away. I wondered for a moment if it was because I was touching her tits or kissing her wrong since I'd never done either before that moment. But, before I could say anything she yelled, "GET OUT!" And I literally sprinted out of the room.
I was greatly embarrassed at first, but then, and maybe it was because my boner was throbbing so hard it hurt, but I got amazingly angry right then. She said she was attracted to me! What the fuck!? I was a teenager and my hormones were all over the place and after an hour or so I would be calmer and realize that even though Mom admitted to being attracted to me, that didn't mean I could just fuck her...could it? Whatever, anyway, I was angry, so I took off my pants, took out my phone, took a picture of my hard cock, and sent it to Violet.
She didn't text me her tits after that but I didn't really expect her to. I was mostly pissed at Mom. I was embarrassed about this later and planned to apologize when Violet got home but didn't text her again because of how ashamed I was for what I had done.
Mom and I avoided one another for the rest of the day, and just when we were starting to feel comfortable around each other again...
"What. The. FUCK!?" I shouted in my room as I saw the picture my brother finally sent me. This is definitely not the same cock I had seen making a tent in his pants so many times these past few months! It was a humongous dick, at least as big around as my forearm and as long, well, if me making a fist was the cockhead. Just from that picture I could tell that my brother was hung bigger than most porn stars!
But as I stared at it I had my doubts. True, I could recognize my brother's floor in the picture with his terrible carpeting and random clothes lying about, but this cock was obviously photoshopped in there. I mean, it had to be. There was no way anyone was this hung!
So, I was sure that he was tricking me. I didn't send him a picture of my tits, I did however, since this obviously wasn't my brother's cock, masturbate to that picture.
I took all my clothes off and lay back on the bed. I grabbed one of my tits and made my nipple very hard as I pinched the fuck out of it, but I was hlding up that picture imagining this gigantic cock was entering my pussy with my other hand so I had to move my hand from my tit to my pussy as I got very wet. God dammit! I thought as I stuffed my vagina with first one, then two, then three fingers as I pretended it was this giant, veiny thing plunging into me instead of my fingers, "Whoever's cock, OH, this is," I said outloud as I started to moan and I felt my orgasm building, "I wonder if, MMmm, Rob can introduce us, FUCK! OOOOHHHHHH!" I moaned, trying not to get too loud as I came all over my hand.
I dropped my phone but kept glancing at that picture throughout the rest of our vacation and jilled off to it several times between then and when we left for home. After some time, I started to imagine it really was Rob's cock, if only because then it would be close by when I was back home. And yes, that means I was picturing it was Rob while I was masturbating after that, but I figured if Mom's okay with it, then, well, what's holding me back then? And it's just some fantasizing, it's not like I would really want to do anything sexual with Rob, despite my teasing game. It was just a game to me, after all.