Chapter 06

Day 6-Sunday September 5

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming


I didn't sleep at all. I was up all night with conflicting thoughts. One of those thoughts was how much I enjoyed kissing my son. True, it was obvious that he didn't have any experience at all with women, but I think we were both so overcome with passion in the moment that it didn't matter as every touch and motion just sent shivers down my spine.

I got angry and kicked him out but really I was only angry with myself. I knew that what Pam told me yesterday was true, it really wasn't Rob's fault that he has this condition. True, it was kind of his fault for kissing me, but it was like he told me yesterday, as soon as something made him horny enough, he lost all control. Of course, that seemed to be the same with me as well lately...

As the sun came up in the morning, I thought about calling Pam again, but I was still mad at her for leaving me on speaker so my whole family could hear my confession. One of the other thoughts I had while I was awake all night was what was I going to tell everyone when they came back from their vacation on Tuesday? I hoped it was "everything is back to normal now," because the appointment with Dr. Xania tomorrow will clear everything up. I was really hoping she had some way to cure my son of his condition. If only because it would make it less likely for me to see him as a sexual object if he didn't have a hard dick and needed to cum every day like he did now.

I got up and made coffee. It was still too early to wake Rob up and unlike yesterday where I was just trying to get it out of the way, I was dreading asking him to give his semen sample. I watched television in the living room for a couple hours until it was early enough that I could call Xania.

She answered on the first ring, "Hi Nancy." She said not sounding like a total bitch for once, "Is everything okay with Rob?"

"Um, yes," I told her, "but I was wondering if it would be alright if we didn't collect his sample for today."

Xania was quiet for a moment, but when she came back she sounded snippy like she usually does while talking to me, "No, Nancy, we need a sample for every day so we have an accurate range at how much semen your son is producing. I'm sorry but it's imperative we have a sample for every day of this week. Otherwise we will more than likely have to do it all again next week to get the correct sample size." She said this very professionally, so much so that I didn't even question that this was anything but legitimate information. Except that it also made me feel trapped, like there was no way out all of a sudden.

"Okay, thank you Xania." I said before hanging up, feeling defeated. I decided it was early enough to do that now.


Mom shook me and I was instantly awake. I think I was unconsciously preparing for her to wake me up but I wasn't groggy in the slightest, "Mom," I said immediately, "I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday. I really don't know what came over me and I-"

"No, it's okay," Mom said as she sat on my bed and put her hand in mine comfortingly, "I know this is all very hard for you and you can't always help, um, doing things like that. I just want you to know that I understand, but I also want you to know that we can never, ever do that again." She smiled warmly, "Now, come on, let's get your last sample before the doctor's appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, this will be the last time we need to. I'm sure that Xania will give us some good news and our lives will go back to normal."

I was kind of disappointed about that but I wasn't entirely sure why at that point. As we walked to Mom's bathroom, I got in the bathtub with the cup and Mom waited in her room. I thought about it.

Well, I thought, if life goes back to normal then Mom and I would stop being attracted to each other. And she would go back to being so afraid of sex she berates me for having a porno mag and makes me burn it. And I'll just play video games in my room until the day I die... Yeah, I don't want to return to that but I guess it's better than all this weird tension with Mom.

Still, the thought of everything just going back to the way things were was really making me kind of depressed. I wasn't thinking at all about masturbating.


It was a very long time and Rob still hadn't finished, I knocked on the door and called out, "Is everything okay?"

"Um," I heard him say back, "I dunno. I just don't have the right motivation or something."

I hadn't gotten any sleep, which is what I blame on the fact that I then said, "Do you need help?"

Rob was silent for a moment. I thought for half a second that maybe my question made him slip in the tub and crack his skull open. That was long enough silence for me to enter the bathroom and then gasp when I saw Rob completely naked in my tub. His cock was soft but still plenty intimidating as it hung down, like some elephant's trunk, between his legs.

When he saw me his cock immediately started to get hard. Something in me, I think it was my lack of sleep combined with being as horny as I had been for what seemed like years at that point but was only a few days. But I started to undress myself, "You need help." I said, partly to Rob but mostly to myself, "It's Mommy's duty to help you." I removed my ugly shirt and frantically started removing my pants as well. It was like I couldn't take them off fast enough, "So please, look at my body and jerk your hard cock! You need to cum for Mommy!" my sweatpants and panties were off in one swoop and finally I was taking off my bra. I guess it's weird that I was taking that off last, but I was too horny to care about the order I was displaying my body to my son.

I looked up and smiled when I saw he was stroking himself looking at my lustful body. I grabbed my tits and held them up for him, giving him a good look at my hard nipples and full areolas. I started to pinch my nipples, whimpering out soft moans as I watched my son stroke his huge cock in both hands.

I pinched my nipples again with both hands and my pussy convulsed, "Oh god!" I moaned out as I felt myself starting to cum, "It's too much! It's always too much with you son!" I fell to my knees, I felt my pussy squirting juices in copious amounts all over the floor below me, I was cumming so hard I was actually squirting! I don't think I'd ever done that before!

Rob started cumming too, but there was a problem, since I came in the room he had turned to face me instead of the cup on the tub's floor in front of him, and I had slowly been walking towards him so his cock was pointing straight at my face as I kneeled on the ground in front of him. He moaned and started cumming all over my face and I loved every second of it! But something else happened that I was really surprised by, I opened my mouth and inched closer to Rob's spasming dick so that he was cumming directly into my oral cavity. I swallowed, closing my mouth as I did so and cum splattered all over my lips and the rest of my face as it dripped down onto my ample chest. I opened my mouth for the next load, and got splattered again while I swallowed. I didn't care though, I loved my son's sperm. Both the taste and the feel of it clinging to my body! I was becoming a total cumslut and loving it!

But, once my son and I both stopped cumming, I suddenly realized all at once what had just happened. I looked up at him through the cummy mess on my face, "I think you should leave now." I said meekly as he practically ran out of the room naked, forgetting his clothes on the floor.

I stood up and felt like I was walking in a dream as I turned on the shower and started washing my son's cum off my body. I felt like I'd just eaten 3 full steaks, I had swallowed so much of his copious sperm. I was feeling very light headed, and still very horny even though I just had a tremendous orgasm. Part of me wanted to leave the house and never come back. Another part of me wanted to call Rob back into the shower to see if he could cum again so quickly after such an enormous load. And another part wanted what I did after my shower, and that was climb into bed and fall asleep. I slept better than angels do on clouds...


Mom is now officially the hottest woman in the world! I thought as I furiously jerked off into a sock in my bedroom. I didn't care anymore that she was my Mom, I just covered her face in cum and she openly swallowed a bunch of it! I was so deprived of porn and stuff I never even thought before that a woman eating and swallowing your cum could be so fucking hot! But now it was all I could think about.

I came in my sock but I came so much not only did I just throw the sock away with no hope it would ever be clean again, but I also needed to use a bunch of tissues for extra cleanup from my cock and groin. But I just kept thinking of Mom swallowing my cum and I had to jerk off again within minutes.

Mom slept until late into the evening but my dick was really sore by the end of the day.


Sup? I'm Alice. I'm Rob and Violet's twin sister. We're all pretty close though we're all pretty different. I mean, I play sports with Violet and video games with Rob but I'm more about hanging out and having fun than they are. I guess Rob likes to have fun too but he just gets waaay too serious about things like his superheroes and whatnot. I guess he's kind of a super nerd but he's still cool.

Anyway, I guess I was getting annoyed with Violet for constantly glancing at her phone while we were supposed to be chilling on the beach and having a good time and she seemed like she was stressing out about something instead.

So, when she was staring at her phone, I got up and grabbed it from her hand to see what she was looking at.

"Hey come on!" She whined, "give it back!"

"Why? What are you looking at anyw- Jesus Christ!" I saw it. The text message she sent to our brother and then the picture he sent back. It was the biggest dick I'd ever seen! Even bigger than I thought was humanly possible!

"Come on, give it back!" Violet grabbed the phone back from me. I guess the damage was done anyway. She shut her screen off and sat on her towel. I sat down next to her.

"So, you're spending all your days staring at your brother's dick and now there's no way you can't tell me you aren't a pervert." I told her, smugly, as I sat.

"Oh come on," Violet rolled her eyes at me, "You really think that's really his cock? There's no way that isn't photoshopped."

"Didn't look like it was edited in any way to me." I said with a smile. "I already know that you're teasing him all the time and now your obsessed with his cock! Oh my God! You're just like Mom!"

This angered Violet and I laughed as she chased me across the beach. I know I teased Violet a lot, but in all honesty, from the first time I noticed Violet teasing our twin brother by flashing her pussy-clad panties at him, I got incredibly turned on by it. True, I tease Violet for being a pervert, but I know I was mostly doing it so no one would suspect that I was really the perverted one. I mean, it's not like I wanted to fuck our brother or anything like that. That'd be too weird. I just thought it would be super fucking HOT if Violet were to fuck him. Is that weird? Meh, whatever, I'm a weird girl.

Anyway, Violet caught up with me and forced my head into the sand while I laughed like a goon. We had fun and behaved like normal sisters after that, but when I was alone in my room later, I fingered myself thinking about that huge cock, wondering if it really did belong to our brother or if it was photo edited like Violet said it was. Again, I wasn't thinking about fucking Rob or anything, but I was thinking, if Rob did have a cock like that, I was going to do everything in my power to push Violet to fuck him. I came on my fingers while thinking about that. Then I licked my juices off my fingers because I like the taste of my pussy. Is that weird? Well, whatever, I do what I like!


I've always seen myself as a "cool aunt" and always tried to be more of a friend to Nancy's kids than another authority figure in their lives. I'm much more stern and motherly with my own daughter but I always thought of myself as someone that Alice, Violet, and Rob could trust.

And that's why I decided to call Rob, well that and he's been on my mind a lot since Nancy told me how obsessed she was with him.

It rang for a long time before he answered, "uh, hello." He sounded out of breath.

"Is everything okay? You sound tired." I said.

"Uh..." he gulped, and stammered something about exercising.

I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me, "okay. Well, I guess I'm just wondering a few things. Like how are you? Are you feeling better? Are you a virgin? That sort of thing." I said this all like a perfect angel.

"Huh? Why do you want to know if I'm a virgin or not?" Rob asked, seeing right through my clever plot to hide my important question with dumb ones. Okay, I didn't really think it was all that clever...

"Well, you know," I said as innocently as before, "you're getting to that age when you start taking an interest in girls and-"

"Actually, I was at that age by the time I turned ten." My nephew pointed out, interrupting me.

"Oh whatever," I stated, being coy wasn't getting anywhere so I cut to the chase, "just tell me if you're a virgin or not."

Rob paused before asking, "did Violet put you up to this?"

"What? No!" That was interesting, "why would Violet do that?" I asked, half to myself.

"Because she... Nevermind." Rob stammered again, "look I have to go."

"Hmmm," I said thoughtfully, "you know if you hang up without answering my question that proves you're definitely still a virgin."

I could feel Rob cringing on the other side of the phone and I had to laugh.

"Fine, fuck it." Rob says at last, "I'm a virgin. I've never had sex before."

"I thought as much." I laughed again.

"Thanks." Rob said bitterly.

"Hey, we were all virgins once." I reassured him as I stopped giggling idiotically, "so, have you done anything with a girl?"

Rob was silent for a moment, "I kissed a girl once," he practically whispered.

"Oh? Who was the lucky lady?" Then I thought of something, "you know kissing family members doesn't count."

"Oh... Then I haven't kissed a girl." He finally admitted.

This time I suppressed my laugh. He seemed pretty down already by my friendly teasing, "it's okay Rob, maybe you're just a late bloomer," that made me remember Nancy's statement about her son's cock growing to an unbelievable size practically overnight and I added, "a really late bloomer..." as my mind started fantasizing.

"Umm, I should go..." Rob started to say after a silent moment of my naughty imaginings and that bust me out of it.

"Hold on," I said, "I still want to talk to you." I heard Rob groan a little bit and I ignored it. "Maybe when I get home I can help you get rid of your virginity?"

There was a sound as I think Rob dropped his phone. I laughed really hard, I can be such a ditz sometimes... "Sorry, that came out wrong." I said when he was back on the phone, "what I meant was, I can help you find a girlfriend. I didn't mean, umm, me, haha!" We both laughed at that, more than a tad awkwardly.

Rob said something else but I honestly didn't hear it as I started fantasizing a bit again. I wondered if my nephew's dick really was as big as his mother said it was. I also wondered if me helping him take his virginity was really just a slip of the tongue or if maybe subconsciously I was starting to see my own nephew as a possible sexual partner.

I also started to wonder if the girls would be too against going home a day early...


Hi, I'm Jenna. I'm Pam's daughter and I live with my mom in a house next to my aunt and cousins, but I'm a bit of a shut-in. Or at least that's what I want everyone else to believe I was. Anyway, we were on this vacation and I couldn't work much. So, you know, I personally didn't want to be there, but it's one of those things we did every year and I knew it'd be pretty suspicious if I stayed home while everyone else left. But whatever, it's fine.

I was hot! And I knew it. I don't care what everyone else says about my looks, I wore big-ass, dorky glasses, and I took a note from Aunt Nance by always wearing clothes that dumbed down my natural features. This was just to keep anyone in my family from suspecting me...

Anyway, I was eating a late lunch with my cousins, who had basically been doing nothing but teasing one another about the apparent size of their brother's dick. This conversation intrigued me but I pretended I wasn't listening. Mom came in a moment later to ask us something, but it also made Alice and Violet stop talking about Rob's abnormally large appendage between his legs and that got rid of my entertainment while I was pretending to be reading stuff on my phone.

"Well, I feel like this vacation has run its course," Mom said as she sat at the table with us, "What say we leave a day early?"

"Huh?" I said, my Mom really wasn't the type to want to leave a tropical island a day early. She's a hardworking physical therapist and trainer but she worked double-shifts on Thursdays just so she wouldn't have to work on Fridays and got a three day weekend each and every week. My Mom worked very hard in order to goof off more. "You want to leave a vacation early, Mom? Are you having a stroke or something? Should I call the local hospital?" We all laughed at my dumb joke....well, I laughed anyway.

"I'd be fine with it," Violet said as our/my laughter died down a moment later.

"Me too." Alice said as well.

I opened then closed my mouth, about to say something else but then I put 1 and 1 and 1 together for each of my Mom and two cousins in front of me. They're all horny for Rob and want to get back to him as soon as possible... I thought, hardly believing it. What!? Okay, I mean, Alice and Violet have been doing nothing but give each other shit about it, but Mom...Well, she did talk to Nancy in her room for an awfully long time...this could be interesting.

"Okay, so we'll leave first thing in the morning," My Mom explained but then looked directly at me, "Unless you have something you want to say about it." She said this cheerfully, my Mom was almost always happy. She was probably one of the most self-assured people I knew, actually.

"No," I said after a moment's thought, feeling a tad mischievous as I lied, "I'm fine with that and then we could have a game day with Nancy and Rob when we get home." We used to have "Family Game Days" every Tuesday evening, but haven't for a while. It was an excuse to spend time with Aunt Nance and Rob though, and maybe I could see if I could push things one way or another.​
Next page: Chapter 07
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