Chapter 07

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming


Today is Labor Day, which is why I asked Nancy if this could be the day of the appointment. Then I could use the lab and keep the rest of the doctors and nurses at my private practice in the dark about what I was up to because no one else would be there, not even the janitors.

I got there early and was surprised when Nancy and her son were there almost as soon as I was, "You're early." I said as I let them in the door and then locked it behind them, "It is Labor Day you know." I explained, when they saw me locking the door, "This is a special case and I don't want anyone coming here thinking we're open. It should be obvious but people can be really dumb sometimes and try to come in anyway."

I led them back into the examination room, Nancy took out a cooler filled with her son's samples. I took them out and started examining the semen under a microscope in chronological order by the date on the side of each cup. "Any problems with collecting the samples?" I asked Rob.

I was surprised when Nancy was the one who said, "No problems at all, we made sure to collect one per day like you instructed."

"Good, good," I said as I inserted the first slide into the microscope after preparing each slide. What I saw simply astounded me, "What the hell?"

"Is everything all right?" Nancy asked, sounding like the concerned mother she was. Too bad she was also the slut who broke up my marriage or I might have considered this a good quality she had. As it stood, I just saw it as a point I could use to manipulate her.

"Um, it's too soon to know, but I'll go through each of these and let you know," I put the next slide into the device. After I checked them all I took some notes and turned to them. "This is something interesting, it appears that Rob's semen production is only increasing, but not only that, his semen's viscosity, his testosterone, and his sexual pheromone production all seem to be on overdrive."

Nancy seemed confused, "you can tell all that just by looking at his, umm, sperm?" I was impressed with her, she only hesitated slightly before saying sperm and she didn't even blush. I suppose talking to her son about it every day has loosened her up some.

"I can't just see that, no, but I can deduce as much," I explained with all honesty. "It seems his testicles are on overdrive when it comes to producing semen. I'll have to run some tests to confirm what I mean, but I think at the very least we should get another sample right away."

Nancy nodded but didn't say anything. I glanced at her and saw that she was now staring directly at her son's crotch, a humongous bulge being there. She was waiting with anticipation, no need to have her wait any longer, "Take your clothes off Rob." I told him.


I expected this moment when Xania would be telling my son to undress. In fact, I'd been thinking about it since I woke up that morning. Xania had jerked my son off right in front of me last time, ending with Rob cumming all over my clothes and body as I came in my panties without even touching myself. Well, that's been happening a lot lately, actually, spontaneous orgasms, I mean. I was still deeply in denial about everything at that time, especially my growing feelings for my son. But had I been more self-aware of my own sexuality and not just suppressing every sexual thought, or at least failing to suppress them, I might have realized that I had been so sexually repressed for so long that it was now coming out of me, not to mention cumming out of me, in weird ways.

As Rob got undressed, I simply stared at him the whole time. I was feeling as if I couldn't take my eyes off of him, actually. He was 18, and a bit scrawny, but as he disrobed all I could think was how manly he looked. My pussy was already very wet by the time he took his pants off and was positively dripping when his cock came into view. I was both unsurprised and very impressed to see that he was rock hard already. His huge cock, a monolith to manliness, and my cunt was calling out to me for attention and it was taking all my strength not to put my hand down my pants and start masturbating right then and there.

But again, I was in denial of the fact that I was having these very direct sexual feelings for my son. I saw him as a man, I saw him as a sexual being, I thought about his cock entering my throbbing pussy and fucking me basically all the time, but it was like I still knew Rob was my son, and seeing him in this way was just me thinking about how a girl his age might see him. Not how a very horny mother from years of self-denial in her sexuality was looking at her own, incredibly hung, son.

"Hmm," Xania said as she touched my son's penis without gloves on, she had done this last time too, using her bare hands so I didn't question it. She seemed concerned as she pushed his cock this way and that to see it from every conceivable angle. "It's extremely chafed," she said, "Have you been masturbating more than once per day?" She asked Rob.

Rob blinked nervously, "Uh, no, except..." He trailed off.

"Except what?" Xania asked. "It's important I know as this might be a result of your continuing condition or not."

Rob sighed, "I jerked off a lot yesterday..." He admitted as his face flushed red.

I felt my face going as hot as Rob's was, at least, as I remembered that yesterday was also the day I got naked in front of my son and not only let him cum all over my face and body but swallowed a great deal of it right in front of him. I was, basically, rationalizing this as not getting enough sleep yesterday, but Rob admitting that he had to jerk off even more after I did that, well, it turned me on. My sex drive was pushing all my doubts out of the way again at that moment, just as it had done yesterday when I did what I did for my son.

"Why? Did something happen yesterday?" Xania asked, glancing between Rob and me. I wonder if she knew somehow as she looked my way, but neither Rob nor I said anything.

"Well," Xania said, moving on after our awkward silence, "This is an interesting development, I would say that Rob shouldn't be so rough, especially if we're going to be doubling how many semen samples we get per day." She began slowly jerking Rob's huge cock with both of her soft hands, and this distracted me for a moment as I watched in horny fascination as Xania's words caught up to my brain.

"Wait, what?!" I said, shocked. I had come in there hoping that we could stop Rob's semen collection after that, but now she's telling me we're going to have to start doing it more!!?? I felt myself getting weak in the knees at the thought so it was a good thing I was already sitting down.

"Yes, and try to do them about 12 hours apart if you can for more accurate measurements. But don't worry if you're off by a couple of hours." She explained, she was still stroking my son's cock but very slowly, "also, do you see at the speed I'm stimulating your son? I think that this is the appropriate speed to do so. I think he should be carefully observed during these sessions to make sure he maintains this 'slow stroking' speed."

My mind was doing flips, "what do you mean by that?"

"I mean," Xania explained, "I want you to watch him at every session to make sure he doesn't chafe, as that can cause long-term problems really quickly if not properly treated. He can take preventative measures by slowly stroking himself in this manner." She jerked all the way to the top of his cock and smeared a bunch of the pre-cum coming out of my son's cockhead into her hands and down his shaft, making it glisten obscenely in the clear fluid. She was on her knees in front of him and her face was only inches away.

I was too horny. My body was hot. My pussy felt like it was about to explode, and maybe it was in yet another random orgasm without me even touching myself. This seemed unreal. I had been spending most of this past week trying not to think about, let alone see, my son's huge cock, especially while it was spewing cum all over the place. But now I was going to have to watch as he did it and twice per day instead of just once. These thoughts were turning me on more than anything else, but I knew, in the back of my brain somewhere, that I should be very, very worried about this.

My thoughts were interrupted as my son started to cum all over Xania's face.


What the flying fuck!? Was all I could think as Xania, the incredibly hot blonde doctor on her knees in front of me while she jerked me off, explained that Mom, my super amazingly hot mother who even when she dressed as conservatively when she did I could still see her beautiful body underneath, would be watching me from then on as I jerked off. I mean, I didn't really think that would be necessary but I also started thinking about when she helped out yesterday. Just how beautiful her naked body is. How hot it was when she was swallowing my cum, how sexy she looked with my jizz clinging to my mom's body.

I came. I didn't announce it as I hardly noticed I was about to until waves of intense pleasure came out of my balls, up my cock, and moved throughout my body. It was even more intense than any orgasm I've had before but I was able to keep my eyes open for once by straining myself. But not to watch Xania as I covered her in cum but instead, I kept my eyes on Mom. Her beautiful face was dripping with lust and she bit her hot lips and started shaking but didn't make a sound. Still, I could tell that she was orgasming as she watched me covering the doctor's face with my cum.

Xania stood up, her doctor's uniform completely ruined and her face was covered along with thick white streaks clinging to get blonde hair. "One more thing," she said, "there's a collection unit in the front of the building you can drop the semen samples off at, once per day." She said as she ushered us out of the office. I thought she might have been a little embarrassed by being so covered in my cum...


Well, that was a little embarrassing. I hadn't planned on taking a facial like that and was kinda hoping to cover Nancy again with her son's semen. However, that didn't happen as I think my words had maybe excited Rob a bit too much. But I had been so focused on Nancy and her growing lust for her son that I never considered her son was having an increased lust for his mother as well.

I took off my clothes, they were basically ruined anyway and started masturbating as I ate the rest of Rob's cum off my body. All I could think now was how I was going to get them to fuck. If I could get Nancy to fuck her son, that would be the perfect revenge.

Of course, the 'slow stroking' idea was total bullshit. Just a reason to get Nancy to watch her son masturbate. But as I swallowed Rob's semen and only got hornier as I did so I knew that something really was medically wrong with him. I'm normally not the type to swallow a man's cum but this was addictive. It tasted great, both salty and sweet, and was making me feel more and more aroused as I ate it. Like it was affecting my hormones in some way and putting me through the roof sexually.

I had to masturbate myself through three orgasms in a row, each one stronger than the last before I finally came down and could think clearly.

I wondered if Rob's condition was a long-term one once my thinking was clear enough for me to do so. I also wondered if it was very serious but decided probably not and it was okay for me to have my fun. This was just about revenge after all.


We drove home in silence and then entered our house in silence and then spent most of the afternoon in silence. Well, we avoided each other and there were sounds of video games or movies coming from Rob's room and I spent the day by the pool. Our appointment with Xania was at about 9 am but I decided to do the second one that day at 7 in the evening as she said a two-hour difference would be okay for collecting and I just wanted to get it over with.

Before then though, I had spent the day mulling in my thoughts again as I tanned myself by the pool. Even though I wore a not very revealing swimsuit and always got an uneven tan, I still liked to get some sun, especially when I was feeling down.

So as I tanned by the pool I thought about everything, Why me? That was my first thought, Or why did it have to be Rob anyway to get this obscene medical condition? And Pam and the girls are coming back tomorrow, how can I tell them about this? I mean, they already heard that I was having feelings for Rob, how can I even face them after that? And then tell them that I have to watch him as he jerks off as well? Jesus Christ, this is awful...

No solutions so I swam in the pool for a bit as I thought some more, what if I lose control again? I mean, yesterday was a special case because I hadn't had any sleep at all. So that will definitely never happen again, for sure. I was fairly certain anyway, but what if I cum in front of him again? And I can't hold back my moans next time, I was certain Rob hadn't noticed me cumming in front of him in the doctor's office because I had bit my lip so hard to keep myself from making any sounds at all. Or what if he cums all over my body again? Or what if he cums so much all over me all the time that I run out of clothes? Or what if my body cums so much that I just can't do anything else but cum and cum, orgasm after orgasm until I die from dehydration? My worries were getting a bit out of control and ridiculous at that moment but I was just so distraught with this new "prescription" that I was just sick with negative thoughts.

But after mulling about in misery with no end in sight, I knocked on my son's door. Told him to come down for dinner, and that we'll do his session right after.

But there was still that part of me that was losing all control when I was around Rob. I don't know but as my pussy pulsated in my pants all throughout dinner as I zoned out and he talked about one superhero or another. But as I was in the midst of remembering what he looked like naked, I decided on one of the stupidest things I ever decided.

"Why don't we do it right here?" I said after we were both finished eating. I took one of the collection cups Xania gave me out of my purse.

"In the kitchen?" Rob asked.

"Sure why not?" I said, casually, but really the thought of doing something so naughty right there and then was turning me on so much it was hard to pass once the idea latched itself to my brain. And no one else was home and wouldn't be for another day, so why not?

So Rob dropped his pants revealing his hard dick, it was always hard anymore it seemed, and gripped his cock in both his hands and started to stroke in front of me. "you're going too fast." I told him.

He slowed down but began to speed up again. "No, slow down," I told him again.

Rob just stopped doing it altogether in frustration, "I'm sorry, Mom, but once I start doing it it's like I can't stop."

I got on my knees in front of him, "Put your hands on your dick." I said, too horny not to be obscene in my language. "But don't move them."

He did and I gripped his hands about the wrist, one of my thumbs briefly touching his shaft, sending shivers down my spine. I moved it away and started stroking my son's cock by moving his own hands for him. Going very slowly as the doctor had shown us earlier in the day.

This seemed to be exciting him a great deal and he started moving his hands on his own again. "No, stop it," I said but he ignored me so in frustration I moved his hands out of the way and grabbed his cock myself.

As soon as I felt his smooth dick flesh in my hands it was like I just lost all control. "I'm jerking your cock!" I squealed in utter delight, not paying attention at all to the speed I was stroking him as I was doing it hard and fast like a horny teenager. I felt him up to his bulbous cockhead and smeared his precum down his cock like I had seen the doctor do earlier.

I was cumming and moaning like a maniac as I jerked my son. Rob was moaning too and I watched as his balls tightened up obscenely. And then he was spraying his semen all over my face, and I was loving it.

The first one caught me on the forehead and went down over my features but missed my eyes so I could still see. I opened my mouth and moved his cock to direct some of his delicious cum in there. But in doing so I moved my head forward too fast and his dickhead was in my mouth, but only that much. He came and came and I struggled to swallow as my tongue swirled around his cockhead and I closed my lips around the top of his shaft and sucked like a Hoover vacuum until he finished cumming.

I had tried to swallow it all but some semen (okay, a LOT of semen) still escaped out the sides of my lips. I gave his cockhead one final suck before letting it out of my mouth with a satisfying "pop."

There was a noise at the front door and I turned and saw that my sister Pam, her daughter, Jenna, and my daughters, Alice and Violet, were all standing there looking completely shocked at what they just walked in on. I knew they had seen more than just Rob with his pants around his ankles and his humongous hard cock out with his mother on her knees with cum on her face. They had definitely seen me with Rob's cock in my mouth.

I felt overwhelmed. Not knowing what to do I got to my feet and ran up the stairs to lock myself in my bedroom. I threw my clothes away again, realizing my outfits were starting to dwindle. I took a cold shower and got in bed and cried.


Well, I thought, I guess Nancy was willing to go further than I thought. It was pretty shocking walking in on my sister sucking her son's dick but I don't think I was nearly as surprised as my daughter and nieces looked.

After Nancy left the room. Rob embarrassingly pulled his pants up but his hard cock was still obvious in them. He was about to leave when I said, "no, stay." His dick was obviously as big as Nancy said it was and now I was very intrigued with my nephew, even more than when I decided to come home early just to spend more time with him, "so, I'm guessing the doctor's visit didn't quite go as planned?" I put it out there.

Rob sighed and then said, "I'm guessing you all know already..."

"More or less," Alice said as she sat at the table with the other girls, "but I'm just surprised that you're hung like a moose now!" She laughed at Rob's awkward reaction. "I mean, what Violet said, you were like a hamster in your pants before." She laughed again at Violet's reaction.

"I never said that." Violet spat at her sister, then realized she wasn't denying the right thing she added, "And I wouldn't know anyway."

"Don't make fun of your brother." I said to Alice before turning to Rob, "Now tell us what happened at the doctor's office."

Rob did, more or less. He didn't really get into specifics but he did say how his semen needed to be collected twice as much now. And that someone had to watch him while he did it to make sure he didn't chafe.

"And then your mom gave you a blowjob because..." I suggested, causing everyone else but Jenna to glance awkwardly at each other. Jenna just looked interested in what Rob was going to say next but in a way that suggested we were all talking about library books or something normal people talked about. Jenna was a strange girl sometimes...

"That... Was an accident." Rob finally said.

"Well, you do have a strange disease, or whatever you want to call it." I told him, "I suppose help like that might be necessary from time to time." I don't know why I said that, especially in front of the girls, but I might just have been rationalizing being able to do something like that myself in the future. Rob was a hung man and I was seeing just why Nancy was losing all control around him.

"I'll go and talk to her," I said suddenly and left the room. I think it was too awkward there without me to meditate and soon Nancy's kids were back in their own rooms and Jenna went next door to our house. We were all pretty jetlagged too after the long trip, so that might've had something to do with it.

I knocked on Nancy's door. "Go away!" She shouted at me.

"I'm sorry Nancy," I said through the door, "I seem to just keep screwing things up lately."

A moment later Nancy opened the door and let me in, I could tell she had been crying by her smeared makeup. Nancy didn't really wear a lot of makeup so it wasn't that bad or anything.

I walked into her room and she locked the door again. We sat on her bed together like we had done a hundred times before. "So, that was a weird thing to walk in on." I said with a smile, to show her it didn't really bother me that much, "but it sounds like it might be necessary given Rob's condition."

Nancy scoffed at me. "Necessary for a mother to suck her own son's dick?" Nancy muttered bitterly. "No. No, I don't think so." She said as she lay on the bed looking miserable.

"Well, someone's supposed to watch him. Maybe I could-" I started to say.

"What!? No!" Nancy suddenly got very angry. Something I don't think I've ever seen before, not at this level anyway. "No one is 'helping' Rob now or ever again! Just get out!"

I tried to say something to calm her down but she basically threw me out after that. I noticed Rob's light was on in his room and I thought about bothering him but thought I'd caused enough problems for one night.​
Next page: Chapter 08.1
Previous page: Chapter 06