Chapter 08.2


I was the first in Aunt Nancy's dining room. After witnessing her swallowing a mouthful of her son's cum yesterday, and hearing yelling that morning coming from their house and wondering if I missed anything fun, I thought maybe sexy things might be happening soon. This was just a hope I had but still, I didn't want to miss anything else...

Hi, I'm Jenna. I already introduced myself but why don't I again for soon to be obvious reasons. You see, I dress conservatively, even in that scolding hot weather, I was still wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt and baggy jeans. I also had really big dorky glasses I wore despite the fact that I didn't need glasses. These all downplayed my actual features. I also, technically, have blonde hair like my mother but I liked to dye it strange colors like all the time. Right now it was a bright orange, too bright to be natural. Of course, I usually kept my hair covered too to not stand out in any way and I had one of those Rasta hats that did a pretty good job of it. I didn't wear that around the house though and I got comments from my Mom constantly about how "why do you dye your hair so much if you always keep it covered up when you go out?"

But I didn't downplay my features because I feared sex like Aunt Nancy did. Just the opposite in fact. I loved fucking! Every kind of fucking! I've fucked men and women, one on one or in groups. I'm into BDSM and cosplay and assfucking and I was a bonafide cumslut as well. I think I've legitimately had sperm land on every part of my body at one point or another. I loved sucking cock and eating pussy and eating asshole too. I was probably the most perverted person I knew, but you know what? I knew what I liked and I sought out the things that I wanted.

I mean, obviously, I couldn't let anyone know simply how perverted I was. Shit, I mean, if I could get away with it I'd probably walked around naked or in some totally depraved lingerie with an actively vibrating dildo sticking out of my pussy and asshole. I mean it, I'm a total nymphomaniac but I didn't give a fuck! I love sex! And I don't care who knows it!

Oh right, I do care, because I had to keep it from my family, and the people in the city we lived near. "Don't shit where you eat," as they say. I couldn't have rumors floating around about me and my depravities where Mom or Nancy's family could hear it. And, though I loved sex, I wouldn't say I was addicted to it (just as any addict would say...), at least not yet, as I hadn't been with anyone for almost 6 months at that point. I tried on vacation but I still feel the need to go pretty far away from our hotel to get my fuck on, and just couldn't get away this time.

But, after seeing what I saw yesterday, I realized that maybe, just maybe, if I played my cards right, I could start getting my fuck on a little closer to home. I mean, truthfully, I never thought about incest before. Not seriously really, I mean, there's tons of porn I've watched with themes like that but it's not like I ever thought, "I'm gonna go fuck my Mom now!" After watching two porn actresses claiming to be mother and daughter eating each other's pussies or something. I mean, my mother is attractive and openly sexual, unlike my aunt, but it just never occurred to me before, I guess.

But, after coming home, and seeing my busty, brunette aunt sucking her son's humongous cock (even after all the sex I've had, I've never seen one so big!) his cum pouring out of him like a runny faucet all rushing down Nancy's horny throat. It was probably the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

I spent the entire night masturbating to the thought of it being me next time sucking that amazing dick. Or me and Nancy together. Or me and Mom and then we fucked him and ate each other's pussies. I was beyond turned on even by the next day about it. It was like a whole new world of sex was just opening up to me. Not only would the fucking be extra hot, it would also be taboo! Not the first time I've gone down that road, of course, but this felt even further down Taboo Street than I'd ever danced down it before. And I was dancing, practically filled to the brim with joy, and lust (but that's usually the case), as I came to Nancy's dining room only hoping where the conversation might lead, and wondering just how far I could push things the way that I wanted them to go.

Slowly everyone else came into the room. Nancy first who looked surprised to see me but didn't say anything to my presence. I smiled cheerfully at her, pretending nothing was out of the ordinary. She sat at the head of the table, closest to the wall. Mom came in from the pool next, only in her bikini, I caught myself staring at her amazing boobs, her bikini gripping it so tightly showing off her tremendous cleavage. Mom caught me looking and I pretended I saw a bug on her.

Alice and Violet came down the stairs together and sat opposite Mom and me. That left Rob who came down. And I noticed something that had me so excited I just blurted it out without thinking, "wow he's got a big cock!" Rob's erection was obvious, I wondered if he was jerking off before coming down making my pussy a little wet as I pictured it.

It was then that I noticed everyone was staring at me and I regained my character of the unsexual nerdy girl and said, "sorry I, um..." I pretended I was blushing as I looked away from them for a moment.

Rob took a seat at the other head of the table. His boner made a very obvious and obscenely large tent in his shorts.

"Well," Nancy said, clearing her throat. She was obviously as distracted as I was by Rob's dick in his pants. "Um, let's begin. Now, we, um, might have done something wrong yesterday..."

"Like sucking your son's dick?" Mom said jovially, causing both Aunt Nancy and Rob to blush.

"Uh, yes, that..." I was a little proud of Aunt Nancy. Before we left on vacation, talking about something so sexual would have made her run out of the room and hide for several hours. But she was a trooper as she went on, "But something like that can never happen again. Even though Rob has this condition, um, I don't think it should be any of us who are helping him."

Violet didn't surprise me by saying, "Well, if we aren't helping him, who will be?" I pretended not to notice, but Violet had been teasing her brother all summer with her sexy body. I think it was pretty innocent at first, but I got the feeling that after seeing what we all saw yesterday, Violet's teasing wasn't good enough for her anymore.

"Not you, that's for sure." Alice said with a smirk.

"None of us will be." Nancy explained. This also didn't surprise me, though I was hoping for something fun to happen at that "Family Meeting" or whatever we were calling it, I also didn't think Aunt Nancy would just be fully on board for taking turns sucking Rob's cock right in the middle of the family room. It's alright, I thought, corrupting Aunt Nancy will be slow but I think it's doable, I mean, she sucked her son's cock all on her own. With just some well-placed pushes in the right direction, she'll be a cum-guzzling, free-use slut Mommy is just a few months. My pussy shivered at the thought.

"That's why," Nancy went on, "We'll be using this time to teach Rob about women. As a group. He's an adult and it's ridiculous he doesn't have a girlfriend when he lives in two houses full of women."

"Well," Mom said, "It's not like our house is full but I think this is a great idea." I'm guessing it was originally my mother's idea by how she put it.

"I think it's a good idea too," I said, pretending I was considering it, "but let's make a game of it." I added after a moment's "thought."

Aunt Nancy looked suspiciously at me for a second. I wondered if she knew I was a faker, "A game? What kind of game?"

"How about we go around the table, and each woman has to teach Rob one thing a piece. And each 'lesson,' let's call them, has to include an action that Rob has to do."

"An...action?" Aunt Nance asked, pondering it.

"Yeah, just to keep it interesting."

"Sounds fun," Mom said, and I smiled at her for backing me up, "Tuesdays used to be our family game nights, maybe we should restart that tradition?" She added, looking at Nancy hopefully.

Nancy bit her lip, this obviously wasn't how she planned this meeting to go, "I don't know. Maybe. I guess we'll see how this 'game' goes." She said, "I'm going to add my own rules, first off, no one takes any of their clothes off."

"I'm pretty much in my underwear anyway," Mom pointed out since she was still in her swimsuit.

Aunt Nancy glanced at my mom, and I thought for sure that she was about to tell her to put some more clothes on but then she said, "well, I trust you won't lose that much. So let us begin this game and-"

"Wait," Violet said. "If this is a game, how do we win?" Of course she'd be concerned with that part.

I thought about telling her "we win when everyone cums!" But that would ruin my cover as sweet, innocent, nerdy Jenna, not to mention push Aunt Nancy into panic mode. Instead I said, "we'll let Rob decide. He'll judge after everyone takes a turn by who taught him the most interesting fact."

"So that would be a round," Violet said, "and Rob gives someone a point at the end. So how many rounds are we playing?"

Nancy surprised me by saying, "as many as needed until Rob knows enough about women to get a girlfriend." She said thoughtfully, "and since it's Jenna's game how about she starts the first round."

Damn, I thought, I was hoping Aunt Nancy would start since hers would be the most tame and it will only ramp up from there... But maybe not. Aunt Nancy did something completely sexual with her son yesterday... It made me wonder how far Nancy would be willing to go.

I wanted to do so much right then, but I knew that if I didn't start things off slow everything would get called off. "Okay," I said as I stood and moved my chair so it was right next to Rob's, I sat so my side was to him, "most women like to be touched," I told him, "and as you touch a girl she becomes more accustomed to you touching her. Don't think you can just get all handsy," I said looking him in the eyes sternly, "but if you take it slowly, women will be putty in your hands."

It was silent for a moment, "So, is that your action?" Violet asked eventually, "moving your chair closer to Rob?" I could tell she was jealous because she wanted to sit closer to Rob. This made me very pleased but I didn't show it outwardly at all.

"No," I explained, "I just wanted Rob to get my attention by touching me. It's an innocent way to touch a pretty girl, and you can usually tell by how she reacts if she's interested or not. So, I'll pretend I'm doing something else..." I started twiddling my thumbs on the table.

Rob didn't touch me so I then turned my head and stared at him until he took the hint. It made me think, has he even been listening? But after glancing at his hard cock in his pants and realizing he'd been doing all his thinking with that monstrosity in his pants, I then thought, probably not...

His brain seemed to catch up with him, then he finally lightly tapped me on the shoulder. I smiled at him and fluttered my eyes, "Yes, stud, I mean, Rob." I quickly "corrected" myself, feigning it was an honest slip of the tongue.

Rob and I stared at each other and I wondered what he was thinking, but then Nancy cleared her throat and I moved my chair back where it was and sat down again.

"Who should go next?" Nancy asked.

"I'll go," Mom said.


Well, Jenna's lesson for Rob was both informative and boring but that's my daughter for you... For my lesson I stood up and gestured towards Nancy, "Rob, something you can usually tell just by looking is whether a woman is attracted to you. Take your mother here..."

"What?" Nancy was shocked I was motioning to her in this way.

"Nancy, just look at your son please," she did, her expression of obvious longing returned, "As you can see, whenever your mother looks at you Rob, her expression is one of pure desire."

"Oh it is not," Nancy said, blushing and looking away.

"Keep looking at your son, Nance, if you don't my lesson won't be complete," I told her. She looked angrily my way, but looked back at Rob, "See how your mother unconsciously licks her lips like she's picturing how your skin tastes, how her breathing becomes more ragged which you can tell by how her breasts start to heave, how her eyes get slightly wider and her pupils dilate, these are all indications that a woman is attracted to you."

Nancy blushed bright red the whole time but she kept staring at her son as per my instructions. She looked like a bitch in heat while she did so too, I could tell this was getting to her so I turned my attention to my niece Violet, "Okay, and Violet here has all the indications of a woman who is jealous of another woman who has your affection."

"What?!" Violet said, as shocked as her mother was when I pointed this out to her, "I do not!"

"Hush Violet," I told her, "This is my lesson after all." I turned to Rob again, "You can tell because of how angry she looked every time she glances or we even mention your mother. But when she looks at you she's just as turned on as your mother is."

Violet scowled and seemed to be about to explode when she stood up and said, "I'm going next!"


I was angry. How dare Aunt Pam tell the truth!? And I also wanted to win like never before! These two things caused me to do what I did next.

"Okay, Rob, this is how you-" I stopped talking because I had walked the short distance to his chair and started kissing him on the mouth. I didn't mean to use my tongue but as soon as we started kissing, it was like I couldn't stop myself and soon me and my brother's tongue were wrestling in his mouth.

"Violet don't, um, ooohhh," I heard Mom say from across the table. It was a strange reaction that I probably would have thought sounded like she just came a little in her panties if I wasn't so distracted by my brother's sweet tongue. Then I did something a little stupid without thinking about it, aside from the fact that I'd been thinking about it since Rob stepped in the room. I moved my hand to his hard cock and gripped it about the shaft through his pants.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOUNG LADY!?" Mom shouted suddenly livid getting to her feet angrily. I took my hand off Rob's dick and stepped back from him with my hands up like some robber in a cop show.

"Sorry! It was an accident!" I said, cringing and hoping I wasn't about to get grounded for the second time in one day.

"No, it wasn't," Mom said sternly, "And I think we should call the rest of this 'game' off."

"That's fair," I said, scowling, but I also knew I had gone too far.

"No, that's not fair," Pam said then, "Rob still doesn't know dick about women, no pun intended." I think we were all so nervous in that moment that we all laughed at Pam's dumb joke.

"And we should finish the round at least," Jenna said. Which kind of surprised me. She was never really that outspoken but seemed like a regular chatterbox today.

Mom scowled at me again but then sat down, "Fine." She said, but I didn't think she was going to put up with much more.

"I guess that makes it my turn," Alice said.


Fuck, I thought, I've never actually dated anyone or had sex or anything. I gave a guy a handjob once at a party but he kind of passed out while I was doing it because he was super drunk and lost his wood anyway...'don't get super drunk when a girl gives you a handjob' probably isn't the best advice right now...hmm.

"Well girls like to be complimented?" I said, unsure.

"Was that a question?" Rob asked.

"Sorry I just don't know what to say," I told the table.

"There wasn't any action in that." Violet pointed out.

"Oh right, Rob, get your hand up." I gave Rob a high five.

"So, who won?" Violet asked Rob, flirtingly as she leaned towards him.

"Wait," Pam said, "your mother still gets a turn."


What? M-me?" I stuttered. I hadn't even considered that I would take a turn.

"Of course," Pam said, "it was your idea after all."

I cringed, but then looked at my son and my features softened. "Well, I do want Rob to find a girlfriend." I was horny. And I walked over to Rob's chair, I stood next to him while he stared up at me. In a way, I wanted to do everything for him right then. Everything. But I also couldn't do anything! I just walked over to him and felt more and more embarrassed the longer we stood there staring at each other.

I guess I was awkwardly standing there for too long because then Violet said, "is this the lesson?"

"Umm, no, right..." I mumbled, "well, son, women like confidence. So do something confidently."

"Uh, what do you mean?" Rob said.

"Do me confidently." Then, realizing what I just said I corrected myself, embarrassed, "I mean, do something to me confidently." Everyone snickered but me anyway because of what I already said, and my correction still sounded pretty dirty... My face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Umm, okay," Rob said and he got to his feet and faced me. His erection made an obscene tent in his shorts between us. "How about a hug." Rob said.

I swooned just a tad. Rob wanted something innocent and nice. He wasn't about to push me to my knees and force me to give him another blowjob...though that thought suddenly turned me on greatly. I didn't even know why.

Rob leaned forward so he didn't push his erection into me and I put my arms around him. But it was too much. My son being this close to me, the object of my affection, and I could smell his manly scent, feel his arms as they stretched around me in an embrace and I put my arms around him too. It was my horniness, my out-of-control lust, and I put my arms around him as well. I pulled him in close to me, roughly, so his hard cock was in between my legs and my pussy was grinding against it only separated by our close. I turned my head and started kissing him, vaguely aware of the gasps coming from the table as Rob's and my lips met. I felt his passion through his lips and tongue as we were French kissing just as he had done with Violet. I put my hand on his ass and he did the same to me. I want him. I want my son. I want my son to fuck my fucking brains out right then and there in front of our entire family!

"NO!" I felt myself shout as I pushed Rob away from me so fast as I knew if we didn't stop our embrace my brief fantasy would quickly become a reality. I was hardly aware as I ran out of the room again and locked myself in my room.

There was a knock on my door a moment later. I knew it was Pam so I let her in.

"What the fuck was that?" Pam asked as she came in and sat on my bed, "I mean, other than super, amazingly hot!" She added with a snicker.

"Shut up," I said as I scowled at her and sat on my bed, "I'm so ashamed and guilty. I keep getting into these situations and I..." I trailed off, not wanting to admit anymore to my sister than I already have.

"What? What is it?" Pam asked. I remained silent so she added, "Look, I know you, sis, and if you keep it all bottled up it's going to, well, keep coming out of you like it did in the dining room just now! Or in the kitchen yesterday! Come on, Nancy, tell me what's bothering you."

I sighed, I guess she was right, "I just nearly fucked Rob."

"What?! No you didn't." Pam pointed out, "I mean, making out with him is a little weird, but it's all for the benefit of Rob getting a girlfriend. I feel like with just that one lesson from each of us, Rob learned a lot."

"I did though." I said, not wanting to feel like I was wrong, "I wanted him to fuck me. I felt it all through my body. I wanted my own son to take me right then and there."

"Really?" Pam asked, looking amused, "Even though we were all there."

"Especially because you were all there." I sighed, and blushed, I hadn't wanted to admit that but Pam can be so stupid sometimes. I love her though, she's my sister, and always seemed to know how I was feeling and I couldn't say that about anyone else.

"Hmm," Pam said thoughtfully, "maybe Rob should touch you more?"

"What? That doesn't make any sense."

"Well," Pam explained, "I think this problem is a two part problem, for one, Rob really isn't experienced with women, and being able to touch a woman regularly would only help him on his road to getting a girlfriend. And for another, if you were used to him touching you, I think it would keep you from losing all control from now on."

I had my doubts though, "I don't know, Pam. I think that would only make things worse. I keep having all these thoughts and I just feel ashamed and guilty for having them. I don't know what I want but I don't want anything further to happen between me and my son."

"Okay, you're right. It was just an idea. But I guess if you don't want Rob to get a girlfriend..." She shrugged.

I sighed, "I'll think about it, okay? But nothing more today. Let's just forget about today, actually." And this past week, I thought bitterly.

Pam smiled, she had a beautiful smile, "Alright, Nancy, I do think we're helping Rob a lot, I really do. He'll have girls just hanging off his arms in no time. You'll see."

Pam left to get put on something other than her bikini. And I, with nothing better to do, started on dinner. Everyone else had gone to their rooms and houses in the case of Jenna and Pam.

Dinner was nice. It was fairly subdued too. I think everyone realized I just needed a normal night. Pam and the girls talked about their vacation. Rob's erection had finally gone away too so at least it wasn't distracting me the whole time. We had fun as a family and I wasn't feeling overwhelmed or guilty for at least a little while.

It wasn't until I was in bed and almost asleep that I realized we never got Rob's semen sample for either time today. I felt bad about that, but I was still dreading the next time it happened. I sighed, and was about to get up to make sure Rob got at least one sperm sample that day but fell asleep. I was just too fucking tired.
Next page: Chapter 09
Previous page: Chapter 08.1