Chapter 11

Day 11-Friday September 10

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming

WEATHER: "Looks like yesterday was just a fluke. Summer's not over yet! Epic highs today and these temperatures should persist throughout the weekend."


For a change, I was being shaken awake by Rob. He was standing above me, naked, his hard on sticking out and hanging over my face.

"Uh, what?" I said, I saw that the sun wasn't even up yet, "What time is it?"

"It's early," Rob explained, "But I thought you wanted to keep everything a secret," he said, "I figured this way we can do it before Alice and Violet wake up."

I was about to just sleepily reach up and grab his humongous cock, but then I had a thought, "This is a dream, isn't it?"

"What?" Rob asked, "Um, I mean, no, I don't think so. Unless you think all life is a dream? But I guess-"

I gripped Rob's cock like I had wanted to anyway, making him stop his speech. I removed my blanket, I had been sleeping naked because I kept ruining my clothes anyway. I still felt I was probably dreaming, so I had no problem with showing Rob my hot body.

"Oh Mom," Rob said, "you're naked! You are so fucking hot Mom!"

"Well," I said as I woke up a little more and realized this definitely wasn't a dream, not with this obviously real and very hard dick in my hands. "I was going to go and get more clothes today as your sperm keeps ruining mine." I looked up and saw Rob felt really bad about that, I smiled as I started slowly jerking him, "Don't worry sweetheart, I know it's all because of your condition. But I only have one outfit left so how about, just this one time, we do this in my shower? That way when you cum, it all gets washed away this time?"

"Um, what about the semen collection?" Rob said. "Don't we at least have to save some?"

"Oh right," I said, as I continued to jerk his big cock in both of my hands as I lay in bed with my full naked body on display for my equally nude son, "I forgot about that part...hmm, well," I said after a moment of dreamily jerking my son, "we'll do it in the shower, but won't turn the water on until after, Okay?"

We went into my bathroom, neither of us concerned about being naked. I pretended not to notice that my son was staring at my ass from behind, or my tits and pussy when I was facing him. I was not shaved and had a very thick black bush. I hadn't had sex in so long I just stopped shaving down there as some point, but I swore to myself I should shave soon so that my son could see my cunt on full display for next time.

Except, I reminded myself, there isn't going to be a next time...

I grabbed one of the cups and we got in the shower and I started jerking him off. I noticed he was staring at my boobs. I gave my son a sexy smile, "You like Mommy's titties, son?" I asked him sultrily.

"They're amazing Mom," He moaned as I jerked him even harder, not caring about the "slow stroking" I was supposed to be doing as the doctor ordered. "Just a beautiful as the rest of you." He added.

"Thanks for that Rob," I said as I beamed up at him, "Now why don't you cover my tits in your sperm?"

I think my question combined with me being naked combined with me stroking his cock with speed for a change, and Rob began cumming like a maniac. He covered my face and tits, his load at least as big as the one from last night, if not even greater.

"Jesus," I moaned as he covered me, "I don't know if I'll ever get used to how much you CUM!" I opened my mouth and swallowed some as well. I then got some in the cup and turned on the water of my shower. I stood in front of my son so we were facing each other, noticing his cock was still very erect, "That thing never goes down does it?" I asked.

"Not while there's a smoking hot woman right in front of me." Rob said and I smiled at him.

"You seem a lot more confident," I pointed out, "Or is that only because you just had an orgasm?"

"What do you think?" Rob said before grabbing my butt and pulling me into him. A second later we were kissing, his big cock pressed in between our stomachs. Him fondling my ass as my hands came in between us to find his cock. I started jerking and fondling his rock hard shaft as our tongues fought in our mouths and the hot water of the shower cascaded down both of our bodies. I don't think I'd ever been so turned on in all my life.

I had to do something. I knew it was wrong, all of it. But I couldn't stop. Not then.

I broke our kiss. Rob looked down at me as if he was worried we were about to stop. Oh no, we were only just beginning. "I know this makes me a bad mom," I half moaned as I fell to my knees, my hands still tightly gripping his hard cock like my life depended on it. "But I need to suck your dick, son!" I said, moaning "son" as if I was saying the hottest word imaginable. I suppose, to me at that moment, I was.

Rob didn't have time to reply as I brought his cock to my mouth and tried as much as I could to get the whole thing in my oral cavity. It wasn't possible, but I got maybe one-third in before I started to gag. Rob started to moan as I sucked, I gripped the bottom part of his cock that I couldn't get into my mouth with both my hands and jerks while I simultaneously sucked as much as I could.

I was so horny, I didn't care that I was moaning like a bitch in heat around my son's cock. I started fondling his huge balls with one hand. I loved the taste of his pre-cum as it dribbled onto my tongue and I lapped at his piss slit to get more like it was some kind of delicious candy.

I was losing my mind with horniness, and then he did something that made me cum right then and there without touching myself, my son, the glorious man that he was, put his hand on the back of my head and started to slowly fuck my mouth.

It was amazing, as he did that he forced my head further and further onto his cock, causing me to make obscene gagging noises but also force his cock into my throat little by little. I was deep throating him! If only just a little, but the realization made my orgasm all the more pleasurable and I felt his balls tighten as he started to cum down my throat!

As he came, he let go of my head and I practically fell off of him onto the wet floor of the shower, "FUCK! SHIT! FUCK! GOD! FUCK ME!" And every other obscenity I could think of came out of my mouth as I came my heart out just as my son covered my body in his jizz one more time. It stuck to my body for only a moment before being washed away down the shower's drain.

I was panting on the floor. I was so out of breath. I looked up at my son, "Wow, Rob! That was really something!" I said, not even caring how lame it sounded. I was so high from my orgasm right then and still coming down. "You should probably, um, go to your room now, though." I said as the realization of what we just did started to sink in.

Rob simply nodded and walked out of the room completely naked. I thought about it and remembered that he had come into my room completely naked too. Good thing his sister's are never up this early. I thought as I finished my shower.

Even though it was still pretty early I came down to the kitchen anyway and started to make coffee and think about what I wanted to cook my kids for breakfast. It took me a minute to realize I was humming happily to myself, and then another moment to realize that I didn't feel at all guilty about what we had long as no one else finds out about it. I thought, well, maybe a "secret blowjob" every once in a while is okay.

I decided that I wouldn't suck my son's dick for his treatment again though and that it only happened the one time because I was naked and got over excited when he kissed me. I decided instead that I would buy new clothes that day and that Pam would help me pick some out...maybe.

I still hadn't talked to Pam since I caught her in a "sticky situation" with my son. But, as I walked over to her house I kinda realized that I had no right to be mad at her anymore. I mean, I just sucked my own son off in the shower. I can't imagine whatever happened between them was anything worse than that...


"Oh hey Nance," I said as I saw her approaching my back door, "You're certainly up early."

"Yes, well, I actually thought maybe we could spend the day together." Nancy explained as she entered my kitchen, "I emailed Fiona about working from home today and she thinks that's a great idea."

"Hmm, well," I said, pretending to consider it as I remembered she hadn't been talking to me, "I don't know. I thought you were mad at me."

My sister cringed, "I'm not," She said, "Things are complicated with Rob's condition, and well..."

"What? What's the problem?" I asked.

"I'm out of clothes!" She blurted out. Then she sat next to me at the table and got real quiet, "I mean,, I've been, um,"

I hated watching her stumble over her words like that so I filled it all in, "You're out of clothes because Rob's been cumming all over you and you keep throwing your terrible outfits away?"

"You figured that all out?" She asked, looking suspicious. "I'm trying to keep it a secret..."

"It wasn't that hard, I mean, someone has to watch Rob, and you seem more than willing to do it, even if you didn't seem to realize that a few days ago."

"It's that obvious?"

"Nancy, I'm your sister," I explained, "I know everything about you! I don't think the girls know, I mean, I get the sense Jenna doesn't care at all either way, but Alice and Violet seem pretty in the dark right now. I think you're okay."

"And you won't tell anyone?" She asked, this being a secret was very important to my sister apparently.

"No worries, "I said sincerely, "Not exactly something I'd go around shouting off of rooftops or something anyway." I thought about her clothes problem, "I don't suppose you'd be willing to do it with your son naked?"

Nancy blushed but I got the sense she wasn't saying something, "No," She said after a moment, "It's very important that I don't do that."

"Well, that's easy then," I said, "Just get white clothes, or ones that don't stain in the wash. Then you can wash them all together and keep using them." I said, "I mean, unless you want me to help your son out too. Then it wouldn't just be your clothes getting messy."

She squirmed in her seat for a moment before saying, "No, I don't like that idea at all." She said.

I shrugged, "Whatever, yeah, just let me know when you want to pick out clothes and stuff and we can go."

She nodded, "Alright, thanks Pam, I love you!" She then surprised me and gave me a big hug from behind as I was still sitting down.

"Somebody's certainly in a good mood!" I said to myself as I watched her practically skip out my back door and back to her own house. I wondered what's gotten into her...and then fantasized about her son's cock for a bit...


At breakfast, I was in such a good mood that Alice mentioned something about it. I just laughed it off but me and Rob shared a knowing glance afterwards and I got a thrill knowing my son and I shared such a naughty secret.

Also at breakfast, Violet mentioned that she and Jade were planning a small pool party tomorrow, since it was supposed to be hot all weekend. It made me think maybe I should get a new swimsuit. One that didn't cover up my body so much. I think after giving Rob a blowjob in the shower that morning, I wanted to do more things that made me feel sexy.

Pam drive to the clothing shop and got a little nosy, "So..." she started, "has something happened to you? I feel like you're practically glowing."

This didn't surprise me, Pam was always very good at picking up on others emotions. I've always told her it was her superpower but that's how it felt to me.

Not that I was trying to hide how happy I felt right then. But I didn't know what to tell her right then, "Nothing new. Can't I just be in a good mood?"

Pam laughed, "I suppose so, but I've never seen you this happy. It seems like something must have happened to get you like this."

I thought about telling her something, not going so far as saying I gave my son a blowjob that morning and was naked while doing it, but maybe at least mentioning that Rob's sessions had been going a lot better. But I reminded myself that it all had to be kept a secret, even though Pam already knew about the sessions she didn't need to know the specifics about what was going on within them.

"Really it's nothing," I finally said after spending way too long thinking it over. Pam cocked an eyebrow at me suspiciously.

My sister didn't push it though, "All right, whatever you say," She said as we got to the store.

At the clothing shop, I spent a long time considering several "sexier" outfits, though really they were just normal clothes for normal women, but I spent so long wearing conservative clothing that covered up my body or at least downplayed my features, it felt like a huge leap doing just that. Also, it went against what I'd already decided, that everything should be completely "normal" or normal for me anyway. And that meant more conservative, ugly outfits.

I did pick out a two-piece bikini to replace my horrible one-piece for the party tomorrow. And then I joined Pam so I could try on the "cum clothes" as she called it.

The first one was too much and I said so through the door of the changing room.

"Ah, come on, just let me at least see you in it before you take the next one." She said back.

I scowled and opened the door. "Hey, looking good hot stuff," she said to me. I scowled harder. I was wearing tight white pants that held my legs and ass firmly, hiding nothing of my naturally curvy body. It had a top that didn't have anything to cover up my arms and was held up by a collar made of white cloth with a gold colored ring in the front that white cloth was tied to that covered my boobs and nothing else. My back was completely open. Also there was an opening in a heart shape that showed off my ample cleavage.

"I don't know..." I said frowning down at myself.

"Oh come on," Pam told me, smiling like she always is, "it's only your son who's going to see you in it. And I bet seeing Mommy in that get up will definitely help him get it up, of you know what I'm saying."

I did know, but I glanced around to make sure no one else in the store knew what my sister's big mouth was talking about. Thankfully, no one was within listening distance from us.

Her words had an effect on me though. I felt a shiver run through me as my pussy twitched and I did a sexy pose in the mirror on the dressing room wall, "you think he would like it?" I asked then immediately wished I hadn't.

"Oh so you want your son to find you attractive?" She goaded.

I rolled my eyes at her but knew she was right. At the same time though, "maybe I just like feeling sexy." I said.


My jaw dropped and then I laughed, "Jesus Nancy, that's what I've been trying to tell you for years. That you're a beautiful woman who should feel sexy. Who knew it would just take your son having to cum on you to figure that out." I handed my sister the next outfit feeling like I was winning at this game I was playing with myself to get Nancy to open up sexually.

The next two outfits were on par with the first one, sexy but not overtly sexual. But I saved the best for last.

"I'm not putting this on," she said sternly, "not even to see how it looks."

This made me open the changing room door and walk in with her. I closed the door behind me, "come on." I said, jovially, "you don't have to buy it but at least let me have the chance to see you in it. I went through all the trouble of picking it out, after all."

She scoffed at that but I knew her well enough to know she was about to do as I wanted, "alright," she said, "are you going to leave so I can change?"

I wanted to see if I could push her a little so I said, "what's the difference? That outfit is revealing enough."

She sighed but surprised me when she took off all her clothes in moments. I hadn't seen my sister naked in a very long time. I couldn't help but admire her amazing tits and gorgeous ass, not to mention her pussy with her thick bush. "Hey sexy," I said, making my sister blush but I didn't care, my sister was a sexy beast and I'm glad she was finally breaking out of her shell.

She put on the final outfit, which took no time at all because it was only a tiny pair of white thong panties and a white see-through nightie with frills along the edges. I could clearly see her whole body, especially her tits which pushed against the material so much because they were so large that they were like the centerpiece, bold and beautifully on display.

"Are you sure you don't want this outfit too, sis?" I asked, feeling my pussy get a bit wet while I was looking at my sister's amazing body in that sexy lingerie, "I bet when Rob sees you in it he'll be hard for days!"

She scowled but then looked at herself in the mirror, "do you really think he'll like it?"

"God, Nancy!" She could be so dense sometimes, "even i want to fuck you in they outfit!"

Nancy was taken aback by that but reconsidered herself in the mirror, "I dunno, my bush kinda sticks out..."

"Well you have to shave your pubic hair before wearing that for your son, silly." I told her. "Should we add it to the items we're buying?"

Nancy still seemed unsure but agreed to buy it. But she said, "I probably won't even use it. It's just too revealing." But I caught a twinkle in her eye which said to me she was at least thinking about it. I was proud of my sister. She got 4 sexy outfits, nothing she would even think about wearing before Rob got this condition. I only wish I could have had a front row seat at Rob's next sperm collection.


Fridays were usually when the sports games happened for the high school girls soccer team, or whatever sport Violet and Alice were playing each season, but the year just started so the school sports weren't beginning until next week. We would come watch my sisters play but usually only for home games.

The three of us hung out by the pool. But I kept getting erections because Alice and Violet both looked really hot in their bikinis. So, when they went to swim in the deep end of the pool, I quickly ran back to my room and calmed down playing video games in my chair.

Mom came home and Pam went to her house, and eventually all of us had dinner together, which was nice as Pam and Jenna hadn't eaten with us since Mom caught her and me together. Now, everything seemed back to normal all of sudden. Which actually wasn't that good for me as the girls all got kinda cliquish and left me out of the conversations and stuff. It's fine, whatever, it seemed Mom wanted things to be this way as the two of us pretended nothing was different between us.

I went to bed early, but only so I could stay awake in bed and wait for Mom. I wasn't sure what was going to happen when she got there. I was so excited all day after getting my first blowjob from Mom while we were both naked in her shower they morning. Obviously, this was the hottest thing I'd ever done up to that point. And I couldn't imagine it getting much hotter than that. Little did I know...

That night, Mom came in later than yesterday. I thought maybe it was because it was Friday, but it was well after midnight, but I had still been up for that long because that's how excited I was. I wasn't prepared for what I saw though.

Mom turned my light on so I could see her outfit, "Do you like it? It's clothes Pam helped me pick out so you'd stop ruining my other outfits."

It was amazing, a skin tight short skirt. A one-piece with slits all along both sides so they showed off her skin from her thighs to her shoulders up and down the sides of her body, "You're so fucking hot Mom." I said eventually after I soaked it all in.

She smiled, "Thank you. I appreciate it." She licked her luscious lips, "Now get that delicious cock out." She ordered.


I had decided, after that morning, that I would never suck my son's cock again. But, after dressing up in that slutty dress, and showing off my body to my son as I did a twirl for him, showing him my full body in that skirt, and he took off his boxer's and stood up naked in front of me, well...I was horny as fuck! I needed to do something, and that something was suck my son's cock again!

I didn't even hesitate. The moment he was standing fully upright in front of me, I got down on my knees in front of him. His huge cock, so manly and turning me on greatly as I licked from his balls all the way up his shaft, feeling both dirty and sexy at the same time for doing so. I didn't care, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and sucked that superior dick all the way into the back of my throat.

I couldn't deep throat him still so I spit his cock out long enough to say," Rob, help Mommy." I said, "I want your entire cock down my throat, but I need you to, um, force me to do it. Mmmm." I moaned at the end knowing that Rob was "forcing" me, even though I had just asked him to. He complied and grabbed the back of my head, I got as much cock as I could into my mouth and Rob forced my head on the rest of the way. Well, not entirely, there was still at least a quarter of cock that both of us couldn't get the rest of the way, but it didn't matter as that's when Rob lost control and started roughly fucking my face.

I moaned obscenely around his cock as he fucked my mouth like it was my sopping wet pussy. I was so turned on, I reached both my hands inside my dress and started playing with my breasts and pinching my nipples. I was so horny, I started to cum almost as soon as I did that, this was the closest I'd gotten to masturbating in many years, even that much touching, a little pinch of my sensitive nipples, and I had one of the most pleasurable orgasms I'd ever had up to that point.

Rob started to cum as he roughly fucked my face. I knew I should spit his cock out again and leg him cum on my clothes since that is what I bought them for. But instead, and mostly because I was in the middle of cumming myself, I spat his cock out most of the way so just his cockhead was resting on my tonge, and started swallowing his cum as it filled my mouth. I was a real trooper too, I think because I was already pretty used to how large his cum loads were up to that point, I managed to swallow all of it without missing a drop.

Once Rob stopped cumming, he collapsed back on the bed. I stopped cumming as well and fell on the floor, "Wow!" I moaned, half in disbelief, "That was really intense!"

"You said it Mom," Rob looked up at me and smiled a big shit-eating grin, "And you swallowed all my cum!"

I smiled back at him, feeling proud of myself, but then I remembered as I came down from my incredible orgasm, that I was still Rob's Mom, "Well," I said sternly as I got up, "don't expect that every time, mister. Tomorrow I may make you do it all by yourself with so much company coming over." I said that remembering the pool party, but already setting my alarm when I got back to my bed so I could get up and suck my son's cock again before anyone else got to our house.

I was vaguely aware as I drifted to sleep that I had forgotten about the semen collection cup and had swallowed it all so now there wasn't any to collect. Oh well...​
Next page: Chapter 12.1
Previous page: Chapter 10