Chapter 12.1

Day 12-Saturday September 11

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming

WEATHER: "Today's going to be Hot! Hot! Hot! Be sure to get in the water while the getting is good because this could be the last good weekend of summer!"


I woke up feeling naughty. I had a dream where I gave my son another blowjob, this time at breakfast under the table while he ate. His sisters were there but didn't notice me under the table as I happily sucked away. Just mine and my son's dirty little secret.

So when I woke up in the morning, I was feeling particularly inspired and so, so fucking horny. And I thought of something naughty to do for my son's sessions that morning but there was a problem. When I set my alarm yesterday I accidentally set it for "pm" instead of "am." God, I can be such an idiot sometimes, especially right after giving my son a blowjob and getting a bellyful of cum in the process, apparently.

I glanced out my window and saw through the glass that not only were my daughters, Alice and Violet up and tanning by the pool already, but their friends were there, Jade and Luna, and Pam and Jenna were out there too. Why is everyone up already?! I thought, immensely annoyed, It's the weekend! Then I realized, Fucking sports nerds...up with the sun to practice or some shit. I know I swear like a sailor sometimes, but I was super amazingly annoyed right then.

I glanced at the clock, it was too early for lunch so it made me think that if I hurried, I could still take care of Rob's sample while everyone was out by the pool. I rushed out of the room.

I was too horny, that's for sure. I never really considered that I didn't take Rob's sample that morning. I grabbed the white dress from the ground I wore yesterday. No cum was on it so it didn't matter if I used it again.


"You know," I said, annoyed, "there's probably better ways to wake me up than just shaking me!"

Mom stopped shaking me, "sorry, I'm just so excited!" She pursed her lips and my dick was already hard thinking about her not one but two blowjobs she had given me yesterday, "I um overslept so we have to be quick. Get dressed! I have an idea!"

"But, I'm already hard couldn't you just-"

"Just do it, there's not much time!" Mom insisted and I quickly did what she asked.


God, Rob can be so stupid sometimes but he dressed, shoving his hard cock down his panties. And, at my insistence, sat in his chair and started to play one of his video games.

"Okay...," Rob said, doubtful, as the game started up and he took his controller in hand, "but I don't see why- ohh!" He finally realized what I was up to as I got down on my knees between his legs and unzipped his pants.

"Just pretend I'm not doing anything," I told my son as I took his cock out of his pants. "Just keep playing your game." I moaned as I started to slowly jerk him and began sucking on his balls. I was feeling emboldened by my dream and wanted to do something similar to sucking Rob's cock at the breakfast table while everyone ignored me.

I was just about to suck his entire cock into my mouth but glanced at his face and he was staring right at me, "no Rob," I told him, "just play your game and pretend this isn't interrupting you in any way."

"Okay..." he said. He started to play his game, but just for a moment because that's when I took 3/4 of his humongous dick in my mouth and down my throat, moaning like a horny maniac while I did so, but Rob's arms fell to his sides and he dropped the game controller on the ground. I assume his head fell back and his tongue fell out as I deep throated my son's big dick.

I started off fast, I was too turned on to work my way up to it. I'm sure I was making obscene noises with my moans and gags but I didn't care at all. This was the hottest thing I'd ever done in my life! And I was so excited I almost didn't notice my throat bobbing was causing my nose to hit my son's pelvis.

I spat Rob's cock out to tell him "I did it!"

Rob uncrossed his eyes for a second, "huh? What?"

"I got your entire cock down my throat! Here watch!" I showed my son, proudly, as I engulfed his entire cock in one go, feeling his cock fill my neck full of his dick.

A couple things happened right then, first Rob started cumming down my throat, which made me start cumming in my dress, but, because of the sounds of the video game, I never heard the girls come in the house and that's also when Rob's bedroom door opened up, and on the other side Alice, Violet, Jade, and Luna were all standing there watching me. Caught in the act, cumming on my knees while my son's cock was all the way down my throat.

I took my mouth off his dick but Rob was still cumming like a racehorse and it started to cover me. Jade gasped when she saw his dick and then turned and walked out of the room with a strange expression on her face. I assumed it was disgust because even though I was in the midst of orgasming, I was so disgusted with myself I hardly noticed that I was.

The three girls followed Jade away, maybe to comfort her. I don't know.

Rob stopped cumming and so did I. I walked in a daze back to my room. I took off the cum dress and got in my shower and cried.


I was out by the pool. I was wearing my one piece swimsuit that was a little too small and my huge tits stuck out of the sides just a little too much and you could see just the edges of my areolas. I chose this specifically so I could start seducing Rob, and also claim I didn't know it was a size too small if anyone said anything about it.

But then there was a commotion and I thought I might have missed something. Jade and Luna came out together first with Alice and Violet close behind.

"What the fuck was that?!" Luna exclaimed in her eloquent way.

"I don't know, what the fuck was that?" I asked, intrigued. I noticed Mom gave me a suspicious look out of the corner of my eye but I didn't care. And a moment later neither did she as Luna told us what she saw.

"Rob's mom was deep throating his huge dick and he came all over her. It was fucked up." Luna said.

Pam got up, "I'll go talk to her, just... Forget about what you saw for now." She said to Luna before running into the house but I stopped her.

"I'll talk to Rob if you're talking to Aunt Nancy," I said Mom giving me a suspicious look again but I definitely no longer cared, things were getting hotter by the second and I'd just been fantasizing on the sidelines. It was time to get serious, "I just need to grab something from our house first." I left Mom staring at me as I went to our house. When I went back, she had already gone to talk to my aunt.


Pam came into my room and then in my bathroom because I forgot to lock any doors.

"Hey Nancy," she said as she got in my shower, she was still in her bikini, "I heard what happened. Do you want to talk about it?"

I dried my eyes, or as best you can do that in the shower, "not really. But I guess everything is out there now." I said bitterly.

"So," my sister said, her tits rubbing up against mine because my shower wasn't as big as the one in the family bathroom, "I guess it's been a lot more than just Rob jerking off while you watched, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, angry with myself for than with my sister, "Yeah, well, I thought if we kept it a secret, um..." I trailed off not really sure what I thought anymore.

"And now everyone knows and your realizing you were on the path to fucking your own son?" Pam finished for me.

I gave her an angry look, "I wasn't." I said sternly, but then softened, "I guess I was more or less okay with giving him blowjobs now... GAH!" I said in frustration as I kneeled down on the shower floor until my nose touched my knees, "You're right! Why are you always right!?" I almost started crying again.

Pam kneeled next to me to put a comforting hand on my shoulders, "Okay, Nancy, I'm sorry you're angry about it. If you want, I could give you a massage or something to make you feel better. But hey, the secrets out, you enjoy helping your son with his treatment! Who cares? Why don't you join the pool party? We were talking about getting a pizza."

"What? How can I see any of those people again now that they know I'm, I'm," I started to cry, "I"m a fucking degenerate." I said bitterly as I sobbed openly in front of my sister.

Pam then really surprised me. She kissed me on the lips. She stuck her tongue in my mouth. And I was kissing her back! I think I was just too emotional right then and that was so surprising it kicked my libido back into high gear. She broke the kiss before I even realized what happened. "Huh?' I muttered dumbly as I looked into my sister's beautiful blue eyes as if for the first time.

"I'm a fucking degenerate too," Pam told me after she broke the kiss, "I bet you didn't know I was bisexual, but I am. And I think you're fucking hot and sexy Nancy, if you weren't my sister and, well, sexually repressed before a couple weeks ago, I'd be on that bod in a heartbeat."

I blinked, this was a lot to take in, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because everyone is a pervert, and a degenerate, or whatever you want to call it." Pam shrugged, "I mean, I just made out with my sister. You just sucked your son's cock. Both our daughters have probably done stuff with boys we don't even want to think about. Now, come out and join the party and have some fun."

I sighed, "I wish I could be as free spirited as you are Pam. Just let everything flow like water off a duck's back. But this feels like my worst fears are coming true." I got to my feet, "How can I look at my daughters or their friends knowing they've seen me at my worst. They'll all just be judging me from now until the end of time." I was very miserable right then...

Pam looked amused, "well the best way I know how to face your fears is doing it head on. Come out and I'm sure once you explain about your son's condition they'll all be perfectly reasonable about it. Though something tells me that's all they've been talking about since I came in."

She then looked at my body and made me feel... Strange. "One thing you should do before you come out though," she told me, "shave your pussy, everyone will see your bush if you're wearing that new swimsuit you thought I didn't know you bought yesterday."

She laughed at my expression but once Pam left I grabbed my razors and shaving cream from the cabinet.


I was surprised that the person knocking on my door was my cousin Jenna of all people. I figured it was Aunt Pam after Mom turned her away.

Jenna and I didn't really talk much, even though we were both nerds. I was more into comics, video games, super heroes, and stuff like that, she was more into technology and doing research into shit. So yeah, both nerds, I guess, but we were as different as apples and bananas, even though they were still both fruits they weren't really anything alike.

Anyway, Jenna was wearing this one piece that hugged her body even though it wasn't wet yet, and she looked super sexy. I think it might've been a size too small because her tits kind of pushed out the sides and I could see the edges of her pink areolas. I gulped. My erection was back in seconds and I walked awkwardly and sat on my bed so I could shove my dick down my pant leg as I sat and hopefully hide it to some degree.

"What did you want?" I said, annoyed. Jenna and I had never really talked, not like me and my sisters did, so I was just feeling really embarrassed right then, sure she had heard about what happened.

Jenna shut the door behind her, she locked the door but unlocked it when I explained it didn't lock the other side anymore and she'd just be locking us in.

"Okay, I heard what happened, and I brought you something to cheer you up." She said as she sat on my bed. She did something that made my cock twitch in my pant leg, she reached in between her boobs and pulled out a thin cloth. I gulped as I realized that's where she had been keeping it and I had no idea.

"What? It's a natural pocket." She smirked like the devil, I'd never seen this side of Jenna before. She handed the cloth to me and I took it without looking at it, I was so taken by her right then. Either that or I was half expecting her to take out a knife (perhaps from between her tits again...) and stab me through the heart.

Instead she got really close to my face so that our noses almost touched and said, "It's a banana hammock." And then laid back on the bed, her currently bright orange hair flowing around her, one hand thrown back behind her head, the other she placed on her belly, innocently, but it seemed to be moving so slowly down I wasn't sure it was moving at all, down her belly towards her crotch.

I gulped again, my cock twitched again, and I wasn't entirely sure what was happening. This was Jenna! She was the most boring person I personally knew! And now, I felt like she was the most intimidating person I'd ever met in my life.

I looked away from her before my mind exploded and at the cloth she handed me, "What?" I said, legitimately not hearing whatever she said to me a moment ago, too distracted by whatever entity Jenna, my sweet and innocent cousin, had just become.

She rolled her eyes and stood from my bed, behaving more like a normal person for a second. She held it out fully, two straps holding some large cock-carryer made of cloth. "It's a swimsuit." she said, and handed it back to me, "My mom bought it yesterday when she was out with your mom. I think she was going to give it to you as a joke, but I think you should wear it. I think you should put it on right now and come out to the pool."


"W-what!?" Rob said.

"Did I just stutter?" I asked, amused.

"But I can't-" he started to say.

"You mean you won't," I interrupted him. This is going to be so easy, I thought. Rob knew nothing, which meant I was the master and he would be my padawan...did I mention I'm really into Star Wars? I'm not all about sex all the time. "The way I see it, Rob, is you can either A) stay up here forever because everyone knows you got a blowjob from a hot MILF." I said the last part like I was a spooky vampire because it was "so scary," "Or B) You can own it. Put on this swimsuit and show off your cock! Show everyone that you're not only unashamed but proud of the fact that you're the stud who made his smoking hot Mom give him a blowjob!"

Rob's mouth was hanging open, he obviously didn't believe he could do that. "How can-"

"Before you ask that question," I interrupted again, "let me ask you this one: Do you want to fuck Nancy?"

"W-what?" He stuttered again.

"W-what?" I imitated in my deepest and stupidest voice, "You heard me, do you want to fuck your mother?"

Rob was taken aback, even though I said it twice, but after a moment thought he said, "I-I don't know."

I smirked, "That's not a 'no' Rob, so it might as well be a yes. It's such an obvious answer that even hesitating as long as you did is an obvious 'yes.'"

Rob got a little angry at that, "So what? It's not like I can do anything about it?" He scowled, looking away from me.

"No, you won't do anything about it. There's no such thing as 'can't'" I grabbed his chin and made him look in my eyes, "And you can start by being more confident." I told him bluntly, "And it starts with that banana hammock." I picked it up from his bed where he placed it and put it back in his hands.

He stared at it dumbly and said, "You make it sound so easy, but I'm really not the guy who can pull something like this swimsuit off." Rob put it on his lap as if trying it on, his hard on very obvious beneath it, "I mean, I've never had confidence, like, ever. How can I suddenly just be like, 'oh look at me, I have a medical condition that gives me a big penis,' I don't know, Jenna. I really don't."

I wondered if I was pushing my cousin too much, but decided that really I hadn't pushed him nearly hard enough, "why?"

"Why what?" I could tell he was getting annoyed with me.

I didn't care. In fact I was even more amused by his attitude, "why do you think you can't be confident? Actually," I said before he could answer, "what do you think confidence is exactly?"

Rob thought for a moment, "It's when you go out and you're automatically awesome at, I..." He gulped and stopped talking. This was probably because I had undid the straps of my swimsuit and was slowly removing it.

"That's not what it is Rob, not at all," I lowered it enough that my perky tits came into view, "Confidence happens by doing the same thing over and over again," I leaned forward, a bit too much (on purpose) so that my breasts briefly brushed against my cousin's face, and so I could push my suit down and step out of it, "And once you've done it enough times, you can do it confidently." I stood up and threw my suit on Rob's face like I was a stripper. He quickly took it off so he could stare at my body. I stayed fit, and I shaved my pussy, mostly to keep everyone guessing what my actual hair color was since having a big blonde bush was a dead giveaway.

I put my hands on my hips and did a sexy pose, swaying from one side to the other. I then spun around and bent over, showing Rob my pussy and asshole simultaneously. I turned back around. "It's like your comic books, before you read one you didn't know a fucking thing about what a Batman was, now you can't shut up about him. You can 'batman' with confidence."

"I don't think-" He started to say.

But I interrupted him again, "I mean, look at me? I can stand here totally naked in front of you." I grabbed both my tits, giving them a quick squeeze before dropping them and letting them giggle on their own for a bit. I think Rob started drooling. "But you won't do anything. A sexy girl is practically throwing herself at you but you won't do a thing but sit there with a hard cock in your pants and Ra*e me with your eyes."

Rob gulped, "That's not-"

I just kept interrupting him and would probably continue to do so until he stopped leading with self-defeating statements, "That's the thing Rob, I don't care what you think. Truthfully, I really don't care what others think of me."

Rob found his confidence, though only to point out the obvious, "Oh really? Then why have I never seen this side of you before?"

I cringed, I had been letting all that faith in myself go to my head, "Fine. You're right. I guess I've been as worried about my family finding out about, well, the 'real me' as you are about, well, fucking your mom. But what if we make a deal?" I added as I had an idea of getting what I want and stop having to convince Rob that he wasn't a piece of shit, so win-win for me.

"I don't know..." Rob said, but staring back and forth between my tits and pussy while he did so.

"Well, just hear it first," I said, "if you A) put on that banana hammock, B) come out to the pool party, and C) act confidently all day, and absolutely nothing good comes from it..." I paused for dramatic effect, "I'll fuck your brains out."

"W-what?" Seemed to be Rob's catchphrase right then.

"You heard me." I said, "I'll fuck you nine ways til Friday and then on Friday I'll fuck you nine times more. But you have to do all three of those things."

"And what about your secret life?"

"Well, if you do those things, whether or not you have fun. I'll reveal who I really am at the family game night on Tuesday. But you have to do all 3 of those things until the end of the day."

"What? Even wear this swimsuit?"

"Especially that," I said, "naked is okay too." I added thinking naughty thoughts.

I grabbed my swimsuit and put it back on. As I did, Rob asked, "any advice on how I can be more confident?"

I shrugged, "just fake it til you make it."

"Can you explain that?" Rob was kinda dumb sometimes.

"Well, you watch a lot of movies. Just think of yourself as an actor." I told him, "you've seen confident men on screen. Try channeling them, so to speak." Then I left his room and went back out to the pool. I felt pretty good that I wouldn't have to fuck Rob or reveal my secrets because I was sure he wouldn't be able to pull it off. It would be a step in the right direction though.


My name is Luna. I'm 19 and a high school senior and my best friend is Alice. I'm a year older than everyone else in my grade because I was held back in 2nd grade because I didn't understand basic math. I got better the second time through...

Anyway, I'm 19, and I'm Mexican-American, literally, as my dad was from Mexico and my mother is American. I never knew my dad, he only stuck around long enough to give me my name, so don't think I talk in an accent or even knew Spanish outside of what was taught in High School Spanish class.

I'm beautiful too, and I knew it. Not only because of all the fucking assholes hitting on me when I walked down the street, but I had naturally tan skin, green eyes, a perfect ass, great tits though not as big as Alice's or Violet's. I was hot. I guess my attractiveness always made me feel a bit entitled and shit, but whatever. I wasn't one of those women who, like, used my sexuality to get me things, but I did have a tendency to walk on people when I felt I was above them.

Such as Rob, the thing about Rob is that he's always been such a wimp. I don't think I've even heard him raise his voice in anger. It kind of made me feel like I owned him, I could say or do anything I wanted and Rob wouldn't do any different. He was my plaything. Okay, not like that. But I did feel entitled to call him names, like, constantly and, occasionally, but not always, steal stuff from his backpack or locker when he wasn't looking. Stupid stuff, I know, but I just liked being mean to him.

Anyway, Alice was explaining her brother's medical problem and I couldn't help but laugh, "oh shit! I can't believe Rob is even lamer than I thought he was! He's an actual motherfucker!" I laughed so hard that Jade and Violet turned to look at us. They were on the far side of the pool talking softly with each other, I could only assume about the exact same thing we were talking about.

Alice scoffed at me, "They didn't fuck." She seemed a bit upset about this, I assumed at me for implying what I did. "It was just a blowjob."

"Oral sex is still sex, sweetie." I said, feeling a bit full of myself. "And your brother is such a loser, this only makes it, like, all the sweeter." I laughed again, but Alice stopped me by smacking my leg really hard, "OW! What was that for!?" I shouted.

"Don't make fun of my brother like that!" She said, obviously furious.

"The hell?" I asked, confused, "You've never cared about me making fun of him before?"

Alice looked so angry I thought she might hit me again, but instead she said, "It's a medical condition! He can't help it! I don't care what happened! I really don't! My mom isn't some whore or something, okay!?" Her face was just getting redder as she said these things, and I saw that Violet and Jade had stopped talking and were just staring at us as she yelled at me.

I was kinda frightened, actually. I thought for sure Alice was about to tackle me, "Okay, okay. Sorry." I said, "I was just, y'know, shooting the shit like we always do. I didn't mean nothin' by it."

Alice calmed down some and went back to putting sunscreen on her skin. As she did I noticed that Pam and Jenna had both come back at some point.

I could tell Alice was ignoring me. I thought of something to say to lighten her up.

"Y'know," I said, "if I had a son who was hung like that, I'd probably fuck him too."

It wasn't funny really, but Alice was in such a bad mood it made her laugh, "You're too young to have a son old enough for that." She pointed out.

"Well, maybe in twenty years...I don't suppose you'd talk Rob into knocking me up?" Alice laughed and hit me again when I said that. But a playful hit on my arm this time.

We both had a good chuckle, but when we calmed down, Alice asked me, "You aren't super weirded out by this whole thing, are you?"

I shrugged, "It's a bit fucked up." I admitted, "but there's also something about it that's, I dunno..." I wasn't sure if I should admit it but it was, like, what the hell? It's Alice, I could trust her, "It's like, super-duper hot! Y'know?"

Alice blinked, and I felt she was about to tell me something, but that's when Nancy and Rob came out to the pool and we were all distracted at that moment.


After Jenna left my room I just sat there for a while, partly to wait until my erection went away, but mostly to consider everything she told me. It was strange, feeling like I was being put on the spot, but in a way, she was right. It's almost like I didn't have a choice, either hide in my room from my sisters and friends until things settled down like the loser I felt that I was at that moment. Or, instead, just take it in stride, "Yes! My mother sucks my dick! I have a medical condition!" I pictured myself shouting as I walked down the street, not caring about the judgmental looks that followed me. Maybe that was too much, but it felt so strange being put on the spot like that.

Still, thinking that if I just "faked it til I made it" like Jenna had said, maybe I could, at the very least, fuck my cousin...but that was weird too right? But she did seem down to do it? Jenna really wasn't the person I thought she was...

I got undressed, my cock finally soft, and put on the "banana hammock" as Jenna had called it. I looked at myself in my mirror. It was ridiculous. It was bright yellow for one thing, for another it was just a string, basically, that went around my waist and up my ass so the only thing it really covered was my cock. From behind I looked completely naked. It also didn't help that I didn't look or feel particularly fit, I kinda wished I had a bunch of muscles at that moment...
Next page: Chapter 12.2
Previous page: Chapter 11