Chapter 12.2
This is stupid! I suddenly thought, If I go out there like this...everyone will laugh at me, and I'll come running back here anyway to hide forever like Jenna said...AH! FUCK! SHIT!
I sat on my bed and considered any other option. I mean, there were lots of other options, like wearing a normal swimsuit and just pretending things were normal, or stealing Mom's car and driving to Mexico, or...
It was ridiculous. I felt like backing out. But decided, what the hell? It's not like things could get any worse...
I walked out into the hall. Of course, just my luck, it's right when Mom was coming out of her room. She was wearing a new bikini, a hot two piece that had a V-shaped bottom to cover her pussy and two triangular-shapes to cover her tits for the top. Considering her last swimming suit, this was practically lingerie. I started to get hard immediately, nothing could be done about covering it up.
"What the hell are you wearing?" Mom asked, surprised, but her eyes were already on my dick as it started to grow, "Go put on a real swimsuit."
I was about to admit defeat but remembered what Jenna said about channeling confident men I've seen in movies. I thought about it and latched onto Robert DeNiro in Taxi Driver for some reason. "It's a free country, I can wear what I want to." I said, definitively.
"Um, yes, uh, you can." Mom said, reminding me about how I acted while Jenna was talking to me a bit ago. It made me wonder if Mom was turned on at all. I knew I had been with Jenna...
"You know it." I said reaching for another actor I'm not even sure who, "I do what I want." Together we walked outside, I noticed Mom kept glancing at me out of the corner of my eye as we went out together.
Violet I swam and talked. I was still trying to take it all in, it's not everyday you walk in on your best friend getting a blowjob from his Mom. But then Violet said something that made me feel very strange, "God dammit," she said, "Mom is such a bitch. All this time she's been blowing him behind my back? I can't believe it," she said.
"What? This has been going on for a while? And you knew about it?" I was flabbergasted, I didn't know what else to say.
But then she explained about Rob's medical condition, and things started to make sense.
"Oh, that's why he asked me out the other day," I laughed, more to relieve some stress than anything else, "I turned him down but I wondered what brought it on."
"Yeah, well, sorry you had to see that." Violet said, "I honestly didn't think it was happening anymore. They'd been so quiet about it, but what do I expect." She seemed upset about something, "and is he running to her? Or is Mom doing it all? I mean, why would he..." She trailed off but I figured it out, just to make my revelations in that moment continuous.
"You're jealous of your Mom." I said in a loud whisper, then I gasped, "You want to fuck your brother!"
Before Violet could say anything, that's when we heard the back door of Nancy's house open and she and Rob walked out. I don't know about Violet but my eyes went wide. This was like I'd step right into the twilight zone. First off, Nancy was wearing a fairly normal swimsuit but her body filled it out so well, she was like a walking sex symbol coming up to the pool. Secondly, Rob was wearing nothing but what looked like a cod-piece or something and he had an erection, and he was walking like he didn't have a care in the world. His cock was pushing out what I then saw was a swimsuit, just a very thin one that did nothing to hide his humongous cock when it was hard like that. His balls were hanging freely
"What the fuck are you wearing?" I heard Pam say from the lounge chair she sat. She then glanced angrily at her daughter, Jenna, but I didn't have enough thinking power to process this.
"What?" Rob said like he was Eddie Murphy or something, "I just figure you all just saw my penis anyway. Why hide anything?" It was dorky and I wasn't sure if he was doing an impression but it was like I was seeing a side of Rob I'd never seen before. Why didn't this Rob ask me to be his girlfriend the other day? I wondered then reminded myself of what I caught Rob doing with his mother, the same Rob who I've played tons of FIFA with, the same Rob with a huge cock like a stallion and was joking about it like he was the most confident porn star or something...I was having a very confusing time right then.
Nancy started to make some speech about how Rob has a medical condition, but I wasn't really listening as all these thoughts were going through my head and then Rob pushed his Mom into the pool before she got very far into her talk.
"Who cares!?" He shouted like John Belushi, "It's a party! Where's that pizza!?"
What the fuck is going on!? I thought, and then realized something, and why the fuck am I so turned on?!
Rob was trying to be funny and stuff, but I could tell there was a lot of tension all of sudden. I decided to take a chance, "Why don't we all drink some wine?" I asked my mother.
"That's a great idea." Pam said as she shouted to Aunt Nancy about it. Nance wasn't sure, but Pam convinced her, "They're adults, even if they are underage, and we're responsible we'll make sure they don't drink too much."
She then got one of the boxes of wine that was currently in our fridge. Mom liked to cool down at the end of the day with a glass of wine. She wasn't lush or anything. She did like to stock up on wine though.
Anyway, everyone started drinking and by the end of the hour, everyone was more than a bit tipsy. Oh, except me, I actually don't drink.
As others decided on pizza, and we all started drinking some fruity-tasting wine, and Rob started cracking terrible jokes, Violet kept laughing at him so he kept telling more. I decided to get to the bottom of this.
I've known Rob his whole life, I thought, already feeling the wine affecting me, as I got up from my chair and walked over to him, he gets one blowjob and he thinks he's God's gift to women. Well, we will see about that. I knew a few insults would put him in his place.
"Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I said to him, outwardly smiling but feeling quite bitter about his false confidence underneath.
"Sure Luna, it's good to see ya!" He said, overly loud and jokingly, which Violet laughed at again from where she was swimming in the pool. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into Nancy's kitchen.
I shut the door and turned to him, "You're a motherfucker!" I said, laughing in his face.
"No I'm not." He said happily, "It was just a blowjob." His false confidence is still leaking through.
"Oh please, oral sex is still sex," I said to him as I said to his sister, "And as far as I'm concerned your even a bigger loser now than you've ever been." That wiped his smile from his face. "That's right," I went on, feeling like I'd won, "I knew it was all an act. Your just a little, good-for-nothing, momma's boy and your fucking your mom because you can't get any other pussy you little shit!" I had maybe gotten a little overly enthusiastic as I felt he was about to cry.
That just made me laugh harder, "What?" I taunted, "You gonna go cry to Mommy? You gonna-"
"Shut the fuck up, you bitch." He said, I thought it was almost like he was doing an impression of Ripley from Aliens but thought I might have been imagining things.
"Or what? You've never been able to do the littlest thing before and now-"
"Why are you like this?" He said suddenly, not impersonating anybody, just angry Rob, not that I've seen him angry before, "I mean, all you fucking do is make fun of me and pick on me. Look," he pointed outside to everyone playing in the pool, "Everyone else is having a good time but you only seem to get any pleasure from making me feel bad! Why? Who does that?"
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I didn't really have an answer, at least nothing that sounded good, but I said something anyway, I don't know why, "You've always been such an easy target."
"Well, not anymore, Luna. I'm gonna go have fun," He explained and walked out of the room.
"What the flying fuck is going on!?" I said to no one feeling like my whole world just turned upside down. Though that might have been the wine...
I honestly don't know what happened with Luna, but I was feeling a lot better coming back out into the pool area. I drank a lot of wine already though, so maybe that had something to do with it...
My erection had gone down for the moment, so that was something, at least. But it didn't last long as everyone was only in their swimsuits. One look at Mom and I was rock hard again.
I thought about making more lame jokes just to see if Violet would laugh at them some more, but doing impressions didn't feel very, I don't know, confident anymore. Standing up to Luna really made me feel different, like I had gotten years worth of garbage off my chest.
I saw that everyone was kind of paired up with others except for Jenna. I walked over to her, "How am I doing?" I asked her.
She didn't look at me as she was sunning herself, "Meh, not great," she said simply.
"Oh fuck off," I said, "I'm amazing and you know it."
She smiled at me then, "And that's confidence for you. Soon the student will become the master. Now go away, I'm getting good sun."
I almost walked away, "or I could put sunscreen on you?" I suggested, wanting to touch my cousin's hot body.
She smiled up at me, "Not now, maybe when you have some more experience." She lowered her sunglasses slightly, "And had drunk less wine." She went back to ignroing me.
"I mean, I already got a blowjob." I pointed out about my experience, ignoring the other comment as I couldn't really argue with how much I had to drink as I stood there swaying in front of her.
"Yeah, from your Mom." She teased. "Anyway, I said no, go try someone else."
I walked away but felt a little less confident after being rejected. But I remembered what Jenna said about keep doing it until you're brave enough to do it on your own. I went to the only other person sunning at the moment.
I was laying on my front and was almost asleep actually when I heard Rob ask, "would you like me to apply sunscreen, Alice?"
I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I noted his erection that was right in front of my face, "I literally just put some on, why are you wearing that thing anyway?" I was kind of annoyed by it actually, the Speedo or whatever it was.
Rob shrugged, "I'm tired of hiding my condition and trying to keep everything secret. It seems like it's all in the open anyway." He gestured to his dick, "it's not like I can control that this is happening to me. Now how about that sunscreen?"
"I said I just put some on."
"So? I heard redheads need more sunscreen because of your pale skin," he explained. As if I didn't already know that.
"I'm not that pale," I said, "but now I'm worried. Here," I handed him the sunscreen. "You can do my back but don't think I'm going to blow you or something."
"The thought never crossed my mind." He then did my back and my legs when I asked him to. Nothing really happened, though I kept my eye on his humongous boner the whole time out of the corners of my eyes. It was as if I was scared it might lash out at me, but by the end I was kind of just impressed that Rob could have an erection for so long without touching it or anything. I guess he's really got a strange disease, I thought as he walked away from me.
I watched from the pool, jealousy flowing through me as Alice was felt up by our brother thinking the whole time, why is he doing "stuff" with everyone but me! I had also had quite a lot to drink at that point.
My suspicious watching was interrupted when Jade swam up to me. "Can I ask you something?" She said, she was also pretty tipsy too as it seemed like she was having a hard time focusing on me.
"Shoot." I said, but I already knew what it was gonna be.
"Do you really have a crush on your brother?" She asked, I couldn't tell what she was thinking as she asked, there was the strangest expression on her brown face. "I mean," she went on, "I knew you were kind of teasing him and stuff..." She let it hang in the air.
I thought about denying everything but it was Jade and I knew I could trust her, "I was just teasing him. It was a stupid game. But then he got this medical disorder and..."
"...and now you want to fuck your brother." Jade said and then started laughing. I laughed with her.
When we stopped laughing I said, "I'm sorry if that's sick and perverted. I hope you're not about to run far away to get away from all of us."
"No," Jade said comfortingly, "I have to admit the whole situation is pretty fucking weird. But I don't know," she glanced at Rob who was still touching my sister, "I mean, a crush is one thing. As long as you don't act on it. And I guess your mom is just helping Rob even if it's in a strange way."
I cocked my eyebrow at her, "it sounds like you're pretty okay about this whole situation."
"I don't know about that," Jade chuckled drunkenly, "I think I need some time to process everything."
"That's understandable." I told her. We spent some time doing laps. It helped to get my jealousy out of my head for a bit, and sobered me up, but that didn't matter as I only drank more wine after that...
I was still angry at Rob. I just didn't know how to get back at him. But when I saw an opportunity I took it.
He was standing by the pool, talking to his Mom about something as she was in the pool. I walked up behind him, grabbed the straps of his stupid swimsuit, and broke them off.
Shocked he spun around, naked and his massive boner sticking out so far and I was so close that it hit me in the side of my hip, I didn't care as I discarded his stupid banana hammock. "Oops." I said moving away from his hung cock so it wasn't touching me anymore.
"Nuh uh," he said, he didn't seem ashamed or surprised or anything, just grabbed my hand and we both fell into the pool.
I heard his mother laughing at us. God what is going through that woman's mind. We wrestled in the water, I tried to swim away but couldn't and then a second later he let me go.
I swam to the side and got out, "Thank God, Rob is fucking crazy." I said as I crawled out of the pool. Everyone seemed to be laughing at me, only then did I notice Rob holding up both pieces of my swimsuit, I looked down and saw that I was as naked as he was. I used my arm to cover my tits and my other hand to cover my pussy. "God damn you!" I shouted before running into the house, blushing profusely.
Alice came into her room, which is where I ran to. I was looking through her clothes, "What are you doing?"
"What?" I said, feeling angry and embarrassed, "I need another suit! That bastard broke mine!"
"I don't think he broke it." Alice said, "I'm sure if you asked him Rob would give it back to you."
I felt strange right then, part of me wanted to cry because Rob had actually gotten one over on me, the other part wanted to run away for basically the same reason, and another part of me. Well...
The other part of me wanted to kiss Alice. And I did. I didn't care if she didn't share my feelings, not at that moment anyway. But I'd been hiding back for so long. We made out, we fell on her bed. Alice kissed me and I kissed her back. I was already naked but I quickly got the rest of her swimsuit off as well.
"Oh yes," I moaned as Alice moved down and started sucking on my nipples, I played with her clit and her tits with my hands and she reached down and started to finger me. "You're so beautiful Alice, I've wanted this for so, OOOhh, so long." I moaned. Too drunk and horny to hold back on the truth.
Alice looked back up at me, "I knew Luna," she said, "I just didn't know how I felt until now." And then she dove her tongue into my pussy.
"Mmmm," I moaned, "Thank you Alice!" I was cumming already, "I want to eat your cunt too!" Soon we were sixty-nining after that, and ended up fucking until very late into the night. I don't think anyone even noticed we were gone...
Rob and I were swimming next to each other, and he was naked. I laughed at him and he laughed with me. It was just a "normal" pool day but I don't think I'd ever had as much fun swimming around like I did that day.
I didn't drink wine normally, and what little I drank then was just going to my head. I was glad we ate pizza earlier, but I don't think food staves off drunkenness, especially when you just kept drinking.
Rob didn't mind being naked either, and I felt a strange sense of pride as he did a back float, his erection on full display as he drifted by me, and I looked around and saw that all eyes were on my son's humongous dick.
"Let's go skinny dipping!" I heard myself say, hardly believing it but at the same time I was so happy in that moment it felt like I could do anything. I'm glad Pam talked me out of my funk.
"Yeah, get naked!" Pam shouted as she stood up and was already taking her suit off. Rob stopped his backfloat as everyone got naked and he watched, the biggest smile on his face.
I couldn't believe it. I guess confidence really did lead to good things. I saw as first Aunt Pam got naked, showing off her glorious body and then jumping in the pool. Next was Mom who took off her suit in the pool but then jumped up on the side of it to give me a quick show. She opened her legs briefly to show that she'd recently shaved her pussy and I could see every fold on full display. Violet was next, and once she was naked she swam up to me and tackled me underwater, and for a brief moment she grabbed my cock before swimming away. Jenna was next as she took off her suit as she had in my room and jumped in the water, but she just pretended to be swimming and doing her own thing and not the least bit interested in everyone else being naked.
Jade was last, and it surprised me. But she got out of the pool to walk over to me and stood by the edge of the pool, looking me right in the eye she said, "I wanted you to see my body." She said shyly, but then took off both her top and bottom simultaneously and my mouth fell open. She shaved her brown pussy as well, and her tits were almost as big as Mom's. She then jumped into the water in front of me and just stayed there. I think she wanted me to do something. I thought about what Jenna said about being confident and I could feel her watching me from her corner of the pool. I decided to just go for it, just follow my instincts.
I grabbed Jade and pulled her close to me, she didn't resist and I began to kiss her. She still didn't resist so I put my tongue in her mouth, and her tongue met mine. She pushed her body into mine, giving into her desire fully. I let my hand flow down her back until it rested on her ass, likewise her hand went down my chest until it landed on my cock. It just stayed there for a moment, but as we continued to kiss she tightened her grip and my longtime high school crush began to jerk me in the water as we made out in front of my entire family. With her other hand she grabbed my wrist and brought it to her tit, I started to fondle it, feeling her hard nipples in the cool water. Tasting her tongue as I felt her body for the first time.
She increased her jerking speed in the water, and soon I could feel myself getting ready to cum. I didn't warn her because I didn't want to break this awesome kiss we were sharing. And I came in the chlorinated water as she jerked me. She broke the kiss after that, only then did we both realize that all eyes were on us.
"That," Aunt Pam said from where she was floating uncomfortably close to us, "Was fucking intense."
This was too much. I don't know what came over me. Rob started kissing me and next thing I knew it was like all my passion for him that I hadn't even been aware was there came out all at once.
And then his entire family was staring at us and even though it was underwater I knew that they knew exactly what had transpired. I was so embarrassed and ashamed I climbed out of the pool and ran.
"Wait, Jade!" Rob shouted but I ran into Pam's back porch where she kept the jacuzzi. He followed me in.
"Sorry," I said now that it was us two, "I don't know what came over me."
"It's okay." He says with a laugh, "I mean, I'm not complaining."
I laughed with him, feeling a bit foolish. "It's just weird with your whole family there."
Rob shrugged. This new confident version of him seemed pretty chill, "not much different than what you caught, umm..."
"You're mom sucking your dick?" I put in, "yeah pretty weird that. Well, since we're here..." I turned on the jacuzzi jets and climbed in. Rob jumped in next to me. He went to kiss me again. I put a stop to it, "No, Rob I think what I told you on the bus stop stands. I want us to remain friends, okay?"
He smiled and sat back, enjoying the jets of the jacuzzi, "it's cool. This is all happening kind of fast and I don't want to rush into anything and-" he stopped talking because I started kissing him then. He was just so different now, I don't know what happened in just a day, but Rob has gone from being just a nerdy bashful boy to one manly stud. I was also kind of drunk, did I mention that part?
He started playing with my tits, a little roughly but we were both new at this stuff. I was about to grab his cock again but we were interrupted by Violet. I got embarrassed and stopped our kissing but I didn't run away this time.
I was seething with rage. I mean, I had just admitted to Jade that I had a crush on my brother and now she's making out with him and jerking him off in front of everyone! Ah! I should be jerking him off in front of everyone!
Okay, I didn't really want that exactly but if someone is doing it it should be me.
So I got in the tub with them sitting on the other side of Rob. I glared at Jade thinking of everything I could say to her, every insult, everything. But in the end, I let the competitive side get the better than me and I said, "Fuck it."
I grabbed Rob and started kissing him. Rob did not hesitate in kissing me back. Our tongues wrestled, and, mostly because I had seen Jade do it, I grabbed his cock and started jerking him.
Jade gasped, but didn't have the angry response I expected, instead she really surprised me, "What the fuck? Why? Why is this so fucking hot!?" She said and I opened one eye and saw that she was masturbating next to us as she watched us make out..
Rob started feeling my tits but I wanted to do something with him that Jade didn't. So I took one of his hands from my tits and took it to my pussy and left it there. He took the hint and started feeling my horny cunt, playing with my clit and labia as well as any virgin, but it still felt pretty good. Maybe it was just how taboo it was but I could feel myself getting ready to cum any second.
I didn't get to as that's when Aunt Pam and Mom walked in making a big ruckus, "Oh, we're in the hottub now!" Pam shouted, maybe partly to warn us before Mom caught us. Though at that point I almost wanted Mom to catch us, I was so pissed at her for sneaking around with Rob.
Still I stopped kissing him and moved away. I glared at Jade who only looked embarrassed again. My attitude towards her softened. I realized that this was overwhelming her as a ton of conflicting emotions flowed through her body.
"I talked your mom into letting you drink wine!" Aunt Pam said as she got cups and a box of wine from her fridge, "I figure you're all adults now, even if you're underage." She started passing out the cups.
Soon, we were all drunk and sitting in the hot tub together. I don't drink much and I don't remember much either after we opened that box of wine. I do vaguely remember putting an arm around Jade on one side and Violet on the other and shouting, "I'm doing this with my best friends!" While someone else was grabbing my boobs but that's the most clearly I remember anything up to that point.
I sat on my bed and considered any other option. I mean, there were lots of other options, like wearing a normal swimsuit and just pretending things were normal, or stealing Mom's car and driving to Mexico, or...
It was ridiculous. I felt like backing out. But decided, what the hell? It's not like things could get any worse...
I walked out into the hall. Of course, just my luck, it's right when Mom was coming out of her room. She was wearing a new bikini, a hot two piece that had a V-shaped bottom to cover her pussy and two triangular-shapes to cover her tits for the top. Considering her last swimming suit, this was practically lingerie. I started to get hard immediately, nothing could be done about covering it up.
"What the hell are you wearing?" Mom asked, surprised, but her eyes were already on my dick as it started to grow, "Go put on a real swimsuit."
I was about to admit defeat but remembered what Jenna said about channeling confident men I've seen in movies. I thought about it and latched onto Robert DeNiro in Taxi Driver for some reason. "It's a free country, I can wear what I want to." I said, definitively.
"Um, yes, uh, you can." Mom said, reminding me about how I acted while Jenna was talking to me a bit ago. It made me wonder if Mom was turned on at all. I knew I had been with Jenna...
"You know it." I said reaching for another actor I'm not even sure who, "I do what I want." Together we walked outside, I noticed Mom kept glancing at me out of the corner of my eye as we went out together.
Violet I swam and talked. I was still trying to take it all in, it's not everyday you walk in on your best friend getting a blowjob from his Mom. But then Violet said something that made me feel very strange, "God dammit," she said, "Mom is such a bitch. All this time she's been blowing him behind my back? I can't believe it," she said.
"What? This has been going on for a while? And you knew about it?" I was flabbergasted, I didn't know what else to say.
But then she explained about Rob's medical condition, and things started to make sense.
"Oh, that's why he asked me out the other day," I laughed, more to relieve some stress than anything else, "I turned him down but I wondered what brought it on."
"Yeah, well, sorry you had to see that." Violet said, "I honestly didn't think it was happening anymore. They'd been so quiet about it, but what do I expect." She seemed upset about something, "and is he running to her? Or is Mom doing it all? I mean, why would he..." She trailed off but I figured it out, just to make my revelations in that moment continuous.
"You're jealous of your Mom." I said in a loud whisper, then I gasped, "You want to fuck your brother!"
Before Violet could say anything, that's when we heard the back door of Nancy's house open and she and Rob walked out. I don't know about Violet but my eyes went wide. This was like I'd step right into the twilight zone. First off, Nancy was wearing a fairly normal swimsuit but her body filled it out so well, she was like a walking sex symbol coming up to the pool. Secondly, Rob was wearing nothing but what looked like a cod-piece or something and he had an erection, and he was walking like he didn't have a care in the world. His cock was pushing out what I then saw was a swimsuit, just a very thin one that did nothing to hide his humongous cock when it was hard like that. His balls were hanging freely
"What the fuck are you wearing?" I heard Pam say from the lounge chair she sat. She then glanced angrily at her daughter, Jenna, but I didn't have enough thinking power to process this.
"What?" Rob said like he was Eddie Murphy or something, "I just figure you all just saw my penis anyway. Why hide anything?" It was dorky and I wasn't sure if he was doing an impression but it was like I was seeing a side of Rob I'd never seen before. Why didn't this Rob ask me to be his girlfriend the other day? I wondered then reminded myself of what I caught Rob doing with his mother, the same Rob who I've played tons of FIFA with, the same Rob with a huge cock like a stallion and was joking about it like he was the most confident porn star or something...I was having a very confusing time right then.
Nancy started to make some speech about how Rob has a medical condition, but I wasn't really listening as all these thoughts were going through my head and then Rob pushed his Mom into the pool before she got very far into her talk.
"Who cares!?" He shouted like John Belushi, "It's a party! Where's that pizza!?"
What the fuck is going on!? I thought, and then realized something, and why the fuck am I so turned on?!
Rob was trying to be funny and stuff, but I could tell there was a lot of tension all of sudden. I decided to take a chance, "Why don't we all drink some wine?" I asked my mother.
"That's a great idea." Pam said as she shouted to Aunt Nancy about it. Nance wasn't sure, but Pam convinced her, "They're adults, even if they are underage, and we're responsible we'll make sure they don't drink too much."
She then got one of the boxes of wine that was currently in our fridge. Mom liked to cool down at the end of the day with a glass of wine. She wasn't lush or anything. She did like to stock up on wine though.
Anyway, everyone started drinking and by the end of the hour, everyone was more than a bit tipsy. Oh, except me, I actually don't drink.
As others decided on pizza, and we all started drinking some fruity-tasting wine, and Rob started cracking terrible jokes, Violet kept laughing at him so he kept telling more. I decided to get to the bottom of this.
I've known Rob his whole life, I thought, already feeling the wine affecting me, as I got up from my chair and walked over to him, he gets one blowjob and he thinks he's God's gift to women. Well, we will see about that. I knew a few insults would put him in his place.
"Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I said to him, outwardly smiling but feeling quite bitter about his false confidence underneath.
"Sure Luna, it's good to see ya!" He said, overly loud and jokingly, which Violet laughed at again from where she was swimming in the pool. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into Nancy's kitchen.
I shut the door and turned to him, "You're a motherfucker!" I said, laughing in his face.
"No I'm not." He said happily, "It was just a blowjob." His false confidence is still leaking through.
"Oh please, oral sex is still sex," I said to him as I said to his sister, "And as far as I'm concerned your even a bigger loser now than you've ever been." That wiped his smile from his face. "That's right," I went on, feeling like I'd won, "I knew it was all an act. Your just a little, good-for-nothing, momma's boy and your fucking your mom because you can't get any other pussy you little shit!" I had maybe gotten a little overly enthusiastic as I felt he was about to cry.
That just made me laugh harder, "What?" I taunted, "You gonna go cry to Mommy? You gonna-"
"Shut the fuck up, you bitch." He said, I thought it was almost like he was doing an impression of Ripley from Aliens but thought I might have been imagining things.
"Or what? You've never been able to do the littlest thing before and now-"
"Why are you like this?" He said suddenly, not impersonating anybody, just angry Rob, not that I've seen him angry before, "I mean, all you fucking do is make fun of me and pick on me. Look," he pointed outside to everyone playing in the pool, "Everyone else is having a good time but you only seem to get any pleasure from making me feel bad! Why? Who does that?"
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I didn't really have an answer, at least nothing that sounded good, but I said something anyway, I don't know why, "You've always been such an easy target."
"Well, not anymore, Luna. I'm gonna go have fun," He explained and walked out of the room.
"What the flying fuck is going on!?" I said to no one feeling like my whole world just turned upside down. Though that might have been the wine...
I honestly don't know what happened with Luna, but I was feeling a lot better coming back out into the pool area. I drank a lot of wine already though, so maybe that had something to do with it...
My erection had gone down for the moment, so that was something, at least. But it didn't last long as everyone was only in their swimsuits. One look at Mom and I was rock hard again.
I thought about making more lame jokes just to see if Violet would laugh at them some more, but doing impressions didn't feel very, I don't know, confident anymore. Standing up to Luna really made me feel different, like I had gotten years worth of garbage off my chest.
I saw that everyone was kind of paired up with others except for Jenna. I walked over to her, "How am I doing?" I asked her.
She didn't look at me as she was sunning herself, "Meh, not great," she said simply.
"Oh fuck off," I said, "I'm amazing and you know it."
She smiled at me then, "And that's confidence for you. Soon the student will become the master. Now go away, I'm getting good sun."
I almost walked away, "or I could put sunscreen on you?" I suggested, wanting to touch my cousin's hot body.
She smiled up at me, "Not now, maybe when you have some more experience." She lowered her sunglasses slightly, "And had drunk less wine." She went back to ignroing me.
"I mean, I already got a blowjob." I pointed out about my experience, ignoring the other comment as I couldn't really argue with how much I had to drink as I stood there swaying in front of her.
"Yeah, from your Mom." She teased. "Anyway, I said no, go try someone else."
I walked away but felt a little less confident after being rejected. But I remembered what Jenna said about keep doing it until you're brave enough to do it on your own. I went to the only other person sunning at the moment.
I was laying on my front and was almost asleep actually when I heard Rob ask, "would you like me to apply sunscreen, Alice?"
I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I noted his erection that was right in front of my face, "I literally just put some on, why are you wearing that thing anyway?" I was kind of annoyed by it actually, the Speedo or whatever it was.
Rob shrugged, "I'm tired of hiding my condition and trying to keep everything secret. It seems like it's all in the open anyway." He gestured to his dick, "it's not like I can control that this is happening to me. Now how about that sunscreen?"
"I said I just put some on."
"So? I heard redheads need more sunscreen because of your pale skin," he explained. As if I didn't already know that.
"I'm not that pale," I said, "but now I'm worried. Here," I handed him the sunscreen. "You can do my back but don't think I'm going to blow you or something."
"The thought never crossed my mind." He then did my back and my legs when I asked him to. Nothing really happened, though I kept my eye on his humongous boner the whole time out of the corners of my eyes. It was as if I was scared it might lash out at me, but by the end I was kind of just impressed that Rob could have an erection for so long without touching it or anything. I guess he's really got a strange disease, I thought as he walked away from me.
I watched from the pool, jealousy flowing through me as Alice was felt up by our brother thinking the whole time, why is he doing "stuff" with everyone but me! I had also had quite a lot to drink at that point.
My suspicious watching was interrupted when Jade swam up to me. "Can I ask you something?" She said, she was also pretty tipsy too as it seemed like she was having a hard time focusing on me.
"Shoot." I said, but I already knew what it was gonna be.
"Do you really have a crush on your brother?" She asked, I couldn't tell what she was thinking as she asked, there was the strangest expression on her brown face. "I mean," she went on, "I knew you were kind of teasing him and stuff..." She let it hang in the air.
I thought about denying everything but it was Jade and I knew I could trust her, "I was just teasing him. It was a stupid game. But then he got this medical disorder and..."
"...and now you want to fuck your brother." Jade said and then started laughing. I laughed with her.
When we stopped laughing I said, "I'm sorry if that's sick and perverted. I hope you're not about to run far away to get away from all of us."
"No," Jade said comfortingly, "I have to admit the whole situation is pretty fucking weird. But I don't know," she glanced at Rob who was still touching my sister, "I mean, a crush is one thing. As long as you don't act on it. And I guess your mom is just helping Rob even if it's in a strange way."
I cocked my eyebrow at her, "it sounds like you're pretty okay about this whole situation."
"I don't know about that," Jade chuckled drunkenly, "I think I need some time to process everything."
"That's understandable." I told her. We spent some time doing laps. It helped to get my jealousy out of my head for a bit, and sobered me up, but that didn't matter as I only drank more wine after that...
I was still angry at Rob. I just didn't know how to get back at him. But when I saw an opportunity I took it.
He was standing by the pool, talking to his Mom about something as she was in the pool. I walked up behind him, grabbed the straps of his stupid swimsuit, and broke them off.
Shocked he spun around, naked and his massive boner sticking out so far and I was so close that it hit me in the side of my hip, I didn't care as I discarded his stupid banana hammock. "Oops." I said moving away from his hung cock so it wasn't touching me anymore.
"Nuh uh," he said, he didn't seem ashamed or surprised or anything, just grabbed my hand and we both fell into the pool.
I heard his mother laughing at us. God what is going through that woman's mind. We wrestled in the water, I tried to swim away but couldn't and then a second later he let me go.
I swam to the side and got out, "Thank God, Rob is fucking crazy." I said as I crawled out of the pool. Everyone seemed to be laughing at me, only then did I notice Rob holding up both pieces of my swimsuit, I looked down and saw that I was as naked as he was. I used my arm to cover my tits and my other hand to cover my pussy. "God damn you!" I shouted before running into the house, blushing profusely.
Alice came into her room, which is where I ran to. I was looking through her clothes, "What are you doing?"
"What?" I said, feeling angry and embarrassed, "I need another suit! That bastard broke mine!"
"I don't think he broke it." Alice said, "I'm sure if you asked him Rob would give it back to you."
I felt strange right then, part of me wanted to cry because Rob had actually gotten one over on me, the other part wanted to run away for basically the same reason, and another part of me. Well...
The other part of me wanted to kiss Alice. And I did. I didn't care if she didn't share my feelings, not at that moment anyway. But I'd been hiding back for so long. We made out, we fell on her bed. Alice kissed me and I kissed her back. I was already naked but I quickly got the rest of her swimsuit off as well.
"Oh yes," I moaned as Alice moved down and started sucking on my nipples, I played with her clit and her tits with my hands and she reached down and started to finger me. "You're so beautiful Alice, I've wanted this for so, OOOhh, so long." I moaned. Too drunk and horny to hold back on the truth.
Alice looked back up at me, "I knew Luna," she said, "I just didn't know how I felt until now." And then she dove her tongue into my pussy.
"Mmmm," I moaned, "Thank you Alice!" I was cumming already, "I want to eat your cunt too!" Soon we were sixty-nining after that, and ended up fucking until very late into the night. I don't think anyone even noticed we were gone...
Rob and I were swimming next to each other, and he was naked. I laughed at him and he laughed with me. It was just a "normal" pool day but I don't think I'd ever had as much fun swimming around like I did that day.
I didn't drink wine normally, and what little I drank then was just going to my head. I was glad we ate pizza earlier, but I don't think food staves off drunkenness, especially when you just kept drinking.
Rob didn't mind being naked either, and I felt a strange sense of pride as he did a back float, his erection on full display as he drifted by me, and I looked around and saw that all eyes were on my son's humongous dick.
"Let's go skinny dipping!" I heard myself say, hardly believing it but at the same time I was so happy in that moment it felt like I could do anything. I'm glad Pam talked me out of my funk.
"Yeah, get naked!" Pam shouted as she stood up and was already taking her suit off. Rob stopped his backfloat as everyone got naked and he watched, the biggest smile on his face.
I couldn't believe it. I guess confidence really did lead to good things. I saw as first Aunt Pam got naked, showing off her glorious body and then jumping in the pool. Next was Mom who took off her suit in the pool but then jumped up on the side of it to give me a quick show. She opened her legs briefly to show that she'd recently shaved her pussy and I could see every fold on full display. Violet was next, and once she was naked she swam up to me and tackled me underwater, and for a brief moment she grabbed my cock before swimming away. Jenna was next as she took off her suit as she had in my room and jumped in the water, but she just pretended to be swimming and doing her own thing and not the least bit interested in everyone else being naked.
Jade was last, and it surprised me. But she got out of the pool to walk over to me and stood by the edge of the pool, looking me right in the eye she said, "I wanted you to see my body." She said shyly, but then took off both her top and bottom simultaneously and my mouth fell open. She shaved her brown pussy as well, and her tits were almost as big as Mom's. She then jumped into the water in front of me and just stayed there. I think she wanted me to do something. I thought about what Jenna said about being confident and I could feel her watching me from her corner of the pool. I decided to just go for it, just follow my instincts.
I grabbed Jade and pulled her close to me, she didn't resist and I began to kiss her. She still didn't resist so I put my tongue in her mouth, and her tongue met mine. She pushed her body into mine, giving into her desire fully. I let my hand flow down her back until it rested on her ass, likewise her hand went down my chest until it landed on my cock. It just stayed there for a moment, but as we continued to kiss she tightened her grip and my longtime high school crush began to jerk me in the water as we made out in front of my entire family. With her other hand she grabbed my wrist and brought it to her tit, I started to fondle it, feeling her hard nipples in the cool water. Tasting her tongue as I felt her body for the first time.
She increased her jerking speed in the water, and soon I could feel myself getting ready to cum. I didn't warn her because I didn't want to break this awesome kiss we were sharing. And I came in the chlorinated water as she jerked me. She broke the kiss after that, only then did we both realize that all eyes were on us.
"That," Aunt Pam said from where she was floating uncomfortably close to us, "Was fucking intense."
This was too much. I don't know what came over me. Rob started kissing me and next thing I knew it was like all my passion for him that I hadn't even been aware was there came out all at once.
And then his entire family was staring at us and even though it was underwater I knew that they knew exactly what had transpired. I was so embarrassed and ashamed I climbed out of the pool and ran.
"Wait, Jade!" Rob shouted but I ran into Pam's back porch where she kept the jacuzzi. He followed me in.
"Sorry," I said now that it was us two, "I don't know what came over me."
"It's okay." He says with a laugh, "I mean, I'm not complaining."
I laughed with him, feeling a bit foolish. "It's just weird with your whole family there."
Rob shrugged. This new confident version of him seemed pretty chill, "not much different than what you caught, umm..."
"You're mom sucking your dick?" I put in, "yeah pretty weird that. Well, since we're here..." I turned on the jacuzzi jets and climbed in. Rob jumped in next to me. He went to kiss me again. I put a stop to it, "No, Rob I think what I told you on the bus stop stands. I want us to remain friends, okay?"
He smiled and sat back, enjoying the jets of the jacuzzi, "it's cool. This is all happening kind of fast and I don't want to rush into anything and-" he stopped talking because I started kissing him then. He was just so different now, I don't know what happened in just a day, but Rob has gone from being just a nerdy bashful boy to one manly stud. I was also kind of drunk, did I mention that part?
He started playing with my tits, a little roughly but we were both new at this stuff. I was about to grab his cock again but we were interrupted by Violet. I got embarrassed and stopped our kissing but I didn't run away this time.
I was seething with rage. I mean, I had just admitted to Jade that I had a crush on my brother and now she's making out with him and jerking him off in front of everyone! Ah! I should be jerking him off in front of everyone!
Okay, I didn't really want that exactly but if someone is doing it it should be me.
So I got in the tub with them sitting on the other side of Rob. I glared at Jade thinking of everything I could say to her, every insult, everything. But in the end, I let the competitive side get the better than me and I said, "Fuck it."
I grabbed Rob and started kissing him. Rob did not hesitate in kissing me back. Our tongues wrestled, and, mostly because I had seen Jade do it, I grabbed his cock and started jerking him.
Jade gasped, but didn't have the angry response I expected, instead she really surprised me, "What the fuck? Why? Why is this so fucking hot!?" She said and I opened one eye and saw that she was masturbating next to us as she watched us make out..
Rob started feeling my tits but I wanted to do something with him that Jade didn't. So I took one of his hands from my tits and took it to my pussy and left it there. He took the hint and started feeling my horny cunt, playing with my clit and labia as well as any virgin, but it still felt pretty good. Maybe it was just how taboo it was but I could feel myself getting ready to cum any second.
I didn't get to as that's when Aunt Pam and Mom walked in making a big ruckus, "Oh, we're in the hottub now!" Pam shouted, maybe partly to warn us before Mom caught us. Though at that point I almost wanted Mom to catch us, I was so pissed at her for sneaking around with Rob.
Still I stopped kissing him and moved away. I glared at Jade who only looked embarrassed again. My attitude towards her softened. I realized that this was overwhelming her as a ton of conflicting emotions flowed through her body.
"I talked your mom into letting you drink wine!" Aunt Pam said as she got cups and a box of wine from her fridge, "I figure you're all adults now, even if you're underage." She started passing out the cups.
Soon, we were all drunk and sitting in the hot tub together. I don't drink much and I don't remember much either after we opened that box of wine. I do vaguely remember putting an arm around Jade on one side and Violet on the other and shouting, "I'm doing this with my best friends!" While someone else was grabbing my boobs but that's the most clearly I remember anything up to that point.