Chapter 13.2


I don't know why I volunteered. Part of me was angry and wanted to punish her for that. Part of me was horny and wanted this just to see what it was like to cause pain and pleasure simultaneously. And another part of me just wanted my fucking sister and my fucking niece to stop fucking yelling at each other when I was this goddamn hungover!

I grabbed a paddle. I felt it for a bit. It had fur on one side of it, I presume to soften the blow a bit. I decided not to use that side.

"How do you want me?" Jenna asked seductively. This made me horny, but also made me even madder as well. I mean, I couldn't actually do any of this. None of this was allowed. All of it was taboo. Whether we wanted it or not. All I could do was think how much this pissed me off.

I sat on the ground with my legs stretched out in front of me. "Get over my lap, slut." I rudely said to my niece.

Jenna quickly did as I ordered, her cute ass now practically in my face, and this made my pussy very wet, but that only angered me further.

SMACK! The paddle came down harder than I intended, but I was fuming at that point, "You did this!" SMACK! "You made me feel things I'm not supposed to feel!" My rage building I let loose as full force. SMACK!

"Ow!" Jenna yelled in legitimate pain, "Aunt Nancy not so hard!"

"I thought you wanted to be punished!" I grabbed her by her unnaturally orange hair making her squeal in pain, "I thought you wanted your family to do all these unnatural things to each other!" SMACK! Just as hard as before. Jenna started crying, holding back at first but after another SMACK! She started openly sobbing, "We can't do any of this! You understand that, don't you Jenna! And all you've done is force us into it! This punishment isn't enough to FORGIVE YOU! I HATE YOU!" I felt nothing but anger anymore, all coming out all at once, all directed at my niece.

And with all that anger and rage I lifted that paddle to deliver a final blow to Jenna's red, bruised ass. But before I could, Rob grabbed my wrist.

"Mom," he said, "calm down."

I saw exactly what I was doing all at once. I let go of Jenna's hair and she immediately got up and Pam hugged her close as she sobbed into her mother's shoulder. I took a look at the others, Violet and Jade looked shocked, their mouths opened in fear. Alice...Alice had a strange expression on her face I couldn't quite read at that moment but it was similar to the sultry look Jenna gave me before I spanked her. At the time, I mistook it for disgust.

I dropped the paddle and ripped my hand away from my son, not that he was gripping it that hard, and I ran out of the room, through the kitchen, up the stairs, and slammed my bedroom door before collapsing on my bed. I couldn't believe what I had done. I had let my wrath take over me and forced it all on Jenna. When really it was me, all me, that I should have been angry at.


Jenna sobbed into my shoulder and for a second it was like she was a little girl again who just got scraped knees, "Mommy!" She sobbed, "I'm sorry!"

I wasn't angry at her anymore, after seeing Nancy totally lose it like she did it was kind of impossible to feel any hatred for my little girl. Okay, she was a young woman, I couldn't deny that when she was wearing nothing but a girdle and thigh high boots, even when she was crying so hard... "It's alright." I said comfortingly, "I love you sweetie," I told her, hugging her tightly. She stopped sobbing and calmed down. I held us apart but only far enough that I could look in my daughter's eyes, "It's all going to be okay." I said.

Jenna really surprised me because she leaned forward and kissed me. It was brief though as I held her back and laughed, "Jenna," I said, more amused than anything else, "could you stop trying to seduce everyone for a moment and put your clothes back on."

Jenna was disappointed but she regained her composure. She began to dress again. She put her paddle back in her duffle bag and zipped it up.

"I can't believe you own all that." I commented, still not sure who my daughter was anymore and not completely able to accept what she's shown us so far. There was something more pressing right then, "I should go talk to Nancy."

Rob surprised me, "Actually," he said, "I'll talk to her." And practically ran out of the room to do so. I wondered, for just half a second, if Rob was planning on fucking his mom, but realized the idea was ridiculous. Nancy wouldn't let things go that far...

Then I thought of what she did in the video. "Maybe I should still be there..." I said walking after him.

'Actually," Jade said, "um, I think I should be taken home now."

I noticed Violet kind of sneered at that but she didn't say anything. I nodded at her for Jade though, "How about Violet takes you? She can use my car." I handed her the keys. I trusted Violet to drive safely. It just seemed like Violet and Jade had something to talk about.

How could they not? I asked myself as I walked up the stairs, mine and Nancy's houses are practically asylums lately...


I drove and Jade rode in silence for about half the trip. She didn't live that far away, maybe fifteen minutes as long as the roads weren't icy or something. But it felt like four times as long just by how awkward everything was. After a few minutes like that I really couldn't stand it. The silence was somehow worse than the pounding pain in my head.

"Jade, I'm sorry that..." I said, "Well, for everything actually."

Jade surprised me, "It's okay, really." She got a little embarrassed, "if we're being totally honest... I'm more worried about what I did than what anyone else did..."

"What? You mean," I was trying to get my head around it, I had to pull off the side of the road just to think about it, "You're okay with, um, what happened? With Mom and Jenna? With me and my brother?!" I cringed as I got embarrassed too as I remembered what we saw in that video.

Jade shrugged, "I mean, it's a bit, um, weird." She coughed, "I don't know though," She sighed, her tone changed, "I didn't ruin our friendship, did I?"

It took me by surprise and I laughed, "What? Well, I mean, I hope we're okay, you're my best friend. I didn't think...anything was wrong between us! Well, unless you don't want to talk to me anymore because, I mean, you know..."

"Your family is totally perverted and, I dunno, completely insane?" She laughed, I think she was glad to know that we were cool, even if life was a little out of control all around us...well, my life, mostly. "Don't worry about that. I mean, I don't think it's normal, but Rob does have a weird medical condition and I guess..." she shrugged, "I don't know. I think I need to think about it some more. But I'll let you know tomorrow if we can still be friends." She said this very casually and I knew it wasn't really a question on her mind.

"Cool," I said and we started driving again. I got a little worried, "Don't tell anyone, okay?"

She laughed, "Who would I tell, my two best friends are you and Rob. The only other girl I talk to at school was Vera, and can you imagine what would happen if anyone told her something like this?"

I laughed, Vera was the head cheerleader, mostly because her mother was the cheerleading coach. She was 18 like me, Jade, and my siblings, and probably the most entitled bitch I think I've ever met in my life. She cheered at most of our games though and we kinda just started hanging out, first on the sidelines and then at school. She might be a rude person most of the time, but I still considered her a friend.

"Her mind would explode." I said, "She talks like she's hot shit but I don't think she's ever dated a guy for more than three minutes."

"Probably because the minute she realizes that they aren't as 'perfect' as she is she has to kick them to the curb." Jade said and we both laughed. I mean, making fun of Vera (never to her face) was a common thing for us but I think we were both just relieved that things were still so cool between us. I only hoped Jade didn't come to her senses and decide later that we couldn't hang out anymore...


I really wasn't trying to act confidently. Mostly I had been so hungover that my emotions seemed to be doing most of the thinking for me. And right then I felt responsible, and not just in a "this is all my fault" kind of way. But responsible in the "this is my family and I will protect them," kind of way.

I knocked on Mom's door, "it's me. Can I come in?"

She didn't answer so I tried the knob to see if Mom had locked the door. She hadn't so I pushed my way in.

Mom was lying on her back looking miserable, "What do you want?" She said, obviously both ashamed and angry.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said. As I spoke, Aunt Pam came into the room and closed the door behind her.

"And now what do you want?" Mom said to her sister.

Pam smiled, "I just want to make sure you don't start beating up Rob."

She was joking but Mom glared at her, then her features softened and she got very depressed and fell back on the bed. "You know, I just might, is that paddle still around." She was joking but in a macabre way, "Is Jenna okay?" She asked, legitimately concerned.

Pam bit her lip, "I honestly don't know how to answer that, she's really not the person I thought she was... But I think she'll be okay. This is probably something she puts up with a lot." She said this all jokingly. Aunt Pam was kind of awesome, I decided. Her daughter admits all this perverted stuff about herself, and though Pam was shocked at first, now it seemed she was taking it all in stride.

"But how are you Mom?" I repeated my question.

Mom was still feeling very down, "I'm... I don't know. I feel like I'm losing all control. That I've been hiding a side to myself that limited my freedom to such a degree that now it's all coming out of me when I least expect it. Jenna just let me release all this anger I didn't even know I had building up. And the fucked up thing was, I wasn't even angry at her. Not really. It's all been me. I've been letting things get out of control. And I've been trying to rationalize it, telling myself that it's all because of your condition, but it's not...." She trailed off.

For some reason, probably the hangover, I had an idea. It was basically the same thing Jenna did to me yesterday to convince me to try to act more confidently, "Mom," I said, sitting on her bed, "do you want to fuck me?"

"What? I mean..." Mom said surprised. She glanced at Pam, who was equally shocked by my question as well. Truthfully, during Mom's emotional speech, I had kinda forgotten Aunt Pam was standing there.

I went on as Jenna had yesterday, "that's not a no. So it might as well-"

"It doesn't matter what I want, Rob!" Mom interrupted me, suddenly livid, "we can't! None of this stuff can ever happen again! It's wrong! And I've only been perpetuating it! Get out!"

She kicked both me and Pam out. I think that was the angriest I'd ever seen Mom. Then, I was very depressed. "I think I'm going to go lie down for a bit." I told my aunt as I went into my room.

"Good idea. I think I'll do the same..." she said, "it's been a long weekend." She walked away and I entered my room.


Well, Pam went back to her place to sleep. Mom and Rob were sleeping in their bedrooms. Violet came back from dropping Jade off at her place to go sleep in her bedroom. And I...wasn't hungover at all.

So, instead I got to stay up on the couch watching something stupid onvTV as I kept glancing at my phone to see if Luna has texted or called me or anything. I was this close to calling her but then Jenna came back in the room and sat on the couch with me. She was dressed in normal clothes and didn't seem that much different than how she normally looked. Though I guess nothing was normal in our family anymore.

"Hey," She said as she sat on the couch next to me, she sat down very slowly and cringed but didn't make any sounds of pain as her butt touched the seat. "What'cha watching?"

I gave my cousin a strange look. "I'm surprised you're back here. I figure after what happened you would have fled the country out of embarrassment."

She shrugged, casually, "That's what you would do. I face things head on. Okay, I was hiding who I was from you and the rest of our family but that's all out in the open now." She smiled at me, "And I'm stronger for it."

I blinked at her. "So you don't mind at all that I'm silently judging you right now?"

Jenna laughed at me.

"What!?" I was getting a bit peeved.

She stopped laughing at me but kept smiling, "I think that's the difference between us, Alice. I don't mind judgment, in fact, sometimes I think it's sexy being degraded."

"What? How can that be sexy?" It was mind boggling to me, "Mom basically degraded you. Do you find that hot?"

She licked her lips, "So fucking hot." She simply put.

I could hardly believe my ears, "She beat you so hard you cried!" I pointed out.

"And my ass will be sore for a week." She added, "It's not the first time something like that has happened to me. People go a little nuts sometimes, and it's not like we set up a safe word or anything. That's on me. But I did say I deserved to be punished, did I not? And Aunt Nancy didn't hold back. She gave fully into her passion and really fucking hurt me. It's like..." she took a deep breath, obviously horny as fuck, "She used me!"

"Well, I would never do anything like that." I said after a moment's thought. "Punish or want punishment."

"Of course you wouldn't," she said, devilishly, "You hold back on pleasures you don't understand, even though you've never tried. I mean, look at yourself right now, Alice. You won't even talk to your friend even though that's all you obviously want to do."

"What how can you-"

She interrupted me, "All you've been doing, even while I was being spanked, is checking your phone. Ten bucks says you haven't even tried texting her yet."

I cringed and blushed.

"Ha, I knew it." Jenna said, "You can keep the ten bucks. But I know that I would never keep my feelings bottled up for so long." she said that like it'd been longer than a day. But maybe that was a long time to dwell in emotions for Jenna....

"Yeah, and you'd also tell her to come over and spank you." I spat. I was bitter.

She shrugged again, "Maybe. Is that what you want from her?"

"NO! Of course not!" I said.

"Well, maybe you should call her up and tell her what you do want." Jenna said as she grabbed the remote on the couch between us, "Anyway, I'm going to watch Clone Wars, you can stick around if you want."

I rolled my eyes and went to my room. Even though I kinda thought Jenna was a weird pervert at that moment, I still felt she was right about one thing. I should stop piddling around in my emotions and give Luna a call. I thought about texting first but just called.

She didn't pick up, of course, and I didn't know what to say in a message so I just hung up. Dammit, I thought, I guess I'll see if she wants to talk on the bus tomorrow...

I ended up lying in my bed for a very long time, worried and feeling small. Outside of her telling me to take the initiative, I didn't think about Jenna again that day.


After a couple hours binge-watching some TV, Aunt Nancy came downstairs. She looked miserable and winced when she saw me on the couch in her living room.

I smiled at her though, "Hey Aunty," I said, something I used to call her when I was younger because it was "Aunt" and "Nancy" mixed together...sort of. I was a kid, fuck you! "want to watch TV with me?"

She didn't seem to hear me as she went into the kitchen and got some coffee. I thought she was going to pretend I wasn't there but then Nancy surprised me when she came in and sat on the couch with me. "I'm so, so sorry." She said as she sat on the couch on the opposite end from me. "I don't know what came over me."

"Don't be," I said. I looked at my aunt and saw that she was incredibly upset, "Really, don't. I'm sorry for crying. I just wasn't prepared for it." It was the truth, "Next time I'll let you use the paddle I have with spikes!" I laughed then to show her I was joking (though I do have that paddle...).

Aunt Nancy was not amused, "How can you joke about something like that?"

"How can I not," I said, feeling like I was suddenly one-upping my aunt, "I've always thought that sex was as silly as it was serious." She scoffed at that and I laughed again, this time legitimately, "Oh Nancy, you have so much to learn."

She rolled her eyes, "I know about sex, and the last person I would turn to for advice about it is my perverted niece."

"You're perverted too, Aunt Nancy, I have the red ass to prove it."

She blushed, maybe as red as my ass? Okay, that was a joke, my ass was way more red....

"That...wasn't what that was." Nance said a moment later.


"Yeah," Nancy insisted, "I was just overcome with anger and I-"

"Aunty," I said, "Passion and strong emotion is all sex is! Maybe you just saw that as an outlet for your anger, but you did exactly what I asked you to. You used me. You punished me. And it was fucking Hot!" Aunt Nancy seemed confused by what I was telling her, "You really did nothing wrong."

"But it was wrong," Nancy told me like she knew better, "you have to understand that much Jenna. Families don't do stuff like this together. It's taboo and degraded and-"

"-and that's what makes it so fucking sexy!" I finished for her. I was very turned on, so much so I moved, ignoring the pain in my butt, and practically tackled Nancy. I kissed her. Not caring about the consequences one bit.


It was like my body was behaving on its own. She kissed me. I knew I should have stopped it. And I definitely shouldn't have opened my mouth to let her tongue in. I definitely should have pushed her away when her hands were on my tits and pinching my nipples and making my pussy so fucking wet. And I definitely shouldn't have put my hands on my niece's ass.

"Ow" Jenna whimpered, breaking our kiss as I quickly took my hand away as I had forgotten about spanking her early in that brief instant, "not there. But right now."

That made me feel guilty again and I came to my senses. I pushed Jenna away from me, "Sorry, I don't know what's come over me," I said, temporarily forgetting that she was actually the one to kiss me, "but it's like I'm so horny all the time now I can't fucking think straight! I don't know what to do about it!"

Jenna gave me a strange look, "Don't you masturbate?"

"No, never." I said immediately, almost disgusted by the thought.

She laughed, "Of course you don't! I mean, no offense meant, Aunty, but I always thought you a bit of prude before yesterday."

"Well, of course you masturbate," I said, feeling a bit put on the spot. "You do everything."

"Not everything," Jenna told me, "Even I have my limits. But trust me, Nancy, jilling off is perfectly natural. And, if you don't pet your pussy, you're just going to keep having these moments where you're 'so horny you can't think straight.'" Jenna was doing a very bad imitation of me as she said the last part. She laughed again, "Trust me, I've been there."

I thought about it. I have to say, it made sense. After all, I've just been turning into more and more of a slut around the house, maybe taking care of my own sexual depravity was the only way to remain in control.

I stood up to do just that. "Okay, fine, I'll go masturbate." I told my niece, "We'll see if that helps."

"If you want I can be there," Jenna said with a shit-eating grin on her face, "Walk you through it?"

"No!" I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Well, I guess no matter how terrible I get, I can always rest assured you're far more perverted than I am."

Jenna smiled at that but didn't say anything more as I left the room.

Once in my bedroom, I really wasn't sure if I should go through with it. It had just been so long. But I stripped naked, I lit a candle, just to set the mood a little. I put on some soft music and I lay down. My sheets were so smooth and silky on my skin right then. I felt sexy for a moment, then I felt guilty for feeling sexy, then I got angry for feeling guilty for feeling sexy and then, almost to just force myself into a decision, I grabbed one of my nipples and pinched hard.

I was flooded with horniness, my other hand found my pussy, already wet, like it felt it had been for days. I simply touched my clit and it was like non-stop pleasure flowed through my body. Jenna was right, I thought, I did need this!

As I masturbated, imaginings started flowing through my head. I thought about my son's cock, how good I felt when I got his whole dick all the way down my throat. How much I loved being covered with his sperm when he came. I thought about my sister, how her tongue tasted in the shower yesterday, how beautiful she always was, how free-spirited. I thought of my niece and how hot she looked right before I spanked her. I didn't really think about the fact that I was stroking my pussy while thinking of both women and my son. I didn't think right then that maybe I was bisexual, even though I'd been making out with a lot of women lately. I just thought of sexy things and pet my pussy while I did so.

My son's cock filled my mind again. I thought of him too, and not as if it was some disembodied penis that didn't actually belong to Rob. It was all Rob and I wished I had been less drunk so I could have remembered the feeling of him eating my pussy. I wished at that moment that I could just give in! That I could get up off this bed, go into his room and fuck his brains out! Maybe Jenna could watch and give pointers on how best to fuck your son! I know that was a ridiculous thought but as soon as I imagined fucking Rob while someone was watching us, I came my face off.

"HOLY SHIT!" I cried, even though I had a few wet dreams and a few other spontaneous orgasms in the past couple of weeks, this felt like it was the first orgasm I'd ever had in my life. "FUUUUCCCKKK!!" I cried, almost not realizing I was even making sounds at all as pleasure flowed through my whole body in steady waves. "ROB!" I cried, "FFFUUUCCCKK MMMMMEEEE RRRROOOOOBBB!" Moaning out my son's name as I came all over my hand and bedsheets.

As I came down from that massive orgasm, I realized that Jenna had been absolutely right for once. I needed to masturbate regularly from then on. This would keep my sex drive in check. This would keep me from doing anything untoward with my family ever again. I smiled and felt immensely satisfied for the first time in 13 days. It felt like I finally had a solution to all my problems.

I got back up. Got dressed. And went downstairs. I was happily humming to myself as I began to make dinner. Jenna laughed at me from the couch in the other room but I felt great and didn't care what she thought of me at that moment.

Dinner was a quiet affair. Rob was still hungover even after his nap and I think he still felt bad about the stern talk I had with him earlier. Had to be done, I reminded myself.

Pam and Jenna ate with us and Jenna acted like she was ashamed from earlier but I knew it was just an act, probably for Pam since I don't think she was taking all this new information about her daughter very well.

Alice was distant throughout the meal. After what I saw from that video, I'm sure she was worried about her friendship with Luna more than anything else.

Violet felt much better after her nap and talked basically non-stop about soccer throughout the meal. I guess she just wanted something to fill the silence with the rest of us being so quiet.


After dinner, I went to play video games for a while and everyone else went back to their own rooms and house in the case of Pam and Jenna.

I was just waiting for a good time to go to sleep, figuring everything was done for the day and, even though things seemed pretty tense between everyone, we were still a family.

But then Mom entered my room. I gulped when I saw her. She was wearing another white outfit she bought for when we did our medically-prescribed sessions. This one had skin tight pants that showed off every curve, along with a top that hugged her breasts and had a heart shape opening that showed off almost her entire line of cleavage. When she turned slightly, I saw that her entire back was exposed.

Needless to say, my cock was rock hard in seconds.

"Okay, we didn't get one this morning, or any yesterday." She explained, "But we should at least get one sperm sample for the weekend so Xania isn't as mad about it tomorrow."

"Uh-huh." I said, not really listening as I stared at my mother's beautiful body in that sexy outfit, "Um, what about, um." I didn't have a good way to finish that sentence, partly because I brain wasn't working at that moment.

"No," Mom said, guessing what I was trying to say, "We aren't going to do anything more than a handjob. I think I'll be able to stay in control. So don't worry about anything and get your pants off."

She jerked me as I sat in my video game chair. I thought about how she wanted to blow me while I played games in that chair. I thought about asking her if she would give me a blowjob, or if I should pretend she wasn't there, but didn't after how she yelled at me earlier and I knew if I pushed Mom too hard she would just pull back really far again.

So I just sat back and enjoyed my mother's soft hands as she jerked me off. She was right that she didn't seem as out of control horny like she had for every other session in the past. It made me kind of wonder if spanking the shit out of Jenna had actually calmed her down.

When I came, she didn't even take it to her face, which disappointed me. She simply picked up the cup and made sure most of my cum landed in there. "There, all done." She said happily as she put the lid on the cup and I pulled my pants up. "You don't have school tomorrow because of the appointment but I might take you in after so don't think you can skip on your homework." She told me.

Fuck, I thought as I stared at mom's ass on her way out my bedroom door, I forgot all about school after such an intense weekend....

I took out my bookbag and started doing some work, but not for very long before going to bed. I was just too damn tired. I fell asleep to the sounds of rain just starting to fall outside my window.
Next page: Chapter 14
Previous page: Chapter 13.1