Chapter 14

Day 14-Monday September 13

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming

WEATHER: "Rain to continue throughout the day."


What the fuck is wrong with me? I thought as I came around the last curve, driving through the rain, and could see Nancy's and her sister's houses on the next hillside. Then I pulled off the side of the road and waited. I was there very early. The sun wasn't even up yet.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I thought again as I shut my car off and Opened a can of green tea while I waited, I mean, I'm only here to keep forcing my own perversions on these people. I've more than gotten my revenge at this point. I mean, Rob does actually have a medical condition but I'm sure it's not as serious as I thought. I should leave right now.

Even as I thought that though, I felt my body get a bit hot and my nipples harden and my pussy moisten and I knew that even though I was being some sort of desperate, horny woman, I wasn't going anywhere.

I sat there for over an hour until I saw the bus leave with Rob's sisters. Then it was time to strike.


There was a knock at the door and I was surprised to see it was Dr Davis. "Oh, Xania? This is the second time you've shown up unannounced." I pointed out.

She ignored me and pushed her way into my house. "I thought a home visit would be better for today. If you go get your son we can speed things along. It's only you and your son here for now? Yes?"

"Umm" I thought about mentioning that my niece Jenna was technically around but she rarely came over before the evening, but that was before she revealed that she was a perverted sexual deviant but I felt she probably was asleep and didn't mention her. "Yes. Just the two of us until a bit after noon when Pam gets home from work and she's liable to just pop in any time after that." I don't know why I added that last part but I guess I was feeling especially nervous at that time. I don't even know why, Xania was giving me strange vibes.

"Good, good," Xania said, she seemed especially anxious and excited to me, "go get Rob so we can begin."


I was so excited that as soon as Rob came into the kitchen I walked over to him and undid his pants and let them fall to his ankles. I got on my knees beforehand so his cock popped out and hit me in the face. "Oh, you already have a hard dick. That's a nice big dick you have for your doctor." I said like I was a horny teenager as I started to stroke his big cock right in front of his mother. I glanced at her but she was watching me like it was something normal and not saying anything. What the fuck is going through her head? I thought.

But then I turned back, intent on fondling his balls before seeing how far I could get Rob's cock in my mouth before Nancy complained, but I saw something that stopped me. "Um, you've still been taking samples right Nancy?" I asked.

"Um, yes." Nancy said, again like this was all normal, "We only got one yesterday, and missed entirely the day before, but Rob's still been orgasming like normal." She said, "Twice a day like you ordered."

I bit my lip, my horniness was all gone now. I realized I was wrong. This was something serious, "Well," I said, worry was leaking through my voice, "something is medically wrong with your son."

Nancy laughed a little, "I know, you told me this already."

"His balls are completely blue, Nancy," I lifted his cock straight up and let Rob's nuts rest in my other hand to show Nancy. "If he's been cumming as much as necessary, this shouldn't happen."

Nancy blushed, "Um, we might have missed one yesterday..." she admitted.

"That shouldn't matter." I went on, "One a day should be enough. This is much more serious than I thought." I fondled his balls with both hands, letting his cock stick straight out on its own again. I looked up at Rob, "Does this hurt?"

"No," Rob said, "I really want to cum though." He admitted.

"Yeah, I bet you do." I squeezed his balls a little, they were very warm and there was so much sperm inside them I could practically feel it sloshing around in his testicles as I fondled them. "This is more serious than I expected." I told them as I dropped his cock and told Rob, "Put your pants on, but let me know if your balls start to hurt. Okay? I need to make a phone call."

I got up and walked out into the backyard like I owned the place. I sat at one of the wooden tables they had in between Nancy's backdoor and the lounge chairs around the pool. It had one of those retractable umbrellas coming out of the center of the table that would cover the whole area around the table. I opened it and took out my phone. There was only one person I knew to call, but I wasn't sure if she'd want to take on the case. But it was something up her alley so I had hope.


Hi, I'm Dr. Bethany Crane, but just call me Beth, Okay? I don't let anyone call me Dr. Crane, not even my patients.

Well, I suppose I'll explain that I'm sexy and I like sex. That's easy enough to understand, right? But if you want to get technical about it, I'm 6'0" tall, I'm DD cup, I'm blonde. And I like fucking, so much so that I've spent most of my life studying sex to the point I majored in it, twice, and went to grad school, twice, and am both a Doctor of Urology and Gynacology, and a Pyschiatrist, and my focus is entirely on sex and sexual problems. And I did all this before the age of 32.

You know those doctors you talk to in order to help you and your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend or fuck buddy get over some sexual problem? Yeah, I'm your gal for that. I'm really good at my job too. Good enough I have a few books out, not that I'm amazingly famous, but I'm not some self-publishing nobody either. I also usually only make house calls on rare occasions and spend most of my time in my lab doing sexual experiments. Which is exactly what you think it means, but usually to test new sex drugs and the like, and usually done with animals first. Sorry, I mispeak sometimes, I mean, usually done with animals fucking other animals while I watch them to study the effects of the drugs and for no other reason. God dammit, that makes it sound worse doesn't it?

Where was I? Oh yeah, now when we do human trials...well, I've totally fucked some of those guys. And some girls but that's rarer. Most of our drugs are for erectile dysfunction, and that typically is a men only scenario (though on one occasion...ah, never mind, actually...I can be a bit inappropriate sometimes and have to catch myself...). But some women's arousal drugs are in the works so maybe more fun for me? Well, I have lots of fun no matter what I'm doing, in all honesty. I'm just a fun-loving woman.

Anyway, Xania called me. Dr. Davis, I should say, we weren't quite on a first name basis with each other at that point, "Hello," I said as I answered the phone, then realized I should sound professional, "Doctor Crane speaking."

"Yes, thanks for taking my call. This is Dr. Xania Davis. I have an interesting problem."

She told me all about it and I told her I'd be right over. As I hung up, I realized I should probably put some clothes on first. I just happened to be naked at the time because...oh, you know what, never mind...


I was having a weird time sitting there knowing that Rob was suffering and that his condition was worsening. But it made me think that it was very important he had an orgasm right away. I said so to Xania, noticing Rob's cock twitch in his pants as I did so.

"No, unless it gets worse. I want Dr. Crane to see how bad it is unless it's necessary." She said glancing at Rob but he was distracted by something and I noticed he was staring at my boobs even though I was wearing something ugly. It made my pussy a little wet and I got the urge to go masturbate before I did something really stupid. But I wasn't sure how to sneak away subtly right then.

I was thinking about making an excuse that I still needed my morning shower, even though I'm pretty sure my hair was still wet from it, as my bathroom was pretty soundproof from everyone but my bedroom and I could make as much noise as I wanted.

But before I could ask my question, that's when the new doctor showed up.


I knocked at the door. Deedle-dee-dee.

A pretty brunette lady opened it. She was pretty tall too but still shorter than me, "hello," I said as I outstretched my arm and she shook my hand, "I'm Dr. Bethany Crane, you may have heard of me?"

"Umm, no." The woman said. "I'm Nancy."

"Oh cool," I stood there awkwardly for a moment... in the rain... "Can I come in? I'm very wet."

"Oh right," Nancy said, she seemed a bit nervous. She did let me in though.

I took off my jacket and my shoes. I was wearing a casual outfit, a loose tee and some sweatpants. "I'll just let these dry," I explained as I put them next to the door in her living room. "Sorry about my unprofessional dress. I just prefer being comfortable." I saw Xania sitting at the table in Nancy's kitchen through the arch between the two rooms. I walked through and saw the patient sitting there looking nervous like his mom did, "you must be Rob, hi I'm Beth." I said casually and we shook hands.

Nancy came in from the living room and everything was really tense for a moment. "You should all lighten up, I'm not going to bite you. Well," I added, giving Rob a sly look, "maybe Rob a little." That got a little chuckle out of everyone but it still felt tense in that kitchen. I have to say... I think I hated it. Well I went on just the same, "anyway... I'm a doctor of both urology and I have a doctorate in psychology with an emphasis on sexuality. So whatever it is, I can help." I said with great gusto.

"Well, I really hope so," Nancy said as she sat down at the table and put a comforting hand on her son's. "This medical problem has been a real problem for almost two weeks now."

I nodded, "I'm sorry you've been having such a hard time." I said to Rob, thinking his mom was just talking about him having a problem. "Well let's take a look. Take your pants off!" I said to Rob excitedly, maybe too excitedly as he was giving me a funny look.

Then I remembered something, "oh you can leave if you want." I said to Nancy. She probably didn't want to see her son's penis.

"I'll stay," she said immediately, "whatever is affecting Rob I want to know right away."

I glanced at Xania but she was non-committal. I shrugged, "alright." I said without a care. This was everyday stuff to me. No big deal. And maybe this was normal stuff for Nancy, what did I know?

I got on my knees in front of Rob as he stood up. He took his pants off without hesitation, which I found a bit odd with his mom sitting there but didn't get time to think about it as he stood up again with his erect cock sticking straight out.

"Holy fucking shit! That's the biggest cock I've ever seen!" I said before thinking about it, "oops, sorry," I said to the room, though I wasn't at all embarrassed, "but this is quite a specimen. I've seen a lot of penises in my line of work and nothing has even come close to this." I gripped Rob's dick with both hands forgetting entirely to put gloves on. Unbelievable at how hard it was, "how long have you been erect?" I asked him.

"Umm I dunno an hour I think," he said.

"Jesus fucking Christ it's been like this for an hour!" I said, forgetting to censor myself again, "this is like Super-cock!" I shook my head but I was suddenly very horny, "and look at your balls! They're humongous!" I grabbed them, "holy fuck! They're blue!"

"As I told you on the phone," Xania said as she handed me the charts. "His semen prediction is through the roof and seems to only be increasing."

I let go of Rob's cock and balls to look at the chart. My eyes got really wide, "you've been getting samples daily?" I asked Rob.

Xania answered for him, "yes, Nancy's been helping him."

I glanced at Rob's mother. She blushed but it made sense why she didn't leave the room now if she was watching her son jerk off every day, "Good," I said simply, "he's going to need all the help he can get. Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked him.

"Um, no." Rob said, embarrassed.

"That's okay, but either way we're going to start making a few lifestyle changes. At least for now until I'm able to determine a permanent solution. This is a very serious condition and unlike one I've ever seen but first I'm going to give Rob an orgasm."

I started jerking him. Nancy and Xania both watched closely. "Xania's right though, Rob's semen production is through the roof! The best treatment, at least until we find a more permanent solution, is to consistently reduce the excess semen and this can be done through regular orgasm."

"But that's what we've been doing." Nancy said. I glanced at her and saw that she was watching very closely now, her nose nearly touching my hand as it stroked her son's hard shaft. It made me realize that she was just as cock-crazy as I was at that moment. I wanted to push things.

"How often does Rob get erections around the house?" I asked Nancy.

"All the time." She said dreamily, her eyes never leaving her son's dick as I continued jerking him off.

"How far are you willing to go in order to help your son?" I asked Nancy, deciding by how she answered the last question to push things a little further.

"All the way," she said, not realizing she made an innuendo. Well, maybe she did realize it. I didn't know her well at that point.

"Well, Rob's condition is serious." I explained, "whenever he gets an erection, see that as a sign that he needs to ejaculate and relieve himself of excess sperm. Whenever this happens make sure he ejaculates by any means necessary." Okay, I only added that last part because I was horny and already imagining me fucking the shit out of Rob.

Nancy suddenly sat back as I jerked her son, "I can't do that." She said getting serious, "he ejaculates so much as it is. He's like a cum factory! And his erections are practically constant! I can't do it! I can't!"

I took a look at her. I could tell she was wrestling with something, "I can help you." I told her.

But before I could say more Rob started cumming all over me. I turned to him, "yes cum on my face!" I moaned with delight as the most sperm I'd ever seen from a single source started painting me white.

I opened my mouth and swallowed some, "delicious!" I moaned as I swallowed a mouthful. It really was, though I say that for every guy I blow...

When it was over and I wiped the sperm out of my eyes I looked up, "holy fuck! You're still hard!" I looked at Nancy, "you definitely have your work cut out for you!"

It was then that Nancy feinted.

"Was it something I said?" I asked the room as I scooped sperm off my face to shovel it into my mouth.


It was too much. I had a thought as Beth was jerking off my son.

This is my fault. I'd been holding back and forcing Rob to hold back. I've been a bad mother. I'm a failure. Rob's medical condition is only getting worse and it's because I've been too angry and guilty to do anything! But I can't do anything either! That's even worse! Look at what I did to Jenna yesterday! What's wrong with me!? I'm losing all control and I can't keep control because then Rob's condition will get even worse! I can't do anything!

I was feeling so conflicted that I didn't notice that I started to hyperventilate and I guess everyone else didn't notice either because they were too engrossed by Beth's manipulations of my son's penis. I passed out as I watched Rob start to cum, feeling like the whole world was falling on me.

"Mom! Mom!" I heard Rob shouting as I came too, he was cradling my head. I noticed his pants were on. Beth was washing herself in my kitchen sink with wet paper towels. Xania was behind Rob looking just as worried as he was.

"I'm okay!" I said, much louder than I meant to, and sat up, "I'm sorry about that." I said, I was feeling bad for fainting, which wasn't my fault but I felt bad for it just the same, "I don't know what came over me. I'm... I-" I didn't know how to go on.

Beth came back, my son's cum no longer dripping from every pore of her face, "It's alright Nancy, it's a lot to take in." She said, smiling like she wasn't telling me the worst thing in the world like I felt in that moment, "But I can help."

"How?" I said, feeling confused. She seemed like a nice person, even if she talked a lot more openly about sex than I was accustomed to, but I still wasn't sure if I should trust her.

"I told you, I'm a sexual psychologist as well as a urologist and gynecologist. I'm basically the swiss army knife of sex!" When she said that last part she did a karate chop in the air playfully.

"But this isn't a sexual problem," I insisted, "I mean, it is for my son, but for me, I-"

Beth interrupted me, "I'd argue every problem is a sexual one, but I'm licensed for regular therapy as well."

I sighed, still feeling like I was defeated as a thick depression was setting in throughout my body, but what Beth said made sense and maybe she could help me get over this obsession with my son that I had. "How much do you cost?" I asked.

"Way more than you can afford, but that's fine." She took a look out the back window. "You have a pretty nice pool though, if you know what I mean?"

I was still a little light headed from fainting, "I'm not letting you take my pool." Already imagining all the construction it would take to do such a thing.

"What? No. I just mean let me come over sometimes and use it." Beth said, "And I'll give you free therapy and help with your son to boot."

"That sounds too good to be true," I said, "What are you getting out of it?"

She glanced at Rob, "Let's just say, I'm very interested in your son's case."

I cocked an eyebrow at her suspiciously.

She laughed, "Sorry, that came out wrong, let me explain. I'm a sexual doctor and I've basically seen just about everything, I mean, this one time a man came with...never mind! But Rob's condition is a unique one and I love a good mystery. If you let me, I can both help you with therapy, and help Rob figure out his condition and hopefully find a cure."

I sighed, Rob helped me to my feet. "Okay, what should we do now?" I asked.

"I think you and I should have our first session. Xania will take care of Rob. Maybe in his bedroom in case anyone else comes home but we should talk to them as well."

"Okay, where should we have our session?" I wondered if it would help with how low I was feeling right then.

"How about in the pool?" She asked.


I was a bit surprised that I was allowed to stay and help with Rob's condition, completely alone.

"Lead the way," I said to him.

"Uh, okay," he said. Rob seemed very nervous. I couldn't imagine why. I'd jerked him off a few times already.

Maybe, I thought, he thinks we're about to fuck...are we? I asked myself.

Even though I'd been fantasizing about it, and a host of other things, I didn't think I'd actually get put in this position. Or that it would possibly be medically necessary, in a way, to fuck Rob and not just something I was making Nancy do for my pithy "revenge." But I'd also only really been seeing him as a sort of sexual object. Really him helping his mother after she fainted was the first non sexualized thing I had seen him do outside of when I was his doctor many years ago.

I guess I'd been fantasizing seeing him like that just made me realize there was actually a pretty decent human being under all that...cock.

So I was feeling weirdly conflicted all of a sudden as we ascended the stairs. When I got there that morning I would have fucked his brains out but now, knowing that I had manipulated Nancy and that something really was wrong with Rob, well...I felt ashamed of myself. All for some stupid, petty, horny revenge...

And now, I thought, I'm starting to see Rob as a person, a decent person, just in time to feel guilty for how I manipulated this man and his mother...and not even for any reason! Not really... I'm a horrible human being.

I was distracted by my self-deprecating thoughts when we came into his room and I saw it for the first time. He had a chair for playing video games. About a thousand comic books lining his bookshelves. Everything was kind of a mess. It was a typical setup for an 18 year old boy.

"Well, this is my room, umm, Mrs. Doctor ma'am..." he said awkwardly.

I smiled at him, also a little awkwardly, "it's about what I expected." I said bluntly, "and it's Ms Doctor ma'am. I'm not married." I joked hoping that he would loosen up.

He did and laughed, "haha, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

I laughed with him. It still felt kinda awkward. I decided to break the tension, "I think you should take your clothes off." I told him, going back into doctor mode, "yes, take off your clothes and we'll go from there."


"I don't have a swimsuit." I told Nancy, "and I don't wear underwear, like, ever. So I hope you don't mind that I'm going to swim naked."

"Wait." Nancy said, looking like her brain was about to explode, "you mean you'll be naked now or every time you come over to swim?"

"Both actually."

Nancy looked like she was about to cry but instead she threw her arms up in frustration. "That might as well happen." She said, "I can't seem to stop anything from happening anymore."

I nodded, I saw she was upset and thought about maybe not exposing myself in front of her, but ultimately, I just really wanted to try out the pool. I took off my shirt and pants and was naked as I jumped in. When I came back up to the surface of the water, I saw that Nancy had taken a seat next to the pool, still fully dressed, and was watching me. I swam up to her, "So, tell me what's bothering you?"

She sighed, "Isn't it obvious?" She said, "My son has these needs and I can't take care of them for him."

"I know it is a strange condition," I explained, "and will be especially hard on Rob in the coming days, but if you don't want to observe him doing it then don't feel that you have to. Semen samples are less important now so we don't need you to, like, collect it or anything. We'll just get one during our appointments."

"But what about chafing?" She asked, obviously concerned.

"Well, that is a distinct possibility," I said as I started swimming back and forth, I noticed that Nancy was staring at my ass as I did so, "Let me ask you something." I said as I swam back to her, "Why did you faint in there?"

"I felt overwhelmed and I guess I lost my breath without realizing it," Nancy told me, "I seems every time I let myself go a bit...sexually, it's like, everything in my life just gets a little bit worse."

"In what ways have you gotten more sexual lately?" I asked.

She scowled at herself, "I, um..."

"This is protected under doctor-patient confidentiality," I explained, "and whatever it is, I'm sure I've seen or heard much worse...or better depending how you look at it."

She cringed, "I still don't know if I should tell you, I mean, it's...pretty embarrassing."

I swam up and sat next to her by the pool. I got out next to her, she was staring at my tits, I spread my legs so she could see my shaved pussy too. "Nancy," I said simply, "I know we just met so it's hard to trust me,, but it's obvious to me that you are a very sexual woman. I mean, you practically were spellbound by your son's cock when I was jerking it, and you can't seem to do anything but stare at my body now that I'm naked. So, tell me the truth Nancy, what's really bothering you?"

When I pointed out she was staring at my body like that, she looked away. But she did tell me, "I'm not a sexual woman like you said, I know I keep getting, I don't know, out of control sometimes, but I'm not what you think."

"Then what are you?" I asked.

"I'm a mother," she told me right away, "and I love my kids. But I don't want to screw up their lives just because my son has this condition."

I nodded and I told her something, "You know, sex is a perfectly natural thing-"

"Not with your family!" She pointed out then gasped at herself. She looked away from me again, embarrassed.

I smiled at her, "Ah," I said, "I thought you might be a bit cock hungry after how you stared at your son's penis in the kitchen. But I didn't think it was your son's actual cock you were hungry for." She blushed harder and I jumped in the pool, "swim with me." I told her.

"My swimsuit needs to be washed." She told me.

I shrugged, or tried to while also swimming, "I'm naked no reason you can't be too."

She blushed and I thought she wouldn't but a moment later Nancy stood up and removed her clothes revealing a beautiful body underneath, she jumped in and swam up to me. "Is this for my therapy?"

"No," I pointed out, "it's just fun." I splashed her a little and she laughed and splashed back. "Also," I went on, "if I'm being perfectly honest I really wanted to see your hot body." I told her. She scowled.

"That's exactly the type of thing I'm trying to avoid." She said, "I can't-"

"What? I can't find you attractive?" I said and Nancy blushed, "look, I get that having taboo thoughts about your son is something you'd like to avoid but it sounds to me that you're trying to avoid all sexual situations of any kind."

Nancy sighed and then told me how she spent many years avoiding sex since she ruined Xania's marriage.

"Wait, you mean Dr Davis?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Then why is she the one you've been taking your son to?"

She told me about the drug trial that Rob was a part of that might have something to do with his current condition. I nodded.

"I see, and that's when you started developing feelings for your son."

She got embarrassed, "I..." was all she said, unable to even deny the fact that she had sexual desire for her own son.

"Well, here's the thing Nancy," I explained, "your son's condition would be better with helpers. In fact, I'd practically say it's a requirement. I don't think he'll be able to masturbate as many times as he needs to every day without chafing like you said. I'm not saying you have to do it. But this is going to be a great change for Rob and your whole family is going to have to adjust to that."

Nancy sighed, "What can I do without helping directly?" She asked, her big boobs floating to the surface of the water, but I tried not to notice.

"Well," I said as I motioned to her discarded clothing, "You could, at the very least, start wearing some more revealing clothing. You're obviously a sexy woman and I bet showing some of your body off around your son would only help him."

"Help?! Wouldn't that just exacerbate his condition?" Nancy asked, confused.

"No," I explained, "not at this time anyway, but when Rob gets erections it should be an indication that he needs to relieve his excess semen. However, that doesn't mean that he should avoid getting erections. In fact, he should try to get more of them so that he can relieve himself of his sperm as much as possible every day."

"And I should be the one to give him those erections?" Nancy asked, she was obviously very avoidant of this issue.

"Not necessarily, I just mean if you keep up this charade that you don't like sex, it could be hurtful to your son in the long run." I explained, "And I can help you with any problems that might arise, feel free to call me anytime too, I'll always be available to help."

"For no money?" She asked, still worried about my pro-bono deal.

"Well, like I said this is an interesting case to me. And your mental health is just as important as your son's condition," I laughed as I thought of something, "I mean, it wouldn't help Rob if his cock literally drove his mother insane, now would it?"

Nancy didn't laugh though, "What if that's already happened?"

I laughed again, "That's ridiculous, Nancy, you're not insane...well, I hope not." I added, but as a joke again.

She laughed this time, "No, I guess not. But Rob's, um, penis has been on my mind a lot. I don't know..."

"You're worried about committing incest with him." I put it bluntly.

She sighed and didn't answer, she swam back to the side of the pool, got out and started to get dressed. "My feelings are so confusing right now." She said finally as she finished dressing. "I want to help my son, but I can't go any further than we already have."

"And how far have you gone?" I asked as I got out of their amazing pool and got dressed as well. We finished putting our clothes back on at about the same time as I had less to put on than Nancy did. "Further than just observing while Rob masturbates?" I asked, feeling my pussy get a bit wet as I thought about such a taboo thing happening.

Nancy bit her lip, "I...don't know how to answer that."

I smirked, "You know, that's basically an answer right."

She sighed, she glanced through the back window of her house to see if anyone was around, "I gave him a blowjob." She finally said.

My smirk turned into a smile, "Nancy, that's great."

"What!?" She couldn't believe I had said that.

"Okay, it's a little...weird, but your son is in a weird situation. I'm not saying you should continue doing things like that with your son, but, well, it would only help his condition." I said this all calmly but truthfully I was so horny thinking about Nancy sucking on her son's humongous cock it was making my head spin.

"That just sounds...I don't know, wrong," Nancy said.

I glared at her, I was getting a tad annoyed. "Stop thinking about this like it's just you and your son seeking pleasure from each other. That's not what's happening. Your son's condition is very serious. It's not something that's just going to go away overnight. And the more adamant you are about monitoring your son's condition the better off he'll be. I'm not saying touch him, but at least keep an eye on his crotch, to put it bluntly. And the more comfortable you are with sexual situations, the better off it will be for Rob. "

Nancy nodded but I could tell she still had doubts, "I just don't want to do anything we'll regret for the rest of our lives."

"Do you regret giving him a blowjob?" I asked.

"Of course I do!" She insisted.


"Because he's my son!"

"Is that the only reason?"

"I-What?" Nancy asked, confused.

"I mean it. Is the only reason you regret giving Rob a blowjob is because he's your son?"

"Do I need another reason?" I have to say, Nancy was particularly cute when she was upset.

"Well, no, but, again, this is part of his condition. Sucking your son's cock might be amoral in the eyes of this society, but with such a rare medical condition like he has, I'd almost, well, recommend it actually."

Nancy looked like she did right before she fainted earlier, obviously wrestling with something internally, "I can't believe what I'm hearing."

I smiled at her, "It's okay. For today, don't worry about it. Xania's probably finished up by now, just make sure your son masturbates regularly, and if you see him get an erection in his pants throughout the day, just make sure that he masturbates when that happens."

"That reminds me," Nancy said, "Rob has school and I have work, what about during those times?"

"While Rob's at school, I suppose he could jerk off in the bathroom, but that doesn't sound like a great solution. I would say just make sure he masturbates first thing when he comes home and if you're not home yet then maybe one of his sisters could remind him." I told her simply, "Things are going to be different, like I said. I suppose, if you want, I could talk to everyone when they get home."

Nancy thought about it, "That would probably be better, it seems like too much for me to explain on my own."


Rob stood in front of me naked in his bedroom. I suddenly felt like I was in college again, horny, about to do something naughty in a room surrounded by comics and video games. I guess Rob was similar to the guys I dated in college in that respect...

I felt my pussy pulse as I watched his cock throb, "I'm not going to fuck you." I said suddenly.

"What? I mean, um," Rob stuttered, him being so nervous reminded me that he was "the virgin" and I was "the hot, much-more-experienced lady" standing in front of him. Massive cock or no, it didn't really matter if he didn't know how to use it.

"Don't worry," I said, putting a hand on his cheek, to both comfort him and touch his face, "That was more for me than for you."

He gulped, he was so cute right then to me. I just wanted to...well. The thing I wanted to do, I ended up doing. I started kissing him. I had a feeling I might do that the moment I stepped into his room. Though he was obviously a virgin, he at least had some experience with kissing a woman as our tongues met in his mouth, I could tell he'd done at least much before.

I broke the kiss and pushed him onto his bed, "Now, I'm going to suck that beautiful cock of yours." I said as I got to my knees. He sat up on his bed as I started to remove my jacket, shirt, and bra. "You cum in gallons and I don't want to ruin my clothes." I explained. Once it was off of me and I sat there with my long blonde hair flowing around my tits, I said, "You can touch them if you like." And then I leaned in and engulfed his cock all the way down my throat. I had learned to deepthroat shortly after I left my husband, but I was practically a cocksucking machine in those days.

Rob moaned above me and started fondling my tits. This I could tell he didn't have nearly as much experience with as he roughly pawed at them. I thought about coughing his dick up so I could give him pointers but decided I'd rather make him cum and he can just manhandle my breasts for now. It's all about his pleasure anyway, right? I thought as I started for roughly fuck him with my face.

With my mouth manipulations on his cock, it didn't take long for his balls to tighten and Rob to deposit a whole belly full of semen directly down my throat. I moaned around his hard dick as I felt it all pouring into me. I was horny, very very horny, as I swallowed so much of that boy's cum!

"Oh wow," I moaned as I fell back on the floor and seeing that his cock was still as hard as a rock, "I can't believe you're still hard! It feels like I just ate an entire steak dinner and you're still totally erect after that!" I had forgotten to be professional. This was unreal. Rob, thanks to this medical condition, had been transformed into a nerdy teenager into what was essentially a sexual god, "I think I may have changed my mind."

"What? You're going to fuck me!" Rob was as excited as a kid in a candy store. Truthfully, it was just that reaction that made me change my mind again.

This kid is just...a kid! I thought, even though he was 18, I still felt bad about just taking his virginity like that, "umm no." I quickly corrected it. "But have you ever sixty-nined with someone before?" I decided that was a good go between.

Rob shook his head and I got on top of him so my pussy was over his face. I engulfed his dick down my throat again.

I had to spit it out a moment later as Rob started licking my pussy. "Holy shit!" I moaned excitedly, "you're amazing at this!" He really was. It felt like his tongue was naturally seeking out my most sensitive places and it was sending so much pleasure throughout my whole body I felt that it was driving me insane.

And then he sucked on my clit and I totally lost it, "Oh fuck me!" I moaned, not controlling how loud I was getting as I started to cum, "I'm cumming! Your mouth is amazing! You're a pussy eating God!" I moaned as I came all over his face.

I rolled off of him on the bed, "Jesus. I don't think I've ever cum that quickly."

He looked at me, or he looked at my exposed pussy lying next to his face, "am I really that good at it?" He asked.

I smiled and started stroking his cock with both hands, "you're fucking amazing at it, Rob. In fact, let's do it again." I rolled back on him. This time I contained myself and sucked his cock while he ate my pussy again. As he came down my throat a second time I orgasmed at the same time all over his face.

"Now I feel like I've eaten two steak dinners!" I said, excitedly, I turned around on the bed so I could snuggle with him. "At least your cock is down for the moment now." I said as I put an arm on his chest.

He did something confidently, the first time he'd done so with me. He put an arm around my back as I lay on his chest, then he looked me in the eyes, and he kissed me. We Frenched for a moment and I could feel myself getting horny again, even after two orgasms in a row. I looked down and saw that his dick was getting hard again as well, "Jesus," I said, breaking the kiss, "Your cock is like the energizer bunny." I thought for a moment about fucking him again. I glanced out his window and saw that Nancy and Beth were swimming naked in the pool, which I didn't really think about, just glad they weren't about to come in.

I looked back at Rob, "I..." I wanted to fuck him, but I also didn't, and it was then that the guilt of everything I'd done to Nancy, and Rob by extension, all caught up to me. "Um, I have to go." I suddenly said.

"What? Was it something I-" he started to say.

I interrupted him by kissing him, "No," I said as we broke apart a moment later, "I have to figure some things out, but, unless Beth changes something, we'll see each other in a week again. Okay?"

"Um, yeah," Rob was very disappointed, maybe because I said we'd only be seeing each other in a week. Truthfully, if I could get away with it, I'd probably be there everyday, but I don't think Nancy would appreciate me coming over just to get and give head to her son. But I also didn't think she'd want to talk to me again once I told her what I did...

"You really are something Rob," I said as I got dressed, "I'll, um, be in touch." I don't know why I said that last part but I just had to say something I think. I left while Nancy and Beth were putting their clothes back on after their skinny dipping.


Rob came down the stairs and mentioned that Xania had left. Pam came over about that time too and Beth explained to her Rob's worsening condition. Rob had gone back to his room to play video games then.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Pam asked.

Beth then explained to Pam like she did to me in the pool that the best way to help was to monitor when Rob got erections and make sure he ejaculated when he got them. She also explained that causing those erections by showing off some skin, as she so colorfully put it, was also good as it indicated Rob needed to be drained of all the excess semen in his balls.

Then the girls came home and Beth explained the same thing to them before leaving. Our dinner that night was a quiet one. Everyone seemed lost in their own thoughts as we ate. No one helped Rob again that day, though I did tell him to masturbate before we all went to bed.​
Next page: Chapter 15.1
Previous page: Chapter 13.2