Chapter 15.2


"Well," I said, I was pacing around everyone as they sat at the table. "I was hoping to start with some family, group therapy, and maybe do some exercises, but first let's just see where everyone is emotionally concerning Rob's case. Oh, and if you could, introduce yourselves while we do as I was out of here so fast yesterday I kind of forgot to get everyone's names." I smiled, friendly, "Nancy, how about you start?"

"!" She obviously didn't want to be the one who led by example. I didn't think I'd be pushing her too hard and too fast on that one. I saw now that she wasn't doing well since yesterday.

"Sure, why not?" I said.

"It's just, this had been a, um, 'complex emotional experience.'" Nancy said, "...for me anyway."

"Well," I asked, "why is that?"

She glanced at the rest of the family, "I don't-"

"How about I start," a blonde woman with a similar body and face to Nancy said. I had assumed she was Nancy's sister and a moment later she confirmed that and motioned to each person in turn. "I'm Pam, Nancy's sister, Rob, Alice, and Violet's Aunt, and Jenna's mother." She then looked at me, "What was the other question?"

"Well," I said, "You all know about Rob's condition. How does that change how you interact with him? And how does that change your opinion of him as well?" I wanted to keep the focus on Rob since it was his condition we were dealing with and Rob would be the cause of all the changes in the house.

"Hmm," Pam said as she thought about it, but she answered barely a moment later, "Well, I don't think my interactions with Rob have really changed that much. I haven't really thought about my opinions of him, but he's a good guy. I don't think that's changed since he got the diagnosis."

"Does his frequent erections bother you?"

"No," She said without hesitation, "it's perfectly natural and part of his condition so understandable as well."

I scanned the room, and that answer didn't seem to surprise anyone. I presumed that Pam was a person who spoke her mind. I think she and I would probably get along.

"How about you go next, Jenna?" I said to the girl sitting next to Pam. She looked to be slightly older than Nancy's triplets. She had dyed orange hair and was just as hot as all the other women in the room. But she was wearing a drab sweatshirt, even though it was still rather hot despite the rain, and very baggy pants. It made me wonder if she was trying to cover up her natural beauty like Nancy did.

Everyone else in the room tensed up as I called on Jenna, "Um," she said, "How about I pass?"

But I was insistent, "It's simple enough questions, and nothing you might say will leave this room. Well, at least not from me. I'm very professional and this is a very unique problem. So please, how have things changed in how you interact and how you see Rob since discovering his condition?"

Everyone else was still tense, but Jenna was absolutely casual as she answered, "I never interacted with Rob much before." She said, "So, I guess the answer to both your questions is 'completely differently.'" That's all she said.

"Do you want to expand on that?" I asked.

"I do not."

"All right," I said, moving on, "Um, Alice? Was it?"

A young redheaded woman, 18 like Rob I reminded myself as I remembered she was one of his twin sisters, put her phone down, that she'd been checking every minute since she sat down at the table. "Uh, yeah, that's me." She said.

"How about you go next?" I put it simply.

"Um, okay, well, I guess I see Rob as being more, um," she glanced at Nancy, her mom, and stopped talking.

"You might as well be honest," I said to her, "the more honest you are the more help it will be to Rob in the long run."

"Well, honestly... I don't want Mom getting mad at me." She said with a laugh.

"Are you going to get mad, Nancy?" I asked her mom.

"I guess that depends on what she says." Nancy answered honestly.

"Well, Alice, I can't force you to answer. But in my professional opinion, I think it's better to get things out there. Be honest with each other about who you are and what you're feeling. If you say something honestly, and that angers Nancy, it's better for her to get whatever emotions out in the open instead of bottling it up inside. Just like it's better than whatever you might be feeling for Rob gets out there now."

Alice rolled her eyes, "I don't feel anything for him, I mean, other than he's my brother and I love him like a sister should, I guess." She glanced at Violet when she said that, Violet put on a poker face, "But I do see him as being more, um, manly I guess."

"Sexy you mean." I said quickly.

"Yes," She answered but then shook her head and said, "No, I mean, I don't know." She buried her head in her arms on the table. She looked up a moment later to check her phone.

"Alright, and Violet?" I said turning to Rob's only other sister. Unlike Alice, who looked almost nothing like her mother (outside of they were both beautiful women) Violet was almost a spitting image of Nancy except 20 years younger and her eyes were blue instead of brown.

Violet kept her poker face, "No comment."

"I know I just told Alice that she didn't have to answer if she didn't want to," I said, "but I still want to know where everyone is at. And everyone else answered."

"Not everyone!" Violet said loudly, I could tell she was a competitive sort, "Mom hasn't said anything yet, and you basically skipped over Jenna!"

"What I have to say," Jenna pointed out, "I don't think Beth would appreciate it."

"Try me." I said to her, making everyone else tense up again. "I'm a sexual psychotherapist and a doctor with an emphasis on sexual problems and disorders. And when it comes to sex, I have literally heard everything, and probably done most of it as well." I said confidently.

Jenna cocked an eyebrow at me, "Oh really? Have you ever fucked your patients?"

It was an odd question, but I answered it both immediately and professionally, "Yes. When the need has called for it."

Jenna smiled at me but her face was hard for me to read, "I think you and I would get along."

I glanced at the rest of the room, you'd think Jenna and I were juggling live grenades between us by how tense everyone else at the table was.

"Noted," I said still in my professional mode, "do you want to answer those questions again Jenna?"

"Sure," she said like she was bored, "there was a party Saturday-"

"Don't tell her about that!" Nancy almost shouted after being quiet as a mouse basically the rest of the therapy session.

Jenna shrugged and looked a bit smug but remained silent.

"Hmm," I said as I pondered this, "Well, again, I'm not going to force anyone to answer my questions but it would be a lot more helpful if you did."

"I'll answer your questions." Rob said. Everyone looked at him. He too had been as quiet as his mother for the entire session so far.


"Alright, Rob, thanks." Beth said, she smiled at me and I remembered how she smiled up at me after I covered her face in cum and my cock twitched but after not cumming yet all day my balls felt like they were ready to burst. "So," Beth continued, "How have things changed for you since you were diagnosed with this condition?"

"Changed?" I said, "It feels like everything's changed. I mean, I used to think I was basically normal and now I feel like I can't walk into a room without seeing the curve of every woman's body like I'm some kind of sex fiend. All I do all day is think about sex!" I started to get a bit upset about this, "And my mom keeps going back and forth between loving and hating me it seems! Jade, my best friend seems interested but won't date me! My sisters are trying to seduce me!" I was too upset and horny to think about how that should have been kept secret, or notice that it caused an immediate reaction to everyone in the room, 'Jenna, OH! Jenna just put her bare foot on my dick to get me to stop talking about her!" She removed her foot but everyone saw it on the crotch of my pants before she removed it, "And Aunt Pam..." I didn't have anything for Pam really so I said, "You're cool." Casually at the end.

"Oh nice," Aunt Pam said with a smile, "I guess I passed...or something."

"I did NOT try to seduce you in the shower this morning!" Violet then said defensively.

"He didn't say anything about the shower or about it being this morning." Mom pointed out to her, giving her an angry look. "We're talking about this after this meeting."

"Why don't you talk about it now?" Beth said.

"That's not-" Violet started to say.

"You know what? Why don't I!?" Mom said her anger was rising. Violet got very small in her chair, "I've been trying VERY hard to keep control! Your brother has A CONDITION AND YOU'RE USING THAT AS AN EXCUSE TO FUCK HIM! AND NOW I HAVE TO KEEP MY EYES ON YOU TWO AT ALL TIMES BECAUSE I CAN'T EVEN WALK AROUND MY OWN HOUSE ANYMORE WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT WALKING INTO A ROOM AND YOU TWO WILL BE FUCKING! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" It was an anger I'd only seen Mom let loose once before...when she was spanking the shit out of Jenna last Sunday.

Everyone but Beth and Jenna seemed a bit afraid of Mom right then. Beth seemed kind of impressed with her actually, and Jenna was stroking her neck erotically. A second later she said, "Oooh, Aunt Nancy, let it all out." She bit her lip. I wondered if Jenna was thinking about Mom spanking her like I was....and then I wondered if Jenna was turned on because of it. Something that surprised me considering she beat her so hard she cried. It kinda confused me, actually.

"YOU!" Mom said to Jenna, but when she saw how Jenna was behaving she said, only slightly less angry, "you! You're trying to seduce everyone! And we're just allowing it! We're letting you stay here but you're the one least worthy of anyone's trust!"

"Mom!" I said, getting to my feet, feeling that same responsibility I felt the other day, "Leave Jenna be! And leave Violet be too! I'm sorry for getting angry and I'm sorry for having this condition and for never knowing what's right or wrong anymore! I'm fucking horny as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" I stood up and dropped my pants as my cock flew out. Everyone gasped, even though they'd all seen it before, "It's been like this all fucking day!" I shouted at them, "And all we fucking do is fight and argue and sneak around and I'm tired! My balls hurt and I need to cum!" I was less angry and just sat back down in my chair, my cock rock hard sticking up in my lap, "I'm sorry." I said calming down, "I think, I'm going to go to my room." I waved a hand at my dick, "I can take care of this myself."

"Wait." Beth said before I got up, "I suppose we've cleared the air...some. But this is a perfect segway to the next part of this therapy session. I think that Rob should masturbate right here at the table!" She was getting very excited now.

"What?!" Mom yelled.


"What?!" I repeated, unbelieving what I was hearing, "No!" I said. It's true that we did it in the kitchen a couple times but every time was with a doctor present, and never with the girls or Pam there.

"How is that any worse," Jenna pointed out, "than when everyone caught you blowing him in his bedroom?"

"That's not-" I started to say, Jenna was really starting to piss me off, but I thought about it later and realized I was just jealous of her. I had to hide my sexual nature from the world or it just caused more pain to myself and the people around me. But she was actively trying to seduce those same people...including me! I hid from my sexuality but she just frolicked in hers!

"From what I heard, you had your lips all the way up to his pelvis." Jenna poked fun at me.

I think steam was literally coming out of my ears. But then Rob put a hand on mine, and said, "Mom, it's okay. Just Jenna being Jenna."

I turned to him in his chair next to mine. His hard cock on clear display, my mind suddenly turning to mush. I was too angry, too emotional, and it took me by surprised when my pussy was suddenly on fire and my horniness took over. I remembered what Jenna said to me after I spanked her, how 'strong emotions and passions, that's all sex was!"

"Maybe..." I started to say, but then my arousal temporarily abated as I remembered where I was and with who, "Um, I mean, no. Never mind."

"What were you about to say?" Beth asked.

"'s nothing." I said. "I'm fine with Rob, um, masturbating in the kitchen right now." I said, feeling weak in both the head and knees right then, "I mean, um, if he's alright with it." That wasn't what I was about to say, actually, but it was a good compromise between them. I had actually been about to ask Rob if he wanted a blowjob...

"Wait, what's the purpose of this?" Pam said as Rob gripped his cock with both hands. He didn't start jerking off though as Pam voiced her complaint, "I mean, why do we all have to be here?"

Beth smiled at her professionally, "Rob has this condition, and like I explained yesterday, it's very important that he masturbate and cum whenever he gets an erection. It sounds like that has not happened since I left. And, to be frank, all of you need to get over the qualms you have concerning things like nudity and masturbation. Sex is a natural human function and hiding from it, well, it turns you into an emotional wreck like Nancy, here." She was being very blunt.

Mom frowned, "Maybe I should leave..."

"No, Nancy, you need this more than anyone. You need to see your son masturbate his enormous penis while everyone is sitting at your kitchen table during a normal family function." Beth explained, "This will help to accustom you to these sexually charged situations."

"Can I at least sit in another chair?" Mom asked, she was right next to me and staring at my cock hungrily. I remembered how good it felt cumming in her mouth the other day and my cock twitched as I wondered if that would ever happen again.

"No," Beth said, "Nothing about this scenario should change as that would only make it appear less normal. Now, Rob, proceed to masturbate please."

I took a breath and glanced around the table. Violet was practically drooling, Alice and Mom looked about the same. Jenna was acting bored but still keeping an eye on my dick. Aunt Pam was the only one who seemed particularly uncomfortable right then but she still kept staring at me and waiting for me to start.

After a full day of not cumming, even though this was very embarrassing, once I started stroking my fat dick I couldn't stop. All I could think about was reaching orgasm.


I watched my son stroking his cock and all I could do was stare. My panties were soaking wet with my pussy juices from how horny I was since he took his cock out up to that moment. I was horny. So fucking horny that all I wanted to do was stick both my hands down my pants and start masturbating along with my son as he stroked his huge cock. It was the reason I wanted to run to my room a moment ago before Beth told me "no." I just hoped I didn't lose all control again, not in front of my sister and daughters anyway. Jenna, however, I felt probably wouldn't mind watching me sucking my son's cock or even fucking him...

Especially fucking him, she's such a perv! I thought but then, though I'm a bigger pervert because it's practically all I think about anymore. Fucking my own son, sucking his dick, him eating my pussy... I remembered the video Jenna made where Rob licked not only my cunt but the pussy of every woman sitting at the table....Especially eating my pussy... I thought as I wondered for the hundredth time that day if what Jenna said was true and Rob was particularly talented at pleasuring a woman with his mouth.

A shiver went up my spine and I think I really was so horny I was about to start jilling off in front of everyone but before I lost all control, Rob started to cum.

"AAAHHHRRRGGGEEE!" Rob moaned gutterally and I could tell he really hadn't had an orgasm that day. Not only because of how he groaned as he came but as he came his semen pumped out of his cockhead with such force that it went in a high arc almost reaching the kitchen's ceiling, and then landed in a long streak all over Jenna's face on the opposite side and roped down the front of her shirt and a long line of jizz on the table between them.

"What the fuck!" She said, half surprised and half upset, but I thought that was perhaps just for show.

I didn't have time to think about whether Jenna was angry or not. In fact, I didn't think about almost anything before I said, "You're making a mess!" As if that was my excuse before bending over and taking the tip of Rob's cockhead into my mouth.

As soon as his jizz touched my tongue, I started cumming too and knew that we were going to have to get a new chair because that one cushion was going to smell like my pussy forever after that. Even though I absolutely love the taste of my son's cum, I didn't have time to savor it. As he came it felt like a gallon of semen into my mouth. I swallowed it all, keeping up with him like I was the world's sluttiest porn star. "Fuck me!" I moaned as I swallowed the last bit and let Rob's cock fall out of my mouth, "That was intense!" Then I remembered who was all sitting around me as I came down from my orgasm and my excitement from getting a bellyful of cream in my belly. It was then that I got extremely embarrassed. I got to my feet and ran out of the room.

"Nancy, wait-" Beth started to say but I ran up the stairs and slammed the door to my bedroom behind me. I lay on the bed, feeling like I was trapped in an inescapable situation.


Rob put his pants on and was already running out of the room after Mom. I couldn't stand it. I had just seen Mom give Rob yet another blowjob and I haven't gotten to do anything yet! I was tired of standing by the sidelines. I was running after him before anyone could say or do anything.

But that kind of led everyone else to follow us. We all came into Mom's room after Rob.

"Oh great," Mom said, miserably on the bed, "Are you all here to tell me what a slut I am?"

"What? Nancy, I would never do that." Jenna said simply, cum was still on her face, she acted like it wasn't though. She was so weird, but at the same time I was a bit jealous that my brother's cum was on her and not me. I was tired of fucking around!

"Rob still needs to cum." I pointed at his erection in his pants. "Maybe I should-"

Beth interrupted, making me a bit agitated, "Good job Violet! You're already paying attention to your brother's needs. Perhaps he should masturbate again right now!" She was very excited by the prospect of Rob jerking it in Mom's bedroom with all of us standing around.

"Well," Aunt Pam said then, 'Maybe I should go back to my house. This is, um, getting a bit too intense for me." I was a little weirded out by that as Pam was usually the one who was most free spirited and seemed to like Rob's cock before, but then I thought maybe she just wanted to go masturbate.

"I don't think Rob should masturbate around us anymore." Mom said from the bed. She was looking more miserable by the second.

"Or maybe I could-" I started to say again.

"No, Nancy, that's exactly why he should do it again right now." Beth explained.

"But I'm just going to lose control again!" Mom complained, "It happens every time! All I think about is Rob's cock! All I want..." She trailed off but I think everyone knew what she was trying to say, she wanted to fuck Rob, her own son. I mean, I wasn't judging, I wanted to fuck my brother.

Beth glanced at us and said, "Leave me alone with your Mom for a bit. Rob, go jerk off in the bathroom or something."

Rob went into the bathroom and I waited for a moment before I entered myself.

"The hell?" Rob said when he saw me. He was already naked and in the shower, his hard cock in both his hands, "Violet, what-"

"What do you think?" I said as I crossed the room to him, taking off my clothes as I did so, "I'm here to finish what we started this morning." I said sexily and hoping that I was pulling it off. All these sexy women around Rob lately and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to compete.

"Oh what? And you want to fuck me now?" Rob said, throwing his arms up in frustration, "You know Mom would kill us if she caught us doing something like that."

I grimaced and I finished taking my clothes off and got in the shower with him. But, though I still wanted to act like a sex goddess, Rob mentioning Mom had made me jealous, "Oh, and you'll just do whatever Mom wants and leave me behind in the dust, right?"

Rob got a bit depressed and kneeled on the floor, which looked just a tad funny as his cock was still sticking out of his midsection obscenely, "That's not," he sighed, "...Violet, when I get started like that, um, jerking off or whatever, it's like I can't stop. I'm not trying to do anything. I know it's weird, but I...I don't know." He said meekly.

I rolled my eyes at him, What the hell, Rob? What happened to that confident guy from the party on Saturday?"

"The one who was so drunk he let Jenna take advantage of everyone?" Rob asked, self-defeatingly. "Yeah, I don't know, Mom's right, it's like any time I do anything sexual I just make my life a little worse.

It was such a turn off, seeing Rob so miserable that I got out of the shower with him, "Rob, your hot MILF mom just gave you a blowjob in the kitchen while a room full of women watched her do it while we were drooling like sluts. I mean, if you still want to beat yourself up about that, be my guest, but I'm not going to stand here like this," I motioned to my naked body dripping with water, "throwing myself at you and you telling me that you'd rather be a virgin forever because 'sometimes bad things happen to you after you cum.' Come on, give me a break. Your a dude, I'm sure you'd fuck a tree if it showed enough interest." I think I was trying to make him feel bad, partly because I was feeling bad because it felt like he rejected me and, once again, it was all because of Mom.

I grabbed my pantied from the floor, turning my back on Rob for a moment. But then he came up behind me and practically tackled me, "What? What?!" I said, as my back lay on the tiled bathroom floor and Rob, a very angry looking Rob, was on top of me holding me down. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Not sure if I was more frightened or excited by what he was doing.

He didn't answer, instead he kissed me and I kissed back. As he did that, his cock rubbed against my crotch, his shaft up against my clit as he kneaded against my pussy as his tongue entered my mouth.

I moaned into his mouth as his humongous cock simulated my pussy, I wanted more though. I continued to kiss him and reached between us to take his cock in hand, I moved it back until his cockhead was right at the entrance to my soaking wet pussy. I think it was like Rob was saying earlier, I had so much time to see all this sexy stuff without release that it was like I was so horny I couldn't think straight anymore. I just wanted Rob to fuck me in that moment...


I sat on Nancy's bed next to her, "I see what you mean about losing all control by what I saw in the kitchen," I said. "But I don't think you should be ashamed of it."

"What do you mean?" She said, doubtful.

"Simple," I told her, "Again, your son has a condition, in a way, you do too. You've been so sexually starved for so long it's like your body is addicted to it. When it comes on, anyway, it's like it won't shut off until you cum."

She blinked, "What am I supposed to do about that? I mean, you're right," Nancy sat up on her bed, "I do tend to calm down after my orgasm, but that's usually when I start to feel guilty as well." She sighed, "I just don't see a good solution."

"Have you tried masturbating?" I suggested.

She looked directly in my eyes, and her brown eyes were positively ravishing. I pretended not to notice as Nancy told me this next part, "Yes. I feel like it's all I do anymore! I mean, I didn't when I got home and maybe that's why, I, um..." She trailed off.

"Ah, I see," I said, "Well, next time feel free to masturbate during the session." I smiled sweetly at her.

"You mean go to my room and-"

"No, I don't." I said, still smiling, "I mean next time you should masturbate openly during our session."

Nancy blinked, "I can't do that." She put it simply.

"No, you can do anything Nancy. I mean, that doesn't mean you always should, but you can trust your family, that's the point of these exercises. And your son needs a lot of help, both visually stimulating things to give him erections and maybe a mother's mouth every now and again to help him lose those erections."

"I don't know how you can be so calm about that?" Nancy said, obviously distraught, "I mean, I can't just give him a blowjob! That's incest!"

"Again, Nancy, your son has a condition and it's not going to just go away. I know it's not normal for a doctor to tell a mother to suck off her son, but Rob needs to cum. He's going to need to cum very frequently from now on and if you can't get over your own sexual qualms then I honestly don't think this is the best place that Rob can be right now."

"Are you going to take him away from me?" She asked suddenly, I might have sounded a bit threatening right then. Whups...

"No, Nancy, Rob's an adult he can make his own decisions." I said, "But his condition isn't going to just go away, at least not until I study it more and find a cure," I added, "but for now it's here to stay and you can either get on board with it and be the most super amazing helpful mother possible for her son, or you can divy it up like it's a chore up among others in your house."

"What?" I wasn't sure if she wasn't listening or just didn't understand.

"I mean, someone is going to have to help Rob. I was trying to get to that in the kitchen but you ran off before I could." She explained, "It's going to be too much for him to jerk it every time. The only option is for a woman to use her hands, mouth, or pussy while helping Rob."

"You're not saying that I-" Nancy started to say.

"No, not you," I said, before she asked her question about whether it was okay for a mother to fuck her son or not, "but it is one way to help Rob and not to be left off the table as a possible treatment. But I suppose Rob would need to find a girlfriend first. I suppose-" We would have kept talking but it was then that a whole lot of noise started coming from the shared bathroom through the hall.


Rob continued to kiss me as I lined his cock up with my pussy on the bathroom floor. He was totally about to thrust into my tight, sopping wet pussy....

But we heard a sound. It was Alice moaning, she had snuck her way into the bathroom again and was masturbating in her pants while she watched us.

"God Dammit!" I shouted at her as I stood up and Rob got off of me, "What the fuck Alice!? Why are you constantly trying to watch us!?"

Alice stopped masturbating but only to yell back at me, "Oh, and that's any worse than you trying to fuck Rob at every turn!?"

We started to argue, Rob looking somewhat embarrassed and frustrated as his hard cock continued to bounce as his sexual need was left unattended.

We didn't yell at each other for long because then Mom and Beth came into the room.

Mom took one look at mine and Rob's naked bodies and then she started yelling louder than both me and Alice had been, "What the fuck is going on in here!?" She looked directly at me, "Why are you naked!? Are you tring to fuck your own brother!?"

I was shocked that she guessed it but I guess I shouldn't have been. What else would you think after catching two naked adults together in a bathroom?

She knew from the expression on my face that I was, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOUNG LADY!?" She yelled. But then she did something I didn't expect, she started removing her clothes.

"Uh, wha..." I stammered as my smoking hot Mom got naked in front of us.

"No, I see what I have to do now." Mom stated, "Rob's needs are out of control, but the only solution is I have to keep his sex drive in control. I'm going to take care of his needs and then you CAN'T!" She sounded calm until the very end where she yelled at me.

"What I-" Rob said as Mom got on the floor. She immediately sucked his cock all the way down her throat. Rob grabbed Mom by the head and started to fuck her mouth like she was some high-class whore and not our mother."

Mom started moaning and surprised me as her hands went to her tits and she started to lewdly rub then and pinch her nipples. I heard more moaning and glanced over and saw that Alice was back to openly masturbating in her pants again. I rolled my eyes at her but she was too distracted to notice.

I glanced at Beth who seemed to be smiling like a scoundrel. I honestly wasn't sure where she stood in all this crazy stuff. But I didn't care, Mom was making some obscene gagging sounds as I left the room in a fit of rage, not even caring that I left my clothes on the bathroom floor.

I came to my room, but could hear everything going on in the bathroom as Mom continued to let Rob fuck her mouth like his life depended on it. She was obviously very horny. But more obvious, to me anyway, was that no one in that room really gave a damn about my feelings one bit.

I took my pillow and threw it over my head to try to block out the sound from the bathroom from me, but to also hide the sounds of my frustrated yelling from them...
Next page: Chapter 16
Previous page: Chapter 15.1