Chapter 17.1

Day 17-Thursday September 16

Copyright 2021 Charlie Flemming

WEATHER: "Thunderstorms and flash flooding is called for throughout the day."


When I woke up that morning I felt the exact opposite of how I felt yesterday. I was back in denial but not even denying my sexual desire for my son but it was like I was trying to deny that Rob even existed. I felt like I was walking in a dream that morning, ignoring the feelings I felt, all my feelings, not just those I felt for my son. All I knew was that I had to take a shower, get dressed, then go downstairs to make breakfast for my kids. Then go to work, work all day, come home, make dinner, go to bed. Do it all again tomorrow. I felt like a robot that morning while I was cooking eggs in the kitchen, but, honestly, I was scared to feel any other way.


I woke up that morning feeling like a million bucks! I mean it, it was like I could take on the world or something. I think I was even whistling a song as I did my morning stretches and maybe singing that song while I got my clothes for my shower. I put on my robe, a pink fluffy thing, and went next door to the bathroom. Except at the last second I turned the other way into Rob's room.

I knew what I was doing was a bad idea, but I kinda didn't care. My own twin brother was an amazing lover, and the fact that I was the first woman to bone him, well, that meant I won. And I guess I wanted to take my prize...again and again. I mean, Rob also needed to cum because of his medical condition, but I wanted to be the one to cum with him when that happened.

I came into his room and shut the door behind me. I would have locked it but Rob's lock was broken because I forced my way into his room during the summer. I really wished I hadn't done that now. I meant to wake him up and ask him to join me in the shower, but, seeing my brother's handsome sleeping form, not to mention his humongous boner making a tent in his blanket, I thought I could do something better to wake him up.

I knew Mom woke him up yesterday with a blowjob, something told me I could do one better.


I was being shaken awake again, except with a wet, tight, vicelike hot gripping fleshy thing around my cock and I looked up and saw my hot, brunette, sister, her big tits bouncing wilding in my face, looking down I saw her cunt splitting wide open as it engulfed my cock. We were fucking! I thought, This is the best way to wake up! I didn't even care that the sun was up and we could be caught at any second. This was way too hot for me to think about such petty things.

"Yes!" Violet was shouting as she roughly ground her pelvis against mine as she felt my cock through every inch of her pussy. "Yes! This is the best! I love your cock! I love your cock! I love your cock Rob!"

I grabbed her ass and started moving my hips with hers, "I love your tight twat sister!" I moaned. "Fucking you is so fucking hot! You're the hottest girl in school, if not the universe!" We were getting kind of loud and not just our voices, but the bed was squeaking, and she started bouncing on my dick, making wet slapping sounds as our hips met. Neither of us cared, we were fucking like maniacs, only seeking pleasure from each others bodies and not worried at all for the consequences.

I got bold, I moved so that Violet was now on her back and I was above her. I started fucking her hard and fast, pivoting my cock in and out of her tight, hot cunt like a piston.

"Fuck me! I love it!' Violet shouted, "Fuck my cunt like you own it! Make me your fucking woman!"

"You're mine forever Violet!" I yelled back.

"God, shut up!" Alice said from the sidelines, "You're fucking!" She said a moment later, obviously she just came into the room. "Well, either way shut up or Mom will catch you!" She said, "You're lucky she's cooking with a skillet because bacon frying is the only reason she hasn't heard you yet!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me! I love it!" Violet moaned as I continued to fuck her tight pussy, neither of us caring about anything but our own lovemaking right then.

"Jesus, well, I know one way to make you shut up!" Alice shouted and she took off her night shirt, which was all she was wearing as she slept, I guess, and she came over and got on the bed with us. She started kissing me, which stopped me making sounds with my mouth as I was too busy kissing her, and she sat on Violet's head, and Violet, God bless her, started licking away at Alice's pussy! We were suddenly in a triplet threeway! The very realization made me cum.

I thrust deep inside Violet's pussy as I flooded her womb full of cum. She did moan quite a bit as she came too but luckily Alice's pussy was a big enough distraction for her tongue that she didn't attract Mom's attention.

"Holy shit, that was intense." Violet said as the three of us came down from our fucking. "Alice, what the fuck?!" She said, "I didn't mean to have sex with both my siblings! Now I've done it at the same time!" Violet sounded legitimately upset and Alice and I were quiet for a bit but then Violet started laughing and so did we. "I'm just surprised," Violet said, "I thought you just liked to watch."

Alice rolled her eyes, "I do, but you guys were totally going to alert Mom," she sighed, "Also, seeing you fuck is just to hot! If you guys want a third party sometimes..." She let it hang in the air.

"I don't know..." Violet said, "I am officially Rob's girlfriend, so I don't think he should cheat on me with my own sister."

I rolled my eyes this time, "You can't be my girlfriend, you're my sister." I pointed out.

Violet shrugged, "Can't I be both." She then grabbed her clothes, "Now, what if we three took a shower together, would that be too weird?"

She walked through the hallway naked, so did Alice and I. Life at home was getting stranger, but I was really starting to like it.


The sound of Mom in the kitchen as we passed through the hall. I couldn't believe that we were really going through with this, "If Mom catches us now...she's going to lose it." I said as we all went to the bathroom.

"Well, she better get used to it," Violet said confidently, "because Rob and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now."

Rob laughed at that and grabbed Violet and kissed her, they gazed lovingly into each other's eyes. "I don't know if you're joking about that or not." Rob said.

As they embraced, Violet grabbed his ass, "you know, at first it was kinda a joke but I think I'm warming up to the idea."

"Yeah..." Rob said as he started longingly into Violet's blue eyes, then caught himself and said, "I mean no! Violet! We can't date! What would people think!?"

Violet pursed her lips, "I really don't care what society thinks..."

Before she could continue, I rolled my eyes at my siblings, "oh my brother and sister are in love and my best friend dropped out of school just because she can't stand to talk to me anymore." I guess I was a little bitter.

"What? We're not in love." They both said at precisely the same time.

Then Rob seemed to hear the second thing I said, "I'm sorry Alice." He broke the embrace and hugged me instead, his humongous, hard cock pressing in between our bellies. "I'm sure Luna needs time to process everything. I mean, we didn't exactly behave with decorum at the party on Saturday..."

I hugged him back, appreciating his hug, but I was really down and Violet seemed really happy while they were fucking, "I don't suppose you'd want two sister girlfriends?" I said to him.

He laughed but then Violet came up and hugged us too, "I don't really want to share Rob," she said, "but after how you ate my pussy this morning maybe we could work something out." Our boobs were pressing together and into Rob's chest and I was getting amazingly horny being this close to my brother and sister while all three of us were naked.

"Neither of you are my girlfriends," Rob reminded everyone, "Now let's take a shower before Mom catches us like this."

That kind of reminded us that we needed to hurry and we all got in the shower, "Are you two going to fuck again?" I asked, excited to watch some real brother-sister fucking but also worried that they'll both make too much noise again.

Violet gave a sexy smirk, "I'm down if you are?" She grabbed Rob's cock and stroked it a few times.

"Um, I don't think we'd be able to do that and not get caught by Mom." Rob said, "Maybe I should just eat your pussy or something?"

"Yeah right," I said as my hands joined Violet's on Rob's huge cock, even with four hands on his dick he still had plenty of cock to go around. "If you don't want to alert Mom, Violet's going to make more noise doing that than fucking her." I sighed, "how about we just jerk you off together and get clean?"

"K," Violet and Rob both said. They were both being really chill after fucking that morning.

We both started stroking Rob, which was fast and hot. We both got on the floor in front of him so we could stroke together, I thought I'd try something and started fondling Rob's balls while jerking him with the other hand. He seemed to like that as he moaned a bit before cumming all over both Violet and my faces.

We smiled at each other, a total, cummy mess. But the water washed it away and we grabbed the soap to wash each other's bodies off together. Part of me still wanted to fuck Rob, but I knew that was mostly just how lonely I felt from Luna ignoring me for so long.

What surprised us though was that Mom wasn't at home when we came out of the shower. Breakfast was on the table and she was gone. We all assumed she just got called into work early.


After breakfast was on the table, I realized I hadn't set a plate for myself. And part of me wondered if that was unconscious, like I knew already that I needed to leave. Sitting with my son at that breakfast table seemed absolutely unbearable to me at that moment. I couldn't do it, and before I knew it, I was out the door in the rain and driving down the road on my way to work. It felt automatic like I had no control over it and I was already at work, it seemed, and busying myself throughout the day.

I thought maybe I could do it, you know, make it by just ignoring all my problems and hoping they would just go away. But it didn't work. And at lunch, I decided I needed to talk to someone. I ended up calling Xania.

"Nancy?" She said as she answered her cell.

"Yes, can I talk to you?" I asked, "In person I mean."

"Right now?"

"If it's not inconvenient." I cringed realizing that she was a doctor and probably at work doing much more important things than listen to me have a mental breakdown.

She took a moment before answering, "Yes, I can do that. Do you want to meet me at my house?"

"Um, I don't know where you live."

"I'll text you the address, it's not too far from your place." She hung up and texted me the address and I was in my car and driving less than a minute later.


On the bus I sat with Jade and Rob sat with Alice. I think Alice wanted to talk to him about something, but I didn't catch it. Mostly I was daydreaming about Rob and me, and also wondering if I could get away with fooling around at school again, but that was mostly a dream since if we kept doing it in the girl's bathroom we'd get caught for sure at some point. It was just too dangerous.

I guess I looked like I was deeply in thought because Jade said, "Whatcha thinking about?" A moment later.

"Hmm," I said, breaking my concentration. I couldn't tell her what I was thinking about so I asked her the first question that popped into my head, "Oh, um, do you think a brother and sister dating would be weird?" I realized right after I said it what a mistake it was.

She immediately glanced over my shoulder at Rob in the seat across the aisle whispering with Alice, "You and Rob-"

"Shh," I said, already knowing I wouldn't be able to hide it from Jade anyway, she was mine and Rob's best friend for one thing, and I didn't like lying to her for another, "Just keep it down. We're not really dating, but..."

Her jaw dropped, "You guys...fucked?" She said in a really low whisper.

I knew I shouldn't tell her but I bit my lip, looked her in the eyes, and nodded. I think part of me just wanted to tell somebody.

"Jesus." She said looking bewildered, but then shook her head and said in a fairly normal tone, "Um, I think that most of society would frown on it, plus it's illegal. So there's that." She thought a bit more, "...but, as long as it's consensual, and you didn't just go around telling people you were," her voice got low again, "brother and sister," normal tone, "I think it would probably be okay. I mean, it's not like you're hurting anyone, really."

Jade seemed pretty cool about what I told her, but I had to be sure, "And...what do you think about it?"

"About you and Rob together?" She asked.


She shrugged, "I mean, I saw that video with you, if you remember," Jade smiled, "and I did tell you I find it kinda hot. I mean, you and Rob are so attractive, I mean, outside of the incest thing, I would say you two make a really cute couple. It's weird it's you and Rob though, two people I've known my whole life, pretty much, but that also makes it all the more hot actually."

I blinked at her, she was seriously looking horny right then, she licked her brown lips and now she looked like the one who was lost in thought, "Incest makes you horny, doesn't it?" I asked.

She shrugged, "Only if it's between consenting adults...yeah. I didn't even think about it before Saturday." Saturday was the day my family got so drunk we fucked, except the furthest anyone went was oral sex...maybe, since we didn't actually remember and the only evidence we had was from a video Jenna made and forced us to watch when she wanted to show everyone what a pervert she is.

"Do you know of a place to fuck in school and not get caught?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"Wow, that's direct." She said, "Christ I can't believe you would try it at school."

"Well, we can't really do it at home with Mom there. Actually there's no good place for us to do it anywhere." I said as I realized this was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Rob and I didn't have a steady income or anything so it's not like we could start renting hotel rooms or something. "It's kinda dumb, but it'd just be cool to have a place we could go to have sex."

Jade shrugged, "My mom works late every day, but you'd have to get a ride back to your house and I don't have a car and neither do you."

"Yeah, that's true." I said.

"Um, the cheerleaders have their own private locker room?" Jade said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." I said, it happened because there was an influx of peeping toms at some point so the principal added another locker room with reinforced walls just for the cheerleaders, "I don't suppose Vera has a key?"

"You'd have to ask her." Jade said. " Rob a good lover."

I smiled as I remembered that morning, "He's the best I ever had."

"You've only slept with one other guy, and only one time." Jade pointed out, "You tell me everything, remember?"

"Oh yeah..." I said and we both laughed.

At school that day, I didn't really get a chance to ask Vera about it. I mean, there were chances but I didn't really have a good excuse for needing the key in the first place. Also we found out it was raining so hard they canceled soccer practice. I was upset but already planning what me, Rob, and Alice might do with our three or four hours alone before Mom and Aunt Pam get home from work that day.


I let Nancy in on the first knock. We sat at my table to talk, "What's up Nancy?"

She was silent for a moment, "I don't know where to start." She said after a moment.

I smiled at her but looked down at my hands, "Why don't I start?" I said, knowing that this was probably the last interaction we would probably have together, "I think what you're going through is probably my fault."

"Your fault?!" She said shocked, "Xania, you've been nothing but helpful with my son since you came back into our life. I know I...had an affair with your husband, but you still helped us. That's more than most people would do."

As I listened to her thanking me it only made me feel worse, "I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I did so much, so much..."

At that, Nancy cocked an eyebrow at me suspiciously, "What did you do?"

I sighed, "Everything. I mean, you're son does have a medical condition, but I didn't really think it was that serious at first and I was just trying to push you. All for some petty revenge because I blamed you for what my husband did to...well to both of us, really. It's my fault."

"You mean to say, that..." Nancy said.

I nodded, "it's all my fault."

Nancy's reaction was immediate, she wasn't just angry she was livid, "What the fuck!?" She shouted at me and I just took it knowing I deserved it, "Do you have any idea what I've done?! What have all of us done!? My sister sucked Rob's cock right in front of me yesterday! I've personally sucked his cock and swallowed his cum I don't know how many times! And now I'm worried his sisters might be sneaking around with him behind my back! I can't control my sexual desire around him and all I can do is think about fucking my own son! And it's all your fault! I can't believe you!" She was angry but after telling me all that sensitive information she realized what she said, her cheeks getting rosy in color, and she got up to leave.

That's very interesting... I thought as she admitted those things to me, "Wait," I said and she stopped, which surprised me as the Nancy who took her son into me that first time would have run screaming from the room after everything she told me, "I really do feel bad Nancy, I didn't mean for all that to happen. I mean, the woman who walked into my office over two weeks ago, I never thought she'd do something like suck her own son's cock!" I said that a bit too excitedly only then realizing I was extremely turned on by what Nancy told me, "but maybe I can help."

"How? How can you do anything after everything you've done?"

"Well, Rob needs help with his problem and you're obviously wrestling with some things. I mean, maybe I should be the one to take care of his needs." I shrugged.

Nancy scowled at me, "You just want to fuck him." She put simply.

"Not only that," I said with a laugh but Nancy was not amused, "sorry, but your son's needs aren't going to go away and it sounds like you and your family have been helping him, but maybe things have gone a bit too far. I can help. I can come over after work and take care of anything he requires to get rid of his excess semen. I'm not related to him so there's no problems with incest and Rob gets his problem taken care of, it's a win-win."

"I don't know," Nancy said, looking miserable, "I mean, he still needs help throughout the day, and you can only come over in the evenings."

I smiled, friendly, "Well, just think about it. I do feel bad for everything, I do. And I know this has been hard on you, but I want to make it up to you and I just see a way that I can." I explained to her, "And maybe we can figure something else out when I can't do it. Something that doesn't require any incestuous relations in your family."

"I would like that." Nancy admitted. And for a moment I thought things were fine between us but then she said, "No, how can I trust you? You tricked me and my family... Ugh! I don't know!"

And before I could say anything else Nancy stormed out of my house.


School went by fairly normally. Ms. Smith in my first period didn't treat me any differently during first period, even though I told her about my condition yesterday, she just taught her lesson like normal. Suki, er, Mrs Roberts also taught class normally, though she seemed stressed when she sat at her desk and I wondered if her husband had been giving her grief again.

On the bus, soccer had been canceled because of all the rain and I sat with Jade who told me she was getting off with me and my sisters at my place as her mom was working later than usual that day. I wondered if my mom would be working late too. I didn't really think anything of Jade coming home with us, though she did seem to be looking at me with a certain kind of respect I didn't see there before while we road the bus to my house.


Unsure what else to do I called Beth. I was still driving in the rain but I was too distraught to really care. Thankfully, I only swerved a bit while I drove.

"Hello Nancy." She said immediately. Beth was my son's doctor for his condition but also my psychologist to help me go through this with Rob.

"Hi, Beth," I replied, "do you think we could talk?"

"Umm, yeah..." she said in a strange way, "do you want to meet at your house? My house is a bit...never mind actually." She laughed in her infectious way and I laughed too not really knowing why.

"That's fine," I told her a moment later, "I just have to call my boss first and let her know."

We ended the call and I immediately phoned Fiona to tell her. "... I'm sorry I keep missing work."

"Well, it's for your son so I understand." She told me. Which made me feel a little better even though it was much more for me then for him.

When I got home, Jenna was sitting at my kitchen table, "I'm not surprised to see you." I said to her, disappointedly.

Jenna scowled when she saw me, she was in what looked like a very long t-shirt that hung down to get knees and her giant glasses she didn't even need. It looked like she wasn't wearing a bra because I could see the outline of her nipples underneath.

"You're home early." She stated the obvious.

"Sorry, can't seduce Rob today!" I said getting a bit angry with her. It had been on my mind that Jenna and Rob would be alone on Thursdays for a few hours and she would try something like that. "Also soccer has been cancelled and Jade, Alice, and Violet should all be here with him. Also Beth is coming over."

Jenna opened her mouth to say something nasty to me I'm assuming but that's when the door opened again and Beth stepped in, "speak of the devil," I said and a moment later, mostly because I was annoyed, "Ever heard of knocking?"

"You said I could come over whenever I wanted, remember?" She said as she came in, "though I wasn't going to use the pool again until this horrible rain stopped." She came in and saw my niece, "Hey Jenna!" She said excitedly which annoyed me for reasons I can't even explain.

"Do you want to do this in my room?" I said not wanting to stand around Jenna anymore.

"Sure!" Beth said just as excitedly as she had greeted Jenna.

As we left the room I heard the door open again as Jade and my kids came home but I didn't turn to say hi, I didn't want to face them until after Beth and I talked.
Next page: Chapter 17.2
Previous page: Chapter 16