Chapter 17.2


"Hello you four," I said with a sexy smile, mostly for Rob's benefit, "Aunt Nancy is upstairs with Beth so we can't make a lot of noise."

"What?" Jade said jokingly, "Like Violet fucking Rob again?"

"Oh? That's interesting." I said, cocking an eyebrow at that.

Violet hit Jade's arm. Rob blushed. Alice laughed at everyone's reaction and then scowled at her phone, still expecting Luna to call her I presumed.

"Ow!" Jade complained, "why'd you hit me?"

"You can't go around telling people that!" Violet shouted, getting angry. Then, glancing at the stairs she said more softly, "he's my brother!"

"I know," Jade glanced at the bulge in Rob's jeans, "I just thought it was alright to talk about it here. I mean..." jade's voice got really low as she said, "I just think it's hot..." She looked away from everyone embarrassed.

I thought about teasing Jade, though I'm guilty of the same crime but it would be just so easy to push her. But there was more important matters, "so how'd you two fuck?" I asked Rob and Violet.

Violet blushed and turned away from me. Rob was less quiet, "We fucked in the girl's bathroom at school!" He said proudly.

I rolled my eyes and focused on Violet, "I'm guessing all you said was 'let's fuck in the bathroom' beforehand."

Violet stamped her foot angrily, "I assume you would do the same. But you'd probably be naked in the hallway first!"

I laughed, "oh please, what I do requires a bit more decorum than that. Seduction isn't about just going around admitting your feelings to people. You got lucky because it's Rob and he literally needs to fuck basically all the time. But imagine you tried the same thing on my mom, or your mom even?"

"Yeah," Rob cut in, "that really doesn't work on Mom." Then cringed realizing what he just said, "I mean..."

He glanced at Jade, but she was giving him a hungry look back at him. I thought she must like the idea of Rob fucking his mom...

I also noticed Violet glaring at Rob like she was about to attack him, "Don't worry about it." I said quickly, "how about we sit and I can teach you all a few things about the art of seduction."

"Why would we want to learn anything from you?" Violet asked.

I shrugged, "Hey if none of you want to learn how to seduce your own mother I mean..."

"I'm game," Rob said sitting down, forgetting himself again but this time but even pretending to cover up his lust for his mother.

I smirked as Jade sat to one side of Rob. Violet looked like she was about to destroy Rob but she sat on the other side of him which looked weird because the kitchen table wasn't very large and I was opposite them, like I was their blackjack dealer or something.

Alice was still pacing though staring bullets into her phone.

"Alice, care to join in the discussion?" I asked, pushing a chair out with my foot under the table.

"Yeah, sure whatever." She mumbled as she sat on a side all by herself.

"So, what's wrong with my seduction technique?" Violet asked.

I laughed, "hahaha, what seduction technique? 'hey let's fuck' isn't exactly coy. And doing it with Rob is basically cheating since he's always down to bone now."

Violet scowled, "Well, what would you do differently, Jenna?" She said my name as if it was dirty. I found that a tad thrilling.

I didn't laugh this time but I wanted to, "With Rob?" I reached across the table and started rubbing his cheek, he immediately started kissing my paul, "I have Rob eating out of my hand, literally," I said as he continued to kiss me. I was surprised because his lips on my hand was making me a little light headed, "I could take him whenever I would want."

But then I smirked and took my hand away, "But will I?" I asked, Rob looked saddened, "That's something Rob will continue asking himself until I decide to do something. If I decide to do something." I added quickly, "But that's part of the game, you see?"

"Ugh," Violet spat, "Will you stop!" She said to Rob with jealousy dripping off her like a plague.

"Stop what?" He said like an idiot. Well, I guess he can't help but think with his dick anymore.

"Letting every girl flirt with you and-" Violet started to get really mad.

"Violet," I said and she quieted for the moment, "Don't be jealous, that reveals that you're insecure, and that's one of the biggest turn offs there is."

Violet closed her beautiful mouth for a second, I saw the anger wash off her sexy face as the realization sunk in that I was right. She was insecure, "Um," She mumbled after a moment, obviously a bit off kilter by my brutal honesty, "Well, I can't just stop being insecure, can I? I mean, the things I worry about can't just be switched off or something."

I shrugged, "Why the fuck not?" I said simply, I glanced at Jade and Alice and saw that all three of them were staring at me like I was crazy (Rob was just staring at my tits and not really listening, I think it's been a long time since he had cum but unfortunately I wasn't about to do something with Nancy upstairs...if I was about to do something). "Alright," I said a moment later, clenching my fists as I felt a little frustrated that they just weren't getting it, "it's not about whether you feel insecure, it's about whether you appear insecure. Never appear that way, ever. In fact, act like you don't need him. Like he's the last thing on this planet you're thinking about for a few days until he sees you again, then act like you don't care, and just when he thinks it's over between the two of you that's when you strike."

Alice looked up from her phone pushing her curly red hair out of her face, "Wait, is that what Luna is doing to me?"

"It could be," I said with a shrug, "But you already sent your messages or whatever, I'd say to leave it be. The balls in her court." I had another thought, "But when she texts or calls, maybe ignore it to make it seem like you've moved on."

"I couldn't do that," Alice said, "She's my best friend!"

"But does that give her the right to control you?" I said, Alice looked shocked, so I added, "It's what seduction is, Alice. It's a game where you both try to control the other person without them knowing that's what you're doing. The goal," I said, glancing at Violet as she perked up, I knew she'd want to know the goal, "is to make them want you as much as you want them. To make them feel like they can't live without you. To make them absolutely crazy for you."

"That just seems kind of mean," Jade said then. "I mean, to drive someone insane just because you want them."

"But think of the goal, in the end, you both get what you want. Or you don't because you decide they aren't worth the effort," I told her, "And you'll know all that by how well you play the game." I cocked an eyebrow, "How about we make it a real game?" I said.

"What? How?" Violet asked. Then she rolled her eyes at me, "You and your games. It's something perverted isn't it?"

"Yes, but it's something you all want, or you will." I explained, "I give each of you a goal, a person you have to seduce, and whoever does it first, wins."

"I don't want anyone but Rob, though." Violet said.

"Then you can help Rob with his goal," I said, "Seducing your mom."

Violet's eyes went wide, "No!" She said, then glanced at the stairs again, "No." she said more softly, "Anyone but her."

Anyone... I thought but shook that idea away, if Rob could fuck his mom, I feel we could start doing anything, it was a necessity for my greater plans... "No, it has to be her." I said, "It has to be a goal that's hard to do...literally." I added with a laugh.

Violet scowled but then said, "Well, I'm not helping Rob do that, so I guess give me my own goal."

I smiled, Violet was willingly playing the game already, "Well, if you won't help Rob you'll have to seduce Nancy yourself." I said simply, almost as if I was bored, though my pussy was already a river at the thought of Violet and her mother together.

Violet seemed shocked but then sort of smiled, she glanced at Rob, "Well, I guess we're in competition bro."

I looked at Alice, she had shut her screen off at my advice and was trying, but failing, to look at anything but her phone, "Alice?" I said.

"Yeah," she did look away from her phone as she glanced up at me.

"Do you want to play?" I asked.

"Um, sure, I like games." She said, I wasn't entirely sure if she knew what was going on.

"Okay, then you have to seduce Luna." I told her.

She gasped, "But what if she never talks to me again?" Then a moment later, "And I'm not even sure how I feel about her."

I almost laughed, fucking "normies," am I right? "It's just sex!" I said, "I'm not asking you to marry her, just try and seduce her. And she'll talk to you again, but if she doesn't, you know where she lives right?" I told her.

She sighed but didn't say anything for the moment.

"What about me?" Jade asked, "Should I seduce...Rob?" She then blushed and looked away from Rob as he turned and started undressing her with his eyes.

I did laugh that time, "Haha, no, like I said, Rob is too easy. You would win right now." Jade bit her lip and glanced at Rob looking at her like he was a horny wildebeest, she took in a breath and I could tell she was imagining fucking Rob right then and there. I rolled my eyes, "God, get a room! And let me film it!" They awkwardly turned away from each other and I was a little giddy, "But, Jade, I think I'll give you the same assignment as Rob and Jade."

"What? Nancy?" She said.

"No, Fiona, your Mom."

She shook her head, "How would I even do that?"

I knew it was hypothetical but I decided to answer anyway, "Offer her a massage, and every time she acts like your going too far and wants to quit, add something else to it like massage oil, or body cream, or a different massage technique that is said to enlengthen you life or the like. Just keep doing that until your fucking." I smirked at Jade's expression but she was considering it.

"You've obviously thought about this," Rob said, "How about me and Violet, how would you advice we seduce our Mom?"

"I'm not helping you seduce her," Violet said but leaned in, interested in what I had to say.

"Well, Rob is probably easy," I said, "When Aunt Nancy comes back in the room, only pay attention to Jade. Pretend she's not even there. She should fall right into place, but you can't give her an inch until she fully gives in. Say you're saving yourself for Jade or some shit. If you want to be in on it, Jade, you could both say you're dating now."

Jade looked at Rob, "I'd do that for you."

"You'd be my fake girlfriend so I can seduce my Mom?" Rob asked.

Jade laughed and nodded. She was going to be really fun...

"For you Violet," I said looking at my brunette cousin, "I'd actually suggest the opposite approach. Get really close and personal. Go over some boundaries, join her in the shower in the morning, or get in bed with her at night. For both act like it's innocent. Then wash her back, or you had a scary dream and want to snuggle in bed. That type of stuff, just touch her, softly and innocently...but for both you and Rob, you're going to have to let Nancy make the first move. If you do anything before she's ready then there's no way you're getting in."

I looked at Alice, "Do you want advice too?"

"No, I think I'm okay." She said, "If I decide to play." She said and we all laughed because it was in the same way I said it earlier when I was talking about seducing Rob. "But what about you?" She said.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Well, it doesn't seem fair that we all have some pretty hard people to, um, bone I guess." Alice said, "I mean, you should have to seduce someone too. And we get to pick."

"Well, that's easy," Rob said, "Everyone else has to fuck their Mom's. You need to seduce Aunt Pam."

That made sense but I wasn't actually planning on seducing Mom just yet, I opened my mouth to say so but, speak of the devil, that's when my mom got home. Even though our house is next door, on Thursdays Mom usually came into Nancy's house right when she got home. Usually Nancy is making dinner by then too, "Hey Mom," I said, "Aunt Nancy is upstairs with Beth."

"Oh, I guess I won't disturb them." She said as she came in, taking off her wet coat and shoes and putting them next to the door. "Are you guys playing a game or something?" She asked as she came in. "Can I play?"

"Um, yes and no," I said, "I think we're done for now though but we'll pick it up later."

"Oh, well, let me know when you start, I'm going to run take a shower." Mom said as she walked out the back door to go over to our house. As she did I couldn't help but stare at my Mom's perfectly heart-shaped ass in her tight jeans.

"Let the games begin." I said as she walked away. I began thinking up ways to go about it. Truthfully, I was actually quite nervous. With Aunt Nancy and her family, I felt like I was in complete control, but for my mom, I mean, she was my mom... I guess I knew how everyone else felt right then.


After I told Beth what Xania told me I felt a bit better, "... but I still feel used and abused but I guess it's better knowing that Rob does have this condition, even if Xania tricked me into-"

Beth cut me off. "-into feeling sexy again for the first time in years?"

I sighed, "I suppose so." I admitted, "But I can't do this anymore. I can't let myself be tempted by Rob's body, especially his massive cock, anymore."

"Well, Rob's condition might not go away." Beth explained, "what if others helped him. It would be better with a woman's touch so to speak. Like you said before, chafing can be a real issue."

I sighed, unsure. "Like Xania, you mean?"

"I meant more like your sister or your daughters." Beth told me and I gasped.

"But that's even more incest!" I told her, "that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid!"

"Nancy, calm down." Beth said, "I know these things are taboo but Rob has a medical condition that needs constant care and attention. Just one woman won't be enough to handle this kind of attention. He's sick. He can't help it. Now he could just go back to chafing himself, or you could start hiring hookers, but neither of these are going to work in the long term, and one is likely to lead to an STD and where would Rob be then?"

I sighed, "I just wish this hadn't happened to Rob." It was feeling rather hopeless, "what if he got a girlfriend?"

"Even then I don't think she could do all the work on her own. Rob's penis will need more care as the days go on if we don't figure it out soon. Which I'm working very hard on."

"How's that coming?" I asked.

"Slowly but surely. Actually I should probably get back to it." She glanced at her watch. "If you feel you can face everyone again, that is?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay. Thanks." I did feel a bit better but I was still worried out of my mind.

Beth left but when I was down I stopped in my tracks. Rob and Jade were making out at the table.


Kissing Jade was purely instinctual. Jenna said to ignore Mom and focus on my beautiful breast friend and I just went for it. Her tongue met mine and I was just so horny I began to paw at her breasts.

Jade leaned into my hands and moaned as we kissed. Her large breasts felt like heaven in my hands though I wish she wasn't wearing a shirt. Speaking of which I think Jade got over excited because she undid my pants and pulled my hard dick out.

I heard my Mom gasp and say, "I don't think, umm...."

Jade and I broke our kiss but I didn't look at Mom, instead staring deeply into jade's beautiful brown eyes, "I think I need some help with my condition," not the sexiest thing to say but whatever, "maybe we should go to my bedroom."

Jade glanced at my cock, then looked in my eyes and nodded. I put my dick back in my pants and put my arm around her.

"Uh don't..." Mom started to say but I left the room without acknowledging her like Jenna told me too. God, I really hoped this worked because I felt like a jerk.

When I got to my room, I was surprised when Jade started kissing me again. I broke the kiss, but still held her in my arms, "Are you sure about this Jade? I mean, I thought you just wanted to be friends."

"Fuck being friends!" She said passionately but a second later, "okay I didn't mean that. But I mean, you fucked your sister. It just makes me think that maybe Jenna is right. It's just sex. We can just be friends with benefits right?"

I started kissing her again in answer but a thought occurred to me, "You'd be okay if I kept fucking Violet too?"

Jade smiled, "and your mom and Alice. I think I just find it super hot that you'd fuck your own family, and they'd be willing to fuck back." We both laughed at the way she put that. "Are you going to fuck me now or what?"

I started kissing her again and soon we were both naked on my bed, she grabbed my cock and lined it up with her pussy. I couldn't believe I was about to fuck my best friend and crush of I don't even know how long. But still, I broke the kiss again, "are you sure about this Jade?"

"Stop asking me that?! Yes! But go slow, I'm kinda a virgin but even if I wasn't I'd have to get used to your big size either way, I think. You're so fucking hung!" She shouted as I began to enter Jenna's impossibly tight pussy.

I went slow like she said but with every inch I entered into her she wailed like a cat in heat. It was so hot how she moaned, I didn't even care that my whole family could hear her downstairs.

"Fuck me! I'm cumming! Fuck my pussy hard!" She shouted. I kissed her one more time before propping my body up with my arms so I could start thrusting in and out of her love canal like my life depended on it. Her pussy was so tight but also so wet that I had no more issues as I fucked her like a wild maniac with no regard for how loud we were being.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS THE BEST I'VE EVER FELT EVER! OOOHHHH FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!" She shouted as she started cumming again, her vaginal walls squeezing at my cock and heightening my pleasure madly. I didn't feel like cumming though, which was just odd after going so long without.

I grabbed her body and flipped it around on the bed, Jade was basically puddy in my hands as her body continued to convulse and she moaned. I'm not entirely sure she realized I moved her, my cock in her pussy the entire time I rotated her and then Jade was propped on the bed as I fucked her doggy style. She started moaning even louder as my cock went even deeper into her hot brown cunt from that angle, I loved it. She was so slick my cock got dangerously close to slipping out of her but I thrust back in all the way before it did so. God, this was fucking great, I thought.

Finally, after fucking like that for several minutes, I felt the need to cum. I wasn't sure if Jade was on the pill or not so I pulled out of her pussy and came all over her back. I turned her brown skin white, getting a majority of it all over her ass. "Sorry, I'm not sure if you're on the pill." I said.

"It's okay, I kinda like the feel of your cum on my skin actually" she said, "Oh fuck, I've never been fucked before but that was the best fuck ever!" She said, but she didn't move, "It feels like there's a lot of cum on me, maybe run grab a towel."

When I came back I wiped all my cum off her back and threw the towel in the trash can in my room since it was soaked with my sperm after that. Jade rolled onto her back, "I'm not on the pill," she said as she looked down at my still hard cock, "But I'm guessing no condoms would be big enough for your massive dong so I'll get on them as soon as possible." She likced her lips, "I'm ready for round two if you are."

Was I!


"FUCK ME! FUCK ME! I LOVE HOW YOU'RE FUCKING ME! AAHHHH! OOOOOHHHH! EEEEEE!" Were the sounds Jade was making from Rob's room. I had thought they might fuck, something I was thinking whether or not I'd be jealous about but listening to those hot sounds as Rob fucked her right then as me, my mom, and my sister all listened (Jenna had gone home, maybe to try to seduce her mother...) I was just horny. Nothing but horny. Part of me wondered if Mom would stop me if I went upstairs to watch/join in. Probably, I thought.

But as I thought of Mom and glanced over her I saw that she had a shocked expression on her face, but her hands we held firmly against her belly and looked like one was slowly inching up towards her breasts while the other was inching down towards her pussy and I knew this was making her very horny as well. And if Jenna was right, this would cause her to run straight into the arms of Rob, and I couldn't have that if I wanted to win.

"They sure are making a lot of noise, Mom." I said as I came up to her and put an arm on her shoulder, I really hope Jenna is right about increased touching, I thought as I tried not to look nervous or insecure like Jenna told me.

"Yes, so much noise," Mom said distantly. Then she seemed to snap back to reality, "Yeah, I should, um, make dinner." She took a few steps towards the kitchen counter and away from me.


Mom stopped in her tracks and I came around behind her and put my arms around her, hugging her from behind. "What are we making, Mom?" I asked. I made sure my arms just barely touched the underside of her breasts and I heard her make a very small and short moan. Maybe Jenna is onto something, I thought, wondering if I'd actually have a shot at seducing Mom, do I even want to do that? I asked myself, it was one thing to talk about it with Jenna, who was the most perverted person in this pretty perverted family, but entirely different to carry it out. Then I remembered, well, I want to win don't I? And, on a while, kissed the back of Mom's neck.

She stepped away from me again, rubbing the back of her neck and giving me a curious look. She ignored that I kissed her and said, "Um, I was thinking, um..."

"YES! CUM ALL OVER MY FACE! COVER ME IN IT!" Jade shouted from Rob's bedroom. I really wished I could be there.

"I think," Mom said after we heard that, "I think I'm going to go take a shower. I didn't take one after work." She didn't normally take one after work, but she walked out of the room. I followed her up the stairs at a distance, remembering what Jenna told me about invading Mom's boundaries, like in the shower, but I almost got caught when I went around the bend in our stairs and noticed Mom just standing there in the middle of the hallway and staring forlornly at Rob's door as the sound of his bedsprings started up again.

I guess he needed to cum a third time, I thought. And then glanced around the corner and Mom had gone into her room. I tiptoed up to the door and listened, not hearing anything I opened it. She was already in the bathroom. I snuck in and opened the bathroom door. There's locks on all these doors but Mom rarely locked any of them because she trusted us. As I pushed open the bathroom door I thought she probably shouldn't...

Mom was under the water staring at the shower wall. The water cascaded down her beautiful back. She really was beautiful.

I realized as I removed all my clothes that I actually had no qualms about having sex with a woman at that moment. I had licked Alice's pussy that morning, for one thing, and for another Mom was the most beautiful woman I think I'd ever seen. I mean, I knew a lot of beautiful women, but Mom was so hot. Her backside devoid any flaws, just total perfection incarnate. Her ass was angelic too and I came up behind her. I thought about just grabbing her ass right then and there, but instead I just stepped into the shower behind her.

She gasped and turned around, "Hey Mom," I said, trying not to sound like I was scared shitless because I was, "How long has it been since we took a shower together? Can I wash your back?"

Mom stared at me, she looked at my face and down my body. I felt a little shy as she stared at my boobs and then down further to look at my pussy. She was horny, absolutly aroused beyond all fucking reason. I could tell just by how she looked at me. And I knew what she needed right then.

I leaned in and kissed her. My tongue was in her mouth and she was kissing me back. Her hands were on my ass and she groped my buttocks and sent pleasure all throughout my body.

I put my hands on her tits and she immediately took one hand and moved it to get pussy and I started finger fucking her immediately. She took her hand and started fingering me too and we moaned through our noses as we finger fucked and kissed each other. Then Mom did something I didn't expect, with her other hand still on my ass she moved it slightly and shoved a finger up my asshole.

"Oh fuck Mom!" I broke our kiss to shout, "I've never been double penetrated before! I'm cumming!"

I came so hard I fell to my knees. Mom wordlessly grabbed my head and shoved it into her crotch. I started living lapping away at her folds. Absolutely addicted to the taste of my mother's cunt. It was heaven.

"Oh yes," she moaned above me as I kicked my mom's pussy, "eat me! You eat cunt almost as good as your brother! Fuck! I'm cumming!" She shouted and I swallowed as much as I could.

We came down from our orgasms and Mom seemed horrified at herself. She ran out of the bathroom, grabbing her new robe as she did.

"Mom, wait!" I shouted after her. But she was already gone.

Well, at least I won. I thought bitterly as I wondered if Mom was going to kick me out of the house.


I felt awful about what happened. But there was a part of me that was also a lot calmer. I knew I needed that. I needed to cum. And I needed someone else to make me orgasm. It was so much stronger and more emotional than if I had done it by my own hand.

But now I felt like I just fucked up my daughter's life...

When I came out of my bedroom with nothing but my robe on, which was newer as I bought it when I bought new clothes. It was silk and black so it wasn't see-through like the last one. I felt comfortable wearing it around the house.

I was thankful the sounds of Rob and Jade's passionate lovemaking had stopped and I could make dinner in silence. I thought about Rob then. Thinking how all his attention was on Jade now. That he didn't need me anymore to take care of his medical problem. And I knew this should have made me feel better, but instead it was just depressing me to no end.

At dinner everyone else seemed to be having a good enough time. Though Violet stayed in her room which I was somewhat grateful for, Pam talked about work. Alice wasn't staring non-stop at her phone for once. Rob and Jade's attention only seemed to be on each other. I felt...jealous. I also remembered the sounds of their passionate fucking and I got even more jealous. Like I had some sort of claim to my son. That Jade was now stealing from me.

After dinner, Jade called her mom to come pick her up but I went to bed before she got there. I listened to the sounds of the thunderstorm as I tried to sleep but I kept thinking about Rob. Did he not have any interest in me anymore now that he has Jade? Was there any reason for me to feel sexy anymore? Should I go in his room right now and fuck his brains out like Jade did earlier just to prove to myself that I could? These were crazy questions but I was feeling a bit crazy right then.

I heard the sound of my door opening and it surprised me, "Rob?" I said, not sure if I would send him away or not.

"No Mom, it's me," I recognized Violet's voice right away, I cringed but a part of me was glad it was her even though I was still beating myself up for fucking her earlier, "I had a bad dream and I was going I could sleep with you." Lightning lit up the room. Thunder soon followed.

"You'd still want to sleep with me," I said, looking at her in the brief flash of lightning, she was wearing a nightshirt and nothing else, "even after what I did earlier?"

"You didn't do anything Mom," Violet said, "nothing that I didn't want."

That surprised me but I lifted my blanket and let violet slide in next to me. I didn't even hesitate. As soon as she was close enough I grabbed her and started kissing my daughter passionately. Soon our hands were playing with each other's pussies and soon after that we sixty-nined on the bed and came all over each other's mouths and faces.

We fell asleep in each other's arms. I felt a lot better about what happened in the bathroom just then. Even if it was wrong in the eyes of society.
Next page: Chapter 18
Previous page: Chapter 17.1