Update 03

Sanjana and Vivek were lying on the bed. The next day was the first day of her new job and training as well. Sanjana was anxious not to know what to expect.

Vivek put his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Sanjana smiled a little and closed her eyes.

Vivek started kissing her neck and nuzzling around her neck. His hands reached her books and squeezed them hard.

"Ah.." Sanjana left out a yelp.

"Vivek, I am all tensed about tomorrow. Can we just sleep?" she asked him in a loving, pleading manner

"Sure. try to get some sleep" he said and rolled the other side.

Sanjana closed her eyes praying, "Oh God !! Big day tomorrow"..

Morning she got up early and quickly made some lunch, snacks for kids and got them to the college bus by 7:30.

She took a shower, dressed up meticulously for the next hour and was prompt on the dining table at 8:30. It was a 10 AM start and she had to leave in the next 30 mins.

"Honey, please take care of lunch. I could not prepare it." she told Vivek on the table.

"Thats ok Sanju. You take care and be on time. I will manage" he said lovingly.

She grabbed a toast with jam, juice and tool her bag and kissed him Good bye.

Sanjana was wearing a pink cotton saree. She wore a perfect fitting matching blouse. Her lipstick was just the right amount. The saree did not reveal much but made anyone who looked at take a second stare.

Sanjana always had this effect on men. Whoever looked at her, would steal another glance for sure. Some outrightly .. Some without anyone noticing..

At the office,

Sanjana arrived on time for the training and got introduced to the other members who had come there for training. She quickly understood that she was the least qualified in the lot

"I really need to work hard on this training, if I have to keep my job" she thought to herself.

The trainers were from a top B college and the training started.

Sanjana was totally down after the first few days of training as she could not even get the jokes they were cracking. Daily post training she would feel drained. She would cry at home alone and to Vivek. Vivek did his best to console her.

But she felt he could not understand it.

After a week of training, the cheif trainer called Sanjana.

"How do think the training is going ?" he asked with a smile.

Sanjana burst out. She could not control her tears and cried. Sanjana quickly controlled her tears. She felt is was very unprofessional at this stage.

"You need to work hard Sanjana. You are capable but you need extra assistance. I will have Prof. Swami focus on you separately" he said.

Sanjana thanked him.

Swami was a task master and Sanjana was loaded completely. Slowly she stopped doing any work at home. Every morning she would get up, get ready and come to office. Go home late, eat and sleep.

Vivek was completlely taking care of kids and the house. He also stopped looking for his job. He wanted a cool off time to have his older work image go away.

Sex was non-existant as Sanjana was always tired. She would feel the urge at times but the tiredness will call off everything.

Over the next few weeks, Sanjana started doing extremely well at the training. She regained confidence and was almost among the top 5 in the batch. She was very proud and continued to strive hard.

The role reversal at home was obvious as Vivek became the acting mom for the kids and Sanjana the bread winner.

The training was complete and Sanjana travelled to the head office in the USA for a week. It was a totally new experience for her and her confidence was sky high now.

At the last day of training, she was shaking her hands with Swami and the cheif trainer.

"Sanjana, how did the training go ?" the trainer asked and smiled.

"Wonderful Sir. I know i can do this now. All thanks goes to you and Prof. Swami sir" she replied with a confident smile.

"Wow Sanjana, look how confident you are. You should reserve your thanks to this company. They paid us extra to make sure you shine. This is a golden opportunity. You should make the best use of this."

"Sure sir !!"

"From tomorrow you will report to your CEO. Have a great career ahead of you. Best wishes" the cheif said and left.

Sanjana was over the moon. She had completed training and she was ready to get started.

Sanjana was in a bubbly mood from morning. She carefully chose her saree and took great care making her hair. It was the first day of real work at MAS and she was all pepped up. The training had given her the confidence so the butterflies in her stomach had settled down greatly.

"Vivek.. How do I look ?" Sanjana asked. She does not ask this very often. So Vivek stopped the stove and came out with a ladle in his handle.

Sanjana was wearing a dark green saree with a tight matching blouse. The blouse showed off her bosom well and marked the beautiful curves of her upper body. She was twisting slowly in front of Vivek so that he could see her fully. Her creamy white complexion was in complete contrast to the saree and the short sleeve on the blouse showed a considerable part of her upper arm and hands. The upper arm was blemish-free and smoothness could be felt just looking at its pinkishness.

Vivek could see the deep cut back again the creamy whiteness contrasting with the dark green blouse. As he scanned her below her blouse, Sanjanas rear was tightly wrapped in saree. Her 36 sized ass was accentuated perfectly by the tightly worn saree and her smooth creamy hips were visible between the jacket and the saree below. His eyes travelled along the hipline trying to catch her sexy belly button but that was hidden in the darkness behind the saree.

"Wow..you look gorgeous today" he blurted out drinking in her perfect figure and structure.

"Hey Vivek, is it sexy ??? I just want to dress professionally. I don't want to wear something inappropriate" Sanjana was worried with Vivek's expression.

"No No.. Its not over-the-top sexy. It is professional. But you look strikingly beautiful in this saree and fit"

"Is it ?" Sanjana was proud .. She smiled.

"Good then. Its time for me for office. Please take care of the house. i will be back soon" she said and picked her bag

"Ok darling" Vivek said and approached her for a kiss.

"Oh Oh. not now darling my makeup and saree will get disturbed" she said and gave a flying kiss and hopped out.

Vivek left out a sigh and continued his cooking.

Sanjana entered the office and she directly went to the CEO's office in the 9th floor and knocked at his door.


"Come in Sanjana" Mukesh said.

"Good to see you back. I have been hearing about the progress you had made in your training. How did it go?" Mukesh said as he closed a file in front of him.

"Have a seat" he showed the seat in front of his table.

"Thank you sir. It was a great training and I am very thankful to you and this company for this opportunity sir"

"Good. You will have ample chances to show your gratitude. There is lot of work to be done and I am sure you are raring to go as well"

"Yes sir. I am eager to get started and work on the tasks"

"Ok. Lets get to business then. We have a big deal from an American Company.This is a multi million dollor deal running into 5 years. You should know by now how hard it is to get through such big deals."

Mukhesh paused and continued.

"This company is a customer of our competition for the past 10 years and by some really smart moves by our Chairman now they are ready to consider us for this high value contract."

Sanjana was all ears..

"Now the whole bid process will go on for atleast a month and you will be actively involved in this bid. In fact, this will be your first real world assignment"

Sanjana was keenly listening to Mukhesh and acknowledging his words.

"Our Chairman and founder will be directly involved in this bid and you will be assisting him directly. He will be coming to this office today afternoon and will be using this room.

I will be moving out for a month to the empty room across the hall. Once the bid is over, you will report back to me and we can get on with other projects and work."

"Is this clear" Mukhesh asked in a firm tone indicating that he was done with explaining the work. He looked at her if she had any questions.

"Clear sir" sanjana said.

"Good. Again, this is a great opportunity for you to work directly with our Chairman. He built this whole empire all by himself. There is immense learning working with him directly and winning this bid will put you in a different plane altogether"

"Thank you sir. I will do my best. I am very happy that you trusted and proposed me for this to the Chairman. I am honoured sir. I will keep up your trust"

"Sanjana, you know that I did not do anything. Don't you ? He was the one who gave a strong recommendation to hire you and he was very concerned about how you did in the training" Mukhesh

Sanjana was SHOCKED to say the least. "What i thought it was Priya's recommendation.. Why will the Chairman recommend me..??" her mind was racing fast.

"I was not surprised when he asked for you to assist him in this project. He always hires the right people. You should have known that by now otherwise why will he hire me" Mukhesh laughed hard his heavy body shaking, at his own joke.

Sanjana artificially laughed at his joke. She was a nervous wreck internally. " Oh God !! Is this some kind of a false identity. The chairman is going to see me and throw me out ?" again her mind was racing badly..

"Our chairman is Mr. Chandrasekar sir right?" Sanjana blurted She knew about him when they spoke about him in the training.

"OH haha ." Mukesh thundered with a laugh and said, "Now you are acting as though you don't know him.. Ha Ha.. He will be here today afternoon. You tell me.." he winked.

"Thank you sir" Sanjana faked another laugh.

"Ok Sanjana, you can meet Mrs. Sneha, our chairman's secretary at the secretary's cabin" he pointed to a door on the left of his seat. Sanjana had noticed that door when she came the first time for interview but did not know it was the secretary's cabin.

She also noticed another door behind the chair, which she beleived should be the washroom.

"OK sir"

Mukesh took out his desk phone, "Sneha, Sanjana is here" and hung up.

The door on his left opened within a minute and Sneha walked in. Sneha looked around 40. She was medium complexioned with firm medium sized boobs. Her hip curved shapefully and ended in the perfect ass you could dream of. It was raised, jutting out a little and curved in very sexy way.

With Sneha standing, if a drop of water travelled from her bare back and reached the bare soft ass will it continue to trickle down her ass and thigh OR will if fall of the peak of her ass jumping out like a ski - This would have been a hot debate when this beauty was in college. Now she was 40 and was sexy as hell.

Ok the description over the last 2 lines would have been the thoughts had you or me seen her coming out in the saree like that.

What Sanjana saw was another beautiful lady who looked professional and attractive at the same time.

"Hello Sanjana, lets go to our room" Sneha smiled extending her hand

Sanjana shook hands, "Nice to meet you, Sneha"

They walked towards the secretary's cabin.

Sanjana looked around the room. It had 2 doors, one to enter the office of the CEO and the other directly to the corridor. The room had table and chairs and was spacious with a cupboard, fridge and other amenities.

"Sit down Sanjana" Sneha said as she sat in her chair

"Congratulations on the job and its a great that your first assignment is with the Chairman himself" she said.

Sanjana could sense a pang of jealousy clearly in her tone. "Of course she is the Principal secretary of the Chairman and if he chooses me over her for this assignment, she is going to be upset" she thought.

Also Sanjana knew that she had to have a cordial relationship with Sneha if she had to get past this unknown Chairman. Moreover, Sanjana was pretty sure that is was a case of mistaken identity with the chairman.

"Yes Sneha and I will need all your help if I have to do atleast a little well in this assignment. Will you help me?" she asked in a submissive tone.

Sneha was upbeat hearing this and said,

"Don't worry Sanjana, I am here to help. We will be good friends from here on" Sneha was relieved that Sanjana was not a haughty MBA grad from some reputed college showing attitude. She liked the was Sanjana respected her seniority and position.

"Look, I will be in the Chairman's office for the next one month. He will be here working on the new bid and you will be taking this room. I have to take care of his office in his absense. That's why he chose you to assist him" Sneha wanted to assert her position with Sanjana clearly.

"But don't worry the other office is just 20 min drive from here. I will come here, if he becomes unhandleable or you come and meet me if you need anything" Sneha added.

"Ok Sneha. Thanks a lot. You are very helpful" Sanjana blurted.

"OK. You may have buy some business attire like some skirts, tops and jackets. There will be client meetings from next week. Better get some and get comfortable wearing them"

"Oh. Ok. So no sarees ?"

"No. Not like that. You can wear sarees and ofcourse thats what we normally wear to office. But for some client meetings, esp. this American client, it would be better to have some meetings in full business attire"

"Sure. I will purchase them"

"Good. Take this file. This is confidential and there are no soft copies of this. Read this carefully before afternoon. You are meeting with the chairman today"

"Okay Sneha and thanks for everything" Sanjana got up and left.

With a million questions running in her mind, she took a deep breath, walked to the temperory cabin on the general seating area of the 9th floor and sat and started reading about the bid.

Afternoon 1PM. Sanjana was engrossed in the file reading about the bid. It looked extremely complex and she was having a really hard time when her desk phone rang.


"Sanjana this is Sneha. Can you come over to the CEOs room here ?"

"Yes Sneha. In a minute" Sanjana jumped up and took the file and walked to the CEO's room.

She opened the door after knocking and saw the CEO sitting on guest seat. The main chair was turned the other way and the chairman was on the seat. Sanjana could only see his back. Sneha was standing nearby with some files in her hand. She bent down pointing something on the file, the chairman was reading.

"Good Afternoon Sir" Sanjana wished the CEO.

"Good Afternoon Sanjana. Sir, Sanjana is here" the CEO said to the Chairman.

"Well. Thanks Mukhesh. Please go ahead and carry on with your meetings. I will take care. We will meet again in the morning tomorrow" the chairman said. He was still engrossed in the file and did not turn his chair to face them.

"Thank you sir" Mukhesh said and left the room.

Sneha told something to the chairman and she left the room as well.

The chairman turned his chair in a swivel and faced Sanjana

"Hello Sanjana" the baritone voice said.

Sanjana was SHOCKED.. She froze for a few seconds..

"Anand..sir..but..Chandrasekar..you." she stammered not knowing what to speak.

"Sanjana, my name is Anand Chandrasekar, Chairman of Chandra group of companies which owns MAS and few other companies. People close to me call Anand. You can too" he smiled.

Anand was 60+ but did not look his age at all. He had a good height, was fair. His hair was scarce but not bald. The eyes behind the gold framed spectacles were sharp and looking directly at Sanajana.

His frame was not too lean but looked very fit.

"What Sanjana, can we get started with our work or you have any other questions today" Anand leaned forward picking up the file from his table.

Sanjana quickly traveled the past 1.5 months. So Anand has recommended to his CEO for the job. They had paid heaviliy for the training and also got a bond from me. This bastard has planned and trapped me well.

But how did Priya get involved. Sanjana could not connect that dot. But she knew what she had to do.

She quickly turned and started walking towards the door.

"Stop. What the hell are you doing. Walking out like this" Anand thundered..

The firmness and seriousness of his tone tied Sanjana's legs and she turned to face Anand.

"I don't want to work for a perverted man like you.. looking to prey on helpless women like me" she charged back.

"Hold your tongue or you will have to pay. I don't think you want to lose your job, have a few cases filed against you at this point. Do you?. Now shut up and listen" Anand said in a firm, angry tone. His voice sounded angry but he did not raise his voice.

"Sanjana, I saw you in the apartment complex and i liked what I saw. I am a virile man and like to have my women. When you friend told to me about your husband's situation, I offered him the country manager's position in a company in return for a couple of nights with you" he paused.

"It was a good proposal if you ask me. You said no and I was fine. I continued to notice you guys were in deep rut and I felt pity and wanted to help and henced recommended to this position here" he added.

"We have a complete background check of you and we know you are capable of this job. The recruitment, training, position, bid everything is damn real and I have made this possible for you" he paused for a second.

"I did not force this upon nor did I ask something in return for this job. I know what I want from you and I WILL GET IT. I am not going to force or bang you. Be matured and make a decision" he stopped again.

Sanjana's head was reeling.

"Yes, he had offered this job, but the job was real, the training was real. She had read the bid document. It was real. Everything was correct. Except his indecent proposal.. Yes he cannot bang me here. I am protected in this company." Sanjana was speaking to herself.

"Look, either pick up the file and we can start our work or resign and get lost". I have work to do now - Anand said firmly and picked up the file.

Sanjana's hands started shaking. Where will she go for 20L now ? and what about Vivek and the kids without a job. She looked at Anand. He was seriously looking into the file. He did not look very threatening to her now.

"Sir. I am sorry.. I was shocked. I could not gather my self"

"Its OK." he said curtly.

"Sir. Can you give me a break today ? I am not feeling very well. I want to go home. Can I come tomorrow morning ?"

"Hmm. OK. But we don't have a lot of time on this bid. When you come tomorrow, come with a decision and don't waste my time" Anand said.

"Ththank you sir" she blurted and walked to the door with her heads down..

Anand raised his head and saw her walk towards the door.. her ass swaying in the tight saree, he watched her fair hips on the contrasting green saree.. the sound of the anklets in the calm room.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as though sucking in Sanjana's smell..

"Hmmm..I am a hunter darling. I like to watch, wait, plot and trap my prey. Once the prey is trapped, i like to play with it, push it till it almost begs me to kill it.

I will kill when it enjoys the kill.. when it wants to be killed.. you are my prey and this game is going to be interesting. Ha Ha.

You know, it is boring to have girls just fall over you and fuck you for money.. whats the fun. I will take my time with a prime piece of meat like you." he was talking to himself.

"Ha Ha.. " Anand laughed slowly as Sanjana walked out and the door closed.

"THE GAME HAS JUST BEGUN and its going to be a HELL OF A RIDE.. " he said out loud swiveling his chair.​
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