Update 09
The next day morning she got a text from Sneha
"Come to my office at 9 AM. Need to meet you and talk for a couple of hours" it read.
"Sure Sneha. See you at 9" she texted back
Sanjana was lost in thoughts the whole time she got ready. She did not speak much with Vivek nor the kids. She got ready in a lost state and went out sharply at 8:30 going towards Sneha's office to meet her.
She reached her office and knocked at her door at 9 AM sharp.
"Come in Sanjana" Sneha said
"Good Morning Sneha !!" Sanjana said with hesitation and smiled nervously at her. She did not know what to expect. Will Sneha be good to her first of all or will she think her as competition. And what is he going to say about Anand's mysterious requirement - "You need to do everything that Sneha does. will it be . " Sanjana's thoughts were running wild.
"Sit down Sanjana. lets talk about this in detail.. Do you want a coffee or something" Sneha asked
"No.. i am ok"
"Wait" Sneha said and took her landline and spoke something into it.
"OK. Lets get started straightaway Sanjana. Anand sir told to me about what he talked to you yesterday. He is looking to elevate you to my position" Sneha said in a matter-of-fact tone and looked at Sanjana
Sanjana looked at Sneha and bowed her head not knowing what to answer.
"You have impressed him immensely.. i can see that. Its not easy to become the secretary of Anand sir. I know how hard it was for me and what I had to do to finally get it" Sneha sighed as she said it.
"I don't want to become a competition for you Sneha. This was not what i wanted or expected.. I." Sanjana said in an apologetic tone.
"No.. No.. don't worry about it. I am getting a good position in Singapore with a good raise. I will still work under Anand sir but remotely." Sneha said.
Sanjana was relieved that Sneha was not mad at her and did not think her as competition.
"Thanks Sneha. I was so worried that this will create a wedge between us"
"Don't be silly. I have been in the corporate world for quite some time now and I know to play my cards as well. I can't waste my time being jealous" Sneha laughed out load.
Sanjana was relieved at how the conversation was going
Knock Knock..
"Yes Come in " Sneha said.
A well dressed office assistant entered with a tray which had a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses. He came and placed it on the table and said.
"Mam, shall I.. "
"No. Thank you Prem !! I will take care" Sneha said. Prem bowed and left the room quickly.
"Sanjana what are you looking at .. so puzzled. We have both got a promotion and don't we have to celebrate" Sneha said smiling at Sanjana.
Sneha got up and opened the bottle and started pouring it on the glasses.
"Sneha, I don't drink.. that too in office hours"
"Sanjana, very good .. now this is the first thing you need to learn if you want to work for Anand. Don't say no to a drink. You can take more or less as per your taste and choice but never say that you don't drink" Sneha said
"Do you get me ?" Sneha asked Sanjana extending her arm with a glass to Sanjana
"Also you will need this for our discussion today and I have already communicated to Anand sir. You can get back home after our meeting. So don't worry" Sneha said handing over a glass to Sanjana
Sanjana got the glass from Sneha but did not say anything.
Sneha brought her glass in front of Sanjana and said, "Cheers"
They clinked her glasses and Sanjana took her first sip of alcohol in her life. It was fizzy and somewhat sour as she closed her eyes and swallowed the first sip.
"Thats a good girl" encouraged Sneha and Sanjana smiled in weakly.
After a few more sips and talking about the some of the perks they would be getting with this promotion, Sanjana's mood lightened significantly. They were conversing like friends discussing a promotion with drinks.
"Sanjana, this is a dream come true offer for you" Sneha said.
"I know Sneha. If someone has said this a couple of months back i would have laughed at them"
"Hmm.. I know your situation. We reviewed your file before hiring which had your family's current situation clearly" Sneha said.
"Yes. It had been a horrific past few months. We are back breathing only now." Sanjana replied. A mention of the family made the smile on Sanjana's face vanish for a second.
"I know.. I know.. but you deserve this. You are smart and you are capable" Sneha said
"Thanks Sneha. I am gifted to have people like you support me in my quick growth. I have always heard that in the corporate world people are always jealous and keen on pulling others down.. But, i have seen completely opposite people."
"Sanjana, I always look for what is good for Anand sir and the company. Thats the trust Anand sir has on me. I take care of him and he takes care of me" Sneha replied.
"You are good for him" Sneha said and looked at Sanjana intently.
Sanjana did notice the change in tone and looked at Sneha puzzlingly.
"Sanjana, there is something important that I need to discuss regarding this offer to you' Sneha started.
"Anand sir is a lonely person. He spends almost all his waking time in business and work. He gets overwhelmed with all that work and needs a break now and then. He needs company and you need to give him the company he needs as his secretary" Sneha added.
Sanjana knew the inevitable was going to come out of Sneha's mouth any moment. She was all tensed listening carefully to Sneha.
"Yes, Sanjana.. I know what you are thinking and I also mean the same. He is a virile man and has his manly needs that only a woman can serve. You are perfect for him" she continued.
"Anand sir has girls as young as 18 falling all over him.. You will see that in the parties and public events he attends. But he has his tastes and choices. You will fit him perfectly and I know that"
Sanjana was at the moment she feared from the morning.. She looked at Sneha ..
Sanjana was at the moment she feared from the morning.. She looked at Sneha . She was at a loss for words. Her throat started to dry up as she was searching for the right words.
"Sanjana.. why are you so confused" Sneha said.
"Its nothing wrong. You need this job and you are good at it. The boss-employee relationship will be better with this companionship. You can grow up the ladder pretty quickly" Sneha continued.
"You know what. he is better than any man you can get" Sneha smiled wickedly.
Sanjana felt a rushing feeling between her thighs. She was too confused to speak up. She had started from home expecting this and she knew she wanted the job then why was she not ready with an answer.. Sanjana was chiding herself for her indecisiveness.
"OK Sanjana, i think i have told enough about this. If you want take the time today and decide. There is no force you know.. But if you are not up to this let me know by tomorrow. I need to make alternate plans. I don't want Anand sir to suffer because of this, you know.. " Sneha said curtly.
Sanjana's head was reeling with the champagne and all the information she just got..
"Ok. I am close to a life I can only dream of put in a platter and served to me.. and .. and.. if i say NO.. they will take all that from me in a day . Oh god.. what should i do ?" Sanjana was pressing her hands and fidgeting heavily.
Sneha came near her and touched her shoulder.
"You are a good friend to me Sanjana.. but i have my loyalty towards Anand sir.. Please be a smart girl and say yes.. okay ?" Sneha said.
"Thanks for everything Sneha .. please dont mistake me.. I am very confused. Please give me this day to think about it. please.. and i respect you a lot for doing all this for me.. please dont mistake me.." Sanjana pleaded.
"Thats ok.. Now take this" Sneha handed a parcel to Sanjana.
"This has a saree. If you are ok with the terms I said now, you can wear this sarree to office tomorrow and meet Anand sir. He will understand" Sneha said as Sanjana got the parcel.
"Ok Sneha.. Thanks for everything" Sanjana said.
Sanjana walked towards the door.
"By the way.. wear the saree and blouse without bra and panties. He likes it that way" Sneha winked and laughed out loud.
Sanjana had the same tingling between her thighs and opened the door without any further comments.
Sanjana was a nervous wreck as she started back home..
Sanjana entered her home .
Vivek was shocked to see her return so early in the day and asked her
"Hey what is the problem. Are you not feelng well?"
"No Vivek. Its a planned day off. I need to think over some office stuff" she replied.
"Oh ok. you look tired. Do you want a tea or something"
Sanjana was feeling a heavy head with the first time alcohol consumption and a tea sounded good and she nodded.
Vivek came to her with the tea and gave it to her.
"Any problem ?" he asked.
Sanjana thought it was the right time to speak with Vivek.
"Vivek. there is a problem and I think it may cost me the job" she said calmly.
"WHAT ???" Vivek screamed.
"What is happening Sanjana.. just now things started to work out for us and you are saying the job will be gone.. what will we do.. Just a day back i spoke with the bank about pending payments.. we have the big colleges fees coming up next week.. I dont.. what.. why.." Vivek was rambling
Sanjana calmly looked at him and said.
"Vivek calm down.. Allow me to think for a while.. please"
"Sanjana don't put everything inside your head alone.. tell me and i will see if i can help" he said.
"Vivek. listen fully without getting tensed ok. I met Sneha today regarding the secretary position for Anand sir" Sanjana started.
"mm.. Ok" Vivek responded listening carefully.
"Everything is ok regarding the position. There is only one condition she has."
Vivek almost knew where this was going..
"Yes. it is the same thing we feared.. She says that i need to.. I need to.. for Anand.." Sanjana swallowed a lot of words.. She did not have the courage to blurt out the exact thing in front of her husband
"Filthy people. How could they take advantage like this.." she seethed.
Vivek was quite for a few moments .. lost in thoughts.. Sanjana was silent as well.
Vivek broke the silence and said, " Sanjana. Is it for one time or one day thing they are asking"
Sanjana was shocked to hear this from Vivek. She expected him to join her abusing Anand and Sneha.
"What are you asking Vivek. ? I don't know.. I don't know whether they want for a day or a lifetime" she answered angrily.
"So.. did Sneha say.. means.. did she .. like what Anand wants.. like.. " Vivek stammered.
Sanjana was taken aback seeing Vivek asking about more specifics..
"What do you want to know Vivek? Do you want to me ask her about whether I should fuck my boss or just be around and flirt? How do you even think i can ask her or talk like this" Sanjana said in a really angry and pissed off tone.
"Sanjana .. please dont get angry.. I am just seeing if we can get out of this without quitting the job" Vivek said bowing his head down.
Sanjana cast a dirty look at him..
"I don't know anything might happen," she said curtly.
There was a long silence in the room. Vivek had his head down and Sanjana was thinking hard.
"What do you say Vivek. should I quit the job and start looking out" Sanjana asked him
"Please tell YES and put a full stop to my misery" she thought to herself.
In this situation, she wanted her husband to put his foot down and stop her which would make her life easy she thought.
"Its your call Sanjana. Whatever . you .. decide.. is . ok" Vivek trailed off in the last part out of shame.
Sanjana opened her eyes in disbelief and looked at Vivek like a worm..
"Are you sure, Vivek? Do you understand what you are saying?" she clarified.
"Sanjana.. I am .. I ..cant .. get a job.. this is out only bread winning option right now.. At the same time.. I want you to be comfortable with anything you do. I don't .. want.. anything.. you dont like. " Vivek was blabbering ..
Sanjana put her palms on her face hiding her whole face and eyes. Tears rolled down her eyes within her palm. She did not reveal it. She silently sat there for a few minutes without talking anything. Vivek bowed down his head and closed his eyes.
After what looked like eternity, Sanjana removed her palm from her face and wiped her face clean with a towel nearby. .
She let out a deep breath and sighed loud. Her face was clear and serious. Vivek looked at her and understood she had taken the decision.
"Yes. I have to do it. I have to do it- I WILL DO IT" she mumbled softly within herself.
Turning to Vivek, she said, " I have made the decision to take the offer. Anything might happen and i am prepared for it. I dont want you to question me on this, EVER AGAIN" she said firmly.
"Do you UNDERSTAND CLEARLY ?" she asked again.
"Yes, Sanjana, whatever you say and decide, i will not question" Vivek mumbled without raising his head.
Sanjana quickly got up took the saree parcel and went to her room.
Inside her room, she locked the door and opened the parcel.
It was a light pink saree. It was simple, soft and elegant. Sanjana felt that the material was a bit thin. She moved the saree and found a blouse and in-skirt as well. The blouse was pink in color and was thin too. She opened it and found that it had a very short sleeve.
Sanjana turned the blouse around and noticed it was stitched to fit her perfectly. She sighed and put that aside and saw the in-skirt. It was a bit above the knee and was in cream color matching the pink color saree.
Sanjana put all the clothes aside and looked at the box to find a small note. It read
"Good Girl !! No Panty or bra" - Sanjana knew it was Sneha.
She left out a huge sigh. She thought to herself
"There is no point backing out at this point. I need this job and this career. I need to handle Anand sir and if I have to go beyond a limit, SO BE IT. I can't back out not and leave the whole family and my career in deep deep trouble. I will do this for my family and Vivek and I will make sure that i am in control"
She made up her mind, got up and freshened up. She had a silent dinner with Vivek and kids. She knew it would be a long day tomorrow. So she went to bed early and laid down deep in thoughts.
Vivek entered the bedroom and silently moved to the other side of the bed. Sanjana looked at him and said,
"Vivek, i need to talk to you"
"Yes, Sanjana tell me" he said without looking at her. He sat on the other side of the bed facing the wall.
Sanjana got up and moved towards his side of the bed. She was facing his back. She kept her hand on his shoulder.
Vivek started to shake and Sanjana could hear muffled sobs.
"Vivek, what is this ?" she panicked. He was crying with his face on his palms.
"No. This.. all. this.. is because of me. I don't know what to do" he managed to say between sobs.
Sanjana put her arms around his shoulders in a consoling manner
"See, there is no point in feeling miserable about the situation any further than this. We have cried enough, I think"
Vivek stopped his sobs a bit and looked up. His eyes were red.
"Vivek, i have made up my mind. I am going to take this up. "
Vivek was silent. He looked intently at Sanjana and she continued.
"We have come a long way in this and I am not looking back. We need to get our family back on track and I need to get my career back on track for that. There is no point in getting back to bad debts and sleepless nights"
"Vivek.. " she said holding his hand.
"You have to trust me - I LOVE YOU and will love you always. There is no other person in my life. This is just a passing phase and it is only. .. physical.." Sanjana lowered her as she said the inevitable.
"Sanju .. I want you to do only what you feel is right," Vivek said.
" Vivek, I will not do anything that I am not comfortable with and NOBODY can force me" she said strongly. She felt a bit bad that Vivek did not tell her to quit the job when she mentioned getting physcial outright in the open. She did not expect it from him but however just thought that it would put an end to the misery if he was strong enough to say no.
"Ok.. Ok.. sanjana. ok" Vivek stumbed on words as he has accepting to the fact that his wife will be used by her boss.
They hugged for a second and said I love you and went to bed.
Sanjana could not sleep.. Her husband knows and has agreed to her sleeping with her boss, twice her age. She felt a shiver run through her spine thinking of the next day.
Sanjana woke up early in the morning. It was a disturbed sleep. She took her morning shower and stood in front of the mirror
She looked at her naked reflection on the mirror. Sanjana had pretty firm breasts for a mother of 2 kids and she stayed in good shape overall. Her highlights were her blemish free and soft/supple skin and well endowed figure. She was not a model type but what Indian men love, more of a fully rounded figure with good set of boobs and an ass to kill for. She looked at her for sometime thinking, "What is this Anand after ?.. why does he want me so badly"
She took a white bra and pink panty from her draw and wore it. She took out the jacket from the parcel and tried it. It was very tight with the bra. It would be perfect fit without the bra. How did they know my size so well.. she mused and tied on the saree. It was a perfect fit.
She touched up her makeup and looked at the mirror. The saree was completely figure hugging and with the sleeveless blouse on, her creamy shoulders and arm were exposed.Her fair hips were showing just below the blouse and the hips had a partial dent indicating the voluptuous upper body. Her lips were naturally red and with a touch of lipstick they seemed like pieces of strawberry split and dipped in honey.
Sanjana drew in a long breath. Her mind was not on the work. She was going to stand in front of her boss ready to be used the way he wants to and how will she be thinking of work.
She came out of her room
"Vivek, I am leaving to office. Take care of the kids" she said
Vivek was stunned to see her saree and sleeveless blouse but did not ask anything. She had not told him about the package.
"Ok. Eat somthing" he said.
"No Vivek. I will take it in the office.. and I am not sure about when i will return. I will message you" she said in a matter of fact tone.
The words wrenched at Vivek's heart.. His wife may be late from office because she may have to ..sleep with the boss.. The thought made him miserable but at the same time he could feel his penis stir a bit.
Sanjana took the bag and walked out of the flats. All the way to office she could feel men and even boys ogling at her. The college boy from the opposite flat got down from his bike to say Good morning to her. Sanjana knew she was good looking but off late she had started noticing the obvious ogles more ..
She reached the office and went inside her room. She was sweating a bit from the commute and the tension. She drank a big glass of water and sat in her chair.
RRiingggg.. The desk phone startled her.
"Sanjana can you come to my cabin in 10 mins" Anand's voice on the other side.
"Ye. Yes. Sir" she said still startled.
Sanjana got from her chair. She was fidgeting with the saree corner and was in random thoughts.. She walked up and down the room a few times fidgeting with the saree.. She stopped and took a deep breath and walked into her restroom.
After 3-4 minutes she came out of the restroom. She had the white bra and pink panty in her hands and quickly pulled the draw and threw them inside. Yes. she was bra-less and panty-less.
Sanjana could feel the tight blouse pressing on her nipples and an unusual airy feel down under. These sensations mixed with the reality of Anand sir in the adjacent room made her pussy slit slightly wet.. her nipples hardened a bit and were poking against the pink see through blouse almost showing a small dark brownish bump. She adjusted the saree to cover the obvious and got ready to knock the door.
"He is going to touch me.. kiss me .. and . and.yes.. he will fuck me.. Sanjana don't react to this.. Everything is going to be ok" she talked to herself preparing for the onslaught she was going to receive and knocked at the door.
"Yes.. Come in" Anand said.
"Good mornnig .. sir" Sanjana said with hesitation.
Anand looked up at Sanjana and continued non-chalently
"Sanjana, that land deal has been finalized. Just now Ashok came and informed me. We should be signing the contract today. Can you review this and let me know quickly" he said without looking at her
"Yes. sir.." Sanjana said confused that he was not even raising his head after that initial look. Anand was busy writing some thing. "Did he not see my dress ?" she thought to herself
"Good.. the file is on the table .. the red one. ." he said still busy with his work.
"Ok sir" Sanjana said and picked up the file and asked "Shall I leave"
"Yes. Yes.. i will see you in an hour after you review the contract" he said still engrossed on the papers.
Sanjana moved out of his room and entered her cabin completely puzzled.
"What the hell.. I am standing in front of him wearing the saree he sent without a bra and he does not care to even look properly.. what is he thinking " she asked herself.
She checked herself in the mirror. She looked heavenly and raunchy at the same time. She took her eyes off the mirror unable to see her that sexy. Her nipples hardened further and she was upset at the indifference from Anand.
"How could he ignore me like this.. Does he not want me now" she thought.
What a change.. The same chaste housewife who was trying to hide from this predating rich man 2 months back was now upset that he did not pay attention to her raunchiness. Hmm.. and she was not even fully aware of this transformation..
"Come to my office at 9 AM. Need to meet you and talk for a couple of hours" it read.
"Sure Sneha. See you at 9" she texted back
Sanjana was lost in thoughts the whole time she got ready. She did not speak much with Vivek nor the kids. She got ready in a lost state and went out sharply at 8:30 going towards Sneha's office to meet her.
She reached her office and knocked at her door at 9 AM sharp.
"Come in Sanjana" Sneha said
"Good Morning Sneha !!" Sanjana said with hesitation and smiled nervously at her. She did not know what to expect. Will Sneha be good to her first of all or will she think her as competition. And what is he going to say about Anand's mysterious requirement - "You need to do everything that Sneha does. will it be . " Sanjana's thoughts were running wild.
"Sit down Sanjana. lets talk about this in detail.. Do you want a coffee or something" Sneha asked
"No.. i am ok"
"Wait" Sneha said and took her landline and spoke something into it.
"OK. Lets get started straightaway Sanjana. Anand sir told to me about what he talked to you yesterday. He is looking to elevate you to my position" Sneha said in a matter-of-fact tone and looked at Sanjana
Sanjana looked at Sneha and bowed her head not knowing what to answer.
"You have impressed him immensely.. i can see that. Its not easy to become the secretary of Anand sir. I know how hard it was for me and what I had to do to finally get it" Sneha sighed as she said it.
"I don't want to become a competition for you Sneha. This was not what i wanted or expected.. I." Sanjana said in an apologetic tone.
"No.. No.. don't worry about it. I am getting a good position in Singapore with a good raise. I will still work under Anand sir but remotely." Sneha said.
Sanjana was relieved that Sneha was not mad at her and did not think her as competition.
"Thanks Sneha. I was so worried that this will create a wedge between us"
"Don't be silly. I have been in the corporate world for quite some time now and I know to play my cards as well. I can't waste my time being jealous" Sneha laughed out load.
Sanjana was relieved at how the conversation was going
Knock Knock..
"Yes Come in " Sneha said.
A well dressed office assistant entered with a tray which had a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses. He came and placed it on the table and said.
"Mam, shall I.. "
"No. Thank you Prem !! I will take care" Sneha said. Prem bowed and left the room quickly.
"Sanjana what are you looking at .. so puzzled. We have both got a promotion and don't we have to celebrate" Sneha said smiling at Sanjana.
Sneha got up and opened the bottle and started pouring it on the glasses.
"Sneha, I don't drink.. that too in office hours"
"Sanjana, very good .. now this is the first thing you need to learn if you want to work for Anand. Don't say no to a drink. You can take more or less as per your taste and choice but never say that you don't drink" Sneha said
"Do you get me ?" Sneha asked Sanjana extending her arm with a glass to Sanjana
"Also you will need this for our discussion today and I have already communicated to Anand sir. You can get back home after our meeting. So don't worry" Sneha said handing over a glass to Sanjana
Sanjana got the glass from Sneha but did not say anything.
Sneha brought her glass in front of Sanjana and said, "Cheers"
They clinked her glasses and Sanjana took her first sip of alcohol in her life. It was fizzy and somewhat sour as she closed her eyes and swallowed the first sip.
"Thats a good girl" encouraged Sneha and Sanjana smiled in weakly.
After a few more sips and talking about the some of the perks they would be getting with this promotion, Sanjana's mood lightened significantly. They were conversing like friends discussing a promotion with drinks.
"Sanjana, this is a dream come true offer for you" Sneha said.
"I know Sneha. If someone has said this a couple of months back i would have laughed at them"
"Hmm.. I know your situation. We reviewed your file before hiring which had your family's current situation clearly" Sneha said.
"Yes. It had been a horrific past few months. We are back breathing only now." Sanjana replied. A mention of the family made the smile on Sanjana's face vanish for a second.
"I know.. I know.. but you deserve this. You are smart and you are capable" Sneha said
"Thanks Sneha. I am gifted to have people like you support me in my quick growth. I have always heard that in the corporate world people are always jealous and keen on pulling others down.. But, i have seen completely opposite people."
"Sanjana, I always look for what is good for Anand sir and the company. Thats the trust Anand sir has on me. I take care of him and he takes care of me" Sneha replied.
"You are good for him" Sneha said and looked at Sanjana intently.
Sanjana did notice the change in tone and looked at Sneha puzzlingly.
"Sanjana, there is something important that I need to discuss regarding this offer to you' Sneha started.
"Anand sir is a lonely person. He spends almost all his waking time in business and work. He gets overwhelmed with all that work and needs a break now and then. He needs company and you need to give him the company he needs as his secretary" Sneha added.
Sanjana knew the inevitable was going to come out of Sneha's mouth any moment. She was all tensed listening carefully to Sneha.
"Yes, Sanjana.. I know what you are thinking and I also mean the same. He is a virile man and has his manly needs that only a woman can serve. You are perfect for him" she continued.
"Anand sir has girls as young as 18 falling all over him.. You will see that in the parties and public events he attends. But he has his tastes and choices. You will fit him perfectly and I know that"
Sanjana was at the moment she feared from the morning.. She looked at Sneha ..
Sanjana was at the moment she feared from the morning.. She looked at Sneha . She was at a loss for words. Her throat started to dry up as she was searching for the right words.
"Sanjana.. why are you so confused" Sneha said.
"Its nothing wrong. You need this job and you are good at it. The boss-employee relationship will be better with this companionship. You can grow up the ladder pretty quickly" Sneha continued.
"You know what. he is better than any man you can get" Sneha smiled wickedly.
Sanjana felt a rushing feeling between her thighs. She was too confused to speak up. She had started from home expecting this and she knew she wanted the job then why was she not ready with an answer.. Sanjana was chiding herself for her indecisiveness.
"OK Sanjana, i think i have told enough about this. If you want take the time today and decide. There is no force you know.. But if you are not up to this let me know by tomorrow. I need to make alternate plans. I don't want Anand sir to suffer because of this, you know.. " Sneha said curtly.
Sanjana's head was reeling with the champagne and all the information she just got..
"Ok. I am close to a life I can only dream of put in a platter and served to me.. and .. and.. if i say NO.. they will take all that from me in a day . Oh god.. what should i do ?" Sanjana was pressing her hands and fidgeting heavily.
Sneha came near her and touched her shoulder.
"You are a good friend to me Sanjana.. but i have my loyalty towards Anand sir.. Please be a smart girl and say yes.. okay ?" Sneha said.
"Thanks for everything Sneha .. please dont mistake me.. I am very confused. Please give me this day to think about it. please.. and i respect you a lot for doing all this for me.. please dont mistake me.." Sanjana pleaded.
"Thats ok.. Now take this" Sneha handed a parcel to Sanjana.
"This has a saree. If you are ok with the terms I said now, you can wear this sarree to office tomorrow and meet Anand sir. He will understand" Sneha said as Sanjana got the parcel.
"Ok Sneha.. Thanks for everything" Sanjana said.
Sanjana walked towards the door.
"By the way.. wear the saree and blouse without bra and panties. He likes it that way" Sneha winked and laughed out loud.
Sanjana had the same tingling between her thighs and opened the door without any further comments.
Sanjana was a nervous wreck as she started back home..
Sanjana entered her home .
Vivek was shocked to see her return so early in the day and asked her
"Hey what is the problem. Are you not feelng well?"
"No Vivek. Its a planned day off. I need to think over some office stuff" she replied.
"Oh ok. you look tired. Do you want a tea or something"
Sanjana was feeling a heavy head with the first time alcohol consumption and a tea sounded good and she nodded.
Vivek came to her with the tea and gave it to her.
"Any problem ?" he asked.
Sanjana thought it was the right time to speak with Vivek.
"Vivek. there is a problem and I think it may cost me the job" she said calmly.
"WHAT ???" Vivek screamed.
"What is happening Sanjana.. just now things started to work out for us and you are saying the job will be gone.. what will we do.. Just a day back i spoke with the bank about pending payments.. we have the big colleges fees coming up next week.. I dont.. what.. why.." Vivek was rambling
Sanjana calmly looked at him and said.
"Vivek calm down.. Allow me to think for a while.. please"
"Sanjana don't put everything inside your head alone.. tell me and i will see if i can help" he said.
"Vivek. listen fully without getting tensed ok. I met Sneha today regarding the secretary position for Anand sir" Sanjana started.
"mm.. Ok" Vivek responded listening carefully.
"Everything is ok regarding the position. There is only one condition she has."
Vivek almost knew where this was going..
"Yes. it is the same thing we feared.. She says that i need to.. I need to.. for Anand.." Sanjana swallowed a lot of words.. She did not have the courage to blurt out the exact thing in front of her husband
"Filthy people. How could they take advantage like this.." she seethed.
Vivek was quite for a few moments .. lost in thoughts.. Sanjana was silent as well.
Vivek broke the silence and said, " Sanjana. Is it for one time or one day thing they are asking"
Sanjana was shocked to hear this from Vivek. She expected him to join her abusing Anand and Sneha.
"What are you asking Vivek. ? I don't know.. I don't know whether they want for a day or a lifetime" she answered angrily.
"So.. did Sneha say.. means.. did she .. like what Anand wants.. like.. " Vivek stammered.
Sanjana was taken aback seeing Vivek asking about more specifics..
"What do you want to know Vivek? Do you want to me ask her about whether I should fuck my boss or just be around and flirt? How do you even think i can ask her or talk like this" Sanjana said in a really angry and pissed off tone.
"Sanjana .. please dont get angry.. I am just seeing if we can get out of this without quitting the job" Vivek said bowing his head down.
Sanjana cast a dirty look at him..
"I don't know anything might happen," she said curtly.
There was a long silence in the room. Vivek had his head down and Sanjana was thinking hard.
"What do you say Vivek. should I quit the job and start looking out" Sanjana asked him
"Please tell YES and put a full stop to my misery" she thought to herself.
In this situation, she wanted her husband to put his foot down and stop her which would make her life easy she thought.
"Its your call Sanjana. Whatever . you .. decide.. is . ok" Vivek trailed off in the last part out of shame.
Sanjana opened her eyes in disbelief and looked at Vivek like a worm..
"Are you sure, Vivek? Do you understand what you are saying?" she clarified.
"Sanjana.. I am .. I ..cant .. get a job.. this is out only bread winning option right now.. At the same time.. I want you to be comfortable with anything you do. I don't .. want.. anything.. you dont like. " Vivek was blabbering ..
Sanjana put her palms on her face hiding her whole face and eyes. Tears rolled down her eyes within her palm. She did not reveal it. She silently sat there for a few minutes without talking anything. Vivek bowed down his head and closed his eyes.
After what looked like eternity, Sanjana removed her palm from her face and wiped her face clean with a towel nearby. .
She let out a deep breath and sighed loud. Her face was clear and serious. Vivek looked at her and understood she had taken the decision.
"Yes. I have to do it. I have to do it- I WILL DO IT" she mumbled softly within herself.
Turning to Vivek, she said, " I have made the decision to take the offer. Anything might happen and i am prepared for it. I dont want you to question me on this, EVER AGAIN" she said firmly.
"Do you UNDERSTAND CLEARLY ?" she asked again.
"Yes, Sanjana, whatever you say and decide, i will not question" Vivek mumbled without raising his head.
Sanjana quickly got up took the saree parcel and went to her room.
Inside her room, she locked the door and opened the parcel.
It was a light pink saree. It was simple, soft and elegant. Sanjana felt that the material was a bit thin. She moved the saree and found a blouse and in-skirt as well. The blouse was pink in color and was thin too. She opened it and found that it had a very short sleeve.
Sanjana turned the blouse around and noticed it was stitched to fit her perfectly. She sighed and put that aside and saw the in-skirt. It was a bit above the knee and was in cream color matching the pink color saree.
Sanjana put all the clothes aside and looked at the box to find a small note. It read
"Good Girl !! No Panty or bra" - Sanjana knew it was Sneha.
She left out a huge sigh. She thought to herself
"There is no point backing out at this point. I need this job and this career. I need to handle Anand sir and if I have to go beyond a limit, SO BE IT. I can't back out not and leave the whole family and my career in deep deep trouble. I will do this for my family and Vivek and I will make sure that i am in control"
She made up her mind, got up and freshened up. She had a silent dinner with Vivek and kids. She knew it would be a long day tomorrow. So she went to bed early and laid down deep in thoughts.
Vivek entered the bedroom and silently moved to the other side of the bed. Sanjana looked at him and said,
"Vivek, i need to talk to you"
"Yes, Sanjana tell me" he said without looking at her. He sat on the other side of the bed facing the wall.
Sanjana got up and moved towards his side of the bed. She was facing his back. She kept her hand on his shoulder.
Vivek started to shake and Sanjana could hear muffled sobs.
"Vivek, what is this ?" she panicked. He was crying with his face on his palms.
"No. This.. all. this.. is because of me. I don't know what to do" he managed to say between sobs.
Sanjana put her arms around his shoulders in a consoling manner
"See, there is no point in feeling miserable about the situation any further than this. We have cried enough, I think"
Vivek stopped his sobs a bit and looked up. His eyes were red.
"Vivek, i have made up my mind. I am going to take this up. "
Vivek was silent. He looked intently at Sanjana and she continued.
"We have come a long way in this and I am not looking back. We need to get our family back on track and I need to get my career back on track for that. There is no point in getting back to bad debts and sleepless nights"
"Vivek.. " she said holding his hand.
"You have to trust me - I LOVE YOU and will love you always. There is no other person in my life. This is just a passing phase and it is only. .. physical.." Sanjana lowered her as she said the inevitable.
"Sanju .. I want you to do only what you feel is right," Vivek said.
" Vivek, I will not do anything that I am not comfortable with and NOBODY can force me" she said strongly. She felt a bit bad that Vivek did not tell her to quit the job when she mentioned getting physcial outright in the open. She did not expect it from him but however just thought that it would put an end to the misery if he was strong enough to say no.
"Ok.. Ok.. sanjana. ok" Vivek stumbed on words as he has accepting to the fact that his wife will be used by her boss.
They hugged for a second and said I love you and went to bed.
Sanjana could not sleep.. Her husband knows and has agreed to her sleeping with her boss, twice her age. She felt a shiver run through her spine thinking of the next day.
Sanjana woke up early in the morning. It was a disturbed sleep. She took her morning shower and stood in front of the mirror
She looked at her naked reflection on the mirror. Sanjana had pretty firm breasts for a mother of 2 kids and she stayed in good shape overall. Her highlights were her blemish free and soft/supple skin and well endowed figure. She was not a model type but what Indian men love, more of a fully rounded figure with good set of boobs and an ass to kill for. She looked at her for sometime thinking, "What is this Anand after ?.. why does he want me so badly"
She took a white bra and pink panty from her draw and wore it. She took out the jacket from the parcel and tried it. It was very tight with the bra. It would be perfect fit without the bra. How did they know my size so well.. she mused and tied on the saree. It was a perfect fit.
She touched up her makeup and looked at the mirror. The saree was completely figure hugging and with the sleeveless blouse on, her creamy shoulders and arm were exposed.Her fair hips were showing just below the blouse and the hips had a partial dent indicating the voluptuous upper body. Her lips were naturally red and with a touch of lipstick they seemed like pieces of strawberry split and dipped in honey.
Sanjana drew in a long breath. Her mind was not on the work. She was going to stand in front of her boss ready to be used the way he wants to and how will she be thinking of work.
She came out of her room
"Vivek, I am leaving to office. Take care of the kids" she said
Vivek was stunned to see her saree and sleeveless blouse but did not ask anything. She had not told him about the package.
"Ok. Eat somthing" he said.
"No Vivek. I will take it in the office.. and I am not sure about when i will return. I will message you" she said in a matter of fact tone.
The words wrenched at Vivek's heart.. His wife may be late from office because she may have to ..sleep with the boss.. The thought made him miserable but at the same time he could feel his penis stir a bit.
Sanjana took the bag and walked out of the flats. All the way to office she could feel men and even boys ogling at her. The college boy from the opposite flat got down from his bike to say Good morning to her. Sanjana knew she was good looking but off late she had started noticing the obvious ogles more ..
She reached the office and went inside her room. She was sweating a bit from the commute and the tension. She drank a big glass of water and sat in her chair.
RRiingggg.. The desk phone startled her.
"Sanjana can you come to my cabin in 10 mins" Anand's voice on the other side.
"Ye. Yes. Sir" she said still startled.
Sanjana got from her chair. She was fidgeting with the saree corner and was in random thoughts.. She walked up and down the room a few times fidgeting with the saree.. She stopped and took a deep breath and walked into her restroom.
After 3-4 minutes she came out of the restroom. She had the white bra and pink panty in her hands and quickly pulled the draw and threw them inside. Yes. she was bra-less and panty-less.
Sanjana could feel the tight blouse pressing on her nipples and an unusual airy feel down under. These sensations mixed with the reality of Anand sir in the adjacent room made her pussy slit slightly wet.. her nipples hardened a bit and were poking against the pink see through blouse almost showing a small dark brownish bump. She adjusted the saree to cover the obvious and got ready to knock the door.
"He is going to touch me.. kiss me .. and . and.yes.. he will fuck me.. Sanjana don't react to this.. Everything is going to be ok" she talked to herself preparing for the onslaught she was going to receive and knocked at the door.
"Yes.. Come in" Anand said.
"Good mornnig .. sir" Sanjana said with hesitation.
Anand looked up at Sanjana and continued non-chalently
"Sanjana, that land deal has been finalized. Just now Ashok came and informed me. We should be signing the contract today. Can you review this and let me know quickly" he said without looking at her
"Yes. sir.." Sanjana said confused that he was not even raising his head after that initial look. Anand was busy writing some thing. "Did he not see my dress ?" she thought to herself
"Good.. the file is on the table .. the red one. ." he said still busy with his work.
"Ok sir" Sanjana said and picked up the file and asked "Shall I leave"
"Yes. Yes.. i will see you in an hour after you review the contract" he said still engrossed on the papers.
Sanjana moved out of his room and entered her cabin completely puzzled.
"What the hell.. I am standing in front of him wearing the saree he sent without a bra and he does not care to even look properly.. what is he thinking " she asked herself.
She checked herself in the mirror. She looked heavenly and raunchy at the same time. She took her eyes off the mirror unable to see her that sexy. Her nipples hardened further and she was upset at the indifference from Anand.
"How could he ignore me like this.. Does he not want me now" she thought.
What a change.. The same chaste housewife who was trying to hide from this predating rich man 2 months back was now upset that he did not pay attention to her raunchiness. Hmm.. and she was not even fully aware of this transformation..