Episode 131

After finishing the pills and the drinks, Purva asked, Fatema, I've told you many secrets of my life. But what about you?

Fatema : I've told you that I was a prostitute.

Purva : Yes, I heard that. But except for that? Which no one knows.

Fatema : Please don't tell this to anyone.

Purva : I promise I won't. But tell me now.

Fatema : I let Rasul fuck me may times.

Purva : Wow!! And?

Fatema : And Sajid Uncle, Mushtaq uncle and many others, even President Sahab and Khan sahab alsp fucked me many times.

Purva : Does Nazir know about these?

Fatema : No. And I've a bad habit.

Purva : What?

Fatema : Sometimes with Nazir or with my customers I used to drink alcohol.

But I used to smoke also, Occasionally.

Purva : Hum. That's good.

Fatema : But now it'll be Better if you tell me about your sex with the dogs.

Purva : What? What? My Sex with dogs?

Are you mad? Who told you this bullshit?

Fatema : Why? Rasul was telling that to Naz.

Purva : What? Rasul? He can't say this. What did he actually say?

Fatema : No, he was saying that, you came back from Khan Sahab's firm house in a Car, with Billu. And he was holding a leather belt, which was attached with a dog collar on your neck. And you were crawling on your fours.

And you ate biscuits from the ground like a dog and pissed beside the road on a cycle…..

Purva : Hum, That's true. But I hadn't sex with animals. Who told you that?

Fatema : A lady named Salma,who used to work at our house.

Purva : And you believed that?

Fatema : You should have seen her expressions.

Her eyes were coming out of her sockets. I knew she was not telling a lie. Though it was hard to believe. But….

Purva : But? Did she see me to do that? As per my knowledge, there was only one woman in that firm. She was a cook. I never met her. Only heard her voice a few times.

So? Who told this kind of bullshit to that bloody,Shalma?

Fatema : Another Lady named Dhimahi.

Purva : Dhimri? Ah!!! I can't believe it. Let me return to fakir chowk. I'll beat that lier whore in front of Nasira Bhabhi.

Fatema : Do you know Nasira Aunt?

Purva : Yes. I used to work as a maid at her house.

Fatema : Then tell me please what happened at Khan Sahib's firm house.

Clear my doubts.

Purva : But before that, tell me If I don't want to tell you this and let you think whatever you believe.

Then? Will you start hating me?

Fatema : Chhi, Didi. Certainly not. I love you. And whatever you do, doesn't matter. I'll always be a fan of you.

Now please tell me what happened there.

Purva started her narration.

Purva : Listen dear, Once, I had to go to Khan Sahab's Firm house. That's true. And I happily went there. Actually it was after the great humiliation of me, by that bustards Maulavi.

I was so angry with Mushtaq that, after the dance I went to the Mutya's colony.

They had fucked me till the midnight. Then the put their used condoms, filled with their cum, into my ass hole, as a tail.

I was too drunk.

I somehow reached home.

But Mushtaq started yelling at me. I also told him some bad words and then I left the house.

The milk booth boy dropped me at my own home.

Anyway, After a few days, Dadima and Sultana came and they took me to the slum again.

Where new rules applied on me and there Khan Sahab took me with him as a bitch.

Fatema : Yeah, I've heard that. But what Happened after that.

Purva : Ok. It was little scandalous though, I'll tell you everything so that your doubts can be cleared.

But before that tell me, What That bitch Dhimri spreaded about me?

Fatema : Whatever I had heard that Khan Sahab took you to his firm house and then tie you with your two dogs.

You were very sacred first. But the dogs somehow started likeing you and thy they started licking you.

They were licking you. Your face. But you were trying to push them away as it was very irritating for you.

But suddenly a dog started licking your ass from behind. And something happened to you and you lifted your ass.

The dogs thick tongue rubbed against your wet pussy and your erected clit.

You became horny. Your expression and behavior yo the dogs changed.

You also started licking the dog's face or mouth.

Their tongues and your tongue were touching each other.

Purva : Oh my god. What the fuck? Dhimahi said that?

Fatema : That I don't know. I heard this from Shalma.

Purva : Bloody daughter of whore. How a woman can spread that kind of hoaxes about another woman?

What more did she said?

Fatema : After some initial hesitation you noticed their red cocks and you couldn't resist yourself and started sucking their cocks.

And finally the fucked you alternatively.

In the evening, Billu took you and the dogs with him.

You were crawling on your fours.

And you pissed and pooped beside the road with those dogs and after that you all licked each others genitals and asses.

Purva : What the hell.

Oh my god.

Stop Fatema, stop I can't hear it anymore.

I would have killed that bitch if I could find her right now.

Purva patted her forehead and sat up on the sofa.

She was breathing heavily.

Fatema also sat up beside her and jerked her shoulders and said, please Didi, don't let your heart down. I think no one had believed in those logic less stories.

Then Fatema lowered her face and saw the stiffened clit of Purva was twitching constantly.

Purva : Please bring me a glass of water.

Fatema : yes Didi. Wait a minute.

Fatema came back and Purva drank the water and put the glass on the table.

Fatema sat beside her and kissed her cheek.

She put her chin up and said, please Didi. Everyone loves you in our slum.

Why are you feeling so upset. Come on cheer up.

Purva : No, Fatema. Go and sleep beside Apu. Leave me alone.

Fatema : Didi, please….

I think you should tell me everything. And thus atleast there will one woman who will know the truth. And maybe you'll also get some relief.

Purva : Huh. But anyway…. I'll tell you everything.

Actually whatever you had heard was half truth.

Fatema : Half truth?

Purva : Yes.

Khan sahab had told me to sit like a dog at the bottom of the back seat. Beside his feet.

I was naked and collared up.

When we reached his firm house, he got down from the car and called a firm labor.

The man then held my belt and started calling me, Madam, come down.

But Khan Sahab yelled at him and said, Son of a bitch, itself a bitch. So, call her like a dog and if she can't understand you then pull the belt and drag her inside the house.

The man then called me like, " Tut tut tut chuk chuk, Aa Aa.

I was shocked. What the hell is going on?

I had thought that Khan Sahab was only doing that with me for his fantasy and he would treat me as a dog in front of him only, in private.

But now he was handing me as a dog to a firm labor.

I had thought that All the shame, all the dignity inside me had ended. No one could humiliate me anymore.

But I was wrong. I was totally wrong.

I was not ready for that.

I was feeling so embarrassed.

I started protesting.

He was pulling me but I was pulling my head back.

But he was a strong man, pulling my neck with a belt with his two hands.

So my protest was only giving me pain in my neck.

So I kneeled up and held the belt with two hands.

I screamed and said, Khan Sahab, please। Don't do this with me.

I'll do anything for you. But don't make me a dog in front of others.

Khan Sahab was heading towards the house.

He stopped and turned back.

Then without looking at me, he ordered the man, Listen, dogs can't speak like human beings.

And I think this bitch can't understand human's language also, like Rani and Lakshmi.

So, beat the dog if she can't understand you.

Every animal knows the language of the stick.

And give a bath to this dog. Wash every corner and every hole of her body.

And then tie her with Rani and Lakshmi, in their cage.

Fatema : What? Inside a cage? Holy shit…..

Purva : Yeah. I tried to shout again but the man suddenly pulled the belt with force and dragged me outside the car.

I saw there were many people working in the yard. There were also two horses inside a shed. One man was taking care of those horses.

One man was cutting grasees and another man was pouring water on the trees and plants.

4 to 5 men were carrying crops and grasses.

Two or three men were working inside the cowshed.

I saw at least 15 men while I was crawling like a dog.

Two old men were smoking Hukka, sitting on a cot in the middle of the yard, under a big tree.

I tried to say something but the man bit me with a flexible stick.

Then I raised my head and saw the big mansion.

It was really huge and the architecture was very old. But the milky white color was brand new.

I can't describe it entirely. Just imagine, It was like a King's palace. It did not look like a firm house from any angle.

Anyway, at that moment I was not in a mood to appreciate the beauty of his house.

I was scared, I was angry and I was degraded.

The man took me near a well.

There was a concrete floor around the well.

He told me to sit on the floor.

I sat on my hips. But he bit me and said, Hey slut sit like a bitch. Not like a woman. ( Oye Randi Thik se baith. Kutiya ki tarha baith. Gharelu aurat ki tarha na baith. )

Move your soft and white ass back and bend on your chest. ( Apni naram mulayam gori chitti gaand ko piche khiska aur apni bubbe ko niche jhuka ke baith)

I gave him a disgusted look.

He kicked softly on my ass.

So, I had to obey him.

He called another man and told him to bring the dog's soap, Shampoo and scrubber.

He pulled a bucket of water from the well and before I could react, he poured the entire bucket full of water on me.

It was a hot and humid summer. And I was dusty and sweaty.

And the water was surprisingly cold.

I shivered and screamed by the contrast of the cold water in the heat.

He pulled another bucket of water and said, Kutya lay on your back and lift your legs.

I laid on my back and lifted my legs, bending my knees.

He said, A dog has four legs.

I lifted my hands also.

God knows how ridiculous I look.

But again I could think or. Reacting to something, he poured the water on me.

In the meantime the second man brought the soap, shampoo and the scrubber.

They removed the collar and then started applying the soap all over my body.

They were rubbing and scrubbing my entire body.

My toes, the gaps between my fingers, behind my ears, my armpits, my boobs, ass crack, groins and pussy, my belly button. They cleaned every inch of my body and then Applied Shampoo on my almost bald head.

I saw Khan Sahab came out after a while and he was now wearing a vest and a lungi.

He went to the cot and joined with the two old men.

All the eyes were staring at me secretly. They were assuming that everything was normal.

But All of them were staring at me behind Khan Sahab.

And whenever my eyes were meeting with them, they were indicating some nasty signals

After my bath they wiped my body and applied lotion on my body.

Then they asked Khan Sahab, Sahab, Ab Kya kare? ( Sahab, what to do now?)

Khan sahab replied, Go and give this dog some biscuits.

And then put her inside the cage with Rani. She is not so ferocious.

I gulped some air and started to stand up.

But a man pushed me down and another collared me again.

Then they dragged me inside the house and pushed me inside a large iron cage.

The cage was very large. It was almost 10 feet long, 5 feet wide and only 3 feet tall.

And a German Shepherd dog was walking in a circle inside the cage.

When they were pushing me inside, I was protesting with all of my force. I was scared to hell. I was shouting, Khan Sahab, Don't do this to me. Please, I'm begging you.. I was crying.

The dog was first barking at me and trying to scare me. But when he saw that I was crying, his behavior changed.

He stopped barking and went to the back of that cage.

Khan Sahab came in and looked at me.

Then he looked at Rani and said, Rani, Why are you barking?

She is your cage mate for the day.

Now I don't want any complaints about you.

Be a good dog and now say hello to Purva.

To my surprise, the dog came forward and sniffed me. She sniffed my face and then sniffed my boobd.

My half body was inside the cage.

The dog pulled his tongue out and licked my face and started waving his tail.

One man pushed me inside the cage.

I tried to protest but I couldn't.

I folded my legs and attached my knees with my chest and over that I folded my arms.

I was trying to protect my private parts, which were no more private at all.

The dog Licked my neck and face again.

I tried to wipe his saliva from my face.

One of the men said, Don't wipe that. Otherwise the dog can get angry. You should love him back.

Saying that they are all gone.

The door shut and the room became dark. A faint brightness was there as it was daytime.

The dog was continuously walking around me and making various kinds of lovable sounds.

Sometimes he was licking my body.

I assumed that she was wanting me to cuddle her.

So, hesitantly and scarily I opened my arms and called her by whispering.

She came and lowered her mouth.

She was sniffing my pussy.

I was scared. I quickly covered my pussy with one hand and then cuddled her neck with the other hand. I started saying some lovable words to her and then pulled her head up.

Fatema : Where was the other dog?

Purva : I don't know. But I could hear a bark coming from upstairs.

Suddenly the door opened.

A man came in.

There were two bowls inside the cage.

One was for water and the other was for food.

The man inserted two more bowls inside the cage and poured water in one and poured some biscuits in another bowl.

He also put some biscuits in the dog's bowl also.

He looked at me and said, eat it silently and be good with Rani. She is a well behaved and obedient dog.

Try to learn something from her.

And, yes. Don't use your hands to eat the biscuits.

And these biscuits are for human beings and the bowls are new and the water is also filtered water. So, you can consume them without any hesitation.

And if you need something then just bark. Remember, bark. Don't shout.


I nodded my head.

He said, I can't understand?

I looked at him with curiosity and nodded my head again.

He laughed and then told Rani, Rani , finish your biscuits. Understand?

Rani spoke softly, " Auf auf."

He then looked at me and asked, do you understand?

I nodded my head again but tried to mimic Rani that time and said, Auf auf.

He laughed and went out of the room.

I looked at the bowls. I was noy so hungry…. I mean I was hungry but my mood and my left over self dignity were not permitting me to eat biscuits from a dog's bowl.

But I was thirsty. Very thirsty. The man was dragging me with a collar on my neck. So I looked at the bowl filled with water.

No one inside the room except Rani.

I was hesitating. But My throat was drying.

The room was quite small in size, compared to the lawns and the other rooms. And all there is only one window and a door which were closed.

Finally I decided to drink the water.

I slowly crawled to the bawl.

Crawling was the best option as the height of the cage was only 3 feet.

So I crawled there.


Fatema : But?

Purva : But, I had the option to hold the bowl in my hands and pour the water slowly into my mouth, like a human does naturally.

But I thought for a moment. Should I drink the water like a woman? Or like a bitch?

They were not watching me. But I thought, what will change, if I drink the water like a dog?

I felt the twitching and squeezing effects inside my pussy.

My head bent.

I said to myself, what are you doing Purva?

No, don't do this.

But I couldn't stop my head. My head went down and my tongue got out from my mouth and touched the water.

A strange feeling hit me.

It was bad, ruining my mood but at the same time I was feeling high.

I can't comprehend you, Fatema. The feeling was so bad but at the same time so good.

Fatema : Yeah, I can understand. I went through this today.

Purva : Humm.

Fatema : What happened next?

Purva : I finished half of the bowl.

It took almost 5 minutes, I think.

Fatema : So long?

Purva : I'll give you a cup of water and you'll have to drink it like a dog, with your tongue.

And I'll see how long it will take.

Fatema : He he he. Please continue..

Purva : How shamelessly you're smiling?

Fatema : He he he. I'm now a shameless woman.

Purva : Don't say so early. I'll see tomorrow how shameless you become.

Anyway, where I was?

Fatema : You drank the water.

Purva : Yes.

After that I started feeling, why not some biscuits.

I'm feeling hungry. So I should eat some biscuits as well, before they lose their crunchiness and become soft.

I slowly turned my face towards the bowl filled with biscuits.

My teeth started breaking the biscuits into small pieces and my mouth started collecting the pieces with the help of my tongue.

And my one hand reached under my belly and started scratching my pussy slit.

Sometimes my fingers were also traveling inside my pussy cave.

Rani was sleeping a few minutes ago a little ahead of me.

I was busy in my new world.

I was leaking a lot of juices from my pussy.

And I was scooping them as my fingers were inside that wet pussy.

And I was chewing the biscuits.

But suddenly I felt something cold touch my ass. Just at the no man's land between my pussy and ass holes.

And then a rough but gentle flick of tongue ran over through my leaking cunt hole.

I was shocked and turned my face back.

My hand slipped down from my pussy and in between those moments Rani flicked her tongue almost 7-8 times and licked my pussy juices.

I shivered.

If you ask me about the feeling then It was kind of Good or awesome on my horny pussy. But my mind was not prepared for that animal's touch on my sex organ.

Maybe my whorish cunt was enjoying those flicks but my mind revolted. I quickly turned back.

My ass moved away from her and hit the matted floor of the cage.

I softly slapped Rani and told her, hey naughty dog what are you doing? You and I both are bitches.

I don't know what she understood but she suddenly flicked her tongue over my nose and my cheeks.

Her gesture was very friendly to me.

Maybe it was her way of showing love towards me.

So I decided not to yell at her.

I cuddled her.

I was rubbing her neck and back and sometimes cuddling her belly also.

She suddenly laid on her back and lifted all of her legs and put her tongue out.

I was sure that she was smiling and was trying to tell me to rub her belly.

She was rolling side wise.

I started rubbing my palms over her entire belly.

After some time she got up and made a 360 degree roll and then again started licking my face.

Finally after some time her excitement became a little low.

I put her head on my lap and started humming a song.

Just like a human baby she slowly fell asleep.

I put her head down and looked at my unfinished food.

I finished my food and then drank the water without using my hands and then slept beside Rani.

In the evening, the door opened.

And to my surprise I saw my beloved Billu entering the room.

I smiled and tried to talk to him but he put his finger on his lip and said, "Sussss, behave like a dog"

He opened the cage door and collared me and Rani.

Then attached two metal chains with the collars.

He took me and Rani out of the house.

I saw another man was holding a ferocious rottweiler tied in a thicker chain. The dog was barking angrily looking towards me and Rani.

Billu stopped keeping a safe distance from that dog.

Khan sahab came out, wearing a T-shirt and jogger pants and shoes.

He was talking to someone over the phone.

He signaled Billu and the other man to walk behind him and continued talking.

I was keen to talk with Billu, I was keen to have sex with Billu. But when I looked at Billu, He signaled me to look to the front.

My only problem was my knees. They were burning.

The rough soil of the firm was giving tough punishment to my knees.

I couldn't bear it anymore and I started barking.

Woof woof, grrr woof. Kui kui kui.

That was all I could do.

I heard all the laborers nearby, started laughing.

Khan Sahab turned back and asked, what happened to this white bitch?

I was lifting my knees and rubbing them with my palms.

Billu replied, Hukum, maybe she is getting hurt on her naked knees.

Khan Sahab asked the telephone caller to hang on the call and then called an old labor.

Khan sahab then instructed him something.

He ran inside the astabal and came back with a pair of kneecaps.

He tied the kneecaps on my knees and then we started walking again. I mean all were walking, even the dogs were walking. But I was crawling.​
Next page: Episode 132
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