Episode 132
I knew, all were taking fun of me.
And I was dying in shame. But at the same time there was a flood running inside my cunt.
I was trying to adjust myself in that situation but there was a lot more to come.
We reached near a small gate. Probably it was a side gate of that big compound.
A worker opened the gate and Khan Sahab got out of the gate.
We all followed him.
And now I was going outside that compound.
Soon I saw myself crawling on a dusty bumpy road.
Luckily I was wearing those kneecaps. But my naked palms were getting hurt.
I was putting my palms on the road, very carefully, avoiding the small pebbles and gravels.
I saw some farmers were coming, carrying plows on their shoulders or some of them were coming with Bullocks with them.
Some were carrying crops and grasses on their heads.
They were passing us and staring at me.
Khan Sahab was scolding them, What? Where are you looking? Look straight and mind your own business.
A few women were also there.
One woman spit on me.
Khan Sahab Became angry.
He yelled at her and then threatened her and her husband. He said he will not allow them to cultivate beside his Paddy field and they have to return the debts which they took from him.
The man and woman folded their hands and got on their knees and started requesting Khan Sahab to forgive them. Khan sahab sais, ok ok. Stop drama and get lost and go from there.
Then a few men passed us on their cycles.
After a few minutes I slowly started the game.
But there was more.
Once, Rani stopped and started sniffing the ground. She found an electric pole and lowered her back legs and pissed there.
I saw Lakshmi. She went a little ahead and then she started sniffing the ground and pissed.
They were pissing in installment. A little pee at a time and then going a little ahead and again pissing a little after sniffing the soil.
Khan Sahab asked Billu, Billu, what about the white bitch?
Billu replied,No Hukum. She didn't pee or poop yet.
Khan Sahab said, told her to do the both as soon as possible.
I panicked. I stopped moving.
Billu suddenly said with hesitation, Hukum, please forgive me if I'm crossing my limit but Don't you think that it will be a little out of limit?
Khan Sahab laughed and said, Ha ha ha, This bitch loves to pee while walking or while dancing in front of dozens of lusty men. She pissed while walking with the Sarpanch.
She pooped in the daylight sitting by a sewage. And do you know where it was? It was the entrance of Salim's garage and as you know the mini market there. And at least 10 to 15 men and women also the prostitutes saw her to do that.
Now? Tell me Billu what do you think? This is a lonely place compared to the mini market I think.
Billu lowered her face and said, Come on Kutya, it's getting dark. Complete your tasks.
Fatema : So, you did both?
Purva : I had no other choice. I had did those things before but with my Will. But that time, like a dog, in front of some laborers and farmers, Oohhhh, so embarrassing. But I did that.
Fatema : Then?
Purva : Then Billu pulled the chain and said, Rani, Purva, time to go home.
Khan Sahab asked, Rani beti, having fun?
Rani lifted her front legs and humped a little and said, woof woof and started waving his tail.
Then he shouted, Lakshmi, what's going on?
Lakshmi was unhappy to see me and Rani. But she also expressed her joy to Khan Sahab.
And finally he looked at me and asked, Purva, Having Fun?
I said woof woof and then crawled to him and lifted my hands and put my hands on his thighs and licked the back of his left hand palm. And then I rubbed my face on his crotch area and started sniffing on his bulging tent.
He smiled and said, Billu, Something is missing.
Billu asked, What, Hukum?
He said, a tail.
This bitch is lacking a dog's tail.
He held my chin and shook my face and asked, what do you think white bitch?
I again replied, woof, woof.
Khan Sahab ssid, give me the chains and go. Find a suitable dog's tail butt plug for my white bitch.
He shook my chin and smooched my cheek again.
Billu asked, but where can I find that?
I mean, in Jabalpur?????
And if I go online…. Then it will take….
Khan Sahab said, hummm. That's a big problem. And the members are coming tomorrow evening.
Then what is the solution?
Billu said, Hukum , we have to make some Jugar.
Khan Sahab said, Ok, Think and find something as soon as possible. I want that before the auction.
Fatema : Auction?
What kind of auction?
Purva : Ufff. Keep your patients.
Fatema : Ops, sorry. Ok please continue. What happened next?
Did the dog's lick your ass and pussy clean and you gave them the same favor?
Purva : Oh, shut up. Don't talk like that fucking bitch, Dhimri. Bloody street whore.
Fatema : Susssss Didi, all are sleeping.
Purva : Sorry. But I'm warning you, next time if you bring up this topic again, I'll just kick you out of the house like this and lock the door from behind.
Fatema : Oh no. Please Didi. Forgive me.
Now please tell me what happened next. Where did they make you clean?
Purva : After returning from the walk, the same two men from the afternoon took me near the well and washed my legs, arms, ass and pussy.
Then they took me near the cot.
I laid there on the ground and Khan Sahab was gossiping with three more men.
Tea and Hookah and cookies were served to them.
I also got some pieces of cookies from Khan Sahab.
Seeing him throwing the cookies to me, the three other guests also started throwing the cookies to me and I had to eat all the pieces.
Then they asked Khan Sahab, do they touch me and cuddle me?
Khan Sahab said, go ahead.
They were just treating me like a real dog.
One man asked, Khan Bhai, can I take your bitch for a night?
Khan Sahab said, Don't be crazy. Go now. You don't know how precious she is.
I let you touch her and see her, that's more than enough. Now get lost.
He then took me upstairs, inside his room.
He took my collar and the chain out and then he disrobe his clothes and then looked at me.
You're not collared right now. You may get up and behave normally. He smiled and said.
But I was afraid to stand up.
He then smiled again and pulled me up.
He gently planted a kiss on my chin and then said, don't worry my dear angel. Come with me.
Hearing him talking with me softly, I was overwhelmed by his behavior.
He said, Oh Purva, please don't mind. I think you enjoyed my treatment. What? Don't you?
What should I say? I said, yes Khan Sahab, I enjoyed it a lot.
Khan sahav laughed in excitement and clapped, then he threw his fists in the air and said, yes I knew you would enjoy this. After all, you're a slut. Not only a slut, a shameless slut. Am I right?
I nodded and said, yes Khan Sahab.
He released a sigh of relief and said, Haaannn, my problems are resolved.
Purva, you've acted so well. I must say, if you can act just like today, then all the obstacles will be removed and if you can do this then I will fulfill your one wish. Any wish.
I looked at him with curiosity and asked, any wish?
He said, It's Pathan's Zuban.
Fatema : And what was your wish?
Purva : I had asked him, Khan Sahab, What do you mean by any wishes? If I asked you to bring the moon to me……
Khan Sahab smiled and said, I think you're a mature girl, Purva. You wish for any kind of materialistic things which I can give you. Any mean any amount. No matter how much it will cost. I am ready to spend that money.
Fatema : Then?
Purva : Then I asked him, if I want something which costs around a few crore, then?
Fatema : Did you really ask that?
Purva : Yes. Why not?
But just like you, Khan Sahab's eyes also came out. He asked, what? 1 crore? What do you want? A deluxe apartment or a luxury car or a diamond necklace?
I told him, Sahab, not one crore. I said a few crore.
He got angry and yelled at me.
"Are you insane? Lost your mind? You're just a fucking whore who used to fuck around with some fucking worthless labourers on the street like a dog. You are a worthless bitch. Nothing Else. "
I was listening to him calmly. He was shouting those words without any breck.
Just when he stopped for a moment I calmly said, But where did Pathan's promise go?
He got more angry.
He yelled again, " Pathan's promise? Huh? Do you know what you're worth? Hussain is going to make you dance naked on the stage and how much are you charging for each song?
I said, ₹10/song.
He heard that and started laughing. Ha ha ha ha…. That laughter echoed in the big bedroom.
Then he said, yes. This is it. This is your wroth.
Who were you? No one knew you. Due to some poor slum dwellers you are going to be famous.
I asked, Famous? Of Defamed?
He said, don't argue with me. You should thankful to them that they are going to fulfill your dream.
I said, Ok. I don't need anything. And I'm going back to my home.
He said, How dare you? You can't go with your own decision. I'm the ultimate boss here.
I said, I'm the woner of my body and my mind.
You can force me, kill me but I'm not gonna play this game anymore.
He got angry and slapped me hard.
So hard that I fall on the ground and tears come down from my eyes.
He shouted, Anybody is here? Come in and tie this bitch with Lakshmi.
I got panicked.
Two men came is. The door was not locked.
Theh pulled me up and said, come on madam, get out of here before Sahab become more angry and kill you.
I was crying, I was panicked but still I looked ay him and said, Yes I'm worthless. So worthless that I made you naked in front of your maid.
And You're so worthy that you don't have the ability to keep your premises.
Khan Sahab looked down and saw that he was standing naked.
He quickly put his palms before his dangling penis and yelled loudly, take this bitch out of my eyes.
Even in that situation I couldn't suppressed my laughter and I laughed and said, do whatever you can do. But I'm out of this game.
The maids were intelligent, I must say.
Because they first tied Lakshmi closed the rods of the cage at a corner and then they told me to go to the opposite corner and told me to stay out of Lakshmi's reach.
Lakshmi was barking continuously. The bark was so loud that I covered my ears with my hands.
Her barking continued for a long minutes. More that 15 minutes passed.
The men were gone and I could see only two red dots of Lakshmi's eyes in the dark Room.
But suddenly the barking stopped and the light in the room switched on.
Khan Sahab and another man entered the room.
Khan Sahab told the man to take Lakshmi to the yard and let him free to roam around the yard.
He came to the cage and squatted beside me.
He asked, I'm gonna take a bath. Wanna join me?
I remained silent.
I could smell that he was drank.
He again asked, Wanna join me? Bitch?
I remained silent.
He then asked, What do you want?
I remained silent.
He shouted, Bitch, answer me. This is the last time, I'm warning you. Tell me what do you want?
But I remained silent.
He then said, Ok. You own. I'm ready to pay you what ever you. Want. But at least tell me what do you want?
Fatema : But you remained silent…..
Purva : Hehehe yes. Then he lost his patient and said, Ok. Come out. Come out from the cage and I'm letting you free.
You may go home.
But I stayed there.
He said, Didn't you listen?
Come out. This is my house and my dog's cage.
I'm letting you free. Don't stay in my house anymore and go. Go before I kill you.
But I Didn't make any move.
He finally put his hand inside the cage and held my legs and pulled me out of the cage.
He then told me, Now walk down through the stairs and get out of the house. You may go to your own home. You are free.
Fatema : What? He just let you go like that?
Purva : Do you think that he is a simple man? Don't forget that he is a national figure. A well known politician.
Fatema : Then? Why did you let go?
Purva : Because there was Lakshmi, who was roaming freely in the yard.
Fatema : Oh my god. Yes, what a cruel minded man.
Purva : Yes. That's why I was not moving forward . but he started pushing me forward.
I could hear the dog was Barking from the outside.So, I had no choice. I finally spoke, I don't need anything for myself.
He said, Oh, you're free now. You don't have to think about this anymore.
I said, But I want a Pathan to keep his promise.
And I want only two more promise from him.
That's I want.
He became curious and asked, Two more promise?
I said, Yes.
You've to promise to me and to the voters in this constituency, that if your party wins, then you'll make a 12th standard college. And all the slum kids and especially the Prostitut's kids will be able to Study in that college.
I've two wishes. But as you said, I can wish only one, so this is it.
Khan Sahab was about to push me from the stairs, when I expressed my wish to him.
He was dumbstruck by my wish.
He couldn't speak for a few moments. Then he whispered, And your second wish?
Fatema : Yes, what was your second wish?