Episode 135

When I opened my eyes again or maybe my eyes were open all the time and I was provoking them to fuck me and that's why they were banging me continiously. But I was not in my senses. So, when I get my senses back again, I saw 5 or 6 very tall and dark and muscular men were banging me. My mouth was sticky and I was chewing something sticky and that must be their cum. I was struggling to open my eyes because tons of cum drying off all over my face and eyelids.

And then I saw Billu. He was smiling and asking me something. And I was also smiling.

Fatema : So, Billu had arranged some men to gangbang you?

And that was also without your permission and without your concerns.

Purva : Yes.

Fatema : And you didn't say anything to him?

Purva : He is my lover. He loves me and I love him. And he knew about me and my likings and my desires.


Fatema : Hum, I understand.

Then? What happened?

Purva : Then I wake-up in the next morning.

It was around 8.30 or 9 in the morning.

I found myself inside a small warehouse and locked inside an old iron cage. The room was filled with gardening equipment and lots of dried hay and animal foods.

The door was closed and I found myself covered in their dried cum.

I thought for a second and tried to understand where I was. I thought to shout but just then the door opened.

Two men came in and they opened the lock of the cage.

One man quickly put the collar on me and then he pulled the chain.

I came out and he took me to the horse's astabal.

One man said, hey Randi go and relieve yourself there.

The other man said, Hey, she is a dog. She can't go alone through these horses. And this bitch is a cuck hungry dog. God knows what she does, seeing these horses giant dicks.

There were other workers also.

They all started laughing.

One man said, really yaar. She was almost begging to eat our cocks.

All laughed.

One said, hey take her to the outside on the road.

Another said, no. Billu told us not to take her there now. The rumors spread to the villages nearby this area. So, Lot's of men are coming to see her.

One said, Yes and Lot's of VIPs are coming.

One asked, So? Where should we take her now?

One suggested, Why not here?

Another said, Nah. A dog should do her job outside the house.

But then an argument started.

One said, the pet dogs can do their job inside the house, especially the bitches. One said, no outside.

Another said, it'll be risky.

So finally one said, let her do it here. In front of everyone. We all want to see her do that.

One man pulled me towards the back of that astable.

I saw a small drainage behind that astable.

I went there and sniffed some places and then at one place released my excrement. And then I came back.

All of them cheered. They were saying, this randi is fabulous. She is out of the world. She has no shame and no self respect.

Call Billu. We should reward him for allowing us to enjoy this randi bitch.

Anyway, then the two workers who brought me there, pulled me in the middle of the stable.

They took scrubbers and a huge wooden bucket of soap water and started scrubbing my body.

They washed my body for 15-20 minutes.

And I saw three or four more workers scrubbing and Washing the horses just like me.

Billu came in and supervised their job.

He said, clean this bitch and make her ready before Khan Sahab wakes up.

Hurry up.

They said they wanted to give him a bottle of whisky.

But he said, he will prefer one kg of mutton Biryani and reshmi kebabs.

They agreed.

Billu said, call me when you are finished.

And he went.

They finished cleaning me.

They were applying some kind of oil or moisturizer on the horses.

And they also applied oil all over my body.

It was like varnish. Like the bodybuilders used to apply on their body. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Fatema : Yes Didi, I understand. You must be looking very oily and glowing.

Purva : Yes. And my skin color was looking like a glossy Brown.

They applied a black color on my nose tip and then they applied a new collar made of diamond like stones over a leather belt attached with a golden color thick metal chain.

Then Billu came with a tail buttplug.

I was amazed to see the tail.

It was a new thing for me then.

My nipples and pussy lips were pierced. And now Billu inserted the dog tail plug inside my ass hole.

And then he attached a padlock with my pussy rings.

He attached a pair of knee pads on my knees and then sprayed some body perfume on me.

Then we started to go inside the house.

Fatema : Why did they paint your nose tip?

Purva : Didn't you see how the dog's nose is? Black. And that's why they did that. To make me a perfect dog.

Khan Sahab had told me later that he had many more plans to transform me like a real dog. But then he dropped the plan. And Thanks to god for that. Hehe.

Fatema : Hihi, yes.

Then, Didi?

Purva : Then….. They took me to a huge hall room. And there was a cage. But that cage was huge. The railings were going up to the sylling from the floor. Actually they were made of temporary aluminum pipes. And then the pipes were wrapped with some colorful papers.

And the gaps between the vertical pipes were also very wide. I could easily go in and out through the gaps. But I didn't.

The cage was in a corner of the hall room. Beside the wall.

And the whole cage was covered with a red velvet curtain.

Billu locked the chain with an iron ring attached to the wall.

I sat in the middle. And he told me to sit like a lioness.

There was a bowl filled with pedigree and a bowl filled with mineral water.

He told me not to eat or drink then.

When the curtain will start to be removed then I should start eating some chunks of food and then lick the water from the bowl, so that all the guests could see that.

I stayed inside the cage. Didn't move or made any noise.

But I could hear that somebody was doing something with some mental chains.

Then I heard a familiar voice.

It was Swetha. She was screaming, Aah, be careful. Ouch, my wrist. Hey don't tie so hard.

And then I heard Khan Sahab's voice. He was saying, "Don't worry Tunkai Da. Your wife will be safe. Nothing will happen to her".

Then I heard a new voice. It was probably Tunkai's voice.

He said, " Khan Sahab, I trust you. But…You know why I'm so worried. Can't you send That new woman there? What is her name?

Khan Sahab replied, Purva.

Tunkai said, Yes. Purva. So, why not send Purva to Vasi Nagar?

Khan Sahab laughed and said, Tunkai Da, relax. Purva is a newcomer and she is not so professional like Swetha. Swetha had gone there before. And…

Tunkai asked, and?

I was shocked to hear what Khan Sahab replied to him. My throat became dry and I was about to pee in panik. My stomach bolted. I started trying to escape from that cage.

Fatema : What he said?

Purva : He said, I'm sending Purva to Mirapur. Tunkai Da, what do you think? Should I send Swetha to Mirapur or Vasi Nagar

Tunkai replied, Do whatever you think is right.

Khan Sahab smiled and said, Thank you Tunkai Da. And here is Swetha's advance.

Tunkai said, No, no, I don't need money. Just take care of her.

Swetha replied, Don't worry Tuku. I'll be fine. Take the money.

And then they heard the noise from my cage.

So Khan Sahab ordered someone, Hey pull the curtain up. Quickly.

Purva? What's going on? What are you doing?

I started crying, Noooo. Don't send me to Mirapur. I heard about Kallu Gunda. He is very ferocious. I don't want to go there….

In the meantime the curtain pulled up.

Khan Sahab started laughing and said, hey, hey Purva relax.

You'll be his guest. And he doesn't hurt his guests anytime.

Just stop your tantaram. Because Kaleen chacha hates Womanly tantaram.

Just be cool, cooperative and smart.

But don't be over smart.

I tried to say something.

But he put his finger on his lips and hissed, Sussssshhh. Don't talk like a human. You're a dog. Don't forget it.

Now calm down and get your position.

Tunkai Da, take the money and go now.

Your wife will be at your home in three days.

Tunkai said, thank you and was about to walkout through the door when Khan Sahab shouted,

How do you want her back?

Like this? Or like you took her here in the morning?

Tunkai replied, Like this, Sahab.

Khan sahab smiled and said, ok. She will be at your house like this. Without any harm. Bye.

Fatema : How was her condition?Like you?

Purva : No. Better than me.

She was on her feet. Standing. But her legs were widened apart and her hands were tied very above from her head with chains.

Her hands were making a Capital Y shape. And she was almost Hanging.

Just a few fingers of her legs were touching the floor.

And she was wearing just a small panty made of Jasmine flowers.

And her nipples were covered by the rose petals.

Fatema : Wow. So she was also naked.

Purva : Yes.

Fatema : Ok. Then? What happened?

Purva : Tunkai left.

That was the first time and the last time I met him. But yes we are in touch via phone and video calls.

Anyway, Swetha's and mine eyes met and we both passed smiles at each other.

Then Khan Sahab examined us. And then he ordered his workers to drop the curtains.

Me and Swetha tried to talk after realizing that Khan Sahab Had gone.

But Billu yelled at us, Do you want to eat my job? Please, you both Ladies, stop talking.

Fatema : So, Billu was gardening you?

Purva : Yes.

Soon we started hearing noises and chattering and the aromas and flavors of delicious food started coming. I heard the tinkling and cheering of wine glasses. And in between some whispering and gossiping was going on.

Me and Swetha were in our position without moving any single parts of our body.

Some male voices enquired about the velvet curtains and what's behind them?

Khan Sahab told them to keep patient. And they will be informed about that later.

I was sweating and my throat was drying. I was feeling nervous. The anticipation was killing me.

Who will buy me and how will the auction be and what will be the conditions? What will my new owner do with me? And if that Kallu Gunda buys me? Then?

Those worries were making me very nervous.

But at the same time it was giving me a thrill.

I will be displayed to the new audiences like a salable product. Or like a salable Dog. And my new owner who will win in the bid will take me to his home like a pet.

Ufff that thinking was awesome. My whorry cunt was leaking sexual fluids and my throbbing clit was notifying me that she is indeed very excited.

I thought, Swetha was also in the same situation.

Though she was a pro, she was also an auction product, waiting for her bidder.

Finally after the lunch they all started discussing about the upcoming Assembly election and who will be fighting in which assembly.

All the candidates were debating and bargaining for the cost for their seats. They were arguing for the seats.

And after one hour all the seats were sold, except the two seats. Vasi Nagar and Mirapur.

Where everyone was buying other seats for 5 to 10 crores, no one was interested in those two seats.

A few said, they have to pay 25 crore then they would think about the proposal.

But Khan Sahab declared that he had a surprise gift for him, who agreed to fight from Vasi.

All were curious to see the surprise gift.

And then Khan Sahab ordered his worker to pull the curtain up.

I also adjusted myself like a dog. But my curtain remained covered down on my cage.

I heard chaos around the room.

Then I heard an old man's voice.

He declared, Respected guests. See this beautiful Hoor coming from heaven.

She can be your personal slave for three days, if you agree to fight from Vasi Nagar Assembly area.

A few voices said, they are ready to fight.

But The old voice said, No. This is not that easy.

Whoever is interested to take this hoor in his house, he has to participate in an auction.

And bid for her. Whoever wins the bid, he will have the ticket for Vasi and this beautiful Hoor with him.

The auction started and the bottom price was fixed to 1 crore.

The old auctioneer told them to examine the Hoor properly and from the close and then They can participate in the auction.

I heard Swetha was Giggling continuously.

But I couldn't see her reactions or what they were doing with her. And my anticipation was increasing by the time passing.

And the auction started.

1 crore, 1 crore 5 lakhs, 1 crore, 15 lakhs…..

The auction went on. And finally one said, 33 crore.

And no one crossed his bid.

The old man's voice came and 33 crore one, 33 crore two, 33 crore three…. And sold.

Abid Sahab, congratulations. You win this beautiful whore for three days and the Vasi Nagar assembly is your.. If.. You win.. Ha ha ha…..

And then everyone started asking, Khan Sahab, La jabab idea. We all want to see the surprise gift for Mirapur…

And I knew that my time was coming..

I adjusted myself and got on my fours and started picking up the biscuits from the bowl.

The curtain pulled up….

I was chewing the biscuits and shaking my tail.

All the eyes were just gulping me.

I looked up at them and my ass shook my tail.

I then took a 360 degree turn on my spot.

They were all surprised and shocked to see me like that.

Almost everyone jumped on my cage and they were pushing each other to have a clear view of me.

I licked water with my tongue from the bowl and then looked at them and then went towards the wall and then came back near the cage, in front of them.

They were pushing their arms through the gaps of the rods and were trying to touch me.

I laid on the floor, on my back so that they could take a view of my naked pussy and my naked boobs.

I lifted my two legs and two arms to the sky and started swinging my back and hips from left to right. Just like a dog shows her belly and rolles.

Then I started crawling inside the cage all around.

The old man shouted, watch her thoroughly. Watch her wet leaking pussy, look how beautiful her light brown ass hole is. See how the rings and bells are dangling on her erect nipples. Have you ever seen a throbbing big and sexy clit like this?

Have you ever seen any woman performing as a naked dog? Look how shameless she is. Look how brave she is. Look how sexy shebis.

Gentlemen, now please take your seats.

The bidding is starting.

Yes, we know that Mirapur is a very dangerous area. And our party had never won that seat.

So, we are not forcing anyone to accept our request.

But we are just requesting you to think about our offer and before making any decision just look at our sexy shameless Randi bitch.

Khan Sahab added, And I'm assuring you that she will perform a naked dance show in Mirapur to boost our voting campaign.

Now the real interest began.

The political guests and also me were surprised to hear him. What? Another whore dance? I thought. But I didn't give any permission and he or Hussain ji never asked me.

Fatema : So, what did you do? Did you deny it? Or show your anger?

Purva : Huh? Do you think they were depending on my decision? And the truth is I was super excited to perform another whore dance.

Fatema : Wow. Anyway, what happened then?

Purva : Then the bidding started.

But due to the sensitivity of that area, they started the bidding from 10000 only.

The old man started calling, 10000. Take this Shameless slut bitch for three days, only at 10000 and do whatever you want to do with her.

Anybody interested?

10000 only 10000. Who will buy this beautiful high class housewife? And with her the whore dance will be free.

Who is interesting…

Everyone was thinking and discussing with each other.

The old man was shouting continuously.

Take this bitch and she can go to the market naked to buy your daily needs for free. Take this bitch and she will entertain you by performing a naked dance for you. She will suck your dick, lick your ass. Drink your pee. Let your friends fuck her. She can be an obedient watchdog and guard your house in the night by walking naked around your house.

She will do any dare you'll challenge her.

And the offer is starting for only 10000.

What will happen if you lose just one election? Elections will come again and again. But you'll never find a whore like her again.

I was leaking hearing my abilities as a whore, hehe.

Anyway then someone said, 10000. And all looked at him.

The old man shouted, 10000.The first bid is 10000. Anyone? Anyone else wants to bid? 10001, don't miss this opportunity, come on bid…10002..

I thought no one would bid anymore. But then someone said, 20000.

And all stopped.

And the old man was shouting and encouraging the politicians. And he was shouting, 20001,20002,20003..And….

He was about to say, Sold.

But just then someone shouted, 50,000. And then all started bidding.

And my bidding ended up at 56 crore 35 lakhs…..

Fatema : Who.. Who…What? Fiffff, fifty sixxxx crore!!!!!

Are you kidding? I mean.. How can they arrange so much money.. And for you?

You were a worthless whore.. As I know.

You had danced in the whore dance for just 10 rupees per song. Then.. I mean….

Purva : I was and I am a worthless cheap whore. And I'm proud of that. But there the game was different.

And I was just a product of the auction. And the money collected from the auction would go to the election campaigning and other expenses. They didn't give me any money for that.

Fatema : Ok. So, who bought you, finally?

Purva : Huh.. That bloody Kallu Gunda…..

Fatema : And What happened……

Fatema was about to ask her about her experience at Kallu Gunda's place. But just then Apu came out from his room…

He was sweating and the discomfort could be seen in his face.

He was also naked and his dick was erected.

He was anxious.

Fatema saw him and stopped questioning Purva.

Fatema : Apu? What happened dear?

Purva quickly sat up and looked at him.

Purva : Apu, you haven't slept?​
Next page: Episode 136
Previous page: Episode 134