Episode 146
She came inside and sat on a stool at the counter and took some mouth freshener and started chewing that.
One man came and asked for the rate..
Shiraj : 90 rupees for one egg meal, 80 rupees for a veg meal. And…
The man asked, I'm asking for her rate..
And before Rahman could reply the man touched her boobs and started examining her boobs and said, Wow, so soft and tender..
Purva : 10 rupees.
The man : What?
Purva : 5 rupees for each boobs.
The man : And for fucking?
Purva : 50 rupees for one orgasm and 20 rupees for one condom.
Rahman was stunned to hear that from her.
Shiraj came after serving meals to the customers.
All of his food was finished that day.
He came forward and said, please don't do anything here.
Go backside of my dhaba.
There is a vacant place.
The man : Ok. Let's go.
He took Purva's arm and she got up..
Purva : Rahman Bhai?
Rahman : Ah?
Purva : Condom?
Rahman : What? Oh, yes. Here it is, madam.
The backyard of the dhaba was for cooking. It was actually an open air kitchen. Two sides and the top was covered with some plastic sheets.
There were two coal ovens built with bricks and clay and they were still burning. The coal ashes were scattered all over the ground.
And that became her next playground.
That man was only the start. After that man after man started coming.
Jagga was collecting all the money and Pankaj and Bhola were controlling the crowd.
Some were demanding to go in groups.
Rahman charged extra money for that.
It was around 6.30 when finally the game stopped.
But now it was the turn for Rahman and some of his friends. Agarwal also joined them.
They all went backside.
Jagg and the two drivers also went in.
They looked at her.
She was laying on the ground cladded in ashes and human semen.
Bite marks, scratches and cuts were all over her body and face.
She was in a gloomy state.
But when she saw Rahman, she asked, hey where is the next one? Send him fast.
Rahman said, no one is left.
Purva : Oh no…
Rahman : Do you want more?
Purva : Yessss I want moreeee. Fuck me Rahman Bhai. I need more cock.. Come on fuck my holes..
Rahman : My friends are coming..
Purva : Yeah, call them..
Rahman : They are here. But I'm worried about you. Are you ok?
Purva : Ahh come on. I'm absolutely fine. Where are they?
Rahman called them in.
But just then Shamina came from somewhere and started shouting at Siraj.
Shamina : Are you gone mad? How can you allow them to do that in my dhaba?
Shiraj : Arre they are not inside the dhaba.
Shamina : Yes they are. They are in my kitchen.
There was a back door inside the dhaba.
She went back side through that door.
She was about to scold Purva and the others.
But when she saw her situation she became worried.
Oh my God!!! What you did with this girl…
She called Shiraj Hey, are you hearing me?
Shiraj : Yes Begum Jaan. Tell me.
Shamina :Bring a glass of water please.
Oh my god..
She quickly went near her and squatted beside her.
Shiraj brought the water.
Shamina : Here, drink the water first.
Rahman, are you mad? How can you do this with a woman?
Rahman : Bhabhi Jaan, listen to me..
Shamina : Shut up. I'll call the p0lice.
Purva : Shamina Bhabhi, please calm down. I'm absolutely fine. Don't worry about me.
Shamina : No, no, girl. You don't have to fear them. I'm with you.
Just look how brutally they ra*ped you.
They all need punishment.
Eh he he, it's bleeding here.
Shamina wiped the blood from a tiny cut on her left arm.
Shamina : Eh, did they pissed on you? Eh he, chhi. Bloody animals.
Come on, let's go to the p0lice station.
Purva : Please Bhabhi, Calm down, listen to me. They didn't ra*pe me. I am taking money for these. And I'm thoroughly enjoying everything.
I'm not scared or in pain. And I was thirsty so I told some of them to feed me their pee.
Please don't bring the p0lice here. Please.
Shamina looked at her with disbelief.
Shamina : Aye Rahman Bhai, What is she saying?
Rahman : Ji Bhabhi Jaan, she is telling the truth.
Purva's face was covered with thick layers of semen.
Shamina looked at her with disgust and splashed the glass full of water on her face.
Then she spit on her face.
Shamina : Thu…Sali Randi Aurat, Besharam, Beghayrat, Badchalan, Chhinaal. Thu.. Kutiya.. Thu thu thu.
Shamina raised her hand to slap her but then looking at her dirty face she lowered her hand and spit on her again.
Then she looked back at Shiraj and said, Just come back home. Then you'll see who I'm.
Shiraj : Hey Shamina, please don't get angry.
What can I do, Jaan?
Shamina : Don't touch me.
Shiraj : I didn't touch her either. Promise. Ask her.
Shamina : I am not listening to anything from anyone.
I'm going home and you kick this slut from here immediately and come home.
Saying that Shamina rushed out from there.
Shiraj went behind her and came back after just a few seconds.
Shiraj : She has gone. Rahman did it first.
And remember, don't tell Shamina about me.

Haha ha.
Shiraj lowered his face and went out from there.
It was around 8.30 in the night when Purva arrived home.
She was tumbling and Jagga was supporting her.
Pankaj knocked the door and after a few moments Fatema opened the door.
Sami ran to the door and cheered, yeah…Mamma has come, Mamma has come.
He pushed Fatema who was still naked,and was about to jump on her but he saw her state.
A smelly, sticky and gooey thing covering her body.
Her hair was also scattered all over her face and there was that same gooey thing sticking with her hair.
The dust and the burned engine oil, tar and the coal ashes all were making patches all over her body.
Sami saw her and jumped back in fear.
Sami : Mamma? Is it you?
Purva somehow utter, Yes betu. It's your mother.
Sami : What happened to you? Who did this with you?
Purva : After a few days of interval my power came to me and I became the…
Sami : Wolf woman?
Purva : Yes… I was fighting with a demon coming from the underground sewers system.
Fatema : Of ho, Sami Baba, let your Mamma come in. Can't you see what her situation is?
Fatema quickly held her arm and supported her to walk.
Purva came in and saw Nazir and Ruksana were sitting on the dining table.
They looked back and became shocked to see her.
Ruksana : Oh my God!!! What the hell is this?
Nazir: Sush, Ma. The little kid is here.
Purva was tumbling too much.
Fatema almost hugged her and took her to her room.
Jagga was also holding her by the other side.
Fatema : Jagga Ji, take her straight to the bathroom.
Purva : No. Let me take some rest first.
Fatema : Yes, Didi?
Purva : Lay me on the bed and switch on the geyser.
I'll take a bath after 10 minutes.
And you've to help me.
Fatema : Yes Didi. Don't worry.
Jagga : Madam, I'm waiting outside with Pankaj and Bhola Bhai in their car.
Purva : No. You stay with me.
Cuddle me a little.
Jagga : Ok.
Fatema smiled and asked Jagga, Jagga ji? Is Didi ok?
Purva : Arre, don't worry. I'm fine.
Fatema : What happened?
Purva : Ufff. Just go and let me take some rest.
Tarun came.
Tarun : What? Are you ok?
Purva : Aree Yaar. I'm fine. Just leave me alone.
Tarun : Ok, alright.
Fatema, come.
Tarun and Fatema came out and closed the door.
Fatema went to the dining area and was about to take a serving bowl of curry to serve it to her mother in law. But Ruksana stopped her and said, Stop. Don't touch the food. Look at you.
You were hugging that bitch and all the filths now attached to you.
Go and take a shower.
Fatema : Sorry, Ammi. I'll take a bath.
Tarun : Don't worry, Fatema, I'll serve them.
Ruksana : What? Why?
Send Naz. She will serve. You're a male.
Tarun : So what? Auntie? Male or female doesn't matter. We should know each other's work so that we can help each other and we should always respect the other.
Ruksana became silent. Tarun started serving her.
Nazir : Are, Tarun sir. Leave it. I'll take it on my own.
Tarun : Please, let me do it. You're our guests.
Sami went to his room where Naz and Apu were gossiping.
Sami went there and started telling them his wolf mother's story.
Obviously by exaggerating everything.
Ruksana : Never mind Tarun, how do you tolerate these?
Tarun : what?
Ruksana : These things. Purva is just going out and returning back like this.
And what she did in our slum.
I never could believe it until I saw her in her marriage with my husband.
You were also there.
Tarun smiled and said, listen Auntie, She is my wife. But it's her secondary identity.
Her primary Identity is she. She is Purva. She is not my property. She has her own choice, her own decisions, likes, dislikes. And she never cheated on me or never hid anything from me.
I gave her permission or you may say I agreed with her decisions.
If we couldn't agree with each other then we would be separated from each other. But we both respect each other.
Ruksana : Is it so easy?
Tarun : If you keep your ego aside and stop thinking that your partner is your property and start thinking of him or her as an individual human being who has his or her own rights then it's very easy.
By the way, how is the curry?
Ruksana : Huh? Oh, it's perfect. And why not be perfect. I taught Fatema how to slow cook this curry.
Tarun : Ha ha. But today she didn't Cook this.
Ruksana : What? But the taste is the same as she used to cook??
Tarun : Yeah, yeah. That must be the same because this curry was cooked by junior Fatema.
Ruksana : Really? Naz cooked this?
Tarun : Yes. She cooked these parathas too, from kneading the dough to this.
Ruksana : Amazing..
Naz.. Naz? Come here.
Fatema was just standing beside Tarun.
But Ruksana didn't give her any attention..
She called Naz.
Naz : Yes, Dadi, Coming.
Then The naked Naz ran in. Her tiny tiny tits couldn't jiggle like her mother or like Purva but it got some tiny ripples and shakened nipppes.
She came and asked, What Dadi ma?
Ruksana : I don't know what I'm doing. I am really disappointed in you two. But you really cooked these meals very well. Almost perfect.
So here is your reward.
Saying that Ruksana pulled a gold ring emblemed with Ruby from her finger and inserted it in Nazs finger.
Naz looked at her in disbelief.
She couldn't say anything.
Fatema : What Naz? Say Shukriya to Dadi Ma.
Naz : Dadima? Shukriya.. Shukriya.
And she hugged her grandmother.
Ruksana : Ok, ok. Enough. Now go and play with the boys.
Naz : Thank you Dadi Ma.
She quickly turned and went inside the room.
Fatema : I.. I am going and taking care of Didi.
Ruksana : Yes, that will be better. Don't stay here.
Tarun, sit here. I've had some serious discussions with you.
Tarun : Yes Auntie, tell me.
Tarun sat on the opposite chair of Ruksana.
Nazir was just a silent viewer.
Fatema went inside the bedroom.
She saw Jagga was sitting beside the bed and Purva's head was on his lap.
Her eyes were closed.
Jagga was massaging her head.
Fatema whispered, is she sleeping?
Jagga : Yes. She is very tired.
Fatema : But her condition is very bad. Bleeding from there and there.
Jagga : Don't worry, Rahman Bhai called a medicine shop man. He gave her a tetvac injection and applied dettol on her wound.
Fatema : I'm going to prepare the bath water.
Jagga : Ok.
Fatema :By the way, how many men has fucked her?
Jagga : Couldn't count. But, Rahman Bhai had bought 100 condoms. All finished.
Fatema : All finished? That means 100 men? Oh my God!!
Jagga : No, no. Not 100 men. Maybe 35-40 men.
But many of them has fucked her twice or trice.
Fatema : Can't believe it. By the way, who is Rahman Bhai?
Jagga : Ah, a man from the chor bazar.
Fatema : Oh..
She released a sigh of disappointment.
Jagga : What happened, Madam Ji?
Fatema : Ah, nothing Jagga ji. I wish I could go there with her..
Jagga : Hehe, give thanks to your fortune, Madam Ji. You can't withstand it.
Fatema : Who knows.
Jagga : I know. It will take time for you to become like her.
Fatema : Yeah, That's true.
Jagga : Ok, Madam Ji go and wash yourself first.
Fatema : Why. I have to drench my body again when I'll help her in the bathroom.
Jagga : No, no. I'll manage that alone.
Fatema : No, I'll also take a bath with you both.
Jagga : I don't want to take a bath.
Fatema : Why?
Jagga : Then I'll become fresh. And no one will give me money. You know, I'm a beggar.
Fatema : Oh.
Jagga : Oh ho. Wait, wait.
Can you sit here and massage her head?
Fatema : Why not. But what will you do?
Jagga : Just come here and take my position.
Jagga pulled a pillow and slowly put Purva's head down to that pillow from his lap.
His tiny piece of cloth had rolled up.
When he put Purva's head down, Fatema saw his giant tool. It was not erected but still it was looking amazing and huge.
So dark and nasty but still so exciting.
Fatema went closer to him and asked, Did you also fucked her there?
Jagga : Yes.
Fatema touched his dick and whispered, how many times?
Jagga : Just once.
Fatema : Just once?
She gripped his tool.
Jagga : Yes, Just once.
Fatema lodered her grip.
Fatema : Then you still have the stamina?
Jagga : Yes.
Fatema : And Didi doesn't have any stamina left.
She pulled his dick.
Jagga : No.
Fatema : We should let her sleep for sometime.
She started stroking his dick slowly.
Jagga : Yes. We should.
Fatema : She is smelling.
Jagga : Yes. She forced men to pee on her.
Fatema : really?