Episode 157

Fatema : Oh no. What are these pics, Didi.

Purva : Ah, I'll so you later. Let me finish the story first.

Fatema : No way give me the phone.

Fatema : I had heard about this. You were roaming in the market wearing a transparent Burqa only. But never imagined that how you were looking.

Purva : And how it is?

Fatema : Not mind blowing, Didi. It's mind bobling. Hehe.

And what is the story of this pic, Didi? Fatema asked,

Purva : It was after the nught when I came back home after getting fully drunk and shower in alcohol. It was an afternoon. But I had consumed a lot of alcohol from last two days. And I was still feeling drunk. The muttyas made me a real slut. Mustaq was angry on me. And he kicked me out of the house. So I was wondering around. I had no idea where I should go. So I decided to go to Muttya ( Porter )Basti ( slum) again.

Fatema : What happened there?

Purva : Ah, Don't ask me.

It's making me wet, thinking about the incident.

Rather you see all the pics.

Don't use the e-mail.

Let me unlock the gallery for you.

Now see.

Fatema : It seems like a market.

Purva : Not actually a market. It was a kind of loading unloading depot and Porter's slum. That afternoon I spent time with them playing cards with them. Actually betting with them.

Fatema : So, you own?

Purva : No I lost the bet but that was my winning also.

Fatema : That means?

Purva : The bet was, If I lost I've to perform a kinky dance for them.

And they will choose the costume and the place for me.

So they choose a very unique costume for me hehe.

Fatema : What costume, Didi? You were stark naked.

Purva : Wait dear.

Fatema : So, they also bought a Horse?

Purva : Yes. And a Horse tail also.

Fatema : Horse Tail?

Purva : Yes.

Purva : They experimented with the tail for a while and told me to dance with it. It was falling down and they were pushing it again. They also inserted it inside my pussy also.

Fatema : Oh MG.

Fatema : It's so kinky, Didi.

Fatema : Yeah. And I love being Kinky

Fatema : What was it? Was it a sewage?

Purva : No, No. The Porter's slum was situated beside a canal connected to a river. The entire area was a low land. So, sometimes the canal water used to over flowed on the road.

Fatema : Oh, I see. But I can only say that you are La Jawab, Didi.

Fatema : Oh my god!! You were with Rasul, Imran, Aftab?

Did they fucked you all, Didi?

Purva : It was Rasul, who first told me to try the cigarette.

They used to come to Mustaq's house al, almost every day.

Kamran was the photographer and you can say my personal bodyguard.

Sajid told him to follow me everywhere and take photos of mine.

They never fucked me in front of Sazid or Mushtaq. But yes. They had their chances and they never lose their chances.

I used to go to the small market with them in every afternoon.

There was a tea stall and a dingy slum bar

Purva : I knew smoking and drinking are very bad things. Injurious to health, causing cancer. But for a few days, for a whore like me it was needed. A worthless whore like me should try all of these things. She should fulfill all the demands of her admires. And after all I was wanting all of this. I was wanting to go down the lane. I was wanting me to degrade myself so down that I would me ashamed to see or remember my own doing things. But remembering these things or seeing these photos always made me wet and weakened again and I wanted to do this again and again.

After going out with Rasul, Kamran and their friends for a few days, I started going out alone. I used to visit the slum tea stall regularly. I didn't knew that someone is following me ot taking my pictures. Because these pics had taken from the far with long zoomed DSLR. Rasul showd me these pics later.

Roaming naked through the crowded slum and then gossiping with the clothed people at the tea stall was really exciting for me. That was keeping me horny and wet all the time without having actual sex. And my crossed legs slowly started spreading apart. Hehe.

The first day I was going to buy a cigarette, I was very shy and nervous. So I wore a piece of cloth gifted by the old tailor. But you know wearing that or not wearing that cloth was the same. Slowly my hesitation gone fade.

But a new kinky idea came to my mind.

I started pissing on the road in front of the huts and Salim's garage lane. The people started scolding me, yelling at me.

Hehe. And one day Hussain ji scolded me and I had to stop that game

My ueges started increasing. When Mustaq went away from the slum for three days. I went to a local bar instead of going to the tea stall.

Fatema : In the morning?

Purva : Around 12 at noon after returning from Nasira bhabhi's house.

First day I was hesitant and very shy. I couldn't ask for anglass of alcohol.

I just sat there and smoked. Some men were asking, Kya re Randi, daru pini hay kay? ( Hay You slut whore, wanna drink some alcohol?) Come on sit on my lap( aja meri godi me baith ja. May daru pilata hu.

I just nodded my head and said, no chacha. I just came to see the area. And then went away from there

Next day I gained some courage and went there again. Sat at a corner silently and started smoking. One man came and handed me a bottle. I couldn't look at him but silently took the bottle form his hand. Another man came and gave me a glass of alcohol. And the new chapter started

I stayed there till 1.30 in the afternoon and then went out of there. The men were surely lust on me but they couldn't do anything because of the fear of Khan Sahab.

I was on the way back home. But I couldn't realized how much drunk I was. I was smoking cigarette after cigarette. My head was spinning. I wss frequently falling on the road.

I had no sense. It was Kamran who showed me the pics later when I realized that I wss laying by a railway line. And don't know how long I was there and how many train passed.

On the way back I saw some men were drinking alcohol. I asked them for alcohol and they happily offered me the alcohol they were drinking.

Maybe they had banged me on the road. Because I was feeling so good inside my pussy and anus. But the I found myself fallen inside a canal.

Maybe Rasul and his gang rescued me and left me at home.

Fatema : Then what happened Didi?

Purva : I woke up in the evening. Around 7.30. I tried to comprehend myself that I shouldn't drink or smoke anymore. And I hadn't eat anything from the afternoon. I hah just the alcohol in my empty stomach. So I decided to cook something for me. But I was not wanting to cook anything. I was so tired. So, I decided to go and buy some food. And when I was walking on the street I remembered that the Bar also provide meals. So I decided to go to the bar to buy only food. But when I entered the bar, I first ordered a cigarette and then a glass of rum and a plate of chicken liver stomach curry. And soon told them to bring a full bottle for me. And then this happened

I don't know when I drunk out on the bench under the open sky and how many cocks pounded my pussy and ass hole.

Whe a man woke me up in the morning, I couldn't go anywhere and did my morning staffs there on the sopt without any shame. I was actually giggling and the man was pouring alcohol into my mouth again

Same thing happened next day also. Morning to might. Starting after my work and ending at the midnight

Third day I woke up in the bar in the morning and started drinking again and couldn't go to Nasira Bhabhi's house or couldn't go to deliver milk. That day Mustaq Ji also came back. And all my kinky adventures stopped. The door of the bar shutted down for me forever

Purva entered Ramu's Village

“Ok this is the last picture. Now sleep”

Purva annoyingly said that.

Fatema : What? No Didi. I want to listen to Ramu's village story. But before that tell me what is this?

You are unrecognized in these pictures.

Purva : Hehe, I was a real cheap shameless whore there.

After being kicked off from the local bars and after Mustaq's instruction all the locals had stopped giving me food, cigarettes and alcohol.

But I was stubborn. As you see I was working at the beggar's restaurant as a servant. So, they were giving me food and a very little wage too. Everyday after my work finished they used to pay me 50 rupees everyday.

And I used to spend 25 rupees for the pouch of alcohol and 5 rupees for the bidi.

And if…If I managed to come out from my hangover then I used to spend 20 rupees for my dinner.I almost lose 7-8 kgs on those days and you can clearly see my tanned naked body due to the maximum exposure of the sunlight everyday.

Fatema : Didi, whatever, you are looking so cheap in this picture but at the same time it's so hot. I can't imagine that you were walking all day naked and serving food in a roadside restaurant and consuming cheap local alcohol and smoking bidi? Uffff.

Purva : Hehe. And I was also getting fucked by countless strangers for the exchange of alcohol pouch or a packet of bidi.

One day I was so drunk and aroused that I was masturbating by the roadside when Hussain ji saw me and then he took me to his second house. Anyway, Let me sleep now.

Fatema : Umm huu huu huu, Didiiii. Noooo. I want to hear Ramu's village story.

Please Didi. Tell me Naaaaa…

Purva : Ok ok. Don't be childish like your daughter.

Purva started narrating her story.

And after finishing the train journey part she started to tell what happened at Ramu's village..

Purva : So, after getting down from the tricycle van, I wore the silly skirt which was now torn from many places and the spaghetti strap tank top with the torn strap.

I was happily walking with Ramu by wrapping my arms in her arm.

It was a feeling of freedom. I was wishing that I could walk naked and I asked Ramu, “ Can I remove my clothes, Ramu?”

He laughed and said, Aree madam keep patients. The time will come soon. But please don't disrobe yourself right now.

Slowly we were entering the village. The landscapes were changing. I could see the houses. Before entering the village there was a small tea stall and a few men were sitting on bamboo platforms at the outside of the tea stall.

One old man noticed me and he quickly alerted everyone.

They all turned their faces and started eating me with their eyes.

The middle aged tea shop owner shouted, “Are Ramu bhai, kaisan ha ba? Sab kuch thik ba? ( Arree Ramu, how are you? All good?)

Ramu replied, Ji bade bhaiya, sab khairiyat. ( Yes elder bro, everything is well)

Another man asked, Bahut din bad louta gaon me? Aur E kaun ba? Kaha se uthan laya e randi ko? ( you are returning to the village after so long. And who is this with you? From where you find this Whore?)

Another old man said, Arri burbank. Sasura e tujhe randi lagiiii? E ladki to unchi khandan se lagail ba? Majra ka ba?

Arree e bitiya, idhar aba tani…. ( shut up you stupid. Is she seeming like a whore to you? I think she is from a rich family. Hey girl, come here..)

I was a little scared. I slowly and shily went forward keeping my head down.

Ramu said, “ Ah, Bade bhaiya ( big brother ), she is Purva madam. She is one of the residents in the society where I used to work.

Memsaab is very kind and good.

One man giggled and said, yeah we all are seeing that.

Then he looked at me and asked, So? Madam, why are you here with this worthless creature?

I couldn't find any answer, I didn't know what to say or what not.

Ramu replied, Big brother, my madam is a very big hearted and kind House wife. She comes with me to this village at my request. As you know my cousins are going to get married next week. So, I had requested that if she gets any time and can perform a few dances in our village then everyone will be happy and praise her. So, She finally agreed.

Ramu said those sentences in one breath.

I was still standing silently with my head down. Suddenly my shyness was returning inside me. Maybe I was feeling a little scared too.

After Ramu finished his words, all went silent for a couple of moments.

That silence made me lift my head and look at them.

They all were looking at me in disbelief.

No one was saying a single word..

Finally an old man stood up and slowly came towards me. His eyes were widened in Wonder.

My eyebrows were flickering continuously. I put my arms in front of my boobs and my palms were covering my pussy. Though I was wearing those silly clothes, I still felt naked.

The man whispered, housewife?

Then he turned towards Ramu and shouted, “Ramu? Did you tell her everything? Or just lure her here? Huh?

Ramu said, No, no, chacha. I told madam everything and she has agreed to perform. Madam, please tell everyone that I had told you.

I finally spoke. Yes, Ramu informed me everything. And I've agreed to be the lone performer of the village.

They became more shocked.

One man asked, did he inform you about the ladies in this village?

He was about to say something more when Ramu hurriedly stopped him and said, Are bhaiya don't worry. She is not going to perform publicly. It is a marriage ceremony. So…

One man said, even Ramu, I don't think we should take the risk.

Ramu replied, Just look at my madam. Look how she comes with me in this dress in a general compartment of the train. Madam will handle everything. She is a brave girl.

Finally one old man asked, So, what is her name?

I replied, I'm Purva.

The old man said, Purva? Nice name. So Purva,come here. Sit among us.

Do you know how you will entertain the village or the guests?

I shily sat among them keeping my palms on my lap. But the tiny skirt flew and lifted up due to a breezy wind and exposed my naked pussy just for a second.

Before I could reply to his question, all the men hissed in shock. They were looking at me in disbelief.

One man asked, Ramu, did she come like this? On the train?

Ramu nodded his head.

The old man said, So, she can dance in public too?

Ramu again nodded his head.

I smiled shyly and said, Uncle , I'm eager to dance naked in public.

Hearing my answer they all got surprised. The tea shop owner said, I don't believe it. I know Ramu did some kind of trick to this woman and drugged her. And brought her here. Be careful chacha.

A few more curious people stopped in front of the stall who were passing by.

The tea stall owner said, We don't want any kind of trouble, Ramu like the last time. Don't know when the p0lice will come. Better bring some cheap real whore and send this memsaab to her home. We don't want any trouble.

Ramu protested and said, No, no, I didn't trick Madam . Purva madam, please tell them.

I calmly said, can I get some tea?

The owner said, Yes, here take this.

He gave me the tea in a small clay cup.

I started sipping the tea.

Ramu also took a cup of tea.

The old man asked, Why do you want to dance here? Don't you have any shame or fear?

I looked at him and replied, Yes chacha, I've shame and fear. But I don't know why my soul is wanting to do this performance desperately. Please chacha, let me do this..

One man asked, have you ever performed any kind of whore dance before?

I said, No, never.

Another man said, then it will be better if you go back to your home. This is not for you madam..

Then they started interrogating me and I told them about my family, Tarun and Apu. And a little bit more.

And I told them that I want to experience this village dance. But they told me that I can't do that. If I want to experience it then they could arrange for me to sit in a safe place and I could watch the whore dance.

But I was stubborn.

And when I saw that they had no confidence in me, I threw the clay cup beside the road and stood up.

A mini crowd was gathered in front of the stall.

I looked around and then held the waist hand of my skirt. I looked around again and then took a long breath and then with a swift push I pushed the skirt down through my legs and then threw it away from my legs.

They all were in huge shock.

I said, now what do you say? Not enough?

Ok, wait.

And I swiftly removed the top too and became fully naked.

I was shivering in excitement and getting goosebumps.

They all were frozen for a couple of moments and then a few hands started roaming through my naked body and started feeling my naked smooth skin and slowly the hands started pressing my boobs and butt cheeks. I was shivering and moaning softly.

But the old man shouted and took His walking stick up and started beating everyone softly.

He was shouting, stop, stop, stop everyone. What are you doing? Is it a place to do this kind of work?

Look, everyone is watching. What would happen if the ladies got this information?

Hey Purva memsaab, quickly wear your clothes and Ramu,take her to a safe place.

And then he started disbursing the crowd.

I wore my clothes and then sat there again because they were discussing where they should give me a better shelter.

Finally they decided that the old club room would be the best place for my shelter.

And then I sat on a man's bike behind him and Ramu sat behind me.

My boobs were pressing against the man's back.

Two more men also started accompanying us on another bike.

And maybe they took a longer route avoiding the village. And finally we reached in front of a big playground beside a paddy field. And there was a small hut at the end of the playground.

There was also a bigger house. The new club house.

But they took me to the small abandoned hut.

There was no electricity.

And there was only an old wooden stool covered in dust.

The room was also dusty. The entire room and the walls were covered in dust, dirt, soot and cobwebs.

I was stunned. How will I stay here?

I screamingly asked.

The men with us said, don't worry memsaab, we will arrange something. Till then you stay here and don't go out.

Saying that they took Ramu with them and locked the door from the outside.

It was very suffocating inside.

I found a window. I tried to open it but it was jammed. I couldn't open it.

And trying to do that I started sweating.

I came back and sat on the dusty stool.

But the stool was very dirty and very loose. It could have broken at any moment.

So finding no way I sat on the dirty dusty floor.

There was a very dim light coming through the gap of the door and from a tiny ventilator.

My clothes became drenched in sweat.

Then I thought, what is the need of any cloth anymore? And I removed those silly clothes and threw them away on the dusty floor.But after some time I started feeling scared, didn't know why. I quickly crawled on the dusty floor and picked up my clothes and wore them again. I slowly leaned on the floor and then laid on the floor. The dust stuck on my sweating wet body.

And I didn't know when I fell asleep.

After some time I woke up with the noise of the door opening and the falling sunlight directly on me.

I opened my eyes and saw Ramu was standing at the doorstep with two of his friends.

One of his friends said, Aree re ree, Bhabhi ji becomes too dirty. Almost black.

Another man said, who told you to lay down on this dirty floor, Madam?

I replied, I'm very tired, so….

Ramu said, ok, ok, madam, please get up. I brought an omelet toast. Please have your breakfast with it.

They gave me a bottle of water and the omelet toast.

Ramu's friends were discussing my condition. They decided that I needed a bath but then they became worried and started thinking about the place. Should they take me to the pond or to the tube well beside the road?

But they said, Please madam, spend this day like this and we Will arrange a better place for you.

I smiled and said, don't worry. I'm fine. Just open the window for me.

Fatema was listening to her silently.

Suddenly Purva looked at her and said, What? You're not responding? Are you feeling bored?

Fatema : No, no, Didi. I'm listening carefully.

You carry on. But I am just thinking when the main part will come. I mean when will they fucked you all.

Purva : Hyatt naughty.

Fatema : Hehe. But Didi? Were they fearing something? They were trying to hide you from someone.

Purva : Yes. I was also thinking about that.

Anyway,in the afternoon they gave me simple daal and rice and aloo chokha. That's it. And again closed the door and went out.

But my condition was very bad. The clothes were stuck to me like a second skin. I was sweating heavily.

One man said, Madam, your clothes have become wet. Don't wear them. You may get cold by wearing these clothes.

I asked, "What will I wear?

The man said, don't worry, we will arrange something. Now please remove your clothes and give them to us.

I looked at them and asked, where is Ramu?

I had started feeling scared.

They said, Ramu is at his home. Busy in the arrangement of the marriage ceremony.

I said, ok. But I'm ok with my clothes. And I'll not get cold as it's too hot and humid here.
Next page: Episode 158
Previous page: Episode 156