Episode 34
Sex education (Teaching Masterbation )
Apu: We should go to the pharmacy now.
Purva : for what? For these cuts? These are common dear. I applied dettol and now bring me the t bact ointment from your room. In time of sex ths cuts and scratches are common. These are called Hickey marks. I don't need any tetanus vaccine.
Apu : But mamma..
Purva : If you are telling me, I'll take the vaccine. But tomorrow. It has 24 four hours time. Don't worry.
Apu : Then what should we do now? Papa said it will take more than one hour.
Purva : Go and start reading your home task.
Apu : Nooooo. Mamma, I won't read now.
Purva : Why?
Apu : Don't worry mamma, I'll read when Sami and papa will return back. But now let me spend time with you,mamma.
Purva : You want to spend time with me? Why am I your girlfriend?
Apu : Why? Can't I spend time with my mamma? Are you not my girlfriend?
Purva : You are very Clever.
Apu : Mamma why don't you tell me about your adventures mamma?
Purva : I told you before that you become 18 first.
Apu : Oh common mamma. Doing sex with a under age is a crime. But telling him something about sex is not crime. It's comes under sex education. Where I already know or see those things a little . But I don't know the entire thing. I may have intended wrong if I don't know the entire thing. So you should tell me the entire story.
Purva : You are very clever, Apu. But you know, your papa also doesn't know the entire story. And there are many things which I can't tell you now.
Apu : But you can tell me what you can. At least tell me how the entire thing started.
And how you ended everything.
Purva : Ok I will think about this. But not now. It's a long story. I'll tell you someday later.
Apu : Mamma, you can't tell me this, you can't tell me those. You can't show me how to musterbate. You can't tell me what's the benefits and sideeffects of musterbation. So what will you teach me in the name of sex education? Will you tell me not to musterbate , it's a sin. Don't look at any girl or don't fall in love. Don't do this, don't do that.
Purva : Ok ok cool down. I'm not an Orthodox mother like others. And I told you that I'll tell you my story. But tell me you really don't know about musterbation?
Apu : No mamma. I swear. I don't know.
Purva : you can easily know from the internet.
Apu : Yes I can. But when I search in google about this, first hundreds of porn sites will open to show me some vulgar pics and vids. I don't want to see them. I don't want to learn from the net. If I then why are you here?
Purva : Ok baba ok. Cool down. Get free of your angar.
Apu : I'm not angry.
Purva : You are,kid. Now listen, angar, anxiety and tension these are the enemy of sex. The main sexual hormone in a male human body is testosterone.
Angar, anxiety or tension increase the flow of testosterone.
but they divert its flow in other directions. These things make a man a demon. Sex is not a forceful act. Sex is the ultimate act of love. You will get pleasure if your partner gets pleasure. Love your partner. Make her satisfied. But if she or he is not agreed then don't ever force your partner.
Forcing or compelling someone is not sex or love. So… always keep calm and anxiety free.
Apu : and how can I get rid of these.
Purva : Think good, talk good, do something good. So if your intention is good you will always be happy. And a happy man makes his partner happy.
Apu : Ok. But tell me now how to musterbate?
Purva : Listen musterbation is self sexual satisfaction. It's good. It will help you grow up. And it's a natural thing. There is no sin to do musterbation. Even it prevents us from doing sin.
Apu : Prevent us from doing sin? How?
Purva : Assume a man has affection for a woman. But the man knows the woman will not agreed to do sex with him. But the man is too aroused. Now what will he do?
Apu: What?
Purva : If he is a bad man with bad intention then he will try to forcefully make sex with her. He will become a demon.
But if he is a good man then he will just go away to some private place and musterbate to subsidize his arousal . And his thoughts will become normal. Thus the musterbation helps us to become a good man. And it gives pleasure. So it's not a bad thing. In my opinion it's a good thing.
Apu : And how to musterbate?
Purva : to musterbate you have to arrouse yourself first. If you get aroused then your penis will become erect. Then you can musterbate.
Apu : But how can I get aroused?
Purva : This will have to be told to you also?
Apu : But mamma..
Purva : Are you not getting aroused by seeing a naked woman in front of you?
Apu : No, you are my mamma. I don't have any bad thoughts for you. And I'm habituated with your nudity.
Purva : when and how will you feel sparks on your penis?
Apu : don't get angry with me mamma. Last night I secretly opened papa's laptop and went to the link which I saw on Lucky's phone. And that time I got aroused.
Purva : You have the link? You saw my vids last night?
Apu held his ears and pouted his face and said, Sorry mamma. Don't get angry.
Purva : No no I'm not getting angry. It's natural. I just wonder how many coincidences are happening together. When you were watching my video, I was telling the exact episode to your Papa.
Apu : Oh.
Purva giggled. He he, your face became so pale in fear. Come on kid, be cool. Relax and
Now let's try to imagine something which will arouse you.
Apu : Mamma, telling is easy but doing is not easy. I'm feeling uncomfortable.
Purva realized she had to make Apu comfortable. She said very politely, Apu beta, come sit on mama's lap. As you already have seen my video then I think I should tell you some more about me. Come sit.
Apu slowly stood up and then
Sat on her lap. Purva leaned back on the wall beside the bed.
Apu : Mamma, I'm sorry for getting turned on by seeing your videos.
Purva : Don't be sorry beta. It's normal. These were my videos. Not me in real . And the video was made to turn on men. So it would be abnormal if you had not turned on by watching the videos.
Now as you know I was or I'm a whore, I had performed many kinds of kinky acts. But all of this happened in a short period of time. All of these started 6 years ago and lasted for thee months and then we shifted to Delhi and I stopped everything. And before that and after that I had always been a good homely woman.
But suddenly things started changing recently as you know.
Apu :Yes mamma, god also wants you to continue your whore activities.
Purva : Oh shut up, Apu. He he.
She was cuddling his hair.
Purva : Now tell me what you saw in the video?
Apu : Oh mamma I can't tell you this.
Purva : Ok relax. Then Tell me how was my condition?
Apu : You were totally drenched in sweat, piss and spit. And lots of the men's sperm had covered your face, hair and body. I don't know, but you must have been smelling like hell.
Purva : Hi Hi, absolutely.
Apu : But I wonder how these kinds of dirty things turn on a person?
Purva : I don't know. But I get turned on by watching lower class dirty people and get more turned on by these filthy acts.
But you also had turned on by seeing those acts. Don't you?
Apu : Yes mamma. I don't know why? But….
Purva : But see, your toy is again getting hard.
Apu : oops…
He covered his penis with both of his hands.
Purva : Don't be shy Apu. If you want to learn how to masterbate then Uncover your nana and grip it.
Apu : But How?
Purva : Of ho. Ok move your hands.
Apu removed his hands.
Purva held his penis and made a grip on it with her left hand.
Purva : Now see how I grip this and then slide the grip ups and down like this through your nana. See how I'm doing.
Apu : Ah yes mamma.
Purva : Feeling good?
Apu : yes mamma.
Purva : Remember don't push it down with pressure but pull it up with every motion like this.
Apu : Why so,mamma?
Purva : This will help your nana to grow long.
And while moving your grip with one hand then softly squeeze your balls very very softly in between. See, like this. But not all the time.
Apu : ok.
Purva : Do you understand ?
Apu : Yes mamma.
Purva : Show me. I'm lifting my hand.
Now grip your nana like how I showed you.
Apu held his penis and started stroking it slowly.
Purva : a little faster. Ok. But I think your grip is too tight.
Apu : Mamma, It's not going well.
Purva : It's a simple up and down motion Apu.
Apu : But mamma..
Purva : ok get down and sit opposite me.
Now watch my clit. See how I'm doing. Up and down. Backwards and forward. Simple.
Apu : But you only used two fingers and one thumb.
Purva : Yes, This is a large clit. Only 2.5 inches long. But you have a 4 inches long penis. Use your whole palm to grip on it.
Apu: Is that right?
Purva : Yes now do with me with a rhythm. 1 2 3 4 5
Yes you are doing well. Now pull a little forward like I'm pulling.
Now try to lower the foreskin. See, my clit also has foreskin. See how easily it's uncovering my clit head.
Apu : Mamma, it's harting. Ahhh.
Purva : Ok, stop stop. You don't try it right now. I'll help you everyday with soap at the time of bathing. Now just concentrate on the masterbation.
Purva stopped stroking her clit and started watching Apu.
Purva : Overall you are going well. But I think you are giving too much pressure. Come to me. Hold my clit.
Apu : Mamma?
Purva : Do what I said. I want to see how much pressure you are giving.
Now stroke my clit.
Purva : Yes I was right. Too much pressure. Loose the grip.
Apu: Is it ok now?
Purva : No no. It's become very loose. Give a little pressure.
Apu: Now?
Purva : Yes, now it's perfect.
Ok I think you are fully knowledgeable now. Leave my clit and start stroking your Panis.
Apu started stroking his small dick.
Purva : Perfect. You are going right.
Now stop here.
Apu : Mamma?
Purva : My job was to teach you how to musterbate. I have already taught you. Now don't musterbate in front of me. As a mother I can't allow you to musterbate in front of me.
Apu : Ah but… mamma?
Purva : If you want to. Then go to the bathroom and come after it is finished. And bring my tail while you return.
Apu : Off you break my emotions mamma. Dhat. But thank you for teaching me. It's really amazing. Wait, I'm bringing your tail, mamma.
Apu took 15 minutes inside the toilet and came back with the tail.
Purva knew what he was doing. She secretly went and stood beside the bathroom door and attached her ear with the door. There was a very little sound but that was enough for Purva to realize that her teaching was successful.
She slowly returned back on the bed and started squeezing her clit softly, remembering about the day.
When Apu returned, Purva was twisting her clit still. Purva asked, you take so long? You told me that you will just go and bring me the tail back.
Apu saw her mother playing with her clit shamelessly in front of him.
But this is not a big matter for both of them now. She is a slut and Apu had already seen many more than this.
So Apu just tried to give her an excuse and said, Actually mamma, I was pooping. That's why…
Purva : Huh common excuse kid. I know what you were doing. You don't have to be shy.
Apu : He he mamma, ummm aahh.. He scratched his head.
Purva : Ok. Now come to me and help me to put the tail back inside my anus.
Apu : Me?
Purva : Yes you. Why? Just a ffirefox n raew minutes ago you were examining my vagina. So what's the issue with this?
Apu : Oh no. No issue mamma.
Purva : Then wait.
She sat on the bed and turned back. She folded her knees to her chest and lifted her ass and spread her cheeks.
Apu put the plug tip in front of her ass hole and stopped.
Purva : What happened? Why are you waiting?
Apu : Ahh, mamma, can I see inside your anus also?
Purva : what? It must be a very dirty Apu and the hole is very tiny than the vagina. So you can't see much beta.
Apu : Mamma, your anus gap is wide enough. Maybe you are now wearing the tail all day, that's why. Can I see?
Purva : It may be dirty dear.
Apu : I don't care, mamma. Let me see.
Purva : Ufff you are so obstinate Apu. Ok see.
Apu : Yeshh.
He took Purva's phone and switched on the flashlight and pointed it into her ass hole.
Apu : Mamma it almost looks like the vagina and there is no dirt. Let me examine the wall inside with my fingers.
Purva laid there helplessly.
Apu put two fingers and checked the inside.
Apu : Oh not only by look but also the interior is also the same as the vagina mamma.
Purva : Yes. It's almost the same. And as I told you about the clit, only 20 % of it is outside the body. But it's root is hidden deep inside the body,somewhere between the vaginal and anal wall. That's why a female feels the same amusement by her vagina and as well as the anal too.
Apu tried to put his fingers deeper.
Purva : Oye now don't go so deep. Put your fingers out and take a picture of my backside hole.
Apu took a picture and showed it to his mother.
Purva compared the two pics of her vagina and the anus and said, yes it's almost the same.
Ok now put the plug in quickly.
Apu : Yes mamma. Here it's going in.
Purva : Now wear your pants. Papa can come at any moment.
Apu wore his shorts and sat beside her.
Purva : So what did you imagine while masterbating?
Apu : Nothing.
Purva : Nothing? Or you were thinking about your slutty shameless mamma?
Apu : No mamma, not you.
Purva : Then? Thinking about your lover?
Apu : I don't have any lover. And If I have, why should I imagine dirty things for her?
Purva : Wow. You are really a good boy. I'm proud of you Apu.
Purva was sitting on the bed by folding her legs.
Apu slowly put his head on her lap and turned his face to her belly and stretched his legs straight on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist.
Purva scratched his hair.
Purva : Apu, tell me the truth. Don't you have any girlfriend? Really?
Apu : Mamma, I've many girlfriends. But they are just friends. Not my lover.
Maybe some of them like me. But I am not sure about this. I've no such attraction to them.
Purva : So, you don't have any lover.
Apu : Not yet. But as you are so Frank and open with me, mamma, I can say I start liking a girl. And she also looks at me with some. Some.. Don't know. But I think she also likes me. He blushed and buried his face into her soft naked belly.
Purva : Oh really? What's her name?
Apu : Mamma, that's the problem.
Purva : You don't know her name? Where you meet her.
Apu : She goes to Vikram Sir's coaching with me. I know her name. But….
Purva : But?
Apu : Oh leave it mamma.
Purva : What's the problem Apu? To whom will you express your problems more than me? Tell your mamma everything without any hesitation. Mamma Will not be angry with you and mamma will help you with every problem. Tell me Apu.
Apu : No mamma. We still didn't propose to each other. So, why should there be any problem?
Purva : Then? Why are you hesitating dear? She bent and kissed his head and scratched his hair. Tell me beta. Does she belong to a poor family or from a different cast? Then there is no issue.
Apu : actually mamma…she is not from a different class or different cast.
Purva : then?
Apu : Her name is Nazma Khatun. So….
Purva : Are you worried about this? Ha ha. Apu
You are a 21st century kid. You don't have to worry about this. Your papa and I have no issue with this. We Only know about human beings. We don't believe in any cast, class or religious barrier. Our only condition is, our daughter in law must have to be an educated person and she should be liberal and modern. She shouldn't have any colour, cast, class or religious barrier in her mind.
Apu : Mamma she is very beautiful and fair. She is also modern. She wanted to get free of her Orthodox family. And that's the problem.
Purva : Does she like you?
Apu : Mamma, we actually love each other. But the main problem is her grandfather and her father.
Apu's eyes became wet. His voice broke.
Purva : Don't worry So much kiid. Just keep loving each other. And wait for your mature age. If you both become mature and established in your life, then no one can stop you from loving or marrying each other. Our Indian constitution and our law will give you the power to love and marry each other. So don't worry. And Mamma will always be with you.
Apu buried his face more tightly with her belly. His nose poked into her bellybutton. He hugged her more tightly.
Apu : Mamma, I love you.
Purva : Anyway when will I meet with my daughter in law?
Apu : Dhat.
Purva : No seriously. I want to meet her. And want to meet her before going to Jabalpur.
Apu : But Mamma,
Purva : No but, if.. No excuse. I should punish you for hiding this news from me.
Apu : Ok, But I have a condition.
Purva : Condi? What kind of condition?
Apu : Mamma, you have to wear decent clothes in front of nazma.
Purva : Ufff. No, no. This is so difficult. Give me some other condition, kid.
Apu : No mamma, you have to wear a saree, in front of her.
Purva : What? Not only decent. But now I have to wear a saree? No Apu, I can't.
Apu : Mammaaaaaaaa……..
Purva : Ah please Apu lose your grip. It's harting. Ok ok. I'll wear a saree for my daughter in law. Happy?
Apu yielded in joy, yeah.. And jumped from her lap and tried to kiss her lips in excitement.
Purva quickly moved away and slapped his face lightly.
Purva : I've told you not to kiss my lips. Lip kissing is the gateway of starting a sex season. And I'm your mother. Not your sex partner. Remember this.
She showed real angar in her voice.
Apu pouted his face.
Apu : Mamma I'm sorry. This will never happen again. But I never kissed anyone on the lips. So can you teach me as sex education?
Apu: We should go to the pharmacy now.
Purva : for what? For these cuts? These are common dear. I applied dettol and now bring me the t bact ointment from your room. In time of sex ths cuts and scratches are common. These are called Hickey marks. I don't need any tetanus vaccine.
Apu : But mamma..
Purva : If you are telling me, I'll take the vaccine. But tomorrow. It has 24 four hours time. Don't worry.
Apu : Then what should we do now? Papa said it will take more than one hour.
Purva : Go and start reading your home task.
Apu : Nooooo. Mamma, I won't read now.
Purva : Why?
Apu : Don't worry mamma, I'll read when Sami and papa will return back. But now let me spend time with you,mamma.
Purva : You want to spend time with me? Why am I your girlfriend?
Apu : Why? Can't I spend time with my mamma? Are you not my girlfriend?
Purva : You are very Clever.
Apu : Mamma why don't you tell me about your adventures mamma?
Purva : I told you before that you become 18 first.
Apu : Oh common mamma. Doing sex with a under age is a crime. But telling him something about sex is not crime. It's comes under sex education. Where I already know or see those things a little . But I don't know the entire thing. I may have intended wrong if I don't know the entire thing. So you should tell me the entire story.
Purva : You are very clever, Apu. But you know, your papa also doesn't know the entire story. And there are many things which I can't tell you now.
Apu : But you can tell me what you can. At least tell me how the entire thing started.
And how you ended everything.
Purva : Ok I will think about this. But not now. It's a long story. I'll tell you someday later.
Apu : Mamma, you can't tell me this, you can't tell me those. You can't show me how to musterbate. You can't tell me what's the benefits and sideeffects of musterbation. So what will you teach me in the name of sex education? Will you tell me not to musterbate , it's a sin. Don't look at any girl or don't fall in love. Don't do this, don't do that.
Purva : Ok ok cool down. I'm not an Orthodox mother like others. And I told you that I'll tell you my story. But tell me you really don't know about musterbation?
Apu : No mamma. I swear. I don't know.
Purva : you can easily know from the internet.
Apu : Yes I can. But when I search in google about this, first hundreds of porn sites will open to show me some vulgar pics and vids. I don't want to see them. I don't want to learn from the net. If I then why are you here?
Purva : Ok baba ok. Cool down. Get free of your angar.
Apu : I'm not angry.
Purva : You are,kid. Now listen, angar, anxiety and tension these are the enemy of sex. The main sexual hormone in a male human body is testosterone.
Angar, anxiety or tension increase the flow of testosterone.
but they divert its flow in other directions. These things make a man a demon. Sex is not a forceful act. Sex is the ultimate act of love. You will get pleasure if your partner gets pleasure. Love your partner. Make her satisfied. But if she or he is not agreed then don't ever force your partner.
Forcing or compelling someone is not sex or love. So… always keep calm and anxiety free.
Apu : and how can I get rid of these.
Purva : Think good, talk good, do something good. So if your intention is good you will always be happy. And a happy man makes his partner happy.
Apu : Ok. But tell me now how to musterbate?
Purva : Listen musterbation is self sexual satisfaction. It's good. It will help you grow up. And it's a natural thing. There is no sin to do musterbation. Even it prevents us from doing sin.
Apu : Prevent us from doing sin? How?
Purva : Assume a man has affection for a woman. But the man knows the woman will not agreed to do sex with him. But the man is too aroused. Now what will he do?
Apu: What?
Purva : If he is a bad man with bad intention then he will try to forcefully make sex with her. He will become a demon.
But if he is a good man then he will just go away to some private place and musterbate to subsidize his arousal . And his thoughts will become normal. Thus the musterbation helps us to become a good man. And it gives pleasure. So it's not a bad thing. In my opinion it's a good thing.
Apu : And how to musterbate?
Purva : to musterbate you have to arrouse yourself first. If you get aroused then your penis will become erect. Then you can musterbate.
Apu : But how can I get aroused?
Purva : This will have to be told to you also?
Apu : But mamma..
Purva : Are you not getting aroused by seeing a naked woman in front of you?
Apu : No, you are my mamma. I don't have any bad thoughts for you. And I'm habituated with your nudity.
Purva : when and how will you feel sparks on your penis?
Apu : don't get angry with me mamma. Last night I secretly opened papa's laptop and went to the link which I saw on Lucky's phone. And that time I got aroused.
Purva : You have the link? You saw my vids last night?
Apu held his ears and pouted his face and said, Sorry mamma. Don't get angry.
Purva : No no I'm not getting angry. It's natural. I just wonder how many coincidences are happening together. When you were watching my video, I was telling the exact episode to your Papa.
Apu : Oh.
Purva giggled. He he, your face became so pale in fear. Come on kid, be cool. Relax and
Now let's try to imagine something which will arouse you.
Apu : Mamma, telling is easy but doing is not easy. I'm feeling uncomfortable.
Purva realized she had to make Apu comfortable. She said very politely, Apu beta, come sit on mama's lap. As you already have seen my video then I think I should tell you some more about me. Come sit.
Apu slowly stood up and then
Sat on her lap. Purva leaned back on the wall beside the bed.
Apu : Mamma, I'm sorry for getting turned on by seeing your videos.
Purva : Don't be sorry beta. It's normal. These were my videos. Not me in real . And the video was made to turn on men. So it would be abnormal if you had not turned on by watching the videos.
Now as you know I was or I'm a whore, I had performed many kinds of kinky acts. But all of this happened in a short period of time. All of these started 6 years ago and lasted for thee months and then we shifted to Delhi and I stopped everything. And before that and after that I had always been a good homely woman.
But suddenly things started changing recently as you know.
Apu :Yes mamma, god also wants you to continue your whore activities.
Purva : Oh shut up, Apu. He he.
She was cuddling his hair.
Purva : Now tell me what you saw in the video?
Apu : Oh mamma I can't tell you this.
Purva : Ok relax. Then Tell me how was my condition?
Apu : You were totally drenched in sweat, piss and spit. And lots of the men's sperm had covered your face, hair and body. I don't know, but you must have been smelling like hell.
Purva : Hi Hi, absolutely.
Apu : But I wonder how these kinds of dirty things turn on a person?
Purva : I don't know. But I get turned on by watching lower class dirty people and get more turned on by these filthy acts.
But you also had turned on by seeing those acts. Don't you?
Apu : Yes mamma. I don't know why? But….
Purva : But see, your toy is again getting hard.
Apu : oops…
He covered his penis with both of his hands.
Purva : Don't be shy Apu. If you want to learn how to masterbate then Uncover your nana and grip it.
Apu : But How?
Purva : Of ho. Ok move your hands.
Apu removed his hands.
Purva held his penis and made a grip on it with her left hand.
Purva : Now see how I grip this and then slide the grip ups and down like this through your nana. See how I'm doing.
Apu : Ah yes mamma.
Purva : Feeling good?
Apu : yes mamma.
Purva : Remember don't push it down with pressure but pull it up with every motion like this.
Apu : Why so,mamma?
Purva : This will help your nana to grow long.
And while moving your grip with one hand then softly squeeze your balls very very softly in between. See, like this. But not all the time.
Apu : ok.
Purva : Do you understand ?
Apu : Yes mamma.
Purva : Show me. I'm lifting my hand.
Now grip your nana like how I showed you.
Apu held his penis and started stroking it slowly.
Purva : a little faster. Ok. But I think your grip is too tight.
Apu : Mamma, It's not going well.
Purva : It's a simple up and down motion Apu.
Apu : But mamma..
Purva : ok get down and sit opposite me.
Now watch my clit. See how I'm doing. Up and down. Backwards and forward. Simple.
Apu : But you only used two fingers and one thumb.
Purva : Yes, This is a large clit. Only 2.5 inches long. But you have a 4 inches long penis. Use your whole palm to grip on it.
Apu: Is that right?
Purva : Yes now do with me with a rhythm. 1 2 3 4 5
Yes you are doing well. Now pull a little forward like I'm pulling.
Now try to lower the foreskin. See, my clit also has foreskin. See how easily it's uncovering my clit head.
Apu : Mamma, it's harting. Ahhh.
Purva : Ok, stop stop. You don't try it right now. I'll help you everyday with soap at the time of bathing. Now just concentrate on the masterbation.
Purva stopped stroking her clit and started watching Apu.
Purva : Overall you are going well. But I think you are giving too much pressure. Come to me. Hold my clit.
Apu : Mamma?
Purva : Do what I said. I want to see how much pressure you are giving.
Now stroke my clit.
Purva : Yes I was right. Too much pressure. Loose the grip.
Apu: Is it ok now?
Purva : No no. It's become very loose. Give a little pressure.
Apu: Now?
Purva : Yes, now it's perfect.
Ok I think you are fully knowledgeable now. Leave my clit and start stroking your Panis.
Apu started stroking his small dick.
Purva : Perfect. You are going right.
Now stop here.
Apu : Mamma?
Purva : My job was to teach you how to musterbate. I have already taught you. Now don't musterbate in front of me. As a mother I can't allow you to musterbate in front of me.
Apu : Ah but… mamma?
Purva : If you want to. Then go to the bathroom and come after it is finished. And bring my tail while you return.
Apu : Off you break my emotions mamma. Dhat. But thank you for teaching me. It's really amazing. Wait, I'm bringing your tail, mamma.
Apu took 15 minutes inside the toilet and came back with the tail.
Purva knew what he was doing. She secretly went and stood beside the bathroom door and attached her ear with the door. There was a very little sound but that was enough for Purva to realize that her teaching was successful.
She slowly returned back on the bed and started squeezing her clit softly, remembering about the day.
When Apu returned, Purva was twisting her clit still. Purva asked, you take so long? You told me that you will just go and bring me the tail back.
Apu saw her mother playing with her clit shamelessly in front of him.
But this is not a big matter for both of them now. She is a slut and Apu had already seen many more than this.
So Apu just tried to give her an excuse and said, Actually mamma, I was pooping. That's why…
Purva : Huh common excuse kid. I know what you were doing. You don't have to be shy.
Apu : He he mamma, ummm aahh.. He scratched his head.
Purva : Ok. Now come to me and help me to put the tail back inside my anus.
Apu : Me?
Purva : Yes you. Why? Just a ffirefox n raew minutes ago you were examining my vagina. So what's the issue with this?
Apu : Oh no. No issue mamma.
Purva : Then wait.
She sat on the bed and turned back. She folded her knees to her chest and lifted her ass and spread her cheeks.
Apu put the plug tip in front of her ass hole and stopped.
Purva : What happened? Why are you waiting?
Apu : Ahh, mamma, can I see inside your anus also?
Purva : what? It must be a very dirty Apu and the hole is very tiny than the vagina. So you can't see much beta.
Apu : Mamma, your anus gap is wide enough. Maybe you are now wearing the tail all day, that's why. Can I see?
Purva : It may be dirty dear.
Apu : I don't care, mamma. Let me see.
Purva : Ufff you are so obstinate Apu. Ok see.
Apu : Yeshh.
He took Purva's phone and switched on the flashlight and pointed it into her ass hole.
Apu : Mamma it almost looks like the vagina and there is no dirt. Let me examine the wall inside with my fingers.
Purva laid there helplessly.
Apu put two fingers and checked the inside.
Apu : Oh not only by look but also the interior is also the same as the vagina mamma.
Purva : Yes. It's almost the same. And as I told you about the clit, only 20 % of it is outside the body. But it's root is hidden deep inside the body,somewhere between the vaginal and anal wall. That's why a female feels the same amusement by her vagina and as well as the anal too.
Apu tried to put his fingers deeper.
Purva : Oye now don't go so deep. Put your fingers out and take a picture of my backside hole.
Apu took a picture and showed it to his mother.
Purva compared the two pics of her vagina and the anus and said, yes it's almost the same.
Ok now put the plug in quickly.
Apu : Yes mamma. Here it's going in.
Purva : Now wear your pants. Papa can come at any moment.
Apu wore his shorts and sat beside her.
Purva : So what did you imagine while masterbating?
Apu : Nothing.
Purva : Nothing? Or you were thinking about your slutty shameless mamma?
Apu : No mamma, not you.
Purva : Then? Thinking about your lover?
Apu : I don't have any lover. And If I have, why should I imagine dirty things for her?
Purva : Wow. You are really a good boy. I'm proud of you Apu.
Purva was sitting on the bed by folding her legs.
Apu slowly put his head on her lap and turned his face to her belly and stretched his legs straight on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist.
Purva scratched his hair.
Purva : Apu, tell me the truth. Don't you have any girlfriend? Really?
Apu : Mamma, I've many girlfriends. But they are just friends. Not my lover.
Maybe some of them like me. But I am not sure about this. I've no such attraction to them.
Purva : So, you don't have any lover.
Apu : Not yet. But as you are so Frank and open with me, mamma, I can say I start liking a girl. And she also looks at me with some. Some.. Don't know. But I think she also likes me. He blushed and buried his face into her soft naked belly.
Purva : Oh really? What's her name?
Apu : Mamma, that's the problem.
Purva : You don't know her name? Where you meet her.
Apu : She goes to Vikram Sir's coaching with me. I know her name. But….
Purva : But?
Apu : Oh leave it mamma.
Purva : What's the problem Apu? To whom will you express your problems more than me? Tell your mamma everything without any hesitation. Mamma Will not be angry with you and mamma will help you with every problem. Tell me Apu.
Apu : No mamma. We still didn't propose to each other. So, why should there be any problem?
Purva : Then? Why are you hesitating dear? She bent and kissed his head and scratched his hair. Tell me beta. Does she belong to a poor family or from a different cast? Then there is no issue.
Apu : actually mamma…she is not from a different class or different cast.
Purva : then?
Apu : Her name is Nazma Khatun. So….
Purva : Are you worried about this? Ha ha. Apu
You are a 21st century kid. You don't have to worry about this. Your papa and I have no issue with this. We Only know about human beings. We don't believe in any cast, class or religious barrier. Our only condition is, our daughter in law must have to be an educated person and she should be liberal and modern. She shouldn't have any colour, cast, class or religious barrier in her mind.
Apu : Mamma she is very beautiful and fair. She is also modern. She wanted to get free of her Orthodox family. And that's the problem.
Purva : Does she like you?
Apu : Mamma, we actually love each other. But the main problem is her grandfather and her father.
Apu's eyes became wet. His voice broke.
Purva : Don't worry So much kiid. Just keep loving each other. And wait for your mature age. If you both become mature and established in your life, then no one can stop you from loving or marrying each other. Our Indian constitution and our law will give you the power to love and marry each other. So don't worry. And Mamma will always be with you.
Apu buried his face more tightly with her belly. His nose poked into her bellybutton. He hugged her more tightly.
Apu : Mamma, I love you.
Purva : Anyway when will I meet with my daughter in law?
Apu : Dhat.
Purva : No seriously. I want to meet her. And want to meet her before going to Jabalpur.
Apu : But Mamma,
Purva : No but, if.. No excuse. I should punish you for hiding this news from me.
Apu : Ok, But I have a condition.
Purva : Condi? What kind of condition?
Apu : Mamma, you have to wear decent clothes in front of nazma.
Purva : Ufff. No, no. This is so difficult. Give me some other condition, kid.
Apu : No mamma, you have to wear a saree, in front of her.
Purva : What? Not only decent. But now I have to wear a saree? No Apu, I can't.
Apu : Mammaaaaaaaa……..
Purva : Ah please Apu lose your grip. It's harting. Ok ok. I'll wear a saree for my daughter in law. Happy?
Apu yielded in joy, yeah.. And jumped from her lap and tried to kiss her lips in excitement.
Purva quickly moved away and slapped his face lightly.
Purva : I've told you not to kiss my lips. Lip kissing is the gateway of starting a sex season. And I'm your mother. Not your sex partner. Remember this.
She showed real angar in her voice.
Apu pouted his face.
Apu : Mamma I'm sorry. This will never happen again. But I never kissed anyone on the lips. So can you teach me as sex education?