Episode 38
The Great Humiliation
Bilal twisted my left hand towards my back and started pushing me to the backside entrance. I screamed in pain. I shouted Mushtaq Ji, please help me. You all gave me permission to roam around naked. Then why are you all silent now? What is my fault?
But the bastard mushtaq just looked at me without any emotions and turned his head . Rashid ji also kept quiet. Nasira Bhabhi came out after wearing a burqa.She tried to say something but Maulvi sahab put his finger on his lips and signaled her to keep her mouth closed.
I shouted again in fear, Mushtaq Ji, please do something. Where are you taking me? Please leave me.
But in reply I received a hard hit on my neck by Bilal.
Tarun got his spine straight on the chair and folded his knees closed to his chest and said, then?
Purva: then they dragged me to a nearby banyan tree. They tied my legs and hands with the tree. And they all were molesting me. They were pulling my jewelry. One of them pulled my left nipple ring so hard that it slipped out of my nipple. I cried in pain. But they laughed and the person pulled the other ring out of my nipple too.
Maulvi sahab shouted at them and ordered Bilal to keep them away from me.
Very soon a huge crowd gathered there. Maulvi sahab started his speech.
My dear Sisters and brothers. As you are seeing this shameless woman roaming everywhere totally naked. This woman has broken all the rules and taboos of our society. For her the dignity of our community has been lost. We respect our women, our sisters and our mothers.
And we are proud that the women of our community know their values and their dignity. That's why they used to cover their dignity with burqas. But this bitch has no shame, no dignity.
She is a disturbing element for our society.
I know she is not from our community. But that does not mean that she can do or she can wear anything in our area or our society. So , she needs to be punished for her shameless behaviors.
Tell me my villagers, what should we do with her?
The women were all shouting : beat her with stones, remove her hair and make her bald.
One woman said, no no. The women from the slum have already punished her very well. But this bitch didn’t get any lesson from that. I think we should kill this kind of witch from society.
Many from the crowd shouted in agreement with her: yes yes kill this witch. Kill this witch.
I was so scared at that time. You can’t realize tarun.
My knees became cold and there was no strength on my legs anymore. I started pissing without my knowledge. I didn’t want to do that. But it happened automatically.
One man said from the crowd, look how shameless she is. This witch is pissing in front of the crowd without any shame. Beat her.
He took a small stone and threw it towards me.
The chorus started, beat her, beat her. And they started pelting small stones collecting from the street.
But Maulvi sahab and his group were in front of me. So I got hit by only two or three stones thrown by the crowd. Most of the stones were hitting Maulvi sahab and his gang.
He shouted , stop stop you stupid. Are you mad?
We are not demons. We are human beings. We shouldn’t kill anyone.
Suddenly I saw Nasira bhabhi coming to the front from the crowd.
She came to the front and said, Maulvi sahab, if you want to punish her then punish her. But don’t kill her. I don’t want any security officer in our society.
Maulvi sahab scolded her and said, shut up you bitch. Don’t teach me what I should do or not. Don’t worry bitch, you are in the line. Let me treat this witch well first.
He turned towards me and said, I know you have no shame. But don’t you have any fear to the god? Huh?
I don’t know from where I got the strength , I promptly replied to him, Maulvi sahab , No god in any religion made any cloth for us. Whatever god you believe in, she or he created all the creatures naked. See how beautiful these dogs are, roaming on the street. Or look at those birds on the branches.are they doing any sin by not wearing any clothes?
The crowd didn’t hear my words as there was so much chaos. But Maulvi Sahab heard me and he got silent. He has no answer for my words.
He couldn’t reply to me. So he got angry at me and slapped me.
Shali randi ki bachi juban larati hay? He opened his shoe and started beating me.
The crowd started shouting, Maulvi Sahab, why are you working so hard? Leave this bitch to us.we are treating her well.
One old woman came forward . She has a razor in her hand. She said, move aside, and she pushed Maulvi aside.
The woman started shaving my hair and within a minute I became totally bald. My short hair had gone.
Tarun’s little finger was inside his mouth. He was literally biting his finger and he was listening to Purva with open wide eyes.
Purva continued: Then someone came and rubbed my face with his hand. I didn’t realize it at first. Then he rubbed his hands on my boobs. Then I saw the black ink.
He covered my face and chest with black ink.
One woman said, Maulvi Sahab, we should parade her through the entire village like this. We should give this witch a lesson so that she will never think of doing such a thing again.
The crowd cheered yes yes. Let this witch parade through the village.
They untide me from the tree and started pushing me. Walk witch walk. Go ahead.
They all were pushing me from the back. Some were slapping on my back or on my neck. Some were slapping me with their sandals. Many were spitting on me.
Someone walking beside me said, wait wait. Is this really a punishment for her? Or are we helping her to do things that she wants to do?
But it seemed no one had listened to him.
Tarun: But you heard?
Purva: That's why I am telling you. At that time I was feeling so scared and so degrading. But his sudden words had given me new strength. Yes he was telling the truth. Actually that was not a punishment for me. They were actually helping me to fulfill my dream. And my fear started fading out. The thrill returned.
I remembered what Dilu told me. He told me that, My mind actually likes humiliation. And that’s why I do such things. So that people become angry with me. I actually compelled them to punish me . I provoke them to degrade me. Not in conscious but in subconscious mind I actually love this. So, the words suddenly hit me . I started slowly enjoying the situation. My fear had gone. Yes they were beating me. But I don’t know why ,but I actually wanted them to slap me. I was wanting my ass getting slapped by the crowd and my clit became erect again.
Being nude in an environment where it's accepted by everyone is thrilling but though it's quite normal you know. But being naked in a place where it’s a taboo. Where no one wants you to be naked is most thrilling. I was feeling the adrenaline wave inside me.
I was walking through the streets of the village. The news was spread throughout the area. There were people on the doors and the windows. And in the shops and the markets.
Someone came and put a garland on me.
Tarun: garland?
Purva : Yes dear, garland. But the garland was made of cow dung cake.
Tarun : what? Ha ha so my beloved wife was roaming through the streets of a village, naked only wearing a cow dung garland ?
Purva: It’s funny to you?
Tarun : Um auh , no Purva . I mean… Sorry. I thought you were actually enjoying the punishment. As you said.
Purva: Leave it. Yeah I was actually enjoying the game. But I was wearing not only the cow dung cake garland. Very soon they brought another garland. And that time it was made of sleepers.
I was walking through the village and a huge crowd was following me. And I had the spectators all over the path. When I reached the market area, I saw some young men were running towards me.
They had crates of eggs in their hands.
They said, Maulvi Sahab has told us not to throw stones. So, Randi, take this instead of stone.
And they started throwing eggs on me. And the eggs were all rotten.
Tarun : ewuh. Imagining scene. My beautiful wife was parading naked in a village and all the villagers were humiliating you. And you are telling me you didn’t feel any shy or humiliated?
Purva : I told you, I was ashamed and horrified at first. But slowly my shyness and fear disappeared. I thought what will happen if I feel shy or afraid? That would not help me to overcome that situation. Instead I thought I should enjoy the parade. And I did so.
They were all trying to humiliate me, degrade me. And I was enjoying every moment of that.
Oh Tarun they all were playing with me. And I was naked among the crowd.
I couldn’t find Maulvi Sahab or Mushtaq or any familiar face there for a while. Don’t know where they went. But after about 15 to 20 minutes I saw Malvi Sahab coming on a jeep. And the coward Nushtaq and Rashid were with him along with that bastard Bilal.
They got down.
I stared at Mushtaq with angar. His eyes met mine. But I didn’t lower my eyes. And finally he lowered his head.
Maulvi Sahab said, I heard that Randi loves to drink piss. But today she will not get any piss to drink. But Randi, look at that urinal beside the road. You go there and clean the urinal fast.
I was surprised. But I nodded my head and started walking towards the urinal.
But Bilal came forward and kicked my ass. Bitch on your knees.
What should I do? I got on my knees and crawled towards the urinal. It was a public urinal. Only three 4 feet tall walls and the front side open. And two brick steps. Those people used to sit on those bricks and pee. I went there and saw a bucket full of water and a mug. And a hand brush. I started scratching and rubbing the wall and splashing water time by time. And after 10 minutes I completed my task. All the yellow stains had gone.
I just turned and about to say that I completed my task. But suddenly a bucket full of water splashed on me. I saw Bilal throw the water from a bucket on me.
Randi, clean your body, Bilal said to me.
He threw soap on me. Maulvi started shouting at the crowd. Enough enough. Everybody go now. I think this randi gets her punishment now you all go.
The crowd was trying to argue. They were wanting more.
But when Bilal started walking towards them , the crowd started fading out.
Only a few men left. When I looked at them I saw they were the gang members of Maulvi sahab. I realized that these men were actually controlling the crowd.
Anyway I started washing my body with soap, sitting on the road beside the urinal.
When I completed my bath , Bilal gave me a towel and ordered me to get on the jeep after wiping my body.
I wiped my body and said, I don’t want to get in the jeep. Let me go. I will never come to the village again.
Bilal grabbed my ear and pulled me by the jeep. And he forcefully put me in the jeep.
I asked, where are you taking me with you?
Rashid ji suddenly said, shut up randi. You gave us a lot of trouble. Don’t speak any farther words.
I looked at Mushtaq Ji. he slapped me on my cheek and said, randi don’t look at me like this.
Sit here quietly.
And the jeep started moving.
Tarun : what happened next?
Purva : Oh don't ask. I was in a hood less open jeep with them. They were scolding me. But I was arguing with them. Maulvi was getting angry. And he was trying to panic me. My phone was till inside my vagina.
So, at a point I said, wait I'm calling Khan Sahab.
The Maulvi laughed. He said, Call Khan Sahab. I don't fear anyone.
But Mushtaq and Rashid became afraid. Their expressions changed.
And when I pulled the phone out and called kKhan Sahab, He heard me first and then told me to give the phone to Maulvi sahab.
And all the hekkery and his tone changed. I didn't hear what khan sahab told him. But he was fumbling. And after cut the phone he said, Ahh Mushtaq, let's go. I'm dropping you and your wife at your house.
But I shouted, I don't want to go with this Coward. Drop me at Rashid Ji's house. I have the cycle there.
Mushtaq shouted, Mind your language, randi.
I replied, yes I'm a randi. Randi of the town, Randi of the village and Randi of the slum. But not your personal randi anymore. So, don't throw your orders on me.
He lifted his hand to slap me. But Rashid stopped him.
The Jeep took u turn and they all dropped in front of Rashid's house.
I took the cycle from the back alley I came in front of the house. I declared, you have already shown me naked to all. As they all saw me like that, so there are no more requirements of hide and seek. So I'm taking the main road. Bye.
And I proudly took the main road and headed to the milk booth.
Tarun : Wow, So, their plan failed.
Purva : Absolutely.
Tarun : What Khan sahab told to mr. Maulvi?
Purva : Until now I don't know.
Tarun : Ok, So what did you do next?
Purva : Look That incident made me more shameless and desperate. But that day I was very angry at Mushtaq.
Later he told me that he had no intention to parade me on the street like that. But I was angry on him because he took the Maulavi's side. He didn't help me. I was feeling so betrayed….. Huhhhhh…
She released a sigh.
I was not ashamed at all by the treatment of the public. But my heart was broken. The man I trusted most in the slum, the man I loved most at the slum, was not supporting me. Instead he was silently enjoying everything and actually supporting the crowd and the Maulvi. Anyway I reached the milk booth. On the way back many people who were seeing me for the first time were getting shocked. But I think they had already heard about the Shameless Randi, that's me. So they were just silent viewers. Though a few used slang.
When I reached the booth. Kabul was surprised. Though they tried to clean me by throwing water on me but till I was smelling and my face was still painted black.
Kabul asked, oh my god! Bhabhi who did these with you. Chuk chuk chuk. They make you bald and make your face black. Come come. Come inside. I'm giving you soap. Wash your face.
My entire body was in pain, My strength was decreasing.
When Kabul took my shoulder I released my entire weight on him and closed my eyes.
Kabul again spoke with a sympathetic voice, Are re re who did this to you bhabhi ji? I think they are more dangerous than our slum women. Oh see how swollen your ass and cheeks are. I think they beated you hard.
Come. He took me to the back and I sat on a plastic stool.he brought a soap and water. He cleaned my face and my entire body. And then he gently wiped my body with gamcha. And then he helped me to stand up and let me inside the booth. He applied dettol on my wounds made by the stone pelting and beating.
Bastard. We don't even treat animals like this. Bhabhi tell me who did this to you and then see what I do with them.
Hi symthic voice and gentle care made me emotional. I started sobbing.
He again asked me who did these to me.
I just replied, don't ask me who did these. This is not the question. But you know Kabul, My beloved husband Mushtaq was with them. He didn't help me. He didn't even answered me. And he was supporting them.
And I started crying.
Tarun looked at her. He saw her eyes were wet.
Tarun : Ah Purva I think…..
Purva : No. Let me finish Tarun.
And she continued her story.
Kabul was gently applying dettol on my wounds. When I started crying he wiped my tears and took my face on his chest. He hugged me and rubbed his palm on my bald head.
Oh Bhabhi ji don't cry like a child. You are a shameless Randi after all. Please Bhabhi stop now.
He took my face up and wiped my tears again.
I told, but he betrayed me, Kabul.
Kabul said, betrayal is a common thing in a whore's life. If he betrayed you then you also betray him. But don't cry like a homely housewife. It seems so silly.
I smiled at his words. He he! I am a housewife, Kabul.
Kabul replied, you were. Now you are a whore. Nothing else. And he planted a soft kiss on my lips.
His hands roamed down on my ass and he gently squeezed my bumps.
Ouch, I cried in pain.
He said, Ups sorry bhabhi ji. Mistake.
I whispered, It's ok.
That time I was cordoned by him. His hands were roaming on my back and my boobs were pressing on his chest.
The man whom I believed most, had betrayed me. I was crying with a broken heart. But on the other hand that milk guy was so gentle. He had lust on me from the first day. That's true. But he never tried to force me. He never crossed the barrier which I drew on him. He wished to fuck me but he never did that. He accepted my nudity. And the gentle care by him was melting my heart. I was feeling lust for him.
He said Bhabhi ji, are you feeling a little better now?
I couldn't reply. Instead I just moaned Ummmmm.
I rested my head on his chest and then I slowly opened the top button of his shirt with my teeth.
I planted a kiss on his chest.
His hands moved up and started rubbing my neck and bald head.
I whispered, Kabul, you are a very gentle boy . Thank you for your hospitality dear.
Now let me go, Kabul. I am getting late.
Kabul became sad. He said, what bhabhi ji? No no don’t go now.
I said, Dear , I have to prepare lunch for my rascal husband. After all, I am his wife. So, it’s my duty, you know?
Kabul said, Oh bhabhi ji, why are you thinking so much for him? He didn’t come home for the last four days. Did he inform you that he is not coming? Did he tell you where he was for these days?
He will arrange his lunch from somewhere. Don’t worry.
I said, No Kabul. Let me go now.
Unwillingly he released his cordon and moved aside. Huh, what can I say? He released a sigh of disappointment.
I smiled and said, Sorry , Kabul. Don’t worry you will get your reward. But not today. I am not in the mood. Bye.
With a broken heart he replied, bye Bhabhi ji.
Tarun : So, that day also you didn’t fuck him?
Purva : Am I finished yet?
Tarun : Oh, ok, continue.
Purva : I got out of the booth. Kabul was still staring at me. I looked back and smiled and waved my hand. I turned my head and started walking towards the road. But after just 5 or 6 steps I felt weak on my knees and darkness appeared in front of my eyes and I fell down on the ground.
But I didn’t faint. I was in sanse.
Kabul rushed out from the booth and two men came from the road. They all picked me up by my hands and legs and took me inside the booth and laid me on the cot.
One man asked, Purghi , are you ok?
I nodded my head and said, yeah I am fine. Just too tired. Please give me some water.
Kabul ran and brought a bottle of water for me. I sat on the cot and finished the bottle.
Other man said, Huh, don’t know how big Randi you are? But how can your body tolerate fucking all day and nights? After all, you are a human being. Your body needs rest. But you are such a bitch who is willing to fuck arround all the time.
And at the end of his speech he shouted, are you alright?
I replied, yes I am fine.
He shouted, may we go now? Or you need help to go home?
I replied, don’t worry . you go to your work. I am fine. And Kabul is here. I will go home with him.
After they left, I laid down on the cot.
Kabul asked, Bhabhi ji what happened?
I replied, nothing, Kabul. Can you just massage my head a little?
Kabul got excited and said, why not bhabhi? I will massage your whole body.
In reality I was feeling so tired and my whole body was aching.
He was massaging me. It was so beautiful. And Kabul was carefully skipping the wounded parts, so that I didn’t get any pain.
He was telling me, Bhabhi don’t worry. I know a good dhaba. My friend works there as a waiter. I will call him and he will deliver the lunch at your home. You take rest and enjoy my massage.
How is my massage?
I was lying on my stomach. I turned and faced him. And replied, oh Kabul you are so good. You should close this milk booth and open a massage parlor.
He laughed and started massaging my shoulders and started pressing my boobs.
Slowly his hand moved to my thighs . but he skipped the inner thigh and went down below the knees. And at the end he started massaging my inner thighs. He massaged my groins . I was moaning in pleasure. I was expecting his fingers on my clit, on my pussy slit. But he didn’t touch my pussy. He again moved up to my shoulders and repeated the massage on my shoulders, chest, under arms, upper and lower arms and then after pressing my boobs he took my legs.
That time I spread my legs . And he came up at my thighs. But this time also he ended up just beside my slit.
He said, Bhabhi, turn back.
Unwillingly I again turned back.
He again massaged my back and legs from the back. He started from my feet and started moving up towards my bums. I was moaning and lifting my ass.
He was pressing my bums. I was expecting his fingers inside my crack. But he was not touching my crack at all.
Finally I said, ummm Kabullll please my ass is also in pain, you know? They all fucked my ass last evening. See the hole is still open.