Episode 53

Purva : No. Not now. I will bring you a nice buttplug when you grow up. Now go and hang your clothes. The clothes have to be dry before you leave for home.

This time nazma went to the front without any fear or hesitation.

Purva started washing the utensils.

Nazma was not coming back.

Purva felt worried as it's almost 3 to 5 minutes past.

Purva stood up and ran to the front.

She saw the gate was open and Nazma was looking outside. She was trying to step out. But again she was bringing back her step.

Purva slowly went to her back and tapped on her back.

Nazma panicked and she jumped to the front, on the road. She turned back to see who was on her back. But lost balance and fell on the road on her back.

Purva : O ho ho. Come on, give me your hand and get up quickly. Silly girl.

Purva got down on the road and pulled her up.

Nazma was about to run inside but Purva said, wait. Uhh you all bums get dusty. And she started scrabbling the dust on her butts with her palm.

Naz: Mamma let's go in quickly.

Purva : Nobody on the road. Wait.

When she was tapping Nazma's bums bending a little, her tail was dangling on her ass.

After cleaning the dust Purva said, now lets go in.

Purva took her to the garden and closed the gate.

Purva : Go inside and check What Sami is doing. And then bring the soap, shampoo and the scrubber to the back.

Nazma followed her instructions. She came back to the backyard.

Nazma: Mamma Sami is watching TV. The wolf woman.

Purva : Oh god. Ok take these utensils and put them in the kitchen. And check if the chicken is ready or not.

Nazma came back and saw Purva had opened the back gate and she was observing the outside.

Nazma called her from the back, mamma, chicken is ready.

Purva turned back and said, good. Do you switch off the flame?

Nazma: Yes mamma. What are you looking for?

Purva : why were you looking outside the front gate?

Naz: For nothing mamm.

Purva : For nothing or you were wanting to go naked on the road?

Naz : Lowered her face.

Purva : Don't be shy. Come here.

Naz: For what mamma?

Purva : Come na.

Naz went to her.

Purva : Can you see those bushes?

Naz: Yes mamma.

Purva : Go there and bring some Do flowers for me from there.

Naz: But mamma.

Purva : Don't worry. This back road remains deserted almost all the time.

Nazma: If somebody sees me from the neighboring houses?

Purva : No one can see you at this angel. Trust me. I always used to go there naked.

Naz : Really. If anyone comes on the road?

Purva : Then lay on the field or hide behind those bushes.

Naz : I'm feeling nervous.

Purva : Ok watch me.

And she looked both ways and started running.

Nazma started laughing loudly.

She crossed the narrow road and jumped down on the field and reached the bushes.

She picked up some flowers and returned back within half a minute.

Purva applied the flowers on her ears.

Purva : Why were you laughing?

Naz: Sorry mamma. Don't scold me. The way the tail was dangling, I couldn't control my laughter.

Purva : Hi hi.

Naz: Hi hi.

Purva : Enough laughing. Now complete your task.

Nazma felt nervous but the adrenaline wiped out the nervousness and she started running to the Bushes.

She went back to the bushes and started picking the flowers.

She was about to come out behind the bushes when she saw a man coming on his cycle.

She quickly bent down and hid behind the bushes.

Purva was standing on the gate. She also saw the front wheel appear at the bend of the road and she quickly hid behind the gate.

After crossing the gate the cycle stopped.

Purva peeped out and saw the man on the cycle was getting down.

Purva panicked. Does he notice us? She thought.

Nazma slowly lifted her head behind the bushes and saw the man unzipping his pants.

She quickly ducked her head down again.

The man emptied his bladder on the field and again started cycling and went away.

Purva shouted, Naz come back.

Nazma peeped from the bushes and nodded her head, no mamma. I'm scared.

Purva : Don't worry. Run.

Naz: I can't mamma.

Purva looked around and ran to the bushes.

She pulled her and grabbed her hand and started walking towards the house.

Just by the road Naz freed her hand from Purva's grabbing and jumped to cross the road and went inside the gate.

She was breathing heavily.

Purva : Do you feel pleasure?

Naz: Mamma I was so scared but yes I felt too much thrill. Thank you.

Purva: Now give me the flowers.

Naz: Mamma sorry. All the flowers have fallen to the field.

Purva : Ok don't worry. Come and take a bath.

Naz: No mamma wait.

And before Purva could react Nazma started running to the bushes.

She picked up new flowers and returned back walking.

Purva clapped and said well done. She hugged her and kissed her head.

Purva locked the gate and said go and put the flowers on the dining table and check what Sami is doing..

Naz: Mamma he is watching wolf woman still.

Purva : But I need to be a normal woman now. Will you help me to remove this tail?

Naz: Oh sure mamma.

Purva turned her back to her and bent. Pull it out Naz.

With lots of curiosity Nazma pulled the plug out and started looking into her anus and the metal plug.

Purva : Hey what are you looking at?

Naz: Mamma, I want one.

Purva : Not now.

Now come on take a bath.

Sit here under the tap.

Purva opened the tap and water started falling on Nazma's head.

After making her wet, Purva started applying soap on her body.

Nazma: Mamma, why can't I wear this tail now?

Purva : Because this is an adult toy. And you are not an adult. Ok.

Naz: Ok mamma. But how will I control my excitement? My body is reacting strangely again. You told me that you will teach me how to..

Purva : How to?

Naz : I can't say this.

Purva : Ok. Come on sit on my lap.

Naz : Why?

Purva : Of ho Naz, sit na.

Now stretch your legs both side.

Yes. Now see. This is called vagina. What?

Naz: Vagina.

Purva : Yes. This is the main genital organ which deffer our gendar. Understand?

Naz: Yes.

Purva : Now this portion is your urinal hole.

Naz: That I know.

Purva : And this is called clitoris.

Naz : Clitoris?

Purva : Clitoris or clit in short.

Though the vagina is the main organ to reproduce child or engage in sex with your opposite gendar, but the clitoris is the main organ to give you real pleasure.

You can get pleasure by inserting fingers inside your vagina like this.

Purva inserted one finger into her vagina.

Naz: Ah. What are you doing mamma?

Purva : Giving you sex education.

Naz: But it's my pee hole. It's dirty. Don't put your finger there.

Purva : Oh don't be so innocent. What I said? This one is your pee hole not this one.

Now listen.

You can get pleasure by inserting your finger inside the vagina and rubbing the vagina wall like this. Or rubbing your fingers on the slit like this.

Naz : Ussshh.

Purva : But you will get the main pleasure by touching your clit like this..

Naz: Aahh. Uuh.

Purva : Or rubbing like this.

Naz: Umah.

Purva : Or pitching like this.

Naz: Oh mamma. Please stop.

Purva : Ok now get down and show me what you learn.

Naz: No I'm feeling shy.

Purva : There is nothing to be shy. See how I'm doing. Do with me.

See, insert two finger into your vagina like this.

Ah spread your legs. Yes.

Now push and pull. Like this.

Naz: Like this? Am I doing correctly?

Purva : The question is are you getting pleasure?

Naz: Dhat.

Purva : But as you are a vergin girl, I would suggest you not to insert your fingers too deep inaide your vagina.

Rather you can rub the slit like this.

Purva : Do it.

Yes. How its feeling?

Naz: Ah good.

Purva : Ok now touch your clit and pulled it up slowly.

Naz: Ah.

Purva : Rub it, twist it and pinched it. Repeat it.

Naz: Mamma I've learned it. Now wash me.

Purva : So quickly You learn everything?

Naz: I can't do it infront of you mamma. I'm feeling shy. But mamma if you don't mind, can I ask you something?

Purva : What?

Naz: Is that your clitoris or?

Purva : Why? It's my clit.

Naz: But its looking loke Sami's nana.

Purva : Shut up and come let me apply shampoo on your head.

Naz: Mamma let me apply soap and shampoo on you in return.

Purva : Ok. Come on.

They both bath together and wiped each other and came inside.

After taking lunch they three started playing hide and seek as per Sami's demand.

So much running jumping and cuddling was going on. And then they all went to the bed room.

Sami : Mamma I want to play more.

Purva : Not now. Now sleep and we will play at evening again. Ok?

Sami : Is didi staying with us today?

Naz: Sami I've to return my home within 8.30. Till then I'll be with you. And I promise I'll play in the evening with you.

Now sleep.

Sami: Mamma, bubbu.

Purva : No dear you are getting older. You don't need bubbu anymore. What Didi will think? The big boy is wanting bubbu like a small baby.

Sami: Then you feed Didi also, like Apu.

Naz: What? Apu?

Purva : Oh no this kid Will kill me in shame one day.

Naz: Then I also want Bubbu, Mamma. After all I'm also your kid.

Purva : Hayyyy. How can I deny then. Come and eat.

She slept on her back and Sami and Naz both started eating bubbu.

Sami was almost sleepy when the door bell rang.

Now who can be it is? This not the time for Apu to return nor Tarun. Let me check. Purva told and was about to sat.

Sami: Mamma. Bubbu. Where are you going.

Purva : Wait dear. Someone is calling. Let me check.

Sami threw his legs, nooo don't go mamma.

I want bubbu.

Naz: Sami don't behave like this baba. Somebody waiting at the door. If you need bubbu then I'm here na? Come Take my bubbu.

Sami: Really?

Naz : Yes..

Sami : Mamma. Move up. You go and check who is calling.

Purva was amazed by this. She couldn't find any words to say.

She got down from the bed.

Naz: Don't you wear cloth?

Purva : Nah.

Naz : If anyone unknown is on the door?

Purva : So what? I'm an adult and this my own house.

Naz : security officer comes?

Purva : That will be no problem. I can stay naked in my house. This is not a crime.

Sami: Ufff. Don't talk. Let me sleep. Go.

Purva : Noughty.

She left the room.

She went to the door and stopped.

She thought for a second to peep through the hole. But then she decided to open the door naked without bothering who is waiting outside the door.

She didn't even ask who it is.

She took a long breath and opened the door.

Next page: Episode 54
Previous page: Episode 52