Episode 69
Nazma's Night out
The dinner was continuing.
But Nazma was feeling uncomfortable. Not because of that she is naked in her home and taking dinner naked, sitting naked in front of her parents. But she was in a complex mental condition. She didn't know why but it was strange.
She was happy that her whim won, she can be naked at home all the time. But something was missing. She never thought that it could be so easy. She could convince her parents so easily. And that's the thing she was missing. She thought that they would beat her, scold her or even lock her in the room or something worse.
Actually she was wanting that kind of treatment. But she never realized that. She just went with the flow. And when she got success she started feeling that,why her parents don't stop her, don't beat her.
They should. She doesn't deserve anything so easy. There is no fun. She doesn't need anything so easy. And overall she needs punishment. She was praising her parents by mouth but in her mind she was praising her Dadima, for scolding her.
Why is she feeling like this? She was confused about her own thoughts.
Nazma was eating and was lost in her thoughts when her Abbu shouted, Nazzu.. Are you listening to me?
Nazma: Huh? Papa? Oh sorry.
Abbu: What are you thinking?
Listen, as I told you, nothing is wrong if you stay naked inside the house. But never ever try to do any kind of misadventure. Never go outside of the house or in front of any visitors or relatives. Understand?
Nazma: Yes papa.
Ammu: But why are you saying these? My Nazzu is not like that.
Abbu: I don't know why she developed this nudist behavior. But See, Nazzu is no longer a child now. And looking at her desperation I think this thing Will not stop here.
Ammu: Oh stop, she will not do such stupid things. Will you Naz?
Nazma: No Ammu.
Abbu: Oh don't be so innocent Naz. I know you very well. I think you developed this kind of urge by listening to the story of Purva.
Nazma: Purva?? Now who is Purva?
Abbu : Listen, I'm your father. So don't be so over smart. Now I'm realizing why you were spending lots of time with Rasul. When he came here. And don't lie to me. Just a few minutes ago you were shouting that you will leave the house and start living with that lady. And now saying you don't know who Purva is?
Nazma : Oh. That dancer woman. Her name is Purva? I didn't know.
Abbu: Don't act. Your acting is foolish.
Nazma blushed and lowered her face.
Ammu: Of ho Ji. Don't disturb my little girl. Let her eat.
Ammu hugged her neck from behind
Abbu: As I said, Naz is no longer a little girl.
And your girl makes that woman as her Idol, as her inspiration. And that's why I'm worried.
I'm telling you Naz, Don't roam naked outside the house.
Nazma: Ok Abbu. I'll not. But you have to buy new clothes for me. And Don't force me to wear a burqa. Yes I'll wear that if I wish.
Her Abbu was talking to her politely till then but now he raised his voice a little and said, Listen, I'm talking to you in a soft voice, that's not mean that I can't scold you or punish you.
You are still a minor girl. So I still have the right to choose things for you. And yes for your best.
Ammu: Naz don't talk to your Abbu like this. Say sorry to him.
Nazma: I'm sorry Abbu. I shouldn't behave like that. Sorry. Please forgive me.
Abbu: Humm.
Nazma hugged him and said, sorry Abbu and Thank you so much. You are the best dad.
Abbu: It's ok. Anything for my angel.
Nazma: Anything for me Abbu?
Abbu: Anything. Depending on possibilities.
Nazma: Abbu It's quite possible, Abbu.
I want to visit our village and Ammu's house.
Abbu: What? Oh no that's not possible.
Nazma got up from her chair and sat on her Father's lap, naked. And wrapped her hands on his neck. Her breasts pressed with his chest.
Her father was feeling u comfortable.
Abbu: Hey what are you doing? Come on get down from my lap.
Naz: First you say that you are taking us to Mastanpur.
Abbu: No I can't. You know your Dadima.
She is an old lady. I can manage her somehow with your nudity but going to the village is not possible.
She will not agree.
Nazma: Then let her stay here, and we three can go.
Abbu : What? How can you be so selfish, Naz?
Nazma: Why? If she can be selfish for her ego then why not me?
Abbu: Then what will be the difference between you and her?
Nazma : Then you think Dadima was wrong?
Abbu: I don't know and I don't want to discuss that. And I've some duties. For my office and for my family. I have some important work in the office.
Nazma : Then me and Ammu can go.
Abbu: you two? Ha ha. No way. Are you crazy? Your Ammu never goes anywhere without me. She can't travel alone.
Nazma : That's why Ammu couldn't go to her own home for these long years. Sending her to her home to meet her parents is also your family duty, Abbu. And why do you think she will be traveling alone? I'll be with her.
Abbu: With you. You are a child.
Nazma : I'm no more a child.
Abbu looked at her Ammu.
Ammu remained silent. But her eyes were saying that she wanted to go home.
Abbu: But what will I say to your Dadima.
Nazma: Abbu, why do you fear her every time?
Abbu: But she will be very angry if she knows that you are going to Mastanpur.
Nazma: Don't tell her about Mastanpur.
Just tell her that we are going to Sahapura. To Ammu's house. I don't know anything . I just want to spend the summer vacation with my grandparents in their village.
Abbu: Ok ok. Don't be so excited.
Let me think.
But how do you get there? You don't have any reservation on the train. So….
Ammu: I've heard that you can buy Tatkaal tickets from the Internet. So….
Abbu: Ok ok. Now get down from my lap and finish your meal. And let me think about it.
Nazma : No, I'm not getting down from your lap. You feed me like that.
Abbu: O hoooo…
Her Ammu also sat beside them and they all finished their meal together. And after the dinner Naz again demanded that her Abbu have to take her to the besin on his lap and then lay her on the bed in her room.
Abbu had to fulfill her whim.
He carried his 16 years old nude daughter on his lap and washed her hand and mouth and then laid her on the bed.
Abbu: Anything else my angel?
Naz : No Abbu. Just need a goodnight kiss.
He kissed her on her forehead and switched off the room light and closed the door and went to his room.
Her mother was a little worried.
She asked, Nazsu's Abbu,what do you think about this? Why is she behaving like this?
Abbu: Don't worry. It's happened. This is the start of her puberty.
Ammu: But where will it go? It could be dangerous for her. And can ruin her life.
Abbu: But you were defending her all the time. When me and Ammu were scolding her, you were supporting her.
Now why are you thinking so much?
Ammu: I think there is no harm if she stays nude at home. But will her desires stop here? Will she dare to go out of the house? And If then what will happen?
Abbu : Listen, we both know her very well. And you know what, if we try to stop her, try to control her, she will become more desperate. So, better, give her little liberty.
Ammu: But, suppose, she gets scandalized. Then?
Our reputation will also be ruined and who will marry her after that?
Abbu: You are thinking too much.
Nothing will happen.
And If that happens, then we all leave Delhi and return back to Mastanpur.
Like that Shameless bitch flew away from Jabalpur. Haha. I heard she used to live here in Delhi, with her family.
Ammu: What? Did Naz meet with her? I mean it's quite possible, you know…
Abbu: So what? If so, then your problem Will resolve.
Ammu: My problem? Mean?
Abbu: Yes. Then Purva's son can marry her. And she can live with them as she wishes.
Ammu: Hey don't say that. Butterflies flying in my stomach. Will my daughter marry Randi's Son?
Abbu: Don't be so sooo innocent. Don't forget who you were. And where we first met.
Blood talks.
Ammu: But I had left Salim's garage with you long ago. And living a decent life.
Abbu: That's another thing. But never forget your past. As I didn't forget that I used to fuck Randis in Salim's garage and also in other brothels.
Now don't talk so loudly. Don't you know, Ammu has a bad habit. She used to put her ears on the doors.
Ammu: Hum.
Abbu: What hum?
Ammu: Nothing. I'm not feeling good.
Abbu: Oh. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
Come on, let's do one thing.
Ammu: What?
I brought a bottle of whisky, long ago.
Today you play the role of Randi again. And I'll be your customer.
Ammu: You start drinking again?
Abbu: Aree no. My friend gifted me that bottle on Diwali. I still didn't break the seal.
And it's an imported one. Single malt whisky.
Very costly.
Ammu: Imported?
Abbu: Yes. Wanna try.
Ammu: Yes.
Abbu: Ok. Wait.
He brought the bottle out from his secret place from another room and handed her the bottle and two glasses from the kitchen.
Abbu: Ok. Get on your petticoat and blouse only.
And wait for me.
I'm coming back after locking the front gate and the door.
He went out and locked the gate and the door. And then looked through the keyhole of Nazma's room. The room was dark. But he heard a very very little sound of snoring.
That means Naz is sleeping.
After being satisfied that Nazma was sleeping in the room, he went to his room.
He knocked on the door.
Nazma's Ammu opened the door in only a petticoat and a blouse..
Her midriff was open.
Her belly was still flat and toned at the age of 36. And there were no stretch marks. And a deep round but small belly button was making her naval more sexy.
She was biting her little finger with her lips.
Her Abbu smiled and took her on his lap.
Ammu said, you should be ashamed carrying your own naked daughter on your lap.
Abbu smiled and said, I didn't have any bad intentions ever. And now I'm rectifying my fault by carrying you. Haha.
Hearing all the sounds of closing and locking doors Nazma got down from the bed.
She went to the balcony and looked around.
The night was still and dark.
She then slowly and carefully opened the door and tiptoed to her parents room.
He heard the giggling and moaning sound.
She peeped through the keyhole and saw they were drinking and playing with each other's sexual parts.
She smiled and headed to her dadima's room.
Dadima was snoring.
She again came back to her room. She jumped over the balcony and went down to the garden. She went to the back side of the house and then started walking by the wall..
Then she stood by the gate for a while.
No one was on the road.. Only a few dogs were barking and roaming in the alley.
But there were lights on the road.
She again went back to the back.
She remembered a narrow alley. The alley was starting from two blocks ahead and the alley was meeting with the connecting road to the bypass.
The alley remains dark at night. Even no one usually uses that narrow alley.
But she had to cross two long gardens of her neighborhood.
But then she remembered her father's words.
Don't go outside naked.
She stood there for 10 more minutes and then went back to her room.
She laid on the bed.
Tried to sleep. But she couldn't.
She again opened the door and went to her parents room.
Looked through the keyhole.
The light was on.
An empty bottle was laying on the table and her naked mother was laying on the bed. But where is Abbu? She thought.
Then she peeped under the door. And saw her father lying naked on the floor.
She stood up and started thinking about what to do.
Should I go outside or….No no. I shouldn't…
Let's go to sleep.
She went to her bed but couldn't sleep.
I need to go. I must go.. I can't stay here like this.
Her nippples were rock hard and clit was throbbing.. Her pussy leaking sticky liquids.
She took a burqa and folded it into her hand.And wore a sandal.
She locked the bedroom door from inside and opened the balcony door. She jumped over the wall and landed on the ground.
She quickly went to the back.
After thinking for a while, she slowly climbed the wall.
Her inner thigh rubbed with the sharp edge of the wall and she got a scratch mark on her thigh.
She sat on the wall. Her legs were hanging on each side of the wall.Her pussy touched the cold bricks.
Ummm. She moaned. The feel of sitting naked on a wall, outside the house, gave her a strange pleasure.
She intentionally rubbed her pussy with the bricks.
Aha.. Umm.
Her pussy hurts but she felt good.
Uah uah aah Umm.
She was continuously rubbing her vagina slit on the brick wall.
And then she felt a shivering throughout her body.
She quickly crossed the wall and jumped on the neighborhood garden.
She was feeling ecstasy. Her vision was blurry, her lips were swollen red,her clit was throbbing, she was feeling itching inside her vagina.
Her nippples were getting so hard that it would cut off from her chest.
She forgot about all the fear.
She had no intention to go outside the house.
But her father's words made her think about that. And she was amazed when she saw Purva, two days ago. When Purva was drunk and was walking home naked through the alley.
She had a subconscious desire to walk naked through the streets like Purva.
And for the first time, she was crossing her safe zone. For the first time she was going to walk naked on the public road.
That was gonna be a big lap.
She ran through the garden and quickly crossed that compound too and then the next compound.
And she reached the back alley.
The alley was abandoned. Mostly used to thru garages of households there.
Napkins, broken glasses, waste foods and many other things. Rotten Water was logged here and there. The path was filled with long grass.
Thank god I wore the sandals, she thought.
The alley was meeting with a lonely and large field and she could go to the bypass road through that field.
Her thought was to go near the road and then return back to her home.
So she was carefully crossing the dark alley.
But at a point she stepped into a pothole and fell on her knees and palm.
Dirty rain water splashed on her belly, chest and face. And a few drops went into her mouth.
Chha. Thu. She spit out the dirty water and stood up and started walking again.
She falls once again before reaching the field.
And finally she reached the field.
She could see the lights coming from the bypass and from the flyover.
Her motto was to go under that flyover and touch a pillar and return back.
She looked around. No one was there.
She smiled and started running through the field.
But after a few yards she started breathing heavily and stopped running.
She was breathing heavily. But she was so excited.
For the first time Nazma was standing naked outside the boundary of her or Apu's house.
She could walk, she could run or she could masterbate, sitting naked on the field under the dark sky. Though she isn't used to masterbate or a few days ago she didn't know what masterbation is or how to masterbate. Thanks to Purva, who tought her masterbsting.
Nazma sat on the field slowly. She looked around and slowly laid on her back on the muddy field.
She lifted her legs and folded her knees. And touched her vagina slit.
She felt goosebumps all over her body.
She started rubbing her slit slowly.
She shivered and lifted her ass from the ground and pinched her clit. Ummm uah.
She was moaning slowly.
She inserted one finger then another finger into her vagina. She started breathing heavily and moaning loudly.
Her back was cladding with mud. As her chest and belly was clad with mud and water. But she didn't care about anything.
She grabbed one breast and started pressing it hard. Her eyes rolled up and she closed her eyes.
The entire field was deserted. No human beings, no animals were there.
Only a thap thap thap sound of her fingering and her moaning was echoing in the field.
She was there for at least 10 minutes. Fingering her vagina continuously.
Suddenly she felt something touch her thigh.
She quickly opened her eyes and sat on the field in panic.
She saw a little fox jump back in fear.
She released a sigh in relief and giggled.
She first thought it was a baby dog. But then she realized that it's a fox.
She had seen pictures of foxes in books but the first time she saw a real fox in front of her eyes.
She looked around.
To her relief no one was there.
Nazma waved her fingers and called the fox, " hey little fox come here. Come come.. Don't fear. Come"
The fox stepped back.
Nazma called him again. But he stepped back again.
Are you scared little fox? Oh come on.
Ok see I'm laying down again.
Now come dear. Come to me.
Nazma laid on the field.
And awaited for the Foxe's move.
The fox slowly started coming closer to her.
The fox slowly touched her left leg's thumb and then sniffed her leg.
He slowly came closer to her waist. He hesitantly came closer and again stepped back.
And then he opened his tongue and licked her thigh.
Nazma was laying there without any movement.
The fox slowly sniffed her wet inner thigh and then licked her thigh.
Nazma shivered.
His tongue slid through her groin.
Nazma slowly lifted her hand and cuddled his neck.
And the fox looked at her and quickly stepped back.
Nazma: Hey little fox. What happened? Come come.
But the fox looked at her and then turned back and ran away.
She got a little disappointed and sat up.
Then she realized that, when she first fell on the alley, the burqa had slipped from her hand. And she forgot to. Lift that from the path.
Oh no. What should I do?
Should I go back?
Nah. I think it's happened for good. Now I can't wear that burqa in any situation, hehe.
She thought and smiled.
And without wasting any more time she started walking towards the road.
Juices were licking from her vagina and sliding down through her thigh.
Soon she reached the road.
But what is going on there? She saw some shadows of human figures in the dark by the road.
most probably They are naked.
Nazma quickly crawled down and started watching them.
They were maybe 300 meters away from her.
And there was a wall kind of thing.
The people there were hidden from the road by that wall.
But what are they doing?
Did Mamma come here?
Oh my god. I need to watch them from closer.
Nazma started crawling towards them.
The shadowed figures now started getting prominent.
Nazma lowered her body to the field more.
Now she could hear their words.
She saw a pile of broken cement blocks near them.
She slowly crawled her body to the pile and sat behind the pile.
Now she was just 40 to 50 meters away from them.
And what she saw made her teenager brain blow in multiple shocks.
That day in the afternoon, after taking a gentle bath and wearing her jewelry with the help of Nazma, Purva took some cash and the dog tail and foxtail buttplug and her phone in her purse and wore only the new but cheap saree given by the beggar and the thieves . Nothing underneath. No bra, panty, petticoat or blouse.
She just tugged a knot of the saree on her waist, above her crotch and wrapped the saree on her naked body.
After applying light makeup but a dark lipstick she went with Pankaj and Ramu, the two drivers.
Pankaj was driving the car.
After crossing the main junction he turned the car in the wrong direction.
Purva : Hey Pankaj, where are you going?
Pankaj : Don't worry madam. I'm just going to take my payment.
Purva : Payment?
Pankaj : Yes madam, you didn't pay my dakshina for my Puja.
Purva : Oh. So, what do you want?
Pankaj : You know madam, what I want.
Purva : Chhi. How dare you? You are insulting our religion, Pankaj. If you want then you can fuck me as many times as you want. But taking sex as Dakshina!! No, no. Pankaj, you should apologize.
Pankaj : Ok. Madam I'm extremely sorry.
But do you think sex is a sin?
Is Kamdev banned in our religion?
Rambha, Urvashi, Maneka, Kunti and Karna, Draupadi and Arjun's wives from all over the subcontinent. Then think about Raas Lila or Khajuraho, Kailasha Temple, Konark temple, our Kamasutra. Madam….
Purva : Ok ok. I'm sorry Pandit ji.. You are a wise man in religious knowledge. But I can't think about that.
Already I'm a degraded woman.. Did many sins in life. Now don't degrade me more towards my lords.
Pankaj : Ok Madam I'm sorry. But don't think of yourself as a degraded woman. Sex is not a sin. I think you never cheated Tarun sir, or hid anything from him. You have been faithful with your relations all the time. And always carried out all your duties towards your family, kids and the society.
I think you are a great woman. Who knows about her duties as well as about her desires.
Purva : Ok ok. Now stop. What did you eat today?
Bhola: Madam I think our Pandit ji took some puff of Ganja haha. He is so spiritual today, hehe.
Everyone laughed.
Pankaj : I didn't smoke. Anyway madam, my favorite spot has come. What do you think?
Wanna get down and explore this area.
Purva : Why not. But remember I've to be fresh and clean for them. So….
Bhola : Oh don't worry Madam.
We will be decent with your body and makeup. But I think you should remove your saree here.
Purva : By the way, this field is very close to the spot where they invited me.
Pankaj : Yes madam. You can go there by walking.
Purva was talking to them standing outside the car, beside the road, while she was removing her saree.
Bhola : Madam, any vehicle or somebody can come.
Purva : So, it was your Idea. You will manage then. But where will we play?
Pankaj : Madam there. See there is a small woods.
And by then they heard a honk of a vehicle.
Purva quickly bent down behind the car door.. And after the vehicle passed, Purva started rushing towards the woods.
It was just a hundred meters away from the road, in the field.
She entered the woods.
Bhola quickly opened his phone and recorded her naked running from behind.
They both were laughing.
Pankaj : Madam, just turn around and run towards us.
Purva stopped and turned back.
Purva : What?
Pankaj : Bhola is recording your running so please run towards us.
Purva : He he. Ok.