Chapter 01.2

"Well, this might make the good news even better. It looks like you're going to need to start earning some future commissions to shop against." Robert Coolidge, Julie explained, was the Chief Financial Office of Coolidge Offshore Boats. Coolidge Offshore's massive fleet of service boats held out the promise of huge sales. Julie had been after its business for months. Mr. Coolidge had just scheduled a visit to InGen on Wednesday. While there had been some resistance to including Linda, who was a newcomer to the company, on the sales team, Julie had insisted and upper management finally agreed.

Linda beamed at the confidence her boss showed in her. She thanked Julie profusely and gave her a hug, which Julie returned. Linda like her friend's warm touch. Julie had just stood up for her against management; it was not the time to raise concerns about her physical transformation.

Linda spent the next two days preparing for the meeting. Robert Coolidge, she learned, was the son of the founder of Coolidge Offshore Boats. Robert's Dad was the kind of guy comfortable climbing all over the boats; Robert was a financial wizard and society favorite, a fact confirmed by the glittering guest list at his wedding to a former Miss Venezuela the year before. To bad, she thought as she looked at his picture. The man was stunning.

Linda's review of the InGen's products appropriate for Coolidge Offshore was also discouraging. Testing showed that not only were its products not markedly better than it's competitors, they were often substantially worse. In fact over the past two weeks, Linda thought, she had often noted that InGen's products were inferior to it's competitors. She couldn't quite figure out how the company was doing so well.

On Wednesday a limousine carried Robert Coolidge from the airport to the Angus Barn, the city's best steak restaurant. Robert arrived to find Julie and Linda, both fashionably dressed, waiting. Julie was wearing a short cranberry dress; Linda's was longer and more elegant with a slit which displayed her killer legs. Julie had told Linda to turn on the sex appeal - "After all, our competitors are throwing their twenty-somethings at him" - and Linda, although she frowned on such overt displays to make a sale, found it impossible to disobey her boss.

Bob Coolidge, on the other hand, had serious questions about InGen's products. The only reason he had come at all was the insistence of his Regional Director, who had met with Julie several times. As he ate, however, he was having trouble focusing. These women, especially the blonde, were turning him on. They were beautiful, but he was surrounded by beautiful women. Still, there was something about them. He struggled to keep the conversation off the personal and on the professional. Still, he observed, neither wore a wedding ring.

After lunch they toured InGen 's facility and met in Julie's office. Robert's eyes drank in Julie and Linda's perfect forms. He imagined one of them in his bed, both of them in his bead, the two of them joining he and his wife in bed.

Julie had noted that Bob was hooked. As their conversation wound down she suggested that Linda give him her card. Linda bent down to her purse, flashing the top of her breasts at Bob. She handed him her card, a perfect bright red nail scrapping across his hand. "If you have any questions, call," she said while pointing to her cell phone number. Julie and Linda walked Bob to InGen's front door, where he was picked up by a company driver.

Julie looked at her friend. "He'll definitely be calling you dear. He was practically drooling when he looked at you."

Linda started to object. This was not her style. She didn't do married men and although she'd had plenty of opportunities, had never slept with a potential customer to foster a sale. Still, she had noticed how Bob looked at her. Julie was right.

Julie continued. "He's certainly a good looking, very sexy man. What was the last time you were laid dear?"

"It's been awhile, too long. But, y'now," she weakly protested, "he's married."

"Men call it the business trip exception to fidelity. I call it a chance for a good roll in the hay while reeling in a sale. I hope you fuck his brains out."

Linda knew she would; she wouldn't let Julie down.
* * * *​

Bob hurried back to his hotel room and called his wife. They engaged in frantic phone sex as images of Linda danced through his skull. After he hung up he stared at Linda's card. He headed for the shower and jerked off again. He dried himself and dressed. He kept looking at her card.

He picked up the phone.

"Linda, this is Bob Coolidge. I do have some additional things to talk about."

Her voice was seductive, almost hypnotic. "Would you prefer to discuss them over the phone or together? I am free tonight."

His dick was getting hard. His voice faltering he said, "Together would be better."

"Of course. I'm still a bit full from lunch. The lounge of your hotel has a wonderful drinks and appetizers. Why don't we meet there in say, an hour."

Bob agreed. Dressed in his best suit and tie, shoes polished, he was downstairs forty-five minutes later.

When Linda walked in every eye in the place was on her. Her hair was up, held in place with a clip. She wore a red dress. While short, it was not quite a mini, and although not uniformly tight, clung to her in enough places to accent her amazing figure. Although it displayed no cleavage, its low cut and the "O" shaped pendant hanging between her breasts drew attention to her chest. Her open toed four inch heels made sure no one missed her legs. Bob stood to greet her.

Linda walked slowly, letting Bob wait, and stopped a few feet short of him. She gave him a long once-over from head to toe and then brought her eyes back to his. She smiled, a slight smile, a smile that let him know she liked what she saw. He came closer and she wrapped both hands around his in a lingering hand shake. She smiled and held his gaze, he could not look away. She bit the corner of her lip and looked at the table. Bob pulled out her chair. When he sat down she pulled the clip from her hair, letting her tresses fall around her face. She shook her head and then pushed her hair back so it flowed down to her shoulder blades.

They ordered drinks. Linda leaned and crossed her legs, moving her top foot in slow circles, drawing Bob's eyes to her gams. She casually set a hand on the table. He stared at it, suppressing the desire to take it in his.

The waitress returned with their drinks and inquired about a food order. Linda looked at Bob, "Why don't you order for the two of us."

Bob picked up the menu. His hands were shaking. "How about a dozen grilled oysters?" His voice had lost much of the confidence he had displayed earlier in the day. He was unsure of himself, desperate to please this woman, wondering how he was coming across.

She smiled, noting how his face lit up in response, "I love oysters. That's perfect."

After the food was brought she leaned forward, occasionally letting her fingers brush against his. He talked some of his wife. A good sign, she thought, he felt guilty; he didn't cheat regularly. This might even be the first time. When she got up to go to the bathroom she noted in the bar's mirrors the way he stared at her. She stopped, slowly swivelled her head halfway toward him, rested her chin on her shoulder, and smiled, "I'll be right back."

She took her time, freshening up her make-up, applying a rich red lipstick. When she returned she noted he had ordered another round of drinks. She looked at his. "Martini?"

He nodded yes.

"Is it good?"

He nodded yes.

"Do you mind if I have a taste?"

"No, of course not."

She dipped a finger, capped with a perfect red nail, in the drink and licked it clean, keeping her eyes on him. He was transfixed. She leaned forward, touched his hand, and said, "You're right, its wonderful." She turned his hand over, straightening the sleeve.

The conversation continued, but work was not mentioned. After she casually chewed and swallowed the last oyster, she said, "You said you had some questions about our products?"

Bob had prepared some questions, but he had no memory of what they were. "Yes, I'm sorry, I've been having such a good time I forgot all about it." Then worried that she might be trying to end their evening, asked as he cooly as he could manage, "I'm sorry, am I keeping you from something?"

"No," her voice silken, "there's no place I'd rather be. Perhaps you made some notes in your room. Should we go there?"

He looked at her. He had wondered how he was going to get her upstairs and now she was volunteering. He struggled to put together a casual response. "Well, yes, that would be ideal."

Linda drew out a leather wallet from her purse, carefully opening it with her perfectly manicured fingers. Bob began to insist that he pay, but she shook her head, "No, company expense and, in any case, it's been my pleasure." She laid a crisp $50.00 bill on the table.

Bob stood and pulled out her chair. She slipped her arm into his and they headed for the elevators. There was another couple waiting there. The gentleman recognized two people in heat and couldn't take his eyes off Linda. He offered them the first elevator to arrive. Those two needed get to their room as quickly as possible. Unfortunately for this gentleman, his wife noticed how he stared at Linda. Their fight would rage deep into the night.

After the elevator door closed Linda turned to Bob and gave him the steamiest kiss he'd ever known. Her tongue moved through his mouth like molasses, setting fire to his tongue and lips. His body trembled and his legs shook. By the time the door opened she effortlessly turned and slipped her arm into his. They were a model of propriety.

Bob's suite was on the hotel's top floor. It offered a wonderful view of the city. She walked to the window. In its reflection she could see him staring at her. He removed his jacket.

Linda turned She knew he was hers, but also knew the male ego. She walked towards him, her stride seductive and languid. "I know your married and I respect that. If you want me to leave I will, its just that, well, I've been divorced for three years and I meet so few attractive men. Bob you're a very, very attractive man. Tonight, just tonight, make me yours? No one will ever know." She knew what was going on in his head. While he wanted her more than he'd ever wanted a woman, there were lingering thoughts of his wife. She had offered him the chance to play the knight errant, letting him know that not only would he be satisfying his rampaging lust, but that he'd be helping a woman in need. His body pulsed with desire. She was standing directly in front of him. He growled and threw his arms around her, pulling her to him in a desperate needy kiss.

As their frantically dueling tongues leaped from mouth to mouth, her fingers slid under his tie and, surprised by her own dexterity, deftly loosened it. She unbuttoned his shirt's top two buttons and took hold of his tie, leading him to the bedroom. Pushing him back onto the bed, she reached behind her neck, unfastened the dress' clasp, and pulled it over her head, tossing it over a chair and shaking her head to let her hair fall back into place. She was wearing a tiny pair of black panties that barely covered her sex, a translucent lacy black shelf bra through which her hard dark nipples were fully visible, and heels. He stared at her, unable to speak.

Linda, on all fours, crawled on to the bed. She took off her shoes, tossing them on a chair near her dress. She ran her strong fingers across his chest, pulled off his tie, draped it around her neck, and unbuttoned his shirt. She opened it and pushed up his tee shirt, kissing his chest and dragging her heavy breasts across his chest while moving up to his nipples, which she licked hard. When done she, on all fours, held herself above him.

He was staring at her breasts. She got on her knees and undid her bra. "Are you a breast man Bob? I hope so. Mine are very sensitive."

When she leaned back down he lunged for her breasts, covering them with kisses before taking them into his mouth. No starving child ever sucked a breast with more need than did he. Linda was thrilled as he teased, kissed, and sucked her tit-flesh. She had not lied; her breasts were very sensitive. Far more sensitive, she had noted during the last few weeks of daily masturbation, than they had ever been before.

After Bob spent several happy minutes feasting on her tit-flesh, Linda pulled away. She stifled his unhappy groan by ramming her tongue into his mouth, kissing him with wild abandon, exploring the hidden crevices of his mouth. She could feel his boiling need and that he, normally a powerful and decisive man, had ceded control to her. She loved the feeling of this man surrendering to her.

She ended the kiss and turned his head to whisper in his ear, "On baby, you make me so hot. I need you to fuck me, hard and deep and all night long. " She fondled his raging hard-on through his pants. "Oh Bobby, I hope you don't think I'm a slut, but its just like I like, nice and hard and big." She undid his zipper and ran her hands inside his pants, pushing aside his silk underwear, taking his hot throbbing cock in her hand.

In fact, he wasn't all that big, a shade larger and thicker than normal, but at the moment Bob Coolidge felt like he was hung like a horse.

She swung off him, hurriedly pulling off his belt. He kicked the shoes from his feet - normally no way to treat expensive leather footwear - and she dragged his pants and underwear off his body. His hard cock sprang to attention. She stared at it while fondling her breasts with one hand and slipping her other hand into her panties. She gazed at him. He was watching her hands. "Do you like it when I touch myself, Bob?" The look on his face was all the answer she needed. "It's just that you make me so, what's the word you guys like, horny." She nonchalantly removed her underwear. She was naked. Despite the fact that he was married to one of the most beautiful woman on the planet he knew he'd never seen such a sexy alluring woman; she was, he thought, sexuality incarnate.

She loved the look on his face. "Lie back and shut up! I'm going to make you come until you can't breathe." She took his erection in her hand and the crown of his cock in her mouth, lavishing attention on it with a wildly lashing tongue. His initial urge, something he would have normally done without a second thought, was to ram his cock into her mouth, but in the face of her raw animal sexuality he stopped. She was in control.

She frigged his shaft. She savored the taste of the pre-cum dripping from his penis. As she took more and more of him into her mouth she stroked his heavy balls with her fingertips. When the head of his tool reached the back of her mouth she tried something she had always refused to do in the past. She fit the head of his cock to the opening of her throat. It slid in. There was no urge to gag.

Bob, stuffed a pillow under his head and watched in amazement as this gorgeous woman slid her face over his cock until her nose reached his pubic hairs.

Linda considered letting him cum down her throat, but she had a more pressing need. She'd been living in a constant state of arousal, yearning for someone to stuff a hard dick in her hot horny pussy. She had been settling for her fingers; she would settle no longer. Putting on a show, she slowly let the fat cock slither from her mouth, straddled her lover, and took hold of his dick, aiming it at her open wet pussy.

She couldn't remember wanting so badly to be fucked. When she looked at the room's large mirror she only half recognized herself. Her body trimmed to perfection, her large tits sitting high on her chest and flushed with blood with nipples erect. Her wavy blonde hair shone in the room's reflected light, her face was filled with lust, her thick red lips framed her partially open mouth. Bob's face a combination of awe and lust. She was an Amazon, a Valkyrie, she would conquer him. Effortlessly holding her body in the air, she fit the head of his cock to her open pussy lips and looked at her partner.

"I'm going to use you as my fuck-toy all night long. You don't mind, do you?" He shook his head no and she leisurely slid her hot cunt down his pole, feeling her pussy lips and cunt expand and mold themselves to the thick shaft.

She looked at the mirror, admiring, for the moment as if a third person, her and her partners' beautiful bodies merge in carnal need. Her tongue moved across her lips. She ran her hands from her breasts across her flat stomach and down her powerful legs, finally resting on her knees.

Linda shut her eyes, focusing on the burning need between her legs. Her hands glided to Bob's stomach, slipping under his tee-shirt to his well-developed pectorals. Linda concentrated on her pussy muscles, letting them ripple on the man-meat that filled her. The muscles were strong and her control of them absolute; Bob, who was laying almost still, moved his hips in time with the bed's slow sway as Linda rocked almost imperceptibly back and forth.

As she flexed the muscles of her cunt she felt Bob's hard cock against her g-spot. She needed just a little bit more work from him. "Bob, you're so big it hurts, but I want it! Fuck me baby, make me hurt. Do you like my juicy pussy baby, because I know I like your big hard fat dick." She placed his index and middle fingers on the sides of her clitoris and moved them up and down, showing him exactly how to touch her. Bob was a compliant pupil. He had never seen a woman so enraptured by sex; he'd do anything she wanted.

As Bob worked her clit Linda took her massive breasts in her hands, squeezing them, pinching and stroking her nipples, pulling them to her mouth. She licked and sucked on them. She felt it. It was in her cunt and the pit of her stomach, she felt it growing. She wanted it. She bit a nipple and a short, powerful, delicious orgasm rippled through her. She closed her eyes and her moist lips parted, letting out a delighted whimper. Another orgasm came, then another, her body jolting and shaking with each impact. She let go of her breasts and her hands dropped to her side. She rode the waves of her orgasms like a seasoned surfer. Bob watched in awe; he had never seen a woman come like this before.

Linda was amazed as orgasm after orgasm swirled through her body. It had never been this good. While she imagined living like this for a thousand years, she knew another mind-bending orgasm lurked inside her body. She wanted it. She leaned forward, placing her hands besides Bob's head, and stared into his eyes. Her voice was insistent and demanding, she was a bitch in heat who expected her man to perform, "Fill me up, big daddy, fuck my tight cunt! Make me scream with that big dick of yours!" She rocked back and forth, sliding her cunt up the length of his thick cock until only its head remained embedded in her pussy, before pushing back, burying him inside her. The subtly of a few minutes ago was gone; this was the raw hard fucking of two animals in heat. Bob, mesmerized by the carnal intensity of this woman, pushed hard into her, trying to keeping up with the sexual demon who had mounted him. He had never known a pussy so tight or a woman whose sexual energy was this raw. She was a dog in heat. He desperately wanted to keep up, to show her that he was her equal.

"You little slut, I'm going to fuck you till you can't walk!"

"That's it baby, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Deeper! Harder! Faster!"

Sweat dripped from her, drops of it fell from her nipples to his chest. There was a load of cum churning in his balls. She sensed how close he was and demanded in a lust-soaked voice, "Don't you dare come until I say so! I can't believe what you're doing to me. Do not stop!" He gritted his teeth, fighting off his orgasm, obsessed with the need to please her.

Linda loved it, loved how this pillar of society, married to a beauty queen, was hers, was a prop in her sexual world. The pressure within her was too strong, she couldn't suppress it any more. She arched her back and screamed in joy as an orgasm rammed into her. Bob, riveted by the sight of the goddess exploding above him, let out a deep grunt and shot his cum into her cunt.

Afterwards he lay in her arms as she ran her hands over his body. He had pleased this lady; he had never before felt like such a stud. At 3:00 A.M. he got up to go to the bathroom and returned to find her ready to go. She finished what she had started earlier, taking his cock down her throat and letting him come directly into her stomach. She then wrapped her strong legs around his head, pinning his face to her divine cunt. She came and came and came. After a few hours sleep she joined him in the shower, pushing him against the shower wall and then, standing on her toes, dropping her wet pussy over his erection and bouncing on her muscular legs until he filled her with his hot heavy cream. He canceled his appointment with InGen 's competitor. They returned to the bed, screwing until late morning, when he finally had to head home.

Linda returned home. There she received a text from Julie, letting her know she'd earned the day off, but if she came to the office Julie had some big news. Julie knew she'd come. Julie recalled her first sex she after the treatment began. Linda would have questions. She would comfort and distract her friend; the truth would come soon.

After her shower Linda studied herself in the mirror. Her body was perfect, better than it had ever been before. She had always loved sex, but it had never been this good; her body had never been this responsive; her orgasms never this powerful. She needed to talk to Julie.

And, despite her concerns, Linda still, only half-consciously, dressed up for the office, donning a short skirt and four inch heels. When she arrived the receptionist met her with a smile, "Miss Julie's expecting you." When Linda opened the office door — a knock was no longer required - Julie met her with a hug and handed her a piece of paper. Coolidge Offshore had placed an $460,000.00 order and solicited a quote to supply its fleet for the following year. Linda stared at the order in awe; it was the biggest sale of her career.

"By the time we finish yoga tonight the commission will be in your bank account. " Linda did some quick calculations. She smiled.

Julie knew what was on Linda's mind and she knew it was best to pre-empt the field.

"Was this your first time making love since you joined us?"

"Yes, how did you know we, I mean he and I? "

"Well, the heat between the two of you was pretty intense, you didn't come to work this morning, and your face is absolutely radiant."

Linda blushed, "Is it that obvious?"

Julie leaned forward, placing a hand on Linda. It felt nice. "No, I was looking for it and, I hope this doesn't sound too strange - I've only really known you a few weeks - but I feel a special connection with you, like we've been friends a long time."

Linda blushed again. "That's kind of you to say. I've felt the same."

"Well, don't give me to much credit to fast, especially after you hear what I didn't tell you. Last night, after you left, I realized that I forget to warn you. The supplement dilates your blood vessels; it pours blood into several areas, including your erogenous zones. They become extremely sensitive. While you're taking the supplement the sex is amazing."

"Yeah, it was off the charts last night. And when I..." Linda stopped, embarrassed.

Julie knew what she meant. "Yeah, I know, those first four weeks, my evening masturbations were amazing. If my husband had been that good in bed we'd still be married. "

Linda accepted Julie's offer of a celebratory glass of champagne after yoga. When Linda left, Julie's eyes lingered on her swaying ass. God, she thought, that woman is sexy. If Linda's not the one, she liked to meet who is. Linda had taken to the treatment like no one else; she exuded sexuality. Julie would soon show Linda that if she focused her desire on someone, few on the planet could say no.

The explanation she'd given Linda was bullshit, but plausible enough. Linda would question it, but distracted by how good she felt, the money, and the treatment itself, it would take a few days. By then Linda would be hooked. Julie could then tell her friend the truth.
* * * *​

InGen's plan to distract Linda got an assist that night. The hearing on her son's expulsion from school had not gone well; despite hours of preparation with an attorney Jack copped an attitude with the school officials, all but daring them to toss him out of school. It seemed likely he'd be heading back to North Carolina to finish high school. Over a glass of wine Linda considered her mixed feelings. She loved her son, but things seemed to be turning around for her. Adding a disgruntled teenager to her life could derail everything.
Next page: Chapter 02
Previous page: Chapter 01.1