Chapter 03.2

Julie placed a hand on Linda's shoulder, giving her a kiss that she hoped didn't betray her sudden sadness. On Saturday, when Linda finished her work-out, she would bond with the only person in the room – the boss. Julie would lose both her lovers to each other.

As she bolted out the door, Julie said "She ya soon, and finish that champagne. It's expensive."

After Julie left the office Linda walked around the desk, entered the key code in Julie's safe, extracted the three bottle of supplement, and put them in her briefcase. The secret to whatever InGen had done to her, she figured, started with these canisters. She wanted to know what it was. She would extract a drop from each and have it analyzed. She would return the bottles in the morning; she'd be able to talk her way into Julie's office. No one would ever know.
* * * *​

Linda returned home after yoga and carefully extracted a drop of the thick liquid from each cannister, noting the substantial difference in smell, color, and viscosity between the liquid in the final cannister and the two that went before it. To meet her son at the airport she chose a gray form fitting sweater dress, leggings, and riding boots. She tightened the belt around her waist - it would keep the back of the dress from riding up her ass – and checked her butt in the mirror. The dress curled around her upper legs, it would stay in place and nicely accent her rear end. She did not question why she so was carefully dressing to pick her son up at the airport. Wearing clothes that accented her looks had become second nature to her. She brushed her hair back in a pony tail and headed out the door. At the airport she tried to focus on her Kindle while waiting for a flight which, it was announced, would be an hour late, but it was mostly a futile effort; she spent her time fending off attention from the men around her.

It was a very resentful Jack who made his way down the concourse. He had been stuck in the middle seat of three and was now walking next to the shithead who had sat next to him and who wouldn't shut the fuck up. The asshole talked to, or more accurately, at him during most of the flight. The dude was boring, but he was better than the guy on the other side, a fat old balding white guy who had fallen asleep at take off and snored the entire way.

Jack had been pissed when he got on the plane. Just because a bunch of ass holes at school couldn't take a fucking joke he was being shipped off to the East Coast, away from his friends, to live with his douche-bag of a mother. His plan was simple; he'd get his ass kicked out of school and head back to the West Coast and his posse. What the fuck did he need school for; he'd be a rapper once he got some street creds. His mood was not improved when the fucking plane was an hour fucking late and the asshole stewardess wouldn't give him a beer; she didn't buy his story that he'd left his id at home. Okay, it was a stupid story since he needed the fuckin' id to get on the fuckin' plane, but fuck, what the fuck did she care anyway, what the fuck business was it of hers if he drank a fucking beer. After all, he was eighteen, old enough to be drafted, if there was a draft.

The dude walking with him started chattering more excitedly. Something about a hot chick waving, asking if that was his girlfriend. Jack looked up, heard his mother's voice, and saw some fine fuckin' bitch wavin' at him. It took a moment for the thought to coalesce: that fine fuckin' bitch was his mother. What the shit happened to her, goddamn she was fucking hot! The dude walking next to him asked again, "Holy fuck man, is that your girlfriend?" Jack, near dumbstruck, responded, "Fuck no, that's my Mom."

Jack's eyes scanned his mother as he approached her. Jack might be her son, but Linda knew that look; she had seen enough of them over the last few weeks. For the first time in years Jack met her with a big smile and an enthusiastic hug. Jack felt her firm body, her breasts pressed against his chest, hell, she even smelled good. As the hug ended Jack wanted to say something, something that would make him appear sophisticated, but his brain shut down, he couldn't find the words. He panicked and as they picked up his bags – trying to appear mature he insisted on carrying all of them – and swung the other way. He couldn't stop talking, trying desperately to impress his Mom despite the voice in his head screaming that he was chattering away like an idiot. When Linda got behind the wheel she crossed her legs, allowing Jack a prolonged look at her gams. On the way home he kept taking covert glances at his mother. Linda noticed every one

Jack chatted all the way home, still trying, not to successfully, to sound cool and grown-up. Linda knew there was something odd about using her looks to manage her son, but this was far better than the sullen unhappy teenager she expected. When they got home he unloaded the car, helped her make his bed, and joined his mother in the kitchen, where they sat up late into the night talking. She lay her hand on his when they sat, touched his shoulder as she walked by, and made sure to pay rapt attention. Finally relaxing some, his conversation became more genuine, less designed to impress. When she went to bed she slipped practiced fingers between her legs, her mind turning from wondering how long she could keep Jack balanced between filial devotion and teen-age hormones to the next time she and Julie got together. When Jack crawled into bed, accepting it might make him a bit of a perve, he jacked off with images of his mother dancing in his head.

When she got out of bed the next morning Linda was shocked to see her son brewing coffee. He asked how she liked her's prepared and they shared a cup as he continued to chatter away. Finally, already late for work, she excused herself and headed for the shower. After yesterday's big sale, she figured, no one would complain if she was half-an-hour late. As she drove down the street to InGen 's entrance she noted a gathering crowd, then news trucks, and then a mass of men and women with FBI emblazoned on the back of their jackets. That something improper was going on at InGen she had already figured out. She did not stop, continuing down the street.

Things were not sanguine at InGen. The FBI arrived at 9:10, blocked the exits, secured the computers, and was now interviewing employees. The boss, who had anticipated this possibility, was calm. There was no need to call a lawyer; it didn't matter what the FBI did to him. Without Julie or Linda he had about two weeks to live. The company's computers would provide some data, but only the current research was stored at the office. The bulk of the data was divided into two portions and stored off-site. At that moment two trusted assistants, who did not know each other, were watching the raid on television. They would load the computer memory in their automobiles, drive to two rural bridges, dump the data into the bottom of two lakes, and head for South America for villas and large bank accounts. Within a few months the data, even if found, would be indecipherable.

There was no record of Julie or Linda. The FBI did discover data about two experiments nicknamed Alpha and Beta, but eventually concluded that these were computer models used to test theoretical inputs. Not only was the data expertly disguised, but the boss had concluded, correctly, that no one would readily believe there had been such advances on actual people. Dr. Dowler, the only person familiar with all of InGen 's carefully segregated research, was in his Swiss lab All the information provided him was hand carried to his facility; there were no electronic links. Dowler had been handsomely compensated with money illegally obtained. That guaranteed his silence.

Julie heard news of the bust on the floor of the convention. She had spent the night with Angela Turkel, the head of Turkel Industries, the convention's sponsor and one of InGen 's biggest customers, an account Julie had secured eight months before when she invited Angela into her bed.
* * * *​

When Linda got home Jack stumbled from his room, face flushed, re-arranging his pants. There was no question what he had been up to. Embarrassed to have been interrupted, he did not think to ask why she was there. Linda retreated to her bedroom and opened the iPad. Local news reports indicated that the FBI had closed InGen 's offices, but there was no further comment. Internet rumors ranged from human trafficking to drug dealing to terrorist connections. The PACER web-site, which accessed all federal criminal proceedings, showed that neither she nor Linda had been indicted.

She flipped open the briefcase, staring at the three remaining canisters. If she went to the FBI with them would they think her innocent? How would she explain how she got them? She had, after all, stolen them. She could no longer have them analyzed, the lab might tie her to InGen. She should, she thought, pour the contents down the sink and toss the canisters in the dumpster of a store on the far side of town. However, whatever was in those cans was supposed to be taken over four weeks. What would be the effect of stopping when there were three left? She thought about Julie. She must have completed the regimen and showed no ill effects. As she struggled with the decision, as the minutes ticked past the time she was supposed to take it, she was unable to bring herself to dispose of the supplements. Linda did not know they were also engineered to be mildly addicting. She opened and drank one of the bottles and headed for her son's bedroom. He had finished unpacking; his room neat and clean. He looked to his Mom for approval. She took his hand in hers. "Looks great Jack, thanks for taking care of it so quick."

"Thanks Mom." She turned to face him, pushing some loose hairs from his forehead. Her son looked at her with puppy dog eyes. Flirting with her son to keep him in-line was not recommended in any of the troubled teenager tracts she had read over the years, but she was enjoying herself and a girl had to use whatever weapons she had available.

"Why ya home?" he asked.

"Emergency investigation at the office. Non-essential personnel need not report." And then, changing the subject. "I'm heading for the gym. Wanna come?"

Jack was no gym rat. People who went to the gym were, in Jack's universe, assholes. But the chance to hang around with his Mom at the gym – he imagined her in work-out clothes – was not something he'd turn down. "Yeah, although I'm not in the best of shape."

She smiled, running her hand down his arm. "We'll see what we can do about that."

Linda appeared twenty minutes later in purple spandex. The best Jack could come up with was a dirty pair of short and a tee-shirt with more holes than fabrics. On the way to the gym they stopped at Academy and picked up clothes for him, Jack happily assenting to his mother's choices. At the gym Jack did his best, but was astounded by his mother's strength and, after an hour steps class, endurance. As infatuated by his mother as he was, he was still a bit miffed. This girl had just kicked his ass; it was time to get in shape.

That night he went to yoga class with her and after that, took a long walk through the neighborhood. The two of them hit the gym and yoga class the following day and that evening he happily volunteered to go to the movies with her, letting her choose the most recent chick-flick. Going to the movies with your Mom on a Friday night might not be cool, but he did enjoy walking through the lobby, her arm in his, while every man's eyes followed his hot date. During the days he did not question her long spells in the bedroom where she was frantically trying to figure out what had happened at InGen. Jack assumed she was working. He was, of course, masturbating.
* * * *​

On Saturday morning in a hospital room fifteen hundred miles away, the boss, under the eye of a federal marshal, was coughing uncontrollably. Although he knew the person who was supposed to be his lifeline should, at this moment, have been undergoing the final stage of the treatment, he felt surprisingly good. He had given it his best shot.
* * * *​

On Saturday morning Linda was getting ready for spin class. She pulled her form fitting bicycle pants over her tight rump and drank the contents of the last cannister. It smelled bad, had a consistency different from the others, and tasted terrible. Nonetheless she felt great. Her son was in the kitchen, ready to go. At the gym she powered through the spin class; she could hear Jack on the bicycle behind her huffing and puffing.

When the class ended Linda got off her bicycle. As she stretched, her pulse rate slowing and her blood pressure returning, to normal she felt an intense ache in her loins. It was not just that she was horny, she had lived horny the last month, but now it seemed to overwhelm her. Her loyalty over the last four weeks was to InGen and Julie; they had given her the opportunity to save her career; she felt she had to tamp down her sex drive for the sake of the company. Now it suddenly bounded out of control; she needed to be fucked. She needed some strong man with a fat cock to come and take her, to fuck the shit out of her, to make her his bitch. She scanned the room. So many of these guys looked good. Who to choose? What to do with her son?

The men and woman at the gym had noticed Linda over the last month. She was not only fricking gorgeous, she gave off a sexual energy unlike anything they'd known. She had also blown off all their advances. But now she seemed to shine with an even greater sexual intensity and some of the braver guys figured, what the shit, why not try again. Billy Goodlooks, one of the place's leading Lotharios, a guy who had a reputation for not taking no as an answer, started sauntering her way.

That's when Linda felt a hand on her arm.

"Mom, you okay?"

She turned to face her son. Their sweat and skin cells intermingled. When they made eye contact her gaze locked on his, the rest of the room temporarily forgotten. How had she not noticed what a good looking kid he was?

"Yes son."

"I was calling you and you didn't respond."

"Sorry, I guess I was day-dreaming." She saw sweat dripping down the side of his face. She picked up the towel he had draped over his bicycle and ran it down his cheek. She then wiped her forehead with it, enjoying his scent. She liked the way he smelled.

Billy Goodlooks was now by her side. "Excuse me Linda, can I buy you a bottle of water."

Linda took her son's hand in her's and turned only slightly, barely looking at the Billy. "No, thank you but no, I'm with..." she started to say son, but stopped herself, "someone."

Billy's retreat became the cue for the rest of the group. If he could barely get her to look at him, the rest of them had no chance.

She turned back to Jack. "A bottle of water does sound nice. Can I buy you one?"

Linda and Jack walked through the gym. She rested her arm in his. When they reached the snack counter she pointed to an empty table, "If you think it best, why don't you grab that table. I'll get the water." Jack, who had been solicitous of Linda's every need since his arrival, started to object and offer to get the water, but no, it seemed right; its time she served him. Linda returned with a bottle, handing it to Jack. He drank a swig and handed it back to her, she took a sip and returned it to him. And that is how they drank 32 ounces of water, passing it back and forth, sharing their saliva and the wealth of material flowing in it.

Linda fished her car keys from her gym bag and handed them to Jack. He was the man of the house now, she suggested, he should drive. At the car Jack walked her to the passenger's side, opening the door for her. She got in, thanking him, telling him how few men still knew how to treat a woman. On the way home Linda absentmindedly stroked Jack's forearm with her immaculate nails. As they talked she marveled at what a good looking young man he was; once he returned to school the girls would be lining up to date him. Then, with an illicit smile, she reconsidered: date was probably not the right word. She better make sure this stud had a steady supply of condoms. Jack, on the other hand, was thinking how good his Mom's hand felt on his arm. He had been following her around like an infatuated puppy dog since his arrival, but she was right, he was the man of the house. It was time to assert himself.

When they got home Linda offered to fix a smoothie. Jack openly checked out her ass as she headed for the kitchen. He went to his room to change and pulled off his sweat stained tee-shirt, thinking about his mom's sweet ass . That thing was sure being wasted if no one was fucking it and she had mentioned no boy friend. He was looking for another shirt when he heard her call. He knew decorum required shirts at meals, but what the fuck, it was only a smoothie. He tossed the dirty shirt in the corner of his room on the way to the kitchen. Mom could get it there.

Linda felt a little stir between her legs when he walked in; he had a better body than she'd given him credit for. With some time in the gym he'd be gorgeous. She handed him the drink. He took a gulp and handed it back. She did the same. As they passed it back and forth she leaned her body against his, noticing how well they fit together. When done she dropped the blender and glass in a sink full of warm water and turned to her son.

I made such a handsome young man, she thought. I'm so glad he's here to take care of me. And then, thinking how much work he'd been doing around the house, said, "Don't worry honey, I'll get the dishes." He nodded his assent. It was about time she started serving hm.

She walked back to her son, filled with love, not hiding her obvious delight in his company. She couldn't recall being this happy. She ran her hand down his chest and arm, said, "Son, it's so good to have you home," and leaned forward to kiss him. It was supposed to be a quick mother-son peck, but his lips were so strong and manly she couldn't help but linger, her hand closing around his arm, pressing her upper body against his. She pulled away, a bit disoriented. She was getting turned-on, very turned-on.

Jack looked her in the eye. She had spent the last three days flirting with him. He had thought it innocent. Now, he thought, maybe it was and maybe it wasn't, but he shouldn't have to put up with it. A prick teaser was a prickteaser, even if it was your own mother. His prick didn't like being teased.

Linda, troubled by her sudden intense feeling for her son, felt like she should get away.

"I guess I need a shower," she stammered. And then, for reasons she couldn't understand, asked permission. "Do you mind?"

Jack didn't, but he didn't want to wait around for his own. "It's fine, but I need one to. Keep yours quick so there's plenty of hot water left."

"Yes sir." She turned to go and Jack's eyes returned to her ass. On impulse he swatted it, not hard, but hard enough. "And remember what I said, keep it quick or else."

Linda looked over her shoulder and winked. "Well, if I forget, make sure you punish me."

Linda made it to her room on shaky legs. She had been in a constant state of arousal over the past weeks. Her intense lust for Bob, Julie, and Deniese, and the splendor of their love-making, had dwarfed anything she'd known in her life, but now she was being flooded with an even more powerful desire for her son. Images filled her mind: her on her knees sucking Jack's cock, him taking her from behind, her shopping for lingerie for him, her eating Julie's cunt while he fucked her ass. She turned on the water in the shower, stripped off her clothes, and stepped in, hand in her cunt.

When she entered the bedroom Linda had every intention of taking a quick shower, but now, her back against the shower wall, the water cascading over her, three fingers shooting in and out of her cunt and a thumb roughly manipulating her clitoris, orgasm succeeding orgasm, she lost all track of time.

In the kitchen Jack grew impatient. He had instructed Linda to take a quick shower; his prick-teasing Mom needed to be shown who was the boss of the house. He headed for her bedroom and heard her in the shower. There was no question what was going on. His mother might be hot, but she needed to learn a few things, including why use your fingers on your cunt when there was a cock like his in the house.

He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower. His mother's reaction was instantaneous, she threw herself into his arms and locked her lips to his, working her tongue around his mouth and then sucking on his bottom lip. Jack responded in-kind, their tongues intertwining. She pressed her full perfect body against him and took his erection in her hand. Jack's hands roved over his mother's physique; she had spent the last few days displaying it to him, it was his time to touch. Jack pushed her against the shower wall and kissed and licked her neck. She took hold of the shaft of his cock; she felt its power; god it was glorious. She started to give him a hand job with a dollop of conditioner. This, however, only made her hotter and the last barrier in her mind to the ultimate sin, incest, burned away. Incest or not, this is what her twat was made for. She tried to direct his cock into her pussy.

Jack had already discarded concerns about incest. This hot-bitch was his. The first time he took his mother, however, he wanted something a bit more raw than face-to face. Something to let her know who was calling the shots. He spun her around and bent her forward so her hands were on the shower floor. Water from the spigot struck her ass, the highest point of her body, and flowed down her back, washing through her hair. Jack entered her in one quick motion and she came, screaming like a wild jackal. This position allowed him deep inside her and as he pounded her hot pussy her hands slid further forward on the shower floor, letting him penetrate deeper and deeper. She came over and over, seemingly with every second or third thrust.

Jack didn't have that much experience, but he didn't imagine there was a cunt in the world finer than his Mom's. And she was his, all his. The bitch would learn who ran the house, who was in charge. He felt his balls swelling; his dick on fire. He rolled his mother's hips, forcing her hands further forward, tightening her snatch and letting the head of his cock bang against the opening of her womb. His thrusts grew shorter and more powerful and his grip on her hips tightened. Linda knew he was about to come. He would feed her his cum many more times over the years, but this was the first time and as his cock jerked within her, filling her with his seed, she came, her voice joining his as they howled like dogs in heat.

When he pulled out he was happy to see his dick was still stiff. It didn't happen often, and certainly shouldn't happen after the best orgasm of his young life, but somehow it didn't surprise him. It didn't surprise his mother either as she clambered back to her feet. She was certain that this gorgeous young man, her son, the lover to whom she'd dedicate her life, could and would fuck her all night, every night. She placed her hands on his shoulders and he took hold of her ass cheeks, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and impaled herself on his cock. He backed her against the shower wall and fucked her with ferocious intensity, her orgasms piling up in a chain reaction like an endless series of cars slamming into each other on a foggy bridge. When the hot water ran out he carried her, still wrapped around his body, into the bedroom and dropped her on the bed, pulling her legs up so that her feet sat on his shoulders, and fucked her some more.

They fucked the rest of the day. They fucked the next day, They fucked the day after that. They fucked every day, seemingly all day. They fucked so much that it seemed all they did was fuck, wake up, fuck, work out, come home, fuck, sleep, fuck some more, and then get up and begin the cycle all over again. They fucked in every room in the house, they fucked on, over or against every piece of furniture in the house. They fucked in the car, in the garden, in front of the windows, and against the front door. They fucked in the back row of a movie theater, behind some bushes at an outdoor concert, next to a weight bench at the gym, and in every public park within ten miles. His dick went up her cunt, in her ass, down her throat, and between her tits.

The process was transferred from the woman to man through the closeness of bodies, intermingling of sweat and skin, and exchange of fluids. Jack got a potent dose.
* * * *​

Julie spent the rest of the week and the weekend with Angela Turkel and one of her well-hung bimbos. What was his name? Angela, whose company had several multi-billion contracts with the defense department, was able to determine the broad outline of the investigation and assure Julie that she and her friend Linda were not targets. In fact, as far as she could determine, no one seemed to knew who Julie and Linda were. On Angela's invitations Julie left the convention with Angela and moved into her home, but within a week Julie's ability to orgasm had deserted her. Julie knew she had a problem. Although she was physically and sexually hyped up, both traits were bound to the boss and InGen. With them gone, without serving their purposes, she was a mass of supercharged hormones without any satisfactory way to relieve herself. She needed a dominant man, one subject to the process. Competing with her growing sexual frustration was her growing concern about Linda. She had been taken off the process three days before its culmination. Julie had no idea what that meant, but expected it was not good.

After two weeks Julie returned to Raleigh, not moving back into her place, but into a small apartment the boss had rented in cash under an assumed name. It was a combination fuck-den and safe house and there Julie laid low and tracked to the best of her ability what was going on with the investigation, sadly reading that the boss had passed away. She also located Linda's home address. After driving by it several times in an effort to see it if was being watched, she finally concluded it was safe and so three weeks after InGen closed she found herself knocking on Linda's door.

A young man opened the door. A gorgeous young man. A young man with the kind of personal magnetism and personality she had not known since the boss. No, he was sexier, hotter, than the boss. Too stunned to speak, she just stood there. Jack, pleasantly surprised to find a drop dead gorgeous red-head in the doorway, spoke first.

"Can I help you?"

Embarrassed, but feeling lust swell within her, Julie stumbled, "I'm sorry. I was looking for Linda Cummings. I must have the wrong house."

"No, this is the right house. I'm her son."

Julie extended her hand, her voice seductive. "I'm Julie Deutsch. Your Mom and I worked together. At InGen ."

Jack recognized the name and this chick certainly matched the sexy red head his mother had described. He was also certain that she, like his mother, was going to be his. He took her hand. "My name is Jack. Mom's running some errands. She should be back soon. Please come in."

Jack pointed to the kitchen and then followed his guest, admiring her slender form and sweet ass.
* * * *​

Linda arrived home forty-five minutes later. Horny, she was hoping her son would be waiting at the back door ready to fuck her. He was not and did not respond when she called his name. Odd, his car was in the driveway. She thought she heard a sound in the bedroom. Was he napping? She stepped into the doorframe just as the sound of the bed shaking made clear what was happening. Her son, on his knees, was taking a woman from behind. Her face was turned away, but her gasping made it clear she enjoyed being fucked by Jack as much as did Linda. Linda certainly had no objection to this new lover. The house's first rule: satisfy Jack's sexual needs. She started to step back, to give him privacy when something about the woman's body seemed familiar. She looked to the far side of the bedroom, to one of the massive mirrors recently mounted on the wall. It was Julie's face! Linda, who had spent weeks worrying about her friend, cried out in joy. The faces in the mirror turned towards her.

It was Jack who spoke first. "Welcome home Mom. Get your clothes off."
* * * *​

Julie explained to both Linda and Jack about the experiment undertaken on them and how it was effecting Jack. Although she knew she should be upset, Linda wasn't. The process had worked perfectly, she was submissive and accepting. She liked the new her, loved Julie, and worshiped Jack. She had never been this happy.

Jack muscled up, found he could fuck until the sun came up, bringing any women off over and over. He was working his way through the assets in his new high school, first the sociology teacher who, if rumor was to be believed, worked her way through college as a Hooter's girl, then the thirty-three year old principal with long straight lack hair and the lithe graceful body of the dancer she had been, and then the cheerleading squad. But he was still a high school kid full of his own bullshit. He had, with a single exception, credited not the process, but his own innate studliness. The exception: his dick, it was longer and thicker, much longer and thicker.

Julie and Linda had plenty of money stocked away, but when the school year began Jack decided the ladies needed a way to entertain themselves other than eating each other's pussies. Neither had any trouble getting a job doing outside sales as Momerz. Upon Jack's high school graduation Julie and Linda solicited Deniese to interview him. The suggestion violated several of the company's rules, including the anti-nepotism rule, and Jack didn't meet any of the qualifications for the job: he was eighteen years old, had no experience in the industry, no experience in sales, and no college education. Nonetheless, when your top two salespersons ask a favor you tend to do it and, in any case, Deniese was dying to meet Linda's son.

Jack arrived five minutes early for his appointment. Toye was wearing leggings and a loose white shirt that partially obscured the form-fitting black body shirt she wore underneath. Her four and one-half inch stiletto heels with a one inch platform were designed to display her exquisite ass and legs and she moved in them with practiced expertise. Guys hit on her all the time, without success. No one at the company knew, outside of Linda and Julie, that she was Deniese's devoted lover. Toye spent a few minutes chatting up this young hunk, wishing he'd throw her across the top of her desk and fuck her senseless. She'd lose her job, but it'd be worth it.

When Jack entered Deniese's office he found a woman far different than the creature his mother had seduced the year before. The excess weight was gone and she stood, in her stocking feet, five feet five inches and weighed 120 pounds, much of it in a large round pair of D tits. Her brown hair was combed straight and hung half way to her gentle jiggly ass. Her make-up highlighted her round face and oversized facial features: wide green eyes, a flared nose, and large mouth. It was, Jack thought, a cock-sucker's mouth and it was where, within ten minutes, his cock was buried. After office hours he, Toye, and Deniese headed for Deniese's place; the job was his over breakfast the next morning.

Jack quickly became the company's top salesperson and with Momerz's generous commission structure, Jack, Linda, and Julie made money faster than they could keep track of it. After five years they had enough for a very comfortable retirement. Jack wanted a place where he and his mother could be open lovers; there were still too many people in the community who knew that although she looked like his girlfriend, she was his mom. When they found a small exclusive resort for sale in Punta Mita, Mexico, Jack opened negotiations. The owners, touting a clientele that included a steady stream of A-list Hollywood stars and starlets, wanted too much money. After several fruitless e-mail exchanges, Jack, Julie, and Linda flew to Mexico to meet the owners, an attractive middle-aged couple. They were, after the wife spent the night with Jack between her happily spread legs and the husband lived a fantasy with the two sexiest women he'd ever known, much more reasonable. They agreed to sell in exchange for Jack picking up the existing debt and a portion of future profits. The sellers ended up doing quite well, under its new management the resort made more money than ever.

It is those events that lead us to the present moment. Linda is picking up a ringing phone while watching, through the picture window overlooking the pool, Eva Mendes sucking Jack's prick while Julie reams her brown haired pussy with a strap-on dildo.

"Hello Scarlett, how are you?'

"Really, well happily we have a room open next week. Will your husband be joining you?"

"That's too bad. He seemed like such a nice fellow. We'll see you soon."

Linda went to the reservations computer and, briefly diverting her attention from the scene outside, typed in, "Scarlett Johansson."
Previous page: Chapter 03.1