Chapter 01
All the characters in this story are over 18 years of age. This is just a fantasy and not a real story. It includes strong themes of incest, romance, and BDSM. If you're not comfortable, please stop reading.
This part is more of a background story and prelude. There's not any sex in this part. If it's something you're not interested in, I'd skip to the last page. I do highly recommend you read it.
Jacinda is your regular 42 year old milf next door. She has gorgeous. shiny, long, natural, dark brown hair that goes down to the back of her elbows. Her nose is short but perfectly pointy. Her jawline droops in a curved v ending on her cute little chin. She has a tiny mouth and small-ish lips. Her big Disney princess eyes are the gateway to her soul. They're light brown in color with a vivid eye line that Jacinda keeps dark with about the only piece of make-up she usually applies, eyeliner.
Born in 1980, Jacinda grew up in a very conservative orthodox family. She wasn't much of a stunner in high school and was just your typical neighborhood nerd. She was a bookworm and upon completion of her high school, she got into a top college for a bachelor's in psychology. She had always been interested in the subject and her grades made sure she got into university with ease.
This is where she met her, now husband - Dan. Jacinda and Dan were classmates. They initially started off as friends and eventually became lovers. Dan was a typical jock, was on the college football team and all the girls were crazy for him. Dan came from a relatively rich family. He was 6'2" and strong, muscular with a wide frame. Quite overbearing in comparison to Jacinda who was 5'4", cute and petite with natural, average boobs. Dan was quite the ladies' man in his college. He had several flings with various girls and when it was learned that he was dating Jacinda, everyone wondered what he saw in her. Jacinda was obviously attracted by the attention showered on her by the hot, rich, college jock. Jacinda, being your timid, conservative, short little nerdy girl next door, really took a liking to Dan.
Having met Dan in her Junior year of College, they dated while in college for 2 years. Upon graduation, Jacinda landed a job at a top psychiatric research firm in California. Dan just went back home to his family farm in Texas. Long distance was not particularly going well for the two of them with email exchanges and long telephone calls. Jacinda would wait for hours for Dan to call. And when she would call his house phone, the butlers usually shrugged her off with an excuse of him being gone for a business trip with his father or on a golf trip with his brothers or friends. Jacinda wrote letters, emails, and IMs but would seldom hear back. But when Dan did call, she would rejoice upon hearing his voice. It would reinvigorate her as he reassured his love for her.
To address their long-distance concerns, Dan asked Jacinda to move in with him on his family farm in the middle of nowhere Texas. Jacinda albeit hesitant, given her high profile and promising job, did think about the offer. She was worried she wouldn't be able to work on her dreams. She was worried about paying off her student loans. She was worried about taking a chance. She was never someone who took a risk. All her life decisions had been calculated, thoroughly planned, and intelligent. But love just happens. Or so she was told. As a very conservative, religious girl growing up, Jacinda had saved herself for the right guy.
Dan also, to his credit had never taken disadvantage of Jacinda and respected her boundaries. However, having dated for almost 3 years now, the young blood and libido of both Jacinda and Dan were at their peak. Jacinda would read naughty books, and rent porn DVDs to pleasure herself in her small apartment in San Francisco. But she was eager to have that release. Dan was well aware of this hurdle and decided to surprise Jacinda in San Francisco one day. She was overjoyed and believed her own inhibitions of being sure, Dan was the one. The second surprise came while they were having a stroll by the park overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. As the sun was about to set, Dan pulled out a beautiful shiny rock, glistening in the sun's final dying light of the day, as it sparkled in Jacinda's now moist eyes. Dan proposed, and she obviously had to say, Yes.
Over the next few months, Dan and Jacinda got married at Dan's family farm in Texas in the summer of 2003. They spent their honeymoon in Europe. It was now early 2004. Jacinda, now 24, looked at herself in the mirror. Surrounded by a lavish bedroom, a mahogany bedroom set, the finest dressing table, and butlers at her service. In a vintage, yet modern ranch, overlooking pastures of open, wide, nature and thought to herself "How did I get so lucky?". Dan's father Daniel Sr. loved Jacinda, as the sweet, innocent yet smart flower that she was. He helped pay off her student loan. Dan had sacrificed his own game room in the basement and converted it into an office for Jacinda. Jacinda was working on a couple of licensing exams from her now-new office. Her license would allow her to see clients, as a qualified therapist and counselor. Things were going great for this young couple. They had sex regularly. Jacinda enjoyed the sex. Dan was good in bed. He wasn't well endowed with a huge dick, but he was fit and worked out regularly, and played sports.
They soon got the greatest news of their lives, Jacinda and Dan were going to be parents. Parents to a baby boy. Daniel Sr. was about to become a grandfather.
He had several estates, properties across Texas, a liquor business, a BBQ Sauce company, and obviously their family ranch which housed some horses, cattle, chicken, etc. Daniel Sr. had made his fortune with hard work and dedication. He realized Dan may not have inherited his dedication. Daniel Sr. had protected his properties and businesses with loyal staff that he looked after very well. After his wedding with Jacinda, Dan had begun showing quite a bit of interest in his father's properties and businesses. He would accompany his father to all the different offices, and work trips to learn the tips and tricks of the business. After his mother's loss to cancer in his teens, Dan appreciated how much his father had done for him. Despite being away on business, Daniel Sr. always had his son's well-being on his mind. He was overjoyed to learn that his daughter-in-law was such a perfect girl for his boy.
It was November of 2004, Jacinda, gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby boy. The happiness in the Johnson household was beyond imagination. There was cake, confetti, song and dance, lights, and parties. All the arrangements were made by Daniel Sr.'s right-hand man and the family's trusted confidant, Mr. Gomez. Alberto Gomez was Daniel Sr.'s attorney, and friend and always had the family's best at heart. As Mr. Gomez was making preparations for Jacinda and the brand new baby boy to come home, he checked in with Daniel Sr. to ask about his whereabouts. Daniel Sr. and Dan had just got off their jet and were about to get into their car.
Mr. Gomez: Well Mr. Johnson, I should have you know, the car picking up Jacinda and the baby are on their way home and should be here any minute. Do you know how long you and Dan will be?
Daniel Sr: Oh Jeez, hang on tight, I'm guessing another 45 minutes from here. Our driver had called in sick, so I'll be driving myself.
(Mr. Gomez could overhear Daniel Sr and his son talk in the background)
Dan: Don't worry Dad, I'll take the wheel. But I don't think we'll be riding in the Escalade. That'll take us an hour at least.
Daniel Sr: Well then what do you say we do?
Dan: Why not get into my new Carrera, that you got me for my birthday earlier this year? You haven't taken a spin in it. And I'll show you why I wanted it so bad.
(Mr. Gomez interrupts)
Mr. Gomez: uhh... Mr. Johnson, that is a sports car and I'm not sure how it'll fair on these inner country roads.
(Dan yells into the cell phone)
Dan: Ahhh don't worry Mr. Gomez, its the same car I drove to the airport to get here last week. Don't you worry, we'll be there, just make sure the arrangements for the party are taken care of. I can't wait to celebrate tonight after closing that hospital deal.
(Dan hangs up on Mr. Gomez)
Daniel Sr: You certainly did really well in that meeting. I'm so proud of you son. You're starting to come into your own. We will make sure those abandoned buildings are turned into a state-of-the-art hospitals.
Dan and his dad get into his Porsche Carerra GT. A low sports car. As Dan begins to drive, Daniel Sr. poses a question.
Daniel Sr: So, what do we want to name this chain of hospitals we're about to build? Any ideas?
Dan: Same name as our newborn son.
Daniel Sr: And what might that be?
Dan: Hunter. Hunter Daniel Johnson.
Daniel Sr: Dan, I love the name for our son. But a hospital called Hunter? Seriously? How about we name it after Jacinda? Jacinda Johnson Healthcare.
Dan: Hhmm... yeah that has a good ring to it too. Sure, that works.
As Dan and his father are en route to their home, Jacinda has already made it. She seemed a little disappointed that her husband and father of her child was not present. But she understood their work assignment and waited patiently for the festivities to begin.
Dan as usual was driving fast and he got a phone call on his cellphone, the name read - Cassandra. He disconnected the call without answering. However, the phone kept ringing. Cassandra kept calling. The 5th time the phone rang, Daniel Sr. pressed the green button.
Cassandra: oh Danny that was the best fuck of my life. I can't wait to see you again soon. mmmuah, did you get home yet?
Daniel Sr. was shocked and aghast and didn't know what to say.
Dan was embarrassed and just hung up and brushed it off as yeah that's an ex-girlfriend...
Daniel Sr. had no words.
It was a rather uncomfortable drive home. When they got home, Daniel Sr. pretended everything was okay. It was a joyous occasion and he didn't want to tarnish it with any drama. He was overjoyed with the birth of his grandson. He hugged both Jacinda and day-old Hunter rather lovingly.
Three Years went by. Hunter was now 3. Jacinda, 27. Dan, 28. Dan Sr. 60.
Over the years, Daniel Sr. had learned that Dan, his son, despite picking up the ins and outs of his business, was not the kind of man he was proud of. Daniel Sr. had on many occasions caught and learned of Dan's illicit extra-marital affairs. He had kept it all from Jacinda. Dan on his time outside of meetings frequently visited strip clubs, hooked up with escorts, and had affairs with various girls. Jacinda unaware of her husband's dark truths, had become a successful counselor and therapist in her town. She would often travel to nearby towns and cities for seminars. Hunter was growing up to be a naughty little boy. He was being brought up by a hoard of home staff at his service and obviously his own mother.
Jacinda realized she had lost the spark, the love, the honeymoon phase that she had with Dan. They had merely become partners in a relationship. But her faith had taught her that marriage is sacred and you do whatever you can, to keep your marriage. Despite things being good on the surface, Jacinda was deeply unsatisfied, loveless, and depressed. Her only spark of joy was her son.
Two years later, Daniel Sr. had a heart attack and passed away. His death was as sad as it was shocking. Dan was devastated by his father's death. He had already taken an affinity for alcohol. But now, his drinking had seriously affected his life. Jacinda was sad at her father-in-law's passing. She had the same affection and admiration for him, as he did for her. She knew her husband was not cut from the same cloth as his father. Jacinda could merely focus on her work and her son.
Dan's alcoholism had taken an adverse effect. He was becoming lousy in his office dealings. He was openly flirtatious with office staff and colleagues. At this point, Jacinda had an idea of his infidelity but wasn't aware of it for sure. Dan's father's death had left a huge void in everyone's lives. Jacinda and Dan would no longer sleep in the same room since Jacinda complained of his loud snoring and alcoholic breath. She had grown increasingly resentful of Dan. Once Daniel Sr.'s last rites, memorial, wake, and celebration of life were complete, Mr. Gomez asked for a personal meeting with the family. However, Jacinda was the only one in attendance at the reading of the distribution of Daniel Sr.'s will & estate. Mr. Gomez began reading a very personal, handwritten note dated December 2004, titled "A confession and apology, my dear Jacinda".
Jacinda heard every word and began sobbing her heart out at the very detailed confession from her now-deceased father-in-law. He was apologetic for hiding his son's misdeeds from her. Upon the completion of the letter, Mr. Gomez offered Jacinda a glass of water. As she was now aware of Dan's infidelity and her resentment, at that moment for him, had evolved into hatred, disgust, and anger. Mr. Gomez, despite being aware of Dan's behavior, tried his best to keep a straight face and as a service to the family and his mentor, Daniel Sr.
Just as Mr. Gomez was about to read the last will and testament of Mr. Johnson, Dan walked in through the door of their giant living room. He was stumbling, clearly wasted. Jacinda looked at him, the man she was once well in love with. The handsome, swashbuckling hunk from college, now with his beer belly gut stretching the buttons of his shirt. Hairline receded, dark under eye bags, cheeks full, pale. No wonder he had to pay for sex nowadays, she thought.
Mr. Gomez completed reading out and settling the estate. In a surprising move, Daniel Sr. Johnson had left a majority of his wealth in the name of his grandson's estate. And the trustee for the said estate was none other than his mother Jacinda. This came as a shock to Dan. Who in his drunken stupor, got up from the couch, went towards Jacinda, and tried to slap her in front of the home staff and Mr. Gomez. But Mr. Gomez caught him before Dan could land anything. Dan pushed off Mr. Gomez and spat at him and Jacinda. Threw a shoe towards Jacinda which hit her in the lip, busting it, as Dan himself fell on the floor. The home-care staff immediately came to the aid of Jacinda checking in on her, as Mr. Gomez shrugged off his suit, helplessly. Reading out the last and final clause of Mr. Johnson's Will.
Daniel Sr. Johnson loved his son. And had purchased some land, a house, and a couple of cars for his son. Despite how he had turned out, he was after all his own flesh and blood, his son. All the life insurance proceedings would also go to Dan. However, Dan will no longer serve on the board of his companies and businesses, essentially firing Dan from his only job. But leaving him with enough money to live by himself for the rest of his life. Upon hearing this final line, Dan got up laughing manically and left the room.
Mr. Gomez: Jacinda, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I knew about him. I practically raised him. But once he left for college, we had no control over him. I'm sorry he turned out this way. If you want to file for divorce, I'll represent you, pro-bono.
Jacinda: Thank You, Mr. Gomez. You're a godsend. I'm so dazed and confused right now. I don't know where to begin or what to do. And, and... none of this is your fault. It's kind of my own fault. I'm just so grateful for Mr. Johnson, he really cared for me while he was alive and after his death, he's still watching over me from the heavens. As for divorce, I don't think I want to file for divorce. It's just not something I've been taught. My faith, my upbringing, my culture....I....I... just can't. I don't know.
as Jacinda breaks down again...
Mr. Gomez: It's Okay, Jacinda. Please take care of yourself. I just wanted to be of any help I could be for you. I had promised Mr. Johnson, I'd be of service to this family until my last breath.
Jacinda: I appreciate it, Mr. Gomez. I just need to start thinking about how I'll handle all of these businesses, this multi-million dollar estate, the properties. I don't know any of it. And I have my own practice, what about that? I don't know where to begin.
Mr. Gomez: Jacinda, don't worry. Rest assured, your father-in-law and I had seen this day coming years ago and had prepared the best team for every business to take care of it. Every move and decision that Dan thought he made, was already set in motion by us. The businesses will be here to stay, as the Johnson name feeds thousands of loyal employees. You just focus on yourself, your practice, and Hunter.
(Hunter comes running in playfully as Jacinda picks him up and hugs him and kisses him).
Jacinda: Hunter. Oh, Hunter.... Of course. He's five and has almost grown up without a father. I feel so bad for him. I'm to blame for this. I brought him into this world, with a man like Dan. He doesn't deserve the toxicity, the negativity. From here on out, I'll breathe, I'll live for my son alone. My Son, Hunter.