Chapter 02.1
It's 6pm on a Thursday evening, and Hunter is just returning home from a day out playing basketball with his friends. He has recently finished high school and is awaiting college offers and choices. It's a hot summer's day, early June and Hunter has sweat dripping off his forehead. He has that musky teenage scent lingering behind him. His clothes are dirty and hair messy.
Hunter walks towards the kitchen, as his house-help offers him some water. Hunter messes around the kitchen and fixes himself a nice cold drink of lemonade, by himself.
Now, 6' tall, Hunter has grown into a leaner, stronger version of his father at his age. The same father who he rarely sees anymore. The same father, he knows who doesn't care for him, or his mother. For Hunter, his mother, Jacinda, has raised him. He knows the sacrifices she has made for him. He's well aware of the estate his grandfather has left for him. But because of Jacinda's upbringing, Hunter is a well behaved, yet typical teenager. He doesn't drink, do drugs or smoke. He swore off drinking, having known what alcohol had done to his dad and his family.
Sipping on his cold lemonade, Hunter wipes a line of sweat off his forehead before walking upstairs towards his bedroom, when he notices his mom's bedroom door slightly ajar.
Curious to see if she's home, Hunter calls out for her "Mom....".
The silence piqued his curiosity as he knocked on the half open door, "Mom.... are you he...." Underestimating the strength in his own muscles, one knock opened the door as it slowly exposed his mom's bedroom.
Knowing Jacinda, her bedroom is very well kept. Clean, perfect, pristine, very OCD of her. Which is why, Hunter stopped in his sentence, looking for his mother, as he noticed something unusual in his mom's bedroom. A loose, silky, lingerie belt shone through the bottom up of her closet door, as it partially led into the closet through the bottom of the door. He got the answer to his initial curiosity, if his mom was in her room, but the slight peek at a shiny belt raised his curiosity a bit more.
Hunter turned around to go back to his room, only to be shocked to see his mom literally standing a foot behind him. As he turned, startled, the glass of lemonade in his hand brushed against Jacinda's right breast. In that slight momentary contact of 2 seconds, Hunter could feel the fabric of the bra Jacinda had under her white button up blouse, which unfortunately got doused in the yellow liquid out of Hunter's glass.
As a modest dresser, Jacinda showed no cleavage, her blouse ended right in the center of her collarbone and cleavage. The glass of lemonade now, empty lay on the carpeted floor. With its contents spilled over on Jacinda's white button up shirt, some on her neck, some on Hunter's arm, his shorts, his legs and most of it on the floor. Jacinda felt the cold liquid hit her exposed skin by the nape of her neck and it somehow felt relaxing to her, despite the initial shock.
Once the 2 second startle and 5 second tense, speechless stares were done, Jacinda spoke...
Jacinda: What th..
Hunter: Oh Sorry... mom I'm so sorry. I was just looking for you.
Jacinda now hastily wipes the lemonade off her shirt and neck, accidentally slid her finger into the top of her blouse, which made the top button pop off and the shirt opens just enough for Hunter to get a view of her rarely seen cleavage.
Jacinda: Oh Hunter! Look, you've made such a mess. You've got some on yourself too!
Jacinda rubs the liquid off his hands and shorts. As she's frantically brushing off the fabric off the bottom of his shorts, she notices the toned, chiseled legs her strong 18 year old son possessed. As she's bent at the hip, Hunter now has a clear view of his mom's hidden treasures.
Hunter has seen boobs before. Just on porn sites. Hunter had several opportunities to date girls, but he always seemed too timid to approach them. And had been somewhat of an introvert when it came to girls. Hunter lacked confidence. Hunter was still a virgin. All his friends made fun of him, but liked him as a standup gentleman. They knew Hunter would have their back in a fight and he was harmless to their relationships with girls. Hunter never had sexual thoughts about his mother, other than your typical, 'My mom's my first love' as a kid. He was always respectful and listened to his mother.
However, at the end of the day, Hunter is an eighteen year old, hormone raged, teenage boy who just played sports out in the sun and has his blood gushing through his body. It had to gush to his private parts especially when a gorgeous hot 42 year old woman is standing in front of him, bending down, cleavage on show. "Too bad" he thinks to himself....."She's my mother".
"HUNTER!!! Hunterrr!!!"
He snaps out of his trance as he hears his mother call out his name. Noticing that he's growing quite the bulge in his pants, Hunter hurries to his room in haste and shuts the door.
"Ugh, Teenagers! He's made such a mess."
Jacinda thinks to herself. Jacinda calls out their house help, their maid to clean up the mess from the carpet and retires herself to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. As she hears the sound of the vacuum cleaner going off outside her door, she looks at herself in the mirror.
At 42 years of age, Jacinda still has a lot of her features from her youth. Her hair, still gorgeous, long, shiny, dark brown, except she's got some blonde highlights in her hair now, giving it a messy blonde-brunette look. She likes to keep it fresh and has a salon she visits often to get her nails, lashes and hair done. Age hasn't caught up much to her face, but does give her neck a light wrinkle of cellulite. Jacinda keeps busy working out in their home gym overlooking the green pastures and has maintained her fitness well. Her psychology degree taught her, a happy body is a happy mind. And she needed a happy mind with all that she had gone through in her life. Her eyes, still gorgeous as ever, now display a depth they lacked before.
Her eyes are the window to her soul and communicate a certain sense of unfulfillment. Her eyebrows had dropped slightly since her early 20s, giving her a sensuous, almost reclining look. Age did however play its part. Jacinda was no longer your average, thin, girl next door. She was now a well endowed full woman. Not fat, by any means. Her breasts had developed from a 36B to a 36C. They were by no means saggy. Just perfect, with a bit more to play with in the right areas. Her thighs had seen some growth too. Slight cellulite endowed her swaying hips and thighs. Her ass was well toned, thanks to the stair-master. She would get looks from guys at the cafe, while shopping or at the grocery store. Her butt protruded just enough for a jiggle if someone smacked it. Too bad this butt hadn't been smacked, or touched by another man in almost 15 years.
Jacinda began undressing to change into something more comfortable after her long day of Zoom meetings with her clients in her basement office, which she still works out of. Not to mention her crisp, new, white, cotton button up blouse was now partially sticky and yellow thanks to her son's lemonade.
As she undressed, one by one, unbuttoning her shirt, her mind gave her flashbacks of just a few moments ago. Visuals of her wiping the lemonade off Hunter's shorts and legs, when she noticed a slight bulge in his pants. She realized it was growing in his pants at every touch of hers. She realized her touch, her skin in contact with her son's, made him hard. As all the buttons of her shirt were off and she was about to take it off, she noticed some of the lemonade on her chest, neck, just above her heaving breasts, trapped under a fancy, lacy bra. Which gave her another flashback, to the moment she felt her son's hand and fingers brush against her breast. She could recount the feeling and feel it again.
It felt different, something off, so foreign to her. Her shirt, now in the laundry hamper, she begins unbuckling her pencil skirt from the side of her hip. Once the skirt comes undone, she looks at herself in the mirror, in her beige bra and panties. She is a sight to behold. A hot, sexy, middle aged woman. A soccer mom, except her son, was never into soccer. Just a mother, a hot, beautiful mother. Jacinda closed her eyes, to once again feel the touch of her young man's fingers across her breasts, she realizes, she's not just a hot mom. She's a woman. She's a gorgeous, stunning, sexy woman.
The flashbacks continued, and she kept thinking to herself..."Why did his shorts have a bulge? Was it his...thing? Was it... his penis? Did he get a boner?" What Jacinda failed to realize is, when she opened her eyes, looking at herself in the mirror. Admiring her own beauty, staring at herself from head, eyes, nose, lips, neck, chest, shoulders, breasts, midriff, belly button, hips, vagina....She pauses. "Oh! What's that?" Jacinda noticed a glistening shine around her pubic mound. Her hand instinctively slid down to check. And she soon realized she was wet.
She quickly removed her panties, locked her bedroom door. Now, clad in just a boring beige bra that's left some red stress marks on her shoulders and back, she lays comfortably on her bed and begins fingering herself. Jacinda was no stranger to playing with herself. She has sex toys she'd bought from her girls' trips with friends over the years. But she just preferred her own fingers. Jacinda played with her vagina, brushing through her 5 day old pubes that surround her vaginal opening. Her fingers open the lips of her vagina like the petals of a flower opening up on a pleasant spring day to face the sun. She rubs her pussy up and down, in and out, but she knows the one trick that's always worked for her. Her thumb now goes in circular motion just above the north side of her vaginal opening. The thumb goes round and round and she's instantly horny and leaking. Oh she was already leaking, but now, she's in the zone where her heart and her mind shut off and she's in the world of sexual self stimulation.
Jacinda had done this hundreds of times before, reading smut, watching porn on her tablet, imagining movie stars, sportsmen. But today was different. No matter how much she tried, she could only picture the man she just touched 10 minutes ago. The man who touched her, albeit accidentally. The man who had just turned 18. The man she calls her son. No matter how much she tried to get her mind off him, her brain redirects to her cleaning off his knees and legs, as his manhood grew in front of her. "My touch made his penis grow, and his touch makes me want to feel it even more. And here I am wet and masturbating." She thought to herself. "Oh God, I wish he wasn't my ssssonnmm uaaaahhghhh" Just the thought of that man, being her son, for some reason, made her body react and she burst a fountain of her juices on the bed. Her fingers now wet from playing with herself. Eyes still closed. She had climaxed. And let out a wailing scream. The problem was, just as she was cumming, the vacuum cleaner outside her door had shut off. There was no muffling or camouflaging her yelp of passion. She had climaxed, but was she satisfied? She looked in the mirror, and nodded in a profound "No, not satisfied".
As she stared in the mirror, looking at her almost naked body, laid on her bed, with fluids flowing out of her pussy. A realization hit her. She had just played with herself thinking about her son. This was taboo alright. But for her, being the ideal conservative, religious woman, this was beyond taboo. She was ashamed of herself. She immediately got off the bed, went into her five piece bathroom. Got right under the cold shower to wake her up from the shock of her actions. Regret, disappointment, shame washing all over her. Her boring, beige bra still on, she just stood under the shower for a few minutes, before hearing a knock on her door. Jacinda turned the shower off, covered herself in a towel. And put on a bathrobe on for good measure. The towel only covered her from her breasts to her thighs. The bathrobe gave back to her, the lost modesty a few seconds ago. *Knock Knock Knock* She heard the knocks again, her body still wet, her hair still wet, she hastily tied the waist belt of her bathrobe and went to open her bedroom door.
(Door opens slightly)
Jacinda: Who is it?
Hunter: Mom, it's me.
Jacinda: Hey Hunter, what's up? Everything okay?
Hunter: Yeah, that's what I wanted to ask you.. I heard a scream... Are you okay?
Jacinda: Uhghh Oh yea... Yes. I'm fine. It was just, uhmm.... a bug. You know how we get those in the summers.
Hunter, inquisitively investigating, walked into his mother's bedroom.
Hunter: Where? A bug? In your bedroom? Impossible, you keep it so clean and tid...
Once again, Hunter notices things unusual for his uptight mother. He notices a wet stain on her duvet. Her panties are just lying by the bed on the floor, which he only realizes after he'd unwillingly stepped on. His feet could clearly tell by the cold temperature that these panties had been wet. He jumps out to get his foot off his Mom's wet panties. And turns around to see her. Jacinda, meanwhile still trying to process her thoughts from her self stimulating session thinking about her son, who was now standing in front of her, just looked at him blank, as if she was lost in trance. As Hunter walked across from her entering her bedroom, she sensed the dirty, sweaty, lingering teenage musk this young man exuded from his body. The kind of scent that scientists call pheromones. The scent that she could smell and immediately felt a tingle, like a switch had been turned on. Hunter called her out again...."Mom, where's the bug?"
Jacinda: Oh honey, don't worry about it. It's gone now.... Okay, and sorry about the mess, I've just been so busy you know. My clients are wearing me out.
Jacinda takes a few steps closer to Hunter, who is still standing just a foot next to the wet, soiled panties that lay on the floor. Embarrassed about it, Jacinda picks it up in her hands and tosses it towards the laundry hamper sitting close to the closet door. The same closet door that had piqued her son's curiosity earlier. It still had that satin, silky, shiny black belt peeking out the door. Jacinda, not being very good at sports, missed her target and her panties didn't make the Laundry basket. They just fell next to the closet door, right by the satin belt.
Jacinda: Ugh, my aim is terrible... (rolls eyes)
Hunter: Hahahaa Mom, you should leave dunking things in baskets to me.
Jacinda: Oh I know, how good you are with the ball but you know this is Mommy's stuff... you know.. you shouldn't....
Just as she was about to finish her sentence, Hunter walks over to the closet door, picks up her soiled panties and places it in the laundry basket on top of the already soiled white cotton button up shirt. Jacinda was dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say.
Jacinda: Hunter! You shouldn't touch mommy's...
Hunter now picks up the black, shiny, silky, black belt and looks at his mom curiously...
Hunter: Mom.. What's this?
Jacinda: Hunter! That's uhmm... That's just my belt for my robe.
Hunter: Oh... It looks different. I've never seen you wear it. Is it like the one you're wearing right now?
Jacinda looks down at herself and notices her robe had come undone and was extremely loose since she had bent down to pick up her panties from the floor. The belt keeping her robe together was doing a terrible job. And since she had raised back up after picking up the panties and throwing it, the robe had slid slightly off her right shoulder, exposing the wet bra strap from her beige bra she had worn all day. Under the strap, was a clearly visible red mark, caused by the stress of the bra strap being on. Especially after getting wet, it was clinging, had slid off her skin and made an almost rash like redness along the strap. Jacinda looks back at her son, who is clearly staring at her exposed bra strap, with a rare look in his eyes.
Jacinda: Yes. Yes, it's similar. Just like this one. And I don't wear it all the time.
Jacinda covers up and fastens up her bathrobe.
Hunter: Well, it's a cool fabric. I think you should wear it more often. I'd love to see it.
Jacinda: Oh Okay, I will.. But I don't know if you should see it. It's not... nevermind. You stink young man, you need to go get a shower.
Hunter: Ahh ok yeah I know I need to. I'll go shower quick, see you at dinner.
As Hunter is walking out of the door, Jacinda begins unfastening her bathrobe. She couldn't wait to get out of that wretched bra. Right as she was thinking of the bra, Hunter pauses by the door, turns around.
Hunter: Mom, I think you have a rash or skin bruise of some kind on your shoulder.
Jacinda: Oh I know honey, it's just...I need to get changed and shower.
Hunter: Didn't you just take a shower?
Jacinda: Well. Yeah I did.
Hunter: Okay... does it hurt?
Jacinda: Hurt what?
Hunter walks towards his mother, slides the bathrobe slightly by her shoulder, pointing towards the red mark along the bra strap on her shoulder. As he slid the bathrobe exposing his mother's bra-clad shoulder, she felt his touch again. And Jacinda felt a bolt of electricity, once again. Especially when he touched the red itchy mark caused by her bra strap. Jacinda, still processing her thoughts and feelings, blurted out,
Jacinda: No, I like it.
Hunter: What? But that must hurt.
Jacinda: No, I mean. No it doesn't hurt. I'm good, Hunter. Go get freshened up.
Hunter: Ok Mom...see you in a bit.
Jacinda almost pushes him out of her bedroom. Locks her door, and tries to process everything that just happened. Is she overthinking it? Or did she just feel a sexual electricity flowing through her spine as her son, a man, a strong, masculine, sweaty man touched her neck, shoulder and especially that light temporary bruise on her shoulder? Jacinda was lost in thought but had to put up her best mom-face and get ready for dinner.
Dinner that evening was quite usual. There was some awkwardness with Jacinda, but she buried her thoughts deep down and pretended she didn't just feel a sexual urge because of her own son. Hunter meanwhile seemed unperturbed and in his usual mood.
The Next Day: Jacinda was working in her basement office. It was 11:00am. Hunter was playing videogames with some friends in his bedroom. When he went to the Kitchen to grab a snack. Once again, the house-maid offered to help him with snacks or food and he declined. Hunter quickly fixed up a few sliders and chips with coke and went along his merry way.
Despite growing up in the luxuries of having a maid servant at home who would cook, clean and look after the house, Hunter did not like being served by these people. Because he knew they were just doing their jobs and getting paid for it. They wouldn't want to do this job if it wasn't paid. He also enjoyed cooking and being in the kitchen. He would often fix up various mocktails, cook new recipes, some even ended in disaster. But his mom always encouraged it. And she would enjoy watching him cook.
On his way back to his bedroom from the Kitchen, he noticed his mom's bedroom again. It was closed this time. Hunter went and dropped off the snacks for his friends who were deeply engrossed in killing aliens with their joysticks. Hunter walked out of his room, went towards his mom's room and knocked. No answer. He knocked again.....
Maid: She's not here. She's downstairs, in her office.
Hunter: What are you doing here? Stalking me?
Maid: No... I mean I..
Hunter dismisses the maid and she goes back to the kitchen. Hunter slowly opens his mother's bedroom door, walks inside and finds everything in perfect mint condition. No random panties on the floor, no wet spots on the bed, no black shiny belt creeping out from under the closet door. Hunter was still curious about that belt. It didn't seem like a bathrobe to him. He had never seen a silky, shiny bathrobe before. "Should I open the closet door? If Mom finds out....Would she mind? I mean, I know it's not ok" He opens the door. Turns the light switch on, looks around, his eyes searching for that black shiny belt. But he couldn't find it. What he did find was a box on the shelf with a lock on it. Hunter didn't know what it was, but was confused to find a box that size with a lock. He returned back to his bedroom to join his friends, but before leaving, he took a picture of the box on his phone.
Jacinda ends her work day and retires to her room around 5:30pm. As she gets to the closet to change into her comfy clothes, she notices the light switch was turned on. Growing up conservatively, she always had a habit of turning off the switches in every room as she'd exit. So she was surprised to see the light in the closet on. She didn't think much of it, got changed into her night wear, which was just a comfortable loose t-shirt and shorts. She still had a bra on, because she didn't like her boobs swaying everywhere in public. As a private person, her bedroom was her inner sanctum.
That evening, at dinner. As the maid is serving Hunter and Jacinda, the mother and son have brief trivial conversations about their days and college applications for Hunter. After finishing their meals, Hunter asks,
Hunter: Mom, why do we have maids?
Jacinda: Well, honey... What do you mean? We've always had house help. They help out around the house so much.
Hunter: Yeah, I know. I mean, I know, we're wealthy, thanks to grandpa, and obviously you. Coz you do so much for me, but I just don't think we need them. The house-help I mean.
Jacinda: Well, okay and who do you think will cook around here?
Hunter: I can. You can. I've always loved your cooking mom, you rarely cook nowadays.
Jacinda: Oh you're such a sweetheart. I know, I miss it too. You know, I'll start cooking for you more. But the maids also help clean and tidy the house.
Hunter: Yea, but you always keep your room so clean and tidy. I swear you have ocd or something, you don't even let them clean your room.
Jacinda: Yeah I guess, but our home isn't just my bedroom Hunter. What about this huge living room, the kitchen and your bedroom, and my office? We have quite a big house for just the two of us.
Hunter: That's what I mean, Mom. It's just the two of us. We don't need to have maid servants. It's not like we're a huge family of 20. We don't eat that much, we don't dirty the place as much. I just think they're a waste of money. And besides it kinda feels like they're invading our privacy.
Jacinda: Hmmm I do see your point. Well what about Laundry,
Hunter: We can take turns and tag team it.
Jacinda: Dishes??
Hunter: We have a dishwasher mom, the maid doesn't even do the dishes herself.
Jacinda: Okay... gardening? Watering the plants?
Hunter: Well, they can still do that and not be in the house all the time. Besides, we'll only need them to do that once a week.
Jacinda realized her son was not wrong. She just didn't bother to change things around the house, since she inherited it all from her father in law. She could use some privacy around the home too.
Jacinda: Okay, Hunter. Let me think about it, maybe we don't need the house help that much after all. But, I will call them back if you keep dropping lemonades on the rugs....
Hunter: Oh yeah, Hahaha

Jacinda: I did hahaha. How reckless of you.
Hunter: Oh Mom, I haven't even begun to get reckless.
Jacinda: Oh really? And how do you plan on getting more reckless?
Hunter: You dont wanna find out mom, I don't think you'd like it very much.
Jacinda: You can certainly banter, couldn't you. Isn't that how you get the girls at school?
Hunter: I wish. I'm actually the only one among my friends who doesn't have a girlfriend.
Jacinda: Nothing wrong with that, some boys find love later in life.
Hunter: No it's not like that, I mean. All my friends have done it, and I have not.
Jacinda: You mean, sex?
Hunter: Yeah, I don't feel bad about it. It's just that, I don't know, I feel I should have a girlfriend but I just don't know how to talk to girls at school. I feel like I don't have any confidence.
Jacinda: Hey no sex, isn't a bad thing. You should save it for your special someone. You don't need to mess around. But I understand honey, it would be nice if you had a girlfriend. And why don't you have any confidence?
Hunter: Well, it's kinda hard to talk about Mom. But you're a counselor, so I guess you'll understand. You know, I've grown up hearing these stories from you about Dad. And I know they're not stories, they're true. It's real. He is a loser and a piece of shit. And that's why I try too much to not be him. I know how hard you've worked to raise me. And I just don't want to disappoint you Mom. I try not to drink, I don't chase after girls, coz that's what made my dad lose everything, and most importantly You. And I don't want to lose you Mom.
Listening to her son vent, makes Jacinda extremely emotional. She tears up and hugs her son in a tight embrace. Jacinda felt as though it was her fault that Hunter doesn't feel confident talking to girls in school. Her pessimistic side blamed herself for everything. She felt this enormous guilt, and didn't want her son to lose out in life experiences because of her.
Jacinda: Oh no Hunter, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I should have never told you about him. He's toxic and a bad influence, I just wanted to protect you from those vices. You'll never lose me honey. You'll always have me. I'll do anything for you my son.
Hunter and Jacinda hold each other in embrace. Hunter was still seated in the dining chair and Jacinda had got up to hug him. Hunter's head was crushed into his mother's bosoms. He could yet again feel the fabric of her bra on his cheeks. Despite it being a non sexual, emotional moment for them, he could feel the growth in his groin. Jacinda, unaware of the monster she's causing in her son's pants, continues hugging him tight. Right as the sexual tension was growing for Hunter, the maid enters and begins cleaning up the dining table. Jacinda pauses, sniffs in her snot, wipes her tears, and politely asks the maid to now come in tomorrow. At least for a week or so. She looks back at Hunter, smiling and he smiles back, gets up out of his chair, hugs his mother tight and lifts her in his arms, up in the air off the ground. Jacinda, surprised and impressed by his strength, at how easily her 18 year old son could lift him, playfully pats him on his shoulder.
Jacinda: Put me down oh my god hahaha. Wow, look at you, you've grown so strong, lifting up your fat mother like it's nothing. Put me down hunter, I'm heavy, you'll hurt your back or pull a muscle.