Chapter 02.2

Hunter: Fat? Really? Come on Mom, no way. Look at you! Your body is perfect. You look so good. You're definitely the hottest mom among me and my friends.

Jacinda: Oh shut up Hunter. Besides, it's not cool to call your mom hot.

Hunter: I didn't say it, my friends do.

Jacinda: Ah! Teenagers these days.

Hunter: Hey, I'm one too. And I agree.

Jacinda: Agree to what?

Hunter: To what my friends say about you. You're definitely hot!

Jacinda: HUNTER!! AGAIN!!!

Hunter: Okay, I won't call you hot.

Jacinda: Good!

Hunter: But hey my friends never said you were sexy, but I definitely think you're sexy!

Hunter playfully teases her and runs off to his room, leaving his mother with her jaw on the floor. She had just heard her 18 year old son call her sexy. She felt weird, didn't know what to think of it. It was definitely inappropriate, This is not how she raised him, but she also remembered what he had just told her. It's her own fault, she thinks, that Hunter doesn't have a girlfriend. And at 18 years old, teenagers are bound to have pent up sexual energy. Lost in thought, she walks into her room, and just as she had entered, she heard a knock on her door, still ajar. It was Hunter.

Hunter: Uh Mom. Is your bruise better?

Jacinda: What bruise?

Hunter: That thing on your shoulder from yesterday. It looked gnarly. I just wanted to ask if it's still hurting you. And if you need any help with it?

Jacinda: Oh that. No, that's not such a big deal. I'm fine.

Hunter: Okay, you sure you don't need my help?

Jacinda: And how do you think you can help?

Hunter: I don't know, maybe rub some moisturizer or lotion on it. You'll feel better.

It was an interesting proposition, she could use some moisturizer on that bra strap mark. But the problem is, those marks run all the way along her back, side of her breasts and shoulders. May not be appropriate for her son to do that. She didn't want to expose herself like that to her son.

Jacinda: Oh thanks honey, I think I'm good though. You go get some sleep. Goodnight.

Hunter left the room wishing his mother a goodnight. Upon entering his bedroom, he couldn't believe he had just called his mother sexy. For how conservative and closed minded she is, she didn't seem to mind much. Hunter had not thought about his mom sexually before yesterday. But lately, with no work, no school, not having a girlfriend, waiting for colleges to get back to him, he was bored a lot and always horny. Hunter had a secret. He watched porn to masturbate. That's not the secret, everyone does that. But Hunter had been watching porn for a few years now. And overtime vanilla porn just didn't do it for him. He would frequently watch hardcore, brutal, bondage, bdsm, and extreme porn. He had even paid for some websites. It was his kink, his fetish. But being a virgin he had only imagined doing those things. And the last couple of days, the subject of these imaginations, is just a bedroom away.

Hunter began surfing and jerking off his meat. Across the wall, Jacinda still reeling from guilt, somehow also felt a tingle of excitement. Yes she feels bad for her son not being able to expend his sexual urges. Yes, she feels guilty for telling him about his fathers past, but it was all she could have done. This was the first time a man had called her sexy in over 16 years, to her face. That man happens to be her 18 year old teenage son.

Jacinda, as usual, forever lost in her overthinking head, again felt a tingle in her shorts. Tonight, she did not wear any panties. Her bra was still on. She got undressed, again, this time taking her bra off. Looked at herself in the mirror. Completely naked. She turned to the left, and noticed quite the red mark left behind by her bra on her shoulders, across both sides of her back, and to the side of her boobs.

She also feels a conflicting taboo thought of somehow helping her son get his release. She feels guilty for her son missing out on an experience other boys his age enjoy. She wants to give her that, but doesn't know how. Yet selfishly, his sweaty teenage musk, his soft inadvertent brush, his rough touch across her shoulder, all brings her a tingling anxious sensation. This feeling of taboo, anxious, scintillating tingle, is something she had never experienced. The sensuous nature of this gorgeous woman's body, was asking her already sold heart to convince her uptight brain to let go a little, to live a little, to let loose a bit, to free a bit, to submit to the temptation, to give in, to lose her inhibitions, to loose control, to let a man conquer her.

Jacinda, now convinced within herself, that she has to be the retribution for her own doing. She has to right her wrong. She will take the responsibility of making her son feel better about himself. It's her job to make him feel self confident. And that begins by giving him more control. Making him make some decisions. That for Jacinda, starts with Hunter getting some power. The more forward and assertive he is, the better his chances of landing a girlfriend.

Jacinda didn't know what or how she was going to do it. But she prayed to her God and asked for a divine blessing to fulfill her wish. Her only wish, being the fulfillment of her son's wishes.

As she opened her eyes, it was dark outside. And it was beginning to rain. Jacinda put on her bra again. No panties. An old pair of short shorts, something she hadn't tried on in years. These shorts were about 5 inches in length. They started at her waist and ended just under her buttcheeks. She had a bit of flab around her hips, and it took her some effort to pull them up her waist. If she bent down or stretched, her buttcheeks would get exposed. She picked out a dirty, old, dull, olive colored, ribbed tank top to wear on top of the bra. Jacinda walked over to her son's bedroom. Standing outside the bedroom door, she saw the light reflected on the floor. So she knew he's awake, watching TV. She knocked. No response.

*knock knock*

No response

*Knock knock knock knock*

No response.

Jacinda presumed he had passed out for the night and thought she'd turn the TV off so her son can sleep peacefully. She softly twisted the door knob, and opened the door. What she saw next, was a mental image Jacinda could never get out of her mind.

There was her son, facing the other direction from her, watching a pornographic clip of a man, brutally slapping a woman's ass, barehanded. Hunter had his headphones on and didn't hear his mother's knock, or enter the room. He was busy stroking his cock, completely immersed in the giant screen displaying brutal, hardcore porn. Jacinda seemed dazed and confused at the sight. But her head tilted to the right to get a look at Hunter's hand. That's when she saw it for the first time. It was the biggest dick she had ever seen in her life. And she only had one point of reference, Hunter's father's. It was definitely bigger than his father's. Hunter's cock was long, thick, girthy and veiny. He had his entire palm around his shaft, and it still peaked at least 3 inches over his hand.

Jacinda, didn't know what to do. She wanted to keep staring at that penis, but she also didn't want to embarrass her son. It's the opposite of how she wanted him to feel. She wanted him to be more confident, more assertive, and take control. Jacinda slowly tiptoed out of her bedroom, closed his bedroom door. And stood outside of it. She just stood outside his bedroom, for seconds, minutes. Watching the reflecting light off of the tv on the floor, just waiting for it to end. But why was she waiting? She didn't know either. She was confused, startled and excited. She just saw a huge, beautiful, cock. The first phallus she had seen in a long time. She wanted to continue looking at it. Staring at it. She wanted to touch it. She wanted to hold it. She wanted to feel it. But this wonderful penis happens to be her own son's.

Jacinda waited for a good 22 minutes outside Hunter's bedroom before the light turned off. She waited. Stood in discipline. As if someone or something was forcing her to. But nobody was forcing her. It was her own will. Jacinda now noticing that the light was off, innocently knocked her son's bedroom door. She heard a stumble and some quick movements before Hunter finally opened the door.

Hunter: Oh hey mom. I thought you'd be in bed.

Jacinda: I thought you would be too.

Hunter: Well, if you really did think that, you wouldn't be here knocking...

Jacinda: Hah! You're right. I was just wondering. I will take you up on your offer.

Hunter: Which offer mom?

Jacinda: You know that offer, to put some of this moisturizer on here. (pointing to her shoulder)

Hunter: Oh! OHH! yeah uhm of course... yeah I'll be right there Mom. Just uhm, just give me a minute okay?

Jacinda: Sure sweety, take your time. Don't make a mess...

Hunter wondered, what did she mean by that. Did she know? That Hunter had just masturbated and before he could clean up with paper towels, his mom knocked on his door. The timing just seemed too good to be a coincidence. Hunter's dick was still oozing some post jizz fluid. But he put on his basketball shorts, no underwear and no shirt, and walked over to his mom's bedroom. Knocked on the door. Jacinda was laying in her bed, face down, still wearing the olive green tank top, bra and short shorts.

Jacinda: Come on in honey.

Hunter walks in and couldn't believe what he was seeing. The moonlight in the distance emanating through the window displayed drops of falling rain. The sound of raindrops hitting the window, rooftop created quite the vibe. An occasional thunder and lightning Illuminated his mother's bedroom. This was in contrast to the warm, soft light from the fixture above her nightstand.

His hot milf of a mother was laying on the bed, wearing short shorts, he could see the bottom of her buttcheeks bursting out of that thin fabric and the rest of it looking like two perfect round bread buns. She points at the moisturizer on the nightstand highlighted by the warm glow from the night lamp. Hunter picked it up, and squirted some of it in his palm, and just waited for his mom to give him some instructions.

Jacinda: What are you waiting for Hunter?

Hunter: Uhm I thought you were going to tell me what to do next.

Jacinda: Well, it was your idea honey. You offered it, so you should know what to do, right?

It didn't seem as much of an invitation, as it seemed like a challenge to Hunter. Those were the last words, Hunter got on top his mother's body. His knees parted on either side of her back. His nuts landed right on her lower back. His ass on hers.

He looked down at his mother's prone head, looking to her right, out the window into the rainy night. She looks so beautiful, no make up, all natural, just pure beauty. Her perfect skin, so soft, her cheeks with a rosy high, her neck, bundled up in three folds. Her shoulders, heaved as she breathed. And her breathing was soft and relaxed. Her eyes were closed.

Hunter got bold, slid his moisturizer doused hands under his mother's tanktop strap across her shoulder. He begun massaging her lower neck, shoulders, but the strap was clearly an obstacle. So without asking for permission, or inhibition, he gently pulled both the tanktop straps off her shoulders, letting them fall by the side by her elbows. His mother's sexy back now half exposed in front of his eyes.

The red marks left by her days of wearing bras, was quite visible. It was quite the turn on for the horny teenager. For some reason, he enjoyed watching her perfect skin crack slightly and turn red. He wanted to touch it, feel the texture, sense her skin. He took another dollop of moisturizer and begun massaging her left shoulder. Going from her neck, to her shoulder, to her forearm, to her upper back. And again, there were two major obstacles. When Hunter took the tank top straps off to the side, Jacinda didn't say anything. He was slightly wary this time though. This was her bra. He looked at her cute, innocent face, which had a gentle, calming smile on it. Even though she was not responding, she wasn't asleep.

Hunter decided to push his luck and slowly slid off the left shoulder strap of her bra. Now, her left shoulder, neck, forearm, and upper back was exposed. It looked absolutely beautiful. Jacinda's breathing had gotten heavier. The seamlessness of her upper left back was like a piece of art molded by the Gods themselves. Then there were the red marks of the devil, that damn bra. But maybe Hunter had a devil within himself. He began exercising the same act on the other side and slid off his mother's bra strap off her right shoulder too.

Now she lay almost topless, on her front. Her back, half exposed. Hunter took some more moisturizer and started applying it along the red marks left behind by her bra straps. He continued massaging her skin. He was really enjoying it, and it was clear with his cock growing again. It was now resting on his mom's lower back. But Jacinda was loving every bit of it too.

She liked the fact that her son was taking the lead, but what she enjoyed more was feeling his rough hands along her back and neck. Every Hunter's fingers softly touched her earlobes or cheeks, she would smile and let out a little gasp. Hunter was now getting bold and there was one last obstacle left. The clip. The clip that holds the bra together. That, and the dull, old, olive, tank top. It was uncomfortable getting to the bottom strap, which was hiding behind the tanktop. And that's the strap that had done the most damage to his mom's skin, since it was directly on the opposite side of her breasts. Hunter wasn't sure what to do. He asked his mom, and she didn't reply. Jacinda kept silent because she wanted to see how he would react and what her son would do.

Hunter: Mom, uhmmm I'll have to take this off. (Pointing at the bra strap in the back). I can't get under it.

Jacinda: Your idea hon. Your choice.

Hunter: But,...hmm. Okay.

Jacinda did not expect what her son did next. He was atop her back, but now he slid down lower, so as his crotch is directly facing her barely covered buttocks. She thought he would undo the bra and continue on. But no, Hunter had other ideas. Seeing as his mother had almost surrendered to him, without protest. He decided to try his luck.

Hunter put four fingers at the top of the tanktop, pulled it down, tucked his thumb at the bottom helm of the tanktop, so its entirety is bunched in his hand. The straps were already off on either side. Hunter pulled it towards him with force which made his mom, now seemingly trapped in this tanktop, literally get off the bed in the air. He pulled it so hard that the dull, olive green tanktop, completely tore off her body and was in his hands. The remnants of its rags lay under Jacinda's torso.

She was rather startled by his audacity, but shocked by his strength. The sudden roughness made her feel some sort of way. As much as she liked him taking control in this situation, she enjoyed being lead. This is something she had never experienced. Now, where this was leading, was still uncertain. But Jacinda hesitantly kept playing along with her son, encouraging him to be more confident and assertive. Hunter on the other hand, was like a mad king. After ripping off the tanktop off his mom, he had a huge boner again. Just minutes after nutting to some brutal porn. He was still faced by the gorgeous view of his mother's body, now almost half naked. All that was left between her and nudity right in that moment was that thin bra strap in the center of her back, and five inches of thin shorts.

Hunter instinctively tried to undo his mother's bra. Her arms were still trapped to the sides by the bra straps off her shoulders by her elbows now. Due to his inexperience, it was taking him longer than expected to undo the bra. This made Jacinda chuckle sweetly under him.

Hunter felt embarrassed, and maybe it was rage, maybe it was haste or pure lust, he pulled the bra in the same way as he did with the tanktop. But the bra was stronger and wouldn't give in. Hunter was so strong at his pull, that his mother's entire torso now was lifted in the air, and she was arched from her lower back to her shoulders in a C-curve. Hunter had her ass and hips firmly pinned in bed with his own weight acting as an anchor. Jacinda let out a soft "Aaargh'' in pain, but Hunter didn't care, he tugged at the bra once more, with a jerk and this time the clip gave through and flew across the bedroom. As his mother fell and bounced lifelessly on the bed.

Her breasts now, no longer covered by any piece of clothing, but still buried under her in the mattress. Jacinda was now breathing heavily, and gushing fluids down her vaginal walls. She was beyond wet. The combination of her son's rough force, along with his touch rubbing across her shoulders, neck and back, had turned her on more than ever. Hunter, sporting a huge boner that now rested firmly along his mother's buttcrack, was back to massaging his mother's back with moisturizer.

It was at this time, without his mother's knowledge, he pulled his cock out of his shorts. It was hard and standing in attention, defying gravity, pointing straight to the headboard above his mom's head.

He ran his thumb across the red, stress mark left behind by the bra. He gently ran his fingers across her neck, her left shoulder, down to the middle of her back, to the side. And as he was about to slide further down, he felt the soft mounds of his mother's heavenly breasts. He wasn't sure if that's a line he wanted to cross with his mother. He was tempted, but he could excuse himself of tearing her bra and tanktop as means to give her the moisturizer massage he promised. "Feeling up her boobs, may not have an acceptable excuse." He thought to himself. His horny train of thought was interrupted by his mom's sweet, innocent voice.

Jacinda: Are you done?

Hunter: Not really, I could go on a bit longer.

Jacinda: Hunter.....but...

Jacinda was interrupted by a feeling that made her pussy want to erupt. Hunter brought himself down on his mother's naked back. He was already topless. Jacinda could feel his manhood rest and press against her butt. He lowered himself, so his chest was now in complete contact with her back, her face still looking to the right. It had formed beads of sweat. Hunter used his fingers to slide some hair off Jacinda's face. The frequent pull and tug with force had made her hair messy and stuck to her moist skin. He could feel the heat emanating from her body. She could feel his teenage musk, and his breath get close to her neck, her ears, her cheeks. Hunter bent down, and kissed his mom on the cheek. An Innocent, sweet little kiss. But he didn't stop there. He kissed her forehead.

Hunter: You're beautiful Mom.

He kissed her ears.

Hunter: Thank you for this.

He kissed her earlobes, and gently brought his tongue out and started nibbling, sucking on his mother's earlobe.

Jacinda: No, Hunter, Thank You. You have no idea wha...

Hunter left his mother's earlobe alone and as she was speaking, put his mouth on her lips and began kissing half of her lips from the side. Jacinda had nothing to say, and didn't know what to do. Hunter kept kissing her, alternating between sucking and licking, occasionally biting her earlobe and gently smooching his mother's lips.

Jacinda: Oh Hunter. I think you should go back to sleep.

Hunter: Mmmmmhhmm (Still nibbling in her ears)

Jacinda: Hunter, ok that's enough (chuckles)... Hunter it tickles (giggles) stop it....

Hunter, in an animalistic sexual frenzy, quits nibbling on his mother's ear, places his entire palm on the side of her face, almost pushing her head into the mattress, and directs his attention to her back again. This time, with his mouth. Hunter followed the same mark left by his mom's bras over the years, and started licking it in the same pattern as it appears on her back. His tongue could sense the foul taste of the moisturizer, but his tongue could also feel the skin of a woman. This sent a tingle down Jacinda's shorts.

Jacinda, this 42 year old beautiful, sweet, innocent, conservative, uptight, religious, hot mom, had her head buried in the mattress with pressure, her face and back licked and kissed by her 18 year old son. Her own flesh and blood was feasting on her. As much as Jacinda enjoyed being used and sexually wanted, the taboo fact that it was her son doing it to her, turned her on beyond anything she'd ever felt. As Hunter kept licking his mom's back, Jacinda exploded through her vaginal walls and squealed in pleasure under her son's strong hand. His hand firmly pushed her head down into the mattress. He may not have realized how strong his arms were. Hunter, unaware that he had just made his mother cum, felt that squeal sounded very familiar.

Hunter: Oooh so that's what I heard yesterday. I was wondering, a bug wouldn't get you to scream like that. What were you doing mom?

Jacinda, already spent by her intense orgasm, was getting questioned by her son. She had no answer for him. She remained silent. She felt her juices oozing out of her pussy soaking her shorts.

Hunter: Mom... answer me... Tell me, what were you doing yesterday?

Jacinda remained silent. But she did give a slight, satisfied smirk. This annoyed Hunter, and he asked again. He thought she was teasing him.

Hunter: Come on ma. You can tell me now. What were you doing yesterday when you screamed?

Jacinda, still silent, wouldn't answer him and kept breathing heavily. Hunter gently grabbed a fistful of her hair, and in a sudden motion, roughly pulled her up towards him. This completely shocked Jacinda. Her big beautiful eyes turned wide and almost popped out of her head as she was once again suspended mid air, back arched. Except this time, the pain was intensely felt, as unlike prior attempts, the thing by which her son was hoisting her torso up, was a part of her body, her own hair. As he grabbed her hair and pulled her up towards him roughly, she blurted out

Jacinda: I... I... I.. was playing with...myself. Arrgghh...(Wailing in agony)

Jacinda was now giving into her son's questions, as he clearly overpowered her and was manhandling her body. He still kept her body arched by holding her hair. Hunter had never been this hard before and he noticed, when he had her lifted up in the air like this, her breasts were wide open and exposed. Until this point, her boobs were crushed under her into the mattress, or covered by that godforsaken bra. Hunter hastily grabbed a handful of his mother's right breast with his right hand while still hoisting her up disdainfully with his left hand. He was now massaging and playing with her boobs.

Hunter: Playing with yourself? What does that mean?

Jacinda: Aaaahh I was... aaayye I was masturbating.... Honey please, that hurts.

(Hunter still kneading her breasts roughly)

Hunter: Oh so you lied to me?

(Jacinda remains quiet.)

Hunter: Mom, did you lie to me?

Jacinda was now enjoying the pain in her back, her neck, her hair being pulled and the way in which her son was treating her. But she didn't have an answer to his question. Jacinda remained silent. The last time Hunter didn't get an answer to his question, Jacinda found herself in the position that she is in. Topless, hair in a bunch used as a pulley to suspend her torso mid air, arched at her back, pinned by the butt.

After repeatedly meeting with silence, Hunter now paused from kneading and playing with his mom's right breast, and Smacked it hard from top to bottom, like a slam dunk. *CHHAP* The sound of his palm, smacking hard against his mother's breast, sent soundwaves across the bedroom. It sounded like a clap, but it was one sided. The smack was heard loud and clear, and woke up Jacinda from her trance of getting in unison with the pain.

"What's one way of escaping pain? Experiencing another" She thought to herself. She was not expecting her own 18 year old teenage son, who she raised to be a thorough gentleman to smack her. Let alone smack her on her sacred, tender breasts. The same breasts she once fed him with. She did not expect her taking up the offer of moisturizing her shoulders would lead to this point. But they had crossed some lines. Lines she would never have imagined could be crossed. These were boundaries, beyond her timid imagination, now well and truly abolished. To her, it was a power play, but it had now gotten sexual in nature. Her shock was now slowly devolving into a trivial surprise. Right as all these thoughts were going through Jacinda's mind, her son Hunter swung another firm slap across her right breast, this time causing a louder clap *Chhap!!*. She realized her silence meant more smacks.

Jacinda: Yes, yes. I'm sorry, yes I lied to you son. I'm sorry.

Hunter acknowledged her admission and apology. And yet, landed another hard smack *CHHAP* on her same right breast. Her tender medium sized boob now sported some soreness, some redness. She was dazed and confused. But Hunter was extremely aroused. As soon as the third smack landed, the sound of his palm meeting her skin, caused Hunter to ejaculate. And because of their position, Hunter's semen was aiming straight at his mom's back. He shot ropes and ropes of cum on his mother's back. Jacinda felt a warm, gooey liquid on her lower back. Hunter while cumming had let her go and she fell flat and lifeless back in her bed. Now the bed sheets wet with her sweat, and orgasmic bliss.

Hunter was done. Jacinda was spent. They both realized what they had just done. Both mom and son didn't know how it happened, but they knew they both enjoyed it.

Was it Hunter's fault for offering to moisturize her shoulder? Was it Jacinda's fault for going over to his room, waiting for him to finish masturbating and handing him the moisturizer? These were questions they both didn't want to answer. Jacinda laid breathless, and gasping on her mattress. Hunter gets off her, puts his dick back in his pants. Took a couple of steps back and looked at this gorgeous view.

His own mother, his hot 42 year old conservative, uptight, religious mother, laying half naked with his cum on her back, dribbling away off to the side of her belly and hips. Rags and torn clothes hanging off the bed, half a bra on the floor. Her hair covered her face. The sweat made it stick to her face. She looks beautiful, in the night light. So pure, so sexy, simply gorgeous. Jacinda kept her eyes shut, she could hear Hunter's movements in silence.

He almost walked out of the door, turned back, bent down, and got close to his mother. Her eyes still shut. Jacinda could smell his sweaty, teenage musk as he got closer. She could not feel his breath on her face. Hunter slid the hair covering her face off her, placing it behind her ears. Got closer, and kissed his mother firmly on the lips. She doesn't reciprocate. He's still kissing her lips, trying to use his tongue. Jacinda lays there still. Unsure of what to do, how to react. Hunter kept smooching her lips.

Hunter now had learned a trick or two. He grabbed his mother by her neck, held her in a tight vice grip, which made her open her eyes and gasp for air. He brought her face close to his, and began kissing her mouth roughly. This time, she reciprocated. Jacinda kissed him back. Jacinda was kissing her own son. She felt embarrassed, "taboo, wrong, so wrong, I'm going to hell" she thinks. "But he is too. As long as he's there with me, my son. Hunter''. She thought as she was now wildly kissing her son. Hunter was now surprised by the sudden burst of passion in his mother. They both kissed, saliva oozing and drooling all over both their faces. Their lips were drenched in saliva. Mother and son had become one. Jacinda felt the guilt. The guilt of turning her son into a boy with no game, no confidence. But tonight,she was proud of his ability to take control. Hunter pushes her back on the bed. And Jacinda deeply gasped for breath as her windpipe now had free flow of oxygen. Hunter whispered to his mom.

Hunter: Hey Mom, No more bras for you from here on out.

Jacinda: Yes honey. (She smiled, as she looked into his eyes)

Hunter: And I'm disappointed in you mom. You always taught me to speak the truth. I spoke a very difficult truth to you today. I opened my heart out, I was vulnerable. But you lied to me. And you know what happens when people lie, right mom?

Jacinda: (Confused) They uhmmm. They get punished. (Her sweet, gentle smile, instantly turning into a slight frown, as her eyebrows tensed up and dropped from each side of her beautiful face)

Hunter: So, mom, do you think your lie deserves a punishment?

Jacinda: I don't know Hunter.

Hunter: Yes it does Ma.

Jacinda: And you're going to punish me?

Hunter: Yes. Tomorrow. Please dont lie to me again. Now get some rest. goodnight.

Jacinda watched as Hunter got up, turned around and left her bedroom. Leaving the bedroom door open. She slid her hands behind her back. Some of her son's cum had now dried out on her back. But she was able to scoop up some gooey goodness in her fingers. She brought it to her mouth, tasted it. It was intoxicating. Jacinda had just tasted the fluid that came out of her son's penis. She felt dirty. Yet so complete. For the first time in forever, she felt fulfilled. She was "satisfied".

Jacinda realized, as wrong and taboo as it was, she wanted this more than anything else. And if it helps her son become a better man, so be it. Jacinda was mentally, emotionally in submission to her son.
Next page: Chapter 03.1
Previous page: Chapter 02.1