Chapter 03.1

Jacinda fell asleep rather easily that night. Without having to rely on melatonin. She had nature's happy chemicals gushing through her mind and body. She had just experienced a sensual and surprisingly painful yet pleasant physicality with her own 18 year old son, Hunter.

Hunter, on the other hand, felt this surge in self confidence. Being a timid young boy all his life, he enjoyed being the one to make his own decisions that would lead to events without repercussions. He slept like a baby that night, having felt a woman's body, tasted her lips, touched, roughly played with and even slapped a woman's breast for the first time in his life. This woman just happened to be his own mother.

He did have a hint of hesitancy and fear. "What if she wakes up and confronts him? What if she puts a stop to his advances? Did he go too far? Was it too much? Should he have slapped his mother's breast? Was he right in grabbing and pulling her hair? Did she actually willingly kiss him back?" Many thoughts and questions ran through his mind. Whatever happened, he thoroughly enjoyed it and was willing to face the consequences.

Jacinda usually had a set morning routine. Wake up, use the bathroom, brush her teeth, freshen up, and do a morning facial skin care routine. Once she goes downstairs in her nightwear, she'd drink her morning lemon tea and coffee. She'd use the bathroom again, get changed into her workout fit. Go to the gym room in their lavish house, workout. Finish by 8:30, get showered and start her day of meetings and clients around 9:30. Every day was different with work. Not needing the money from her occupation, she did it to keep herself busy and genuinely had an interest in helping her clients who relied on her expertise as a clinical counselor.

Hunter, now enjoying his summer break, awaiting college admission letters was enjoying his life with his friends these few weeks. Playing sports, video games, hanging out with friends, going on bike rides, garage parties etc. He didn't have a set schedule these days and was just taking it easy. He worked hard in high school and graduated in the top 5 of his class. Hunter was a good student and his mother's upbringing made sure he was a respectable gentleman in his school social circles. Which also meant he wasn't the bad boy type that all the girls flocked to.

Despite his good looks and athletic body, he was single and wasn't your typical ladies man. He had his first kiss with his best friend from school and town Macy. But that was when they were 15. And Macy later came out as a lesbian. Hunter was still a virgin and had never seen a girl naked before. The extent of his sexual experience was watching hardcore, brutal bdsm porn on his computer, until last night. When he caressed, massaged, kissed, made out, licked and spanked his own mother. Using her body as if he had complete control over it. This was new to him and he thoroughly enjoyed the feeling.

Today was different. It was a Saturday. On Thursday, Jacinda and Hunter had that little lemonade spill incident which triggered their horniness for each other. Friday evening, post dinner, their lives changed forever.

Jacinda woke up at 6:30am as her alarm went off. She woke up alone in her bed, as she had for the last several years. It was a Saturday, so she didn't have to work. She felt this overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment for some reason. When she tried to turn over and move to get out of bed, she felt the skin on her lower back feel uneasy and cracking a bit. That's the moment it hit her. It was not a dream, she didn't think it was. She knew it was real. It happened. She still felt some guilt. Not for what happened last night. But for what she felt was her fault over the years. Her retelling the stories of Hunter's father to him, which had made him resent his father so much, that he tried to not be like him. It was for his benefit, she was aware. Nobody wants to be a terrible person like Dan. But she didn't want her son to lose out on experiences in life that other kids his age were having.

She rubbed her lower back, scratching off her son's dried semen. It was now flaky and fell to her bedsheets. Jacinda walked into her five piece bathroom. To her left was a window that overlooked the giant backyard, with nobody in sight. To her right was her sink and counter with a mirror reflecting her topless beauty. She still had her old, tight shorts which were now soiled from her orgasm overnight. To the left of the counter and sink, was the porcelain toilet seat with an attached jet spray. To the left of the commode, was her large jacuzzi bath tub, in which she would often soak up on the weekends to relax, reading a magazine with a candle light. The jacuzzi tub was in the corner of the large bathroom. And straight across was the shower unit, with a glass door. Where she had a cold plunge just a couple of days ago, bra still on, to get the sexual ideas of her son out of her mind.

Jacinda, looked at herself in the mirror. Hair disheveled, she pulled her hair back and picked up a rubber band to tie her hair in a ponytail. Her brunette hair with dirty blonde highlights looked pretty in the morning sunrise behind her. She washed her face with her favorite high quality top of the shelf face wash. Applied some moisturizer. Same brand of moisturizer that her son used all over her shoulders, neck and back last night. She smirked a little as she thought of the sensation of her teenage son's rough hands gently massaging her back. And then she remembered, it wasn't just his fingers that did the magic. It was his tongue. "Did he actually lick the moisturizer off my back? I wonder if he liked how he tasted." laughing to herself.

Jacinda, sat on her porcelain commode, and let out a loud stream of piss straight into the bowl. With her vagina working overtime the last 12 hours, Jacinda felt a relief as she emptied her bladder. After flushing and wiping off her pussy with toilet paper, she grabbed a towel, damped it under the warm water from the sink and began cleaning the mess her son made on her back last night. Dry, crusty, white goo was now off her pristine body and on the warm damp towel.

She got out of the bathroom. Looked around at the mess in her room. She did have OCD. It looked hideous, she thought. Jacinda, picked up the two pieces of her torn, ribbed, olive green tank top. Just 10 hours ago, these rags used to be one garment. She tossed them into the trash can. She found the bra laying on the floor next to her bed post. Picked it up and observed it. The string holding the cups together in the front had threads coming out of it. The clip in the back was missing and the bra had clear signs of damage. "That was one of my favorite bras," She thought. Jacinda trashed the bra as well. And as she was walking towards her closet, she felt a little sting on her foot. She looked down to find the clip that must have broken off her bra last night, shining and looking back up at her, as though teasing her like a thorn in grass. She picked it up, and placed it on her dressing table.

Going into her large walk-in closet, Jacinda picked out a bra to wear and had suddenly heard a loud whisper ringing in her ears "Hey Mom, No more bras for you from here on out" These were some of the last words her son spoke to her last night. It was his request and she wasn't one to listen to people, but this was her own son. She had to follow through. But was it just a request? Or was it an insistence? Was it an order? She put the bra back on the shelf. Jacinda picked out a loose white T-shirt with a blueish-green retro 80s print on the front. The shirt was modest enough. Went down to her hips. The neckline, albeit a bit wider than regular fitted t-shirts, just showed her collar bones.

Jacinda walked out of her bedroom, down the wide lavish stairs, through the living room, passed the dining table and realized her coffee wasn't there today. She looked for her maid, and realized she was the one who had asked the house-help not to come in today. This meant she would have to make her own coffee. Jacinda walked into the kitchen, which happened to be behind the wall of the dining area. Hunter was obviously still in bed. She heated some water in a kettle for her lemon tea and turned on the coffee machine with some freshly ground coffee. Grabbing her two cups of morning liquids, Jacinda sat at the dining table sipping on her lemon tea. Contemplating how today just feels different.

She had for the first time in years, felt happier and satisfied. She felt as if it was a new dawn. Not much had changed, but she was excited to see what the day brought. On a typical Saturday, Jacinda would workout, walk the dogs in the yard, meet up with some friends for brunch, watch a movie or read, play and practice some piano lessons. But today, with no house-help, she realized she would have to spend time cooking, doing laundry, cleaning up around the house and just regular chores. Chores she would enjoy doing as an OCD, upright girl in her younger days. But over the years she had lost the habit of.

As Jacinda finished her lemon tea, she began sipping her coffee when she heard the crank of Hunter's door opening. She could hear his footsteps on the floor above, as his hard, heavy steps fell on each step. He emerged, messy hair, still no shirt on for the young man, just as last night. He was sporting a different pair of shorts. "He looks so charming" thought Jacinda. Hunter walked towards Jacinda, she was smiling. She couldn't take her eyes off her 18 year old son. His eyes, similar to hers, although stark black and deep. His hair, dark brown, in a messy fray, his wide shoulders, broad hips, lean belly, chiseled chest, toned legs. She couldn't stop admiring him. "Did I really birth this handsome hunk of a man?" She thought to herself. She couldn't stop smiling as he approached and walked in close to her, now standing to her right, while she's seated on the dining chair.

Hunter didn't smile, he looked down at her. As she was smiling and watched as his mom's eyes darted from his face, slowly gliding down to his waist. And just as she was about to say Good Morning, she gulped and noticed the huge tent in his shorts, now just inches away from her right ear. She could smell the musky scent of his groin. "Did he even wash his privates after last night?" She thought. She looked at the tent caused by his morning wood and remained speechless. This was awkward. This was awkward, because she hadn't been this close to a penis before. And this penis was her own son's, just a few inches away from her face. There was an awkward silence for about half a minute. The longest 30 seconds of Jacinda's life. Hunter seemed comfortable but didn't know what he wanted, he was still half asleep. To Jacinda's relief, he broke the tension in the air with a smile, looking directly into her eyes.

Hunter: Good Morning Mom.

Jacinda: Good morning, Hunter.

Did you sleep well?

Hunter: Did you sleep well?

(They almost spoke in unison and chuckled at the coincidence of them both asking the same question)

Hunter: Yes, I did.

Jacinda: I did too. I made some extra coffee for you, it's in the kitchen.

Hunter: Oh, thanks Ma. I was wondering what we'd do now that the maid isn't here.

Jacinda: Hey it was your idea. Do you regret it already?

Hunter: No, not at all. But it is nice to have someone bring you things, isn't it?

Jacinda: (laughing out loud, as her gorgeous lips open up, neck pins back, head up high facing the ceiling) Hahahahaha yes, it is...

Hunter looked into his mother's mouth admiring her perfect pearly white teeth as she laughed. He also noticed her tongue. The same tongue he had briefly tasted last night. He looked down at her shirt, it was a cool white shirt. He couldn't see her breasts or cleavage at all. Jacinda, got up from her chair, still chuckling, walking towards the kitchen.

Jacinda: Have a seat, I'll go get you your coffee.

As she was walking away, Hunter noticed her hips swaying, the shirt was long enough to cover her butt and he wondered if she was wearing any pants that morning.

Hunter: Mom, wait...

Jacinda, stopped in her tracks. And before she could turn back to face her son. Hunter was already close behind her. He moved her hair off her right shoulder, placing it along the front of her left shoulder. He pulled at the helm of her shirt's neckline, pulling it down off her right shoulder, exposing the entire right side of her neck, shoulders, collarbone, back, down to her right forearm. Her breasts were still modestly covered under the print. Jacinda stood there like a mannequin. Hunter just observed her shoulders. He could see the side of his mother's face staring blankly towards the entrance of the kitchen. Her eyes were open, the mouth closed. No expression on her face.

Hunter was beyond overjoyed to learn that his mom had followed his instructions and was not wearing her bra. He was smiling ear to ear. He gently ran his fingers along her back, close to but not on the light pink hue that remained from the impression of her bra straps. The stress on her skin from her bra straps was slowly wearing off.

He then gently ran his fingers from her back, upwards to her shoulders. Getting closer, Jacinda could now feel his breath on her shoulders. He was holding her left arm with his left hand and his right hand now firmly grasped her shoulder. Hunter gently placed his lips on his mother's shoulder, right on the spot where he could still see a light pink hue caused by the bra straps. He kissed, and kissed more. At this moment, she closed her eyes, as she could feel his morning wood, now probing along her lower back, just above her tail bone. He didn't intend to touch her with his dick, but his penis was massive and he had a raging morning boner.

Jacinda felt a gentle push and Hunter let her go. She stumbled a step forward, before feeling a cool breeze on her lower back. Where she felt her son's raging morning wood a second ago. Looking back, she noticed Hunter had let go of her arm and shoulders after kissing it, but raised her shirt from the back.

Jacinda: Hunter....what are you doing honey? Let me go get you your coffee...

Hunter: Oh yeah, sorry mom. I was just checking to see what you were wearing. The shirt is kinda long and I didn't know if you were wearing any pants.

Jacinda: Oh Hunter... hahaha no need to apologize honey. You know your mom well enough, do you think I'll go around the house not wearing any pants?

Hunter: I don't know Mom, maybe you should. (He winked at her as he said that)

Jacinda: (Smiling, rolled her eyes) Oh quit it, you! You're too much...

Hunter: Am I now? I don't think I'm too much at all. I'm just enough. Just enough for you, my beautiful, gorgeous, sexy mom.

Jacinda looked down, blushing, shy and smiled ear to ear. She hadn't heard such compliments in a long time. Nobody had ever called her sexy. Not even her husband. Jacinda, was enjoying this new found attention from a handsome, hot young man.

Hunter: Hey Mom. I noticed, you aren't wearing a bra today.

Jacinda: Yeah, well... someone wanted it that way.

Hunter: And did that someone want something more?

Jacinda: (Now breathing heavier) I don't know....I....I....I don't know what he wants.

Hunter: Well, we talked about it, didn't we....

Jacinda: Oh yeah. But Hunter, listen can we please..

Hunter walked up to her, put his finger on her lips, so as to shut his mom up. He didn't let her finish her sentence. Jacinda, went quiet. She was about to protest, or maybe try to have a conversation with her son. But Hunter was in no mood. He made his mother shut up by a simple gesture of putting his two fingers on her lips and hissing "Shhshshhhshh" He turned her around again, so she was facing the entrance of the kitchen once more. Got close to her ears and whispered again.

Hunter: There's no escaping the punishment for lies. Now go get me that coffee mommy.

Hunter lightly tapped his mother's right butt, gesturing to her to hurry up and get his coffee. He took a seat on the dining chair.

Jacinda hurried into the kitchen and could feel the sexual tension in her rise again. This is the most horny she had felt in over 15 years. She put her arms on the counter as the coffee machine ground beans for a fresh brew. Putting her weight on her arms, she raised herself on her toes, widened her hips, spread her legs and put one hand down to her pussy. Wearing the same short shorts, she had an orgasm in last night. She could feel the spot getting damp again. Twice in 10 hours, she was turned on, by the mere touch of her teenage son. And he was learning the art of taking control faster than she had imagined.

She did want to have a conversation with him. But her heart, mind and body were at constant odds with each other. She didn't know what she wanted. Hunter on the other hand, was enjoying this new found control over his mother. She was becoming more and more lenient with him. She was getting more and more relaxed around his antiques. She didn't protest much, and if she did, he was able to get his way.

Jacinda brought the coffee back to the dining table. Her shirt, still off her shoulder, almost like an asymmetric cold shoulder top. They both sat in silence, sipping their coffees. Hunter was still sporting his morning wood.

Jacinda: Hunter, listen. I love you. You're my son. And I just wanted to talk to you, after last night.

Hunter: Talk about what mom?

Jacinda: Ugh, you know, Hunter. What you did was very wrong. You were getting way ahead of your boundaries with your own mother. It's very sinful. And not okay. It's not how a son behaves with his mother.

Hunter: But Mom, you asked to help you with the moisturizer. And you said it was my call to help you how I wanted.

Jacinda: And that's how you wanted to help me? By ripping my clothes off? (Jacinda tried to keep a straight face, but was smiling on the inside and just the thought of getting her clothes ripped was turning her on again. She could feel her vaginal walls pulse and generate more fluids down her inner canals)

Hunter: Well, there were obstacles and I wanted to make sure I got the moisturizer right where it needed to be. And look, it already looks better today.

Jacinda was almost defeated and didn't know where to take the conversation. She did enjoy their little escapade last night, and his advances this morning.

Jacinda: Honey, what we did, was incest... It's inappropriate. It's a sin. It's wrong on so many levels.

Hunter: First of all, we didn't have sex. I'm still a virgin, so it wasn't incest. And if it's so wrong Mom, then why did you kiss me back last night? If it's so wrong, why didn't you put an end to it. You could have stopped me. But you didn't.

Jacinda: (looking down, couldn't see Hunter in his eyes, whispers quietly) I don't know...

Hunter: Answer me, Mom. Why do you want to pretend to be on this high moral ground now, when you could have exerted a boundary last night? Tell me mom?

Jacinda: (Still not able to look her son in the eyes, just staring into her cup of coffee) I... I..

Hunter: Is it because you liked it? Answer me Mom...Why are you quiet?

Jacinda knew her son was speaking the truth. It was the truth. She could have stopped him. But she liked it. She enjoyed how he treated her. She enjoyed losing all her inhibitions and allowing her son to control what happens. She was thrilled by the idea of not knowing what could happen next. All her life she had carefully planned every move, every act, her life revolved around a schedule, a clock, a calendar, a to-do list, a planner. She had severe OCD. For once, it felt nice to just give up control and live organically.

Hunter: Tell me, Mom! Answer me! You liked it, didn't you? What did you like the most? Did you like it when I touched you? Did you like when I ripped your shirt? Did you enjoy me pulling your hair? Did you like it when I kissed you? Or was it the three slaps on your boobs?

Every question her son asked had her answer hidden in it. She knew that he knew her answers. He just wanted to hear it from her. It was all rhetorical. But with each question, Hunter's tone got louder, his pitch got higher, there was a commanding firmness in his voice that she hadn't heard from him before. Her son was no longer the timid, introverted kid. He had suddenly evolved into a powerful enforcer. Jacinda was proud of her son. She loved him. And she broke her silence.

Jacinda: YES! YES!!!! ALL OF IT. I LOVED ALL OF IT. EVERY BIT. I LOVE YOU HUNTER! (Jacinda cried and yelled, standing up, out of her chair)

Hunter was slightly taken aback. He wasn't expecting his mother to confess her deep inner feelings. She was never one to do so. She had always followed what was right by society, her orthodox traditions, her conservative upbringing. She was an uptight, religious, conservative woman with high value in society. People looked up to her. She was a role model for many. She was very well respected. And yet, here she is, confessing to loving her son getting aggressive with her. Hunter also got up out of his chair. Jacinda was already standing up with tears in her eyes. A relieved smirk on her lips. Her cheeks were rosy pink with blood gushing through every vein of her body.

Hunter put his right hand forward, Jacinda instinctively gave her left hand in her son's. Hunter pulled her into his body, into a tight embrace. He was holding her by her waist, his hands behind her back, just above her hips on her lower back. The same area, where he had let out nature's juice from his penis last night. Jacinda had her arms now tightly locked behind her son's neck and wide shoulders. They were kissing passionately. Their lips were locked, eyes closed. Their bodies pressed against each other as if trying to be one and unite into one symbiotic synergy. As Hunter explored his mother's warm, tiny, full lips. She reciprocated by kissing his lips with passion and love. Their lips had parted, and tongues were now entangled with each other's. You couldn't tell whose tongue was which, as they both explored the insides of one other's mouths. Jacinda and Hunter, Mother and Son were now lovers.

Their kiss continued for quite a while. Hunter could taste his mother's coffee through her tongue and saliva. He was practically sucking the saliva out of his mother's mouth. Hunter had literally just woken up and not brushed his teeth yet. Jacinda could clearly sense the foul morning breath emanating from her son's mouth. But she was so lost in love, passion and lust of kissing her son, that she inhaled the stench and began enjoying his morning breath. Hunter didn't care. He wanted to show his mom how reckless he can be, as he had promised her earlier. Jacinda, just accepted her son's breath, mouth, lips, tongue, saliva into hers as a gift.

He was practically a gift for her. A gift from her faith, her God, her values. She thought of him as a part of herself. She birthed him. They were connected upon birth. He was once inside her, a part of her. Jacinda, now had no regrets, no inhibitions, no boundaries with her son. She knew, she was his, and he was hers. They kept whispering and murmuring "I love you"s to each other at every opportunity they broke free from the lip lock to gasp and breathe in some oxygen before continuing the passionate attack on each other's mouths. This went on for quite a while. It was almost 30 minutes, that mother and son continued deeply, sloppily, passionately french kissing each other, smooching. Lost in a fantasy world. In a world, there was no coming back from. Except for Jacinda and Hunter, this was no fantasy, it was now their reality.

Hunter finally broke. And air finally passed between their two bodies. They both felt a cool breeze, after having been in embrace and a passionate kiss for thirty minutes. Jacinda's face was all messed up with saliva all over her nose, cheeks, jaw, chin. Hunter's was no different. Jacinda just chuckled, like a shy newly wed bride. Hunter smirked, staring deeply into her eyes. He felt like a new man. He felt like he had won an award. A trophy. And that trophy for him was this woman. A 42 year old, hot, gorgeous woman. With the most beautiful face, a tremendous body and a heart of gold. His own mother. She was his now. And he was vocal about it.

Hunter: Hey mom, you're mine. I love you. You understand? I love you. And you're mine now.

Jacinda: (Smiling gleefully) Yes, baby, I'm yours. I love you, Hunter.

Hunter: No mom. I mean it. I love you. Of course, as my mother. You've done so much for me. And I have a lot of respect for you. I love you more than anything or anyone else in the world. But now, I also love you as a man loves a woman. And when I say, you're mine. I want you, as mine. My woman. My girl. My mother, my woman.

Jacinda: (Teary eyed, smiling) I know what you mean honey. And I know, it feels so wrong to me. Yet so right. I thought I loved your father all those years ago, but it was all just a play. But today, I feel like I have found my love. And my love is my own son. I love you too honey. I'm yours. I'm your woman. You're my only man. I saved myself for the first phase of my life for a man who didn't care for me and chose alcohol and other women over me. But I'm grateful I met him. Because of him, I got you. And I'd saved myself for years since then. I devoted my life to you. When your grandfather passed, I promised him, I promised my faith, my God, I promised everyone, I promised myself - "I'll breathe, I'll live for my son alone" And I plan on doing just that.

Hunter smiled lovingly looking directly in her eyes.

Jacinda: I thought I would help you gain some confidence and help you learn to take control to get a girlfriend. You know, help you be assertive so you can muster the courage to ask someone out. But I don't know how I feel about that now. Maybe, selfishly, I just want you for myself. You have shown more than enough assertiveness with me. And I somehow want to continue that. I have never been led before.

Hunter: I don't want anybody else Mom. I just want you. All the girls at school, college are going to be typical skanks. Nobody values true love these days. They all have several options in class, on dating apps, and social media, DMs. But nobody values commitment. I see my friends date the same girls, passing around among themselves. Guys, girls both. Our values are different, mom. We appreciate love and commitment. You and I. And I commit to loving you.

Jacinda: Oh Hunter. I want that too. But I don't know how it'll work out. I mean, with our situation. I am your mother, after all. And everyone knows that. I don't know how society would react to our relationship, if we end up doing anything together.

Hunter: IF? What do you mean, IF? We just kissed for such a long time. And it was the best kiss I've ever had.

Jacinda: Me too honey....but..

Hunter: But what Mom, we're in love. It's clear as day. We want each other. And we'll be together. I don't care what society has to say.

Jacinda: It's not so easy honey. You have to go to university soon. We come from a big name, the Johnson family. We have and own several businesses. Thousands of lives rely on us for their paycheck. Such a taboo concept will never be accepted in society. What about the staff, what about Mr. Gomez? What about the hospitals....

Hunter: Hmm you're right mom. But I don't see a reason for any of them to know anything about us. Outside the house, we're Hunter Johnson and Jacinda Johnson. Son and Mother. But intimately, we're lovers.

Jacinda: I guess so. It's going to be extremely difficult, baby. And besides, I hate lying to people. What if someone finds out..

Hunter: Nobody will find out anything. Unless you tell them. And as long as we dont tell anybody, no lies are spoken. Besides, I remember someone lying to me yesterday and there was something to come for said someone. (Hunter smirks and winks at his mother)

Jacinda: Oh.... We can talk about it later...

Hunter: No we won't. We'll talk about it now mom. It's time for your punishment.

Jacinda was innately excited for this. But wasn't sure of what was to come. She was madly in love with Hunter. She hadn't had sex in forever. Her toys were helpful, but they're nothing compared to the real thing. She knew, if she had sex with her son, there was no coming back. Besides, she'd be taking his virginity. Despite how badly she wanted to fuck him, there were still some threads holding her back.

On the other hand, Hunter was your typical hasty, horny, hormone raged teenager with blood still pumping through his balls. He wanted to fuck this sexy woman in front of him, as soon as possible. He was not only excited to lose his virginity, he was excited to please his lover. He was looking forward to making love. He wanted to make passionate, sensual, sexy love. He wanted lust taking over both their bodies. He wanted to show her that she's his woman now. He wanted to own her. He wanted her in every way possible.

Upon Hunter's insistence, Jacinda once again shut down and didn't know what to do. She has these moments when Hunter takes charge, she freezes and allows him to take over her life. It was somehow exciting for her. She enjoyed letting go. And letting him have his way. It was an unspoken word of consent. Hunter knew that. He was aware, she was not reluctant, just confused. And he was willing to take full advantage of her innocence. He didn't need consent with his lover, now mother. She was his to do as he pleased. Jacinda just stared blank at Hunter.

Hunter walked up close to his mother. Held her hand, led her into the middle of the living room. Their living room was a giant open hall facing the stairs leading up to their bedrooms. There were three large sofa-sets on three sides, and the open side faced the dining area. An expensive persian rug decorated the floor in the center with a vintage, mahogany glass top coffee table in the center. Hunter sat on the middle couch, facing the dining area. Jacinda stood in front of him, between the couch and the coffee table, facing him. Her back towards the dining area.

Hunter looked at his mother from top to bottom. Her hair, perfectly bound in a ponytail. Her eyes, heavy, teary and full of love. Her loose shirt still reeling off on one side exposing her right shoulder down to her forearms. Her right boob barely covered by the helm of the neckline of this shirt. Hunter's eyes went down slowly towards Jacinda's thighs. They were full and her inner thighs stuck together, leaving no space between her legs. Her long, toned, sexy legs down to her house slippers.

He put his hands between her legs by the thighs, and parted her legs. Jacinda now stood with her legs slightly wide forming an 'A'. Hunter slowly glided his palm across her left knee, slowly running it upwards and before he could touch the fabric of her shorts. He felt the sticky moist glistening liquid on his fingers. He just chuckled and looked up at her. Jacinda had her eyes closed, and head raised up to the heavens. Hunter figured his mother must have been turned on to leak these juices all the way down her thighs through those shorts.

In a surprising and yet authoritative move, he roughly yanked Jacinda's shorts down her waist. They easily came off and were already laying by her ankles. Jacinda's body shuddered and froze, as she was now standing almost naked in front of another man for the first in almost two decades. Her vagina could feel the cool atmosphere, now that her labia was out exposed in the open, however, still shielded from Hunter's eyes, as the long, loose shirt still covered her miniscule modesty that was left. Jacinda was reminded at that moment of how long it took her to pull these shorts up last night. They weren't the most comfortable as they were older and she had put on some cellulite around the hips since she had purchased them. But in contrast to the difficulty she had in putting them on, her son was able to yank them off her legs in a jiffy.

Hunter was now running both his palms along his mother's naked thighs and knees. His direction was gently going north. He realized the things he was doing to his mother were having an effect on her. She was enjoying his sexually charged activities with her. Using her as a mannequin and exploring her body. Maybe it wasn't much of a punishment for her. Hunter gently brought his hands up towards his mother's hips. His hands now winged on the front of his mother's crotch. His fingers firmly held her hip bone as he turned his thumb in circular motion, getting close to his mother's vagina.

Jacinda was so turned on, she could cum any moment. She was enjoying this foreplay that her son was performing. He didn't even know what he was doing was called foreplay. She didn't know where he learned this from, as he was a virgin. Hunter's thumbs gradually got closer to his mother's vagina. The same vagina that birthed him 18 years and some months ago. The same hole he emerged out of. This hole was sacred. This is where he entered the world. Hunter's cock was bursting out of his shorts and there was a wet stain of precum on his shorts. He gradually reached his thumbs to Jacinda's labia. Continuing the circular motion, he rubbed her pussy lips, parting them slightly, over and over again. Jacinda let out a scintillating hiss "ssssssss" as her son molested her body calmly and unperturbed. Hunter now stopped massaging and rubbing her pussy lips. His fingers were already wet with the juices secreted by his mother's pussy.

In another unexpected and sudden act of brazen roughness, Hunter suddenly grabbed his bottomless mother by the front helm of the neckline of her shirt and pulled her forward towards him. Lost in her ecstasy, Jacinda did not expect this sudden change in gravity and she fell over on him. Hunter pulled her shirt in towards him so roughly, that the neckline now stretched and got wider. It had given way to his strength and exposed his mother's barely covered breast on the one side, which now laid on his left shoulder, and his mother's head next to his.

Hunter caught a hold of Jacinda, so she didn't fall completely and laid her face down next to him, across his lap. Now he was still seated, her head to his left, facing down on the couch and her lower back, and butt were on his lap, legs to his right side. Hunter raised her shirt to expose his mom's naked backside. He remembered the visual from last night when he came on that same spot that was now inches away from his face. Jacinda could feel her son's hard cock poking her just under her belly button. She was extremely turned on.

The unexpected acts of rough handling continued when Hunter's animalistic stupor took over his wild sexuality and he bent his head forward, opened his mouth and grabbed a mouthful of his mother's protruding buttocks between his teeth. The ass meat in front of him looked deliciously tasty. Hunter was grateful for his mother's exercise regime, with years of stairmaster and squats that meant her full butt was perfectly firm and jiggly at the same time. It was pasty white, since it didn't get much sun, but perfectly round and toned with a bit of flab covering it.

Hunter, like a wild animal, devoured her left buttcheek by grinding his teeth on his mother's booty flesh and didn't let go. He was like an animal possessed, hunting its prey. The prey happened to be his mother, his lover, the woman who birthed him. As soon as Jacinda sensed the skin of her ass being violated by her son's teeth, she let out the same familiar scream. She was in agony. It hurt like hell. Hunter kept his bite on her butt and didn't let go for a few seconds. For those few seconds, his teeth ground deep into his mom's ass. He was trying to get as much flesh into his mouth as possible and hold it a while longer. Jacinda continued screaming and wailing in pain. She was also enjoying the pain. Her tears had dried up. Her face had a smile on it, despite the screams. After about 40 seconds of agony, Hunter let go of her butt from his mouth and smiled as he saw a string of his sticky drool from his lips down to his mother's ass. And on her ass was now a beautiful dark red tattoo that mimicked the formation of his teeth.

Jacinda let out a relieved gasp of air as she felt her butt get free from the vicious attack her wild son had inflicted on her ass. As she felt the gush of blood in her body rush to that spot on her butt, she was smiling again. She loved this sensation. The pain and the pleasure immediately following it. She felt like she had earned it. Not deserved it. Every pleasure was earned after a period of intense pain. That was the reality of life.

Hunter meanwhile noticed a cold wet spot on his right thigh. And realized, it was the juices from his mother's pussy leaking onto his lap. This excited him ever more and once his animalistic instinct was satisfied, he went back to his lust and drove two fingers of his right hand in a sudden jerk, straight and deep into his mother's vagina.

This act was so rough and unthoughtful that Hunter's nails caused a very visible red scratch on his mother's inner thigh. He was now, disdainfully fingering his prone mother's pussy. Jacinda had just barely escaped one assault on her body and without getting a chance to recover from it, felt another violation of her private parts at the hands of her own son. Hunter's fingers were now working like an unstoppable piston, roughly going in and out of his mother's pussy. Every unplanned insert of his finger would scratch the same spot on her inner thigh once again and the juices flowing out of her vagina would cause that scratch to burn even more. Hunter enjoyed roughly attacking his mother's pussy with his two fingers.

He had never experienced a vagina before. So he wanted to make sure the one he has now claimed as his, was his to do as he pleased. Every in and out movement Hunter's fingers made, caused his mother to screech out a loud moan. It was as if she was being fucked by a raging bull, but it was just her son's two fingers. Jacinda's surprises weren't over yet, as Hunter now with great force buried his fingers in one strong motion deep inside his mother's cunt. She could feel the tip of his finger brush against the entrance of her cervix deep inside her vagina.​
Next page: Chapter 03.2
Previous page: Chapter 02.2