Chapter 10.2
Dan turned back around and was about to walk towards Jacinda. He was already aggressive and in a mood. When suddenly he felt his arm being grabbed again from behind him. And this time, Hunter had a firm grasp on his father's arm. Hunter pulled Dan's arm and swung his right hand in the air about to take a swing at his own father's face. With his palm closed in a fist and his hand raised up high, Hunter was about to punch his own father. But he paused and stopped in his tracks.
Just the thought of the onslaught about to be unleashed on him by his son, had Dan flinching for a second and fell back a couple of steps, tripped on the couch and fell to the floor. He stumbled and got up from the floor, realizing his son could have punched him out if he wanted to. He was taken aback by his son's strength and muscles. Dan could have never imagined he would be in a physical altercation with his own son.
Hunter: You stay away from my mother, you understand?
Dan stumbled back up to his feet and began walking away from Jacinda. His face had a look of shock, disgust and fear on it.
Dan:'re gonna hit your own dad huh? You're gonna punch your own father?
Hunter: I could, I really want to. But my mother didn't raise me to be a loser piece of shit like you.
Dan: Oh I'm the piece of shit???? And what about that skimpily dressed skank there. Who's she spreading her legs for?
Hunter was now furious.
Hunter: (In an angry, stern, assertive voice) You stop talking to her that way. You treat this woman with respect.
Jacinda just stood there with tears in her eyes. She was awestruck at her son's commanding tone and assertiveness towards his father. Dan fearfully just took a couple of steps back away from both his wife and son.
Hunter: You are right, she would have none of this without you. Not the house, not the luxuries and none of the sorrow and distress either. She spent all these years without anybody to give her any bit of joy or happiness. She spent her entire life in depression and regret. Regret of marrying you. She sacrificed her job and career to be with you and you chose alcohol and hookers over this beautiful, perfect woman.
Dan couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never heard his son talk like this. Hunter was always quiet and timid. He was resentful of Dan. Every dinner or occasional meetups they would arrange, it would just be Dan talking about his life. Hunter just spent time with him because Dan was his father. Dan's ego, his narcissism was the sole reason for his own loneliness and downfall. His reliance on alcohol and his narcissistic tendencies had made him completely delusional. Hunter continued...
Hunter: We're lucky grandpa had some sense and made sure he took care of mom before he passed. You would have run all the businesses into the ground. I'm going to tell you one last time, and yes it's a threat. You leave me and my mother alone. Sign the divorce papers, finish the process as easy as it could be. If you cause anymore chaos or trouble in our lives, I'll personally make sure I forget everything my mother taught me and put you in the hospital.
Dan: Are you listening to this Jacinda? This is the monster you've created. He wants to kill his own father. Good job, you failed as a wife and you failed as a mother.
Hunter had now totally lost it and started walking towards Dan, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him hard, towards the door. Dan fell to the ground, easily overpowered by his teenage son.
Dan: Get off me. Dont get closer. I'm leaving. I don't want to be here anyway. You both have lost it. You want a divorce Jacinda....You got it. But remember, you're not divorcing me, I'M DIVORCING YOU!!! Fuck off and live your pathetic life.
Dan goes towards the door.
Hunter: Get out of here and never come back, asshole. I'll pretend I never had a father. My Mom is everything for me. I'll take care of her, I'll be there for her. You didn't deserve her. You never deserved her. I'll make sure she's happy for the rest of her life.
Dan rushed out the front door and left. Hunter waited by the front porch to watch his father get in his car and drive away. He shut the door, locking it behind him and returned back into the house. He noticed his mother sitting on the couch, with her face in her hands, sobbing in despair. Hunter goes closer to his mother to comfort her.
Just as Hunter sat next to his mother with his arm around her back, she turned to him, grabbed his face and started madly kissing him. Jacinda's lips met her son's and they kissed softly, passionately with so much love between them. There was absolutely no rough or raunchiness to this kiss. Their lips just met each other, feeling each other's skin. Hunter could taste his mother's tears that had slowly dribbled down to her beautiful, tiny lips. They sucked on each other's lips with their eyes closed, tasting each other's saliva. Their lip lock lasted several moments, as the mother and son were lost in the immeasurable love for each other.
Hunter broke their long, passionate smooch. He held his mother's face in his hands and she had her hands around his head. Jacinda was no longer crying. Her tears had dried up on her face.
Hunter: Mom, are you okay?
Jacinda: (nodding her head affirmatively) mmhmm...
Hunter: Were you scared?
Jacinda nodded again.
Hunter: You don't have to be scared mom. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you.
Jacinda started crying again and hugged her son resting her head in his arms. Hunter embraced his mother and ran his hands over her head, caressing her hair. They stayed in that position for a few minutes. Jacinda felt safe, she felt protected. She felt at home, at peace in the arms of her son. Her lover. This eighteen year old man who was just a boy until yesterday, just stood up to his father, her husband, for her.
Jacinda had so many emotions running through her mind. Not only was she afraid of her husband finding out about her incestuous relationship with her son, but she was afraid he would do something physically aggressive and attack her or Hunter. As the events unfolded in front of her own eyes, nobody was physically hurt in the brief altercation, but Hunter had easily overpowered his father and threw him out of the house. He was more of a man to her, than his father ever was or could be. In that moment, she noticed how much of a masculine stud her son had turned into. He wasn't only physically impressive, but he stuck to his values. The values she had inculcated in him. He held back and controlled himself, before striking a blow to his father. He could have easily punched him out, but that could have caused even more trouble. What if Dan went to the cops?
Jacinda knew her son's physical strength, she had personally felt it in his slaps, spanks and whips. But that was different, it was consensual, it was sexual and passionate for her. Besides, he was doing it to his willing sex slave mother.
As the mother and son stayed cuddled up in a deep, loving embrace, millions of thoughts were going through Jacinda's head. Now, Hunter had taken over as the man of the house. He was her protector. His words kept ringing in her ears.
When he said - "My mother didn't raise me to be a loser piece of shit like you."
It was true. She wanted her son to be nothing like his father, and he was nothing like him. Hunter was a way better man than Dan ever was or could be.
When he said - "She spent all these years without anybody to give her any bit of joy or happiness."
Also true. She had lived a sad life. Her days and nights followed the same boring pattern for years. There was no excitement in her life. When she would smile, there was heartache behind it. She was never happy. She was suffering for years, despite having all the luxuries. She had lost herself. She was disconnected from her core self. And Hunter, her son, had helped her find her back. He was the one giving her the happiness she had felt in the last few days. The happiness she deserved.
When he said - "My Mom is everything for me. I'll take care of her, I'll be there for her."
Jacinda had no doubt her son meant every single word he said. She was proud to call him her son. He was everything for her, just like she was to him. And he was taking care of her. More than anybody ever did or ever would. He proved it that morning, after a night of passionate, hardcore, intense and painful BDSM sex, he made sure to give his mother some time to relax. Despite the intensity in his sexual expression, his love was tender and sensual. He genuinely cared for her and her well-being. And once again, he protected her from Dan. He was there for her. This was the perfect, ideal man. And she had this man in her arms.
When he said - "I'll make sure she's happy for the rest of her life"
This is the one that got her. It pierced her heart with a golden arrow. She had made one promise years ago, that she would live and breathe for her son. And her son had just announced that he was going to make sure she's happy for the rest of her life. Jacinda felt blessed for having birthed such a good son. She loved him dearly. But what did he really mean by it? She was 24 years his senior. He was just starting off his life and about to go to university. They were mother and son. Their relationship was wrong. Their relationship would never be accepted by anybody. That scared her. Selfishly, she wanted him forever, but she knew she couldn't have him. 24 years is a huge gap. Besides, it was her own son.
Jacinda: Hunter...
Hunter: Yes Mom. Are you feeling better?
Jacinda: A little. Just staying here in your arms, feels like a dream baby. You're still my son and not much has changed, yet so much has changed.
Hunter: It has Mom, we're no longer only mother and son. You're my love Mom. I love you. You're my girlfriend.
Jacinda: I love you too honey. You just keep surprising me over and over again and just now, right when I thought I'd seen it all, you made me fall in love with you more and more.
Hunter smiled, still running his hands through his mother's hair, caressing her beautiful face.
Jacinda: Can I ask you something baby? What did you mean when you said earlier "I'll make sure she's happy for the rest of her life?"
Hunter: I said what I said and I meant it mom.
Jacinda: But Hunter....'forever'? Do you know what that means?
Hunter: I do Mom. You're my girlfriend. And I don't ever intend to break up with you. I love you, my love is pure.
Jacinda: Oh Hunter, honey...I love what we have going on too. I love you so much. But I'm 42, you're 18. It's just, I don't know... In twenty years, I'll be 62, you'll still be 38. You have more of a life to live than I do Hunter.
Hunter: Stop that Mom. I said what I said. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Jacinda: Hunter...but you can find a nice girl and get married to her and start a family. I don't know if I can give you that. I don't want to waste your life honey.
Hunter: Waste? You're not wasting anybody's life. You've wasted your own life, mom. And it wasn't even your fault. You being in my life is only going to enrich my life. You have given me everything and now I want to give it back to you in the only way I know how. You've said it before, I make you happy and I want to continue that. I want to make you happy, forever.
Jacinda: Ohh Hunter...But you're going to get married one day...
Hunter: Yes, I know. And I'll propose to you, when the time is right.
This shocked Jacinda to the core. She was awestruck. She was still trying to process what he just said. He said he was going to propose to her. "Did he mean he wants me as his wife? He wants to marry ME? Did he really mean that? Is that why he was pushing for their divorce?" She had a million questions running through her head and the answer to all of them was simple. He wanted his own mother to be his wife.
Jacinda: Hunter...How could we? I'm your mother.
Hunter: And my lover. My sex slave.
Jacinda: Yes baby, but we can't...
Hunter: Why not?
Jacinda: It's just so wrong honey....
Hunter: And everything we've done so far? That was wrong too mom. But it just feels so right, doesn't it?
Jacinda: Yes it does, honey. But Marriage, it's different. It's sacred. What will everybody say? People know we're son and mother. Your friends, my friends, Mr. Gomez, our families...
Hunter: You're my only family Mom. The only one I care about. Friends come and go, we can always make new friends. Mr. Gomez won't need to know. He's going to retire soon, he's already in his seventies.
Jacinda: Honey, we have to think about this carefully. You're going to college soon.
Hunter: Yes I know. But I said what I said mom. I'm going to marry you one day. You can think about it all you want. A man proposes, it's upto the woman to say Yes or No.
Jacinda: Oh Hunter. I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to lose out on experiences in life. College is an experience. What if you meet a nice girl there? I'll be fine, I'll live my life like I have all these years. You should eventually get married, have kids, start a family. I'll always be your family, I'm your mother.
Hunter: Why can't I have kids with you Mom?
Jacinda: HUNTER!! Are you even thinking honey? I'm your mother. You want to have kids with your own mom?
Hunter: Well I have cum inside you a few times now, Mom. There is a possibility.
Jacinda: That, you have. I didn't think about it in the moment. Gosh, you make me feel so good when you're inside me. But I think we should be safe. My period is about to start anytime now. Besides, I'm 42 and old, I don't even think I can have kids even if I wanted to.
Hunter: That's a bummer. I was hoping to knock you up.
Jacinda: Hunter! Stop it. I don't know if I can. I'm ...maybe I'm not ready. I don't know Hunter, I need to think about this more. I love everything we're doing. Just laying in your arms here right now, just gives me so much pleasure. Feeling your hands on my face, my hair on my skin, I just feel so alive. But this marriage and kids thing, I feel like I'd be taking things away from you, all these experiences.
Hunter: Mom, you'd be taking those experiences away from me, if you don't let me do it with you. I only want to be with you and that's what I meant when I said, I'll give you all the happiness for the rest of your life. I love you mom. Don't overthink it. We're always going to be together.
The incestuous lovers cuddled more on their living room couch. Jacinda was still awestruck with their conversation. She realized how much her son loved her. He was only 18, still young and immature. He may not understand what he had just said. She also felt so lucky and fortunate to have him in her life, as her son, her lover. He was willing to sacrifice everything, his friends, his social circles just to be with his mother, to make his mother his wife. He wanted to get her pregnant and put a baby in her. Jacinda had never thought about having another child after him. Luckily the few times he came inside her, it was during the safer times of her cycle. She was going to ruminate and think about this next phase of their lives. It was complicated, it was scary, she was nervous, but so happy and excited to be with her lover, her own son.
Jacinda had work meetings scheduled for later in the day. Hunter sent more applications for universities. Jacinda cooked lunch for the two of them. They spent the rest of the day rather uneventfully, with just loving kisses, smooches and casual make-out sessions around the house. They took the dogs out for a walk. Life felt easier and relaxing, after the whirlwind morning. Jacinda still had the thoughts running in the back of her mind. Was she willing to have kids with her son? Was she willing to get married to him? She wasn't so sure. Hunter was very sure and had made it pretty clear to her that day. Their relationship had taken another stride forward.
Jacinda was falling more and more in love with her son every passing second. She couldn't take her eyes off him and he couldn't take his hands off her. The marks on Jacinda's sore body were recovering slowly but surely. She loved having her body show marks of passionate lovemaking and pain by her son. She wore them as a badge of honor and pride as a sex slave mother. She had completely committed and submitted to her son in more ways than one.
It was 5:25pm. As Jacinda's work day was coming to an end. She heard her phone buzz with a text from Hunter. It read - "I got some good news and bad news."
The text piqued her curiosity. She finished work and went upstairs from her basement office to Hunter's bedroom. He was on his computer and he looked at his mom wearing a gray V-neck shirt with short sleeves and a pair of dark olive green leggings. He thought she looked really cute.
Jacinda: Honey, what's the news?
Hunter: Bad news first, we're going to have to stay apart for some time Mom.
Jacinda's face dropped and her heart skipped a beat. That definitely was bad news.
Jacinda: And the good news?
Hunter: I got accepted at The Jacksonville University in Florida. The one I had an interview for yesterday. They liked me and I got a huge scholarship.
Jacinda's smile returned. She was overjoyed with the news. Her son made her proud and happy again. He kept giving her so many doses of dopamine and serotonin. Jacinda was genuinely the happiest she had ever been in her entire life. Hunter got up out of his chair and hugged his mother. Their hug obviously changed into a loving smooch.
As Jacinda was engrossed in a deep, passionate, french kiss with her son. She was beyond ecstatic but the realization hit her. She broke their kiss to say,
Jacinda: So....that means, You'll be moving to Florida.
Hunter: Yes.
Jacinda: And that means, we'll have to stay apart.
Hunter: 4 years.
Jacinda: That's a long time.
Hunter: It is.
Jacinda: You'll be 22, I'll be 46.
Hunter: Quit doing the math. I've thought of an idea.
Jacinda: I'm listening.
Hunter: Since I got the scholarship, my tuition will only be 30% of the actual tuition. I know we won't have to take a student loan or anything. I know we have the funds. More than enough. What if...(Paused)
(Jacinda was proud of her son for earning the scholarship purely on his grades and portfolio. Despite growing up rich, she made sure he understood the value of money and be cautious of his funds and savings. Jacinda herself grew up in a poor household and appreciated the riches she was afforded in her adult life)
Jacinda: What if what Hunter?
Hunter: Mom, I know you once left your job and career to move to a different state for a man. That man I don't want to talk about. The asshole I just kicked out this morning.
Jacinda: Yes honey.. I know. We don't have to talk about him
Hunter: Well, hear me out. I don't want you to quit your practice. I know how much you love your work and I've seen how much your clients appreciate you. What if we buy or rent a small house in Jacksonville? And you move there with me. We'll get two bedrooms. One bedroom can be your office and the other bedroom can be ours for you know, NOT sleeping (winks).
Jacinda: (Chuckles) okay...I see. It's not impossible. I can look into it. That's a good idea Hunter. That way, we can be together.
Hunter: Yes, and Mom. It'll be a new city. Nobody would know us. We can just be us. Nobody has to know, we're mother and son. You can be my girlfriend.
Jacinda was now shy and blushing. The thought of going to a college town to be her teen son's girlfriend was giving her butterflies in her tummy. The idea was exciting.
Jacinda: I love the idea, Hunter. What about the dogs? And this house?
Hunter: We'll keep the house as is. The maids can come clean it up and maintain it weekly. The dogs can come with us. And you work remotely anyway. Besides, I have plans for your office here in the basement.
Jacinda: Plans? What do you mean?
Hunter: Don't worry, it'll be a surprise.
Jacinda: Oh Hunter!!! You always keep me on my toes. I love you honey. I'll get started on this first thing tomorrow. We might have to fly out there to search for apartments or houses. I'll ask someone from Mr. Gomez's office to find me a realtor in Jacksonville.
Hunter: Perfect! Oh by the way, are you busy next week?
Jacinda: Not particularly, just the regular you know, counseling clients.
Hunter: Hmmm.. Do you remember your 8 instructions as my sex slave, mom?
Jacinda instantly had a naughty smile as soon as she heard the words "sex slave". Hunter was talking about the paper he had given her with her 8 commandments.
Jacinda: Yes, I do honey.
Hunter: Where's the paper, go get it.
Jacinda went to her bedroom. She had kept the paper in the drawer of her nightstand. She dug it out and brought it to Hunter. Hunter looked at it carefully, handed it back to his mother.
Hunter: Start reading it, Mom. Every word. Every line.
Jacinda: (reading the sheet of paper) *scratches throat* ahhem....
Just the thought of the onslaught about to be unleashed on him by his son, had Dan flinching for a second and fell back a couple of steps, tripped on the couch and fell to the floor. He stumbled and got up from the floor, realizing his son could have punched him out if he wanted to. He was taken aback by his son's strength and muscles. Dan could have never imagined he would be in a physical altercation with his own son.
Hunter: You stay away from my mother, you understand?
Dan stumbled back up to his feet and began walking away from Jacinda. His face had a look of shock, disgust and fear on it.
Dan:'re gonna hit your own dad huh? You're gonna punch your own father?
Hunter: I could, I really want to. But my mother didn't raise me to be a loser piece of shit like you.
Dan: Oh I'm the piece of shit???? And what about that skimpily dressed skank there. Who's she spreading her legs for?
Hunter was now furious.
Hunter: (In an angry, stern, assertive voice) You stop talking to her that way. You treat this woman with respect.
Jacinda just stood there with tears in her eyes. She was awestruck at her son's commanding tone and assertiveness towards his father. Dan fearfully just took a couple of steps back away from both his wife and son.
Hunter: You are right, she would have none of this without you. Not the house, not the luxuries and none of the sorrow and distress either. She spent all these years without anybody to give her any bit of joy or happiness. She spent her entire life in depression and regret. Regret of marrying you. She sacrificed her job and career to be with you and you chose alcohol and hookers over this beautiful, perfect woman.
Dan couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never heard his son talk like this. Hunter was always quiet and timid. He was resentful of Dan. Every dinner or occasional meetups they would arrange, it would just be Dan talking about his life. Hunter just spent time with him because Dan was his father. Dan's ego, his narcissism was the sole reason for his own loneliness and downfall. His reliance on alcohol and his narcissistic tendencies had made him completely delusional. Hunter continued...
Hunter: We're lucky grandpa had some sense and made sure he took care of mom before he passed. You would have run all the businesses into the ground. I'm going to tell you one last time, and yes it's a threat. You leave me and my mother alone. Sign the divorce papers, finish the process as easy as it could be. If you cause anymore chaos or trouble in our lives, I'll personally make sure I forget everything my mother taught me and put you in the hospital.
Dan: Are you listening to this Jacinda? This is the monster you've created. He wants to kill his own father. Good job, you failed as a wife and you failed as a mother.
Hunter had now totally lost it and started walking towards Dan, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him hard, towards the door. Dan fell to the ground, easily overpowered by his teenage son.
Dan: Get off me. Dont get closer. I'm leaving. I don't want to be here anyway. You both have lost it. You want a divorce Jacinda....You got it. But remember, you're not divorcing me, I'M DIVORCING YOU!!! Fuck off and live your pathetic life.
Dan goes towards the door.
Hunter: Get out of here and never come back, asshole. I'll pretend I never had a father. My Mom is everything for me. I'll take care of her, I'll be there for her. You didn't deserve her. You never deserved her. I'll make sure she's happy for the rest of her life.
Dan rushed out the front door and left. Hunter waited by the front porch to watch his father get in his car and drive away. He shut the door, locking it behind him and returned back into the house. He noticed his mother sitting on the couch, with her face in her hands, sobbing in despair. Hunter goes closer to his mother to comfort her.
Just as Hunter sat next to his mother with his arm around her back, she turned to him, grabbed his face and started madly kissing him. Jacinda's lips met her son's and they kissed softly, passionately with so much love between them. There was absolutely no rough or raunchiness to this kiss. Their lips just met each other, feeling each other's skin. Hunter could taste his mother's tears that had slowly dribbled down to her beautiful, tiny lips. They sucked on each other's lips with their eyes closed, tasting each other's saliva. Their lip lock lasted several moments, as the mother and son were lost in the immeasurable love for each other.
Hunter broke their long, passionate smooch. He held his mother's face in his hands and she had her hands around his head. Jacinda was no longer crying. Her tears had dried up on her face.
Hunter: Mom, are you okay?
Jacinda: (nodding her head affirmatively) mmhmm...
Hunter: Were you scared?
Jacinda nodded again.
Hunter: You don't have to be scared mom. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you.
Jacinda started crying again and hugged her son resting her head in his arms. Hunter embraced his mother and ran his hands over her head, caressing her hair. They stayed in that position for a few minutes. Jacinda felt safe, she felt protected. She felt at home, at peace in the arms of her son. Her lover. This eighteen year old man who was just a boy until yesterday, just stood up to his father, her husband, for her.
Jacinda had so many emotions running through her mind. Not only was she afraid of her husband finding out about her incestuous relationship with her son, but she was afraid he would do something physically aggressive and attack her or Hunter. As the events unfolded in front of her own eyes, nobody was physically hurt in the brief altercation, but Hunter had easily overpowered his father and threw him out of the house. He was more of a man to her, than his father ever was or could be. In that moment, she noticed how much of a masculine stud her son had turned into. He wasn't only physically impressive, but he stuck to his values. The values she had inculcated in him. He held back and controlled himself, before striking a blow to his father. He could have easily punched him out, but that could have caused even more trouble. What if Dan went to the cops?
Jacinda knew her son's physical strength, she had personally felt it in his slaps, spanks and whips. But that was different, it was consensual, it was sexual and passionate for her. Besides, he was doing it to his willing sex slave mother.
As the mother and son stayed cuddled up in a deep, loving embrace, millions of thoughts were going through Jacinda's head. Now, Hunter had taken over as the man of the house. He was her protector. His words kept ringing in her ears.
When he said - "My mother didn't raise me to be a loser piece of shit like you."
It was true. She wanted her son to be nothing like his father, and he was nothing like him. Hunter was a way better man than Dan ever was or could be.
When he said - "She spent all these years without anybody to give her any bit of joy or happiness."
Also true. She had lived a sad life. Her days and nights followed the same boring pattern for years. There was no excitement in her life. When she would smile, there was heartache behind it. She was never happy. She was suffering for years, despite having all the luxuries. She had lost herself. She was disconnected from her core self. And Hunter, her son, had helped her find her back. He was the one giving her the happiness she had felt in the last few days. The happiness she deserved.
When he said - "My Mom is everything for me. I'll take care of her, I'll be there for her."
Jacinda had no doubt her son meant every single word he said. She was proud to call him her son. He was everything for her, just like she was to him. And he was taking care of her. More than anybody ever did or ever would. He proved it that morning, after a night of passionate, hardcore, intense and painful BDSM sex, he made sure to give his mother some time to relax. Despite the intensity in his sexual expression, his love was tender and sensual. He genuinely cared for her and her well-being. And once again, he protected her from Dan. He was there for her. This was the perfect, ideal man. And she had this man in her arms.
When he said - "I'll make sure she's happy for the rest of her life"
This is the one that got her. It pierced her heart with a golden arrow. She had made one promise years ago, that she would live and breathe for her son. And her son had just announced that he was going to make sure she's happy for the rest of her life. Jacinda felt blessed for having birthed such a good son. She loved him dearly. But what did he really mean by it? She was 24 years his senior. He was just starting off his life and about to go to university. They were mother and son. Their relationship was wrong. Their relationship would never be accepted by anybody. That scared her. Selfishly, she wanted him forever, but she knew she couldn't have him. 24 years is a huge gap. Besides, it was her own son.
Jacinda: Hunter...
Hunter: Yes Mom. Are you feeling better?
Jacinda: A little. Just staying here in your arms, feels like a dream baby. You're still my son and not much has changed, yet so much has changed.
Hunter: It has Mom, we're no longer only mother and son. You're my love Mom. I love you. You're my girlfriend.
Jacinda: I love you too honey. You just keep surprising me over and over again and just now, right when I thought I'd seen it all, you made me fall in love with you more and more.
Hunter smiled, still running his hands through his mother's hair, caressing her beautiful face.
Jacinda: Can I ask you something baby? What did you mean when you said earlier "I'll make sure she's happy for the rest of her life?"
Hunter: I said what I said and I meant it mom.
Jacinda: But Hunter....'forever'? Do you know what that means?
Hunter: I do Mom. You're my girlfriend. And I don't ever intend to break up with you. I love you, my love is pure.
Jacinda: Oh Hunter, honey...I love what we have going on too. I love you so much. But I'm 42, you're 18. It's just, I don't know... In twenty years, I'll be 62, you'll still be 38. You have more of a life to live than I do Hunter.
Hunter: Stop that Mom. I said what I said. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Jacinda: Hunter...but you can find a nice girl and get married to her and start a family. I don't know if I can give you that. I don't want to waste your life honey.
Hunter: Waste? You're not wasting anybody's life. You've wasted your own life, mom. And it wasn't even your fault. You being in my life is only going to enrich my life. You have given me everything and now I want to give it back to you in the only way I know how. You've said it before, I make you happy and I want to continue that. I want to make you happy, forever.
Jacinda: Ohh Hunter...But you're going to get married one day...
Hunter: Yes, I know. And I'll propose to you, when the time is right.
This shocked Jacinda to the core. She was awestruck. She was still trying to process what he just said. He said he was going to propose to her. "Did he mean he wants me as his wife? He wants to marry ME? Did he really mean that? Is that why he was pushing for their divorce?" She had a million questions running through her head and the answer to all of them was simple. He wanted his own mother to be his wife.
Jacinda: Hunter...How could we? I'm your mother.
Hunter: And my lover. My sex slave.
Jacinda: Yes baby, but we can't...
Hunter: Why not?
Jacinda: It's just so wrong honey....
Hunter: And everything we've done so far? That was wrong too mom. But it just feels so right, doesn't it?
Jacinda: Yes it does, honey. But Marriage, it's different. It's sacred. What will everybody say? People know we're son and mother. Your friends, my friends, Mr. Gomez, our families...
Hunter: You're my only family Mom. The only one I care about. Friends come and go, we can always make new friends. Mr. Gomez won't need to know. He's going to retire soon, he's already in his seventies.
Jacinda: Honey, we have to think about this carefully. You're going to college soon.
Hunter: Yes I know. But I said what I said mom. I'm going to marry you one day. You can think about it all you want. A man proposes, it's upto the woman to say Yes or No.
Jacinda: Oh Hunter. I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to lose out on experiences in life. College is an experience. What if you meet a nice girl there? I'll be fine, I'll live my life like I have all these years. You should eventually get married, have kids, start a family. I'll always be your family, I'm your mother.
Hunter: Why can't I have kids with you Mom?
Jacinda: HUNTER!! Are you even thinking honey? I'm your mother. You want to have kids with your own mom?
Hunter: Well I have cum inside you a few times now, Mom. There is a possibility.
Jacinda: That, you have. I didn't think about it in the moment. Gosh, you make me feel so good when you're inside me. But I think we should be safe. My period is about to start anytime now. Besides, I'm 42 and old, I don't even think I can have kids even if I wanted to.
Hunter: That's a bummer. I was hoping to knock you up.
Jacinda: Hunter! Stop it. I don't know if I can. I'm ...maybe I'm not ready. I don't know Hunter, I need to think about this more. I love everything we're doing. Just laying in your arms here right now, just gives me so much pleasure. Feeling your hands on my face, my hair on my skin, I just feel so alive. But this marriage and kids thing, I feel like I'd be taking things away from you, all these experiences.
Hunter: Mom, you'd be taking those experiences away from me, if you don't let me do it with you. I only want to be with you and that's what I meant when I said, I'll give you all the happiness for the rest of your life. I love you mom. Don't overthink it. We're always going to be together.
The incestuous lovers cuddled more on their living room couch. Jacinda was still awestruck with their conversation. She realized how much her son loved her. He was only 18, still young and immature. He may not understand what he had just said. She also felt so lucky and fortunate to have him in her life, as her son, her lover. He was willing to sacrifice everything, his friends, his social circles just to be with his mother, to make his mother his wife. He wanted to get her pregnant and put a baby in her. Jacinda had never thought about having another child after him. Luckily the few times he came inside her, it was during the safer times of her cycle. She was going to ruminate and think about this next phase of their lives. It was complicated, it was scary, she was nervous, but so happy and excited to be with her lover, her own son.
Jacinda had work meetings scheduled for later in the day. Hunter sent more applications for universities. Jacinda cooked lunch for the two of them. They spent the rest of the day rather uneventfully, with just loving kisses, smooches and casual make-out sessions around the house. They took the dogs out for a walk. Life felt easier and relaxing, after the whirlwind morning. Jacinda still had the thoughts running in the back of her mind. Was she willing to have kids with her son? Was she willing to get married to him? She wasn't so sure. Hunter was very sure and had made it pretty clear to her that day. Their relationship had taken another stride forward.
Jacinda was falling more and more in love with her son every passing second. She couldn't take her eyes off him and he couldn't take his hands off her. The marks on Jacinda's sore body were recovering slowly but surely. She loved having her body show marks of passionate lovemaking and pain by her son. She wore them as a badge of honor and pride as a sex slave mother. She had completely committed and submitted to her son in more ways than one.
It was 5:25pm. As Jacinda's work day was coming to an end. She heard her phone buzz with a text from Hunter. It read - "I got some good news and bad news."
The text piqued her curiosity. She finished work and went upstairs from her basement office to Hunter's bedroom. He was on his computer and he looked at his mom wearing a gray V-neck shirt with short sleeves and a pair of dark olive green leggings. He thought she looked really cute.
Jacinda: Honey, what's the news?
Hunter: Bad news first, we're going to have to stay apart for some time Mom.
Jacinda's face dropped and her heart skipped a beat. That definitely was bad news.
Jacinda: And the good news?
Hunter: I got accepted at The Jacksonville University in Florida. The one I had an interview for yesterday. They liked me and I got a huge scholarship.
Jacinda's smile returned. She was overjoyed with the news. Her son made her proud and happy again. He kept giving her so many doses of dopamine and serotonin. Jacinda was genuinely the happiest she had ever been in her entire life. Hunter got up out of his chair and hugged his mother. Their hug obviously changed into a loving smooch.
As Jacinda was engrossed in a deep, passionate, french kiss with her son. She was beyond ecstatic but the realization hit her. She broke their kiss to say,
Jacinda: So....that means, You'll be moving to Florida.
Hunter: Yes.
Jacinda: And that means, we'll have to stay apart.
Hunter: 4 years.
Jacinda: That's a long time.
Hunter: It is.
Jacinda: You'll be 22, I'll be 46.
Hunter: Quit doing the math. I've thought of an idea.
Jacinda: I'm listening.
Hunter: Since I got the scholarship, my tuition will only be 30% of the actual tuition. I know we won't have to take a student loan or anything. I know we have the funds. More than enough. What if...(Paused)
(Jacinda was proud of her son for earning the scholarship purely on his grades and portfolio. Despite growing up rich, she made sure he understood the value of money and be cautious of his funds and savings. Jacinda herself grew up in a poor household and appreciated the riches she was afforded in her adult life)
Jacinda: What if what Hunter?
Hunter: Mom, I know you once left your job and career to move to a different state for a man. That man I don't want to talk about. The asshole I just kicked out this morning.
Jacinda: Yes honey.. I know. We don't have to talk about him
Hunter: Well, hear me out. I don't want you to quit your practice. I know how much you love your work and I've seen how much your clients appreciate you. What if we buy or rent a small house in Jacksonville? And you move there with me. We'll get two bedrooms. One bedroom can be your office and the other bedroom can be ours for you know, NOT sleeping (winks).
Jacinda: (Chuckles) okay...I see. It's not impossible. I can look into it. That's a good idea Hunter. That way, we can be together.
Hunter: Yes, and Mom. It'll be a new city. Nobody would know us. We can just be us. Nobody has to know, we're mother and son. You can be my girlfriend.
Jacinda was now shy and blushing. The thought of going to a college town to be her teen son's girlfriend was giving her butterflies in her tummy. The idea was exciting.
Jacinda: I love the idea, Hunter. What about the dogs? And this house?
Hunter: We'll keep the house as is. The maids can come clean it up and maintain it weekly. The dogs can come with us. And you work remotely anyway. Besides, I have plans for your office here in the basement.
Jacinda: Plans? What do you mean?
Hunter: Don't worry, it'll be a surprise.
Jacinda: Oh Hunter!!! You always keep me on my toes. I love you honey. I'll get started on this first thing tomorrow. We might have to fly out there to search for apartments or houses. I'll ask someone from Mr. Gomez's office to find me a realtor in Jacksonville.
Hunter: Perfect! Oh by the way, are you busy next week?
Jacinda: Not particularly, just the regular you know, counseling clients.
Hunter: Hmmm.. Do you remember your 8 instructions as my sex slave, mom?
Jacinda instantly had a naughty smile as soon as she heard the words "sex slave". Hunter was talking about the paper he had given her with her 8 commandments.
Jacinda: Yes, I do honey.
Hunter: Where's the paper, go get it.
Jacinda went to her bedroom. She had kept the paper in the drawer of her nightstand. She dug it out and brought it to Hunter. Hunter looked at it carefully, handed it back to his mother.
Hunter: Start reading it, Mom. Every word. Every line.
Jacinda: (reading the sheet of paper) *scratches throat* ahhem....
Rules for my Sex Slave Mother Jacinda -
1) Jacinda is Hunter's sex slave in every sense. Hunter is her owner. Jacinda is Hunter's property. Hunter is Jacinda's Master.
2) Jacinda is expected to do anything and everything, commanded by her Master. Any disobedience or discrepancy will result in a punishment of Master Hunter's choosing.
3) Outside the house or in presence of outsiders, Master and Slave may act as son and mother again, however, Master Hunter's orders still apply and are expected to be followed.
4) Jacinda can use her safeword at any point to convey her limits or put a stop to any act being performed. The safeword is "Magnets".
5) Master Hunter has complete authority over adding, removing or amending any rules as he may seem fit.
6) Slave Jacinda should no longer wear any bras in or outside the house. In private or in public. Panties are optional and up to slave Jacinda's liberty.
7) Slave Jacinda may continue to work her regular hours, but will have to cancel meetings and appointments as commanded by Master Hunter.
8) Slave Jacinda promises her undying love and monogamous commitment to her lover, her son, her master Hunter. She may not indulge in any romantic or sexual act with any person male or female, other than her Master, unless directed by Master.
"I'll add more as we get comfortable in our new relationship. But this is a start. I love you Mom"
Hunter: Good Girl. I liked listening to that in your voice.
Once again, when she heard that from her Master, Jacinda blushed and her smile widened. She loved being called 'Good girl' by her Master.
Jacinda: Thank you Master!
Hunter: We're going to have to enforce #7 for next week Mom.
Jacinda: So, cancel my meetings next week?
Hunter: Yes. We're taking a little trip. To celebrate.
Jacinda: Okay, I think I can make that work. That sounds fun. Where are we going?
Hunter: I'll tell you tomorrow, give me your credit card, I'm going to make some arrangements.
The mother and son were extremely happy with the way things had turned out that day. They kicked off the day with an intensely passionate and hardcore lovemaking session. Their morning was ruined by the sudden, unpleasant interference by Jacinda's soon to be ex-husband and Hunter's father, Dan. But what transpired during his brief presence only made the lovers' bond stronger and opened them up to new conversations about the future. After a relatively uneventful day, Hunter got the good news of his college enrollment. Which led to a domino effect of more future plans.
Things were still uncertain and in the air for the incestuous mother and son. What was certain was their love for each other as mother and son; as man and woman; as Master and Sex slave. Hunter loved Jacinda and she loved her son, that's all that mattered to them. They went to bed that night, snuggling naked in Jacinda's bed. Giving her body some time to recover from the brutal assault it had dealt with over the last few days by her son's hands and his penis. Hunter still got off that night, thanks to his mother's willing mouth. They slept peacefully that night, to wake up to a new day, with more excitement and adventures.