Update 53


next day went normal but in class both Jenifer and dinesh

were sharing the winked smiles in between. after the college

got over he went to her home before she reaches. she came

with smile and unlocked the door. after entering the home

he locked her lips with hers. he filled her pussy twice

before her mother comes. before leaving from her house

he asked her to come a class room which was atmost

corner. she protested that she won't come he said that

he ll be waiting there at 10 and left the place with kiss.

she was confused wat to do. after dinner at ten she said

her mom that she was taking dog for walking. she went

near the class room were dinesh said. she tied the dog

and wend in side suddenly she got scared by dineshs

hug. he was already full nude and his tool was ready.

they both in the room… looking at each other

they kissed each other and she was in his arms…

he kissed her forehead, eyes, and kissed her lips..

she asked him ur already nude if I would have not came

means wat I would have done. he replied I know u ll come

by saying that

he touched here pussy over nighty.. it was warm but wet..

She said “please fuck me!!.I am yours”

… he undressed her nighty she was not wearing panty or bra

she slept on her bac on the bench he licked her pussy..

till it is totally wet.. Her hairy pussy was completely wet

and well lubricated

he inserted his dick into her..hole!!! she was in pleasure…

she started screaming!!!

he kissed her lips tight and slowely moved his dick in..

In some he started giving hard storkes

he fucked her till they enjoyed her to the complete…

She was complete under his control.. she had perfect

rhythamic movement…

After some time he cum in her pussy.. and they kissed..

Later they dressed and she untied the dog and went.​
Next page: Update 54
Previous page: Update 52