Page 03
I paused there, afraid to proceed nearer that most taboo of places but when Mom failed to block further progress I pushed lower. My fingers had just started to challenge a smaller rise when she abruptly crossed her legs. I tried to push further anyway but Mom's arms clutched her sides and her hands pressed down on my forearms in a firm signal to stop so, with great reluctance, I respected the message and withdrew my hands from her dress.
As soon as I did, Mom zipped it up, went to the door without saying a word, and walked quickly down the hall to her room. Dismayed by her silent exit, I was somewhat cheered when she paused briefly at her door to smile, almost apologetically, before disappearing into her room. The consequential surge of exhilaration was dampened when I realized I had come in my pants, I guess while rubbing my cock against her back. I shut the door just as Gordie topped the stairs.
Life took on new meaning for me after that. What had been shit before now held enormous promise. I could hardly wait to savor each new moment, at least the ones with Mom. But zest for life was accompanied by a fear greater than death, the fear that Mom would discover the lies I had told to win her favor. If she knew I hadn't stood up to Gordie, that I had paid him to do the dishes, she might never trust me again, and worse, withdraw her maternal comfort. If I wanted to continue enjoying my new life, I would have to really stand up for myself. That was a scary prospect but it didn't seem such a daunting task now that I knew the rewards could be so great.
I joined a gym, started lifting weights, and enrolled in a Judo class. I tried to get Gordie to do the dishes again but he didn't need any money having just been paid for his part-time work as a waiter. I knew that eventually he would need more bread but I was impatient. Challenging one of the Johnson crowd was too risky because I wasn't ready and could get seriously hurt if I acted prematurely because they would be rougher on me if I took them on again. So more than two weeks went by without an excuse to approach Mom and she offered no opportunity for me to sponge off my previous triumph.
In desperation I upped the ante.
"Thirty bucks?" Gordie asked.
"Yeah, but you gotta clean your room for Mom too."
"I ain't cleaning my room and doing the dishes too."
"It's only worth twenty then, like before."
"Nope. Thirty. You shouldn't look so desperate, dude."
"Forty, but you clean your room and do the dishes two days in a row."
Exasperated, I countered with an offer I was sure Gordie wouldn't refuse.
"A hundred, but you do the dishes all week and your room on the first day."
"A hundred? I don't believe you."
"A hundred," I confirmed. "Twenty-five up front and the rest next Saturday."
I pulled my wallet out and counted out twenty-five dollars.
"Another twenty-five as soon as my room's done, and fifty on Saturday."
"Okay, deal."
"Man, why are you sucking up to Mom so much? Dad won't let you get a car, you know, not before me."
I should have known Gordie would think it was about a car. All he thought about was drinking with his friends, cars, and fucking girls but his focus suited me fine.
"I don't want a car of my own. I'd rather use Mom's station wagon."
"The wagon? What for?"
"That's my business," I answered.
Gordie shook his head. I had only said I wanted to use Mom's station wagon because I knew he wouldn't want it, preferring Dad's wheels, but I should have known that if I wanted it, he would too.
"I can see how the wagon would be handy on a date," he mused. "Okay, a hundred but I only do the dishes on Tuesday and Thursday."
Two days. That wasn't good enough. For the first time in my life I called Gordie's bluff and stood pat.
"No way, only two days," he countered.
I thought about what was at stake for me and upped my offer but also my take.
"Two hundred," I countered, "but for that you do Tuesdays and Thursdays for three weeks and your room every Thursday. I pay fifty each Thursday and an extra on the Friday after the last one."
"Two fifty," Gordie countered.
"Two hundred," I remained firm.
"Okay, two hundred," Gordie acquiesced, cementing the first victory over him in my whole life.
"Deal," I confirmed.
The stage was set. The next Tuesday Gordie kept his word. After dinner, I stretched, thanked Mom for the great meal and got up from the table after looking Gordie in the eye. I moved to the stairs and looked back at Gordie. He got up and started clearing the plates. I glanced at Mom and started up the stairs. Dad had already gone to the living room to watch TV and was easing his bulk into his chair.
I resisted the urge to turn around to see if Mom was following me and went straight to my room where I stood with my back against the wall by the door. A minute or two passed while I struggled not to peek to see if she was coming and I was startled when she passed through the door. I hadn't heard her approach in her stocking feet.
Mom went around the end of the bed and sat on the far side like she had done a few weeks earlier. For a moment, nothing happened. Then she reached behind and unzipped her dress, leaving it joined at the back of the neck like before. Her head turned to the left and she cast her eyes downward.
I waited half a minute, not wanting to seem too eager, before kneeling on the bed behind Mom. Dishes clattered downstairs—I had left the door open so we could hear Gordie destroying the dishes. I prayed he wouldn't finish them too quickly.
My hands slipped inside the back of Mom's dress and curved around her waist, then moved up to cup her breasts. She was wearing a slip similar to the one she'd worn before, cut very low in front and providing easy access to her bare boobs. Her nipples were already standing up proud so I knew that, although this was something she felt compelled to do for my well-being, it wasn't a chore and that sent a thrill through my soul.
I placed my thumbs on the upper side of Mom's nipples and flicked downward, snapping those stiff little babies and producing a sharp gasp from Mom. I caressed her breasts lovingly for several minutes in contrast to the mauling I had visited upon them before. I wanted to show her how much I appreciated what she was doing and that I knew how lucky I was that she loved me enough to do it.
I leaned over Mom's shoulder to watch my hands move under the dress, then brushed her chocolate brown hair away from her shoulder with my nose and gently nibbled the crook of her neck. That brought her head more to center but she moved it back a second later to bare her neck again. I nibbled and squeezed Mom's breasts and tugged her nipples and, yes, pressed my boner against her back and rubbed it along her spine. I kept this up until Mom's short breaths became more frequent and erratic.
I released Mom's right nipple and let my hand slide down onto her belly. I moved slowly so as not to startle her and to give her plenty of opportunity to reject my intended path if she wished, but she didn't. My fingers scraped over the pantyhose, quickly attaining the previous barrier of the panty waistband under the hose, and then moved quickly beyond before she could stop me by crossing her legs.
I had caught Mom off guard. Her legs did snap shut but they closed over a palm that now cupped it's prize. Mom's neck stiffened and her head began to lift but I pressed my forehead in to block its rise. My mouth pressed on her ear and I whispered, "Shhhhh," but it was likely because my hand stayed absolutely still that Mom refrained from further preventive action. Gradually, the tension dissipated from her neck and I tickled the edge of her ear with the tip of my tongue, rolled her left nipple, and did nothing else.
A minute or so later I pressed my cock firmly into Mom's lower back and that had the indirect effect of pushing her mound onto my palm. I think if I had squeezed or rubbed her pussy, even through the thickness of the pantyhose, Mom would have put a stop to things right then and there but the 'accidental' nudge caused by the pressure on her back produced no such censure.
I continued to gently press my cock into Mom's back and enjoyed each resulting nudge of her pussy onto my hand. When I sensed her growing discomfort I slipped my hands out of her dress before she felt the need to end things with a newly defined barrier. The sharp intake of breath and twitch of her head indicated her surprise but while she was still confused by my early withdrawal I undid the little hook on the dress at the back of her neck.
Mom's head lifted fully then but before she could raise her arms to stop it I pushed the dress off her shoulders and down to the elbows. The slip followed and both dropped away, leaving Mom's breasts fully exposed. For the first time I saw the glorious globes that had been imparting thrills to my hands.
They were gorgeous, as perfect as I had imagined for so many nights with a stiff cock in my hand. Her magnificent tits sloped down and then suddenly swept away from her chest. They were capped by long nipples that seemed ready to leap from their meaty hosts as they swayed from side to side.
"Beautiful," I whispered, unable to maintain silence, recklessly risking the integrity of the spell that bound us together.
I touched the tips of Mom's nipples briefly and then took the rest of her breasts into my hands. Caressing briefly, I released Mom's breasts for a few seconds to let the raw air enhance the intensity of my touch before capturing them again. Her reaction showed my instinct was sound.
I would have continued loving Mom's breasts, growing more and more excited by the erratic pattern of her breathing and the feel of her spine rubbing against my cock, but the sound of Gordie's steps on the stairs forced me to get up. I quickly shut the door and turned around to see Mom sitting up on the bed, back still toward me, already pulling her dress into place.
Gordie thumped on the door and fear gripped me, not about him bursting in because I had blocked the door with my foot and knee, but what if he asked to be paid despite the arrangement to pay him on Thursdays?
"I'm done," he growled.
"Okay," I croaked. I tried to think of something to say that would prevent him from asking for payment but couldn't think of anything that wouldn't be just as big a tip-off for Mom.
She appeared at my side, hair disheveled, and zipped up her dress. My mouth dropped open in shock at the clearly audible, easily recognizable sound. There was a deep chuckle from the other side of the door.
"You know that can make you go blind, Dude," Gordie said.
He moved away, laughing. Mom opened the door as soon as his closed and stepped into the hall. I watched her glide silently down the hall but this time she didn't look back before disappearing into her room. I closed the door and returned to my bed, trying to absorb what had just happened and wondering if it meant anything that Mom hadn't smiled before entering her room. I was convinced it was a bad omen but the memory of her allowing me to clutch her mound and letting me see her bare breasts, however unintentionally, left me with more than a semblance of hope.
On Wednesday and Thursday I reminded Gordie that our deal was not a one day arrangement. Of course, he disagreed and argued that I owed him money for Tuesday but softened the blow by saying he'd think about helping me out on Thursday. I knew he was just yanking my chain but couldn't ignore it. So here I was, paying him and feeling like he was doing me a favor, yet again.
Mom was cool toward me on Wednesday and even told me to clean my room despite it being as neat and tidy as usual. Gordie got a kick out of that because he still hadn't cleaned his room as he was obligated to do according to our deal. Thursday morning, Mom complained that I put dishes away in the wrong place despite the fact that it had been Gordie's turn to dry Wednesday night so he was the real culprit. Gordie smirked big time. Things weren't looking good.
At supper time Mom was distant which didn't help my stomach, already upset from worrying so much, so I was the last to finish dinner. Dad went to watch TV as usual and Gordie started clearing the dishes, smirking to show how clever he was to have made me think he wasn't going to follow through on our deal. Mom hadn't said a word all through dinner but when Gordie started picking up the dishes she sort of 'came to' and stared at him. I was staring at Gordie too because I was trying to think of how I was going to get out of paying him the rest of the two hundred bucks for doing the dishes for the next two weeks. Mom certanly didn't seem to be in a comforting mood and I didn't want to cough up the money for no nothing.
I looked at Mom.
"If you can't finish your dinner, scrape your plate and give it to your brother."
I nodded, feeling relieved despite Mom's tone&emdash;at least she knew I was alive&emdash;but she had already looked away and was dabbing her lips with a napkin. She folded it and threw it on the table with a snap of her hand, abruptly pushed her chair back and stood up. Ignoring me, she walked to the kitchen doorway and said something to Gordie that I couldn't hear, looked at Dad in the living room and then turned to me.
In a stern voice, she said, "I want to talk to you," then turned and walked upstairs.
Holy shit! I took my plate into the kitchen, scraped it into the garbage, and handed it to Gordie who was all smiles.
"Stanley," he mimicked. "I want to talk to you."
I left the kitchen riding the wave of Gordie's laughter and started up the stairs but stopped several steps up. Returning to the kitchen, I put fifty bucks on the counter near Gordie and said, "Deal's off."
"No fucking way. A deal's a deal. I'm doing these for two more weeks. You better cough up another hundred fifty or I'll take it out of your hide."
There was no point arguing with him so I returned to the stairs and went upstairs. I didn't want to go. Mom had been lost in her thoughts all day and from the sound of her voice I didn't want to hear what she had to say. My feet felt heavier with every step.
The hallway was empty. Was she waiting in my room or hers?
I peeked in Mom's room, hoping to find her there because that would mean a brief telling off and then dismissal, but she wasn't there.
I sighed. She must be waiting in my room. I guess I was in for a real talking to. Shoulders slumping, I dragged my ass down to my room. The door was almost closed which depressed me even more. It probably meant I was supposed to close it after I went in and that could only mean I was going to get yelled at. I pushed it enough to peek in, as if afraid to disturb the potential occupant, despite the fact that it was my own room.
My heart beat faster when I saw Mom sitting on the bed with her back towards me. I had expected her to be facing the door, ready to let me have it as soon as I came in. I pushed the door open enough to slip through and pushed it closed as quietly as I could. The click was deafening in my ears but Mom didn't even twitch. She sat absolutely still as if the door hadn't made a sound and I wasn't even there.
For a full minute neither of us moved. What was she waiting for?
Then, as if reacting to an internal signal, Mom raised her arms and unhooked the dress at the back of her neck. To say I was stunned would be an understatement.
Enthralled, I watched the zipper slide downward, the dress parting to expose the unblemished skin of Mom's back. The descent completed, her hands pulled away and rose to her shoulders where they paused, then hesitantly pushed the dress off and onto each arm in turn, carefully leaving the straps for the slip in place. Mom's hands returned to her lap and she waited again. It was my turn to move.
I had been in absolute dread all the way up the stairs, fearing I don't know what, and now this? I could hardly believe my eyes.
I didn't rush to the bed. Instead, I hung back, partly because I wasn't sure this was really happening and partly because I wanted to savor the picture of Mom sitting on my bed with her dress open to her waist. She was still covered by the slip but the way its silky material clung to Mom's curves made her look sexier than if she had been naked, helped, of course, by thoughts of slipping my hands inside the dress to grasp her gorgeous hangers.
Finally, I moved toward Mom, my cock hardening faster than my approach to the bed. I knelt upon the mattress carefully, easing my weight down, afraid that a sudden move would jolt me of this dream and back to reality. I paused, my hands hovering, then tentatively lowered them onto Mom's shoulders. My fingers slid outward onto her upper arms and down to her elbows. There I paused and gently squeezed Mom's arms. She tilted her head forward and down to the left, assuming her signature permissive posture.
Looking over Mom's shoulders, I noticed that her hands were resting on her thighs, gripping her dress. I pulled her elbows back and the dress dragged up Mom's legs. She didn't appear to notice this and when I released her elbows, her hands returned to grasp the dress lower down at the hem. I pulled her elbows back again and the dress dragged farther up Mom's legs, this time stopping near her hips. I released her arms and Mom's hands returned to rest at the same spot but now upon legs covered only by the nylon material of her pantyhose.
I don't know why but I hadn't even thought about Mom's legs and now, looking at them, I realized that I had missed a lot. Mom was waiting, I knew, for me to slide my hands onto her breasts but instead I reached down to cover the hands on her thighs with mine. Slowly, I pulled her legs apart. As if becoming aware for the first time of the state of her dress, Mom tried to close her legs and to pull her hands back in an attempt to retrieve to pull her dress down.
I kept Mom's hands in place and pulled her legs apart again. She started to lift her head but I used my left hand to stop her and she relaxed. Strangely, she didn't try to pull the dress down with her freed left hand. I lowered mine and pulled her dress up higher until I could see the panties under the pantyhose. I pulled Mom tight against my body and got a better view as I leaned back.
My hard cock pressed into Mom's back as my left hand snaked inside the front of her slip and grasped her right tit, squeezed and then slid off until her nipple was pinched between my thumb and forefinger. It was already swollen and quite stiff.
I brought my right hand into play to caress Mom's left tit, then massaged both breasts. Occasionally teasing her nipples, I kept an eye on Mom's panties under the hose and whenever she closed her legs I reached down to spread them apart again. We both knew I wasn't staring at her panties but at the pussy underneath and I think that knowledge excited her as much as me.
Mom didn't even protest when I released her left breast to use my right hand to unbutton my pants and lower my zipper. I pressed my cock, now covered only by my underwear, against her back. Her legs closed but I spread them again and recaptured her left tit, then began rubbing my cock on her spine in long, scraping thrusts.
Eventually, I pulled Mom back and laid her down on the bed. Her eyes were tightly closed and I arranged her hair to cover her face before lowering my mouth to take possession of her left nipple.
I guess I had done this some eighteen years before but the act didn't raise any memories—the poke of Mom's nipple into my mouth was an exquisite first time experience. I sucked it gently at first but soon got carried away. I didn't bite but I clamped down hard and kind of chewed, drawing it in and pushing it out with stiffened lips. What a thrill when Mom arched her back to push her nipple back into my mouth. I rolled it around with my tongue, flicked it, and used my hand to feed more of her tit inside my mouth, opening wide to accommodate its bulk.