Page 07

"You owe me," I cried.

"The fight was between me and Mike. Why would anyone owe you?"

So there was no after dinner treat for me on Tuesday or on Thursday for that matter. To make things worse, Mom didn't seem to even be aware of my plight let alone disappointed about being unable to reward me for my courage. She did offer to wash the dishes in Gordie's place so he could work on the car with Dad but he declined saying he was turning over a new leaf and wanted to pull his weight around the house.

"From now on, Mom, I'm going to do my share and I'm gonna keep my room clean too."

"That's great, Gordie. I won't even say 'It's about time'."

"I'm going to do the same," I said, rather lamely, but Mom ignored me.

She gave Gordie a big hug. He left wet hand marks on the back of her blouse, and, I was pissed to note, on the sides of Mom's gorgeous hangers as well. I gave him a dirty look but just tossed me a smirking smile. He was up to something for sure.

Sure as hell, Gordie cleaned him room on Friday and even tried to claim fifty bucks from me, saying I was supposed to pay him for doing it. I faced him down on that one and he didn't push it which made me even more wary of him.

Saturday morning, Gordie went out to help Dad with the GTO right after breakfast. I offered to help Mom do the dishes but she declined my help and started while I was still eating. She was almost finished by the time I was done which didn't give me much time to watch her.

Mom was aware of my scrutiny but I couldn't tell if she was pleased or angry with the attention. I was encouraged that she didn't try to conceal or limit the sway of her breasts, which seemed unconstrained under her blouse and full length apron, but she did avoid direct eye contact with me.

Mom drained the sink and dried her hands. I had expected her to dry the dishes but she surprised me by leaving the kitchen without saying anything or even glancing my way. I started to feel sorry for myself but then thought about the way I handled myself at the fight. I had acted like a man with a purpose then, not some moaning wimp. I wasn't about to go backwards.

I went upstairs and walked straight into Mom's room. She looking out her bedroom window at the garage where Gordie and Dad were working on the GTO. The apron strings were hanging loose and she was lifting the neck strap over her head. When she tossed the apron onto her bed the movement under her blouse confirmed that nothing was keeping her beautiful hangers in check.

Outside, the GTO roared to life and I used the covering noise to walk within several feet of her. She did not seem to be aware of my presence. I peered over her shoulder to see what she was looking at so intently. Gordie came out of the garage and looked up, saw Mom gazing out her bedroom window, and called to her.

"Tell Stan Dad wants him to come with us for the first test drive."

I guess he couldn't see me standing behind Mom. A pang of emotion seared through my chest to hear that Dad wanted to include me in but the words that came out of Mom's mouth struck deeper in my heart.

She said, "He can't go, we're going driving again."

Driving in a GTO or driving with Mom in the wagon. There was no doubt in my mind what the choice should be. When Gordie turned away I snuck up behind Mom, encouraged by her answer and the irresistible hangers that jostled so enticingly beneath her loose blouse. I was about to express my love when Gordie turned around just before entering the garage.

"He won't want to miss it!" he yelled.

The last two words had barely left Gordie's mouth when his jaw dropped open as he could now see me standing behind Mom. I had reached around Mom and couldn't stop my hands from filling themselves with her gorgeous hangers just as he looked up.

Mom answered as if nothing was amiss.

"He won't want to miss his driving lesson either!"

Mom's hands closed over mine, as if covering bare breasts, but didn't pull them away. Gordie, looking stunned, stared for ten long seconds, then haltingly turned away. Mom sighed.

"You've let the cat out of the bag now."

I was surprised by how unworried she sounded. Gordie always expected the biggest slice of pie, bowl of ice cream, piece of cake, or whatever goodie was being served up, and was used to getting it. I thought about that and the recent equalization in our relationship.

"I don't want to share," I whispered.

"I'm not a commodity, and anyway, who said it's up to you?"

Chastised, my knees slumped into the back of her legs and my face slid down along the side of hers.

"Don't worry, baby," Mom's hands patted mine. "I love both my children but I am allowed to have a favorite."

Mom pulled away from me then and walked to the bed. She lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down, then tossed them aside and lifted a knee onto the bed. I went to her and folded my arms around her again.

"I love you," I said.

"I know," she whispered.

I lowered my head and kissed her cheek and the crook of her neck. I squeezed her breasts and fumbled with the blouse. Mom pushed my hands away and pulled it out of her skirt. I pulled the blouse apart, sending buttons flying, and took her bare hangers into my hands, groaning with pleasure just as the GTO revved higher and higher.

"I love you," I repeated, yelling to overcome the GTO.

Mom laughed. "Show me," she yelled back.

I squeezed her tits and used my thumbs and fingers to pinch and roll her robust nipples, tugging them up until her heavy hangers pulled away from her torso and then letting go so her breasts bounced. I pressed my hardness into her ass.

"Show me," Mom repeated.

I massaged Mom's breasts and manipulated her nipples while pressing my bulge into her butt, falling back when she pushed against me and then prodding her ass forward. We swayed to and fro, swinging in a wider and wider arc, but Mom didn't allow us to lose balance until the GTO backed down the drive and squealed away. Then, she climbed fully onto the bed and fell forward onto her hands, head and shoulders dropping all the way to the mattress.

"Show me," she cried hoarsely.

I clambered onto the bed and kneeled behind her and flipped her skirt up and over her ass. I was startled to see her naked cheeks, having already forgotten that she had removed her panties. I gasped and Mom, knowing me as well as she did, laughed.

"Show me," she goaded.

I tore at my pants, fumbling with my belt. It took twice as long to get them down to my knees than it should have. I cried out as my cock, already long and hard, caught in the waistband of my shorts and was shoved violently down as I struggled to spring it loose.


Mom laughed.

My shaft, now free, wobbled behind Mom's inviting ass. I steered it between the fleshy part of her thighs, just underneath the pouting lips of her glistening pussy, and shoved it between her legs. Mom's hands clenched the comforter on the bed, gripping it tight like she had in the back of the wagon.

"Show me, Stan."

"I will," I cried, my voice far more hoarse than Mom's.

I shoved my cock back and forth between Mom's thighs and was thrilled when she reached back with one hand to cup my shaft length-ways from below to keep it pressed against her cunt. Her wet lips on top and her silky palm underneath felt so fucking good I had trouble breathing. Grabbing Mom's waist to hold her steady, I shoved against her plush bottom, my thighs slapping into the back of hers.

"Show you," I muttered several times between pants. "Show you."

Mom's back bent and straightened as she reacted to my shoves, squeezing her thighs and twisting her torso to maintain contact with my cock, her soft palm and slippery fingers sliding along the bottom of my shaft, already moistened with her juices.

"Show me," she cried.

There was nothing I wanted to do more but I came, all too soon. It wasn't fair. I had waited all week to be with her and now I had already spilled my seed into her hand, on her belly, and on the bed. Mom twisted to the left and onto her back. I turned with her as she opened her legs to welcome her hand, one folded over her cunt and the other lying above on her belly with a finger stretched down to tickle her clit. Kneeling between her spread legs, I watched her masturbate and she looked at my cock which was no longer rock hard but was still respectably long with residues of cum dripping off the tip.

I watched her hands, noting what she was doing so I could touch it right for her next time I had the chance. I grabbed my semi-wilted cock and squeezed it, forcing a drop of cum to drip onto her thigh. Mom moaned quietly so I jacked it a few strokes and moved closer, trying to squeeze more jism onto the hand folded over her pussy but it was no use.

I let go of my cock and reached down to place my hands on either side of the one on her cunt and spread her legs wider. Mom kept her eyes on my cock which was starting to rise. I slid my hands under her knees and lifted her thighs, pushing them open and back, and tipping her cunt up towards me. Leaning forward, I dropped my cock onto the back of her hands. Mom moaned again, but louder.

I sawed my cock back and forth over Mom's hands which became busier. My hands kept her thighs pressed open and back and when she closed her eyes and began to lose herself in her coming orgasm I slid my hands down to grab her wrists and pulled them away. Mom opened her eyes and looked at me through sultry, half-closed lids as my shaft skidded through her soaking wet slit.

I stopped, then used a hand to guide my cock down, poising the bulbous head at her entrance. Mom's hands quickly grasped my shaft. I stared at her through eyes as glazed as hers, grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away. Pinning them against the back of her knees, I leaned further over to angle my cock down at a sharper angle.

"I'm going to show you."

The tip of my cock pierced her slit, forcing her lips apart but I didn't push my cock in. Despite my bravado, I was waiting for a signal from Mom that it was okay to shove my cock into her cunt, to finally fuck her!

But Mom didn't say a word. She just stared at me through those sexy, half shut eyes. My breathing was so ragged I couldn't fill my lungs.


Her legs started to straighten and her hands slid along their length from the back of her knees to her ankles as she pulled them back. Tilting away from me, my cock slid down and off Mom's pussy but Mom held herself still, legs wide open and stretched way back. She looked at me with those eyes.

"Show me," she croaked.

That galvanized into action, I rose upon my knees and guided my cock back to repossess her entrance, negotiated through her lips and starting pushing into the resisting, pulpy mass inside. I thought I would slide easily right in to the balls but I had to push my cock into Mom and all the way she made fantastic little sounds that made me harder than I had ever been before. Mom released her ankles to curl her arms around my neck as her heels dug into the middle of my back just as my balls made contact.

"Fuck me, Stanley, like you should have last Sunday."

I pulled out and was surprised when the next thrust easily slapped my balls between her legs. I yanked out and shoved in deep again.

"You would have let me?" I gasped.

Mom nodded. Those were our last words. I started moving fast and kept shoving in hard and Mom thrust up to meet me every time, pulling with her arms around my neck and legs wrapped around my waist. We were noisy and sweaty and couldn't care less who heard us. It was our first time and nothing else in the world mattered.

After a while I became afraid of coming again too early and tried to back off but Mom forced us along. Having already come, I was able to enjoy the sight and sound of Mom enjoying my cock. I gathered from her mutterings and the movements she made that I was bigger than she was used to and she clearly liked having a bigger piece of meat. I tried moving my cock in novel ways and found that certain movements made Mom go nuts, gasping and moaning her pleasure without restraint. It was my first time I had experienced the thrill of a woman abandoning herself on my cock. I loved it!

We fucked for a long time before Mom tilted her head back and closed her eyes. I leaned close so I could brush my lips across hers and lightly kiss her cheeks and chin, sweat dripping from my face onto hers. We came together, kept in sync by the mutual sounds that excited us both so much it would have been impossible for us to do otherwise.

Afterward, Mom got up, removed her skirt and sweater, and cleaned herself up in the bathroom. While she was there I peeled the rest of my clothes off to be ready for action if Mom was game. I watched her return stark naked, smiling at my similar condition. She stretched out beside me.

"God, I donlt know if I've ever had so good."

"Really?" I asked, pleased.

"Really," she confirmed, turning onto her side and tickling my face with a single finger of her left hand.

"We aim to please," I joked.

"Mmhmm. So, what are you going now that you've revived the sensual woman inside me? Can you keep her busy?" she teased.

"Absolutely," I insisted.

"I don't know about that," she replied, reaching down to touch my limp cock. "Maybe you will have to share me with your brother."

That wasn't funny. "No way!" I responded. "He can…"

"Calm down. I was just kidding," Mom said, her hand back on my cheek. "I couldn't anyway. I don't feel that way about Gordie. I didn't about you either, truth be known, but you were so bad." Mom smiled and eased back onto her back. "God. How the hell did we get here?"

I leaned over her, my hand now touching her face.

"Are you sorry."

Mom looked at me, suddenly serious. "No," she said. "But I'm a little sad."

I nodded. I thought I understood but I didn't say anything. Instead, I laid my head on her shoulder and curled my arm around her. Her fingers toyed with the hair at the back of my neck and we cuddled, each lost in their own thoughts.

Mom had long closed her eyes when my hand started roving slowly over her body. She didn't open them when she spoke.

"We'd best be getting up. They'll probably be back soon."

"We'll hear them if they do."

"Will we? I don't think so. We were making quite a racket of our own."

Mom didn't make any attempt to stop my roving hand, not even when it flicked her re-stiffened nipples. I loved the way her tits lifted off her chest, even when lying flat on her back.

"The GTO is loud."

"Yes, but so are we," she laughed huskily.

The distraction afforded me the opportunity to reach between her legs. My fingers folded over her pussy, much like hers had done.

"No, really. We should get up."

"Mmhmmm," I agreed, in principle, but my palm pressed on her mound and my long finger found her groove.

"Stan, really."

"I know," I said. "In a minute."

"No, now," Mom protested, but a minute later she said, "Really, Stan. We should get up."

"I know, Mom."

Another minute, maybe longer.


"I know."

My finger was inside her slit now, curled inside and digging upward.


"I know. I'm getting up."

I moved but only to lower my head, sliding down from her shoulder to her belly beneath her tits. I inched toward my hand whose finger was busily digging into a slippery, moist well.


"In a minute."

"No. Now, baby."

Her voice wasn't convincing but she started to move. My mouth opened and my tongue flicked over her clit.

"Oh, Stan."

Flick, flick, flick. Swirl and tease. I positioned my mouth better and started working on Mom's clit.

"Ohhhh, Stan."

I slipped a second finger inside her cunt and Mom moaned. I wanted to fuck her again but I wanted more to give her this treat. I bet Dad never did this for her and I wanted to make a memory that would last forever. I fingered Mom fast and slow and teased her clit, flicking, licking, sucking and even chewing with my lips, until she came, arching her back way off the bed, crying and mewling and clutching my head. Only her pleasure had kept me from opening her legs and shoving my cock inside her because I was even harder than I had been before.

After a while, Mom noticed my condition.

"I'm sorry, Stan, but I don't think I can," she said, looking straight at my huge boner.

"It's okay," I understand. "We should get up anyway."

"In a minute," Mom said. "Let's stay here for a while longer."

"They'll probably be back soon," I reminded her.

"We'll hear them," Mom said.

"Will we?" I asked.

"The car's loud," she assured me.

Mom's hand was on my cock, kneading the head. It chafed. She saw and spit on her hand, then returned it to my helmet. Wonderful.

"They'll be home soon, Mom."

"I know, but we'll hear them."

She stroked my cock.

"Maybe not."

She didn't answer. She was going to jack me off. A good mother, she didn't want me to go away feeling dissatisfied. She turned more on her side and leaned down as if to watch what she was doing. Her mouth enveloped my head without warning.

"Oh my God!"

She pulled off.

"You like that?" she laughed.

Before I could answer, Mom pushed her mouth down over my cock and this time she captured the whole head and almost half of my shaft. She pulled back but not off and pushed her head down again, capturing another half inch of my cock. Six or seven more times and she was only an inch or so from my root. I twisted onto my back and Mom leaned over me. She pulled away and looked at me, a huge grin on her face.

"I've been looking at some of the websites your brother has on his favorites list," she explained. "I guess you guys like this kind of thing."

On that note, Mom spit on my cock and immediately plunged her mouth over it again, pushing way, way down the shaft. She sucked several times, then pulled off with a loud, sucking sound.

"Or maybe you don't because you haven't got anything like that on your computer."

I did, but I was smart enough not to save it on my favorites.

"Don't you like this?"

Mom spit on my cock and again plunged her mouth down, taking me deep, working her lips to pull herself onto it, and making gurgling sounds in her throat. She pulled off with a loud, wet pop.

"Well, do you like it?"

"I love it," I gasped.

"You can hold my head if you want."

She was back on my cock and had bobbed her head three or four times before my hands found her head. I held her lightly at first but gripped more firmly as I became more comfortable knowing she really did want me to guide her head up and down my cock, if only to make me feel good like I had done for her. I realized that Mom might want to see me lose myself in her the way she had lost herself on my cock. I grabbed her head firmly and took control of her movements. After a bit, I started thrusting my cock into her mouth.

Mom had to pull off a few times because I guess I had gone too deep. Her mouth was becoming wetter, probably because the excessive stimulation had forced greater production of saliva. It was messy but strangely erotic to see strands of saliva stretching from her lips to the tip of my cock when she pulled off to take a deep breath.

She spit on my cock, though it was completely unnecessary, and gurgled, "Show me, Stan," laughing, mocking me.

I pushed her head on my cock and thrust into her mouth. Shove, shove, shove. Her head popped off, gasping, and she quickly re-gobbled my cock. It went on like that until I was barely letting her get her head off. I felt bad but I just couldn't let her go, couldn't stand for my cock not to be buried in her mouth.

I unleashed the first gob in her mouth without warning. She pulled her head back but I was still holding her and she couldn't avoid the next shot full in her face, on her nose and cheek and forehead. I didn't mean for that to happen and was shocked to see it but I kept hold of her head and tried to get my cock back in her mouth but the next rope spilled across her face anyway.​
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