Episode 01

This is written as if it were a tv series. It tells the story of a young lady and her life as a stripper. Each chapter will be a new episode in the series. But as with all new shows it will begin with a pilot episode to see what the public's reaction to it is.
Pilot episode

I have been sitting here in the lanai of my Florida home thinking about my life. Just how did a girl from a small Dartmoor village end up here. Well it all started nearly 50 years ago in 1972. This is my story.

I was 24 then, married with two children under 5, living in a council house in the village I had grown up in on Dartmoor. Money was tight, and I worked two jobs just to try and make ends meet. My husband worked but when he was not working he was in the pub drinking. Mum and Dad helped out as much as they could looking after the kids whilst I worked, mornings in local hotel and then 4 evenings a week on a twilight shift in a factory in the city. I hated it.

Although he was out drinking most nights I don't think I had been in town for an evening since my son had been born 2 years ago so when the girls from the factory were going out for Sue's 21st I asked him if he minded me going. Reluctantly he said yes, but I had to borrow money of my dad to go, all my earnings went on the house and children.

As I made myself ready that evening I never knew how that one night out was going to change my life forever. If I had known what was going to happen maybe I would have not been so keen to go out, but now I look back on it and thank the stars. It was so nice to actually feel like a woman again, putting on stockings and a suspender belt instead of the usual tights, over my underwear I put on a skirt, not too short, I did have shorter ones but thought better of it with the stockings and a button blouse. As I left the house I looked in the mirror and saw a girl I had not seen for about 6 years since I had married. Fashion may have changed in those years but even after 2 children I still looked pretty good I thought. The bus driver must have thought so too as he looked me up and down as I got on his bus, giving me a smile and letting me on for free.

By the time the bus reached town there were 4 of us; all very excited, the others having had a drink or two before they left home. Sue had booked Chopsticks the Chinese restaurant for us. It was my first time in a Chinese restaurant but I fell in love with the food that night, and still love it even now. There were 10 of us for dinner and we had all probably drunk a bottle of wine each by the time we left and walked into the club area of the town. Sue wanted to go to a new one that she had heard about, being 21 she was here lots but it was all new to me, when she told me it was called Boobs I just laughed but we arrived there and I saw the neon sign above the door flashing the word BOOBS in bright lights I couldn't believe it.

We paid the entry and went and found a big table for us all. It was all very new here and different, I know now that the owner had modelled it on Hooters in America. I had never experienced a place like it, we sat down and a waitress came to the table, she was wearing a tight t shirt with the word boobs across her chest, it was evident she was not wearing a bra either and her big breasts were straining against the material of the shirt. Her pert nipples were poking out into the 'O's of the word. She introduced herself as Sandie and took our orders. The girls didn't want wine anymore so we all ordered some fancy cocktails like malibu and coke. How innocent we all were back then.

I watched Sandie working the tables and could see guys trying to get a feel of her tits but she always managed to avoid their advances. But when they started giving her pound notes she would pull up her shirt and flash them. I worked out that in the 30 minutes I watched her she must have flashed them half a dozen times, at £1 a flash she earnt more in 30 minutes than I did at the factory over all week. Multiply that by the 4 hours she worked there that night she must have been making more than I did a month in one night, just for flashing her tits at men.

About midnight, and I remember this moment as clearly now as if it was yesterday the DJ stopped the music and announced it was show time. The place went wild, lights went down and a single spotlight lit the small stage. Out came a young woman wearing a mini skirt and top, she started to dance and we realised she was a stripper. Some of the girls were shocked and left but about 4 of us stayed on, probably too drunk to move if the truth be known. The girl was ok, but now I look back and realise how amateur she was. It didn't seem to matter to the guys who were cheering and throwing money onto the stage floor there were coins mainly but I did see plenty of notes too. Something clicked inside me then, why was I working my self to the bone every day for a pittance when these girls were making serious money in the time it took me to walk from the bus stop to my bench in the factory.

When she finished her strip she scooped up all the money off the stage and left. Sandie came to our table and asked if we needed any more drinks, when she returned with them she asked if we enjoyed the show, it was not often they had groups of girls in here, had we come because it was amateur night? We all shook our head and she looked at me and said she had been watching me dance and I should give it a go as I had all the right moves. I know I went red with embarrassment, I couldn't see myself up there doing that. Sandie said I didn't have to go all the way, as far as I wanted. The girls all got behind her then and kept on at me to do it, until a combination of them, the alcohol and the thought of the money made me say yes!

20 minutes later I was downing a brandy in the back stage area about to go on and do my very first show. How many I have done since that one I have no idea but I remember everything about it still, even though I was so drunk at the time. My heart was beating so hard as I walked out onto the stage, the DJ put on 'ain't no sunshine' by Michael Jackson and I began to dance to the slow rhythm of the records beginning, trying to be as seductive as I could. After the first minute when the singing starts I began to unbutton my shirt, I couldn't see the girls because of the lights but I could see a few guys near the stage and the money started hitting the floor. By the second verse my shirt was open and I pulled it off.

More money was hitting the floor and the cheers were getting louder. When Micheal hit the high note at 3 minutes I started to undo my skirt teasing the audience with my back to them. When the skirt hit the ground I turned round and they could see me in my underwear. The shouts of off off off were deafening and I realised the song was near the end so rather than messing about with the bra clasp I turned back round pulled my tits out over the top of my bra before turning round to the front just as the track faded out at the end. I looked down and couldn't believe the money that was on the floor. There were lots of coins mostly the new 50pence pieces but also some pound notes. I did as the other girl had done and scooped it all up my tits still hanging out of the bra, what a sight that must have been.

Out the back I got dressed again and counted out the money, in 4 minutes I had made £8.50, almost a weeks housekeeping. Sandie was there and flung her arms around me saying she thought I was amazing and not only her, she said that her boss wanted to see me.

She took me to the club office where I met George for the very first time. What a charmer he was bowing to me when I entered his office saying he was unworthy but thanking me for choosing his little club to make my debut. He didn't waste time and said he would give me a permanent spot on his roster if I wanted it. He said I didn't have to decide now, but if I came back anytime he would also want see me. Oh and by the way he said you get £5 a night from me but anything on the stage is yours. I knew I was in no fit state to decide now and I had to find the girls to get a taxi home. Sandie said they had all gone when I finished my strip but her husband Keith would drop me home if I waited till the end of her shift. She added that he had put at least one pound note on the stage when I was performing and he wouldn't mind at all having me in his car.

Before I left George's office he asked "what's your stage name?"

I hadn't thought of that and just came up with "Izzy". It has been my stage name since that night and Izzy has done me proud over the years.
Next page: Episode 02