Episode 02

I woke up the next morning in bed on my own, my head was hurting, but more than that I was it sure if I had dreamt what had happened at Boobs. I looked in my purse and saw the £7.50 and knew it was not a dream. I had done that on stage last night. Through the fog of my hangover I realised I had enjoyed it, and looking at the cash how could I not do it again. But then reality hit when I heard Dave banging around downstairs, he would never let me and what about the kids. I decided then it was a one off. I would never see Sandie again and as for George well he probably didn't even plan on offering me a job anyway was all lies to just get me back, and who knows what.

I went downstairs and Dave was still banging around. He was not happy I could tell. Then he started. When he went off on one it was best to sit and listen until he finished. He started off with not being happy how late I was , and what did I think I was doing coming home after midnight, and who was the guy that dropped me off why wasn't I in a taxi. I told him that I got separated from the girls and she was a barmaid at the club we were in and saw my crying so they offered me a lift home. That didn't help, he then started on about me being useless can't even go out without getting in trouble. The thing with Dave was he always put me down making sure I felt like I was useless and I needed him. It was not long before he began his usual rant about how I have let myself go, telling me I am overweight and my tits are saggy now. In the past I would just accept that and put my head down. But that day things were different I put my head down but I didn't believe him, I knew that I was not those things and that last night I made more money than he would in a whole day working. I was not useless I could do this. The more he went on the more I was determined that I was going to get out of this and the only way was to go back and see George and take his offer.

When he was done with his rant and had gone to the pub for his Sunday drinking session I went back upstairs took the money from my purse and hid it under the floorboards. That was going to be my way out one day I told myself. I went up to mum and dads and picked up the kids, I had kept £1 back and I told them we were going to have ice cream that afternoon as a special treat for being so good and they could have whatever one they wanted. The smiles on their faces confirmed that what I was going to do would all be worth it.

The week after was full of mixed emotions, when I was home on my own I began to doubt that the road I was considering was the right one, but then when Dave was home I remembered why I was doing this. I kept looking at the money under the floorboards, a couple of times almost taking it out and buying the kids new toys, but stopped myself. They didn't need them and I would save it up to buy them something special at Christmas maybe.

The word had got out at the factory about what happened Saturday night. Most of the girls teased me about it, only a couple of them were nasty but they were always like that and no one liked them anyway. It was the men that were mostly interested of course asking if I was going to do a show for them in the canteen. I just laughed at their comments, they were harmless and I think if I ever gave them any reason to think I would they would all run a mile. It was only Sue that I told about George's offer, and I swore her to secrecy. When I told her that I was going to see if he was serious she couldn't believe it, and said she would come with me if I wanted some support, I thanked her and we arranged to meet in town on Friday afternoon and go to the club to see him.

Friday afternoon came and I caught the bus into town. As I sat on the bus it felt like every pair of eyes was looking at me, knowing what I was on the bus for and who I was going to see. I almost bottled it until Sue joined me and I calmed down. We walked through town to Boobs, I had not even thought that the front door would be closed in the afternoon. We walked about a bit but it was not the sort of place for two young women to hang around being on the edge of the red light district. We had a few looks from the girls along the street which made us feel very uncomfortable. After 30 minutes a car pulled up and I thought we were in trouble then, but when the window wound down I saw that it was Sandie, I was so relieved. "Hello" she said. "Back already?"

I told her that I had come to speak to George now that I was sober. She laughed and said that he would be pleased to see me, he had mentioned me every day since Saturday. She parked her car by the side of the club and showed us where the rear door was. Why hadn't we thought about that. Inside the club looked so different in the daytime, it was not the buzzing, smokey club it had been on Saturday. Other than the three of us there was an old guy sweeping the floors and wiping tables and one bar maid restocking the bar. Sandie told us to wait in the club whilst she went to find George.

Sue looked at me and said "are you sure Ann?" I told her I thought I was and added that from now on I was Izzy.

"Why Izzy?" She asked, and I said it was because of my middle name, and it sounds more exotic than just Ann.

With that I heard George's loud voice front he other side of the club "Izzy!" He shouted, "I knew your would be back. But I had not expected you to bring a friend with you." He looked at Sue appraising her body. Sue managed to just about stutter out that she wasn't here for a job, just supporting me.

"That's a shame" George said, "But if you ever change your mind." He then looked at me and raised an eyebrow, a look I learnt over the years meant he was waiting for me to say something. When I didn't say anything though he had to ask, "You are here to accept my offer I assume."

I told him that I thought so. "No good thinking it, it's either a yes or no," he said.

"You really think I can make money?" I asked.

"How much did you make on Saturday for one show?"

"£7.50." I told him.

"A poultry sum," he said. "My top girls can pull in 20 quid per routine here on a good night and if they get invited to the Regal then they are making up to 100."

My mind was all over the place. I had no idea how much these girls would be earning. And I didn't have a clue what the Regal was.

"All you have to do is sign the contract I have here and you can start. Normally I would expect my girls to do a test routine but I saw you on Saturday you are probably the best amateur I have seen in a long time, maybe even as good as Dee Dee was when she began." He pointed to a poster on the wall of a girl not much olde than me, she was naked except for a feather boa over her shoulders that covered her boobs and ran down over her crotch. The name Dee Dee was in gold letter above it.

"How much did Dee Dee make last month Sandie?" George shouted across the bar.

"Nearly £300 Sandie shouted back and I almost fell off my chair. I could buy a new car with £300. No more bus trips. I picked up the contract and was about to sign it when Sue stopped me. Let me look.

Sue looked at the contract and read through it, picking up the pen and crossing out a few phrases and adding some others. "What the fuck are you doing?" George almost screamed at her.

Cool as a cucumber Sue said "Izzy is my client, I am her manager and she is not going to be giving you 75% of her tips. You want her, you accept my terms, if she is as good as you said your bar taking will be going up once she is known. So I propose she takes the 75% now and then after 6 months, when her name is in lights instead of Dee Dee she gets the full 100%. Take it or leave it."

My mouth was open looking at Sue in disbelief, I had spent all week getting the courage to do this and she was throwing it all away. But then George said "Fine" and signed the amended contract and passed it to me. I signed it and he held out his hand to shake it but with a look of a man who had never been out manoeuvred by a woman before. "You will be on stage on Saturday, first one on, and you better be good or I am telling you now you will never work in this club again."

He stormed off and Sue waited till he was in his office before she gave me a big hug. "What just happened?" I asked.

"Well if what he says is true," Sue said, "you are about to make an absolute killing."

"Yes but how did you do that?"

"Three years at university studying Law, you don't think I am working at the factory full time? It's just a summer job. Go back in September."

"Am I your client then?"

"Only if you want to be." she said. "I will be here Saturday to watch you." Let's wait till then for a decision."

Back home later after Dave had gone to the pub as usual I put the kids to bed and then looked through my underwear drawer for something to wear on Saturday. After going through the whole drawer I finally selected a black bra, knickers and suspender set with black stockings. I then looked for a dress to go over it and found just the thing, a wrap over dress that would be easy to get off.

Saturday was always going to be a long day waiting to go out. As usual Dave went to the pub at lunch time and then again as soon as it opened in the evening. I had arranged for mum to have the kids again and then I could get ready. I put my outfit in a bag, then took a blanket and pillow put it outside the bedroom door and locked it. Dave would assume I had gone to bed and he was on the sofa, then in morning he would be none the wiser.

I got the club about 9:30 and Sue was there waiting for me, she told me to sort myself out as I was supposed to be on at 10. I had not realised I would be so early. In my panic to get ready I made so many simple errors that almost cost me everything.

I had chosen my music but forgot to give the record to the DJ. At 10 the lights went down and the MC made the announcement that tonight was a first for a young lady called Izzy give her a warm welcome. I was still putting on lipstick when I heard that and so I was late on stage. Not that any one would have cared. It was so early it was only about quarter full. I stepped into the light and the music started, I had no idea what it was and just began to move about like an idiot. Money started to fall but not much, I managed to unbutton the dress and get it off so I was in black lingerie and that's when it all went pear shaped.

I couldn't unclip the bra and it took me about 30 seconds before it came off by which time the room was quiet, no cheers no claps and I felt like just running off stage but I persevered through it. My plan had been to finish in just stocking and the suspender belt, but in my rush to get ready I had put the knickers on first which meant I couldn't get them off without unclipping the suspenders. It was no longer quiet, there was a mixture of jeers and laughter as I struggled with them. When one side was done I started on the other and the first stocking was around my knees by the time I had finished.

The song finished before I had even got my knickers off, and the MC was back onstage almost shooing me off to a chorus of laughter. I managed to pick up the little money that was on the stage and went backstage and broke down in tears. What a failure I was, Dave was right I was not any good at anything I told myself. Looking down at the coins in my hand I had a total of £1.24 and a half p. someone had thrown me a half pence piece. Was that all I was worth?

The other girls out there were all giggling, until Sandie and Sue came in, and I started sobbing again.

"It's ok," Sandi said. "George gave you that slot on purpose because of the way Sue here did him over yesterday."

Through my tears I told her I just wanted to go home it was a big mistake. "Nonsense," she said. "Don't you dare give up now. How much did you make?" When I told her she laughed, "Well we have a new age for you, Izzy Halfpenny."

"It's not funny," I told her but I did see the funny side and a smiled at her and Sue.

"That's better," now sort yourself out as I have persuaded George to give you one last try. Polly has not turned up and she is on before Dee Dee, he is going to let you take that spot. He's not all monster you know. Spend the next couple of hours watching the other girls learn what you can from them but don't copy them. They are all very protective of their acts."

For the next two hours I did just that, I watched every girl carefully, took in how they moved, how they got out of clothes and especially how they dealt with the underwear. One thing they all had in common though was a prop of some sort, that's what I needed something to work with. I looked around backstage but couldn't see anything until Sue said "chair".

I looked at her, "what about it?"

"Use the chair you are sat on."

I looked down and it was just an old wooden dining chair. As I looked at it and moved around it I had the idea of how to use it and no one else had used a chair in their act yet. I put my arms around Sue and hugged her. As I did she looked at me and kissed me. Oh my word was I surprised I had never been kissed by another woman before.

"Oh Ann I am so sorry, I got carried away, but I have fancied you since I first saw you at the factory."

I didn't know what to say or do, I backed off and said I needed to get ready if I was going to put on the best show of the night, and I was going to do it for her, my kids but mainly for me.

The MC made his announcement this time using the new name Izzy Halfpenny, when the spot light came up I was sat on the chair sideways on to the audience, legs crossed so that the wrap over of the dress was falling to the side showing my stocking tops and suspender. My music started and I uncrossed and re crossed my legs to the rhythm of the drums until Wilson Picket sang Mustang Sally. On that note I stood with the chair in-front of me, I swayed my hips once then squatted down making sure those at the front could see up to where my knickers were. As the song continued I moved around the chair never leaving more than arms length from it. The button in the middle of the dress was the only one I needed to undo to make it fall aside and expose my front. I sat back on the chair, legs open and shook the dress off my shoulders, making my tits wobble in the bra. The club was packed at this time of night and was very loud now with cheers and whistles, and the pleasurable sound of money hitting the stage.

I had been practising with the bra clip and realised that I only need one done up to hold it together and so in less than no time it was undone as I danced around the chair. I draped the bra on the back of the chair and I was half way though the song just when there is a piano break that I shimmied my tits to. That bought the house down. Now I just needed to get the knickers off. I had tried all sort so things but had not liked the look of them over the top of the suspenders. In the end I had cut the sides open and used two little pieces of ribbon to hold them together. That way all I needed to do was pull on the bows and they were free. I did the first ribbon with my back to the audience bending on the chair so my bum was pushed out at them, when the ribbon was free the material fell to one side making one of my cheeks fully exposed. I turned back to the club as Wilson sang the lines about weeping eyes, and my eyes had tears in them again, but this time of happiness. I had never felt such freedom and excitement. I untied the second ribbon and pulled the knickers to the side and swung them round above my head. Everyone was now on their feet and so much money was coming my way I had to dodge a few coins. With the last few bars of the song coming up I sat back down on the chair legs open, my full black bush hiding my lips and fortunately the fact that I was so wet between them.

The song ended and I just sat there taking in the adulation I was receiving, listening to the chat of Izzy! Izzy! Izzy! I looked at the floor and it was covered in coins and notes. Mike the MC came up on stage and gave me his hand to pull me off the chair. He stood there with me for a few more seconds before he simply did "wow! Now that's the way to do it isn't it guys?"

The room erupted into cheers again. I started to pick up the money, but when I couldn't hold anymore Sandie was there helping me. She gave me the biggest smile as we looked at each other bending over picking up my cash.

Backstage was very different now to last time all the other girls were clapping me, well all except one. That was the first time I ever saw Dee Dee, and if looks could kill! I tuned my back to her, the first and only time I ever did that, fearing what she would do behind me from that day on.

I was still in just my stockings and suspenders when Sue came backstage she gave me the biggest hug ever and I was so excited I responded with a kiss, not a peck on the cheek no this was a real kiss, the sort that only lovers do. We stayed locked like that for about a minute before we realised just how public we were. She said I better get dressed she would look after my money, it might not be safe.

When I came back Sue was talking to George, and he had the biggest grin on his face. "Izzy my dear, I knew you had it in you, you just needed to find it, and by fuck did you."

"Time to go," Sue said before I could reply to George. "I will tell you later," she whispered to me as we left through the backstage door. There was no bus this time, no it was a taxi for me. Sue gave me the cash which she had collected and changed at the bar after giving George his 25%. I had never seen £10 notes before and I now had two and some change.

The taxi dropped Sue off first and before she left she kissed me again and said, "See you at work Monday. I will tell you what George said to me about you then, but just enjoy this moment you were amazing." I was alone in the car excited and also very confused, looking at the two crisp notes I was still clasping in my hand.​
Previous page: Episode 01