Update 25

Next day before she left to college she visited Girija aunty. But Shekhar uncle was not there. He went outside to bring some materials. She said bye to Girija aunty and left to college. When she reached near the college gate she got Reghu there. She found a faint smile on his lips. She drove the car towards the parking area. Then she meet principal and update about her work. He appreciated her. She promised him that she will finish in this week.
Evening around 3:320pm she got message from Reghu.
“Hi miss did you stay today?”
“No Reghu I am little tired may be tomorrow”
“ok miss”

Evening Reghu was waiting near the gate for her.
When she drove her car towards the gate. He stand up and give a salute to her. Seeing that she laughed and left from there. When she reached her flat she called Shekhar uncle and enquired about Girija. He said that they reached safely and ok with new place. After take some rest shower and her work she went to kitchen and prepare her dinner. Around 9:15 she finished all her work and went to her room. She was really tired. So she slept early. Reghu was messaged her. But she didn’t see.

Next morning ( Tuesday) 5:30am
She wakeup and found miss call from Reghu.
She messaged him “Gud morning Reghu, yesterday I slept early,that’s why I didn’t took your call, sorry”
Then she went to bathroom, then she went to kitchen to prepare breakfast. That time she heard the mobile ringing.. she attend the video call. That was Reghu.
Jaya : Hello Reghu gud morning.
Reghu : hello miss gudmorning. ( he was not wearing his shirt, showing his bare chest)
Jaya : don’t you wakeup?
Reghu : no miss, still on bed. today my day will be blessed.
Jaya : why?
Reghu : because I see my devi first.
Jaya : ha ha
Reghu : but yesterday was not good.

Jaya : why ?
Reghu : I don’t chance to talk to my devi. He make fake sad.
Jaya : ha ha you are funny.
Reghu : did you stay today after college ?
Jaya : will tell you later Reghu.
Reghu : ok miss.
J: did you have anything for breakfast ?
R: no miss I will brought from hotel.
Jaya : I can prepare for you.
R: its ok miss, I will manage.
J: hmmm
R: miss. Can you send me a selfi ?
J : now ???
R: yaaa…
J : no Reghu I am not looking good in this time.
R: who told you miss. You are very sexy now. The sweat on your forehead makes you sexier.
J: ha ha your flirting started in the morning. Naughty.
R: not flirting miss. I said the truth.
J: my husband never asked me what you said. But I like this. She winked at him.
R: then you send me.
Then she open the camera and took a selfie and send to him. In that photo, her deep cleavage can visible.

R: ohhh miss you are awesome. Thanks for make me happy in this morning.
J: delete my photo after your use. She giggled.
R: what use mis..
J: I know what you will do after see my pic.
R: ha ha miss you know everything about me.
J: yes I know. But don’t forgot to delete ok.
R: sure miss. See my boy is very much happy and stood up. He showed his erected dick to he.
J: chee don’t you have shame.
R: no miss. You know everything about me and you know my body parts.
J: but I am blushed. How can I face you?
R: miss you told me we are friends and you give me permission to talk to you anything. So I don’t want to hide anything from you.
J: hmmm ok ok. Let me finish my work. Otherwise, I will be late.
R: ok miss thanks.

She felt wet in her panty and she knows the reason. She smiled herself and went to her bedroom. Same as previous day Reghu was waiting in front of the gate. They smiled each other and she went inside the college compound.
Evening he messaged her.
“miss did you stay today?”
“yes Reghu.”
“ok miss I will come”

“nooo I will inform you after everyone left”
“ok miss”
3:30pm college time end and everyone left from there. Jaya was sitting on her desk and working. That time principal came there. She stood up.
P: noo sit Jaya miss. Now I am going, if anything need please call me. I will inform to watchan about you.
J: thank you sir.
P: bye Jaya
J : Bye sir. Principal left. After some time she see Reghu on the door.
J: ohh you come.
R: ya principal sir told me you are here and if you need anything help you.
J: ha ha I don’t need any help now. My friend.
R: ok then I will wait outside.
J: where are you going ? sit here. We can talk. Reghu sat on the chair.
R: miss you know this was my dream become a teacher when I was a child.
J: ohh good.
R: you don’t know my story mis..
J: then tell me now. I am here.
R: miss when I was kid this was my college. I studied till 12th class here.
J: really ? you completed 12th ?
R: that was my tragedy miss.

You know miss when I was in 12th my classmate have crush on our junior girl. She was very beautiful and good girl. But he don’t have courage to told her. Then I decided to help him and write a letter for him and he signed and I went to her class and give to her. But unfortunately her friends see that and informed to her brother. Actually she was afraid and don’t bring that letter. Next day her brother and father came there and beat me and give complaint against me to the college management. Then finally they terminated me from here. Because of my poor family we cant do anything. My father was died before and my mother was with me. She also a heart patient. Finally I quit from studies and went to do some construction work. After my mothers death I went to other city. And do may jobs. Finally I got chance here as watchman. This is my fav place. That’s why I working here. I don’t want to reveal my identity to anyone. But I believe you that’s why I told you the story.

J: ohh Reghu I am really sad on you.
R: its my fate miss. I scored 89% marks at 10th standard and 80% at 11th. But see now I am a watchman.
J: don’t worry Reghu. I will see what I can do for you.she think for sometimes and asked him.
J: Reghu if you are ready I have an idea.
R: what miss.

J: now we have many online classes. I can help you to study computer. If you got certificate I can recommend you as a peon here or any other place.
R: but miss I am not interested to study now.
J: I will help you Reghu. You are my friend.
R: ok miss I will try.
J: but this is a secret between us ok.
R: ok miss.
The same time she searched in her desktop and told him.
J: Reghu we have 1 month basic course here. I need your ID card to fill the details.
R : I will bring now miss. He ran to his room. Jaya was happy. She is going to help a poor person.
Reghu came back with his ID card. She enter his details and pay the fee for him. The classes are upload in that site. Just login and learn.
J: Reghu took that chair and sat here. I will show you how to open the classes .
He sat beside her. She showed him how to operate. There hands brushed each other.
J: you can use my computer here. I will give you my password ok.
Reghu : ok miss thank you. You trust me a lot

J: yes Reghu I trust you.
R: thanks miss.
Both are sitting adjacent chairs in her cabin.
R: miss.
J: what
R: miss today morning also I flirt with you,. But you have a good heart. You do all this for me. His eyes filled with tears.
J: hay my naughty friend is crying. Actually, I like your teasing. Do not worry about that ok.
R: hmmm.
J : I know you are alone and don’t have any friends me also same. So I just enjoying that. I take it as a fun.
R: thanks miss.
J: did you delete my photo.
R : no miss. I like that photo.
J: but if anyone see. Please Reghu understand me please delete that. If you need I can send later.
R: really ?

J: yes I promise you.
R: thank you miss. I will delete now. He took his mobile, open the whatsapp, and give to her. She see that there is no other chats only she and principal. He saved her name as Devi. She deleted her photos from there.
J: thanks Reghu for understanding me.
R: I am here for you miss. Can I prepare tea for you miss.
J: no Reghu later
Then she went to her flat. Around 9:15pm she got call from Reghu.
J: hai Reghu.
R: miss I am sitting on your chair. I want to know how to open this computer. She guided him to open and he enter in class videos.
R: thanks miss.
J: please logout after you finished ok.
R: ok miss. Then they cut the call. She finished her activity and went to her room and come back from bathroom after a hot shower. She found 2 miss call from Raghu.
Jaya called him back.
R:ohh thanks miss. I don’t know how to close this. That is why I call you.
Jaya : you mean shut down ?
Reghu :yes miss
Jaya :ok follow these steps ….. she give him instructions to shut down.
Reghu : thanks miss now ok.
J: Please carefully close everything and go.
R: Ok miss
Jaya undid nightgown and apply body lotion on her body. And watch on the mirror of her beauty. Then wear night gown and lay on the bed. Other side Reghu reached his room and lay on his bed. He think “can I call her, noo… may be he felt bad if I call her everytime. Tomorrow morning will try.”
At the same time he got a message from Jaya.
“Hi Reghu, did you sleep?”
“No miss”

“Did you close everything properly?”
“Yes miss, don’t you sleep”
“I am on my bed”
“I think I wish to call you. But my mind told me may be you will be angry that everytime I called you?”
“heyyy why I become angry on you. You are my friend. And no one is here to call me”
“don’t your hus call you?”
“no he can call me only after one week, he was in an island”
“ohh sorry. Then I can call you anytime?”
“yes anytime Reghu”
“can I call you now” jaya read that message and call him back. Reghu becom,e happy and attend the call.
R: ohh miss you switch off the light.
J: yes Reghu this is bed lamp.
R: can you switch on light please?
J: why ?
R: I want to see my devi.
J: ha ha funny. she then wake up and switch on the light.
R: wawooo thanks miss.
J: don’t you get sleep.

R: no miss I was thinking of you. How much you support me, and care me.
J: nothing special in that.
R: no miss that’s very important for me. as a poor person, you give full attention on me. I will do anything for you. I will die for you.
J: no Reghu, I never expect anything from you. I found a good human being in you. You are my friend that’s all.
R: thank you miss. I love you miss. I want to be with you as a slave everytime.
J: ha ha ok Reghu, you are my friend not slave ok.
R: you are perfect women. You are intelligent, lovable, beautiful, sexy and everything.
J: thanks Reghu.
J: Reghu
R: mmm
J: you must be learn properly, I want to see your success.
R: I will do my best.
J: ok but forgot all other activities ok. Just concentrate on your studies. Did you understand, ha ha.
R: I understand miss. But I cant stop that easily. But now I try to control because of you. I deleted all the videos and pics, destroyed all CD’s.
J: good Reghu. But as a human being you have sexual frustration. You can masturbates and relax no problem. But don’t focus on that.
R: thank you miss.

J: concentrate on your studies.
Reghu : but miss every time you came in my mind. I don’t know what to do.
Jaya : what come to your mind.
Reghu :I will tell you. But don’t think bad on me.
Jaya : no Reghu.
Reghu : I think about beautiful body. Today morning also I masturbates by watching your selfie.
J: ha ha I understand Reghu. It’s ok. You are a young human. Therefore, it’s natural. I know all men stare on my body when I passing through them. Even out students also.
R: thanks miss for understanding me. However, miss what you fell when people stare on you.
J: frankly saying, first I felt irritated. Now I enjoyed. I felt proud on my body. I like to wear modern dresses. However, due to my family status and circumstances I cant.
R: did you try modern dress anytime ?
J: no Reghu.
R:why don’t you try in your home. No one will know.
J: ya that’s right but….. hmmm ok I will try.
R: miss when you will try, you must ask me suggestion. Then I can see you in modern dress.
J: ha ha sure Reghu.
R: miss I have one request.
J: tell me.

R: don’t be blush in front of me. You told me I am your friend and we talked our secrets and personal things. So be free with me.
J :ok Reghu.
R: miss did you know men will first notice your round butt.
Jaya :chii Reghu…
R: miss you promise me you will not blush.
J: but
R: I just try to make you free miss.
J: ok Reghu. I will try to be free.
R : to be free you also replay me in same way like talk sexy things.
J: ok I will try.
R: then can I explain about your body ?
J: ok naughty boy.
R: I am also like your round butt. That will giggling when you walk. So I want to walk back of you.
J: so you can watch my gigging butt…
R: yes miss… super for your improvement.
J: thanks Reghu.
R: your navel also very sexy. Sometimes I was thinking fill honey in that and lick from there.
J: you are in a fantasy world Reghu. Your imaginary power ha ha.
Reghu :From your bikini pic I was imagined your body shape.
Jaya :then how many times you use your hand after seeing my bikini photo.
R: I didn’t count miss.

J: unfortunately I delete all pics ha ha, bad luck for you.
R: but you promised me you will send pics
J: ya I never brake my promise.
R: then can you send me a bikini photo now ?
Jaya : ya but you must delete after your hand work ok.
R: sure miss.
Jaya check her secret file and send a sexy bikini pic to him
R: ohhh wawooo miss its super. My little boy is stood up now.
Jaya : ha ha really.
R: yes miss. Do you want to see?
J: mmmm
R: tell me openly miss. What you want. Be free with.
J: yes I want to see your black boy.
R: here miss. He turn the back cam to his dick and stroke.
J: ha ha you started the job.
R: yes miss. He slid his foreskin back and show the black mushroom head.
J: heyyy don’t you get pain?
R: no miss. Its like that.
J: hmmm
R: don’t you see your husbands little boy.
J: hmmmm how can I tell you Reghu?
R: be free miss. You are talking to your best friend.
J: actually I didn’t see. We did all things without light. I just touched only.
R: really, you mean you sex with him in a dark room.
J: yes.

R: that’s very sad miss. ( she act like she become sad. At the same time she think about other four mens cock –Rahim, Mani,Shekhar & Albert)
J: that’s ok Reghu.
Reghu : so first time you see a real penis is mine.
Jaya : yes Reghu.
R: wawooo. I am very lucky.
J: why.
R: because I got the first chance show a real dick to my devi.
J: ha ha.
Reghu : see miss my cock is more stiff after hearing that.
J: ohhh wawoo…
Reghu : do you like to watch my penis ?
J: I don’t know Reghu.
R: I know miss you like. But you cant asked me directly. No problem I am ready to show you.
J: Reghu……
Reghu :don’t be shy my miss… see how much he grown ?
J: ha ha you are funny. he stroked fast
J: don’t you felt pain?
R: no miss. I felt pleasure.
J: ohhhh…. Then when it will down.
R: may be take 15 min
J: really ?
R: yes miss.

J: actually I read masturbating is relax our mind.
R: yes miss. Did you masturbates?
J: hmmm she just smiled.
R: tell me openly miss.
J: sometimes.
R: I know miss, every women will do. And you as staying alone, you will masturbate to reduce your stress.
Jaya : yes Reghu I have.
R: ya I understand miss. But why you are shy still now. We are friends.
J: Reghu I never open up with anyone, to my husband also. He also don’t talk me like this.
R: miss its our secret right. Here no any boundaries between us. We can talk anything. Right ?
J: hmmm
Reghu :miss did you felt wet in your pussy after see my cock.
J: Reghuuu……..
Reghu :miss I asked you because of curiosity. I read in sex stories that women’s pussy will leak after watching male organ.
J: may be sometimes.
Reghu : did you wet now ?
J: I don’t know.
R: please tell me miss.
J: yes.

R: wawooo that’s awesome. So you like my cock.
J: yes but…please we can stop now.
R: why miss.
J: I feel shy.
R: miss I am trying to make you bold. But you going back. You encourage me for studies and I encourage you to be bold.
J: sorry Reghu.
R: then tell me, do you like my cock.
J: ya I like Reghu.
R: thanks miss.
J: now you happy.
R: yes miss. I am very much happy. miss whenever you want to see my cock just told me.
J: hey Reghu I……….
Reghu : I know miss, don’t be shy to ask.ok.
J: Reghu lets sleep.
R: ok miss. But promise me that my words never hurt you.
J: no Reghu you never hurt me. You are my friend and we have our own secrets ok.
R: ok miss, then good night.
Jaya : good night Reghu
She cut the call. She was super horney. She open her drawer and took the dildo and insert his wet pussy by remove the panty from her pussy.
J: ahhhhhhh Reghu……. You makes me horney…… ahhhhmmmm…… within one minute her vagina exploded. Her bedsheet wet with her juice. Jaya switch off the bedroom light and slept.

Next morning ( Wednesday) she wake up late and went to kitchen. She felt shame thinking of night experience and happy too. She prepare breakfast and went to her room. She checked her obile and found Reghu’s message with a photo. He send his flacidblack cock pic with comment. Please help me like yesterday morning. I want to wake up my boy.
She smiled after reading the comment and took sexy selfi by showing her deep cleavage and send to him. Next sex she got video call.
J: hey your boy not wakeup ?
R: no miss he was waiting for you.
J: I already sent.
R: yes I see miss, that’s why my boy started to wake up. See… he focused the cam tohisgrowing cock.
J: ok ok let me go. I want to ready.
R: ok miss. I just call you to know that you are ok or not, because I talked too musch yesterday, I know.
J: hey I don’t have any problem ok.
R: thanks miss.
J: ok bye see you soon.
Reghu check her pic and he found something in background. Seeing that his face become brightened and smiled. Uuuffffff…
Next page: Update 26
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