Update 01

Chapter one.
I can't easily explain why I did it in the first place. Sure I was home alone and kind of bored and my husband, Peter, hadn't exactly been paying a lot of attention for a while but I guess there are no real good reasons for it. I won't deny though that it was very exciting and the consequences were, well, very unexpected. Do I regret it though? Not really, not since Peter made a decision that affected all of our lives without even discussing it with me.

It was a stinking hot day, one of those days where no matter what you do you just can't escape the heat. There was no breeze at all and the sun was beating down so fiercely that if you went outside it felt like a hot weight bearing down on you.

It had been one of the hottest summers on record, the entire country was in drought and the earth was so baked that it had cracked and no grass would grow anywhere. Everywhere you looked the colour was brown. The air smelt dusty and it sucked the moisture out of your skin.

I had been made redundant at my job a month earlier. Even though I had worked for the local grain store since I was a teenager, I was no exception to the staff cuts. Unfortunately, living in a rural area that revolves around farming, mainly has industries that support that. So if the farmers are suffering then so is everyone else here.

I have done the rounds of all the businesses here and then further out into the towns around us, but everyone here is in the same predicament. There are too few jobs and too many people looking for work.

We were fortunate that everyone around here still needs to eat. My husband drives trucks that bring the stock to supermarkets throughout our state. He starts early and finishes late which made him a great provider for our little family but it didn't make him available to us. He is a good man and I love him but he's not been the most attentive husband and father.

We have one child, a son who is eight years old, named David, and he is still at that age where he idolizes his Dad. However, every time Peter loses patience with him or is too tired to do things with him I see that hurt and sadness creep a little deeper into our son's life. I try to mitigate it as much as I can, I mean, I do understand why Peter is so tired but the day will come when I can't offer what our son needs and my husband just won't be there or will be too tired for the last time. He's losing his son and he is completely oblivious to it.

As far as our own relationship goes it's one of those things where we have slipped into a routine and that can be hard to change. I hate the fact that my redundancy has added pressure to the situation but it's not as though he is working more hours because of it. He has been doing this for years. When we go out and do things together on the weekends that he isn't working, we still enjoy each other's company. We still smile and laugh and get each other, but that seems to happen less and less and during the week we just don't seem to click at the moment. One aspect of that is lovemaking. We go to bed and it's like it's for only one reason now. I have tried to get him interested many times in lots of different ways but more often than not I'm left frustrated and can't sleep while he snores next to me.

Now, I don't want you thinking I'm telling you all this as some form of justification for what happened, it is, however part of the reason why. The rest I can only put down to madness brought on by the oppressive heat.

Chapter Two.

I have always been fairly conservative. Growing up in a small town where everyone knows everyone kind of makes you that way. There are few secrets in a small town and because not much happens it becomes big news and travels fast when something does happen. You learn that early on and by the time you are old enough to begin exploring your sexuality it is so ingrained in you that risk is something that just doesn't happen. Don't get me wrong, I have had my moments, but the two riskiest things I ever did were not that exciting by the standards of what some would think as risky. I once gave a blow job to a farmhand who was working for my Dad. He was a few years older than me and I was flattered that he had taken an interest in me.

I met him behind the hay shed and it was more a way of getting him off my back. He wanted to do more, so did I but I was too afraid, and this was as far as I was willing to go. It was the first time I had seen a hard cock in the daylight and it both excited me and scared me at the same time. I spent quite a bit of time exploring the way it felt, so hard and hot, and at his suggestion, I got down on my knees and began to kiss it. I liked his manly smell and the way it felt on my lips so I kept kissing it. Kissing soon turned to little nibbles and licks. I noticed some pre-cum forming at the tip of it and asked him if he needed to pee. He laughed and explained that it wasn't pee, but more like a lubricant. I could feel my pussy becoming quite lubricated too so it made sense to me that he might as well. I don't know why but I wanted to taste it, so I licked the drop from the tip of his cock.

It didn't have much taste, sort of a bit salty but not overpowering at all. It's not something I would say is a taste I loved but I did love the way that first lick made him react. He moaned and his eyes rolled back as a fresh drop of pre-cum formed at the eye of his cock. I licked it up again and this time I sucked a little on the tip of his cock to get more. This made him moan out loud and his hips twitched towards me. I felt his cock enter my mouth a bit then slip out again. It excited me to be doing this and his reactions were making me bolder. He seemed to like being in my mouth so much that I bobbed back and forth a couple of times, letting his cock slide in and out of my mouth. My lips were lubricated by his pre-cum and my saliva so it slid in and out quite easily. Now I was only an inexperienced teenager so I had no idea of what I was doing so I just sucked as he began to thrust. It felt naughty but exciting to be doing this where we could possibly be seen and I had never been so wet. I don't know if he noticed or not but he didn't give any indication if he did but I had one hand on his hip to support myself and the other was now pushing against my pussy through the material of my pants.

I wasn't so inexperienced that I hadn't given myself many orgasms, so I knew I wouldn't have one from what I was doing as there just wasn't enough friction but damn it felt nice. Then his hand tangled in my hair and he began thrusting harder. It was at that moment I had the thought "He's fucking my mouth" and I was surprised that the situation alone almost made me come. I probably would have if he hadn't begun bumping against the back of my throat. I began to gag and that kind of killed the mood for a moment.

We soon went back to it though and it wasn't long after that I heard him mumble something that I didn't catch. I did catch it though, that first blast anyway. Straight into my mouth. It was so unexpected that I pulled back and gagged again. The second blast hit me fair in the face then ran down into my cleavage where it was joined by the third and final blast.

He tucked his softening cock back into his pants and helped me to my feet. He thanked me, told me it was nice and walked off back to the job he was doing. He wasn't mean to me or rude or anything but I felt a little dismissed. I mean there I was, with a soaking pussy, an ache that he couldn't do anything about, cum all over my face and chest and the taste still in my mouth. I had to get back to the house and cleaned up before my mother got back from town. My father wouldn't be in until near nightfall so I wasn't too concerned about being seen in the state I was in but I knew I needed to get sorted out.

I wiped the cum from my face with the sleeve of my shirt and walked back to the house. As I walked I could feel his cum slowly make its way from between my breasts down to my stomach. It wasn't comfortable at all but it turned me on knowing I had his cum on me like that. The lips of my pussy were swollen and wet and they slide against each other and my clit as I walked, driving me to the point of insanity and my nipples were so hard they were aching.

I got back to the house and went straight to my room where I stripped out of my cum soaked shirt and bra. I reached up and felt all that sticky cum and couldn't resist rubbing it into my nipples. I grabbed my breast and pushed it up hard enough that I could reach my nipple with my tongue, something I had only just recently discovered that I could do and revelled in the fact that I could taste his cum on it. I didn't exactly like the taste of his cum but it made me so turned on at the same time that I loved it.

Without being entirely aware of it I had kicked my boots off and slid my jeans down to the floor. I know it seems weird but being naked in my house felt strange. Exciting but strange. When you live in a house with men around you don't spend a lot of time naked. Mainly only the bathroom because I would get dressed in there after a shower.

I peeled my panties down and was shocked at just how wet they had become. I instinctively felt my pussy with my hand and found it very wet and very sensitive. It only took me a few moments of smearing my own juices around my pussy before I was having an orgasm like none I had ever had before. I still get embarrassed thinking about how it would have looked if my mother had come home at that moment and found me. I was completely naked, covered in cum, standing there with my legs spread, twitching and moaning like I was possessed.

It took a few minutes to come down from that and when I did I was extremely self-conscious. I grabbed my clothes as well as a clean shirt and underwear and all but ran to the bathroom. That naked run through the house did give me a thrill, but to be honest, it wasn't something I focused on at the time.

I don't think my parents ever found out about the events of that day, there were no awkward questions or knowing looks but by the weeks end that farmhand had moved on to another job.

The only other time I had done anything risky was a couple of years later and it was the first time I had sex. I had my first serious boyfriend and things had been heating up between us. I had discovered that I quite enjoyed giving blow-jobs and he was the first to ever reciprocate. I couldn't believe it the first time it happened. We were parked out under the stars in a section of the farm that thanks to a few well-placed trees around a natural spring in a hollow gave some semblance of privacy. I don't think my parents were under any illusions at this point about what their daughter was up to but felt that I was now of an age where that sort of thing is pretty normal and they both liked my boyfriend at the time.

We had some blankets and pillows in the back of his ute and were looking at the stars when things took a turn. He was so gentle with me and when he kissed his way down to my pussy I couldn't believe what was happening. I was again caught up in that feeling of excitement mixed with uncertainty. Well, needless to say, it was every bit as good as I thought it could be and I was so worked up and wet that when he positioned his cock at my opening I didn't hesitate. I held his hips and virtually pulled him into me. It felt so good that after he came I stroked him until he was hard again and this time I sat on him. Growing up on a farm means you spend time riding horses, motorbikes and pushbikes. I hadn't had an intact hymen since I was a kid so it didn't hurt the way some would for their first time. If anything I just felt very full and stretched. I will admit to being a touch tender afterwards but I soon got over that and was keen to go again.

Any time we had sex after that though was almost always at his house and once or twice at my house while my parents were out. So there you have it. Nothing real adventurous or risky but I won't lie that the risk of being caught was a bit exciting but not something I thought about a lot.

That boyfriend moved away with his family about a year after and it would have been less than a year after that that I met my husband to be. Peter was already driving trucks, mostly stock transport at the time, and was a genuinely warm, honest and caring guy. He won me over slowly and my parents took to him immediately. Our life followed the usual trajectory from there. Courtship, marriage, house and family. Nothing exciting but nice and comfortable.

Chapter Three.

So as I was saying, it was a ridiculously hot day. There were fire warnings all day but thankfully there was no wind forecast. That, unfortunately, also meant no relief from the heat. Our son, David was at school and had cricket practice afterwards. I wouldn't be picking him up until nearly six o'clock. I had already cleaned just about every surface in the house as well as put a load of washing on. It was only ten in the morning and I was already bored. It was too hot to sit in the house and read a book or surf the net and unlike the neighbours, we weren't lucky enough to have a swimming pool. Don't get me wrong, they weren't wealthy either and it was an above ground pool but it had a nice deck around it and they had put a shade sail over it earlier this summer. Just thinking about going for a dip in it made me smile.

I even contemplated sneaking over there while they were at work and going for a quick dip to cool off. The thought of it and being sneaky gave me a little thrill and I had even formulated a plan before I remembered that I had seen their son's car in the driveway when I took David to school this morning.

The neighbours had only ever had one kid, a son named Jeremy but he had had a girlfriend since their early teens who they had virtually adopted as their daughter and she had lived there for quite some time. They were both nearly twenty-one and had both moved out to go to university two years ago and only came home for the occasional visit. I could count on one hand the number of times I had seen them since. They were nice kids but led busy lives. I wondered why Jeremy was home because the school term hadn't ended but then there were lots of reasons I guess.

Regardless, my plan for a swim wasn't going to happen and that just added to the misery of this hot day. I heard the washing machine reach its crescendo of vibrating madness as it went through its final spin cycle so I made my way out to the laundry.

Realising I had left the basket outside when I was in a rush to get David to school this morning I decided to just grab the clothes out and carry them out to the basket. I scooped them all out, holding them to my chest as I made sure I had them all then made my way out to the clothesline. The sun beat down on me as soon as I stepped outside and it was so bright out that it hurt my eyes for a moment while they adjusted to how bright it was. I got to the clothesline and dumped the clothes in the basket. It was then that I realised a small benefit of what I had just done. The wet clothes had dampened my shirt and as soon as I put them down the moisture began evaporating off my shirt. This had a lovely cooling effect. This combined with the fact that I had taken my bra off the moment I stepped inside from the school run, who wants to wear a bra in such hot weather right, and my nipples responded to the cool air immediately. It was the most pleasant feeling I had had all day.

I enjoyed the cool feeling and the tingling in my nipples as I hung the washing out. I bent over to pick up the basket and felt my breasts sway in my cotton shirt and felt it cling to my skin. I looked down and was surprised to see just how transparent it had become. I could quite clearly see the shape of my nipples protruding and the colour of my nipples and areola stood out against the white material. I have to admit to feeling a little sexy being out in the backyard like this but was grateful there was no one around to see. Or so I thought. I was about halfway back to the house and enjoying the little tingles I was feeling when I heard a man's voice.

"Good morning Mrs Phillips."

I froze like a deer in headlights as I stared at the neighbour's son. He was standing on the deck of the pool in just a speedo and was holding the handle of the pool scoop. He had a clear, unobscured view of my maddeningly, hard nipples as they pushed against the material of my shirt. The thought that ran through my head at lightning speed was something that has changed my life. Most people, sane people that is, would have immediately covered up using their hands or the basket. My thought was, "Don't cover up or he will think you wet the shirt on purpose". Just shows what my stupid brain knows. I turned and faced him full on.

"Oh hi, Jeremy. What are you doing home from uni?"

He smiled and didn't even pretend he wasn't ogling my tits. They were continuing to misbehave too as my nipples seemed to get even harder under his scrutiny and the sight of his bulge in those speedos didn't help either. Did his cock just twitch?

"My professor is away sick at the moment and with the end of the semester so close they sent us home early so I thought I would pay Mum and Dad a visit."

There it goes again. I'm sure it twitched. Oh my god, it's growing. A part of me was quite proud to be having this effect on a younger man. I know at thirty-five I'm not exactly old but Gravity is beginning to take effect and that still makes me quite a bit older than he is. In fact around the time he was being born I was giving my first blow-job. Fuck! Why did I think of that? I was now fighting a full-body betrayal. My nipples were rock hard, my pussy was wet and tingling and my mouth was salivating at the thought of a hard cock in it.

"Oh, that's lovely. Good day to go for a swim. I wish we had a pool."

His cock was now at risk of exposure as it continued to grow up and push the top band of his speedos away from his body. I caught myself staring and licking my lips. I had to get out of here fast.

"Well, feel free to come and have a swim with me if you want."

Oh god, I want I want I want. Most of all I want that throbbing cock inside me. I want to taste your cum young man. I want to feel your cock throbbing in my mouth and my pussy.

I could feel my panties were becoming soaked and my body was giving serious consideration to taking him up on his offer. I could feel my face getting redder and I knew I had to move but my body didn't want to.

"That's a very tempting offer."

I said as I pointedly stared at his cock which had now leaked a little pre-cum that had left a small dark circle on his speedos.

"But, unfortunately, I do have more housework to do."

"Well if you want to take a break, I'll be here. It's supposed to be HOT like this all week."

Did he just emphasize the word hot as he looked me up and down? Oh god, I'm so wet right now.

"Thanks, I'll give that some serious thought."

I finally managed to tear my eyes away from his bulging cock and get my feet moving again. I went inside and stood there at the laundry window staring at the place he just been. I could hear rhythmic splashing as he swam back and forth in the pool. All I could think about was that sizeable cock he had packed in those speedos. My hands moved of their own volition as they dropped the basket and reached up to each of my nipples. I was staring blankly toward the fence that I knew he was on the other side of as I twisted and pinched my nipples. Part of me wished I was as confident as he was to stand there with his cock almost on complete display. But I had been blushing like a schoolgirl knowing that he could see my nipples.

I moved away from the window and went to the coolest room of the house which is our bedroom. I lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling as my mind replayed in vivid detail his cock rising steadily inside his speedos. I couldn't stand it any longer, I undid the buttons of my shirt and peeled it off my skin. I then undid the button and zip on my shorts, sliding them down and off my legs in one go with the navy blue Mum panties inside them. I lay back again naked and spread my legs wantonly. My hand was between my thighs in seconds as I thought about taking as much of that hard young meat into my mouth as I could. My fingers were expertly working around my clit and getting closer and closer to my dripping hole.

The fantasy took over as I spoke out loud.

"Fuck me with your young, hard, cock Jeremy."

I pushed the middle fingers of my right hand inside my pussy as deep as they could go. I lifted my knees and spread even wider, imagining his hips thrusting between my thighs in time with my fingers plunging in and out of me. This went on for a while as I built to a torturous crescendo that left me curled on my side and panting as my body shook from the repeated aftershocks of the most intense orgasm I had had since... Well, since before I was married.

I rolled back onto my back and felt a sizeable wet patch on my back and bum. I rolled over again and looked at it in awe. I was never one of those women who squirt everywhere when they cum but it wasn't unheard of for me to get quite wet or even leave a wet patch but this was something else. Had I lost control of myself and peed? I tentatively leaned forward and had a sniff. It just smelled the same way my fingers did after normal masturbation but there was so much of it. My thighs were wet, as were my pussy and ass, hell even my back was wet now. I found myself laughing at the shock of it.

I looked around the room at the dishevelled bed and my clothes on the floor. Oh, I suppose I had better clean this up I thought as I began to strip the sheets off the bed. I picked up my shorts and noticed that the crotch was wet the whole way through, not just my panties but the shorts too. I wondered if Jeremy had noticed and felt that familiar sense of embarrassment as I blushed again. Then I realized I kind of hoped he had. If I had turned him on half as much as he had me then you know what? Good for me. Just to prove to myself that I was now a stronger woman for it, I decided to go all the way to the laundry and put the sheets and my shorts and panties in the wash bare assed naked.

I was so excited I was shaking and the memory of that day walking through the house naked with cum on me came flooding back to me. Speaking of flooding, I was getting wet again as the memory of that day and the thought that I might be about to get caught naked took effect on me. I tried to act as casually as I could as I walked into the laundry but my movements were jerky and strange to me. My eyes were darting all around looking for any sign of Jeremy. Now that I was here, I didn't know if I wanted him to see me or not. The thought of him looking at my naked body was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

I put the washing on and dragged the process out as long as I could before it got the better of me and I turned back into the rest of the house. I was sticky from my navel to my knees and decided that a shower was in order. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. There is a full-length mirror on the back of the door that I usually hang my towel over when I am in the bathroom but this time I stopped and took a good long look.

What on earth would a young man see in me? My breasts aren't as firm as they once were and there is no mistaking the fact that I have had a child. I have a few stretch marks and a small pooch. Definitely a Mum bod. But then his body had certainly reacted to the sight of mine. Maybe young guys react to any tits they see but they weren't just any tits. They were mine and they were certainly reacting to his young body and his firm cock. I looked again and then the horror of what he might have seen when I was in the laundry just now. I hadn't had a trim in quite some time and I had a full seventies porn star bush happening. What's worse is that it was all matted from the cum I had managed to spread all over myself. Oh, thank god he didn't see that.

I turned the water on and started washing. While I was in there my mind wandered as it does when in the shower. I was kind of relieved that Jeremy hadn't seen me in that state but there was a part of me that still wanted him to see me. It was an incredible turn on to think of a young man lusting after me. I started to formulate a plan in my head and what occurred in there was almost like the classic cartoon of the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other.

D "It's just a bit of harmless teasing. Something for you both to enjoy."

A "Are you joking? You're married."

D "It's not like you are planning an affair, it's just a bit of harmless fun."

A "But what would Peter think?"

D "He won't be home until late and what harm is there when nothing is going to happen?"

A "That's hardly the spirit of fidelity."

D "Well it's not like he is making use of that fidelity."

A "Well no, but what if somebody found out that you had flashed the neighbour's son?"

D "Who's going to tell?"

A "What if one of the other neighbours sees?"

D "Which ones? The elderly couple who never leave the house or the drunk next door who we all know will be in the pub until they close?"

A "But but, it's just not right."

D "But it is a lot of fun."

A "Well, yeah, it might be, but still."

D "Good, decision made. Now get out that razor missy, we have a lot to do."

I trimmed and shaved for a while making sure everything was neat and tidy. I may have got a bit carried away because by the end of it I had the smallest of landing strips. I have to say though that I love how smooth and slippery my pussy lips felt afterwards.

I had worked out what I was going to do to tease Jeremy and now that the thought was in my head I couldn't have stopped. Even if Peter came home right then I think I still would have tried it. I went back to the bedroom and dug through my underwear drawer until I found the sexiest panties I own. It's a thong made of a stretchy spandex type material with a white mesh insert in the front. They were a pale lavender colour and the mesh showed off the fact that I now had a small landing strip shaved into my pussy. If you looked at the right angle you could just see the top of my slit. I put the white shirt back on and instead of doing up the buttons I just tied it together in a loose bow at the bottom. It covered my breasts but only just and if I bent forward they just spilled right out. I couldn't believe I was about to do this. This was by far the most brazen thing I had ever done in my life.

I walked to the laundry and picked up the basket. I peeked out the window and I was both relieved and nervous as hell to see Jeremy standing there, talking on his phone. I filled the basket with the freshly washed sheets that had been covered in my cum, then took a deep breath to try and steady my nerves.

"Well, here goes nothing."

A "Or everything."

D "Or the best damn wank material you will both ever have in your life."

Chapter Four.

I put the basket on my hip and sashayed out the door. I was only three paces from the door when I heard in the background.

"Holy shit. Gotta go. Yeah, it's all good. See you later."

couldn't help but smile as I had got pretty much the reaction I had hoped for. I put the basket down and with my back to him, I bent over slowly as though searching for something in particular. Letting him have a long lingering look at my ass. I still couldn't believe I was doing this nor could I believe how much it was turning me on. I picked up my clean panties and although I wished they were something a bit sexier they would do. I hung them up then did the same with my shorts, again taking my time.

I heard a small cough, like a clearing of the throat behind me and smiled. I turned around to see Jeremy standing there, clearly gobsmacked.

"Uh, hi again Mrs Phillips."

"Oh, hey, Jeremy."

A look came over his face as inspiration hit him and before I knew it he had vaulted the fence and was striding over towards me. Oh shit. This wasn't part of the plan.

A "I warned you."

D "Shut up Angel. Just go with it."

"What are you doing Jeremy?"

"Oh, you look like you could use some help with those sheets."

"Oh, well, yeah, okay. Thank you."

He looked me up and down now that he had a much closer vantage and lingered for a long time on my pussy. I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on being in this proximity. I once again bent down to find a corner of the sheet. I was supremely conscious of my tits just swinging in the breeze but my nipples were rock hard again and my pussy had already begun to leak. God, what have I started?

Jeremy bent down next to me and was rummaging as aimlessly as I was, not even really pretending to look for the corner of the sheet. He was openly staring at my naked tits as they swayed just inches from him. I looked at him then down at my tits.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jeremy. I don't mean to be all out in the breeze like this. It's just so damn hot that I can't stand to wear clothes."

He chuckled and smiled at me.

"Oh, I don't mind at all Mrs Phillips and well, you are pretty easy on the eye."

I laughed as though he was making a joke but on the inside, I was practically purring.

"Ha, that's very nice of you to say so Jeremy but I am much older than you. You can stop calling me Mrs Phillips though because that just makes me feel older. Call me Jess."


He said my name back to me as though getting the taste of it in his mouth and I felt a shiver run through my body despite the heat of the day. We managed to get the sheet out and untangled then hung it over the line. I watched him out of the corner of my eye and noticed his cock had hardened again. I could see the small gap in the top of his waistband and just the very tip of his cock. He was standing there as though unsure what to do and now that he was here, I didn't want him to go just yet.

"You want to help me with these dry ones?"


We began slowly taking the clothes off the line and folding them into the basket. I felt a little bit awkward standing there like that, thinking about and peeking at my neighbours' cock while I folded my husband's clothes but as the Devil said, it's just a bit of teasing.

I squatted down to put their clothes in the basket, knowing full well I was giving Jeremy a view of my naked tits as well as my spread legs. The thong was pulled in pretty tight in this position and I could feel it begin to wedge into my pussy. Fuck, I was so turned on now it wasn't funny. I looked at his cock and I could see the head had popped out of the top of his speedos now. A nice big drop of pre-cum had formed on the tip and I could smell his masculine scent. It was all I could do not to dive on that cock. I stood up to take the temptation out of my face.

Jeremy, doing a fantastic job of pretending this was very normal, took the next item of clothing off the line. It happened to be a pair of my panties. He took the pegs off looked at them, looked at me then held them up to his face and took a big deep sniff.

"I always did like the smell of freshly laundered clothes."

I felt the first trickle of my cum escape my now bunched panties and begin to run down my thigh.

"Yeah, some smells are hard to beat."

I was thinking about the smell of his body, the smell of his arousal, the smell of my own and what they would smell like together. Fuck fuck fuck Jess, you need to put a stop to this.

The clothes were all folded now so I picked up the basket and turned towards the house. As I did the back of my hand brushed against his cock. It was entirely accidental but it was like an electric shock that ran through us both. I had to keep moving right now or things were going to get completely out of hand if they hadn't already. I turned to look at Jeremy who had a look on his face that suggested he was just barely containing himself too.

"Thanks for, well... everything Jeremy."

"That's okay Mrs... Ahh, Jess."

I had walked back to the door and was just inside when I turned around and saw that Jeremy was paying particularly close attention to my ass. Like I keep saying, I don't know what was possessing me. I bent over and put the basket down, giving him a final view, but that was no longer enough. Whilst bent over I slid my panties down and stepped out of them. I had just given my neighbour a more pornographic view of my pussy and ass than I had given my husband in years. I straightened up and turned around holding out the panties and beckoning to Jeremy with one finger. He practically ran to me, his cock coming a little further out with each step. He stood at the door looking eager. I held out my panties to him and he took them in his trembling hand.

"I think these will smell a lot better than the others."

He didn't even speak, just stuffed the crotch in his face and moaned as he inhaled deeply. Fuck I nearly came right then. I reached out and squeezed his cock making him jump. I was rewarded with a lovely big fresh dollop of pre-cum. I scooped it up with my finger and popped it straight in my mouth. Oh god, I was definitely on the verge of another orgasm.

"Now, Jeremy, these are only for tonight okay. I will be collecting them in the morning after I have dropped my son at school."

"Okay. Thank-you."

"They better not be clean when I get them back okay. Do you understand what I mean?"

Jeremy just groaned and nodded.

"Now, I have some things to take care of Jeremy so you need to go back home, okay?"

He just nodded but shuffled off back to the fence as I closed the door. I didn't make it another step. I took my shirt off and threw it into the laundry then soaked my fingers in my pussy again, right there. My orgasm was so intense that my thighs were all wobbly. I wandered dazed into my bedroom where I got out another pair of panties, a fresh shirt and a pair of shorts.

Chapter Five.

I was still in a daze and was just pulling my shorts up when there was a knocking on my door. Oh, Jeremy, that better not be you. I thought as I walked to the door. I opened the door and there was Katherine, Jeremy's girlfriend. Oh fuck.

D "Oh, fuck."

A "Oh, fuck."

I had no idea she was even home. Her car wasn't there when I drove past this morning. Shit, how long has she been home? Judging by the shit-eating grin she had, longer than I would like. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Hi Katherine, this is a surprise."

"It is isn't it. Please call me Kat and should I call you Mrs Phillips still or can I call you Jess too?"

Well fuck.

"Would you like to come in Kat?"

"Thank you. I would love to."

We walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. I would like to tell you I thought of a dozen escape plans, mur*er plans etc. To be honest, though, all that was happening in my head right now was white noise. Even the witty angel and devil combo had left town. Thanks, guys.

I just stared at her and tried to think but I couldn't come up with a damn thing. Thankfully she started things off.

"So, Jess, I can see right now you are in a total panic. Understandable, all things considered."

I just nodded. I was too shell shocked to even cry, not that I wanted to give her the satisfaction.

"Just so you know, here's where we are at. This morning I woke up at the ungodly hour of nine A.M. When I heard Jeremy talking not far outside my bedroom window. At first, I was tempted to throw something at him and tell him to shut up but then curiosity got the better of me so I peeked outside and there he was in his ridiculous looking speedos. I normally hate those things but I have to admit he does look good in them, especially when he's, well you know, you saw. Anyway, initially, I was mildly distracted by that then I realised he was talking over the fence to you. Now at first, I thought why is he talking to you especially while sporting a rather impressive boner? So I stood upon the end of my bed so I could see over the fence and there you were doing your very best wet t-shirt competition look."

I could feel my face heating up as I sat there and listened to her calmly recall the morning.

"Well, now I was very interested so I picked up my phone and started recording. You then went inside and I thought, maybe I can get a better view from Jeremy's parent's room and what do you know? From there I can see through the kitchen window and also the laundry window. Now I thought maybe I had lost my chance for a better perv on our dear neighbour and I was just about to give up when low and behold, into the laundry walks little old you. Completely bare assed might I add. There was no way I wasn't going to record that for the spank bank. So, you disappeared and I just sat there watching both the videos over and over, and I don't mind admitting that between Jer's hard cock and your sweet tits, I may have left a bit of a damp spot. So anyway, I had gone about my day thinking, lucky Jer got teased a little and I now have something to watch of an evening, but then things kicked up a notch didn't they? I have to ask. How long did it take to get up the nerve to do that?"

I just sighed a deep breath. I wasn't going to answer her. I wasn't going to be the mouse in the game of cat and mouse she was playing. She looked at me as though waiting for an answer but when none was forthcoming she just shrugged as though she hadn't thought I would answer anyway.

"Doesn't matter. So, Jeremy was outside on his phone talking to his friend when he does this panicked hang up and I'm thinking, What the fuck is going on out there? So I take another peep and well this time the show got even better. When Jeremy jumped the fence I decided to sneak out the front door, quickly run around the house and watch you two play a real friendly little game in your backyard. Of course, this has all been recorded. Mostly for use in my spank bank, which I can tell you is going to get a lot of use now, but then I got to thinking. Why should Jeremy have all the fun?"

Fuck it! She knows it all, I'm screwed. I started imagining the horrors of divorce proceedings. The embarrassment of having my parents and friends know that I'm a pervert. The more I thought about it the more I felt sick. I focused on her last question instead and it just made no sense to me.

"I don't... I don't understand."

"Well, see, I figure that looks like a fun game to play. I want in on the game."

"There is no game. It was just a silly bit of attention-seeking."

"Yeah, I figured that might have been the case but I can't help but wonder, where does it end?"

"It has ended."

"Mmm, I don't think it has. You see, I don't think you would have sent him on his way with a gift if that was the end of it. How far does it go?"

I knew she was playing with me and it was kind of pissing me off, but she was asking the one question I should have asked myself before getting in the shower this morning. If I was a guy you would say I had been thinking with the wrong head.

"It can't go any further. I'm married and if I'm honest it's already gone further than it should have."

"Yes, it probably has, hasn't it. I mean, I think your husband would be pretty pissed if he saw that video. Don't you think? I think he would probably think it had gone too far."

There was that sick feeling again.

"Are you bribing me? Is that it? You know we don't have much money."

"Phht, Don't be silly. It's not money I want, I want to be part of the game."

"I don't understand."

"Look, it's really simple. You and I are going to play, in much the same way that you and Jeremy are playing. I just want to be a part of it too."

It finally dawned on me. She wants to do the same things. Ooh, she wants to do the same things. Holy fuck! She wants to do the same things.

"Ahh, with me? Really?"

"Yes, silly. Maybe Jer too if he hasn't forgotten what it's like to play with me and a friend. It's been a while."

"Holy shit. You two? Have had sex with other women?"

"We share everything. Growing up as teenagers together we were often the only ones each other had to talk about things. We were each others confidante and that turned into being there for each other's experimentation. Sometimes if we got bored we would fuck, it's really not that surprising that the girl they thought they were helping was fucking their son is it?"​
Next page: Update 02